Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 02, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Ted Talks of Panama Canal
Says No Nation Can Be Truly Great Without Playing a Great Part
Points Out Advantages of Canal.
OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 2.--Colonol
Roosevelt, speaking hero today, said:
In traveling In Europe last spring
one thing which especially struck mo
was tho fact that tho two feats which
jnado tho deepest lraprecslon abroad
wero tho crulao of tho battle float
around the world, and tho digging
of tho Panama canal. Thcso woro
the-two feats to bo crcatod to tho
American peoplo during tho past doc
ado which had most profoundly and
favorably affected foreign Judgment
of Amorlca during that time. Such
Judgment depends not In tho least
upon what peoplo say they can do,
'hut upon what they actually do;
upon tholr willingness to meet re
sponsibilities, and the success of their
efforts to meet them.
Now, there Is no use of a nation
claiming to be a great nation unless
it is prepared to play a great part.
A nation such as ours cannot possi
bly play a great part In International
'affairs, cannot expect to bo treated
as a weight In either tLe Atlantic
or the Pacific, or to have Its voice
as to the Monroe doctrine, or the
management of tho Panama canal,
heeded, unless It has a strong and
thoroughly eff'clent navy. "Within
the last decade tho American navy
has been about trebled in strength,
and much more than trebled in effi
ciency, duo to its extraordinary prog
ress In-marksmanship and maneuver
ing. So far from this Increase in
naval strength representing on our
part either a menace of aggression
to weaker nations or a menace of
war to stronger nations, it has told
most powerfully for peace. Every
where in Europe the cruise of the
battle" fleet around the world was
accepted, not only as an extraordin
ary feat, reflecting the highest hon
or upon our navy, but as one of tho
movements which tended markedly
to promote peaceful stability in In
ternational relations. No nation re
garded the cruise as fraught with
any menace to itself; and yet every
nation accepted It as a proof that we
were not only desirous ourselves to
keep.the peace, but able to prevent
-the peace being broken at our ex
pense. No cruise In any way ap
proaching It has ever been made by
any fleet of any other power; and
the best naval opinion abroad had
been that no such feat was possible,
that Is, that no such cruise as that
we actually made could be undertak
en by a fleet of such size without In
numerable breakdowns and accidents.
"The success of the cruise, performed,
as It was, without a single accident,
Immeasurably raised the prestige, not
only of our fleet, but of our nation;
and was a distinct help to the cause,
of International peace.
As regards the Panama canal, I
really think that outside nations havo
a Juster idea than our own people
of the magnitude and success of the
work. I wish our people realized
what Is being done on tho Isthumus.
If a man of intelligence who had
never left this country asked me
whether I would advise him to make
a short trip to Europe, or a trip to
the Panama canal, I would without
hesitation, advise him to go to the
Panama canal. He would there see
.In operation and completing of one
of tho great feats of modern times.
-Colonel Goethals and the men work
ing under him are rondorlng a serv
ice to this country which can only
be paralleled in our past history by
some of . the services rendered In
certain wars.
Six yearB ago last spring tho Amer
ican government took possession of
the Isthmus. The first two years were
devoted to sanitation of tho Isthmus,
to assembling the plant and working
force, and providing quarters, food,
and water supplies. In all these
points tho success waB extraordln
ury. From one of tho plague-spots
of tho globe, one of the moat unheal
thy regions In tho entire world, tho
Isthmus has been turned Into a sin
gularly healthy placo of abode, where
-the death rate Is small, where hun
dreds of children are' now being rals-
ed under as favorable conditions as
In most parts of tho United States.
Tho quarters, food and water supply
are excellent, and tho plant the best
ever gathered for such a purpose.
Active excavation on a large scale did
:not begin until January, 1907. Three
years and a half havo gone by since
then, and three-fifths of tho total
excavation has already been accom
plished. Tho imount taken out baa
passed anything which previous ex
perience warranted us In believing to
be possible. In 1908 and 1909 the
monthly averago of rock and earth
removed was three million cubic
-jards, notwithstanding tho fact that
nine months of each year consti
tuted n reason of very heavy rainfall.
There remains to bo excavated only
about sixty million cublo yards. If
we could keep up tho past average of
excavation, this should bo done In 20
months; but It Is Impossible to main
tain such a ratio as tho depth In
creases; for tho output necessarily
diminishes as the field of operation
narrows. Still, It Is certain that
such a rato can be maintained as
will enable tho workers to finish tho
oxcavatlon considerably In advance
of the dato fixed for opontng tho ca
nnl, January 1, 1915. Indeed, I shall
be surprised If tho canal cannot bo
opened six months or even a year In
advance of tho tlmo sot.
Tho work has two great features:
Tho Culobra cut, which I havo boon
considering, and tho great dam at
Gatun. Tho latter Is to Imprison tho
wators of tho Chagres and other
streams Into a lako with an area of
164 square miles. This work Is ad
vancing steadily, and just as success
fully as tho work on tho Culobra
cut. Tho water which Is ultimately
to fill tho lock is now flowing
through tho. concroto spillway In tho
center of tho dam, tho Chagres hav
ing been diverted from its bed and
placed under complete control. Tho
construction of the dam has advanc
ed sufficiently to convince tho en
gineers in charge of tho -work of Its
absolute stability and imperviousness.
Tho concreto work on tho lock Is
advancing so rapidly that tho first
double-set at Gatun will bo complet
ed this coming November, and the
engineer In chargo has announced
that all the concrete In all the locks
will be In placo two years hence. Tho
dato of final completion and formal
opening of tho canal to the commerce
of the world will be determined by
the tlmo consumed in placing tho
great steel gates, emergency dams,
and all appliances for operating tho
docks But those In charge of tho
work announce without hesitation
that everything will bo finished well
In advance of January 1, 1915.
This is a stupendous record of
achievement. As a people wo are
rather fond of crltlzing ourselves,
and sometimes with very great Jus
tice, but even the most pessimistic
critic should sometimes think of
what is to our credit. Among our
assets for tho past ten years will
be, placed the extraordinary ability,
Integrity, and success with which wo
have handled all tho problems in
herited In the result of the Spanish
war: the way wo havo handled our-
eelves In the Phllllplnes, in Cuba,
In Porto Rica In San DomlnKO. and
In Panama. Tho cruise of tho battle
fleet around tho world was a striking
proof that we havo made good wltn '
the navy, and what wo have done at
Panama represents tho accomplish
ment of one of tho great feats of the
ages. It Is a feat which reflects the
highest honor upon our country,
and our gratitude is duo to every
man who has taken an honorable
part in any capacity In bringing
about Its preformance.
Wo now have a greater duty to
preform In connection with It, and
that Is to fortify it. We are in honor
bound to fortify it ourselves, and
only by so doing can wo effectively
guarantee Its neutrality, and, more
over effectively guranteo that It
shall not bo used against us. Tho
chief material advantage certainly
one of tho chief material advantages
which wo shall gain by Its con
struction Is tho way In which It will
for defensive purposes, double the
power of tho United States navy.
To refuse to fortify It, and, abovo
all, to consider for a moment such
an act of utter weakness and folly
as to Invite other nations to step In
and guranteo tho neutrality of this
purely American work (and thereby
really to make It certain that in tho
event of war we should find tho
canal used against It, as our fleet
would be forbidden to pass through
it, or else our opponent's fleet per
mitted to), would be to Incur, and
quite rightfully, the contompt of the
world, it would tho complete
abandonment of tho Monroe doc
trine, It would bo a wicked blow to
our prestige on tho Pacific coast, and
moreover, It would bo In Its essence
treason to tho destiny of tho Re
While it is cheap. Phone 1341,
Corner 11th and Laurel streets. Yaro
at 417 South Oakdale Avenue.
Exclusive Agency for Portland
Seed Co.
Medford Greenhouee
Phone 3741
Fort Klamath Citizens Qroanlze Bear
Hunting Parties, But They Seek
in Vain Whilo Bruin Steals An
other March.
FORT KLAMATH, Sept. '2 The
bears iu this vicinity are becoming
mighty pesky these days, ami the en
tire population has been planning
ono.big bear hunt which will bo pull
ed off at once if these animals do
not take a tumble and hike back to
the hills. Last Friday n cub was
caught less than half a mile from
town and is now a captive at the
Hyland livory stable. Saturday
night another, thought to bo a mate
to this one, visited tho slaughter pen
of T. C. Nbrris, the butcher, and
walked off with a pig which ho an
ticipated serving up to his customers
when it became larco enough lo
butcher. Saturday aud Sunday a
number wero out looking for bear in
tho hope of capturing tho mother of
tho cub found tho day before, hut
she was not located, although sho
is thought to bo now iu this vicinity.
Not finding nny signs of her Satur
day, it was thought by the old bear
hunters that the captured cub had
probably been driven out of the hills
by the fires and was alone." But
since oue came so close into the city
and made a meal from Mr. Norris'
futuro pork supply, which will make
him one short when he comes to
butcher, interest has again picked up
and another effort will be made to
get this animal. Another cub has
been seen iu the neighborhood and
he will likely be captured within a
few days if he continues to hang
around these diggings.
Fort Klamath is almost deserted
nowadays because of tho forest fires
which havo been raging on the moun
tains west of Seven Mile creek. Ev
ery man who could be spared from
Iris work or h'ome and is able to fight
the flames has been Dressed into
service and while little damage to
tho fanners and stockmen of this vi
cinity is expected to result, every
precaution is being taken to cheek
(lie rnvacTPQ of the blaze.
The very fact that this
store is busy turning out
an immense amount of
groceries, etc., selling out
our entire stock and -buy-i
gnnew stock every 30
days is of
to our customers. This
fact insures new, clean,
fresh goods all the time.
You are sure to be better
pleased with goods
bought here for this very
Remember, we are exclu
sive agents for Pure
White Flour and Golden
Gate Coffee, and will
place them alongside of
anything in the market
and feel absolutely sure
that they will prove a lit
tle better.
Main and Central Avenue;
Allen 6
Phone Main 2711
Most of tho Masonry in San Fran
cisco Will Attend Nuptials Car
ries Grand Cross of Honor, a
Great Distinction .
SAN FRXNCISCO, Sept. '-. Wil
liam Moses. S3, tho living Ma
sou in California, will become a hen
edict this evening, when, in the pres
ence of most of tho Masonry of tho
city, ho will marry Miss Murguoritu
Robertson. Tho wedding will bo a
Masonic affair, held under tho aus
pices of tho Eastern Star and with
the assistance of Goldou Gate lodge
of Masons, of which the groom is a
charter member.
Besides being the oldost Mason iu
California, "Uncle Hilly"' Moses is tho
only Mason in the state who has the
grand cross of honor. '
Tho bride-to-be is tho daughter of
Charles 0. Robertson, an old friend
of Moses, who died many years ago.
She is n ward of Goldou Gate lodge
aud a member of Golden Gate chap
tor of the Eastern Star.
More than 10,000 visiting 'Germans,
together with tho local German pop
ulation, are today celebrating the
second dny of the Pacific snengor
fest for 1910. Tlifa afternoon's fea
turo will be an "artist's " matinee,
given by the Snn Francisco symph
ony orchestra and visiting guests.
The concert of the suciigerbund, in
which 1000 voices will join, will be
held tonight.
Magnificent cups have been donat
ed as prizes by Emperor Franz Jo
seph of Austria and Kaiser Wilhelm
of Gormnivy, and the contests for tho
possession of the trophies will be be
gun tomorow.
The opening concert Inst night was
erected by an audience of 0000 peo
ple. Mayor McCarthy and prominent
local Germans made nddrcsses of
Onk, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Ruy your
winter supply now; reasonable
15 Almout st., or Room 31, J. C.
Bank bldg.
Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori. Prop.
Try our
Fresh Bread. "Goodness
and Purity" is our motto.
Also Salads and Roast
Meats ready cooked, at the
O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy
1010 Chalmers Dotroits.
Phone 1801, Valloy Auto Company,
Medford, Or.
Quick Service Easy Riding
Prices Right.
Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue
Rivor Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop.,
Medford, Or.
Geo. W. Cherry
Titles and conveyancing a
Boom 30,
Jackson County Bank Bldg.
Phone Main 431.
Shops, Factories and Mills Closed
No Street Cars in Operation and
No Nowspapcrs Arc Bclntj Pub
lished. SARAGOSSA, Spain. Sept. 'J.
Tho general strike spreading
throughout Spain reached Surngossn
today. Shops, factories mid mills
are closed; no street cars are in op
eration aud no uuwHpnpors are being
Reports from the countryside in
dicate that farm InboVors are leav
ing their places and heading toward
tho cities. Garrisons are being
strengthened in this district iu anti
cipation of riots.
LONDON, Sept. 2. -America and
England are joining iu n scheme for
a great Dickens celebration iu 1012,
tho centenary of the novelist's birth.
Representative men of both countries
will form a committee to settle the
details of the scheme.
One suggestion put forward is
based on the estimate that there are
21,000,000 copies of Dickens' works
in existence. It is proposed that a
Dickens testimonial stamp should bo
printed and sold through booksellers
in England and America for I penny
or !2 cents. If even a fraction of the
owners of Dickens' works bought and
affixed one of these statuos to each
volume the total sum would be very
large. It is suggested that the sum
thus raised should be handed over
to the Dickens familv. There are
three children and 17 grandchildren
of Dickens now living, and some of
tliont are in very poor circumstances.
"To waato la an offonso," ao soil
those second hand thlngc you've cons
od to uaho. Such sales aro "want ad
Coming to Medford
Dr. L. G. Lcnon, Chiropractor,
norvo and splno specialist, will locate
pormuiiuutly about tho lGth of Sep I
tombor. Tula :u u now sclonco, and
one of tho boat of tho ago. Wo gut
rosultn whero others fall. There Is
no drugs or knlfo used. Thousands
who havo oufforod for yoars with
chronic diseases (many pronouncod
Incurnblo) nnd who Having sponC
small fortunes with tho medical doc
tors without obtaining tho desired
results, havo bcon cured by tills treat
ment. '
If you nro suffering from rhou
rnntlHm, lumbago, torticollis or from
heart, stomach, kidney, llvor, Intes
tinal or other dlsoases olthor acutol
or chronic, do not full to consult this
doctor. Watch this space for futuro
Fine Printing
Wo mako a spocialty of fine
prin tine;, carry tho necessary
'took to enablo us to fill all
orders promptly, nnd guaran
tee satisfaction.
Host equipped job office m
Oregon south of Portland;
host export printers.
Doforo Bonding your orders
mil of town, call nnd figtiro
with us if wo can sorvq you
for tho snmo prico as an out-of-town
concorn you will wish
to pntronizo homo industry.
Stoamcr Watson Goes Ashoro Ship
Is Supposed to Bo In Such Shape
That It Will Break Up and Bo a
Total Loss.
813ATTM3, WiihIi., Sopt 2 Tho
92 naHHouuoro taken off tho grounded
Hteamor Watson, of tho Alaska-Pacific
company, which wont on a roof
In a fog last night will bo brought
back to Seattle on tho winter ship
nuckmnu duo hero from San Fran
cIhco this afternoon, None woro In
jured when thu steamer Htruck ou tho
rocks at midnight, ami thoy will' ro
uuiiio tholr Journey to California on
tho lluckinnu, according to tho offi
cial lino hero todny.
Latent wlroloHH from tho wlroloHH
reports from tho Watson tend to In
crease tho fear that tho steamer Is
seriously dnmngod and experienced
Boamon deolaro tholr cnnvlctlOn will
break up and go to pieces.
Tho passengers were tnlcon off In
the Hips ItroboatH and little or no
excitement prevailed, nccordlng to
tho wlrolesa mcHHago received In So
attlo today from Captain J. Griffith.
Tho revenue cutter Snohomish and
soveral tugs woro sent to tho relief
of tho Watson IIiIh morning and It In
hoped that tho steamer ma? bo pulled
off tho reef In high tide.
Tho steamer lluckman, north
mound from San Francisco, was
readied by wireless today and or
dered to pick up thu passengers from
tho Wnddah 'stand and bring thorn to
Waddah Islnml Is located In tho
straits of San du Fuca, sovon miles
from Tatoosh Island Cap" Flattory.
A Btoro should bo advortlsod as
rogularly na. It Is opened for business.
A morchant who wouldn't closo up
.'or a whllo now and thou "to save
running expenses" shouldn't stop ad
vertising now and then to "aavo expense.'
Office: 209 West Main St., Medie: d, Oro.
Operating Quarry
llbr'" '' f jr lip
Address SISTER SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Academy,
Medford, Oregon.
St. Mary's Academy
Medford, Oregon,
A Privato Resilient and Day School for
Departments; Primary, Clrammar, Acadomic, Commer
cial. Specially organized Department of Music and Art.
Notlco Is horoby given that wo
will apply to tho city council for a
license to noil nplrltoiiti, vinous nud
malt liquors Iu lemi than nation lotn
at our plnco of bualrlosfi, 31 South
Front ntreot, In tho city of Medford
in Jackson county, for u porlod of
nix months from dato of Innuanco.
Ha UAnqLlFFH ft CO.
Why don't YOU
try one?
with envelopes to match,
25c and 35c per lb.
Envelopes, 10c and J 5c
Tho cheapest way to buy
writing paper.
Store '
at Gold Ray, Oregon