lrr' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1910. '- Write a Want Ad-When You've Quit Usinjj it and Want to Sell it --- '! FAME AND CHOLERA U Government Shlpplnn Food anil , Clothlnu to Poor Troops Bolnn Rushed to Quell Any Outbreak, Which Is Feared. Causes of Distress Aro tho Vino and Ollvo Crop Failures, Destruction of Homes by Earthquakes and Consequent Famine. ROME, vlu tho Frontier, Sept. 1. In roHiumo to appeals for nlil from Hurl ami otlior portH on tho Adrlntlc and oven iih fur Houth as HoKglo, tlio Kovoriimont Is shipping food and clothing for tho poor and tho cham ber of deputies In preparing to voto "dlntrvHn grants" f6r tho rollof of tho people. Meanwhile, reports aro becoming inoro frequent that disorder and riot havo occurrud at many placos owing to tho dlutroKKliiK condltloiiH, Tho Kovommont, whllo extending aid, hna announced tfiat any outbreak will bo dealt with niimmhnrlly and troops havo boon rushed to tho affoctod dls trlctH. Tho caution of tho dlHtrens aro tho vino and ollvo crop failures, tho do tructlon of homes by earthquakes and tho consequent fninlnu Induced by tho lark of employment of tho manned. Added to this, cholera halt become epidemic, having affoctod tho country from Odessa. BARRETT MARKET NOT QUITE AS HIGH Sgohol & Day of Now York, under lnto of August -7, - say regunliiiK Burtletts: Market not quito iih high, largely owin' to the t'legnut iiiality. Burt lettH in barrels arriving here from the Hudson river and other sections. California almost finished it oar or two daily, but some magnificent Bartlettn from Med ford, five to huvoii earn daily in tho Halo, are do ing well, largely $2.50 to $2.75 per box. A few of tho very finest from California Hold at $3.25. The first Cornice pears of the campaign left California on the 23d iust,, coming to our eare. Apples A fow handsome Gruvon stoiiiH from Hood River here .yester day Hold $2.50 per box. Heuutiful iuality, but lauhiiig in color. Early arrivals of Jonathans, if with color, may sell $2,50 to $2.75. NEGLECT OF DUTY IS CHARGE OF WITNESS UUHAN'I), Mich., Sept. 1. Charges of neglect of duty on tho part of employes of tho Grand Trunk railway wo.'u contained in testimony of Aloxnmlor J re A fee, u fanner who was u witnoss today in tho Driffield wreck cmso in which 12 Pullman passengers were killed. McAfee naid that Engineer Spencer and one passenger attempted to extinguish the fire burning in on6 coach in which passengers were caught, lie alleged that the other members of tho crew did nothing. McAfee naid ho Haw a woman burning to death and attempted to aid her. Ho told tho trainmen of tho fact and they declared that (bo object burning was not a human form. ' ATTEND COLLKOH. Arrnngo to attend tho Eugouo Bus iness Collogo, and lot us got you a good position vhon you graduate En ter now. Bend for our now cnta Iobho, -Vi West Sovonth street, RMKono, Orocon. tf Rock Sprlnrjs Coal. Another oar of the celebrated Hook Springs coal urrivod today, More may come, but this is hero, Soo W. J, Burbridgo, tho drayman, now and plaoo your ordor. You will need some of this coal this winter. tf Medford, Oregon This certifies that wo havo sold Hall's Texas Won. dor for tho euro of all kiduoy, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten yours, and havo never bad a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent roliof. Sixty days' troatmont in each bottle. Mvdford Pharmacy, tf Ha skins for Iloaltli. STALK VINEYARDS OF ITALY NEW FACTORY IS NOW A CERTAINTY Tho Medford Concrete Construc tion company has received its cor poration papers and will commence tho erection of a factory within the next few days, and as soon as tho building is completed the machinery ncccHHary for the production of ce ment Hewer pipe, drain tile, brick, blocks, etc., will be on the ground for installation, The company has already booked a number of con tract h for scwor plpo at Mcdford, and through tho'vulloy, and there is already enough business arranged for to keen the plant running for a year. This company will employ about 20 men continually at its fac tory, besides carrying on a general contracting business. GREAT DISCREPANCY APPLE CROP ESTIMSTE SPOKANE, Wash., 8opt. 1. Tho National Apple Show Hullotln, offi cial Journal of tho third national apple show In Spokane, tho wook of Novomhor H "will havo tho follow ing editorial under tho heading, "Crop Estimates Far Apn'rt," In Its September number: "Tho annual dlHCUHRlon ovor esti mates of tho apple crop of tho Unit ed StntoH la well under way. "There Is a marked discrepancy between estimates mado up by tho government authorities' and by tho International Applo Shlppors' asso ciation, which recently concluded Its convention r.t Niagara Falls. "It Is a most difficult mnttor to estlmato crops of apples or, In fact, any kind of fruit. It Is a well known fact that a larr.o crop will Invariably ho over-estimated and a small crop will bo under-estimated. It Is nat ural for growers to bo pessimistic about damage when his crop Is ro d a rod and to bo over-confident when nature favors him. "Thoro aro thousands of now acres coming Into bearing In tho northwest this year, but at tho same time tho orchards In tho far eastern states aro deteriorating, whllo those In tho mid dle west havo suffered much by frosts and drouth, "Tho Pacific northwest will havo a largo crop this year and high prices should provall, bocauso of tho short ago In the caBt and tho suporlor qual ity of northwestern apples this sea son." Tho forogolng bears out tho pre diction mado In those dispatches sov oral weeks ago, when It wns announc ed that tho fooling among growors In tho northwest was thoro will bo no cheap apples this season, ovon though tho crop would bo tho lrrgest ovor hnrvoBted In tho Pacific group, which takos In Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, California and Utah. Ilasklns for roalth. T--t- -t- -f 4- -t---- f FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL- TURAL AND H0RTICUL- TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN- DID RACES, BAND CON- CERTS, FREE ATTRAC- TI0NS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INF0R- 4 MATI0N ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, f sfhuftarv. 4- -H-MEDFORD MARKETS, (Prices paid by Medford morohants.) Potntoos, now, $1.15(151.25 por uwt.; oabbago, 2o. niaokborrios, $11.25. 1'oaohoH, 3550u box. Cuoiunbors, lOo to 15o doz. Squash, 3550o dozou. Corn, 15o dozen. Cantaloupes, 25(Jj)'10o dozen. Watermelons, 520o. Tonmtooo, lVo. A MAJORITY OF WANT ADS BRING RESULTS (HMnHraari If that woro not true, thoro would soon ceaso to bo any want advertising. Of courso not ALL want ads "pay" not ALL want ads bring tho results sought by the advertisers. But it iH a solf-ovidcnt fact that a majority of want ads DO PAY do bring results. For if moro want advertisers failed than succeeded thoro would bo ft gradual decline in tho volume of tho want ads. There would bo u constantly DECREASING number of people who use them. Aftor awhile thoro would be no moro want ads at nil. That thoro aro more and moro waul ads printed all tho time proves that a MAJORITY of them arc RE SULTFUL provcB that they give REAL SERVICE to those who uso them. And this fact ought to havo its direct application to YOUR AFFAIRS. Want Ads One Cent a Word Pumpkins, 812'2c. Apples, IVsjc; Pears, lc. Prunes, VAGb2c. Iluttcr, Kggs nnd Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Ranch butter, 30c; fancy creamery, 35c. Fresh ranch eggs, 35c. Mixed poultry, lOfJMc; spring chickciiB, 1018c; turkoys, 17c. (Pricos paid producers.) liny Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $12; grass, $14; gruin hay, $10. Grain Whont, $1.15 bushel; onts, $32 ton; bnrloy, $J0 ton. Reef Cows, 44Vfe c; steers, 5 5V; pork, Do; mutton, 55Vo; lambs, Go; veal, dressed, 8c. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley, $1.75 owt., $32 tou; bran, $1.70: middlings, $1.85(5)1.90; shorts, $1.80(5)1.85. FOR SALE. Farms or Orchards. FOR SALE M acres orchard land nt $75 por acre, or will exchange for bungalow in Mcdford. B. F. Benson, nt Moore hotel. 144 FOR SALE Fino orchard nnd driv ing team, weight about 1200 lbs.; also double harness and new hack. Address Box 027, Mcdford. tf HunIiicka lroin-tty. FOR SALE Choico busiiicss prop erty at a bargain, on long time; ensy terras. Address Condor Wa- tor Power Co $500 cash will handle somo Medford proporty that should show profit of $4000 In year. Sco Ownor, B. F. lloason, at Mooro Hotel. 140 Acreage. FOR SALE By owner, 40 ncres best fruit, vegctnblo or gcnornl fanning land in Jackson county; cntiro trnct ditched for irrigation nnd n por potual water right deeded with place; evory foot of tho 40 can bo cultivated; 12 acres set to young fruit; soil is uuequalcd for raising vegetables, garden truck of all kinds and tho production of the best fruit at least espenso; a good incomo as sured until orchard is producing; for a home or an investment inves tigate tins; very liberal terms. For particulars address II, Mail Tribuuo office. 144 FOR SALE 1110 ncres timber nenr Jacksonville, $17 per acre; ensy tonus. Soo ownor, B. F. Benson, Mooro Hotel. 144 KOIt SALE 1G0 ncres tlmbor land, cheap for cash, noar Medford. J. R. Stovonson, Tarpan, Tex. 147 FOR SALE Two 10-noro tracts near Eagle Point, good soil, level; one tract partly cleared, $800 eaoh; terms half cash, long timo on bal ance. Address P. O. Box 702, Med fonl Qrx 100 , FOR SALI3 ISO acros, Evans Crook fruit; Improvements; buy of ownor. Wrlto S. F. Pi.ttor, U. F D., Wood vlllo, Or. tf FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-noro trnots just within and odjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor- Wnter Power Co. Houses. " FOR SALE A now, modorn 7-room bungalow, on paving, comont side walks, three blocks from park; $2850. Address Box 300. Rents for $10. FOR SALE Fino 8-room bungalow, on fine covnor, oast front, modorn; $4250; a snap. Vnn Dyko Realty Co. tf FOR SALE Modorn fivo-room houso, with saroon porch, n bnr gniu nt $2250; tonus. Van Dyko Realty Co. tf FOR, SALE Sovon-room now mod. orn houso; lot 63 by 108; oast front; good location; worth $0000; will soil nt a bargain. Addros3 A3, caro Mall Trlbuno offlco, tf FOR SALE Houso and two lots, $21R0, Inqulro Bob Taylor, 815 Myrtlo stroot. tf ' FOR SALE Furnishod houso with burn; also houso and two lots. In quiro of ownor, No. 723 13th stroot west. 141 FOR SALE. Hooks. FOR SALE Beautiful bungalow, lo cated one Hock west of South Oak dalt; flro rooms and modorn bath; Btono foundation; largo porch, ex tending ncrosn front and side; lot S9xlC3; 19 applo trees In full bear ing; prlco for quick salo $2050; half cash, balance- easy terms. Sco own or at Shorrnan Clay Piano com pany, tf FOR SALE 0-rooin bungalow wilhi bath. Inquire of R. A. .Johnson, with Power & Reeves, 212 Fruit-1 growers' Bnnk bldg. tf FOR SALE Two four-room houses, largo lots, sale cheap, boforo Sep tember 1st. Call 416 Bordman st., or address Brx 3U4, Medford Or. 139 FOR SALE My property, now $2000. Bob Taylor, 815 Myrtle street. 145 FOR SALE Several bouses and lots i also fino fann. D. T. Lawton, Owner. t j FOR SALE Fivo-room house, lot, 53 by 200, east front. North Cen-, tral Avenue. Call on J. T. Sum- morvtllo, Whlsenant Barber Shop, j tf i Huslncss Opportunities. Lots. FOR SALE Choice lofon paved, street; will tako horse and buggy I in trade. Address C. M., care Mail) Tribune. 146 FOR SALE 20 lots near paving, at one-half real value; will tnke $5000 for bunch; $500 will handle. See' owner, B. F. Benson, nt Mooro ho- tel. 144 : FOR SALE Six lots in Ashland, nsnr F. M. church, $800 spot cash. L. N. Judd, Talent. Oregon. 141 FOR SALE Fino lot on Oleson St., nenr West Fourth street; $100 will handlo; a bargain. Address Al, ' Mail Trlbuno office tf FOR SALE Fins lot in Walnut Parle addition, east front, near West 8th street. Address A2 caro Mall Trlbuno offlco. ' tf Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Small library tablP, brass bed, nig; cheap. Telephone Main till. 143 FOR SALE Span of young ponies, harness, spring wngon and tent, $150. Call 1110 Eleventh st. west.' 140 FOR SALE Furniture for a rooms, complete; modern bungalow for rent, with lonso. Address Box 80, Mail Tribuno office. 141 FOR' SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobfeor, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inqulro Mall Trlbuno offlco. PARTIES leaving city will soil fur niture of 9 rooms, roasonablo, with or without piano; ront houso. Room 207 Phlppa bldg. U FOR SALE IIovsos; ownor has no furtbor o for them. Address 502 North Court st. 143 FOR SALE Now 32x3Va quick de tachable tiro, $25. See . E. Watt, 215 E. .laekson. tf FOR SALE 22-calibre Marlin re pentiug riflo and 200 cartridges, i $0.50. Address R, care of M,ul I Tribune office. 141 FOR SALE Legal 'blanks of all j kinds trespass and other notices,'! nt Mall Tribune office. FOR"" SA LE A first class? Umi of mares 7 and 9 years old, pnvi tically now ImrnosR and, wngon. 2 section harrow. Now 12 inch plow, and 7 shovel cultivator. Every thing now and first class. Pierce and son, 128 East Main, Medford, Oregon. tf FOR SALE Placer claim, 00 nores ditch, reservoirs, small bouse, good land, Jacksonville 8 miles; price right. Address V. A. Springford, Jacksonville Or. 142 FOR SALE A work team, choap; or trado on town lots. Apply to G. E. Trott, Alder st., off South Cot tngo. 141 FOR SALE. Mltcell&aeou. FOR SALE Ten tons of fine grain hay, about two miles east of city. II. C. Maltby, room 7, Postoffic'e bldg. Phono 4081. 144 FOR SALE One bay mare eight years old. Sixteen hands. Sixteen hundred pounds. Sound and willing. Inquire of Smith and Beckwilh, Medford, Oregon. 141 FOR SALE Cheap; oak dining ta ble, New Home sewing machine. 228 North Central nvc. 142 FOR SALE At a bargain, entire grading outfit, consisting of 24 head of horses and mules, harness, seven wagons, 4 tents, 16x18, 8 Fresnos, 100 blankets, full set of blacksmith tools for grading camp, 4 No. 2 Wheelers, 3 plows, 15 set of double and single trees extra; also a lot of miscellaneous tools for use in grading; entire outfit can be seen at Eagle Point. Call on-or ad dress George Powel, care of Jack son place, Eagle Point, Or. 154 FOR SALE 10 h. p. upright boiler ... t. :.. t m vr r. 511, Ashland, Or. 144 FOR REST. FOR RENT Four nice front rooms, close in. $15. 339 Front st. 142 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 308 Knight st. 142 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, bath, etc.; convenient to high and North schools. 429 North Central ave. 142 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 817 W. 10th st. 141 FOR RENT Furnished rooms tor transients. No. 10. North Grapo street, next to Farmers and Fruit growers' bank. tf Houses. FOR RENT IIouso and barn, 1 milo east of city limits; suitable for teamster; $10 per month. Address P. O. Box 172. 144 ( Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold mlno; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all crorated by electric pow ei. Ownor will furnish free elec tric power for share in proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED. Situations Wanted. WANTED Netice: Man with fam ily wants position as foreman on ranch; no experience with orcbnrd, but willing to learu. J. E. Hen dricks', Ashland, Or. Phone 140. 143 WANTED Position as stenographer and bookkeeper by lady with four years' experience. Address M. 0 enro of Mail Tribuno office. 141 Help Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED Salesmen In oyory local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many mako over $1000 monthi; choico of territory. Yakima Vlley Nursery Co., Top poulsh, Wash. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Waitresses nt Florence hotel, Weed, Cal. Call hotel by long-distance telophone. 143 WANTED At tho Ashland Hotel, Ashland, a chambermuld and wait ress; both must come well recom mended and fully competont; good wageB. Address N. D. Hardy, prop,, Ashland, Or. . WANTED Couplo to work on ranch; woman to cook for men; no chil dren. Hollywood Orchards. Phono Farmers 7063. tf WANTED Woman to work by tho hour washing and sweeping. Phono 3951. tf WANTED Woman to do washing for family of two. Address 112, caro Mail Tribuno office. tf WANTED Compotont girl for gon oral housework on ranch near town ; all city conveniences; small family, good wages. Apply E. V. Foster, one milo south of South Onkdale limits. Address Medford. 141 WANTEi. Help Wanted Mule, WANTED To rent modorn unfurn ished houso on west eido; 0 or 7 rooms; one with born preferred. Address A. G., caro Mail Tribune office. 141 WANTED Flvo buddew. Hogue River Valley Nursery Co., Inc., 25 West Main St., Medford. Or. tf WAiSTJSJJ Experienced none cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co'. office. MiaceIlAneoB. WANTED To buy gpod lot, close in, in a desirable location; must b"e cheap; will pay cash for right prop osition. Address N 2, caro of Mail Tribuno cCficc. tf WANTED Mrs. J. S. Carroll has opened a dressmaking and hand embroidering establishment at 320 North Riverside ave.; trade solic ited 140 WANTED By n Gorman gentleman, private lessons in English. Address Box 40. Mcdford. Or. 142 WANTED To purchase 160 acres or moro of uncleared land at a price not to exceed $25 per acre; distance from town no object if there is good wagon road to land; no desert land wanted. Address P. O. Box 702, Mcdford, Or.' 160 WANTED To borrow $1000 for one to throe years, on first-class close in property,, worth $3000. Address P. O. Box 702, Medford, Or. 160 WANTED $350 on $800 proposi tion; 2Vz years. Inquire at No. 5 East Third st. 146 WANTED Three or four furnished rooms, suitable for lkrht house keeping. Box 99, Mail Tribuno of fice. 141 WANTED Three or four furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Reply to "S. W.," caro Mail Tribune office. 143 WANTED Highest cash price paid for clean cotton rags, deUvered to Mail Tribune office. LOST. LOST A bunch of keys. L. A. Hoover. Leave at Mail Tribune of fice. 142 LOST Alligator grip, between Cen tral Point nnd' Agate. Finder please return to P. & E. office, tf LOST Between Bybeo bridge nnd city, a low tan shoe, Sorosis make. Finder will please leave same at Mail Tribuno office. 134tf LOST On road to Central Point, a bunch of keys, attached to a chain with spring attachment; one key tagged S. P. M. S. C. Leave at Mail Tribune office nnd receive re ward. " 145 FOUND FOUND Ladies' gold watch fob. Owner may have sijmo by proving property and paying for nd. FOUND A gentleman's ring on Butte creek, about three weeks ago. Owner can redeem tho same by call ing on W. H. Myers at Browns boro. 141 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MBA LET Attorneys-at-lnw. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. Architects. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder See mo about your new homo. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. , Phono Maui 3471. Residence phone 2471. ' Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots at Smith's hall, 128 North Grnpo stroot, evory Thurs day evening promptly nt 8 o'clock. All journoymon carpenters, us well as local mombors, urged to bo prest out. Business of vital interest to all enrponters transacted at thoso meetings. J. J. Sonl. business ngt. Xin tihop. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and mad to order. 128 North G 8t. Dcnttita. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Offiof in room 206, Phipps bldg, Ons nd- ministered for extraction of teeth Telophone Main 341. Night phono 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentlat Offico in rooms 203-204, Farmeri & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. 1USINES3 DIHECTPiV Undertaker. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Uu dertakors. Day phone 351. Night phones, C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographer. IACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Mackoy and die with joy." Over Allen & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Mtenogniphera. ELLA M. GUANYAW Pahu Block. Stenographic work dose quickly aai well. Uomcat Bklewatfc. CEMENT SDDEWALK8, bneunasoa, stone mason, plastering and .all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma sons. 511 E. Main st. Medford. Or. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS ' James A. MacKonne, dealer in new and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call and sea me when you have something to sell. 103 South Central. Printers aMI XmblUttrnf MEDFORD PRINTmO CO. has the best equipped job office ia South ern Oregon; Portland price. 37; South Central avenue. liUJJard ranon. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiftrda, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up itaira, Young & Hall buildlag. A nioe, cool place to spend the hot after noons. floapnala. SOUTHERN OREGON HOBPITAlr 344 South C st. Medford, Ore. B. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hoapital P. ofc E. R. B. Beal EARLE C. SABrNTOrchard tracts, city property. List yoHr holding! with me. Only desirable property, handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowers' Bank bide. BUI Poeton. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poiter tad Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boom 29, Jackson Conatyt Bank building, Medford, Ore. Cigars aad TetMeee. mELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars aaa srokers' supplies. Exclusive a Rents ' of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and EI Palencia. 212 West Maia street. Painters aad PaperbBXn. a G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN Phone 3732. Dean & McMullea, contracting painters, painting, pa per hanging and tinting. Estimates on all kinds of painting work. Medford. Or. Vumlturc. H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 10 South Fir street. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stoves and ranges. Now and Beoond-hand furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W, F et. South. Phone 91, Medford, Ore. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERD3S Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stook is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not b the trust. IT. B. Patterson, office re moved to 116 East Main et ROGUE RWER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Ino. Growers of high grado nursery stook. Office 38 W. Main. Tel. 1201. 1'tiysiiians uud Siirgeoaa. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS-Prao-tico limited to diseases of tho eye, oar, noso and throat. Tomporary location Hotel Mooro, Aftor Octo ber 1, rooms 313-314, Garnett-Cory Bldg. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office aad residence phone Main 3432. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor aad Pbipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 211. Office phone 501, residence phoaa 612. Offioo hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F, G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAmS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission block. Pboas 202. Medford. 'trick Uompank. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T, OUrion Contractors and taaaa faoturors of briok; dealers k pressed briok and lime. Offiee la Postoffioe blook, room I. PkvwM No. 8181. ,4