' iAlM'l''fc'WllAiUllpigMl nil .JMMiKMii.m i'UKii in m mwi ii,im..i. rtfH vfi?i'9wl!!Nw,wv'r Tj MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER .1, .1910. v ? M K iv Jv ?. 1 ' I r 1 1, r Virginia OF THE Air Lanes A ROMANCE OP FLYING By "HERBERT QUICK Copyright by Bobbs - Merrill Company. SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Theodoro Carson, Inventor of an airship, rescues from a fnfritiva flyinfC machine called a kelicoptor, a beautiful younR girl. II and HI Carson is infatuated by hor and takes her where she can communicate with her friends. IV Carson visits the Roc, a giant airship owned by Shayne, uncle of Virginia Suarez, the girl ho resoued, and, being coldly received, leaps from the Hoc, at a great height, in a cam chute. V, VI and VII He lands in the grounds of the Slattery Institute for Inebriates, where he makes a mend of one Craighead, who plans to raise capital to manufacture, the new style airship Carson has invented. Thus they hope to rival Shayne, wljo con trols the airship industry. VIII Mr. Waddy decides condi tionally to capitalize the Carson Craighead project IX Carson goes to Florida to complete a sample airship to exhibit to Mr1. Waddy, and ho finds Virginia there. X He is in love with Virginia. Wizner, a rival inventor, conspires to kill Carson. XT, XH, XHI and XIV Wizner with a submarino in a sensational Bianner almost accomplishes the death of Carson and Virginia and the destruction of the airship, a case of "dovilfish versus bird." Virginia flees from Carson in the Roc. XV. XVI and XVII Carson and Craighead pursue the Roc northward in tho Carson airship, the Virginia. They land at the Shayne home, Shayne's Hold, in tho Catskill moun tains, at night. Carson talks with Virginia and is forced to flee. A big lawsuit is brought by Craighead to Eain exclusive dimonion in the aid based on tho rights to their air he has acquired from hundreds of land owners. Craighead argues in court. "cralghead," said Carson, "I want you to run an errand, and be serious. Run for a doctor, Craighead. I be Ucve she loves me." Pacing up and down the veranda, Carson was in a delicious disturbance or spirits. He forgot Shayne and his wife, but ran down to seq the Virginia and found in charge the village constable. "I know the rules of these cases," eaid he to Carson. "When you give this to the papers say something abont the way the police end of It was han dled." Thank you." said Carson, having made sure that the Virginia was in tact "I shan't see any reporters." "Sure you will," said the thoughtful constable. "I've sent fr them!" The doctor, a nervous little man with no voice, whispered to Carson that his wife, meaning Virginia, was uninjured and urging him to go in and quiet her by his presence. "Neurology my specialty," said he slyly in Carson's ear. "Left big prac tice in' Philadelphia on account of nervous prostration. Acutcneuropath- iffij 11 i, .; Jim "BUT ACCIDENT I NOTHINC1 TO IT." Jc symptoms In your very beautiful joung' wife, sir but accident! Noth ing to it!" Carson explained, with some neuro pathic symptoms of his own. that tho young lady was not his wife. "Ifixcuso mo!" whispered the doctor, on tiptoe. "As to whose the mistuko Is, yours or mine, omission or couuuls blou, can't say, but pardon me, just tho same. Must g uov, Other patients, yujj know.. Mr "ir1l".. - And,' Flipping his card to Theodora with tho a!" "t a mnn seeking to e tabllsh n connection in tho castaway trade, ho whispered himself out, being replaced almost Immediately by two local representatives of the metropoli tan press, to whom Theodore resolute ly refused to say n word beyond the statement that the Hoc was wrecked and that tho passengers were saved. This, however, did not prevent them from sending Itt highly colored ac counts of the wreck and of tho sensa tlonal assistance accorded her by the Virginia aeronef which were expand- ) ed iu the city otllces Into v sensation I of the day. Shayne of Aerostatic Power had violated tho Craighead In junction in the Hoc! Craighead. Car son and the Shayues were together In a New Jersey village! Humors and canards on 'change and the curb! ex tras and red typo on yellow tlrst page! But the real sensation wns not known until afterward. Craighead was a long time gone, re turning with a perspiring man carry ing a notary's seal In one hand, u huge volume under one arm and a tlat book like an exaggerated check book under the other. Following them were n tall, angular, serious looking gentle man in wadlug boots, his eyes covered with immense blue goggles a French chauffeur if one might judge by cer tain strong proofs in garments and feature; a life saving crew from up the coast who had Just arrived after a long distance view of the wreck and several water side characters belong ing in a New Jersey way to the Cap tain Harrod class. The man with the books seemed tired with his burden and was using occasional stroug words. "Set down, set down your honorable load," said Craighead,' "If honor may be harried with a curse. Fellow citi zens, we are delighted with what wo have seen of your little city. The cli mate Is lovely, the air fresh and the water warm. Wc like It. What do you call it?" Carson drew Craighead aside and suggested dry clothes. "Be silent, sirrah," cried Craighead. "and do as you are bid! Friends, the performance in the big tent is about to open. This, Mr. Van Brunt, Is one of the principals," "Of age. I see." said Mr. Van Bntnt, looking at Carson. "I guess it's nil right. An' Where's the other party V A maid who bad devoted herself to Virginia replied that Miss Suarez was quite able to see people. "Come. Mr. Van Brunt," said Craig head, "and view the precious remains." Craighead entered at Virginia's "Come in," but Mr. Van Brunt went no far ther thnn to insert half his body and all his head in the room and look searehlngly at Miss Suarez. "Of course," said he, "you're ovor eighteen?" "Considerably." said Virginia, "bar Mr. Van Brunt had vanished. Craig head gazed solemnly at Virginia and spoke sepulchrally. "These." said he. "are some of the local forms of the Initiation. Be obe dient and thou sbalt prosper. Don't do notbln' that you ain't told to see?" "What does this foolery mean?" ask ed Cnrson as Craighead emerged Into the parlor, where Mr. Van Brunt was engaged In filling up blanks and tear ing them out of the big check book. "Foolery?" said Craighead. "Pro fane not the sacred mysteries of Eleu sis! Don't get cynical or funny. You are not a very Important person here. Friends, fellow citizens, . Jerseymen. lend me your ears. We have met for certain reasons connected with the vi tal statistics of our common country to originate an epithet. Two problems look the American peoplo in tho face land gnash their problematical teeth and snort. What are they? My friend the doctor, who has returned with" healing In his tins, and our reverend friend In the waders can bear wit ness from their reduced perquisites that I speak sooth when I say that these porteutous national dangers lie in celibacy. I have made a speciality of it." "Hooray!' shouted the captalh of the life saving crew, "My honorable and gallant friend." said Craighead, Indicating the captain, "hath a Smith college pin on his serv ice shirt. It's uot to thee, O potential benedict, that Ispeal:! Wo are hen to call not the Inoculated, but tho hith erto Immune, to repentance. Fellow reformers, at the request of my friend Mr. Carson General Theodo' Cahson. M. A, I sent a motorcar for Mr. Van Brunt, and the county seat of this county, mi far as the marriage records aro concerned, Is here. The Rev. Mr, Coryell has kindly agreed to perforin the ceremony. I will assume the chair If there aro no objections. I will en tertain a motion ordering the uuptials to proceed. I assume a motion for tho 1 regular order. Heading of the minutes i dispensed with. All In faVor of the mnrrlago of Theodoro Carson and Vir ginia Suarez say. 'Aye!'" There was n swelling roar of "ayes" that startled Virginia Into a belief that a political convention was In session in Hie parlor. Craighead called for tho "nays," with no response. "It is a vote," said ho "unanimous ly! I congratulato you In this har mony! It augurs well for a successful campaign and u triumphant election. Will koimo one volunteer to piny the wedding march? Thank you, Rlr." This to the cnptuln of tho lifo savers, who seated himself on a piano stool and ran his hands over the keys. "And now, general." said Cnilghead to Carson, "all Is ready. The statutes In such case mado and provided are all fulfilled. Bring out tho bride and let tho rapture culminate!" "Craighead," said Carson, "come out s!do and I'll break every bone in your body!" No ono heard this but Craighead, and he received tho announcement wlt tho suurcst of bows and a withdrawal with Carson on his arm. (To Bo Continued.) FIRE VICTIMS TO RECEIVE RELIEF Portland Chamber of Commerco In augurates Campaign for $5000 for Aid of Those Who Lost Their All In Forest Fires. PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 1. Tho Portland chamber of commerce to day inaugurated an rctlvc campaign to raise JBOOvt for tho re lef of tho forest firo sufferers of the northwest, especially thoce who lost by fires wltkln a hundred miles radius of Portland. This would Include thoso who woro burned out In southern Washington and in tho Mount Hood district. Coincident with tho chamber of commerce's campaign, Miss Valentino Prltchnrd of the People's. Institute Is actively engaged in preparing con-i trlbutions of clothing and provisions for victims of the late conflagrations. According to Miss Pritchard, 200 i children in southern Washington alono aro In Imperative need of clothes ' President Knapp of tho chamber of commerco said that ho "would ap point a committee today to canvass tho Portland business houses for con tributions to tho relief fund. According to Knapp, fully 600 fam ilies aro penniless and without homos or shelter in tho Yncolt district north of Vancouver, Wash., and scores in various other districts aro likewiso destitute on account of the fires. nUDIiKV WATSON MOOlt. JNO. V. K1INI. Moor, Ehni Company 213 FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDING TELEPHONE MAIN 2592 PINE GRIFFIN CREEK LAND 240 ncios on MUFFIN ORK12K, a miles from Medford; excel lent for subdividing; nil frco soil; 15 ncros fruit, part bearing; 2B acres alfalfa, 125 tons thin year; good buildings; four running springs; $10,000 will carry It; ten years on balance, G per cant. BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND 30 acros BEAU CREEK BOTTOM pear land In tho vnlloy. FINE NEW BUNGALOW land, all In pears; no bettor 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, modern; party le:.vlng city; must soil; lot 59x163; 19 npplo trees, bearing; $2750 if taken at onco; half cash; uow paying 10 per cont on 3G00. LIVE ON THE OREGON TRUNK LINE Excluslvo ngonts fcr townslto lots at CRESCENT and WAKE FIELD on Oregon Trunk railway (now Hill lino). AGENCY NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS SURPLUS OVER EIGHT MILLIONS SAN FRANCISCO LOSSES PAID IN FULL Mt. Angel College mt. Angel, or. s In clmrgo of tho Bonodictino Authors. For young moil uud boya. Torm opoiiB September 6th. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT We make any kind and stylo of indowa. f We carry Glass of any aizo on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon, t MANY LABORERS ARE COMING BACK WITH COIN SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 1. J. A. McGill, a prominent labor agent, stated today that more than 1000 ' laborers have returned to tho stntei through Seattle during the pnst fort night, each one bringing' from $750 to $3000 earned in railroad construe-' tion work in Alaska during the pnst year or two. Thesc men cash their checks in Scnttlo for gold coin und deposit the latter in safo deposit vaults, preferring to handle the ac tual gold after the long days of hardship iu the north. PAY-AS-YOU-ENTER CARS FOR FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1. In the near future streetcar passen gers in Snn Francisco will not only have to pay their fares, but they will have to personally put the mone3 in the company's strong box. New "pas-as-you-enter" cars have been ordered nnd will be installed in n short time. Besides ample space for the con ductor on the rear platform and an aisle carefully guarded by iron rail ings for the pnfesenger to wnlk through as he enters, there is a big box on the back plntform where the pnsscnger will have to dron his own nickel. The duties of the conductor will be confined to issuing transfers and making chnngc. TTnnlcins for health t J. E. ENYART. Prcsidont. J A. PERRY. Vice-Prosidont. 1 JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. V. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD .NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.00 . UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 :: SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- i: HESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. I Single rooms or on suito also rooms with bath Cho finest Sample Rooms in tho city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Plant) nnd Specifications for the nix atoricn above ground cf Hotel Medford will bo ready to figuro upon September 3 at tho of fico of Messrs. Clark & Foorater. I ' THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't dolay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street U. S. HOTEL BUTTE FALLS, Or. Re-opened and will cater to the public. Auto and hunting party din ners a specialty. Patronaco respect fully solicited, MR. AND MKS. A. DUPItAY, Prop, and Mgr. Itesjectlvely. i The Jackson County Bank Offers its services and twenty-two years' experience of successful banking to the people of Medford and those in the vicinity thereof. It solicits the accounts of merchants, farmers, fruitgrowers and all others requiring the services of an old, conservative banking institution. CAPITAL ....; $100,000.00 SURPLUS $ 50,000.00 W. I. VAWTER, Pres. C. W. M 'DONALD, Cashier. G. R. LLNDLEY, Vice-President. Medford Iron Works E. O. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST l All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Excursion Ratesto the East DURUTa 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE I Robert P Maguire Late special agent U. S. General Land Office, announces that he has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. JusSt Published Mining Maps of Southwest ern Oregon and Northwestern California, showing tho forest resorves, surveyed nnd unsur vovpil land, Sold hv W.P. Wright Grants Pass, Or, Prico of Wall Maps, $2;, Pookot Maps, $1.50. FOR SALE $2600 will buy 160 acres in fine locality; 5 acres of bearing orchard, good buildings. It will pay you to in vestigate this. 70 ACRES 35 acres in fruit trees 1 year old; 60 inches of water; l1 miles from town; all farming im plements, tools, etc., together with team of horses, go with place; good buildings. A bargain if handled by September 15. Al STOCK RANCH 160 acres; Clear creek runs through place; good outside range; easy terms. Let us show you the Nickell Addition, where the fine homes are being built. 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with iwifrntion ditch and perpetual water right; has- coal outcrop ping; at a bargain on long time, easy payments. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 216 WEST MAIN STREET. J. B. Wood, W. D. Foster, Sales Agents. Phone 1081. Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs $60.00 VUIUUU ...,...M....M....MM..M...MM.M.........(PVV.UU Ivans as City ..................ipoi).iHJ St. Joseph ................... $60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will bo on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. 1 A going trip. Ten days provided for tho Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Pinal return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. MoMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon i