l,r'T(Hjp(neT- &EEDFORD fltAIL TRIUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3.1, 1910. ' ---- -----"- '-----4 - -H 4 -- -.- 4- K j y THURSDAY FRIDAY -SATURDAY Hi BANKRUPT STOCK -r: This will be the big clean-up sale of all Odds, Ends and Broken Lines. We are de termined to clean up as much of this stock as possible and for the next three days will sell merchandise in all departments at unheard of prices. , . , T m n l i X H' ALT, LINGERIE DRESSES Value to $7.50: Cleanup Sale ' price ..., price 1 ALL LADIES' WAISTS IN COLORED SILK, LINGERIE, TAILORED, AND ALLOVERNETS; VALUES FROM $1.25 TO $20.00; rKTX? XJ A T XT DDTf1!? THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR . VJlS Hi-rllXJUr rSXLKjMl HUNDREDS OF REMANATS ON SALE IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. REEEMBER, YOU ARK AVELCOME HERB WflKTriER YOU COME TO LOOK OR UVY C. F. Hurlburt & Comp'y u LAURIER WANTS UK OPEN RIVER Canada's Premier Favors Plan Which Will Open Columbia Diver Frem Robson, B. C, to the Ocean, a Distance of 600 Miles. PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 31. Hope; lor an open river from the seat to Robson, B. C, runs high today fol lowing the information that Sir Wil frid Laurier, Canada's premier, has declared that the project of making tho Columbia river navigable from the international boundary lino to "Robson appealed to him strongly. The premier waB visited at Nelson, B. C, yesterday by a delegation of open-river men from Oregon, Wash ington and British Columbia. Sir Wilfrid said he believed the project would be a great aid to trans rportatlon between the United States and Canada. He stated that he would Immediately order the minister of public works to have the river sur Teyed from Lake Windermere to tho boundary with a view of ascertain ing tho cost and the amount of work that would be required to make the water coarse navigable. At present the Columbia is navigable from the -sccan to Celllo Falls, near Tho Dalles, Or. A canal seven miles long is now lieiug constructed around the falls. When tho canal Is completed tho riv er will be navigable practically to the International boundary, and should he project of Cunuda be carried out the river will be navigable for nearly COO miles. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TO MEET SATURDAY The Roruo River Horticultural so ciety, after a postponement of two months, will boghi its monthly meet ings again noxt Suturduy, September 3, at 3 p. m. Tliu business will be we appointment of deputy county eonsriseioners. Members pleiiKe take Botiee. HARItY II. TOTTLK, , Seorotury. NOTICE. To real cstato men, that my prop erty is not on tho inurkot. ' 142 'EDWA11I) A. EVANS0N. Wet Me of a store's "regular cus- toiars" fail to note with porconal iatert and pleasure every evidence of iaerwwlng advertising entoiprjsc1 'watoa It shows. ALL MILLINERY, INCLUDING TEHtfMED AND UNTRBDkDSD' HATS AND STRAY SAILORS, FOR THURSDAY ., THUG BRUTALLY ATTACKSWOMAN Mrs. J. H. Harrington Suffers Severe Injuries at Hands of H. W. Dun bar Fellow Will Be Bound Over to Grand Jury to Answer Asault. Sirs. J. il. Ji.vr-lngton la n a se rious conillt'.Jii from the li jnrles she received at the hands of I' W. Dun bar, a traveling advertising distribu tor, Tuesday night. Dunbar and two companions were having a hilarious timo and stumbled up tho stairs leading to the apartments occupied by J. II. Harrington and wlfo, his son and daughter. Dunbar's companions, upon Mrs. Harrington informing them that they had made a mistake, immediately de parted. Dunbar however, remained at the head of the stairs and, it Is said, used more or less vigorous lan guage. Mrs, Harrington finally opened the door and told Dunbar to go away or he would get Into trouble. Ho seized the lady by tho hair and started down the stairs, remarking: "If I go you will go with me." Mrs. Harrington sustained Lie fracture of two ribs and j other minor bruises on the trip down the stairs in the grasp of the thug. Mrs. Harrington's daughter gave the alarm and the man was caught as he fled acrocs tho Southern Pa cific right of way on Front street and was roughly handled before the police came. This morning Mr, Harrington was asked if the matter couldn't bo squar ed. "Sure you can square It," ho eald. "Just take everyone else out of that Jail and give mo 1G minutes exclusive interview with that follow. That will square It." The terms didn't appeal to the friends of Dunbar, and he will bo I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will conduet a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, week or month. I guarantee a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. . RIVERSIDE AVENUE. I ALL SILK AND WOOL ONE-PIECE DRESSES; only 1 ALL ONE-PIECE DRESSES in silk (H1 QQ one dozen in the lot; values to $22.50; Clean- QQ l values to $50.00; Cleanup Sale MP -1- O j up Sale price $0.70 f prico Baker-Hutchason THREE BARRETTS 41-2 Medford Pear Grower Brings Record-Breaking Pears to Medford for Exhibition Weigh Pound Each. Over a Ira Dodge brought in from tho Dodge orchard, east of Medford, and placed them on exhibition in the Exhibit building yesterday, throe Hartlett pears which tip the scales at 4n pounds. That is going somo for Bartlett penrs, ns they usunlly do not scale bo high, but Mr. Dodge had othuru, not so large, of course, which he has already disposed of, that rah close to the limit packing size. called upon to answer a chargo of felonious assault before tho grand Jury. RETIREMENT OF BALLINGER. (Continued from Pace 1.) cabinet. President Taft has refused to fol low the counsel of the politicians who have urged thitt he ask his secretary of the interior that he surrender his portfolio. Tho politicians deem tho elimination of Balllnger neces'oary to Insure success In tho coming election and have been seeking some plan to bring this about. If Senator Root bo disqualified and Congressman McCall votes against Balllnger tho commit tee will stand six to five la condom nation of tho secretary. Senator Crane of Massachusetts has been behind the plan, It is said, and Journeyed to St. Paul as a special representative of tho administration on a "mysterious mission." Iti s de clared that ho requested Balllnger to retire for the good of tho party and that tho secretary flatly refused to POUNDS Old Stand withdraw. Crane Is said to bo behind tho pres ent plan nnd Is suppoced to havo used all tho prcssuro ho could bring t to bear on McCall to sldo against Bal llnger when the commltteo takes its final voto. It Is not bellovod that President Taft has been consulted in regard to this plan, but politicians who havo sided with the administra tion aro said to have concluded that It is tho best solution of tho "Bal llnger problem," and they aro doing everything In their power t forco tho committee to find agatnst tho Seattlo man. MEDFORD HAS SOME WATER. (Continued from Page 1.) at an expense of about f'JOO, and which I am ndvi.-ed will be done by the city before next summer. By do ing these things mid installing the buildings nnd residence of the care taker at the head of the pipe line below the intake, all possible sources of contamination will be eliminated. As I have stated, such slight con tamination ns tho wnter receives from these sources is eliminated by its swift cnurne down the canyon, and it reaches tho intake limpid, cool and delicious, and fit for use by the most fastidious. Jn fact, the chem ist of tho university of California, in reporting upon this water, states: "These unalyses show thnt the water is of exceptional purity and can be used without deleterious effects for drinking and domestic purposes. It will be a great advantago to the city of Medford to be able to draw their water supply from such n pure source." The slight difference in taste be tween tho city supply nnd tho well BUILD for LESS 'ou aa ana tnr eavtaJoc tall you aW t MV ft to an SASH AND t2K fviw.'lS tioMaTfxoB JD04M, . run: IT JT Ilffcl nii or.,, Xw-Ilht WkHLmn, I . . t f UY DIRECT FROM THE MILL W uml tutlhlamr but Wall aonei. hlin-drUa Ir, put . tog-ather to atay, Your money back ii not repreaenua. We are the Urs Mt Btih and Door Factory In the Pa clflo Nort hwaati own our mill and av you tha nead less middlemen' proflta. ir youara akeptlcal atnd va nllat of tha ma rial you need. W aall anybody. Ship, anywhere, ajaad for Catalog 0. 41 9. 1. Wans Co. 104a Xlxat vfi . 9BI DOORS I O.W fj MM TfO i Near the Postof fiee water in Medford, which is noticed by some, is accounted for by the faut that libers of the well water havo bo come accustomed to "hard" water, while tho new supply is "soft" wa ter, nml tor (lint run-on profurnhlu .to tho other. As a matter of fact, I cannot too ntrungly urge the use of the city water in preference to well water, which is necessarily con taminated to a greater or less extent by impurities draining in from tho surfneo nnd by, seepage fro tncesri pools ami other sources of infection. Another advantage possessed by tho city supply is tho fact that tho pass age of tho water through tho pipe consumes just enough time so that the water entering the pipe in the enrly morning, when it is coldest, reaches the consumer duriiiL' tho hont (Bk ... DIAMONDS... TIIATAHEOEMS. I lmvo them looso and mounted. IN ALL SIZES. Martin J. Reddy Tne Jeweler l)UI)Li;V WATSON MOOIt. Moor, Ehni Company 213 FRUITGROWERS' ANK BUILDING TELEPHONE MAIN 2592 FINE GRIFFIN CREEK LAND 240 acioa on GRIFFIN CItBEK 3 mlleu from Medford; oxcol lont for subdividing; nil froo soil; 1G acres fruit, part boarlng; 25 acres alfalfa, 125 tons this year; good buildings; four running aprlngu; 10,000 will curry It; ten years on hnlanco, 0 per cont. BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND 30 ncroi HEAR CREEK BOTTOM land, nil In poarn; no hotter pear land In tho vnlloy. FINE NEW BUNGALOWS-ROOM yUNOALOW, modorn; party loi.vlng city; must soil; lot 50x103; 19 npplo trooa, bearing; 2750 if takon at onco; hnlf cash; now paying 10 por cont on $3000. LIVE ON THE OREGON TRUNK LINE Excluslv6 agents for townulto lota at ORESCENT and WAKE FIELD ou Oregon Trunk railway (now Hill lino). AGENCY NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS SURPLUS OVER EIGHT MILLIONS SAN FRANCISCO LOSSES PAID IN FULL AN FRIDAY AT 25c ON THE of the afternoon, when it is most re freshing. In fact, any consumer who will let the water run until that which has been wanned by the sun in the service pipes has run off will til id that he can obtain water from tho pipes which is just as palatable and mo ru wholesome than ice water. In brief, tha result of my investi gations, in which result Dr. 1'ortur, who was a member of the party, as I havo said, heartily concurred, wi that Medford has secured a supply of pure, clear, cool, wholesome water i-cpinl to the best municipal supply on the const, the use of which I most heartily recommend to every one; and, indeed, when the measures above outlined aro taken to improve conditions still further, McdfordV snpplv will ho superior to any of tin m Near the Postof f ice JNO. F.JCIINJ. and wool fabrics; tf1 1 QO J 1 i- .07 DOLLAR. - others, for tho conditions surround ing the Hystem aro simply ideal for u perfect water supply. .1. K. S11BAH Kit. HaMklna for llonlth. QOODFR1END HOTEL SAN rRAHCISCO I. COOOrniCXD, Muitav Formerly HotcU Btanfcnl nml 81, lWyl, 1Vi1 rltrrrl, nmr Oitry, mlJolning llotl Mum, Tnko Hotel Mutix H'i, or Market Blftwl Cmn. Inirufer In Itonell. Iilrnt lwm and location far laUlto vWtiutc tbo city alone. BATES, 11.00 TCS. DAT AND Df rrr U. S. HOTEL IIUTTH FATjI, Or. Ito.oponod nml will cator to tho public. Auto nnd hunting pnrty din nors n npoclalty. Putronnco ronpect fully solicited. MK. AM) Mlt8. A. DUl'ItAY, I'rop. nml Mgr. Respectively. I Rnherr F Maffuire Lato spcciul ngent U. S. General Land Office, announces that ho has opened law offices in tho Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before stato and federal courts 'and tho Department of the Intorior. FOR SALE By owner, two lots, South Newtown, one lot on Dakota avonuo, four lots on West Twelfth street, two on West Thirteenth; fivo room houses, all mod ern, two seven-room houses, one oight-room bungalow; 80 acres good fruit land, or will ex change fruit land for good city property; five acres orchard on tho land, Tho above must bo seen to bo appreciat ed. CALL AT 820 WEST 12TH ST. l 4 i tm 3 i ) i i ,ffi ll