MEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OTlEaON, MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1910. "I Kl Write a Want Ad -When You've Quit Using it and Want to Sell it .aaBBBBBB-i k Ay C , L l -h 4k f r I; 4 PEAR. MARKET Prices In Now York From $2.75 to $3.25 on All Good Fruit Callfor nln Bnrtlotts Holdlnn Out Lonjjcr Thnn Usual Other Conditions. Sgobcl & Day, under ditto of Now York, Aug. 22, report tin 1'oIIowh oii (ho market: Today thoru wee .'10 earn Mold, willi MOO poni-he . IIM.0 ImrllottH, f)30O pluuiH and p. .tnuB and lli.OUO grapes, I'ruiiuH Two oar 110111 (lio north west, both to oh, cntuloguo enclosed. AVorngoH, .fl.HO and $1.37, all nixes Italians. Hoth earn hail rodtlmli fruit, not ripii, and not hwcoI, ho thuv did not do iih wtill oh wo had hoped thoy would, and yet Uioho loavo HiitlHfiiiitory nut rotuniH. Hulk of I!i!h fruit from Califonila arc Gross and Grand Dtiko, which aru Helling at $ to $1.76. Wo arc hoping that after thifl wo shall find our cam of HuliaiiH mora attractive-; however, it is very oarly, as you know. HurtlottH Markot continues to ndvnnco. Today, -:J.2fi, $3 and $2.73 on all good fruit. Thoy houiii to ho finding them in several now sections in California, and thuy aro holding on longer than wiih given out, hut a good many aru yellow ripo, and wo certainly aro nearly at tho uud of tho arrivals of HnrtluttK from California. Poaches AhuotU all arriving aru Clings, Jurgo and high colored, which our peddler and wagon boys aro taking to palm off on tho unsuspect ing puhlic, hut tho man who buys those novor comes hack for more. Tho. first enr of Elbortas from Colo rado Iiiih loft Chicago, and wo ex pect to hull it on coming Thursday, if it arrivcn in time. CALIFORNIA PEARS NEARLY ALL SHIPPED Undor date of August 27, tho Cali fornia Fruit Dihtriliutorrt nay: Tho following givos nutnhor of card of dooidiioiiH fruit shipped from 'ill poiutH in California for t tho week (movoii days) ending Friday morning, August 2(1: Ponchos, J80'j -'ars Poach ship moiit has hoon much hotter maintain ed than wan expected one week ago. It in, however, holow thai of hiHt week. Sulwuys aro now going for ward in liberal ipiantitioH ami will vontiuuo for the coming week, after which time there will bo hut few to offer. Levi Clings will also go out in considerable iiiautitics next week, and we hope for a wide ilistrihution which will put this popular fruit into general consumption throughout the great western and southern territory. I'luins, 20 Vi cars .Shipment of this fruit has now dwindled to in significant volume and will undoubt edly he considerably less during the iio.t seven days. Pears, lKMj cars A little more than half as many pears wore ship ped (his last week as during the pre ceding one. It is expected there will he n Ht ill further decline during the weok to come. There aro "practi cally no Bartlotts moving, shipment being confined largely to fall and winter varieties. Grapes', 301 'i cars Orudiuil in crease in shipment is shown, but as predicted last week, the output of Malagas has declined and will con tinue to do so, while that of Tokays has increased, Florin is now for warding her Tokays in fairly liberal (piautities, and the Ludi section will bo shipping freely next weok. Thomp son .Seedless aro nearly out of (ho market. Black Prince will ho avail able in hiicIi ipiaiitiUes us may bo de sired during tho next ton days. Woathor conditions have hoon fa vorable sinco our lust report. Chlcn-jo Market Conditions. Quoting tho Daily rVuh Reporter of August 21, which Hiiyu: ''Tho Koguo river pours show up fine and are commanding the host prices with good California mountain (.'mil running up to a close socoudJ Small-Hixod pours from any section is what Ih wanted. The pours from other than IIicbo sooliouH do not hociii to come through in good condition and go for lower price. Somo Wash ington pears of fancy sij-o strike competition from olhoiv sections, which accounts for their not dniiigt hotter. There is not much Hpoeula- (!.,., !.. ..II ..!..!.... ..l l..i ""ii in uiuur viuiuiiun uj. puiua juuv ut present, but when HurtlottH win up Home high prices will likely de velop. Jt in a fine thing to ho opti mistic, hill 'under prcHUtiro il in un HatiHfaetory, HiihIiiuhh hcoiiih good in Chicago. Tho general tone of biui- inuHH is (pilot. There Ih not that snap or life to trade that shown the prof its and moves tho goods. Green ap ples are worth $2.76 to $1 per bar rel; fine color Dutchofis nl $1.60, hut they are fauoy. Fino Waxoy HIiihIi, .fi.25 to f 1.70. II is n fine thing thai the clump on apples comes at this time; it will put the whole bus iness on a more satisfactory basis, No Nuw York dealers have iih yet boon couHiimmated on this markot. One man in reported to have bought a block at $3 per barrel. While thuro Ih little action to biisiucHN JuhI now, the futura still looks more healthy. Labor is busy and iniiken descent wages. Money Ih a Jit tie tight; col lections aro a trifle slow; banks aro very conservative, but tho entire business of the country is on a good, Hiihutautial business banis and that beats the spasmodic extreme taken in the long run." The Stewart Fruit Co. writes un der date of August 22: "The northwest certainly is turn ing Iooho on Chicago. There were over 80 cars scheduled for tho sale today, hut, of course, there was not shedrooiu for any such amount of fruit and were cut down to about 50 cars. We had nine can) advortiHcd to sell, hut only got four in the auc tion. We are diverting your cars to New York, Hortou and other markets and will sell as freely as possible without breaking the market. In making diversions wa are putting forth every effort to give your asso ciation full justice of any high spots wo may see in the United States, be ing a little afraid that Chicago will be t;o filled with northwest pears, which will not carry further cast, and we expoot to put somo of your pears in Montreal. Wo know you aro get ting trade papers and von will note wo arc giving tho Koguo Kivor valley all tho advertising we possibly can." Wind Blows Down Apples. DETROIT, Aug. 1. The storm which swept hero recently did con siderable damage to crops, especially to fruits. Much early fruit was blown to the ground. A similar re port comes from Huron county, Ohio. NEW Cl'MHEKLAND. W. Va., Aug. -I. The apple crop is almost a failure. In a good year this point should produce 100,000 barrels, bin wo will not have over 10,000 barrels this yenr. MEDF0RD BIG LITTLE CITY SAYS PORTLAND AUT0IST Thomas O. Farrell, in the Sunday Oregouiaii, has this to say of an auto trip to Crater Lake: "Wo wore out for a hath of sun shine, till of us, and we certainly, in the 13 days' trip by automobile from Portland to Crater Lake and return, soaked in enough of that fifo-giviug agent to do us a whole lot of good. "On Saturday, duly 10, wo started, two machines A. S. Heusoji, E. E. Convert, Thomns O. Farrell and .lolm It. Yeou, in tho hitter's car, and S. Heiihou in his own, driven by his chauffeur, Will McICenzio. "We soon entered the beautiful ami immensely fertile uud valuable Koguo Kivor valley. After passing through Oold Hill and Central Point wo drove into Med ford at noon. "Here is certainly a big little city; good streets and a lot more in pro cess of making; good buildings uud more in course of erection; automo biles ut it heretofore unheard of ra tio iih compared to population. I be lieve they said it was one machine to every 28 inhabitants. There is no question hut that Mod ford is a live town and will ho a lino city in the near future. We wore nicely outer liiiued hero and tho noxl day at 11 a. m. started up the Koguo river for Crater Luke." TImuHhu fr TIpiiHIi f----t--t--f-t--t----t--t--f-t--f-f-t-f-t--r FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL TURAL AND HORTICUL TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN DID RACES, BAND CON CERTS, FREE ATTRAC TIONS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INFOR MATION ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY. - t A MAJORITY OF WANT ADS BRING RESULTS If that wore not true, there would Hoon censo to ho nny want advertising. Of courso not ALL want nds "pay" not ALL want ads bring tho results nought by tho advertiser-?. Hut it is u self-evident fncl that a majority of wnnt ads DO PAY do bring results. For if more want advortifioru failed than succeeded ihoro would bo a gradual decline in the volume of the . want ads. There would bo u constantly DECREASING numbor of peoplo who uho thorn. After uwhiln thero would be no more want ads ut all. That there nro more and moro want nds printed all tho time proves that a MAJORITY of them aro RE 8ULTFUL proveH that thoy give REAL SERVICE to those who use them. And thin fact ought to have Its direct application to YOUR AFFAIRS. Want Ads One Cent a Word MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants.) PotatocH, now, $1.1C1.25 per owt.; cabbage, 2c. Hluokborrios, $11.25. Poaches, 3550o box. Cucumbers, 10c to ICo do. Suuash, 3G50o dozen. Corn, lfio dozen. Cantaloupes, 2540c dozen. WntonneloiiH, 520c. Tomatoes, 2c. PumpkinB, 812V4o. Apples, Vjtp', Pears, lc. Huttor, Kgg and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Ranch butter, 30c; fancy creamery, 35a. Fresh ranch eggs, 30o. Mixed poultry, 1014c; spring chickens, 1820o; turkeys, 17c: (Pricos paid producers.) liny Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $12; grass, $11; grain hay, $-10. Grain Wheat, $1.15 bushel; oats, $32 ton; barloy, $30 ton. Bcof Cowb, 44V o; steers, 5 5Vc; pork, Do; mutton, 55y2a; lambs, Oo; veal, dressed, 8c. (Selling prices.) Rollod barloy, $1.00 owt., $32 ton; bran, $1.70: middlings, $1.851.00: shorts, $1.801.85. If a morchiMit Is really soiling somo usoful article lower thi.n any one olso in town, and is not gottlng out of that fact Its full advertising value, Kcalo. f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f - AXSWIJHS TO ADS. t- Answers to tho following f classified ads nro uncalled for nt tho Mall Tribune offlce: A. J. (3). 2 C. (8). f m. a. i). (2). Hox 172 (3). Dox 75. Hox GS4. H. (2). P.. M. L. J. C. M. C. a. i. A. 11. C. 2C1. '' A. K.' - R. K. II. S. Dox 700. V M. C. D. (2). -f F. G. 4- FUR SALE. HumIiicm 1'rojKTty. FOR -SALE Choice business prop erty nt n bargain, on long timo; onsy terms. Address Condor Wa ter powor Co. $500 cash will hauillo soiifo Medford property that should show profit of $4000 In year. Sco Ownor, B. F. Dousou, nt Mooro Hotel. ' 140 Acreage "" FOR SALE Two acres, mostly in bearing orchard in Talent, $3000, L. N. Judd, Talent, Oregon 132 FOR SALE 1G0 acres timber land, cheap for cash, nonr Medford. J, It, Stovqnson, Tnrpnn, Tox. 147 FOR SALE Two 10-aoro tracts near Eagle Point, good soil, level; ono tract partly cloarcd, $S00 euch: terms half cash, long time on bal ance. Address P. O. Box 702, Mod ford. Or. 1 00 FOR SALE Ton acroa. Sco Honry M. Marsh, at S. P. stntlon, or ad dress IJ. 122, Medford. 13S FOR SALE 120 acros, Bvnns Crook fruit; Improvomonts; buy of ownor. Wrlto S. F. 'Potter, R. F D., Wood vlllo, Or. tt FOR SALE 35 acres fruit land $75 por acro-r-45iiBy tonus, cr will ex change for lncomo proporty. 8oo ownor. D, F, Itonson, nt Mooro ho tol. 138 FORSALE 5 and 10-aoro (raota just within and adjoining city lim its, at a buvgnin, on 5 uniuml pay. moats. Address Condor Water Co. FOR SALE. . KOIl BALB Boron-room now mod. era house; lot 63 by 108; east front; good location; worth $0000; will soil at a bargain. Address A3, caro Mall Trlbuno offlco. tf KOK BALB House and two lots, $2 1C0. Inquire Dob Taylor, 815 Myrtle street. tf FOR BALE Furnished house with barn; also house and two lots. In (piiro of owner, No. 723 13th street west. 141 FOR BALB Dcautlful bungalow, lo cated ono Llock west of South Oak dalt; fire rooms and modorn bath; stone foundaUr-n; large porch, ex tending acroun front and eldo; lot 69xlC3; 19 applo treoa in full bear ing;, prlco for quick salo $2650; half cash, bnian-3 easy terms. See own cr at Sherman Clay Piano com pany, tf FDK SALES Now v-room modern house on West Main, 50x118 foot west Mam. doxhb root, lot, corner, cheap, at $3750. In- quire or u. m. Lynns. 16 cast Main. 188 KOIl BALIS Two tour-room houses.! largo lots, sale cheap, boforo Sep- j tcmbcr let. Call 41C Bo.rdman St., or addross Df x 364, Medford Or. j 139 KOIl SALK Will sell 5-room cot- tago for $900; small paymont down, balance- $20 monthly. See owner I Bonson, nt Mooro hotel. 140'! Trz o.Tt. r- nw.n.... mi ' $2000. Bob Ta-yfor, 8W MvrHn street. 145 KOIl SALK Several houses and lots also fine farm. D. T. Lawton, Owner. tf KOIl SALE Five-room house, lot 53 by 200, cast front. North Cen tral Avenue. Call on J. T. Sum morvillo, Whlsenant Barber Shop. tf llusine.sH Opportunities. ! KOIl SALE Or trado, 320 acres good average land, well located; all wild land; about 30 acres non-tillable; no hills; two miles from railroad station; cornors In Rogue rlvor; 100 acros of this Is worth price of ' wholo tract; cheapest property in enuio vicinity; good orchard district; J flno for promotion; will tako city or ; ranch property in part .payment. hero or elsewhere. J. W Dressier Lots. FOR SALE-Six lots in Ashland, nonr F. M. church, $800 spot cash. L. X. Judd. Talent, Oregon. 141, KOIl SALE Kino lot on Oleson st., near West Fourth street; $100 will hnndlo-x n bargnln. Mall 'Tribune offlco. Address Al, tf FOR SALE Kins lot in Walnut i Park addition, east front near West tli street. Address A2 caro Mall, Trlbuno offlco. tf i FOR "SALE Kluolotn6ar end of West 4th street. $50 will hnndlo easy tonus, 735 North Oak, Choi-' gron Ilrothors. 13G iillNcelluneon--.. FOR SALEFuruiUiro for f rooms.. complote; modern buugnlow for, rout, with lense. Addross Box 80, , Mnil Tribune office 141 FOR SALE-200 foot board sido walk, almost now. Apply at 730 W. Jlth st. 130 I FOR SALEOhnndlor & Price Gor-t don Jnbt-er, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mall Vribuno office. PARTIES leaving city will Bell fur niture of 9 rooms, roaeonablo, with or without plena; ront houso. Room 207 Phlppn bldg. tt FOR SALE Now 3-lnch half truck Mitchell wagon; prlco $95, Inqn-ro at C22 South Control. 13G FOR SALE-r-Logal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mali Trlbuno offlco. FOR SALE A first class team of maros, 7 and 0 years old, prao tically now harness and wagon. 2 section harrow. New 12 inch plow. mid 7 Rhovel cultivator. Every- WANTED Couplo to work on ranch; thing now and first class. Piorooj woman to cook for men; no chll nml son, 128 East Main, Medford,! dr.oiu Hpllywood Orchards. Phono Oregon. tf Farmers 7063. tf FOR SALE. Mtrnxtlmueoiu. FOR SALE A work team, cheap; or trade on town Iota. Apply to G E. Trott, Alder si., off South Cot tage. 141 FOR SALE Ten tonB of fine grain hay, about two miles east of city. II. C. Maltby, room 7, Postoffice bldg. Phone 4081. 144 FOR SALE One bay marc eight yenrs old. Sixteen hands. Sixteen hundred pounds. Sound and willing. Inquire of Smitk and Beckwith, Mcdford. Oreeon. 141 FOR SALE An a number 1 range cook stove, at 340 South Grape. 139 FOR SALE Cheap; oak dining ta hie, New Home sewing machine. 228 North Central ave. 142 FOR SALE At a bargain, entire grading outfit, consisting of 24 head of horses and mules, harness, scvcn wncons. 4 tents. 10x18. 8 Fresnos, 100 blankets, full set of blacksmith tools for grading camp, 4 No. 2 Wheelers, 3 plows, 15 set of double and smele trees extra: also a lot of miscellaneous topis for use in grading; entire outfit can be seen at Eagle Point. Call on or ad- dress George Powel, enre of Jnck- so Plnco' E"g'c Po"'- 0r- 54 FOR SALE 10 h. p. upright boiler at a bargain. J. T. Norman, Box "11. Ashland. Or. 144 FOR SALE Household furniture for Bale. 228 North Central avo. 138 $500 cash will handle some Mcdford property that should stow profit of $4000 in year. See Owner. B. F. Benson, at Mooro Hotel. 138 FOR REST. Furnished Itooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 325 Riverside avenue south. 137 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. i 817 W. 10th st. 141- FR RENTLargo modern furnish- ed room, close in. 243 North Hol ly. 139 F0U RENT Furnished rooms for transients. No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmors and Frult- growers' bank. tf Hoh-h8. VUTTSXaSfIS(Ki. two-story new nousei fQUr roomg nnd pmtry dowQ iit4tf ii'oi-4iio uuk -vuujjiig-bUUi nuuu shed and well; lot 50x258; closo in. Inquire J. Rotor, 6 South C street. 140 Furnished Houses. ., , TT. : ,,0R KfcM-lnPJ -J-room cottage, range, furniture, wood for salo. Ad dress M. J. G., caro Mail Tribuno office. 140 Miscellaneous. LBAaBPuUy oqulrpotl gold ,.. ,.,, ,, . mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all ororuted by electric pow oi. Owner will furnish froo oloc trlc powor for sharo n proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Powor Co. WANTED. 1 lelp Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED Salosmen In orery local- ity of tho northwost; money ad vnncod weokly; many mako orer $1000 montlv; cholco of territory. Ynklma Valley Nursory Co., Top ponlsh, Wnsh. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Singlo woman for cook i iug on ranch; must bo first-class; I good position nnd facilities offered i to right person. Addross X Y 'A, ' Mail Tribnno. 142 WANTED At the Ashland Hotel, Ashland, a chambermaid and wait ress; both must coruo well recom mended and fully compotont; good wngos. Address N. D. Hardy, prop., Ashland, Or. FOR SALE Relinquishment, now houso, flno woll wator, boarlng fruit treos, ono million foot saw timber will trade for city loto. Address p! M. Caro Matl-Trlbuno. 138 WAHTEi. Help Wanted FmiuUe. WANTED Tnshorwomnn for fam ily of two. 428 N. Oakdnlo. Phono Main 481. 140 WANTED Qirl for gonoral house work. Three in family. 520 South Holly. 130 Help "Wanted Male. WANTED Flro buddor. Regno Hirer Valley Nursery Co., Inc., 25 West Main Bt, Medford. Or. tf WANTED Kxpertencoa atone clatter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co'f. offlco. Mhtoellaneoea. WANTED By a Gorman gentleman, private lessons in English. Address Box 40. Mcdford. Or. 142 WANTED To purchase 160 acres or more of uncloared land nt a price not to exceed $25 per acre; distance from town no object if there is good wagon road to land; no desert land wanted. Address P. O. Box 702, Medford. Or. 160 WANTED To borrow $1000 for one to three years, on first-class close in property, worth $3000. Address P. O. Box 702. Medford. Or 100 WANTED Two or threo rooms for light housekeeping, prefer them furnished and close In; no children In family. Address C. W., Box 114, Medford. 138 WANTED Cloan rags. Inquire at Mall Tribune office. tf WANTED To take camping parties to the mountains; havo good teams and wagons. Phono or address H. C. Messenger, Agate, Or. tf WANTED Men's cast-oft Bhoes in fair condition at once. 103 South. Central avenue. 139 WANTED Highest cash price paid for clean cotton rags, dellrored to Mail Trlbuno offlco. LOST. LOST A bunch of keys. L. A. Hoover. Leave at Mail Tribune of fice. - 142' LOST A life-preserver, between Gold Ray dam and Medford. S. J. Ncelev. Exhibit bldg. 139 LOST Alligator grip, between Cen tral Point and Agate. Finder please return to P. & E. office, tf LOST Between Bybee bridge and city, a low tan shoe, Sorosis mate. Finder will please lenve same at Mail Tribune office. 134tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS, Lawyer, over Post office PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEA LEY Attorndys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. Architects. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder1 See mo about your now home. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phone 2471. UntonH. CARPENTERS UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets nt Smith's hall, 128 North Grdpo street, every Thurs day evening promptly nt 8 o'clock. All journoyraon enrpontors, as woll ns local mombors, urgod to bo pres ent. Business of vital interest ' nil carpenter's transacted at the-e meotinirs. J. J. Seal, business am. Tin Shop. J. A. SMITn Tiu shop. Tin ana shoot iron wnro op baud and madt to order. 128 North G St. Undertaken). MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phonos, C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Mnokoy aud die with joy." Over Allon & Reagan's storo; entranco on Sevonth street. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Offic in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gas ad ministered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mnin 341. Night phono 4432 DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dontist Offico in rooms 203-204, Fanner-1 & Fruitgrowers' bank building. West of thn trunks, Printers nnd PubllHber. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equippod job office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices, 37 South Central avenue. USINESS DIRECTORY. Cement SkkrwaUuh CEMENT SIDEWALKS, btuka-uM stone mason, nlasteriaff and -aM kinds of stucco work. Exptrrt work manship at reasonable ckarjrM by tho day or contract. Adtinr-M Ma Bonn. 511 E. Main st, M)jforj. Ojr. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. MacKcnrie, dealer 2a new and second-hand famitara, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for goo-i cast-off clothing. Call and see when you have something to sett. 103 South Central. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Pato Bloftk. Stenographic work doss qsieMy and well. fMUlard Par-ten. S. T. BROWN A CO. Blar, O- jrars and Soft Drinks. U stab. Young k Hall BaUd-h. A i. cool place to spend tfcs bet altar- noons. Hn-fpWin SOUTHERN OREGON HOfPTTAL 344 Soath C at, Uedfet-s. Ors. 1 W. Hisey, Matron. Official kos-a-iUJ P. & E. B. R. Bed EABLE C. SABD-T Orokard trssta, city property. List yowr koldufla with rae. Only desirsMs ptoimtjt handled. Room 202, Frmtcrowavaf Bank bldg. Bill Fasten. VERNE T. CANON Bill Postar Distributor. All orders -szomp-ifcl filled. Boom 29, Jackson Comr-tjM Bank building, Medford, Ora. Cigars tmA Tobae-coT IRELAND & ANILE, Smokakoses Dealers in tobaeee, -agars spioksrs' supplies. Kxclaarrs i of Lewis Single Binder, B Merit and El Paleaeia. 212 West Mai! street Palaters H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN- Pkone 3732. Dean 4 MeMaUeaj, contracting painters, painting, pa per hanging and tinting. Istisriataa I on all kinds of painting work. Medford. Or. Karalira. H. F. WILSON k CO., dealers ia new and second-hand fnrnitmrs and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 16 South Fir street. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF'& WOLFF Cook stoves and ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Eads' old stand. 18 W. F st. South. Phone 91, Medford, Ore. Narserles. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Oar stoek is not irrigated. We guarantee ef- erything put oat. We are not in tea trust. H. B. Patterson, office re movod to 116 East Main Rt ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., Inc. Growers of kigk grade nursery stock. Office 2S W. Main. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Sitrgeoaa, DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of tho eye, ear, nose and throat. Temporary location Hotel Mooro. After Octo ber 1, rooms 313-314, Garnott-Cory Bldg. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls ! promptly answered. Office aad residence phone Main 3-32. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Office phone 501, residence phoae 612. Offioo hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopatkk Physicians. Mission block. PhoM 202. Medford. Medicines, HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatisai, asthma, paralysis; sores and pri vate diuoasos. These remedies may bo procured ut tho Sing Les laundry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Medford, Oro., whero they frill bs sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treats several eovoro cases with his reav odies since coming to Medford sad has for reference somo of the best known and most intelligent' cititsss in Southern Oregon. Call on fataL Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Priddy, O, D. Njigle, Geo. I. O'Brien Contractors ani atass faeturors of brick; dealers (a pressed briok and lime, Office la Postoffice block, room 6. PboM No. 8181.