MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 3910. 5 It was a natural occurance The Pet Bear went where most everyone goes- If ? BACK TO THE WOODS If you will take a tip from the "Bear" you will visit here and thoroughly inves tigate our Lumber; our facilities for saving you money and our reputation for square Dealing. Exclusive agents for "Flint Kote Roofing' "Ibex Building Paper", "Diablo Cement", "Perfect Plaster" ete . Always glad to figure with you St n pv pw Ifc 4 v The Woods Lumber Company TO PREVENT FOREST FIRES Plans now Under Way to Organize all Lumber Interests o( North west In Campaign for Protection Analnst Forcst-drcs. NEW BANK IS SOON SI'OKAKK, WuhIi., Auk. -" JMiuih am iindur way in Spokane to orpiitlKn thu lumlior IntcrcMH of WahliiiiKlon, Idaho, Oregon, Moa tniia ami California in n .oiiinpuiK" to hi-oitro niluiiuato protection for thu national forost runerviitioiiB in tlio imrtliwoHtuni and 1'aoifiu HtatuH, to avort u roourroiiso of tho firet that liuvo oost hUoroH of Hvoh and destroyed millioiiH of dollarh' worth o lVtiiniliiiK timber, owned liy thu government and privntu ititurcBtu, lurin thu hiHt (H) dnyn. liUinlirviiiuu in Spokane Hay that thu lauk of proper picuautioiiH on tho part of thu United Status nov orninent to protect it own timlior luiulrt is largely roHpoiiHililo for thu npruad of thu recent diHtrnbtroim fires in the thu varioiiH districts in northurn Idaho. DeH'iitoH appointed in tho north weHtorn Htatori will Initio tho plan to thu attention of tho National Con servation CoiinroBH at St. Paul, Sep tember f to t), with a view to fioonr ine; thu endorsement of that organiz ation, and in thu meantime notliinu will hu left undono to apprise tho ohiof oxouutivo of tho nation and tho forestry mid other department of the noi'osMly of protection against tho ravages of forest fires. Whoa tho Wostorn Pine Miuiufni' turors' association at its Miii-au-uiial mooting in Spokane early in August petitioned President Taft and thu war department to station fiulimil li'ntkim in tin) mit ioiiiil rcsei'N- OH during tho dry season, from May to October, it was, believed tho gravonuss of thu situation bad boon indicated, but tho plan of having the soldiers patrol tho forests was orownod upon by Major General Leonard Wood, chiof of staff, who saya tho use of tho troops for tho purpose suggested is wholly imprac ticable. ' Sams Valloy Poach Crop Good The poach harvest is on at the Shipley and Miller orchards, which adjoin each other in Sams Valloy. Tho poauh crop is hoavior that us ual this year. The varieties arc Malm, Albortas and Into (Yaw-fords. Some of tho Muirs have been ship ped to tho Portland market, where they have netted fifty-five cents per box. Mr, Miller expects that the Albortas and lato Crawfords, which aro not yet lipo will net from se-eenty-l'ive cents lo a dollar u bn, At present ho is employing five packers and seven piekers, Notice. Thoro will be no 10 a, m. dollveiy Monday, August 21). Medford (Jen oral Delivery. l!!(l TO START IN WEED equipment will also be placed on No. 18, from Ashland, due here at 8:04 a. m. 137 The bustling town of Weed is to' linvo a hank. Oconto X. WcndiiiL'. I ..... i u. Ij. hva:is and otliors inive organ ized a banking uoriuirutiou for thu piirpotio of doing a general banking liusinobs in Weed, says tho Yroka Journal. Tho bank is capitalized at .$2.r,U00, and will bo known as (ho Weed National bank. The prelimin ary steps Imu' been taken with the comptroller of the currency, and as soon ii8 tho big vault and tho altera tions to tho hanking loom aro fin ished, the doors will hu opened for buoiuess. J. M. Potter, of Anliland, Or., who has recently had charge of the Yroka Journal, has been selected to fill the position of onehier of thu new bank. Mr. Potter has had sovun years ex perience in hanking, has a wide no ipmiutaucu (hroiigghout the county and is well fitted to contribute to thu siiccosc of the institution. Mr. Kviiiih is a part owner of the Medford Hardware company of this city. Medford will havo gns October 1st. Hon display ad, pago 11, 137 Geo. W. Cherry ri Lawyer Titles and conveyancing a specialty. Room 30, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone Main 431. SPECIAL TRAIN FOR BARNUM & DAILEY CIRCUS Account Paiuum & Hailoy circus playing hero at 10 a. iu August 20, instead of running the motor ear due bore at 8:15 a. in., the Southern Pa cifio company will run a train of six conches to accommodate tho peo ple of Grants Pass to Medford. The train will also liaudlo tho people from Woodvillo, Gold Hill, Hoelc Point, Savago Rapids, Oold Ray, Tolo, Sev en Oaks and Central Point. Ktrn Boy's and Girl's School Shoes Fine shoes, light, medium or heavy weights. The qualities of our shoes in this department was never up to the high standard as now shown. All sizes and a choice col lect ion of newest styles. BUY HERE AND SAVE TIME AND MONEY Tlundreds of 'pairs of boys' and girls' Oxfords at FACTORY PRICES. Oxfords can be worn for months yet, and the sav ings are very attractive. The Wardrobe Tho Home of Good Shoes STRAYED From Brownsboro, tvo horses, one flea-bitten gray, hind legs swollen; one sway back black horse. Return to 'Heath's ranch, Brownsboro, $20.00. 138 BULBS Exclusive Agency for Portland Seed Co. Medford Greenhouee Phono 3741 Comi g to Medford Soon Dr. L. G. Lonon, Chiropractor, ncrvo and spine specialist, will locato permanently about the 15th ot Sep tember. Thla is a now science, and ono of the best of tho ago. Wo get results whero others fall. Thoro Is no drugs or knlfo used. Thousands who havo Biiffored for years with chronic diseases (many pronounced Incurable) and who having spent small fortunes with tho medical doc tors without obtaining tho desired results, havo been cured by this treat ment. If you aro suffering from rhou mntlsni, lumbago, torticollis or from heart, stomach, kidney, Hvor, Intes tinal or other diseases cither acuto or chronic, do not fall to consult this doctor. Watch this spaco for futuro announcements. BREAD Try our I Home Made 'Fresh Bread. "Goodness , and Purity" is our motto. Also Salads and Roast Meats ready cooked, at the MEDFORD BAKERY 42 S. CENTRAL AVE. Robert F Maguire Late special agent U. S. General Land Office, announces that he has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. FOR SALE By owner, two lots, South Newtown, one lot on Dakota avenue, four lots on West Twelfth street, two on West Thirteenth; five room houses, all mod ern, two seven-room houses, one eight-room bungalow; 80 acres good fruit land, or will ex change fruit land for good city property; five acres orchard on the land. The above must be seen to be appreciat ed. CALL AT 820 WEST 12TH ST. Jusft Published Mining Maps of Soutkwesf ern Oregon and Northwestern California, showing the forest reserves, surveyed and unsnr veyed land. Sold by W.P. Wright Grants Pass, Or. Price of Wall Maps, 2; Pocket Maps, $1.50. School Book Notice No credit will bo allowed to any one on school books. A deposit must be left in ad vanco or cash paid on delivery. Medford Book Store 'sjdfatf L fif'vP, -.iraV- ttr" r Welcome Here Monday -a i K Come, visit this store before you buy. You may not find what you are looking for, and then you may. p Even if you don't happen to buy anything, we will still be glad you came, and you'll be glad, too, for the new goods are coming in, many are now on display, and you will wish to see them. A trip to this store will acquaint you jvith tho newest styles. We espcciall y wish to show you tho New Coats, Suits, Waists, Kimonos, Dress Goods and Silks mi, m fl rwAWA Sue jnjfu)ul fi 4itk A Beautiful New Waists Our now Fall Waists represont but ono lino of the now goods, but wo fool that some of tho host waist values over shown in Medford may bo scon hero tomorrow. SEE THE WINDOWS JUST HALF BLOCK OFF MAIN STREET 28 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE Piece Goods Tho new pieco goods aro more beautiful than in any season of the past. Wo '11 bo pleased to show you tho now arrivals.