MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MISDITORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 19.10. u PERFECFING USE OF IDE WIRELESS Cwnpass Actuated by Hertzian Wavw Gives Last Touch of Com jiletien Is Sensitive only to Elec trical Curents. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 27. Tho laat touch of perfection to tho use of tho w-relcsa ns a safety appli ance to ships has been added by bov eral Italian scientists who havo co laborated oa a "compass actuated by Hertzian waYes." Thla compass dlffors from tho usu al needle need In navigation In that It la not sonsltlTO to tho earth's mag net, but to electrical currents. With this doTlco aboard, a ship's captain in tho foggiest weather can locate amy nearby rcssel that la sending out wireless messages, as tho needle .points directly to the center of the vlcctrlc currents sent out from the -other Teasel. Likewise, -when a vessel In distress sends oat a wireless C. Q. D. call for Jielp, an approaching rcscuo ship Is -directed by this compass directly to tho ship. Ono of tho greatest handi caps heretofore hcu been tho delay -which has occurred during tho search JTor tho wrecked ship through repeat ed wireless directions. In tho in jrtanco of tho Blnklng of tho steam ship Republic, ono of tho most nota Tle Instances of the value of the wire less In calling aid to wrecked ships, lho "voasol drifted a greet distance fter sending out tho C. Q. D. call .MADAME MELBA SLEEPS IN BORROWED DRESS DEVON, Pa., Aug. 27. Madame .Mclba, prima donna, slept last night an a borrowed nightdress. Officially at was announced today that customs authorities had seized the original Jfelba garment. Tho singer, exact isg in her habits, is exercised at what she terms "meddling in what encerns them not." Arriving in New York from tho continent, Mclba was tho target for m rigid examination by the customs officers. They took her trunks from ler entourage, opened the locks and xearched tho dainty contents. Amonc -tke articles that they seized was the nightgown. Its absence was unno ticed by Melbn, who proceeded to Devon. But when she came to re lire her plight was piteous. Appeals -to tho hotel manager resulted in the production of a coarse American dress. Bather peevishly, Melba ac cepted the situation and retired. HATPIN USED AS WEAPON FOR SUICIDE NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 27. Kath erinc Fritsche, who shot and killed ier lover, Frank Mischler, whom she charged with betraying her, attempt ed to commit suicide today by stab- Ling herself with a hntpin. The iiirl first thrust the pin through her throat and then tried to pierce her heart. She had been refused per mission to look upon the body of Mischler. Tho girl shot Mischler following tho acquittal of Mamie McLaughlin, Tvho pleaded tho "unwritten law" as her defense when tried for tho mur der of Hugh Smith, a wealthy young man whom she charged with having betrayed her. FOREST FIRES RAGE NEAR SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 27. Timber and brush fires raged nil night in tho San Mateo mountains near Son Mateo and Burlingume, south of San Francisco. The penin sula to tho southward is covered with a pall of smoke and the men iighting tho fires made but little headway in tho hills where tho un derbrush is as dry as tinder. A second fire was reported today near Crystal Lake, in the Spring Valloy watershed, and the fire-fighters aro considering an appeal to tho federal authorities for aid if their efforts to quench tho flames meet with continued failure. Ten companies of tho Thirtieth in fantry, which loft hero yesterday un der command of Colonel Chubb, nro in tho vicinity of San Mateo today, and tho colonel may bo directed lo send n detachment to aid the fire fighters. Jap Consul Recalled. MANILA, Aug. 27, Because of "peraiciouu activity," Japanese Con sul Iwaya was toduy recalled by the Tokio government. It is reported that this notion was taken on re quest of Secretary of War Jacob M Dickinson. A store that always. advortlses Is auppooed to alwaya havo something pvelal and important to offer. BOWERMAN ISSUES LABOR DAY PROCLAMATION SALEM, Ore.. Auvr. 27. Acting Governor Jay Howormnn issued his Labor day proeliunnHon ns follews: "Whcrens. first Monday in Sep tember of eaeli year has been desig nated by law as n lenl holiday, known as Labor day, now, thcrofore, I, Jay Bowennmi, noting governor of tho stnto of Oregon, do make publio proclamation to tho effect that Mon day, September -3, 1910, is set apart as a legal holiday, upon which day all places of business should bo closed in order that citizens of all classes may rest from their labors and participate in ceremonies appro priate to the occasion, and that em ployer and employe may meet in so cial and friendly intercourse, thoreby coming into closer touch and rela tionship with each other and becom ing bettor acquainted with the indus trial life and conditions of tho wholo people." SAYS TEDDY IS AFTER GLORY FOR SELF ONLY NEW YORK, Aug. 27. That The odore Roosevelt is not helping tho re publican party in New York, but is merely gotting personal advertitso ment which he is seeking, is the an swer of "William J. Barnes, Jr., to the speeches of the colonel, announc ing his intention to fight the "old guard" in the Saratoga convention. "I am against making the pet the ories of a demagogue politician the issues in this fight," said Barnes. "Roosevelt says ,he opposes crooks. So does every other honest man. "I regret tho controversy in New York, as it means that it will be im possible to conciliate the factions af ter the convention is over. Roose velt is not helping the party by the course he is taking, but is getting the personal advertisement he so much desires." Mcdford, Oregon This certifies that wo have sold Hall's Texas Won der for tho cure of all kidney, bind dcr and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have never had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent relief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. ATsdford Pharmacy. tf ALL KINDS OP DRY WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Buy your winter supply now; reasonable prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO., 15 Almont st., or Room 31, J. C. Bank bldg. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori, Prop. AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. 0. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY 1910 Chalmers Detroits. Phone 1861, Valley Auto Company. Medford. Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cara. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford. Or. Prevention OF FIRES On and after October ;; first I will be prepared :: to deliver "Pyrene," : : the only known sub- '.', stance that will extin :: guish gasoline and '.' electric arc fires; - weighs only five pounds; cannot freeze; will not injure most delicate fabrics; used at all small fires by N. Y. fire department; passed and approved by TJ. S. federal steamboat in- finnnt.inn dnrmrf.rnrvnf. I invaluable for extin t guishing automobile iires. Address F. H. Cowles Agent, Westaway Orchard Medford. HITCHCOCK EXPECTED SOON IN SEATTLE SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 27. Postmaster-General Hitchcock is ex pected hero any day by tho managers of tho Burke and Wilson senatorial oampaigus. For days tho regular republican leaders in Washington have been awaiting for Hitchcock to come and throw the weight of an ad ministration mnndnto into tho polit ical balance. The decision to demand that tho administration send its chief expon ent to Washington came when the state of Washington welcomed Vio tor Murdbck, tho insurgent. Believ? ing thnt if Judge Burke and ox-Senator Wilson were to remain in tho race, tho electtion of Poindexter, in surgent, was assured, the organiza tion, chiefly including tho workers of the old Piles mnchine, and the ad herents of Senator Jones, demanded that the administration keep its pledge and send Hitchcock to save tho day. MORE DEER THAN EVER; EVE7RY HUNTER GETS MEAT "There are more deer this year than ever," says Lon Applegnte, one of Gold Hill's mightiest nimrods. "The lnw prohibiting the killing of docs is n good thing, and is to a great extent responsible for tho in crease." Others hold the opinion thnt tho forest fire3 have driven many deer out of their fastnesses, and that this accounts in part for the good luck that hunters hnvc been having this season. Every hunter thnt has gone out from Gold Hill this year, asserts tho News has got veni son, and some hnvc cone the legal limit by killing five deer, it is as serted. There are several parties still in tho hills. Hasklns for Health. Three Choice Bargains No, 1 55 acres on Bear creek bottom, 2 irlles from Medford. 45 acres In Newtown and Spltzenberg apples, seven years old, also somo pear trees, 10 acres new ground ready to set. Fish lako water, fine Im provements. Prlco $50,000; one third cash, balance terms. A tlno bargain. No. 2. 34 acres fine land near Central Polrt. All good soil. 150 bear ing trees; 250 Bartlett pears one year old; Now six-room house, "largo barn and o'hr buildings. Cheap at $6500. Half cash, balance three years at C per cent. Othor land ad Joining selling for more money. No. 4. 80 acres, 13 miles from' Medfcrd on Roguo river; all good land, and foiccd with Page fencing; new 7-room house and barn; prlco $130 per acre, half ca3h, balance easy terms. A largo list of cholco orchard and farming lands In large find small tracts. Medforl real estate la i-ll parts of . tho city and to suit all .purses. i Agents for tho calo of tho desert lands of tho Roguo River Valley Ca nal Co. Come In and talk with us before buying. FISHER & VHIT3IinE 32 South Central. .SPEND THE SUMMER Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Waero tho pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstones Cornelians and Rock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors 5port of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Rock Oysters, Dontlng, Surf Bathing, Hiding, Autolng, Canoolng and Dancing. Puro mountain water an tho best of food at low prices. Fresh , Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale dally. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ J 50 from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low ratos from polntc west, In. effect all summor. Call on any S, P, or O. & B. Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Oregon," or writ '.o WM. McMURKAY, General PuHaengor Agent, Portland, Oregon. DEATH OF SISKIYOU COUNTY PIONEER Charles Linker, one of the pioneorrt of Siskiyou county. California, died at his homo in Yivka, Thursday, ag ed 80 years. Mr. Linker came to Yrokn in tho early days of tho gold excitement, and for fifty-fivu years has boon a resident and business man of that city. Mrs. J. F. Kiierninn, of Medford, was his daughter and waa present at tho time of his death. NOTICE. In tho district court of tho United States for tho district of Oregon. In tho matter of George A. Butt, bankrupt. Tho undersigned trustee of the nbovo entitled eetnto in bank ruptcy will rccolvo sealed bids at tho Jackson County bank, In Medford, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noni, of Friday, August 19, 1910, for tho following dcecrlbod uroperty .bolonglng to said ostato, namely, a stock of mer l'.r.ndlso, con sisting principally of Jewelry of the Inventory valuo of $2987.47, together with a lot of store fittings ot tho In ventory value of $175.50, all now In custody of the undersigned nt Mod ford, Oregon. Cash or a certified chock for ton por cont of tho amount offered must accompany each bid and GET YOUR WINTER WOOD While it is cheap. Phone 1341. E. R. TEDRICK. Corner 11th and Laurel streets. Ynra at 417 South Oakdale Avenue. RINGS See The M Window Call and see tho display you'll appreciate seeing this collection, whether you buy or not. Sco tho New Josephine Set Ring Hundreds of beuutlful new, gold rings every kind of a setting you can think of every kind of stones, all beautifully cut and perfectly mounted all sets Guarantee! to stay Set Martin J. Rcddy The Jeweler Near the Postoffico AT Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, PorLund to Cottago Grove IncluBlvo, Includ ing branch lines; also from all C. & B. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday, 2Prfic5205K:;:5!ii?:S:C f. tho trnlo Is made nubjoct to cotiflrmn tlon by tho court, tho rlijt't holng re served to rojoct any and all blda. Tho oattl property and an Inventory thorn of may bo Imported upon application to tho undorelrnod. at Medford, Ore gon. WM. ULRICH, Truntoo. Dated at Modfora, Oregon, August 8, 1910. Hasklns for Ilonlth. It thoro's r. good store in this city thnt'u not woll ndvortlsod, It dosorvos to havo a more progrosolvo manngo niont, DO YOU WANT THE BEST FLOUR? Pure White If you have used "Pure ; : White ' ' Flour you know :: that it is fine. If you :: haven't used it yet, ORDER A SACK and you'll soon know the brand you will insist on getting wher ever you go. "We know "Pure Whito" is tho best. You want the best. All we ask is a trial. IT NEVER FAILS. IF IT'S REAL Coffee ITS NAME IS "GOLDEN GATE" An amateur can make good coffee by using tli is brand. An expert can brew a cup that would bo fit nectar for the gods. If you want real coffee for the home or for your OAJUPINCr TRIP, insist on Golden Gate. Allen 6 Reagan CKNTHAIi AN'I) MAIN rilO.VK MAIN 2711 HBHSpbBBBBBb i i i ?. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed PricoH Roanonablo COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North D St. .Medford, '. :; J. B. ENYART. President. J A. PERKY. Vico-I'roMldont. ;; JOHN S. OIITII, Cnshior. W. n. JACKSON, At-s't Cushion THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS :: SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI :: NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Make Every Dollar fcWorth More than a Dollar! An educated nd reader will never be poor. To "know advertising" is to have a prac tical knowledge of values of things of when and how and whero to buy. No ono, having and utilizing such knowledge, could over bo unthrifty, or in any sense careless or reckless of expenses. Por such knowl edge makes for thrift for saving. It makes one proof against shams false values manipulated reductions. The intelligent ad reader uses as much thought and ability in buying things as is required in earning tho money that is spent for them. And that amounts to a substan tial increase of the value of every dollar of the family revenue! a J'l S II . - - ... .J...IfL. .i&V&J ymmmmmxwmmammmmmmmm t urn mum ii iuMmr inrwTMrcngOai K A LAVATORY LIGHT , Whataconvonlonoo Is an oloctrlc light In tho lav atory. Itcanboswltchocl on and off whon noodocl. Tho danger of broaklng chlmnoys by opattorlng thorn with wator la ollmlnatod. Tho nooosalty for matahos la ovorcomo. A slmploturn of tho wrist and tho room In floodod with light. It may bo arrangod so that tho light can bo swltohod on boforo or aftor ontorlng tho room. This Is only ono of tho many comforts posslblo In an olootrlcally llghtod homo. Our roprosontatlvo would bo ploasod to talk this mattor ovor with you. ROaUE RIVER ELECTRIC. CO RESOLVEi Tin bout ronolutlon for you to mnko in to nemo to us for your nozt suit, if you want roinothlug out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho best work anil chart the lowest prioM. W. W. EIFERT in raooBkMivs tailor Ore. Phone 2( P '. 'JHJ....WI. $100,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 I '3 hi N 4