?UU i(t Ac O q ; : Htyct i (ULy s acci FIRST SECTION Medford Mail Tribune UNITE!) PTtBSS AHSOOIATIOS Full Leased Wire Report. PAGES 1 TO 8 Tho only paper in tho world published In a city tho site of Medford having a. loascd wire. fifth YEAR. MEDEORD, OREOON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1910. No. 137. c J 182 BURIED 94 MISSING FIRE TOLL Elnlitcen Firofluhtcrs Buried In One Trench Only Mark of Grave Is Penciled Cam Inscribed, "Elflht een Men Buried Hero" -Figures Today Are Authentic. SPOKANB, WuhIi., Aug. 27. Following tho receipt of news at mid- nlelit tlmt tlui iiiiNxiiiL' imrtv of i.i L firefighters ijiulur Hunger Joo Iliilm wont Htifo, lliu lint of missing today wiih reduced to 1M, while tliu official lint of doad wiih given out an 18.1. Among tho missing itru thruo pnr tieH of firefighters who nro sur rounded liy fires in the Cloiirwittur district of Idaho. It in believed that the men are in litttlo danger, an it it known that their camps arc located in cleared (treat. The message iiniiuiuicing the safe ty of llalin ami his party wax dated Iron Mountain, Mont., ami wiih mail ed hy Kaiiugcr llaiucH, who left on Tuesday at thu head of a relief party to search for I (aim at thu headwa ters of the .St. Joe. While thuro in little indication of ram, the forest fire situation con tinues to improve, iih ninny of the conflagrations have practieally burned thcmKolvas out. Thu HtorieH told hy tho survivors who fought in the hotteHt part of the XireH Indicate that the lohH of lifo would have been greatly lessoned had emergency men under the rangers showed a greater inclination to ohey order. The -1 men who died on .Seizor creek hud hceu warned to leave, hut thev declined to move. The 'JO men who met death near Av ery had heeu warned to flee. They run down the mountain until they found u clearing. They perished there. All that remains of the IK fire fighters who nerved under Rancor liolliugHliond are huried in a trench ut Ditttuuin's eithiu, in the St. Jou district. Their tombstone is it pen ciled card, on which is inscribed, "oiirhtoeii men huried here." The fire-Hwept area north of the St. Joe river in lf miles wide mid 30 milcH long. On the Koiith Hide n nuiiihei' of compreheiiHivu fires extend ovor n largo diHtrict. Until tho raiiiR como and the confliii'rations are extin guished, it will he impossible to osti mate the damage done with any de gree of accuracy. PROF. OWA NOW HAS FULL POWER Prof. I'. J. O'diiru is in receipt of the following Htatemeut from Com missioner I'nrsou which is solf-ox-pluuatory: Office of'Conunissionur Third DiH trict, Murphy (GriuitH I'nss) Oregon. AugiiHt 2 lib, 1010. To whom it may cencern: I, A. II. Carrion, horticultural cominiHHiouor for the third diHtrict of Oregon, herehy appoint and coiiHtitutul 1'. J. O'Oara of Medford, Or., deputy hor ticultural commiHHioiier of the third district, in full charge, and doputy-in-chief for the county of Jackson, state of Oregon. That said l J. O'Clura IniK full charge in diiocting tho work of all county fruit inspect -oi'H, and any and all deimly diHtrict commiHHiouerH in said county of Jackson. That any and all nets that Haid P. J. O'Oara may perform as deputy diHtrict ooiumiHHioucr in Haid county of Jackson hIiiiII he the Hume iih though performed hy myKelf, and ' reiiure ol all inspectors and dep uty commissioners in said county the performance ol all orders thai Kind Deputy in Chief P. J. O'Oara may hereafter make, thu hiuiiu iih if though given hy inyHulf. WitncHH this, my Hignaturo. (Signed.) A. II. CAHSON, CommiHHioiier, third diHtrict. HOOP-EE" "YIP YIP!" -COLONEL Roosevelt Has Hiuli Old Time at Frontier Celebration Cheered by Thousands, Ho Dashes About .Track at Roundup and Yells Like Comanche Indian. CHKYKNNK, Wyo., Aug. '27. Careening wildly about Frontier park on the hack of a hig white cow pony, Theodore KooHovcIt camu hack to the west today. Standing in thu stir rups, he held up Ii'ih horse with ono hand and waved a hig black felt hat with the other ut 10,000 people in the stands and yelled "Whoop-col" and thu thoiiHaiulH, witnuHHing Ii'ih act, went wild with oiitliuaiaHin. He spent thu entire day in one wild con tinuoiiH rush of weateni ovonts. Cow boys, cowgirls, ludiaiiH, bucks, HiiuawH, papooHCH and uveu horses were objects of his enthusiastic at tention. At the park today wiih had a big frontier day celebration in which ltooHcvelt wiih tho central figure. .Significantly hung in plain view bo fore the judges' stand wiih n big col ored banner inscribed, "Wyoming's Choice for 1012 Theodore llooso velt," with a big picture of thu colo nel. When Koosevelt arrived heie he was met at tho station by Senator Warren, Senator Borah of Idaho, General Frederick A. Smith of thu district of .Missouri; W. E. Stone, chairman of the frontier celebration committee, and it yelling escort of cowboys. Soiuo fiOUO soldiers wore in line and lollowiug them came a hundred more Shoshone and Sioux Indians in war paint. The colonel knew home of the older braves, whom he greeted with real Indian war whoops as they passed the stand. They hulled and returned his re spects by yelling back. Immediately after arrival at the park thu Colonel deli vol cd his hpecch. At its conclusion Roosevelt was given a white pony to ride about the track. He took the turns at it gal lop, ipiug like a brainier at a roundup. He got the greatest ap plause when he came down the stretch in front of the grandstand standing in the stirrups. NEW BUILDING STARTS TUESDAY Work on the election of the new business block to be erected nut the nitceetiou of Mum and Hurtlctt streets by John M. Root mid San rraucisco associates will start on next Tuesday morning. Hie contract I haus been let to It. J. Stewart who is ut ttho present erecting thu Nit tut or itmi. Thu new building will be known tts jhu "Sparta" block, Thu namu waas chosen hy Mr. Hoot and is the samu an that of ttho town in which Mr, Itoot was reared. It will be a handsome structure of while enam el brick, two stories in height, and 70x111 in size. The entrance on each street will have over them it full inariiiiH. It will he one of thtu most haudsomu structures in thu uitty and will represent an investment of $10, 000. Body Is Found. POINT MAHION, Pa., Aug. 27.--The body of Prank ltingle, who dis appeared August HI, wiih found to day buried under thu floor of tho garage of W, L Hinvr, a wealthy residonl of Aluriou. ltinglu's head had hceu orushod by a blow and tho police arc certain he was murdered. Ifarvuy yestordny noticed blood stains in tho garage. Krlo Erlckaon, ono ot tho plonoors ot tho nitio Lodge soctlon was In Mod ford Saturday on n business trip. Pictorial Phases And .Mite. f . JteA.4HIL..kiHlBlL J I . ,,- fe IK ir sasffl HttffiRp ffl38ffir I DEMANDS THAT PASSESBESHOWN Sensation Is Sprung in Trial of Lee O'Ncil Browne for Bribery 13,-, 000 Illegal Passes Arc Said to, Have Been Issued to Politicians. ' CHICAGO, Aug. 27. States At torney Wiiymati .started a sensation this afternoon in the trial of Leu v'..:i n...... .'.... i. -it....... ii.., ,.....i.. i V ilUII illllUIIU 111 UWIIUIJ lll.lt' IU1MJ - , , . ii. i r . nlilv will "throw u scare into scores of "Illinois politicians. Wnyninn de- munded that the Illinois Central rail-' t-owl shall produce on Monday all coupon passes issued to members of the legislature and to politicians dur- iug the last yenr. Wayman declined that complinneej with the order would show that 111,-1 000 illegal piissorf had been issued to politicians, who easily were able to get passes for their friends. Wayman also charged that a con- i spiraey is mulor way to bring aliout the'aeipiittal of Hrowne. A special grand jurv convened today to in- ... i!....rt.. 4l. ..I....,....,, .P .i.t.,!i..... I. "" ? k i coiiueciiou wini me jiitiwue case. The jury called former Statu Senator Alsehuler, who testified at tho Urowno trial, and contradicted wit uesbCh for thu statu regarding thu actions of Urowno on tho day Wil liam Lorimor was eleotud , to the Pnited States sonato. Urowno is on trial a second time for alleged brib ery in connection with election. Burns to Play Lacrosse VANCOUVER, P. C, ug. '27.-- Tommy Hums, former uiiiiniiiii . . , j heavyweight fighlor of tho world, to day signed a contract with tho Van couver Lacrosse club to piny one match Labor day, September .", ugaiusl Now Westminster. Ho will receive $1000 for tho afternoon's work and will play outside home, checking Tommy Clifford, the famous defence player of (ho world's cham pions. Mv, and Mrs, J, C. l,ItUl and son, Sooloy and Prang Isaacs, who liavo boon hailing on tho uppor Roguo, roturncd homo Suturdiiy, Too much provomenta nro pmnnou tu una sonooi wj(1, aostruotioii and several house Hinoko and cold mornlngB apollod tho 1" tho way of beautifying tho wjeY6 moved their effects out tro ploaauro of tho trip. grounda. pnratory to deserting thoir liouseh. of Colonel Roosevelt's Tour Map Showing Places He Will Visit. 13 MILES GAS MAINS ARE IN Work on System Pronressinn Rap- idly Medford Will Bo Burning Gas by October First If No Hard Luck Is Encountered. The Kogue 1th er Valley Gas com-' puny U pushing riyht along with tho' iiistulliiig of their system. They al- 1 . . - ., .11 i ireadv hitve 13 miles ot streot mains t ' Tho ditchimr and piping crows ate now working on the main lino be ttween the city annul the plant loca- tiou nenr oorlues -minon. 11ns work will he completed Soptcmber 1. The conorcte fouudatiiions nro all in and icady for the machinory and gas holders. Pnrl of this nmtcrinl i now on tho ground. President Anderson says ho ox- pects the erectors here oniMonday to start wirk on the lni' bolder, and, uurriug owi hick, iney win oo iiiiik- imr and serving gas October 1. the service men are all busy now mnk- in if fnkiit.it ni'i'ijin tinlinililtto nml ,"h1. ''""7 ," ..:,, V" ," 7 ' " nunc iiiu-r mi "in w niiuniuuvu n Ashland to follow ii the work tlere. SCHOOL OPENS ON SEPTEMBER 5 ,. ,, , " . . ... 'front, burning ovor five acres of vnl- Tho Medford piibllo schools will , open for tho fall term on Monday,1 , , , ... lllllllt ..... stopk .... ... Kvorythlng la now in 1.-1.t.v, w ,.,11,inOB. Tho real work of tho torm will begin on Tuesday morning aw-, lug to the fact that Monday Is Labor T)n'' , , ' . The school board has dorldod to open two additional rooms In tho High school building for tho grndos until Bitch tlmo as tho hast sldo school can bo built. Improvomonts ajU(1 T,,0 firo rn,,i,uv it.apeu p th0 In tho Washington school havo also (h.y wns ()f ti,0 i,0jor ,., im Ul,. beon delnyod. f0"ro ;t wns discovered had tho build- Tho hoard lias purchiisod olght ad- -mi, (m.0UKi,iy , its grasp, dltloniil lots at tho North Bchool in jrunv i,oim',s 0 ti,0 i,iff 0Ver ordor to provldo play grounds, Im- 1iu1ic;l; titho mill woro threatono TO WORK FOR HOSPITAL FUND Committee Meets and on Monday So liciting of Funds Will Commence Hospital Will Be Largest in the State Outside of Portland. Work on raising the $10,000 bonus to secure tho $100,000 hospital of- fcred by the Sisters of Providence will be begun Monday morning, by the Medford commercial club com mitttee, consibting f Dr. Piekel, Conroy, Porter, mid Heddy and 0. Putmiin. Tho committee held a meeting Sat urday nnd decided thutt every effort would he mndo tto secure the needed subscriptions, wluch will be mndo payable in several installments. 'rh0 hospitnl will contain 75 bedds for patients and bo the largest strue- ture of its kind outside of Porttlnnd m Oregon. HEAVY DAMAGE TACOMA FIRE TACOMA, Wut.li., Aug. 27.- Fire that broke out an hour before mid night and which was not brought un der control until early thi morning, I did damage estimated at nearly in half million dollars, on tho wutor- ,rv,v nnmilIlllv Wnr ,i0. , ,, Twil ' ns r0 iilll0d. T,o ,. ftIul J)tul(i V1,uwl , oflO.OOO, with $50,000 htock, woro destroyed. The fire originated in (ho boii,r r0()IUi )0 of (ho ,,iR n,m ,)oi,ors ,UvIB bocomo luatt,(i lo ox. 10SS its mis'u0 eovering, causing .,,,.: ne refuse to become iir s ARE 10 BE County Court Asked to Give Reward of $500 for Fire Bugs Buck Said to Have Recommended That Re ward of $2500 Be Offered by the Government. District Attorney Mulkcy haw asked the county court to bold n special meeting within the next few days and offer a roward of S500 for tho arrest and conviction of 'he incendiaries who have been making so much trouble throughout southern Oregon during the past two -weeks. While Assistant Forester C. J. Buck declines to discuss tho matter it became known yesterday that he has recommended to tho forestry officials In Portland that reward of at least J2500 be offered by the de partment for Information leading to tho arrest and conviction of those responsible for the present fires. Xo longer doubt remains as to the fact that the fires are being set. Those on tho firellnes throughout tho Crater Forest have gathered enough evidence to show beyond doubt that the fires are belnc set out. Two men, S. Crosby and Arthur) Frenche, were nrrccted yesterday on the fire line back of Ashland and charged by Ranger Grabble with set ting out the fires which have been threatening Ashland for a week past. The men were given a hearing im mediately before Judge' EegJeston in the Justice's Court but wore allowed to go, there not being enough evi dednce offered to warrant the court in holding them. The men were found in the neighborhood of n new fire and were asleep. It appeared that they hnd been responsible, hut enough evidence could not bo se cured to convict. In tho Butte Falls district there are a number ot secret service men looking up evidence against sus pects and it is expected that several arrests will follow. It las been authorltively reported that no less than six new tires have beon set out in ono neighborhood in a single night. Tho most terrific firo now raging in tho Crater National forest Is onl tho south fork of Rogue river. Horo somo ao sectians or timuer nave oeen burned ovor. Tho timber in this; neighborhood runs from 30,)00 to 10,000 feot aa aero and fronj auth entic reports from 60 to 100 per cent entlc reports from 60 to 100 per cent ot It has been rostroyed. This fire jumped tho middle fork of, ,RoKf river and endangered Prospect out wns controlled by tho soldiers. So far it has not again jumped tho mid dle fork. It Is still far beyond con trol and It Is not considered im- probablo that it will escape its pres ent Dounus ami wipe otti a i.trgo num ber of homes. Tho Dudley, Cat Hill and Big Elk fires nro being hold. Favorable reports aro holng re eelved from Ashland and Colestln. A firo Is binning within a mllo of, Ituch on the Applegate which all of tho settlors in that neighborhood aro fighting. It Is thought that It will ho under control within tho next 24 hours. Tho settlors near Asbestos havo saved their homes by hard fighting,. CONGRESSMEN WILL NOT TALK OF INVESTIGATION KANSAS CITY, Aug. 27. Con gressmen Miller and Burke of, tho hpcoinl investigating committeo thnt has been probing tho Indian con tracts in Oklahoma, arrived hero'it6 dav. Heyoud onying that "McMur ray seemed- to have , the t Indians hypnotized and had o'( i-erythiiig 'his own way," the congressmen rofusoO. to discuss tho hearing. County Clerk Coloman Is taking a vacation In tho tall timber, whore tho applicant for registration and tho candldnto trottbloth not, BUI Isn't wearing heavy phqes howov,ojv REWARD OFFERED TO COLLECT $8000 DUE ROAD FUND Crater Lake Highwaiy Commission Holds Session and Hears Report on Finances Will Meet Tuesday to Consider Letting of Contracts for Building Road at Pumice Hill. At a rnectin;; ct the Crater L.ike. Highway Commission Saturday even ing, tthe report of the auditor, Geo.1' L. Davis, showed in round figures, -' .30,000 subscribed to tho Crater Laako highway fund, of which $2G, 000 was subscribed in Medford and ; vicinitty and $4000 in Portland- Of this $30,000 subscribed half of -whtcH is past due, but $7000 has been col lected, and the auditor was author ized to take necessary steps to col lect the $8000 now due, add unpaid through tthe negligence of 'tho sub scribers. ' The commission has expended for ' the saving of the road hpproxi- '' raately $4000, which will leave a fund of approximately $11,000 avail able for road construction 'this fall. This money will be used to build the new Florence rock grade, " witH ac maximum grade of 4 per cent. Tuesday evening the commisiori will meet again to discriss the con struction oFfhcTdnd with contract ors nnd arnngo to advertise for bid:;. ' VAN UEwTs" KICKED OUT SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 27. Deserted in the final vote by Trus tees Coggin and Campbell, who' had hitherto supported him, 'Dr. O. C. Van Liew is today deposed as prin cipal of tho Chico Normal school. Van Liew declares that hd will not r tight the unanimous decision of the bonrd thnt ousted him for tlie0besr interests of tho school." The educator's diiniisSnl chine hs ' tho result of chnrges of improper" conduct in the administration' Of tile Chico institution. These Wl f7r ,... ,,. niBor.inn0 , -f;KC ah.. c, , t t t , T . r; . , tcmptetl to 11nco ljs ftrm arrtHnd hot- waist in his trivat offioo. Van h ieu. was trio(1 boforo tii0 l)oart bf trustees on those charges? which LvvQrp tf ormnlLw preferred, hy -.GAveainr Gillett. By a vote of thrco to two he was acquitted. Among tho applicants for tho va cant position is J. IT. Ackormatt, state superintendent of public in struction of Oregon. DR. CRIPPEN IS NEARLY MOBBED LONDON, Aug. 27. An attempt lo lynch Ljr. II. II. Crippen, suspect ed of having" murdered his wife, jeno minora urtppeit, wus imiiio uu- afternoon when tho American doc tor and his companion, Miss Ethel Leneve, arrived in London. A great crowd at tho railroad sta tion broke through tho polico guard ht 5I10 depot and rushed for tho ac cused man. Crippon cpwored beside Inspector Dow and Scrgoant Mitchell, appealing to thom to protect him. By a dosporato offort tho polico .succeeded in driving back (ho mob boTore thoir prisoners had boon roughly handled. LIVKIU'OOL, Aug. 27. Or. II. II. Crippen and Miss Ethel Clairo Lon ove, with their polico escort under luspoetor Dow of Scotland Yard, ar rived horo this afternoon on tho titeumhip Mcgtintitt from iQuchec-. 1