MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 19.10. Newsy Ashland Tho flro situation Is reported much Improved. There has boon Httlo wind Wowing and tho largo number ot on who went Into tho mountains Wednesday afternoon and Thursday are, according to all reports, suc ceeding In gottlng tho flames undor control. John Churchman of this city, who was killed by falling from a Southern Pacific train at Pitt, Cal., Thursday has long been a resident ot this city and leaves a wife and one child. Ho was a popular man and had only recently purchased a homo here, which, it Is eald, Is as yet hut par tially paid for. Tho romalns will, tt Is thought be brought to this ctty. The deceased was a brother-in-law t W. H. Mitchell, formorly forest ranger and now on ot tho leading merchants of Ashland. The store of W. H. Edmunds was gutted by fire early Wednesday morn ing. Tho stock is practically a total loss by fire and water. The flro started in tho basement and is thought by some to haro been of in cendiary origin. Those holding this belief think the same parties who are responsible for some of tho for est fires took advantage of the ab sence ot many men fighting forest firea to try and burn the town. Tho Edmunds store is in the heart of the business section and had it broken out ot tho walls tho result must have been most disastrous. Tho Ashland socialists have pre pared a new city charter embodying the principles of what Is known as city, has returned from southern Cal the Des Moines commission plan of j ifornta and will resumo tho practice sovernment and are going to try and of dentistry In tho near future, open have t presented to tho people Ing office In the now bank building through the Initiative. It was pub- as soon as It is completed, lished In the Tidings and copies will ! Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Billings have be circulated to secure tho necessary I returned from their Newport outing. WIDOWS WILL receive; no mo Uncle Sam Has Made No Provision to Care for Widows and Children of Families of Rangers Who Lose Their Lives. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 26. The widows and orphans of tho 94 forest rangers who havo met death in the northwest while fighting for est fires have no means of securing reparation or pension unless congress enacts special laws, according to a statement by an official of the for est service today. After a man in the forest service Is disabled, the government cuts off his pay, and there is no means of taking cognizance legally of the fact that a man Is killed in the service. Tho rangers havo a mutual protec tive association to guard themselves against misfortune. The Btatus of the regular soldiers who are aiding In tho flro fighting Is equally bad. The soldiers, if kill ed or injured while fighting fire, have the same standing as tho rang ers. Citizens also face considerable risk, for the foresters are empower ed to draft men Into tho service in emergency under penalty of arrest if aid ia refused. The man thus draft ed is deprived of power to collect damages in case of injury and his relatives can recover no remunera tion from the government. Tho present forest fires are the first In the history of the United States where federal troops havo been called upou to aid fire fighters and it is tho first tlmo that tho gov ernment over provided for tho caro of injured flro fighters. The forestry officials hero express the belief that tho fires will result In tho establishment of moro ade quate means to prevent forest fires and protect the foresters. Life on Punama Cauul Las had ono frightful drawback, ma Inrria troublo that has brought suf fering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills, fovor and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weak ness and gonoral debility. But Eloe trio Bittor3 novor fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Throe bottles completely cured mo tf n vory sovoro ntlnck of malaria," writes Wm. A. Protwoll, of Lucnmu, N, C, "and I've had good health ovr since," Guro Stomach, Liver and Kidnoy troubles, nnd prevent Ty phoid. COc, Guaranteed by all drug gists, wt Notes from Rogue River Valley Notes signatures to tho potltlon to insuro Its presentation to tho pcoplo at a special election to bo held probably about tho middle ot October. Messrs. C. T. Sllvor and C. D. Wil son from over Klamath Lake way wore hero tho first ot tho weok cir culating petitions to havo what is ! left of tho Klamath Lake frontago reserved for nubile camnlne nrounds. Rov.S. M. Dorrencc. rector of Trln- Ity Episcopal church, has been ono ot tho volunteer flro fightors, putting in tho entire night Wednesday night out In tho hills flchtlnc tho forest! flamcs. Robert Goodyear and Eugene Fen dell of Oakland, Cal., former Ash land boys returnod homo today after a two weeks' vacation, most of which was spent at tho mino owned by Mr. Fendell, over south ot Mt Ashland. They report a good time, but secur ned no big game. Mrs. O. Rlttner returned yesterday from Medford, where sho had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Shotwoll. The Ashland Transfer. & Storage company has bought out the coal bus ineoa ot D. L. Rice and will consoli date it with their business. J. J. Cambers of Ashland has an nounced his candidacy for tho repub lican nomination tor state senator from this distilct. Tho Misses Bradon of Onawa, la. are visiting at the home of their uncle, Charles Stennett, and with oth er relatives. Dr. J. Endelmann, formerly of this KLAMATH LETS T Bid of Warren Construction Com pany Accepted and the Company Asked to Prepare for Work Council Anxious to Start Work. KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 20. The Wurren Construction company ) Portland was awarded the con tract for paving the streets of Klam ith Falls last night by' the council, but the final written contract will uot be signed until after September u, wncn tue unai icgui nonces win havo been completed. The total cost of the paving will bo about $135,000. On account of the near approach of the winter season and the deplor able condition of tho main streets, the council wus of the opinion that every effort to expedite the street paving should be made. They felt that should they wait until after September 5 to award tho contract that considerable additional time would be required before tho con tractors would be able to get their machinery on the ground, mid that if tho work was awarded to them be fore time they would be ready to proceed with the street work immedi ately after tho contracts were signed. Hnskins for health. ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Buy your winter supply now; reasonable prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO., J 15 Almont st., or Room 31, J. C. Bank bldg. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori. Pron. AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. murphy bros. auto livery 1910 Chalmers Detroits. Phone 1801, Valley Auto Compuny, Medford, Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PIIONE MAIN 3141. Agenoy for the Parry Cars, Rogue River Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. PAVING CONTRAC Central Point Items Carpenters have commenced work on the now drolling of 0. W. Jot ters. A number ot our young men are going to Jot'i .ho flro fighting army In the foothills. Whiteside & Chlldors rro almost persuaded to go another story hlghor wtlh tholr brick buslnosj block. Elmer C lldors Is tho busiest man . i Central Point. Ho Is tutting in ful1 tlmo on hls own building and completing otter contacts after working hours, John Brown is moving his family Mo tho Jotters property on tho cor- ner ot Fourth and Pine streets. Wo had "told brick" men galoro In town this weok. Just t'io finding ot t little gold brings them In about tho same proportion that n circus calls thorn forth. Thoy aro out for the money and In order to got It of fer the bullablo public a fortune for almost nothing. It Is reported that Roderick Easley has resigned as chlot of tho flro de partment and that Lynn Purdtn Is to be appointed in his place. Both aro good men and tho department will not suffer elthor way. There are rlpo tomatoes enough coming to town to run Roguo river over with catsup. Melons and green corn are still MUCH DOING IN POLITICS Chief Executive Puzzling His Brain Steadily as He Plays Golf Demo crats Find Conditions Are Very Pleasing. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 2C. Political history is being mado rap- Idly these days. Tho highest officials of the nation aro concerning them- selves fully as much with matters ot state and tho results ot tho fall elec- tlons ns they aro with the pleasures, and whoever heads the next ropubllc and pastimes ot tho vacation. ' an ticket may find In him a dangor- Tho chief executive, while chasing ' ous contender, the nimblo ball across tho sward and, Old Issues 1 ?.vo largoly lost tholr sand, pauses over and anon to flick , significance. Tho parties nro cast the beads of molsturo from his man-' ing about for new principles and plat ly brow, and his caddy, If he listenB, ' forms. Tho next national campaign hears some statemanllke remark as must bo fought out on now lines. Tho this: "Wonder If Wilson can't make the J rubber tree grow In tho south. That ought to give us some votes to offset! the row out in Kansas." Then, pausing with club uplifted to swat tho ball: I "Perhaps that fisherman up on the Restlgoucho could qualify as a pilot for the ship of state, and Knox " Swat! and the hall bounds away with a largo purty In pursuit. Surely some vacations aro not all fun. A certain faunal naturalist, hack ing away at c. tree on Ms country estate pauses to listen to a disserta tion ffom a forester on how to con serve tho woods by ousting his per sonal enemies from tho swivel chairs thoy hold down In Washington. A young man iresn irom uie insurance ; M M AM . I business advises with a gum-shoe sen ator on how to make tho regular tick et look like an Insurgent manifesto to tho voters' of the middle west. Leaders of the grand old party hold secret conferences at summer resorts i .n.. ., ,!,.. ,i i. i Jhocotnplejlon, prercnu wrinkles, sunburn, frco I discuss tho weather, and tho lMiiimplr blackhead. Wot axeiuiy or irrltty. rnor affair. It Is a season of plot-! 'K&uej.t.uradiuuorampIotiiUj. and Gay ting, conniving, placating. Tho r.Ir Is full of mystery. Tho republican par- ty is In need of overhauling nnd re- GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 Wo8t Mnin St., MidfoTcl, Ore. "Operating Quarry at DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE ooasS'C&ixaubisdtaarsMNBi - - - plentiful in this nmrkot Sam Mur - ...,. u. BUiai arai......H.. ..Bl,umn of food auff, says 12 oars Is an r - dluary feed at his house; says thoro aro only two In his family, himself and wlfu and thnt hu doos uot eat green corn, Clnronce Stockman ot Ogalalln, Nob., arrived hero Thursday after noon. Tho city duds still rofuso to sprin kle their share ot tho streets, I; c, tho Intersections, and In consequeuco at theso places the dust- is as doop as tho lovo of n wild calypro. O. B. Nash Is talking ot disposing of his restaurant business and enter ing other lines of trndo In this city. C. B. Weaver of Cloar Lake, Wash., arrived here Thursday and will visit for a tlmo with his old frlond, I. C. Young. Elmer Chlldors has commenced work on tho Albert brick on East Pine street. Bon Peart went fishing this wook and has some big ones to toll, but stoors clenr of tho roportor. Bon Is tho .royal Ananias ot Fishomion's Hangout In this particular part of tho "unburnt" woods. Somo of tho boys who wont up against the "thlnlng macblno" man will doubtless havo anothor think coming nftor tho mnchlno arrives. pairs, for a hard campaign Is In and thoro Is dissension and mutiny In tho ranks. It seems as If tho democrats found conditions much to tholr liking. With Internecine warfaro and personal am bitions rondlng tho opposition, thoy are saying little and woiklng hard. Now and then thoy add fuol to tho fires of faction strlge and stand by to snatch tho chestnuts from tho om bers. Meanwhile tho work of a would-bo assassin has focused tho attention ot tho nation on a mini whoso record as mayor of New York has already marked his as avallablo timber for tho presidency. Should lo recovor, ns It seoms uow that ho will, Mayor Gaynor will hnvo becomo a groator factor than ovor In national r.ffnlrs, leaven is working and vat a few years ago was radicalism Is destined to bo accounted tomorrow r.s moroly the common-plnco and Inovltablo. With the realignment of principles, will tho old leaders trim tt elr sails u catch the breeze, or will now lcnd- ers arise aB expononts of tho prlncl- Iles tho pcoplo domand? Hhkm Never Falls to Restore Gray Hair to 13s Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long it has been pray orfaded. Promotes a luxuriant irrou-th i Of health v hnlp. Ktnrw llo frilling nf 'J "' "" .- . . ....h. W...S and positively removes Dan druff. Keeps hair soft and irlossv. Will not soil skin or linen. Will not Injure your hair. Is not a dye. I $1 and 50e. bottles, at drunnists. br mail tlor 60c Send 2c for (roe book i "The Cara of the Hair and Hkln." l'hllo Hay Bnec. Co., Newark,H.J..U.8.A..andToronto.Ont..Canada Hay's Lily Wfelte Cream beautifies is tor sale at LEON B. HASKINS. MKDFOHI), Oil. Gold ;Ray, Oregon uemvman - - MURDOCH TELLS OF WESTERN. IMPRESSIONS S10ATTLH, Aug. 2. lloforo lenv- 1 BrcS8miul Vc(m. Mur(ock RftVo Ul0 to,lowll , mtorvlow to tk o United pr08tt. . ' . nn nvnp mnilt . Ml. fltu(oa n u,0 nm, t,oro B nfl . question but that thoro la n nlgnltt j cant utnmpodo, ono that Is growlntt In Intensity ovory day. Washington will Join with Wisconsin, Iowa, No hrnskn, Kansas, tho Dnkotno and Cal ifornia, and I Jrodlct that tho wnvo of sentiment will bo apparent In 1 111 noln mid Now England within 30 days. Thu cV-nngo In public tiontl' mont Is so tremendous thnt tho re publican congressional comuttttoo ot tho nation should bo reorganized nt onco. Tho prosout chnlrmnn ot thnt committee, William B. McKluloy ot Illinois, was plncod In that position by J. O. Cin ion. Nolthor Mr. Cannon nor his machluo longer renrossont tho sentiment ot tho republicans ot thin n ttlon, and they should uot havo tho control of tho nntlonnl fopubllcnn congressional organization. Ah an Instance Indicating tho of con ditions, tho congressional committee man of my Btnto, J. M. Miller, hnn Just been dofot ted by tho republicans by G000 majority for ro-oloctlon to congress. Thoro nro othor Instances. I repent, It Is high tlmo tho republic an congressional commltteo wna re organized." GET YOUR WINTER WOOD While it is ohunp. Phono 1341. E. R. TEDRICK, Corner 11th nnd Laurel streets. Yarn at 417 South Oakdale Avuutio. Three Choice Bargains No. I 05 acres on Boar crook bottom, 2 miles from Medford. 4G acres In Nowtown and Spltzonborg apples, soven years old, also somo pear troos, 10 acroa now ground rendy to Bot. Klsh Inlco water, flno Im provements. Prlco IGO.OOO: one third cash, balasco torms. A flno bargain. No. 2. 34 ncrcB land near Central Poht. All good Bell. 1G0 bear ing trees; 2G0 Uartlott ponr8f ono year old; Now six-room houso.'lnrgo barn and o'1t buildings. Cheap at ICG00. Half cash, ba'anco throo years at C por cent. Othor lnnd ad Joining selling for moro monny. No. 4. 80 acres, 13 mlloa from Medford on Itoguo rlvor; all good Innl, and foucod with Page fonclng; now 7-room houso and barn; prlco $130 por aero, half caah, balance easy tormB. A largo list of cholco orchard and farming lands In largo nnd small tracts. McdforJ real cstato In ill parts of tho city .mil to suit all purses. Agents for tho snlo of tho desort lands of tho Roguo Rlvor Valloy Ca nal Co, Como In nnd tall: with us boforo buying. FISIIKIt A WIIITMIHK .2 South Central. Geo. W. Cherry Lawyer Titles and conveyancing a specialty. Room 30. Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone Main 431. $ Children's 1 Eyes- j H Tin Chili) wltli jlii li more I M likely to l lli Adult wlthiiul f I gloici than U thv wrak.cJ H clioi wlion , art not (Ivun 1 llnuly olUntlon. WmmkwmmmwmkmmwMmm,: -------f Towns Mint. School board will ontortnln bldH for 200 cords ot wood or any pnrt thereof up to August 20. ORIS CRAWFORD, Clerk Bint. No. 49. ttttt4 4 ttt FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL TURAL AND HORTICUL TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN DID RACES, BAND CON CERTS, FREE ATTRAC TIONS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INFOR MATION ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY. f f 444 Fine Printing Wo make n specialty of fino printing, carry tho necessary itoek to nimblo us to fill .ill orders promptly, and guaran tee satisfaction. Host ciiuippcd job offico in Oregon south of Portland; Host expert printern. Boforo Hcndtng your orders out of town, cull and figure with us if wo can Horvo you for tho Hiimo price ns nn out-of-town concern you will wish to pntroniro homo industry. Medford PrintingCo. I . Jm' iy' r1 TT"fiifl82n) " SEND YOR CATALOGUE Address SISTER SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Academy, Medford, Oregon. SEND YOUR St. Mary's Medford, Oregon, A Private Resident and Day School for GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Departments: Primary, Grammar, Acadomie, Commor- 1 cial. Specially organized Department of Music and Art. Take the Little Ones to Dr. Goble and have their eyes examined boforo school starts. IIo fits them with tho aid of tho latest scientific optical instruments used by tho profession, thus avoiding un certain answers as to what they can see. No guessing as to what tho child sees horo. NO. 301 EAST LOOK FOR THE BIG EYE SIGN. U. S. HOTEL HUTTIfl VAhIM, Or, llo-uponml and will cntor to thoj public. Auto nnd hunting party dlnJ noni n npoolalty. I'litronnco ronpoet fully nollaltod. Mil. AM) MHH. A. DUPHAV, I'rop, nnd Mgr Ilespcctlvoly. EVERYBODY SEE THIS I Portland Race Meet Live Stock Show and Harvest Home Fair Sept, 5tH to lOth Tlio grcnloflt of nil Llvoritnel: Shows and I In itch t Home Fair ovitr hold wont of tho Rooky imninlniiiH. Everything on nil iiuiiii'iixt' Hualo. Free Entertainments tho nrcatost overt llmikarH' prliso of $10,000 for Trolling Uoi-huh. Hotel prim of .ffiOOO for Pacorn, are only two of tho features. Thoro will bo big Hpucial feu- tiircH ovory day. Ilallooii an- cctiHioiiH. unto races, r.oroplnun flights by nmtttmirrt, special Prizes. Something doing every minute of ovory day. Soo the great Midway. See everything. Enjoy yoiinu'lf. Watch tho bunking bronoho tmsting. Hour (he bruHS Imndx, Laugh ut tho Hover Howiih, Thu entrance ticketrt nro numbered. Tho lucky iiumhor wins n Pony mid Cart or $'200 in i'iihIi. Reduced Rates on All Railroads. Ask Your Local Aflents. DAUGHTER TO Academy MAIN. -- BHHHHBHHHHHHRHBHBH t i rt V H i sf J