MEDFOM) MAIL TWHUNM, MKhFORP, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1930. 3 CITY NOTICES. CITY N0TICE8, CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 0H. An ordinance declaring tliti coiil of tho Improvitoiniit of Rlvornldo nvo- hid noutli from Kiwi .Main ntrooi o Emit Twelfth ntroot by paving, nnd iiniuvmlng thu proiiorty benefited thereby, anil doclnrltig inicli itnnonii- mont. mill directing inn ouiry there- of lu tho dookol of oily lions, Tho city of Modrord ilolli ordiilii a follewu: Hoc, t Ion 1, That no protoiitn huv I n It bona flloil iiKulnnt tho Improve munt of Boiith Utvurnldo i.vontio, duo nntlco of tho Intention of tho council to cnuno Hrvlil Improvement to bo iiimlo hnvliig boon given, iiiiiI mild ImproTement having boon ordered made, tho council liaii roiiHldorod tho mutter anil herewith niieortnlini thu probublo rout of mnkln;; inicli Im provement to ho tho mini of 17,r.24.23. Ami mthl council furt'ior f IikIh that tho tipcclnl nuil peculiar benefit no cruliiK upon ouch lot or part thoro of ndjneont to iinlil Improvement anil In Junt proportion to benefit to bo tho respective atiiountH horolnaftor Hot opponlto tho niimbor r doncrlp tlon of ouch lot or part thoroof, and Hitch nmouutH ronpoctlvoly aro horo by doclnrud to bo tho proportionate Hbnro of each lot or pari thoroof of tho roHt of in. i It Improvement, and Ih hereby doclnrud to ho nHHomiod AKAlnnt HAld lot or parcoln respec tively, thu naino appearing nbovo eacl dcncrlptlon, bo I lie tho nnniu of tho ownur of hiirIi lot or pnrcol. A88W6HMENT FOR PAVINO ON HOUTII RIVERSIDE AVENUE FROM 15A8T MAIN STREET TO TWELFTH STREET. Atuiewnnorit No, I--John I'ratl. Ix)t 1, block 2, orlr.lnal townnhlto of thu city of Medford, Oregon; fontngo HI foot on tho went alilo of Rlvor hI'Io avenue, and described In Vol. CO, pngo 122, county rocordor'n roc irriH of Jncknon tounty, Oregon. 141 'foet: rnto por foot i&,47; amount $771.27. Ansosnmont No. 2 Lot ha Emor Ick, Tho norm 7b.45 foot of lot 13, block 2, original towutdto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 75,40 foot on tho wonl iddo of UIvoihIiIo nvontio, and described In Vol. 77, page 125, county rocordor'H rocordn of Jacknon county, Oregon; 7G.4D foet: rnto por foot IS. 47; amount 1412.71. Assessment No. 3---(loo. V. Donne, Tho nouth flG.r.G foot of lot 13 block 2, original townnlto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 05.55 foot on thu wont nldo of Itlvonildo nvontio, nnil doNcrlbod In Vol. 74, page 303, county rocordor'n records of Jacknon county, Oregon; C5.G5 foot; rnto por fool $5.47; amount $358. 50. AMOHnniont No. 4 J,oiiIhq It. Par ker. Iot 0, block 1, orlglne-l town alto of tho city of Medford, OroKon; frontage 50 foot on tho went hIiIo of Riverside nvontio, and dcnrrlbod lu Vol. 02, page 115, county rocordor'H rorordH of Jacknon county, Oregon; 50 foot; rnto por font $5.4 7; amount $273.60. AniMWHinont No. B I., II IlolltiBon. Lot 5, block 1, orlKlnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; rront ngo 60 foot on tho woHt nldo of Rlv ornldo nvontio, and donrrlbod In 11-1)4, 50 foot; rnto por foot $5,47; amount $273.60. Assessment No, C Louise It, Par ker. Lot 4 block 1, orlKlnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front nKO 60 fool on tho wont nldo of Itlv onildo nvontio, find donrrlbod In Vol, 77, pngo 557, county rocordor'n ror ordH of Jackson county, Oregon; pri vate drive conHtnictloa $30,10; 50 foet: rnto por foot $5.47; amount $273.60; totnl $303.00. AHHCHHiuont No. 7 Milton Mnulo -Lot 3, block 1, orlKlnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ngo 50 feel on tho wont nldo of Illv ornldo nvontio, and doHcrlbod In Vol. 18, pane 391, county rocordor'H ror ordH of Jacknon county, OroKon; prl vato drivo ronntrurtlon $29.99; 60 foet: rnto per fool $6,47; amount $273.50; totnl $303.40. AHHOHHtnont No. 8 Milton Mnulo. Lot 2, block 1, orlKlnnl towunlto of tho city of Medford, Oroi;on: front nKO 50 foot on tho woHt nldo of Rlv omldo uvonuo, ami doflcrlhod lu Vol, 28. pngo 014 county rocordor'H roc ordii of JackHou county, Orogen: 60 foot; rnto por foot $5.17; amount $273.60. AhhohhiiioiiI No. 0 ft . Lot 1, block 1, orlgli 1 tho city of Medford, j jtgo 50 foot on tho vi nrnldo avenue, nnd dt AxnoHHinoiit No. 0 Milton Mnulo. iKlnnl townnlto of Orogon; front- wont nldo of Rlv- doncrlbod In Vol. 2S, piiku 014, county rocordor'H ror ordH of JaclcHon county, OroKon; 50 foot; rate por fool $5,47; amount $273.50. AHHCHHiuont No, 10 1 C. PnKe. A pnrcol of land fronting 50 feat on the onnt nldo of South Riverside nvo iiuo, unit doitcrlboil In R-00; 50 feet; rate por fool $6.47; amount $273.60, AHHOHHtnont No. 11 -F. C. Pngo. A pnrcol of land fronting 50 foot on the cant nldo of Houth RlvorHtde nvo ntio, mid described In Vol. 71, pugo 010, county rocordor'H reconlH of JuckHon county, OroKon; construc tion of private drive $14.03; 50 foot; rnto per foot $5.47; amount $273,50; totnl $288.13. ABHOHHinont No. 1210. O. Trow lirldKo. A pnrcol of land fronting 50 foot on tho eaHt nldo of South River uldo fivouiio, nuil doHCtibed In Vol. 00, pngo 336, county rocordor'H rorordH of Jncknon county, Oroiton; prlvnto drlvo construction $14.82; 60 feet; rnto per foot $5.47; amount $273.60; totnl $288.32. ABHORttmont No. 13 City of Med ford. A pnrcol of land fronting 200 foot on tho onnt nldo of South River Bldo nvontio nnd dnncrlhod In Vol, 41, page 110, county recorder's roc ordu of Jncknon county, Oregon; 200 foot; rnto per foot $5,47; amount $1004, AHHOHHtnont No, 11 City of Med ford. I()t 1, Ilurnum'u nddltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregen: frontage 50 foot on tho omit Hide of South Rlv ornldo nvontio, nnd described In Vol. 36, phko 460, county rocordor'n rec- rda of JnckHon rotinty, Orocon 50 foot; rnto por foot $5.47, amount $273,50. AHHOHHmont No. 10 City of Mod ford, hot 2. Hnrmim'fl nddltlon to tho city of Medford, OroRon; front ngo CO foot on tho ontit aide of South Rlvornldo, and doscrlbod In Vol. 36, CITY NOTICES. page 132, county locorilur'n rocordn of Jr.cknon county, Oregon; 50 foot; into per foot $6,47; amount $273.50. AhmohhiiioiiI No. 10 Rogue River Ifllortrlo Co, Lot 3, north 10 feet of lot 4, Iinruitm'o addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 00 foot on the oitHl nldo of South Rlvomldo uvoiitio nnd doiicrlbed In Vol. 03, lingo 12, county rocordor'n rocordn of JnckHon county, Oregon; private drlvo conntructlon (2) $32.37; 00 foot; rnto per fool $5.47; amount $328.20; total $300.57. AHHOHHtnont No. 17 Polk Hull. South 40 foot lot 4, Hnrntim'H addi tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 40 feet on tho oant nldo of H, Rlvernldo avenue, and dOHcrlbed In Vol. 70, pngo 204, county rocordor'n reconlH of Jacknon county, Oregon ; 40 foot; rate por foot f 5.47; amount $2 1 8.80, "AnHOHHinont No. 18 Polk Hull. Lot 6, Hnrntim'H nddltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon; fro:itngo 50 foot on tho oant nldo or South Rtvornldo uvonuo, and doncrlbed In Vol, 70, pngo 204, county rocordor'n rocordn of Jncknon county, Oregon; GO foot; rnto per foot $5.47; amount $1!73.50. Amterwmont No. 10 Polk Hull. Lot 0, Hnriium'H nddltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon; fronlfige 50 foot on tho oant nldo of South Rlver nldo uvonuo, unit doHcrlbod In Vol. 70, pngo 204 county rocordor'n roc ordn of Jnchiion county, Oregen: pri vate drlvo conntructlon (2) $18.03; 60 foot; rnto por fool $5.47; amount $273.50; total $202.43. Anneiuimont No. 20 -Polk Hull. Ixt 7, north 10 feet lot 8, Ilnriutn'H nd dltlon to tho city of Modfoid, Oregon; frontage 00 foot on tho onnt nldo of South Rlvernldo avenue, nnd doH crlbod Vol. 72, pngo 204, county ro cordor'H rocordn of Jncknon county, Orogon; 50 foot; rate por foot $5.47; amount $328.20, (Knil of 40-foot Improvement nnd beginning of 30-foot Improvomont.) AHMoHHiuont No. 21 J. O. Kmurlck. A pnrcol of land commencing at n point on tho wcHt nldo of tho county road In Jncknon county, Oregon, where tho noutli lino of Ninth ntrcet In tho city of Medford Intornectn mild county road, nlno being tho northonHt corner of whnt In known an thu Hrobnck reserve, and from mild beginning point running llionco witNlortv ntnnif tint nnuth line of nil Id Ninth ntroot 80 foot to tho Sturgln ; preperly: iiiuncu noiiiuuri) imuwnji with C iitroot In the Hnld city 207 1 font mnrn nr Iohh. tn tho J. II. Cocll- rnn lino; thonco onHtorly parnllel with Ninth ntroot 53.5 foot, more or Ioh3, to the wont lino of tho county road; thonco northerly along tho went lino of the county rond 210.0 foot to tho place or beginning and mnrkod J on tho map or Hnld city; frontage 210 root on tho wchI Hide or South Rlvernldo avenue, nnd described In Vol. 04, pngo 214, county rocordor'H rocordn of Jncknon county. Oregon; 210 foot; rate por root $4.04; amount $1037.40. AwioBHinont No. 22 J. C. Coch ran. A parcel or land commencing at n point on the wont line or tho county road In mild county nnd Htnto, 310 root 7 Inchon nniithoastorly from thu certain point whoro tho nr.ld county rond Intornectn with tho noutli lino or Ninth ntroot In Medford, Orogon; iiIho mild point of Intersection bolng tho northo.-Ht corner of what In known iui the Ilrohnck reoorvo. said beginning point being t'io nonthonst comer of the promlHOH owned by tho grantorH, nnd from mild beginning point running northoaBtorly nlong the wont Hide of said county road 100 root; thonco wontorl:' parnllol with said Ninth Htroot 87 root; thonco southerly parnllol with C ntroot In Medford, Orogon, 100 feet, moro or loss, to tho south lino of tho prom ises owned by ICllza Cerwln: thonco easterly parnllol with mild Ninth Htroot to place of beginning, nnd marked Q on tho mnp of Bald city: frontngo 100 foot on tho west nldo of South RlvorHtde uvonuo, and don rrlbod In Vol. 03, pngo 317, county rrrordor'H rerordr. of JnckHon coun ty, Oregen: 100 root; por root $1.04; amount $101. Assignment No. 23 George Kury. A parcel or land commencing at n point on tho west lino or A stroot or county rond In tho city or Modrord. rrom which southwest cornor or Ninth Htreot and A Htroot or county rond, beam north 270 dogrooH .18 mlnuton wont 310.0 root, and run ning tbonro south C 1 doKrocfl 30 mlnuton weat pnrnllol with Nlntti Htroot 102.4 root to tho alley: thonco jiouth 35 dogrooH 30 mln.tos onHt 8 feet; thonco Houth 0 do-?reoH 30 niln utoH wonl 01 root; thonco north 50 dogrooH onst 180 root to tho wost lino or mild A street, or county toad, and thonco north 27 dogrooj 38 mlnuton wont along tho went lino or Hnld A ntroot, or county rond, 06 root to tho place or commencing1, nud mnrk od X on tho nmp or mild city; front .... nr. mi tin wont nldo of South Rlvonddo nvontio, and doscrlbod In Vol. 78, pngo 510, county rorordorn rocordH or Jackson county, Orogen: 06 root; rate por root. $1.01; amount $321.10. AHHOHsmor.t No. 24 -K. C. Doock. A pnrcol or land beginning nt n point on tho woHt lino or A Blrcet or comity rond In tho city of Medford, from which tl'o Houthwent cornor of Ninth nnd A ntrootH bourn, north 27 degroon 38 mlnuton woat 375.0 root; running thonco mVutli CO doirrocB wost 108 root to tho alloy; thonco eouth 0 dogroon 30 mlnuton wont II root; thence south a 5 dosrooa'SO rilnutos onHt nlong tho alloy parallol with C Htroot 01 toot; thonco no Hi 54 do grooH 65 mlntttos oant 202.75 root, moro or lens, to tho woat lino or A or county ror.d; thoaco north 27 degreoa 38 mlnuton- vost along mild wont lino of county rw.d 101.3 foot to tho place of hoslnnlng, nnd mnrkod Y on tho mnp or Bale) city; rrontnge 101 root on tho wost Hide or South Riverside nvontio, and dos- 'bed in Vol. , PK 158, county rocordor'H rorordn of JackRon coun ty Orogo'i; private drive cotiBtruc tlon $13.50; 101 root; rato por root $4.04: amount $108.01; total $512,53, ABBCBHinont No. 26 Rona Hub bard, A pnrcol of land commencing nt u point o i tho wost lino of tho county rond or A Htroot 504 foot south 27 dogrooa 38 minutes oust from the Intersection with tho noutli lino of Ninth ntroot, city of Medford, and from mild point running thonco mom tit 54 tlugrecn 30 mlnuton went 189.7 feet; thonco north 35 dogroen 30 mlnuton voat parallol with C Htroot 41 foot; thonco north 64 do groen 55 minutes oast 202,75 fool, mora or leim, to tho mild vent lino or tho Hnld county rond; thonco Houth 27 degrees 38 mlnuton onnt nlong mild west lino 27 foot to tho place of commencing nnd mnrkod Z on tho mnp or wild city; rronUigo 27 feet on tho weat nldo of Soutl Rlvornldo uvonuo, and doHcrlbod In Vol. 00, pngo 85, county rocordor'n rocordn or Jacknon county, Orogon; private drlvo conntructlon $13.04; 27 foot; rnto por foot $4.04; amount $133.38; total $147.02. AHHCimmont No, 20 Rona Htib hard. A parcel of land commencing at n point on tho west lino of tho county rond and nltualed noutli 28 dogroen oast 604 foot rrom tho Intor noctlon of nald wont lino or Iho coun ty road with tho fiouthcnsterly lino or Hast Ninth ntroot and running thonco nouth 54 dogroon wont 250 root; thonco nouth 35 dogroen 30 mlnuton onnt 125 root; thonco north 54 dogroon 30 mlnuton oftnt 191 foot to tho went lino of mild county road; thence north 28 dogroon went on the mild wont lino or tho county road 125 root to tho place or beginning, and marked AC on tho map of nald city; frontngo 41 feet on tho wont nldo or South Rlvornldu r.vontio, and doHcrlbod In Vol, 37, pago 070, coun ty rocordor'n rocordn or Jncknon county, Orogon; 41 root; rnto por root $4.04; nmount $202.54. Assessment No. 27 Andrew J. Emornon. A pnrcol of land com mencing nt n point 54 4 foot nouth 27 dogrooH 30 mlnuton east from tho Houthwcst cornor of tho county rond and Ninth ntrcot In tho city of Mod rord, and rrom cald ho;lunlng point on tho wont lino or tho county road, running tho ico nouth 50 dofjrocn 15 mlnutcH went 188.7 root; O onco nouth 36 dogroon 8 mlnuton west parallol with C nt.'cct 98 rout; Jicnco north 54 degrees 52 minutes oast parallol with Ninth ntrcot 175 foot to tho wost lino of tho county rond; thonco north 27 decrees 30 mlnutos west nlong tho nald wont lino of county road 85 foot to tho plai-c or com mencement, nil bolng nltuntcd In Dro back's rencrvo In tl o city of Modrord, nnd marked AO on tho mnp or nald rlty; frontngo 85 foot on tho went nldo of South Rlvernldo nvonuc, and doHciihcd In Vol. 75 pago 134, coun ty rocordor'H rocordn of Jackson county, Orogon; 85 foot; rnto por fool $4.04; nti.ount $410.00. Assessment No. 28 Androw J. Kmornon (V. T. Andrown). A par col of land commoncltit, at a polnl on the went lino of tho county rond nnd Httuntcc. couth 08 dogroon cant 020 foot rrom tho Into-coctlnc or Hnld west lino of tho county rond With Boiitl'oasterly lino or Kaat Main stroot In the city of Medford, and running thonco south 54 dogreoB nnd 30 mln uton west 100 foot to tho wost sldo of tho land Cccdeo" by W. I. Vawtor and C. W. Howard to M. K. Damon, nnd recorded' In Vol. 32, pngen 320 cud 321; thonco Houth 35 dogroon nnd 20 mln uton onst 100 feet; thonco north 54 dngrren nnd 30 minutes cant 180 foot to tho county rond; tl:cnc3 t orth 2S dogroon west 100 feet to the plnro of beginning, nnd marked A 13 on tho mnp of said city; froitnge 100 foot on tho wost nldo or South Riverside nvontio, and described In Vol. 75, pnpo 143, county recorder's rocordH or Jacknon county, Oregon; rrontngo 100 root; rato por root $4.04; amount $404. Asnessmont No. 20 Warner, Wortmnn &. Gore. A parcol or land commencing at a point on tho west lino or tho county rond, now known nn Rlvernldo avenue, and nltuntcd nouth 28 dogrooa oast 720 foot from tho Intersection of snld wost lino of mild county rond with tho southeast erly lino or East Ninth ntrect lu tho city or Modrord, nnd running thonco nouth 54 decrees 30 mlnuton wost 102 foot; thonco south 35 dogrooa 30 minutes onst 50 foot; thonco north 55 dogroen 27 mlnutos onst 155 foet: thonco north 28 dogroen vest 53 foot to the plnco or beginning, and mark ed A I on tho mnp or said rlty; rront nge 53 root on tho west side ot South Rlvernldo nnd described In Vol. 77. pago 642. county rocordor'n rocordn or JpckHon county. Oregen: 63 reot; rate por foot $1.01; -imount $201. 82. Assessment No, 30 Crrollne E. Damon. A parcel or land commenc ing at a point on tho we3t lino or the county road nnd situated south 28 dogroon oaat 720 root rrom tho In tersection or said west lino or coun tv rond with tho southeasterly o'r East Ninth Htroot In tho city of Modrord, and running thonro nouth 5 1 dogroen 30 minutes west 178 foot; thonco smith 35 degrees 30 mlnutos wost 178 foot; thonco smith 36 ile'roes 30 mlnuton oast 96 feet; thonco north 51 degrees 30 minutes onst 100 foot to tho west line of snld county rond; tl onco north 28 dogreoB went on said 'vest lino of county rond 97 foot to tho plnco or roiumonrlng, nnd mnrkod A.T on tho mnp or said olty; rrontngo 97 foot on the west nldo or Houtn uivorsmo uvonuo, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. 50, page 401, county rerordor'a rocordn or Jackson county. Orogen: 07 root; rnto por root $4.94; amount $497.18. Assessment No. 31 Fort & Asn hol Hubbard. A parcol of land roni monrlng nt n point on tl o westerly line of tho county rond, cituntod north 35 dogrees 30 minutes woat 161.4 foot from tho Intersection of tho northwesterly Iho or East Twoirth ntroot, with tho -ostorly lino or mild county rond In tho city or Medford, and running thonco Bouth 54 dogroon 30 mlnuton wost about 150 root; thonco noith 35 dogrooa 30 mlnutos woBt 50 root; thonro north 64 dogroen 30 150 foot to tho wentorly lino or tho couity road; thonco south 28 dogrooa onst along tho wostorly llao of snld county road 50 foot to tho placo of commencing, nnd mnrkod AM on tho map of nald city; frontngo 50 foot ou tho woat sldo of South RIvorsIdo nvontio, nnd described In Vol. 53, pngo 304, coun ty rocordor's rocordH of Jackson r'ountv, Orogon; 50 foot; rato por toot $4.04; nmouut $247. AnHOHHinont No, 32 Teresa Hub bard. A parcel of land commencing nt a point north 64 dogrcort 30 mln uton wwt 124 feot from the Inter section of tho northonntorly lino of O ntreet with tho nortlnvoataly lino or EaHt Twelfth ntrcet, In tho city of Medford, and from nald point run ning thonco north 35 dogroen 30 mln uteo wont 200 foot; thonco north 54 dogroon 30 mlnuton cant to tho went orly lino of tho county wagon rond, extending along tho cantorly nldo of tho nald town of Medford; thenco 28 dogroen enst nlo.ic nald wri.torly lino of said county wagon road to tho nald northwesterly lino of snld Kant Twolfth ntrect; thonco fcouth 54 do groen 30 minutes wcHt on tbn north lino of nald Ennt TwoUtl street to tho plnco of conimoncing and mark ed AN on tl. mnp of nald tlty; front ngo 160 feet oji tho wect sldo of South Rlvornldo n.vonuo, and doscrlb od in Vol. 45, pngo 90, county ro cordor'n rocordn of Jackson county, Oregon; privato drlvo conntructlon $13. G4; 150 foot; rnto por root $4.04; nmount $741; total $754.64. ABHCsnmont No. 33 Clarence Wheeler, Tho north 10 root of lot 0, tnd south 40 foot of lot 8, Dur num'n addition to tho clt' of Med ford, Oregen: frontngo 50 foot on tho cant nldo of South Ulvcrsldo ave nue, nnd described In Vol 71, page 44 9, county rocordor'n records or acknon county, Orogon; 50 feet; rnto por toot $4.94; amount $247. Anncssmont No. 34 Clarence Wheeler. South 20.8 root lot 9, Ilnrnum addition to tho city ot Mod rord, Orogon; frontage 20.8 feet on tho enst nldo of South RIvorsIdo ave nue, end described in Vol. 03, pago 000, county rocordor'n records of Jackson county, Oregon;, 20.8 feet; rate per toot $4.94; nmouut $102.75. Assessment No. 36 Clarence Whoolcr. A portion of tho parcol ot land marked D on tho map ot the city ot Modrord Oregon; rrontago 30 root on the east sldo or South RIvor sIdo avenue, nnd described In Vol. 03, pngo 000, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 30 feet: rate per foot $4.94; amount $148.20. Assessment No. 30 W. M. Smith. A parcel of land beginning nt a point on tho cast boundary of RIvorsIdo avenue, in the city of Medford, Ore gon, from which tho southwest cor ner of J. II. Darnum's addition to Medford bonrs north 27 degrees 30 mlnutos wet 30 foot (tho southwest rorner of J. II. Darnum's addition bears nouth 57 dogrees 30 mlnutos enst 122 foot from tho southeast cor nor ot lot 1 of the originrl tounslte or MccUord), nnd from said first nnmed point running thence south 27 dogrees 34 mlnutos eact nlong the line of the street 100 feet; thenco north 02 degrees 20 minutes cast 122 foot; thenco north 34 dogrcea west 100.07 foot; thenco south 02 degrees 20 minutes west 110.05 feet to tho plnco of beginning, and marked C on tho mnp of said city; rrontago 100 reot on tho east side or South Riverside nvonuc, and described in Vol. 75, page 94, county rocordor'n records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 100 foot; 'rate per foot $4.94; amount $404. Assessment No. 37 Clarence Wheeler. A portion of tint parcol or land mnrked D on tho mnp or tho city or Medford, Oregon; frontage 177 feet or. tho east sldo or South Riverside r.vcnuo, nnd described in Vol. 03, pngo 000, county recorder's records or Jackson county Orogon; 177 root; r: to per foot $4.04; amount $S74.3S. Assessment No. 38 P. Oson bruggp. A parcel of land commenc ing at n post on tho south boundary of tho county rond, from which tho intersection of the soutl. lino of Twelfth street lu Medford, Oreron, with tho west lino of tho county rond bears north 70 degrees 30 min utes west 82 foet, nnd from thonco running north 03 degrees 30 minutes onst 900 feot; thonco north 73 de grees 15 minutes wost 020 feot; thonco north 47 degrees 15 minutes West 180 root; thonco south G2 de grees 30 minutes west ISO feet to tho south corner of tho Orr tract on tho county road; thenco nlong tho east lino of said county rond south 27 degrees o0 mlnutos oant 705 foot to the placo of beginning, containing 0 nrros. moro or less, tho imo bolng In donation lnnd claim No. 4 4, town ship 37 south, rnngo 1 wost, WU lnmotte meridian; frontago 705 root on the onst sldo ot South RIvorsIdo uvonuo, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. . . , page . . . county recorder's records of Jnchson county, Orocen: construc tion private drlvo $17.2S; GG0 feot; rnto per foot $4.04; nmount $3200.40; totnl ?3277.08. Section 2. Tho recorder of the city of Medford Is hereby olroctod to enter a statement of tho assonsmonts hereby mndo In tho doc!cot of city Hens, nnd to give notice by publica tion ns required by tho chartor and ordlnanco No. 250 of said city, In tho Dally Mall Trlb; no, a nowspnpor published nnd of general circulation In anld city. Tho foregoing ordlnanco wan pass od ly tho city council of tho city ot Mediord Orogon, on the 10th. day of August. 1010. by tho following vote: Welch nbsont. Merrick jvvo. Enior ick pbeont, Wortmnn .i'o, Elfort ayo and Dommor nye. Approved August 17th. 1910. W. 11. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELPER. City Recorder. NOTICE. To to the ownor or roputod ownor or ouch parcol or property described In tho foregoing ordlnanco, as named therein, nnd in tho lien doclnrod by snld ordinunco ns rocordod in tho docket of city Hens- ,.,..., You nre hereby notified thnt tho nBsossmont declared by tho forogolng ordlnanco has boon mndo nnd tho lion thorefor entered In tho city Hon docket, nnd thnt tho same la duo and you aro hereby required to pay tho snmo to the city recordor within ton days from tho sorvlco of this notlco which sorvlco Is made by publication of tho rorogolng ordlnanco and this notlco throe times In tho Medford Mnll Tribune, pursuant to nn ordor or tho city council of said city. ROUT. W. TELPHR, City Rocordor. ORDINANCE NO. 7(). An ordlnanco authorizing tho en tering Into a contract on behalf or tho city of Medford, Orogon, for Im proving, curbing, nnd paving certain Htreetn of nald city, with tho Clark &Honory Conntructlon Company n California corporation. Tho city of Medford doth ordain nn follews: Section 1. Tho mayor and record er or tho city of Modrord arc horoby authorized and directed to ontor Into u contract on behalf of said city with tho Clark & Hcncry Construction Company, a California corporation, in tho following form, and nald act by nald mayor and recorder In here by expressly ratified, authorized and cenfirmed: Thin agreement, made and enter ed Into this day of 1910, by and between tho Clark and Honory Construction Company, a Cal lrornia corporation, horelnr.rter call ed the contractor, party of tho first part, and tho City of Medford, Ore gon, a municipal corporation exist ing under the lawn of the state of Oregon, party of tho second part, hereinafter called the city. Witncsscth: That tho said contrac tor, for and In consideration ot the payments to bo made and covenants to bo kept by the city hcrclnatter not forth, does hereby covenant and agreo to furnish r.ll materials and do all tho work of excavating, filling, paving curbing and installing in lets, catch-basins, monument cases, meter boxes, pipo and all other work nnd materials herewith on the streets and portion ot streets, and for the width hereinafter specified: Ross court from Main street to West Fourth street, width 20 feet. Said work shall be done in accord ance with tho general specifications for said work heretofore prepared by tho city engineer of said city, which arc now on fllo In tho office of the city recorder of said city and the paving shall be laid with a four-inch concrete base, and a one and one-half inch nsphaltlc binder, and a one and onc-half-inch asphaltlc wearing sur face, which sa d pavement shall be laid and work done In accordance with tho specifications therefor, here tofore submitted by the contractor to tho city, which specifications are now on tile In the office of tho city re cordor ot said city. Provided, how ever, that that portion or the general specifications submitted by the city engineer which relato to maintaining tho pavement tor a period of five years shall be considered stricken rrom said specifications and bo no part trereoL The contractor agrees to perform all ot said work In a first-class work manlike manner under the direction and supervision of the engineer of said city, provided that in case of any misunderstanding or disagree ment between the contractor and said engineer as to the Interpreta tion or the specifications, tho matter shall bo roterred to and determined by the city council or Bald city. Tho contractor further agrees that It will proceed with tho work as des ignated by the city. In consideration whereof tho city agrees to pay the contractor for such work and materials at tho following prices, nnmely: For excavation, per cubic yard 55c For curved concrete armored curb, per lineal foot 40c For straight concrete curb, per lin eal foot 40c For combination concrete curb nnd gutter, per lineal foot 04c For pavement, consisting of 4-inch concrete base, a ono and one-half-inch nsphaltlc binder and a ono and a half-inch asphaltlc wearing surface, per squaro yard ..$1.52 For furnishing nnd laying a 6-lnch cast Iron pipe, per lineal foot $1.00 For furnishing nnd laying 0-Inch vitrified sewer pipe, per lineal foot 50c For turnlshing and laying S-lnch cast iron pipe, por lineal foot $1.35 For rurnlshlng nnd laying S-lnch vit rified sewor pipe, per lineal foot Goc Catch basins, each $21.00 Standnrd monument cases, each $2.00 Standard meter boxes, each.. $3. 75 I Tho contractor shnll look for pay ! ment only to the fuud reserved, col I lected and paid Into the city treasury Tor that purposo, and will not require tho city or Medford by any legal process or otherwlso to pay the same out of any othor fund, excopt ns pro vlded for by tho chnrtor, unless said city shall rail or neglect to provide such tunds by valid nssossmonts upon property nrrected. Upon tho completion f tho Im provomont upon this street, accord ing to tho contract tho city shall forthwith accept tho work dono and oorformod by tho contractor and this contrnct shall bo to tho extent of the work done nnd performed consider ed consummated, nnd the city shall forthwith proceed to croato tho lien provided for by law, upon tho prop erty benefited by such Improvement, unless such r.ssessmont shall have boon previously created and levied. Tho contractor shall receive war rants to the amount of eighty (SO) por cent ot the work complotod onch month, nnd warrants Tor tho balance of twenty (20) por cent ahull be is sued upon tho completion of the contract; said warrants to bo re deemed from tho snlo of Improve ment bonds, or from tho monoy paid Into tho particular fund upon which snld warrants nro drawn. In witness whereof, Bald partlos huvo caused theso presents to be signed In dupllcnto by their rospoc tivo ofricers, and their rospoctivo cor porato seals to bo hereto infixed this day ot 1910. (Soul) ny (Seal) uy Mayor. Attest: City Rocordor. Tho foregoing ordlnanco waa pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Orogon, on tho 19th day of August, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch absont, Morrlok ayo, Emer Ick absent, Wortmnn aye, Elfert ayo, Dommor ayo. Approved August 20th, 1910, W. W. BIFERT, Mayor Pro Tem. Attent: . ROHT, W. TELFER City Itccordor. JtKHOIiUTION. Do it rcnolvcd by tho city council of tho city of Medferd: Thnt It In the intention of tho coun cil to assess ugalnHt tho property ad jacent to that portion of East Main ntrect In said city lying botween Roosovelt avenuo and tho cantorly city limits of said city the sum of ono dollar and thirty cents per front foot for each foot of frontago of each parcel of property on nald street as and for thu payment of a portion of tho cost ot that certain trunk" water main which has heretofore been laid by nald city in said street, nnd which nan not yet been paid for. Said amount represents in the opinion of the council that portion of the cost of said water main equaling the spe cmI benefit to said proy-rty icat will result from the use of said trunk water main as a lateral water main of such size as would be needed by said property In case said water main were not so used, and said council proposes to permit the owners of said adjacent property to use the said trunk water main in salu portion of said street as a lateral water main after tho levying of said assessment The council will meet In tho coun cil chamber in the city hall In said city on the 0th day of September 1010, and will hear any protests against said assessment. The city recorder Is hereby direct ed to cause this resolution to be printed three times In the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general cir culation In said city ani hy rostlng the same In fivo public In scld citr, at lcnsl to dayB before the date of nald meeting. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford on the 19th day of Au gust, 1910, by the following vete: Merrick aye, Welch absent, Elfert aye, Dcmmer aye, Wortman absent, Emerlck absent. Approved August 20th, 1910. W. W. EIFERT, Acting Mayor. Attest: RODT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 371. An ordinance amending ordinance No. 304 of the city of Medford. The city of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. That section 1 of ordi nance No. 304 of the city of Med ford be amended so as to read as fol lows That all that part of the city of Medford, Oregon, situate, lying and being within the following boundary lino, to-wit: Commencing at tho cen ter of the Intersection of West Main street and Oakdale avenue; thence northerly along the lino of Oakdale nvenue to the Intersection of the cen ter line of West Fifth street; thence I easterly along the center line or nm I street to Its Intersection with the center lino or North Fir street; thence northerly along tho center line of Fir street to its intersection with the center line of West Second street; thenco easterly along tho center line of Second street to its Intersec tion with the center line of North Dartlctt street: thenco southerly along the center line of Bartlett street to Its intersection with the center lino of Fifth street; thence easterly along the center line of East Fifth street to the westerly meander lino of Bear creek; thence southerly along the said meander lino of Bear croek to Its Intersection with the cen ter lino of East Ninth street; thence westerly along the center lino ot East Ninth street to Its Intersection with the center lino of South Central ave nue; thenco southerly along the cen ter line of South Central avenue to its intersection with tho center line of East Tenth street; thence wester ly nlong the center lino of East Tenth street to Its Intersection with tho center line of Grape street; thonco northerly nlong tho center lino of South Grape street to Its Intersection with tho center lino of West Ninth street; thonco westerly along tho cen ter line of West Ninth street to Its Intersection with tho center lino of South Oakdale avenue; thenco north erly nlong the center lino of South Oakdnlo nvenue to the place of be ginning, nil according to the duly re corded map of said city bo and tho snmo Is hereby declared to bo with in the fire limits of said city. Section 2. That said ordlnanco No. 304 be further amended by adding thereto tho following sectien: Section No. 28. It shall bo unlaw ful for nny person to tack to any por tion of tho extorlor of nny building now or hereafter erected within tho dro limits any bill, poster or pnpor THE TIME IS HEBE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAJKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Mainl Street or cloth of any kind. Section 3. All ordlnancos in con flict herewith nro hereby roponled. Tho forogolng ordlnanco was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 10th day ot August, 1010, by tho following vote: Wolch absent, Merrick nyo, Emer lck absent, Wortmnn nye, Elfert ayo and Dommor nyo. Approved August 19th, 1910. W. W EIFERT, Mayor Pro Tom. Attest: ROOT, W. TELFER, City Rocordor. IlESOLimON. Bo it resolved by tho city council of tho city of Medferd: That It is tho Intention of tho coun cil to causo North D'AoJou Btrcet from Sixth strcot to Fourth street In said city to bo improved by plac ing on both sides of said stroot a con crete curb and gutter and by paving the same for a width of 38 feot from curb to curb with nsphalt pavement, consisting of a 5-Inch .concroto base, a 1-Inch nsphaltlc binder and a 2 lnch wearing surfaco, all in accord ance with tho general specifications prepared by tho city ensineor of said city, and with additional specifica tions submitted by tho Clerk & Hen ery Construction Company, both of which general and additional speci fications are on fllo in tho office of the city recordor of said city and assess the cost thereof on the prop erty adjacent to said Improvement. Tho council will meet In tho city hall in said city on the Gth day of September, 1010, at 7:30 p. m., at which time all protests r.galnst the making of said Improvements and the assessing tho cost thereof as aforesaid, will bo heard. Tho city recorder Is hereby order ed to publish this resolution once In the Daily Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation In said city, and to post the same as required by the charter at least ten days beforo the date of said meeting. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on the 22d day of August, 1910, by the following vote: Welch absent, Merrick ayo, Emer lck absent, Wortman aye, Elfert aye, Demmer aye. Approved August 22, 1910. W. W. EIFERT, Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the city council ot the city of Medferd: That it Is the intention ot the coun cil to causo North Central avenue from Jackson street to Court street in said city to be improved by plac ing on both sides of said street a con crete curb and gutter and by paving the same for a width of 40 feet from curb to curb with asphalt pavement sonslsting ot a 5-lnch concrete base, a 1-lnch asphaltlc binder and a 2-lnch wearing surface, nil In accordance with tho general specifications pre pared by tho city engineer of said city, and with additional specifica tions submitted by tho Clark & Hen ery Construction Company, both ot which general nnd additional speci fications are on fllo in the office of the city recorder of said city, and assess tho cost thereof on tha prop erty adjacent to said Improvement, Tho council will meet In the city hall In said city on tho Gth day of September, 1910, at 7:30 p. m., at which time all protests against the making of said Improvements and tho assessing the cost thereof as aforesaid will bo heard. The city recorder Is horoby order ed to publish this resolution onco In the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation In said city, and to post tho same a3 required by the charter at least ten days before (he date of said meeting. Tho foregoing resolution was pass, ed by the city council ot tho city of Medford, Oregon, on the 22d day of August. 1010, by tho following vote: Welch absent, Merrick aye, Emer lck absent, Wortman aye, Elfort ayo and Dommor nyo. Approved August 22d. 1910. W. W. EIFERT, Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. Mayo your advertising r.s Interest ing as your store, and you'll get your oxnet share ot business. PORTLAND. OREGON A. Splendid noarrilitqaix! !)ny Krhool for iuu;ii ii.n Ant, iiuid Extetulrs rmirwi In Oolleco, II lnh Hrhool nn1' Oon merrlal work, Uruminr urudK tauitht to boin owr 1 jtpat. .school oinNhcnt. 1U. lOiU. Cutftloff Yrvt, AUiin-w. Iltv. Jo- I'll UALuanrti.C H. O., i"rc. Columbia Ukiveb: i t wioin. Ohxoom. inviK