MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, .1010. Virginia OF THE Air Lanes A ROMANCE OF FLYING By 5 HERBERT QUICK H 'Copyright by Bobbs - Mornll Company. SYNOPSIS. DlIAPTEE I Theodora Carson, Alitor of an airship, rescues from !ugitiv flying machine called a icopter, a beautiful young girl. 1 ani m Carson is infatuated I her and takes her whore she can famunioate with her friends. EY Carson visits tho Roc, a giant !hin owned bv Shaync. unclo of pjrfnia Suarei, the girl he rescued, a, being coldly recoived, leaps m the Eoc, at a great height, in a i-nehute. W, VI and VII He lands in tho f....Jn t tli Rlnttorv Tnctitntn for Jbriates, where he makes a friend fone Craighead, who plans to rai3e pitnl to manufacture the new style fslrip Carson has invented. Thus l!v hou to rival Shoyne, who con- 'lrt 4 Via n volt in innrtflfrV fV'lU Mr. Waddy decides condi- janlly to capitalize the Corson fiichead project. .A; Carson goes to jeionan 10 Inpleto a samplo airship to exhibit hit. Waddy, and he finds Virginia ft He is in lovo with Virginia. Jzner, a rival inventor, conspires to Carson. Sil, XH, Xm and XIV Wiznor h a submarine in a sensational Vmham nlmnet nAiinmnlicnac tnrt Uh of Carson and Virginia and i destruction of the airship, a case f'doviliish versus bird." Virginia s from Carson in tbo Hoc. pielisnrwsaroirnio'lflpTe'pcak of one the ruggodest and highest masses ltbe Catskllls, rising steep as a wall. I Jidreds of feet In the air, to three l-pmlts. In the midst of which stood I " .M.ttna 1 1 '1. a (.OVA fr. 1 1 I H.B had ?n built, the animals bad been Intro pod, the last luxury had been trap rd. and Shayne's Hold had been Jled up. Down from the mountain wed three streams, up which bad .1 the precipitous roads to the top, d when the time came for closing ! hold to those who bad no way of vlpntlng the air Mr. Shaync bad Ut across them Immense dams, using ,terlals blasted from the mountain cs at such places as to render them ;!te unscalable. The steepened preci pes thus carried across the ravines 'masonry made a lofty wall entirely 'mud the mountain, '.very effect that could be produced lights, white and colored, the elec ta n-artists bad worked out for the jimlnation of this enchanted palace ng on cliffs. Overlooking the region, , Its owner overlorded his fellows, bold was a place of mystery, hold- no neighborship with the people ,ow. It was a real Laputa, an island ltbe air, and those only could reach frlio could fly. kbout the peak ran a labyrinth of (lie paths and carriage roads, all lined from above by winding lines (lights, like the route of an army of ivlldered glowworms. Hidden by a r of cliff was the Immense airship Jage ?he lightning had' disabled Its light if system for the most part, and tbo id bad gone dark. Carson had iue two or three reconnolssances 4r tbo very spot, but bad not bus jtrd Its presence, for the sky was iiled and the luster of the pools too ile to reach his eyes, so that tho Idea out(lnb or the myriad lights on the currents were restored en mo Jboth men with astonishing unex- tpilnww. he hold had blossomed suddenly In The lakes edged with lights gllm- W-il like mirrors; the clustered arc delimited the high mesa like a tho winding labyrinth of Incan- mitta notttt1 rhn nnn tn Hlrn rervirr Iputlan threads about tbo rccum- ,t Gulliver, and In tho midst stood reat roomy columned mansion, Its gs In shade, Its central court tiM. the radiant Heart oi an elau- 'te splendor. Corson drew In his a tli sharply. )ly GodP eald he. "Who could V thiuk of such a thing?" rnlgbead was slleut. !ut he must see Virginia. Utterly anged as they were, this night voy. If bad a reason tho hope of seeing of asking her forgiveness, of 'aging her to seo that when sho pped from the sky to his feet ho 1 loved her; that when she bad 30 to llvo with tlmt unclo of whom j had heard so Uttlo and had. found . last Carson in him the temptation I so masked In duty that it was too mg for him. And had he ever once that delicious, perilous time of act- Dncle Theodore inexcusably nre- l.ed on tho relationship or failed In Id news? True, bo had let her stay his niece, but had not his father al ps thought himself of the same I Hi? Virginia must allow somo ght to this tradition, She must seo while too remotely related to be ctlonable JnjBjaearer, dearer way, glpi t Wei gs ttl ho 'was too probably of klu to navo turned her away. And ho would land In Shayne's nold If it wero the last act of his life. With the ancient Instinct of tho sur reptitious lover ho mndo for tho angle between two dark wings of tho great house. Glimmers of light from two windows were their sole sign of occu pancy, tho center of human concourse being about that core of light In the court. The wings seemed llko low ad juncts for conservatories or billiard rooms, and the angle between, with Its light mottllngs, looked llko a flower sprinkled lawn on which Carson felt confident of placing the Virginia gen tly and with no disturbance. With a slow soaring motion the aeronef camo Into the angle like a steamer into her slip and found, Instead of a lawn, n graveled roof cluttered with tables and chairs as If for the serving of refresh ments. Among these the Tlrglnla nosed In. dumped some chairs Into tho court and settled down amid crackling furniture and crashing pottery. The Roc had reached Shayne's Hold Just in time to escape tho storm, and the wearied Virginia had retired, sick of the barnlnr of her aunt upon tho dlsgraco of her sojourn with "Unclo. Theodore," weary of telling now inno cent It had been. With a book close to the light she was composing her mind to sleep, when Into the dreamy quie tude came a purring that was so un mistakably the voice of the aeronel that Virginia rose, with her hand to her heart, in an amazement not all un pleasant, wondering where her name sake might alight and what Shayne's hired constabulary might do with The odore, when from the roof came a scraping, chairs and tables went over the parapet with a crash, and the voices of Craighead and Carson came In at the window, low. hurried and agitated. Virginia turned out the dim light "Well." said she. In answer to her mold's tap. "what Is It. Fanny?' "I 'eard an awful noise," said Fan ny. "It seemed to come from 'ere. miss." "Some things fell Into the court." re plied Virginia. "Please tell the serv ants and say that things must not be piled upon the parapet. That's all. Fanny." Virginia walked to the window There lay the dear little airship that she and Theodore had planned cam paigns for and conquered the world with. Theodore was passing the other way now. peering Into every bearing and gearing for signs of damage. It's a miracle." said Theodore nt last, "but she's all right and ready to rise at a touch." "Thank God!" said Virginia. "Did you find a way down?" asked Carson of Craighead, all unconscious of the nearness of what he sought. "Only the old way by which I came off the back stoop of the emporium." replied Craighead, who bad been skirt ing along the edge of the parapet. "It's a matter of specific gravity. As to get ting back, unless yon brought your specific levity with you I really don't see. old chap, how It's going to be man aged." "Once down I can force my way up." said Theodore, rals; bis voice In his Intensity. "Do you think I'll go back without seeing her? No! You stay here, and" "Mr. Craighead!" The voice came from the darkness of the bouse, cool and calm. "Present!" answered Craighead. "But don't shoot! I'm a starving man. In charge of a maniac" "Please come here." said tho voice. "Virginia!" cried Carson. "Please tell your friend." said the voice, "that If he presumes to address any person except yourself this win dow will be closed!" Craighead approached the glimmer of white drapery and Virginia gave him her hand, which he gallnntly kissed. "You may tell your friend." said Miss Suurez. "thnt his coming here Is a fool hardy thing and quite uncalled for. No one hero either can see him or would If she could." "You hear, old man7' queried Craig head. "The imprisoned damosel nnlth lfs all n mistake. She don't want no knight. This balcony business lacks appeal, being hackneyed and over worked. It's no go, colonel except for you." "You may tell him," went on Vir ginia, "that his movements have been reported and the Aerostatic Power company is about taking legal steps I don't know whut to contest with him I don't know what!" "That's In my department," replied Craighead. "Arid tell your friend that we shall be with him In tho courts." A murmur of vqlces arose from tho court, and lights flashed out. Illuminat ing the roof. "I can't go," said Carson. "I must speak. I was wrong not to tell you of your mistake, but I loved you from the moment I picked you up from the sana and carried vou into tho cabin. I couldn't say you had no place to go. I wanted you. and I didn't think of anything that-tbnt could remind me otot-Qt your reputation" "Mr. Craighead, tell your friend." went on Virginia, and her volco now faltered, "that I shall consider what be says and that I shall ccaso to be angry by ceasing to remember him. And now go!" "Wo are hero for no bad purpose," said Theodoro flrmly. ''and we shall not fly" "Foolish boy!" cried Virginia. "They will confine you ut their pleasure through officers that can act legally und study tho airship and steal your creation. Go, 1 beg of you-go!" There wero a knocking ut the door and loud voices demanding admission, Virginia extended her bunds Implor ingly as sho spoke, and Theodore seized them, (To Be ContinaerY; GERMANY TO GET JAP TRADE Rumor That Germans and Japanese Arc to Concludo Trade Agreement Substantiated by Visit of tho Director. IIONQ KONG, Aug. 24. Sub stantiating tbo rumor that Qonunny and Japan were about to conclude an agreement whereby Germany :nins a closo grip on Oriental trade, Director Hciucken of tho Norta German Lloyd Steamship company today is on route from Hon,; ICon;; to Nagasaki. He arrived in Hone Kong unexpect edly and after a brief conference with his company's manager pro ceeded toward Japan. Tho sudden visit bus caused the keenest interest among commercial and shipping men. It is believed that special signifi cance attaches to the Japanese trip of the steamship official, in view of the departure from San Francisco yesterdny of the representatives of tho associated cbnmbers of com merce of the Pacific coast. These men are going to China and Japan to study trade conditions and to estab lish more amiable relations with the Orient. It is believed that tho Ger mnn official is hurrying to the Ori ent in order to forestall the Americans. If there's a good storo In this city that's not woll advertised, It dosorves to have a more progressive manago-mont. FRIENDLY AGAIN WITH NICARAGUA Estrada Says Ho Will Mako Full Reparation for Execution of Two American Engineers by President Zclaya. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. Tho first indication that amicable rela tions between the United States ntul Nicaragua came from the stato do thnt a Japanese whom hu bollovoa to bo Yninaguchl travolod from n con trol California point accompanied by a strikingly beautiful American wom an. Tho couplo left tho Overload Liniltud at Ogdun, buying tlclcctti to Gooding, Idaho. Sheriff Smith of Sonoma county, hi which tho Kendall murdeni woro commltteod, has boonn otlflod, Tele grams ulna hnvo boon sent to Idaho requesting tho officers thoro to koep n sharp outlook for tho Japanese and his companion. VICTOR MURDOCH ASPIRES TO UNCLE JOE'S PLACE NOTION. In tho district court nt tho United States for tho dlntrlct ot Oregon. In tho mnttur ot George A, Ilutt, bankrupt. Tho undersigned trustoo of the above entitled eotnto In bankruptcy- will rocolvo uonlod bldi at tho JnckHon County Imnk, In Medford, Oregon, up to 12, o'clock noun, of Friday, August ID, 191,0, for tho following described uroperty belonging to mild ontnto, namely, a utoclc ot mori'.rndliie, con stating principally ot jowolry ot tho inventory vr.luo of $2087.47, together with n lot of storo fittings . tho In ventory vnluo of 1175, CO, all now In custody of thv undertilgned at Mod ford, Oiogon. Cash or a certified chock for ton pur cent of tho amount oftorod muni accompany oaoh hid and tho salo Ih made subject to confirma tion by tho court, tho rlijt't being re served to reject any and all bids. Tho imld property nnd nn Inventory thoro of may ho In ipoctod upon application to tho underslrnod, nt Mudford, Oro Bon. VM. ULUIOH. Trustee. Dated ut Modforu, Orogon, August 8, 1010. " Hnnklns for Health. ATCHISON, Kan., Aug. a'l. Shof fleld Ingnlls, lnsurgout and closo I friend of Konrosoutattvo Victor Mur- partment today when it was learned jock of Kaunas, In an interview today that President Estrada had unoffi cinlly informed the department that hu will make speedy reparation for the execution of Groco and Cannon, the two American engineers captur ed and shot nt tbo instance of for mer President Zolnyu. Tho victory of tho Nicnrngunn in surgents is highly gratifying to dip lomats here, who believe thnt it paves tho way for the restoration of diplomntio relations with tho Central American stnte and to the re-establishment of order in Nicaragua. BELIEVE YAMAGUCHI IS NOW IN IDAHO OAKLAND, Cat., Aug. 24. Cap tain of Defectives Peterson has re ceived information from W. O. In gau electrician and hnggagemastor on the overland run from Oakland to Ogden, that Henry Yamaguchl, wanted In connection with tho mys terious murder ot tho Kcndnll fam ily near Cazidero, Is now in north ern Idaho. Iagau Btates positively Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgdc, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Crater Lake Route S9I0 LOCOMOBILES 1910 The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at the hotel. CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. C. NEFP, Manager. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. SPEND THE SUMMER AT Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Where tho pretty Wator Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstones Cornelians and Rock Oystors can ho found. Outdoors iSport of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Rock Oystors, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Canooins and Dancing. Pure mountain water anC the best of food at low prices. Fresh Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale daily. Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, Portland to Cottage Orovo Inclusive, includ ing branch lines; aleo from all C. & B. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday, A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 5Q from Albauy, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or O. & B. Agent tor full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our hoautlful illustrated booklet, "Outings In Orogon," or write .0 WM, McMURItAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. assorted that Murdock aspires to tho speakership of tho houso, Ills ambi tion Is to succeed Joseph G. Cannon. Even It your storo woro, actually, moro important thnt your advertis ing would Indldcate, tho public would i 1 S H f j ) WIxe.nJ r$GhoolR! O penjj EVERY STUDENT WILL NEED A Wttfmris "M Ideal r,"r' FouraTnPen $2.50 TO $4.00 Medford Book Store Granite City Hospital Hfout modonily equipped hospi tal between Portland and Sue ramonto. Shows each doctor .ho samo courtesy and gives nil patients the sumo enro. In charge of Ostrom & Nelson, crnduato nurses. OSTROM & NELSON, Props of Granite City Hospital, Ashland, Oregon. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Gunrantood IMcoh RoiiBonublo COFFEEN (SL PRICE 11 North D St., Medford, Oro. Phono 303 I; J. E. ENYAHT, President. J A. PKKHY. Vico-Presldent. ;; JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. V. B. JACKSON, Anh'I Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 :: SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- I :: MESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Make Every Dollar Worth More Than a Dollar! An educated ad reader will never be poor. To "know advertising" is to havo a prac tical knowledge of values of things of when and how and where to buy. No one, having and utilizing such knowledge, could ever be unthrifty, or in any sense careless or reckless of expenses. 1'or such knowl edge makes for thrift for saving. It makes one proof against shams falso values manipulated reductions. The intelligent ad reader uses as much thought and ability in buying things as is required in earning tho money that is spent for them. And that amounts to a substan tial increase of the value of every dollar of the family revenue! ffi M' urn ''m' WXTSi KM ATM WHERE COMFORT REIGNS In tho homo oqulppod with olootrlclty Comfort Is tho nroslding goddoBs. Tho Illumination of tho Interior may bo augmontod by a lighting arrangp mont on tho porch that will add Immoaourably to tho Joy of tho homo on hot aummpr ovonlngs. Asldo from good lighting a houso wlrod for olootrlclty lo proparod for oloctrlp fans, whoso soft bfoozoa aro llko balm on humid nights. Fans aro portablo and may bo connoctod with blootrloBookotu olthor Indoor or on the verandah. Sond for tho ostlmato man and lot uu oring boauty and comfort to your homo. ' ,, ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC. CO 1 A