l MUFORD A! A II I Ul HUN1S. MEDM)ftD. OttWGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, .1910. i i, ItVl 1 ,7 m w Virginia of the i Air Lanes II A ROMANCE OF FLYING Dy Herbert Quick ij cbjtc.xs; - ,o synopsis. ;! Inventor of an airship, rescues from .- IUR1UVB XljruiK i""""" ;-- 'Aelicopter, a beautiful younR prl. In tt -j m r.rcnn iii infatuated I. IX BUB Xii vkm- r.y ncr una iaura "" .., - l&mrounicate with her friends. j IT Carson visits mo ixov, a " lijiurship owned Dy onayne, uuciu u.. llWirpinia Suaror, the pirlne rescueu, nd, beinR coiaiy reccieu, i.-k it.. IJ- ) rrronf linipht. in 11 ..mni iiifi iluli ub t wawmv .-". - f$Prnchute, , . .. V, vl ana mil no iwiuo m ."- Iffciohriates, where ho makes a friend )li! .. n-nlrrVnod TfVin TllntlS tO 111130 ffeapitnl to manufacture the now style ':ci,in Pnrnn huR invented. Thus ithey hope to rival Shayne, who con- itrols the airship industry. y VI II Mr. Wnddy decides condi- Itionnlly to capitalizo the Carson- KCraichead project. g IX Carson cocs to Florida to fcomplete a sample airship to exhibit 'to Mr. Woddy, and he finds YirRinia rikero. R X He is in lovo with Vixfnin. LiWimer, a rival inventor, conspires to Skill Carson. U "XT. XTI. XITI nnd XIV Wizner lwith a submarine in a sensational manner aunosi uctuuiimauua mc identh of Carson and Virmnia and t the destruction of the airship, a ense of "devilfish versus bird." Virginia iflecs from Carson in the Roc. ""Well," said the man on tho other Geek, "you've got the world by the tall, and If you need money apply to Calvin J. Fry of Spokane. Hold on, please" But the Virginia, gently Increasing her speed, left the hustling Calvin J. Fry gesticulating far out of bearing. "That, to originate a locution," Bald Craighead, "ought to hold them for a 1 brief period. Looks as If they were ? linlr nArtlllnr'M M . ...at. t A, ., t,1 Saj a4 I Will UUU lUL'UI. BUIU UII3UU, Kl- j dently meaning something else, "If they have bidden her In the farthest cave f that thundercloud." "XOU'ltE OOINO FOOL OF IIEK. LOOK down!" r CHAPTER XVI. A RACE WITH HIE ELEMENTS. PAST Richmond, they left the domed uipliol at Washington fur to port, passed between Baltimore and Dover and di rectly over Philadelphia, where Car eon made n wide clrclu above the vast aerial harbor, scanning the berths for a huge silver neromit of tho Con dor type, hut Uudlng none. It was growing dual:, and the west and north- .vest were ramparted with towering thunder heads, qulvcrlug with light ning, toward which Carson hurled tho Virginia like a bullet. The town stud ded suburban region of New Jersey wept under them as if drawn by swift mechanism, and the harbor of New York lay beneath, alive with hipping. The lights wcro already burning, and the far spread Babylon of tho modern world hung llko a fairy dream from the foreground to tho far thcr rim of tho concavo cup of tho earth. Carson was amazed and stun ned. Ho bad uover seen Now York, and his Ideas were all Inadequate to the actualities beforo blm. The streets flashed Into sight as the Virginia pass ed Into positions permitting a vlow of the bottom of one metropolitan canyon after another. The boy wns afraid The huge city roaring up at them like a ravening beast struck blm with terror. i r I "Why dost circle about llko a sand bill crane" said Craighead. "Why don't you Might T "Llko the sand hill crane." replied Carson. "I'm nfrold. Where can wo alight V "Gad." said Craighead, "I never thought of thatl New York has al ways reached out for me so lovingly that the Idea of there being any dif ficulty In getting Into her embrace never entered my brain. Wo are n lit tle shy of knowledge of how to got In from above, aren't we?" "What are the harbor rules?" asked Carson. "Hanged If 1 know." replied Craig head. It was quite dark now, save for the moon, which, nearly full, was climbing the eastern sky. still clear. To tho northwest towered the pearly clouds palpitant with lightning. Craighead expected Theodore to turn the Virginia to some far New Jersey village and was astonished when ho entered upon a swift flight up the Hudson, which lay shining In the moonlight. Inced with the wakes of boats. Far ahead, on both sides, quivered the lightning of the storm, nnd from afar came the rumbling of thunder Carson seemed to be seeking night in the heart of n thunderstorm. Craighead seized his arm and tried to glean something of his mood from a scrutiny of his face. "I'm going to the Catskllls," said Theodore. "Beforo I sleep I'm going to And Shayne's Hold!" Carson crossed the nudson In a slow drizzle at Kingston and stood north west toward heavy dense masses of towering clouds screening the high peaks of the Catskllls and Shayne's Hold. "Why not hurdle the tempest, cai tiff?" cried Craighead. "Those highest towers," replied Car son, pointing to the thunder heads now again snowy In the moonlight, "are thirty, forty, fifty thousand feet high." "Well, what do we carer' protested Craighead. "There's an opening yonder In tho rain," said Carson. "If It doesn't close up we may slip through to the back of the storm again." As If the wings of the advancing army had extended Its lines until they pulled apart In the center, the rain opened. "We must go lower." said Carson, "and pass under. The rain Is closing In, but I reckon we can slip through pretty dry ' Tho oncoming black arch, lighted to whiteness when the lightning blazed, swelled fearfully as they approached, its rainless gap narrowing momently It was a race with the elements. The penalty If they lost was, to be cure, nothing more than a drenching, but it was none the less exciting for that. The curtains of water, drawn aside as If to let the travelers through, swung together as they approached. "Whoop!" cried Craighead. "The Virginia wins!" As bo spoke they passed under the rain cloud. Carson was thinking of Shayne's Hold and conjecturing as to Its where abouts. If he read bis chart correct ly the lights seen afar to the north east Indicated that they bad left the Kaatersklll behind and were nearlng Blank Head mountains, though be con fessed to himself that the crags reveal ed by the lightning might be the Hun ter peaks or even the summits of Slide mountain. All he really knew was that he was above the Catskllls and that unless he could outmaneuvcr the elements they faced an encounter with rain, wind and great possibilities In tho way of lightning. The domes of thundercloud a few miles to their right seemed almost low enough to bo over passed, so he set the levers for nn ascent, and the Virginia rose like an osprey chased by an eagle. "I'm trying your suggestion," said Carson. "I'm scaling tho front of that shower." Even Craighead's voice was hushed in awe. Like the fairy domes of some city of oriental fable rose the cloud castles, their summits white In tho moonlight, their folds dark like a dove's wing. Suddenly the lightning blazed out In the heart of the black base on which the city of enchantment was reared, nnd Instantly the whole vast fabric grew white and palpitant and terrible, while tho blue sky be yond and above It turned black velvet by contrast Tho lightning ceased, nnd there bung the billowy cloud, sll--er white and drab on a base of dark ness, as before. The air had grown chill as with frost, und still the clouds wero far above them. The bite of the propellers on the air seemed to fall, for the cloud masses no longer appear ed to fall as when the aerouef was ris ing. "We can't make It," said Carson. "Don't try!" exclaimed Craighead "It's effrontery:" Changing u lever or so, Carson drove straight toward the bosom of tho cloud. k Carson sat with bis hand on his levers, pale as If dead; Craighead clutched a band rail, his eyes turned aloft as If In Invocation. A more ro tnoto dash and darkness returned, but not so densely. Tho space before tbem grew softly light, and In a moment tbey swam Into -the moonlight. Through an Immeasurable chamber of cloud darted the ncronef into u second smother of rain and mist and out on a lower level Into the calm space be hJnd tho storm. From this region of shadow they emerged Into tho moon light ngaln nnd began their search for signs of human habitation. Finally, Just as Theodore wns at tho point of retreat, both ut onco saw what neither doubted jvas Shayne's Ilold. (To Be ContuiucrY' Match tho classified advertising campaign to tho Importanco of tho Bale you want to make. You wouldn't trust a ten-horso power task to a ono-horse powor englno. WOMEN AND THE It becomes necessary to reBlat cor- ttthv narrownesses In certain phases of homo economics. Ono ot thoso narrownesses Is tho assumption that because a thing happo-is to bo close to us It Is therefore Important. Wo have heard lecturers Insist that be cause a houso contains drnln plpos a woman should learn r.U nbout drain-pipes. But why? In most communities urnin-pipcs nra umiau- ed and repaired and In every way controlled by gentlemen vyio are dmln-plpo upeclnllsts. Tho woman who lives In tho houso has no more real need of ... knowledge of tho structural mysteries of drain-pipes than a reporter has a knowledge of the structural mysteries of his type writing macllne. Another posslblo narrowness Is tho attempt to manufacture "cul tural backgrounds' for various Im portant but qulto safe-and-sano house-hold tanks. For Instance In tho books and In tho courses of Instruction (ot college grade) on "Tho Houso" wo havo sometimes observed olaborato ac counts of the cvoltlon ot tho hu man homb, beginning with tho huts of tho primitive Slmlanlnns. And In pursuing tho very essoatlnl subject ot "Clothes nud Fabrics" wo havo not" infrequently found ourselves In the midst ot spacious preliminary dissertations on tho structuro of tho loom, beginning with that which was used by tho Antmropengulns. Xow wo would not for tho world speak disparagingly of looms or huts. Wo havo oursolves examined somo ot fiem In tho Hull Houco Museum In Chicago rnd In tho woods of Can ada, and havo found them Instruct ive. We suggest only that collcgo life Is short, that tho col'eso curri culum Is crowded, and tVtt (except possibly those students who nro es pecially Interested In anthropology or In Industrial evolution) It would surely be a misfortune to learn the SImlanlan hut and to miss Rossettl's "House of Life," or get tho Impress ion that as a "cultural background" for shlrtwnlsti. tho Anthropcnguln tan loom can really compcto with Carlylo's "Sartor Resartus." If this occasional tendency to ward exaggerating tho Importanco of drain-pipes, wlndow-curtrlns, and M& BH Iff ? VorlH v A HH A X sum g 4- IHi 4 I Hi V9DH9H1 I ft wBH c hIKH I v Bi.vBBft l?I -, (VhbHhV 11 II u -c $$N' ,( ((W v bBIIaHIWbbI x p Hi wfaBHBBr X -Mi BB VV$jnBBBBBJ WILL SELL 369 ACRES IN BLACK AT $30 PER ACRE Price includes 700 shares in the Kcrby Irrigating Ditch. ASK POR TERMS. This midsummer price will be with drawn SEPTEMBER 4, when this advertisement will re appear at slightly advanced figures. H. B. REED 748 NORTH SIXTH ST., GRANTS PASS, OR. Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at the hotel, CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. 0. NEPP, Manager. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. DRAIN - PIPE THEORY door-tuats wore to grow fitroug, nud If gtrla as u class, should bo re quired to upond any largo propor tion of their tlmo on tho npoclnllxod history and sclology 0f foinlnlno Im plements nnd tasks wlillo tho boj'H wore still In tho current of tho af fairs ot tho race, wo should lml cod want President Thomas of llryu Mnwr to repeat on a thousand lec ture platforms her Indignant r.ssor tlou ot tho fact that "nothing more disastrous for womon, or for men, edit bo conceived of than specialised education ot women as a sex." William Hard In the September Ev orbody's. RIOTING IS FEARED IN THE ISLE OF PINES HAVANA. Aug. 33. United Stntes Minister Jackson Is today L'urrylnr; toward tho IbIo ot Pines to Investi gate conditions which, according to messages received hero, threaton to result In rioting In tho American colony on tho Island. Messages received by tho secretary of stato that tho Americans on tho Islo of Pines nro preparing to storm a Jail and forcibly releaso eight Am ericans charged with arson and m ur ban. Minor rioting already hns oc curred. It Is stated, and thoro Is momentary danger of more serious disorder. Tho secretly of state has wired tho Judge who presided ovor tho cases to rolorsa tho Americans on by the United States authorities. imUXKEXNKSS CUItEAMiE Drunkenness Is no longor consider ed a crImo:omlnent scientists nnd physicians bavo agreed that It Is n disease and must be treated an such. Tho homo treatment that has been used for a number of years, and Is highly successful, Is Orrlne. It Is sold upder o positive guarantee thnt If It does not effect a euro your mon ey will be refunded. When desiring to glvo secretly purchaso Orrlno No. 1, and If patient will taks treatmont, Orrlno N'o. 2 should bo given. Orrlno costs but $1 por bov. Mnlold on re ceipt of price. Wrlto for freo booklet on "Drunknncss." The Orrlno Co., C32 Orrlno Building, Washington D. C. Sold In this city by Leon B. Hasklns. 1910 J HOTEL BURNS; HEROIC RESCUE OF CHILDREN SAN ltAFAKL, Cttl., Auk. 2.1. Marked by huroto rosouo of loop ing women and children, a flro de stroyed Cypress Villa a threo-Htory hotel hero today. Tho flro Htnrted In ll.o laundry shortly beforo dawn and beforo guest wore aroused had cnton Uh way to tho rot mo on thu tVird floor of tho hotel. Mrs. I. 0. Bethel made hor way through the emoko-flllcd halts to tho room of her two children Alice, tt yunrs, nnd Agnes, I mondis old. After cnrrylng them to tho street sho returned to tho liliuln;: villa and aroused other guestB. Howard Frlol, n guest, came upon .Miss Mary Ward, who wi h uncon scious, nnd carried her to Bnfety. Ho also aided Mrs. A. Zlnsky to rescue hor cl.lld. Tho upper part ot tho hotel was consumed. Tho loss Is about $5000. Hnsklns for Health. When 3cb.oo.l R Open-spi EVERY STUDENT JSH WILL NEED A k IS 111. , lciem i"i"i i FouQjtxmPen 4 $2.50 TO $4.00 Medford Book Store Granite City Hospital Most modcrnly equipped hospi tal between Portland nnd Sac ramento. Shows each doctor .ho Bnmo courtcBy and jriveH nil patiouts tho same care. In chariro of Oatrom & Nelson, Graduate nurses. 0STR0M & NELSON, Props of Granite City Hospital, Ashland, Orerjon. .." 1 E5 BwSA a.HJUS I'iSP i m m 1 v -TT i l NOTIt'K. In thu district court ot tho United States for tho dlntrlot of Orogon, In tho matter of (leorgo A, Butt, bankrupt. Tho undersigned tniHtoo ot the above entitled ontutu In bank ruptcy will rocolvu noaloil bldi at tho JnrlcHon County bank. In Medford, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock uo'"i, ot Friday, August 11), 1H10, for thu following described uroperty belonging to nald ustato, namely, n utock ot inori.rndlno, con sisting principally of Jowolry ut tho Inventory vsiluo of J2U87.-17, together with a lot of store fittings ! tho In ii' i . ' mrr PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WA1ER HEA1ING All Work Guaranteed PricoH KuiiHonnblo COFFEEN O. PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, ;; J. E.i:NYAUT. President. J ;; JOHN S. OHTH, Cashier. V THE MEDFORD CAPITAL SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS :: SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- :: rtEss transacted, we solicit your patronage. ---- - Make Every Dollar Worth More Than a Dollar! An educated ad reader will novcr be poor. MV Po "know advertising" is to have a prac tical knowledge of values of jthings of when and how and whero to buy. No one, having and utilizing such knowledge, could over be unthrifty, or in any sonso careless or reckless of expenses. !Kor such knowl edge makes for thrift for saving. It makes one proof against shams false values manipulated reductions. The intelligent ad reader uses as much thought and ability in buying things as is required in earning tho money that is spent for thorn. And that amounts to a substan tial increase of tho value of every dollar of the family revenue 1 i&Ji ' wc v .. WHERE COMFORT REIGNS In tho homo oqulnpodth ojpotrlolty Comfort Is tho nrosldlng aodcloaa. Tho Illumination of tho Intorlor may bo augmontod by a lighting arrnngo mont on tho porch that will add Immeasurably to tho Joy of tho homo on hot Bummpr ovonlngs. XiYdo from good lighting a houso wlrod I for oloctrlclty Is proparod for oloctrlo fane, whoso soft broozoa aro llko, balm on Humid .nights. Fans aro portablo and may bo connoo tod with oloctrlo socUots olthor Indoor or on tho 'vorandah. Sond for tho ostlmato man and lot us bring boauty and comfort to your homo. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC. CO vontory value of f 1 75.50, nil now In ountudy of the undoritlKiinl at Mod ford, Oregon. Cash or a certified check for ton por cent of tho mucin at offered must accompany oaoh bid and tho nalo In made uubjoct to ccmflrmn tlon by tho court, tho rlrjK being ro mirvod to rojeul any and all bldn. Tho paid prouorty and an Inventory there of may bo Imported upon appllrntlim to tho uudoruliMiod. at Medford, Ore gon. WM. ULHICH, Trtintoo. Dateil at Modforu, Oregon, August 8, ID10. HnitkttiM for Health. Ore. Phone 30fl ------- - A. PKKItY. Vien-ProHidont. II. JACKSON. Ahh'I Cnnhior. NATIONAL BANK $100,000.00 20,000.03 15,000.00 - - - -- ---- -- t vj A v