MI5DFQRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2Z, 39JO. $' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John II, Cnrldu, utloruoy-nUlnw, nvur tlttukiioti (Jnuutvl Hunk. Jimum Wright til llio Medford Hardware Co, loll Monday nltornooii for Weed, Cnl., on a Imim'uiohh trip. I'onchoii for wilo. Or. W. K, HIoUoh phono Knrinor 7003. t( II, II. l.oiiiiHliury, iliHliicl freight ngcnt of the Hoiilliurn I'ni'ifiu Co., wiwi In Moil ford Tuemluy on official IiiimIiiuhh, Mth, Hnrt'H dining room nt 42 South Ilnrtlott iitruut linn boon re opened to tlui putilla untlor tlio man ngoiuout of Mm. M. A. Taylor. 133 Ciiptliiu M. I' Kgglonloii of Atl litml wiih in Medford Tni'Hility look ing after hoiiiq Ihih'uiuhh iiinttorM. Tlio ItoKtio Illvor Valley Canal Coiupnnyl h now ready to rocolvo aw ullcntluiin for tlio do! Ivory of Irri gation wntor to any Inrrl covered by tlio Hopkins lateral. Tlio offlcon of tlio company aro In tlio Medford Na tional bank building, tt 0. M. Fttiititniii of Klainalli Fnlln wan a Medford vlBitor TuuHilay, Call on tlm MisMon Furniture WorkH for anything: in tlio woodwork lino. Peter M. IConilinw returned Mon day evening from a uhmiiohh trip in to Nortliorn California. Public ntonoKrapiiui t tho Mcrrl- yold Shop. 134 S. A. Nye and family have roturu ' ed from a Hummer outing ui Now port. "ISIk'B Milk," tba now Hlk eong wrltton by O. T. Wllion and Bung Ib tho mlnntrol show glyon by Medford Ulkn Innt Kobrnary, Ib now on nalo at WhoUnl Munla Co. 120 0. F. Hilling il family Imvo re turned to AhIiIuikI from a few wcokH' Htiiy at KuwKirt. J. A. Perry and family Imvo re turned from u Hiimmur outing at Newport. C. I). WillHon of Klamath Fulln wiih in Medford on Iiuhiiichh Tuesday. lion. II. on dor Holloa of Wollon was in Medford on a hindues trip Monday. , John M. Sweeny of the Gleji ItoKtio orchards, near Jacksonville, arrived with a parly of friends from Detroit Tuesday. T. J. Partem of Knglo Point wiih a Medford visitor Monday. Itoiuliiiot Connor and hi bride vinited in Medford Monday from their Table Hook ranch. City Attorney I. J. Neff left Tuos day evening on a business trip to Portland. Dr. C. It. Hay and family have re turned from an outing nt Xowpoit. .1. It, Knapp of tho forestry bu reau arrived Monday from Portland to aid in suppressing the forest firos. Hotelier Peutz, none of Judge S. S. I'tiutx. of Hutto FiiIIh, a former Medford boy, and now a prosperous business limn of Ktigouo, is spending a few days in Medford. Mr. Pent, who started in life as a currier of the Tribune, has now a sueeessful establishment in Kugcno, whore no conducts a uewstaud and cigar store, besides being agent for the Oregon JoUrnal. Dr. and Mrs. K. P. tleary, who Imvo spent several weoks on their Griffin crock ranoh, left Monday evening for llioir Portland home. Dr. Geary was the first mayor of Med ford and formerly a partner with Dr. Piekel. The eommoreial club will hold a regular mooting Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. Kvory member is urg ed to ho prosont. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Hood of Illooni i'ield, la., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ltobhiiiB. Thoy nro-much im prossed with the Itoguo Hiver valley in general and Medford in particular and expect to return in a few months to make this their future home. flcorgo II. Durham of Grants Pass was in Medford on business Tueilnv. K. I j. Komi of Spirit Lake, la., Is in this city looking over the business riituatiou. C. T. Silver of Dorris, Cnl., one of the prominent citizens of that lively village, is in Medford on a business 'trip. George Gabhart, who has boon employed at the (pturry at Gold Hay, sustained a fracture of one of his logs below the kneo Monday after noon by a largo stone which was be ing swung on a mane to position to load, coming in contact with it. Dr. Henley reduced the fracture and the injured mini wiih taken to the hospi tul. A. W. CnushiH of tho United States forest sorvieo is hero, assisting tho local forestry offico in coping with the Tiros raging in the forests. Council Mcotlnn. At a Hpeclal mooting of tho city council hold Monday afternoon, reso lutions woro passed providing for tho pavement of North Control avonuo from Jackson to Court stroot and on North d'AnJou from Sixth to Fourth BtrootH. Tho resolutions woro nnssoil In no 'cordanco with tho roquoat of tho Clark & lloiiory company, owing to their Inability to pave tlio iitroolii the entire length this hoiiiioii, Councilman Dummer wan detailed to HUporvliin tlio repairs on the Hep tic tank. SELLING AUTO TO BUD ROAD The Flanders automobile, donated to the Crater hake Highway fund by the K. M. F. Co. and Stiidehakar Mros., can be seen nt the Nutnlorium. The auto is being raffled off at a dollar a chance, the proceeds to be used for the construction of the Tickets may be ohtuiiiod at the following places: Nash hotel cigar stand, Nash hotel bar, Moore hotel office, Moore hotel bar, Ryan & Mi-owii'h, Fruitgrowers' bank, Nala torium, Commercial club rooms. Hotel Arrivals, The Nash I. Mclnnis, W. Hollun, Portland; T. F. Crawford, Seattle; F. N. Alexander, Portland; W. I). Jones, Saginaw; .1. M. Swcenoy, De troit; G. H. Durham, Grants Putts; J. II. Fit .put rick, San Francisco; It. Trnuutuor, San Francisco; K. L. Ho nor, Spirit Lake; C. II. Olson, North field; V. Iliilin, Portland; W. W. Harmon, Jr., F. W. Ilayburii, San Francisco; G. M. Fountain, C. I). Wilson, Klamath Falls; C. T. Silver, Dorris. The Moore A. W. Cousins, for est service I). M. Webiiter, K. 8. Holm, Porllnud; M. S. Gray, Pen dleton; U. S. Hillings, C. W. Hoyco, C. S. Darling, W. P. Smith, K. A. Itidoloy, Portland; Mrs. It. It. Dunn, Mt. Hennou; It. G. Lane, W. 12. Wadsworth, Portland; S I. Weill, San Francisco; S. S. Penlz, Hutto Falls; K. 0. Iturgess, Wollon; D. I). Tif fany and wife, Carizr.o. -- - -- - B N 1 R u p T SALrL SPECIALS For WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY That ought to interest every lady in Medford who is in need of any of the following garments. Our stock in this de partment is very limited, so come early and you wont be disr appointed. r $ t X L LOOKING OVER CITY The mother provincial and tho pro-1 vinciai secretary, Hisier wenceHinus, In cbargo of hoxpltnl work on tho Pacific coant, arrived Mo iday evening and aro spendliiK Hoveral days nvcR tlKiitlag the boflpltal situation In Medford. Dr. K. II. IMckel and Mrs. J. r. Kcddy took them on nu auto mobile tour of tlio city Tuesday, na did Dr. Conroy, tdiowlng them tho various sites under conaldoratlon. Tho mother provincial states that It Is her deslro to aticortnln JiiBt whnt Medford will do In tho way of asslst Ing In tho seeming of a 1100,000 hos pital, A ulto and a bnnuo aro ex pected to bo donated. All Ladies Waists in Massaliae and moire and all nets at HA.LF PRICE. Our entire line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fall and Winter Coats mark ed down to prices that will guarantee quick disposal. Ladies' Coats; $13.50 values; for $6.98 Ladies' Coats; $20 values; for $9.98 Ladies' Suits iu new materials and shades; values $-10.00 to $75.00; for $18.88 Children's Long Coats; $3.50 value; for $1.48 Childi-en's Long Coats; $5.00 value; for $2.23 Children's Long Coats; $8.00 and $10.00 values; for $4.98 Ladies' Coats; $7.50 values; for $3.98 BAD FIRE AT GRANTS PASS. (Continued from Pntro 1.) river to hoop tho flnmon away from a powder houso nud protected It by backfiring. Thoro woro enough ex ploulvea In the powder houso to have demollHbed the greater part of this city. Tho poloa of tho electric light company caught fire, but this wns put out. If Bomo of tho poles had burned Or ant 8 Pass would have been without light, and nn this city's wa ter Is pumped by electricity, thoro would havo boon a shortaco of water. This morului; tho smoko from tho burning timber tiottlod ovor tho city and nil tho houses woro filled with It. Remember you are welcome whether you buy or not C. F. Hurlburt & Co Baker-Hutchason old stand Near the Postoffice STOCKS TAKE A DOWNWARD TURN N13W YORK, Aug. 23. Stocks took n sharp upward turn In tho mar ket today. IJIg Foiir, Heading and American Stool Koundrlou lost 1, Dothlohom Steel, Hopubllo Stool pre ferred 1 1-2, Atlantic Const Lino and Texas and Pacific 1, Amorlcan Sug ar dropped .)., Amorlcan Cotton Oil and 11 & O gained 1, Ilonds woro steady. Tho trading wiih light. Tho closo was dull, NKW YORK, Aiir. 'JIl. Todav's raiiKo of prioeH iu Now York (furn- iohod by Mobh & Co, by privaio wire) : High. Low. Close. Amal. Cop. .. 5 01 Vh O.V.'h Am. Car Filry. 49ft -18'4 48i Am. Lih'o. ... W JI-1V4 Mi Am. Smeller . (17 (1(1 07 Am. Sugar ...111) 111) 111) Anaconda ... W M 30 Atchihon DDMj 08'i pi)i Am. Tel. & Tol.1!M 13-1 13-1 H. & Ohi KM 103 101h Hrook. Hup. T. 7flVs 75 7fi'i Can, luoifio....l!)0 100 100 O. & 0 73 j 72i4 73 C. N. W....M-1 1-13 l'U Cent. Loivthor. 31i 33Va 33'j C. F. & 1 30 Con. Gas 120 I). & It. G.... 30a Krie 2fi 'j Gt. Nthni pfd.l2lV(. Iuterboro ,... 18 do pfd 48Vi Ij. & N 1-12 M. K. & T.... ,'KP, Jro. Pacific .. f34 N'. Y. Central. 112 North. Pnoificllfi Out. & West... -10 Pennsylvania .121) Heading 1-12 Hook Island... 31 do pfd 08 SI. Paul 1211j Sou. Pacific.. 114 South. Hy. ... 2:i Union Pue 107 Vi U. S. Stool do pfd 110 Ululi Copper.. -Ifi Wiilmali pfd. . 30 Total sales, 330,000 Call inonoy, V 30 128 y, 30 25 123 17 lYi 142 31 f2 110 1137s 39 128, 140 30 08 120 113 22 10.-1 t 110 45'! 35 shares. 30 120 30 v.. 124 '4 17 IS 142 V, 321, 53 111 114 40 128 1421.', 31 08 121 114V8 23 107 70 110 45 30V4 Too Late to Classify FOR SALE Ono Dlobold safe, ono showcase, one floor case; also watch maker's work bench. Address J. F. Lawrence, 27 South Central avo nuo, Medford. 137 WANTKD IllEhest cash prlco paid for clean cotton rags, delivered to Mall Tribune offico. Chlcarjo Markets. CHICAGO, Aug. 23. W High. Low. May 100 107 September ....100 08 Deeomhor ....104 102 Cern: September ... (10 00 Doeembor 58 58 Oats: Soptembor ... 3(1 34 December .... 37 30 Perk: September ....21.50 21.27 January 18.75 18.40 Liverpool wheat olosoil d heat : Closo. 108 00 104 58 34 30 21.30 18.40 hieher. -H- -M MOSS & COMPANY, Brokers NKW YORK STOCK8 CHICAGO , GRAIN AND PROVISIONS PRIVATE LI3A8EI) VIRE ROOM 15 1 O. 11LOCK 4 NIONia 1831. -f f The finest Chocolate and Bonbons to be found. Call and take a box to her. . OFFICE SUPLLIES v We are well prepared to supply your needs in this lino. Call and oxam iuo our goods and get our prices. The Merrivold Shop 131 WEST MAIN ST. In writing an ad about that furn ished room you have to rent say, in a convincing way, just what you'd say if somcono asked you to tell him whnt it was like, "and all about it.". Jllfft Published Mining Maps of Southwest ern Oregon and Northwestern California, showing tho forest resorves, surveyed and unsur veyod land. Sold by W.P. Wright Grants Pnss, Or. Prico of Vall Maps, $2; Pockot Maps, $1.50. FOR SALE By owner, hvo lots, South Newtown, one lot on Dakota avenue, t four lots on West Twelfth street, two on "West Thirteenth; five room houses, all mod orn, two seven-room houses, ono eight-room bungalow; 80 acres good I irmt land, or will ex change fruit land for good city property; five ;; acres orchard on the ;; land. Tho abovo must ;; bo seen to bo appreciat- : ; ed. CALL AT 820 WEST 12TH ST. COME -COME to tHe Portland Race Meet Live Stock Show and Harvest Home Fair Sept. 5tH to lOtK TmS will bo the greato3t Livestock Show and Fair over hold west of tho Rocky mountains. Every day will bo great thoro will bo big special features. A good racing card every day. Woduesdny and Thurs day will bo tho grand pruo days. The Bankers' Purso of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dol lars for trotting horsos. Tho Ilotol Purso of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollnrs, for pac ers only two of tho features. Reduced Rates on all Railroads AsK your local agent ' Robert F Maguire Lato special agent U. S. General Land Office, announces that ho has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before state and federal courts and tho Department of tho Interior. BREAD Try our Home Made Fresh Bread. "Goodness and Purity" is our motto. Also Salads and Roast Meats ready cooked, at the MEDFORD BAKERY 42 S. CENTRAL AVE. Are you looking for A RANCH THAT PRODUCES? Here It Is. 200 acres, 160 acres cleared; 90 acres under irrigation; 50 acres in alfalfa; abundance of water for irrigation; largo farm houso; two largo barns ; nearly all fenced; good family orchard. A money-making stock and dairy ranch. Prico $15,000.00, half cash. For particulars call on or address H. H. BASLER, Grants Pass Oregon