MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDMHID, OREO ON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, .1010. 4 i U 3 i m m M In i a i Us a i u. I 1 Medford Mail Tribune Cmplrte Hrl: Thirty-ninth Teur: Dally, Fifth Ycr. A nrBBPXENOENT NEWSFATSB WWrnSMUCBB saxt xxcept batttk- SA.T BT THE MSSrOBJD Tnorrxxa co. A consolidation of the MoJfonl Mnll MtmMlBhcd 1889: thn Southern Orciron- Baa. MtabllnhPd 1901: the Democratic Time, estnbllnhcd 1873: tho Ashland TMbane, established, 1896 and tho Mod Tribune, established 1908. MOnOE PUTNAM, Editor or.d Manager Bntcrcd as second-class matter. No vember 1. 1B0B at the Dost office at MMtford, Oregon, under the act of wren s, ItiV. Official Paper of tho City of Medofrd SUBSCRXTTXCm SATES (tea year by mall 15.00 Cm month by mall SO Jrw month delivered by carrlor. In Uedford. Jacksonville and Central Point .SO ftaaday, only by mall, per year ... 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.S0 TaU Z.aid Wire United Pra Sis- patcbts. Tbe Mall Tribune ia on aalo at the wrry News Stand. San Francisco. Fertwnd Hotel News Stand, Portland. Xemaui Newa Co., Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Bet Spokane News Stand, Spokane. Poatag Sates S to ll-pape paper .............. 11 to H-pace paper 3 to 36-page paper ...., SWOSX CXXCTT&ATXOK Average Dally for Storamber, 1909 XkMaaaber, 1909 1.700 1,842 1.915 2.132 2.20S 2.301 2.450 2,502 2.S25 3.S75 2,525 3.550 2.550 3.(00 3,100 3,560 2.550 2.550 2.550 2.600 2.550 Jtwnary. 1910 nafcraary. 1910 ..... March. 1910 April. 1910 ay. 191 1910 Jaae, 1910 JTJX.T CXXCTJXJLTXOaT X.J5S J.S76 1.600 3,6 3 S 3.S2S 3.52S X.S3S 3.S7S 1,515 3.E3S 1,525 3,625 I 17 IS 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 31 39 n M M Total dross 68,175 Bally average 2,622 Xm deduction 98 Net average dally circulation 2.524 KATE OP OREGON, County of Jack ob. ss: Ob the 1st day of August, 1910, per eaally appeared before me, George Put Baa, manager of the Medford Mall Trl Jaaa. who upon oath, acknowledges that t2ta above figures are true and correct U5EAX,) a-. N. TOCKET, Notary Public for Oregon. MEDFORD, OKEOOS aietropoll of Southern Oregon and SCerUiern California, and the fasteat-Bvwlnr-clty In Oregon. Population, 1910. 9,000 Bank deposits. 32.760.000 WO.OOO Gravity Water system com pleted In July 1910. giving finest supply Vera mountain water. Sixteen miles if street being paved at a-ooet ezcedlng 11,000.000, making a to tal of twenty miles of pavement. Postofflce receipts for year ending Jaae 39, 1910. show gain of 38 per oeat. Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue Mrer apples won sweepstakes prize and ad title of "Apple Xing' of the World." aft the National Apple Show, Spokane. XJ9. Rogue River pears brought high est prices In all markets of the world tartar the post five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing ( eats for postage of the finest commu Btjr pamphlet ever written. THE WASTREL. Obco, when I was little, as the sum mer dark was falling. Among tli e puryle upland fields I lost my barefoot rcy; The road to borne was bidden fast, and frlEbtful shadows, crawl ing Along the sky-line, swallowed up tho last glnd light of day; And then I seemed to hear you In- tho twilight, and be near you; Seemed to bear your dear voice call ing Through the meadows, calling, call ing JLnd I followed and I found you, Flung my tired arms around you, And rested on the mother-breast, re turned, tired out, from play. Down tho yours that followed, tho I trod strange paths unheed ing Though I chased tho Jack-o-lan-thorns of so many maddened years, Though I never looked behind roe whore the bome-llghts were receding, Though I never looked enough ahead to see tho Inn of Fears; Still I know your heart was near me, That your ear was strained to hear mo, That your love would need no plead ing To forglvo me, but was pleading Of Itself that, in disaster, I should run to you tho fester And be euro that I was dearer for for your'sacrlflco of tears. pi Now on life's last summertime tho long last dusk Is falling, And I , who trod one way so long, can treail no other way Until at death's dim crossroads I watch, hesitate, the crawling Night passages that mazo mo with tbo ultlmato dismay, Then when Death and Doubt shall blind mo Evon then I know you'll find me: I shall hoar you, Mothor, calling: I shall fight and follow find you Though tho grave-clothos swathe and bind 'you. And I know your lovo will answer: "Horo's my laddlo homo from play!" Reginald Wright Kauffraan, in tbo Forum. SHALL MAN OR "TVf EN" are beginning to ask themselves," stated Judge Henry McGinn in a speech at Oregon City Sat urday evening, " 'what right has this man to govern me because ho has more money than T have?' Thoy are be ginning to believe that property was made for man and not that man was made for property." The effort inaugurated by the assembly is a move to re-establish the convention system, whereby property is enabled .to govern man instead of man property. Tho part played by corporations in the assembly is exposed by Judge McGinn, who detailed the personnel of the assembly leaders as follews: W. D. Fenton is Southern Pacific and Standard Oil attorney. R. W. "Wilbur is attorney for tho Portland Rail way, Light and Power company and of the Liability In surance companies, which secretly contract with employ ers to insure them against damage from accident, and make it appear in court that the damage falls on the em ployer. S. B. Huston and George W. Stapleton repre sent the timber interests. Charles H. Carey is attorney for the Hill system and the telephone company. Wallace McCaimnant represents numerous corporations, and if elected to the supreme bench would nullify the initiative and referendum. JayBowerman is legal representative in central Oregon for the Harrinmu lines and so it goes down the list. Every corporation lobbyist who became a familiar figure at Salem at the last session of the legis lature was in evidence at the assembly. The people, not the corporations, should select judges, legislatures and senators. Oregon does not want to get back in the class with Illinois, where the seuatorship is auctioned off to the highest bidder. Your judgment, Air. Reader, ought to be as good as the judgment of the man you send to the legislature as to who should be senator. In what respect is your representative better able to make a selection than you are? In what respect is the judgment of these self-appointed delegates to'an assembly controlled by corporations, superior to the judgment of the whole people? PREVENTION VS. CURE. T HE forest fires during awful toll in life and sections of the northwest, recalling the terrible fires that swept over the pine belts of Minnesota, "Wisconsin and Michigan some years ago. "With all the furore about conservation, the appropria tion of millions of dollars, the establishment of an immense bureau and an army of foresters for the conserving of these resources, the calamities of the past week seem to mock the puny efforts of the forestry department, and must in a measure shatter the confidence of the "body pol itic in the gold lace and red tape of the bureau. To "fight fire with fire" is a saying so ancient as to have almost been handed down from the Sanskrit. If small fires, easily controlled, and at the proper season, were kindled through the forests annually, taking off the previous year's accummulation of dead leaves, needles and brush, the forests might easily be kept clear of in flammable matter and the awful holacausts that have marked the past week in a measure be averted. The whole vigilance of the forestry department has been directed to prevent f ires, and where their efforts have been successful year after year, a most deadly reserve magazine of inflammables that, once kindled, pass all human control. The origin of these fires is not infre quently spontaneous combustion, in any event it seems that human vigilance is powerless to prevent their spread. To return to the old methods of the Medes and Persians may seem a long step backward to scientific gentlemen of the tennis and golf cabinets, but the people who are pay ing for the gold lace, the flummery and the chalk lines on the tennis court want a conservation that conserves, even though it be accomplished by the prosaic methods of the ancients. Natatorium Notes. The putrons of the bowling hall nr mnidlv ncauirini' skill at tho ntnn nml liii? scores are now rolled up every day. Tho hih score to date was made yesterday by "Uwme Patton, 251. This week tho management is or foriiiL' a nrizo to the hiiiH score for three eonsecutivo (rumen rolled be fore midnight, Saturduy, August 27. Ladies' day Thursday, It was orkrinally intended to "utairo" n game of water polo Wed nesday night, but tho absence Irom thn eitv of Hnrrv Baldwin, ono of the best players, caused a shift in the plans. Insteud of tho polo game, the management will put on a series of races. Ono will bo a three-heut af fair for bovs of 10. Tho main event will ho a match, race between Paul Evans and W. It. Crosby. These boys are well matched, fast swim mers and tho contest will ho most oxoiting. Tho ruccs will start at 3 o'clock und will bo followed by tbo regular dance at 8:45. Ilasklns for Health, PROPERTY RULE? the past week have taken an property from the timbered Real Estate Transfers. J. De Iloboum to E. F. A. Hittner, 40 acres in section 8, township 35, 4 west $ 10 U. E. Bean to E. C. Kinley side, lot 9, block 32, Med ford 10 W. L. Orr to L. E. Bean, the sumo property 10 E. Wheclor to J. F. Brown, lot 17 und 18, block 15, Butte Falls 300 W. II. Hamlin to J. Do Ro bonm, 40 ucros in section 8, township 35, 4 west... 100 It. C. Kinleyside to h. E. Bean, lot 9. block 32, Hert ford 2,400 It. B. Studebaker to II. E. Stone, land in township 30, 1 east 1,200 Labor Day Celebration. The locul Carpenters' union is pro paring for an excursion and picnic to Ashland on Labor day, September fi, Reduced rates have boon secured and every preparation made for a good time. All trades unions are asked to participate. KLAMATH PHONE LINE PURCHASED Official ntuiouiiccmuut confirming the I'urelmso of tho Midway Home Tolonhonu Co. system by tho Pacif lo Telephone ami Telegraph Com pany was reco'ved by District Com mercial Manager Drowory this morn ing. In discussing tho taking over of this proport by IiIh company Mr. Drowory stated that It was of consid erable Importance to Medford, as nil of the business originating In Klam ath and Lake counties will havu to bo handled through the district head nuarters, which are located here, thus ot can bo seen with this addi tional Incronoo In business from that growing section of tbo country, It will necessitate nu Increase lit tho force, both In the accounting and plant de partments hero lit order to carry on the work. In speaking of what his company purposed to do In the way of Im provements, Mr. Drowery stated that the city of Klamath Falls had Just recently granted his company a 25 years franchise and that work would , commence within 90 dnys on tbo In stallation of a new central energy system, which would neccssltnto tho rebuilding of the entlro Midway com pany's old system In ordor to glvo tho patrons a first-class sorvlco, which that particular soctlon has needed for somo time. Ho further stated that material Is now being as sembled for tho construction of a number eight copper metallic circuit from the main Portland nnd San Francisco toll lino to Lakovlow, via Klamath Falls, and when this Is com pleted It will plnco thorn In a posi tion to gavo an A I sorvlco to all of the Interior towns In Klamath, Lake, Harney and Crook counties. This will represent an expenditure of nt least ono hundred and twenty-five thou sand dollars and will mean much to tbo particular territory that It covers In tho way of large sums of money that will be spent for labor and ot which naturally each town will bo benefited by. The company fully reallzos tbo lm- I portance of this new and growing ' country, and Medford bolng tho log I leal center for this vast territory, it was decided that it should bo tho district headquarters for these couu- ties. 4' TAFT WAKTS TEDDY'S HELP. (Continued from Pncoj2 platform. Ho Indicated" that Taft approved of thlH plan and did not care what Roosevelt thought about It. Taft, a his lottor and tolegram both show, It Is uow pointed out, did not approre of tho action. Politi cians believe tbo whole schomo wns a daring plan on tho part of tho "old guard" to forco tho president to ap pear to approve a reactionary pro gram in New York. Tluit tho schemo may result In tho complete over throw of the men back ot It, and a working alliance between Taft and Roosevelt Is tho prediction of tho poltlclans hero. WOMEN SENT TO SAFETY. (Continued from page 1.) of Ashland burning has passed. The volunteers secured yesterday morn ing, following the calling of a mass meeting in tho city, did valient work and got the fires near the city uud' control. Fortunately the wind did not shift, as feared, and tho dnngorit passed. Richard Caldor of this eitv. who , " V kHam At Belt union woitt into tho Kile urouk dlritriot n week urn on i luiutinir ttip, won foroml lo flee for sitl'uty mid had lib lioreo Imdly lnmiml on route. Ho staled tlint every camper In tho dis trict has been pressed into Hurvlon The fires mound Ihu Four Hit lord nro reported today to lie dying down and nro fairly well under control. The .Mosquito Swamp fires are also said to have boon ehooked by thu soldiers who arrived last week. Supervisor Nrioksou, with a forou of nearly 1!00 men, Is still fiuhtiiiR the Cat Hill fire, on tho southeast side, and is said to he mooting with ood fluoeoss. Taken all in all, the fire situation may he said to havu improved Rreal ly duriiiR tho past 1!-1 hours. Willi additional men at work it in holieved MMMMHMMUM The Meat Question is ono thnt overy person is vi tally interested in a question thnt all must consider.. Fine, healthy stock is not enough. Perfection in butch ering is not enough. Tho ques tions of cold storngo and sani tation nro just as important. We have n sanitary shop, and no flies or other insect is allowed around our meats. Our cold storago system is tho only system that Insures perfection in fresh meats. We'll be pleased to Iiavo you call nnd inspect our shop nnd stor age rooms. Staple & Fancy Groceries Everything the. market af fords and the best brands. You !, can't go wrong when you order ' from ' ' Warner, Wortman 6 Gore Grocery Phone 286 Market Phone 281 V ' and Biscuits for the Children? Yos, children of all ages if am and Lard has been used. Columbia Brand Products nro tlio result of careful, clean. modern, (military methods Dealar, Hotel and Cafe meat oo ronrtAMD, OM. NOMMIMUrtOI VM rcm 11 tlint thoy will all ho under control within a week. A enso smoke is still hanging over tho 'ily and valley. There is no prospnul of ruin. Thu local i'grestry officials are congratulating Ihemselves thai thoio Iiiir heen no hiss of life in the pres ent fires. A number of narrow es capes have ht'im experienced, hut so far no fatalities have boon ut cntdml, Assistant Eorestor C. J. lltielc, who is now in charge of the local office, states that be is leaving no stone unturned in his efforts to find the parties who havu been sotting out fires. That tho fires were set by somo person or persops there Is int tho slightest doubt, as tiumistakablo evidouce has been found to that ef fect. One homesteader Is reported to have' chased a firebug for novel nl miles on horseback in an endeavor to apprehend him, hut be escaped. Resolution. Whereas, death has removed from our midst our worthy and estimable I'otnrndc, Mrs. Lottie Udell; there, fore he it Resolved, by the members of Local Agale, as well as this entire com muiiity has sustained nu irreparable loss; and be it further Resolved. That we extend to her DIAMOND I I A "Wo liavo ovorything tlmt in good in DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND J JEWELRY JLt A and will trout you on the squiiro. IVI O J- W. DIAMOND O lj 115 E Main, Medford tt- DIAMOND Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. In charge of tho Bcncdicliiio Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opens September Gtli. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. TURN EXPENSE INTO INVESTMENT If it's merely a question of what you can "get along with," use an ordinary paper for your business stationery. If, however, you are seek ing to turn expense into in vestment, use Tilt ii( tuuHtit lUlltmr m "LooJktr ti Watir tUrV The added influence given your messages by the clean, crisp sheets will wipe out the expense item and leave a bal ance on the other side. A Hula Journey Into ilia working nt your own inlml will itrennllitiwiur urcu inenl, To htlp, mk in lor u icciintii book of tin i.ipcr ilmwiiig IcilriliraiU ml oilier kutlneti forim, iirlnleil, llllio. Kniplied und ciijrmvml nn ilia whim ami fourteen colon of Ulu Hamiiiiiuu IIiinii, Il wuilli having. Mailli)rllAM?MiMR PAHKH COMfAHV, lliu only paper UMlteri In Ilia world innklnic boml pjnerexclutlvely. Medford Printing horenved husband and relatives our siiieeresl sympathy; mid ho it I'ur- Resolved, That our olinrlur bo draped in mourning for a period of Ihltty days, and also Hint a copy of' those I'oMilutlotiM he lorwarded (o the Mall Tribune and a copy to our comrade, the husband of thu de ceased, E. .1. Odell, , HARVEY RICHARDSON, iMAKION NEAl.ON, It. C. AVERY, Committee. DIAMOND THIEF IS TAKEN TO PORTLAND Ray I j. llrown, who was arrested several days ago on telegraphic in formation from Portland, was taheu north Monday afternoon by Officer Douglas Leisy to answer lo the charge. Hrown was accused of purloining a diamond estimated to bo worth , .flfiO. lie admitted that he had bad the stone, and it was later found In pawn at Klamath Palls, hut douioa that he had stolon it. Not ono of a storo'n "regular cus tomers" fall to note with porconal Interest and plcnsuro every evidence of Increasing ndvortlnlng mitotprlno which It allows. PINE JOB PRINTING IS OUR SPECIALTY WE CAN AND DO MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES GET OUR PRICES Co. aa s- central av. N N v V