Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 22, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Sftmon by
Putor Brooklyn
- Ooo
Lynn, Miimh,, AukhhI It. Pimtor
Kiinni'II of HrooUlyii Tulmrnnclu hjmjUu
hero twlvo today to Iiitku ami attuu
tlvp niiillfiici'M, W report onu of IiIh
dlHcmirwx friiin (tio above. II huIiI In
My text U oho of tlio ntroiu:iiit of
(Iiohii which oiled wo crroncoiiMly tittH
tiudiTMiood to leiivti tint eternal tor
lnuiit of ttio noiioloct. CoiiiIiik to tlio
text with our iiiIiiiIh Mlcd with tlio
wrent: luiroH.MloiiM r(Mxctiiii; tlio
clmriu'tcr of lliu Almighty Creator nnd
nHHH;tliiK lilrt piirpoNCH toward liu
nuuilty It 1h vnny for tin to liiltmiuIiT
Htntitl tlio word of Ht. JutU. Ho drop
ly wcro liar rrnjnioiin IhoiiKlitH tin
prmwtl upon our mind from child
hood t tint . Imitlonnl IIioiikIi they wcro,
wu coiiHldcntl tlicui fiiiiiliiincnlul tlio
oIokj'. In llko iiiiumcr wo wrttdod to
our own coiifuidoii iiml Injury many
HcrlpturcH, rriHllnj; Into thorn what
thoy do not nuy mid Ignoring what
they do nay. Ah, for Iimtuiicc, tlio
iiutwtigwi of Holy Writ to tlio effect
Hint "nil tho wicked will CJod dentroy";
that "tlio wiiccm of hIii Im death"; Hint
"(he mini that Hlnnrth. It hIiiiII dlo";
that thero Ix no eternal llfo out of
ChrNt. All theno mid other wo warp
ed mid twhtted away from thvlr boun
tiful nnd Hlmplo tenclilnc, and mado
out of them "doctrine of dovlln" with
which we alarmed ountclvi'H and tluwo
committed to our ItiMtructlou.
Wo thank Hod that grit dun 1 1; tho
eycM of our iiiiderHtnndlng nrw open
lug to dlNcern the great Truth that tho
tenting f tl' Church In tho pronont
Ago mid the tenting or the world ut
largo In tho roiiltiK Ago will l iik to
worllilneHs for eternal llfo or worth!
nejtM of vlernl deuth overlaying do-Htructlon-tlio
Second Death from
which there will ho no redemption, no
roMirrcctloii. no recovery. Am St. Peter
declare. TIiohii who enter Into It will
he. like lirutolieiiHtN, made to ho taken
nnd dcHtroyod annihilated.
8otlom' Quilt and Punlilimont.
, Kodom and Hiirwuiidliig oil Ion were,
nrolllgutt' and llceutloim to the extreme
nnd Divine .lUHtleo deereed that their
coiirxo iiiUNt not continue, hut Unit
they hIioiiIiI he made an example of
Icmnuii to otherit of tho Dlvlno dlH
pleamire ngnltmt all Mich llceutloim
iieHH. Accordingly wo rend that lire
ninl hrliiiMtono won. rained from
heaven to the utter doHtruetloii of thonc
cltlcH, tho place of which In now mark,
ed ly the Dead Sen. Tho .Sodomite
wero obliterated nod only their uiimo
nnd lilMtory hnvo como down to iik.
Their utter detraction ly eternal lire
or hoiivonly lire mined upon them wan
u complete denlrui-tlon. Their expert
enco pIctitroH forth the utter deHtruc
tlou of till whom Cod will llunlly re
Ject nit unworthy of eternal life. Not
that tiro and hrlmxtouu would ho rain
ed upon till, hut that utter destruction
will come upon "II dlwipprovcd hy the
Almighty. Who thinks Hint St. Judo
meant that the tire that dentroycd tho
SodoinlloH wn tin eternal one' Who
over thlnkH that It In Htlll burning an a
literal ltlir.c Nhotild take a look at tho
picture of tho Dead Sea and note that
there are no llren there. Tho thought
In Hint the lire, which Ih a symbol of
destruction, did ltn work thoroughly,
completely, leaving not a vtmtlgo of
thcMo condomned to destruction.
Tho Sodouiltea all went to hell to
tho Mllilo hell -to tho Htato of death
Itut they did not go to tho hell which
wim manufactured hy our forefathers
wring the dark agou-n hell of otornal
torture. Wo have Illhlo teHtlmony on
tho HUhJect, which wo will produce.
They aro uncoiiHcloim now llko the re
malndor of tho dond, waiting for tho
resurrection. And tho resurrection op
portunity will como to thorn, iih well
aw to all tho remaindor of Adam'M
rncoj hecnuHo they, iih well an all oth
ers, aro redoined hy tho precious blood
of Christ by the sacrlllco which ho
finished nt Cnlvnry. This Is not spec
ulntlvo. Wo hnvo tho words of the
Muster himself on tho subject. us
tnlco our liiformntlon, our wisdom from
tho proper tUiirter. Then our doubts
and fears will speedily lieu away.
Not Seoond Chance.
"Wo will produce the Illhlo testimony
showing that the Sodomites will bo re
leased and come forth during tho me
diatorial relgu of Messiah to enjoy it
uhiiro of the blessings (hen to be pour
ed out upon Israel and the world; und
to 1mvo an opportunity of coming Into
harmony with God nnd gaining eternal
life. Hut we know that strulghtwuy
somebody will say, No, Pastor Itussell,
that would be u socoun chance, and
Clod Iiiih nowhere promised a second
cliunco to any. I'lirthcrmnro It would
bo bo-llttlelug to tho Divine (Inveru
rnout to suppose Hint God, after giving
one fair trial to u man mid reaching a
decision would conclude to give him
another trial, iih though Dlvlno Justice
wero unublo to determine the worthi
ness or iiiiworihluos of the Individual
for oloniul llfo In one trial or testing.
Wo fully agree with this sontlniont,
but cull attention to tho fact that the
Kodomltes did not enjoy one trial for
life. Thoy and all mankind woro
"horn In sin, shapmi In Iniquity; In sin
did their mothers coucelvo thorn."
The Vengeance
of Eternal Fire
"Even Sodom- nnd Gomorrnh
nnd tlio cities about llicm ... nre ict
forth for an example, suffering lite
vengeance of eternal fire" (Judc 7).
They woro born under tho sentence.
"Dying thou .ihult die." Neither they
nor anyone else, therefore, could be
placed upon trial for a future llfo over
Insthig or death everlasting, until re
leased from the original sentence of
death under which all wero born. And
no releiiNe from that death sentence
was grunted to anybody until the lie
deemcr cnine and died, "tho .lust for
tho unjust." Hint, "ns by a man camo
denth. by a man also might como tho
resurrection of tho dead."
Only those, therefore, who have been
born since Jesus' day cv.nld he released
from the orlglunl penalty, or could bo
placed on trial for llfo or denth eter
nal. Only tho Church, therefore, ac
cepts this proposition. To this agrcoM
tho words of the Apostle, "If irj slu
wilfully after Hint tee hnvo como to a
knowledge of tho Truth, there remain
eth no more sacrifice for sin (such hav
ing enjoyed and misused their share
of tho original sacrifice) nothing but
a fearful looking forward to of Judg
ment (sentence) and llery Indignation,
which will devour tho adversaries of
flod In the Second Death (Hebrews x.
'-'(J). The Sodomites, therefore, did not
enjoy nny clinnco of eternal life. They
know not "(ho only name given under
heaven or amongst men whereby we
must bo saved." Not only so, but the
majority of mankind since Jesus' day
have never heard the Gospel In the
Iruo sense of the won! hcartny They
have never understooii, never appre
ciated. It fully. i-Ightly.
Moro Tolerable For Sodomltei.
It may astonish some to know that
Jesus, speaking of the Judgment or
trial of the world during the coming
age, during his Mediatorial Kingdom,
declared that that trial would be less
severe upon the Sodomites than upon
some of those people to whom he
preached, who would also have a
share In the opportunities of that
great opoch-iin opportunity, with the
Sodomites, of reconciliation to God
and the attainment of eternal life.
Ills words were. Woe unto you Clio
raxzln and Helhsnldn, for If the mighty
work which hnvo been done In you
hud been done In Bodom and Gomor
rah, they would have repented long
ago In sackcloth mid ashes. Therefore
I Miy unto you. It shall he more tol
erable for Tyro ami Sldon In the day
of Judgment the world's trial time,
the Millennium than for you (Mat
thew II, 22, 2.1). What more could wo
nsk ukjii this subject? What higher
authority could lo Invoked thnn the
Cheat Judge himself?
It will not do to say that Jesus did
not refer to tho same licentious Sod
omites mentioned by St. Judo In our
text. It will not do to say that Jesus
meant some Sodomites living In bin
day, bocniiRO there were none. The
Master distinctly tolls im that "the
Hiuue day Hint IM went out of Sodom
It mined down tiro and brimstone from
heaven nnd destroyed them all" (Mike
xvll, 20). When our Lord declares
that "It shall bo moro tolerable for
Sodom In the day of Judgment than
for Capernaum" ami the other cities
In which ho preached, he Implies Hint
It will still b (olomblo for those peo
ple who heard him and who rejected
Ids message.
"Thua It la Written."
This Gospel Age which began with
our Lord's sufferings and trying expe
riences, and which has continued those
c.poricticcs with his followers, has for
Its object the preparation, the tiuullll
cation, of those who will be the Judges
of the world In tho coming Age. They
must all be developed In the fruits and
graces of the Holy Spirit "meekness,
patience, brotherly kindness, love,"
else that will not bo tit to be the
Judges of mankind by and by. It is
required Hint all become copies of the
Itedeemer, God's dear Son. St. Paul
tells us this, saying, "Know ye not
Hint the saints shall Judge tho world?"
and that God has foreordained that tilt
of these Judges must be copies of his
Son? (Komaiis vlll, 20; I Corinthians
vl. 2).
Come buck with me to the Old Testa
ment Scriptures and note how (he Dl
vlno Spirit dictated this mutter of tho
future trial of the Sodomites (o one of
(ho prophets and caused it to be writ
ten for our instruction. Alas as Jesus
said, we hnvo been "slow of heart to
believe all that the prophets have
spoken" (Luke xxlv, 25). Through
Kzoklcl tho Prophet, (lie Lord explains
Hint when the restitution time shall
come ut the Second Advent of our
Lord in tho glory of his Kingdom, then
the Divine blessing will como upon
Israel now cast oil. Nor will the bless
lnj( of Messiah's Kingdom come upon
Israel only! It will extend to nil tho
families of the earth, Through the
Prophet the Lord specially emphasized
to Israel her (wo sister nations, Sodom
and Siimniiii. Tlio Lord pointed out
that In (ho tiny of (heir pride iiml pros
porlty they dlsdulned these sister na
tions as being far beneath them mid
unworthy of their notice In every way.
Hut In the restitution times (Acts III,
10) thoy will bo glatl to have a share
of tho Dlvlno favor In conjunction with
those nations formerly despised,
Tho Lord declares that It la not be
cause of the worthiness of nny of these
that he proposes their restitution, but
hecause or ins glorious eiiaracier, tor
which his tiuuiesuke, Ia-1 mo quote
(o you this reiuarkiibly cleur state
ment of the Divine purposes future;
nnd let us notice Hint It Is emphatic
ally declared that tho ones to be re
stored nnd blessed nro the very ones
who perished In the days of Lot. Wo
"Kodom (hy sister hnlli not done
iih thou bust dono He
hold, this was the Iniquity of thy sis
ter Kodom, pride, fulness of bread,
mid abundance of Idleness wns to her.
neither did she strengthen tho
hand of the poor and the needy. And
they wcro haughty, und committed
abomination before me; therefore 1
took them away as I saw good. Gotl
did not see good to take them to n hell
of eternal torture; but ho did see good
to destroy them and to make them an
example of tho destruction of all ulti
mately displeasing to him nftcr enjoy
ing n knowledge of his gracn and an
opportunity for eternal life.
"Thou also which hast condemned
thy sister nations bare thine own
shame for thy sins. They nre more
righteous thnn thou (ns Jesus d
clared). When ! shall bring again their
captivity bring them from the prison
house of deiKhJ then will I
bring ngnlii the cnpllvlty of (hy cap
tives in (he midst of them: that thou
tnayest bear thlno own shame nnd
mayest bo confounded In nil that thou
luiRt done. In that thou art a comfort
unto them. When thy sisters Sodom
and her daughters shall return to their
former estnte, and Snmnrln nnd her
daughters return to their former es
tnte. then thou and thy daughters
shall return to your former estate
I will remember my Covenant
with thee In the days of thy youth
and I will establish unto them an
everlasting Covenant Ithe New Ijiw
Covenant of which Messiah Is the
Mediator and which, under his Media
torhil Kingdom shall blesn Israel and
all who will come Into Israel under
the glorious tfnns of that New Cove
uent (Jeremiah xxxl. :tl).
"Then thou shalt remember thy
ways and be iislmined when thou shnlt
receive thy sisters, thine elder nnd thy
veuncer: and I will give them unto
thee for daughters, but not by thy I
Covenant not under your present
Law Covenant, but under the New
Law Covenant nnd Its better Media j
torj thut thou mnycsi re
member and bo confounded and never
open thy mouth any more, because of
thy shame, when I inn paeliled toward
thee for all that thou bust done, salth
the Lord Gotl" (P.r.eklel xvl. -IS-iKl).
Lennth and. Breadth Helnht and
How wonderful It at first seems to
us to llutl that we really have u good
kind, loving Got), und not an unmerci
ful nnd vengeful one! So grossly were
we ihvolvod respecting his character,
by the traditions handed down from
the past, that we giive him the rev
erence of fear, nithcr than that of
love and devotion. The clearer light
comes to uh as a fresh revolution of
tho meaning of tr- A post . wonN
when he wrote about "luiMhs and
breadths and heights und depths of
love of Gotl, which passeth nil under
standing." The wonls of the Lord through the
prophet come to our minds, "Feur not
their fear, neither be afraid." "Their
fear of me Is not of me. but Is taught
by the precepts of man." "As the
heavens nre higher than the earth, so
aro my ways higher than your ways
and my plnus higher thnn your plans."
Oh! Thank Cod Hint It Is so! To all
eternity we shnll praiso God that he
dltl not allow our forefathers to make
him or change his diameter. Yes, mid
he Is tho kiiiuo yestenlay, today and
forever. Ho changes not. The great,
wise. just, loving plan for tho salva
tion of mankind which he Is now cur
rying tint was the very oho "which he
purposed In himself boforo tho world
was created." Tho plan of selecting
tho Church through llery trials, through
tho straight gate ami narrow way, for
nineteen centuries, was what he pur
posed In advance; for tho Apostlo snys
that he foreknow the Church In Christ.
Likewise the times of restitution
soon to como for the world of mankind
ho foreknew nnd predostliuited. and
mado nil the arrangements for, Just ns
they nre being carried out now. The
end will be glorious. His name will
(thine resplemleiitly when the mists
hnvo cleared away, and when the Sun
of ltlghteoiisness shall arise with heal
ing hi his beams, scattering all the
darkness and degradation of sin and
"Then we'll boo what God hath wrought!
Then wo'll i-.Iho him, praiso htm uh wo
"To You It la Given."
We aro well awaru that only tho few
can see tho beauties of this subject us
wo soo them. Wo aro awaro that only
those to whom "It Is given to know"
will understand In the sense of fully
appreciating tho depth of the Divine
message. Hut wo aro sure that all
such will rejoice moro and moro In the
God of our salvation, as they come to
uppreclato his worthiness of our love
und cnulldcuco and devotion.
As for those who shall under Divine
tests prove themselves sympathetic
with Iniquity, wo are glad that the
Divine sentence Is that they shall have
from the Ktorunl One a destruction
total, complete one from which there
will lie no recovery, no redemption, no
resurrect Ion, "They shall bo iih though
they had not been," Hut all tho willing
nnd the obedient shnll huvo tho bless
ing of tho Iml unto llfo eternnl
lither on the spirit piano as members
of tho Church of tho firstborns or on
the human plnuo uh members of tho
nnved Isrnel restored fo human porfee.
From Jlrownsboro, two Jiornca, ono
flea bitten crny, hind logi swollen,
one black horso. Hoturn to Heath's
ranch, Urownshoro, nnd rocolro re
ward, 134
llnHkitiK for health.
Mt. Angel College
In charge of the Benedictine Fathers. 3Tor young
men and boys. Term opens September 6th. Pre
paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses.
Write for catalogue.
Newport, Yaquina Bay
The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Whtro tho pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstones
Cornelians and Rock Oysters can be found.
Outdoors iSport of all Kinds
Including Hunting, Fishln , digging Hock Oysters, Boating,
Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng. Canoolns and Dancing. Pure
mountain water and tho best of food at low prices. Fresh
Crabs, Clams, Oysters. Fish and Vegetables of all kinds dal
ly. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg
ulations, nt nominal cost.
Low Round-Trip Season
from nil points In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho on salo
A Sunday Excursion
from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates
from points west, !n effect nil Bumnior. Call on any S. P. or C. & E.
Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for
copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Oregon," or
wrlto .o WM. SIcMURRAY,
General Passenger Asent,
Portland, Oregon.
Medford Iron Worlis
E. G-. Trow'bridgde, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
The Jackson County Bank
Offers its sorvices and twenty-two years' experience
of successful banking to the people of Medford and
those in tho vicinity thereof.
Tt solicits tho accounts of merchants, fanners,
fruitgrowers nnd all others requiring the services of
an old, conservative banking institution.
CAPITAL $100,000.00
SURPLUS $ 50,000.00
TV. I. VAWTER, Pres. O. TV. M'DONALD, Cashior.
G. R. LINDLEY, Vice-President.
Medford, Oregen: This certifies
that wo hnvo Hold Hull's Toxna Won
lor for tho euro of nil kidney, bind
tlor and rhoiimatlo troubles for ten
yenr, and hnvo novcr had a com
nlaint. It gives quick and pormnncnt
relief. Sixty days' treatment in cadi
wittle M dfnrd Vhnrmitrv "
Tha best resolution for yon
to make is to come to ns for
your next unit,, if you want
something out of the ordinary.
We do the best work and charg
tho lowest prices.
Three Day Saturday to
Monday Rate
from S. P. points, PorLund to
Cottage Grove inclusive, Includ
ing branch lines; also from all
C. & B. stations Albany and
west. Good going on Saturday
or Sunday, and for return Sun
day or Monday.
Rate of $ 1 oQQ
Office 209 West Main St., Medioid, Ore.
Operating Quarry
Che finest'
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Hotel Moore
Fire Proof
Ratx-Mohr Company
Proprietors. '
Europe am Plan
Plans and Specifications for the foundation of Hotel Medford
will be ready on and after Wednesday, August 10. nt the offico of
Messrs. Clark & Forester.
is booking orders now for early fall plant
ing. Don't delay in placing your order,
all stock guaranteed.
Office 116 Main Street
We make any kind
We carry Glass
J MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon.
Excursion Ratesto the East
j DURING 1910
Southern Pacific
Chicago : $72.50
Council Bluffs $60.00
Omaha $60.00
Kansas City $60.00
St. Joseph $60.00
St. Paul $60.00
St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90
Minneapolis direct . $60.00
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90
Duluth, direct $66.90
Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50
St. Louis $67.50
Tickets will be on sale May 2d and 9th; June 2d, 17th
and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th.
The above rates apply from Portland only. From points
south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port
land, to make through rate via Portland. One way
through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except
that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal
ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75
higher than fares via direct routes.
Ten days provided for tho going trip.
Stop-overs within limits in either direc
tion. Pinal return limit three months
from date of salo, but not later than Oc
tober 31st.
Inquire of any S, P. Agent for complete information, or
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
at Cold Ray, Oregon
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
and style of Windows.
of any size on hand.