MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 19.10. ---------- - Newsy Notes from Rogue River Valley Towns Fine Printing Wo inalto u iipoelnlly of flim iriiiMmr itilfl-V (till nm'ilMHIirV rl ------- -- ------- t --- n l i; ii i j i ,?. Eagle Point Eaglets AcLictt. Just after I hnil written for tho Mnil Tribuno Inst Thursday, II. D. Edrucndes, Bon and father, drovo up to our plnco and Rnvo mo one of their cards, representing themselves as Edmcades Bros., shoo dealers, of Medford. They were out here look ing for a situation for business. IT. L. Gilbert, a civil engineer, who has charge o a company of 25 men on their way to Crater X.ako to work for Unclo Sam in the national re serve, called for dinner Thursday. They were very reticent with regard to what they were going to do, but as they wanted to hire another team thoy had to let it he known as to their destination. Our community has be'en consider ably excited hero for tho last two days on account of the fires raging in tho tall timber. Friday morning a train of three passengers, a bag gage and flat car passed through hero with a company of 110 soldiers on their way to the fire belt, tho cars running out to tho station near Derby, about eight or nino miles from hero. Thoy unloaded tho troops, wagons, mules, horses and baggage -on the sido of tho mountain where it was so steep that they had to let the wagons down with ropes, and the poor mules had had no water for about 24 hours, and there was none for them, so they had to travel al most to tho Falls before they found any water. Instead of going off the right of way a short distance, they tried to follow the right of way and tame in contact with some deap gorges and had lots of trouble get ting through. When they reached Butte Falls teams were procured It tako them to the different places where they could work to the best advantage in putting out the fire. Word reached us over the phone last night (Friday) that the fire was raging in the country known as the unsurveyed country, and that there had been three houses burned and that all of the women and children had gone out to John Iliginbotham'a and Hawk's sawmill, and this (Sat urday) morning we started teams to help them out. Mr. Pratt of Medford came in today at noon and reports that the fire was general all over the country in the neighborhood of Cat Hill and Four Bit creek, and later advices state that there is a big fire on the north side of Rogue river, in the Prospect timber. Ray Harnish, the Butto Falls stage driver, came in to lay noon and said that he took out a load of tho troops last night to fight the fire in the unsurve3'ed country, and that about all that he could sen was n. wall of fin? one and a half or two miles long in the big limber. Thursdav nieht Messrs. Edgar ' TREATY WITH KOREA WILL STAND UNCHANGED TOKIO, Aug. 22. Preliminary to 'the signing of tho imperial procla mation that shall transfer tho sov ereignty of Korea to the Japanese mikado, certain provisions of the document becamo public here today. Tho Japanese government will rec ognizo for the present at least the various treaties existing between Ko rea and foreign nations. This clause is of primary importance to the United Stntes, who has enjoyed un der tho Korean treaty certain terri torial rights in Korea which Ameri cans do not possess in Japan. The American state department unques tionably has boen unonsy over the proposed annexation of Korea be cause of this trcntjr feature. A fear has been expressed that American extra-territorial rights would bo abroguted by tho annexa tion and that Japan would retuso to recognize tho existing treaty with Korea. It is understood tlmt diplo matic noteii woro oxchunged between the Tokio nnd Washington govern ments and that assurances woro giv en that existing treaties would not bo disturbed for au indefinite time. Tho annexation proclamation will - decree that tho Korean emperor shall liavo all rights devolving on an ox emporor, according to tho laws of Japan. These will include freedom of supervision, enjoyment of certain revenues and comparative freedom from governmental cures. Korean officials and nobles will rocoivo similar treatment and will bo deprived of nono of their privileges nnd tho pornuisites of their rank save tho governmental powers that thoy Jiavo enjoyed. Ilaaltlns for Health. Hafer, Ton Velio, Walter Dudley of Illinois and the news editor of tho Mail Tribuno, Harry II. Hioks, camo out from Medford and called for a Into suppor. Thoy woro on tho way to tho Iowa mills and tho next morn-1 ing went to Four Bit creek to look after tho Crater Lake company's in terest in that section. L. E. Smith has just phoned from Caster's that ho had been as far as Hawk's null and learned that tho fire had not reached so far as tho Spen cer's, and that there had becu but littlo damage done and that they had the fire under control. George Wilson, who has taken up a homestead along the railroad near Derby, and Mr. Cameron, another gentleman from that section, wore hero Friday for dinner, and report that tho work is progressing finely oil the railroad and that the people are elated over the prospect of hav ing a railroad station there nud a good road out from tho station to intersect the present county road from here to Butte Falls. iiobcrt I'rescott ot r.ugene was another one of the many callers who are here to look at our country anil looking for fruit land. Mrs. Scott Claspil of Butte Falls was here Friday night interviewing our merchants and laying in a stock of dry goods for their store. She has great hopes for the future of that section. Professor J. X. Miller and Mr. Lorrey of Josephine county came last night and called for a late suppor. Mr. Lorrey had been out all day with a team and did not reach his desti nation until Into in the evening. Mr. Ditsworth came in from Fort Klamath Friday afternoon on his way to tho valley after a load of fruit, etc., to take out to Fort Klain ath, and later in the day his daugh ter, Miss Ada, came in on her way up home. She has been engaged teaching school in Josephine county. There are five sisters in the family that are all teachers, and a remark able circumstance is that there is but one of tho five has ever failed in their examinations, and that was when she took it the first time; nnd the most of them are experienced teachers, something that they nnd their father may well feel proud of. .Messrs. C. R. Xeihcil and Bud Wil- let enme in today from the Rowley copper mine and the headwaters of the Umpqua and report that they have a very valuable mine there. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchnrd, who arc living on the old Charley Knighton place, camo in Friday, bought their lond, stayed at the Sunnyside nil KUt nud Saturday morning started fr home. Miss Ada Ditsworth ac- compnnicd them. 18 DROWNED WREN E LONDON, Aug. 22. Eighteen sail ors were drowned when tho British cruiser Bedford went a3horo last night on Quelpart Island, near tho coast of Korea, according to an Ex change telegraphic report today. Tho vessel was under command of Captain FItzhubort and carried a crow of 687 men. The cruisor was en route from Wol Aal Wei to Naga saki with a squadron. SEOUL4 Korea, Aug-. 22. Tho British cruiser Bedford, foundered Sunday night noar Salshu Island, off Chemulpo. The Japanese warship Yodo has been dispatched to tho res cuo. Hasklns tor health. Children's 1 Byes Tli Child wllh glatici It rqori EH likely to t (lie Adult ultliuul 91 (lac than U the wtak.f)td at chaq whott cytt ire not glvrn H I Central Point Items Tho report that Oloim Owen and parly of frieiuls are hummed In by tho Crator lako forest flro haa not been substantiated uml It Is believed Is based merely on rumor, A flro started In tho dead grass In tho rear ot tho Hoas confectionary and Peel room, called out tho flro department Saturday afternoon. Tho blnzo was soon extinguished and no damage was dune. Tho Y. M. C. A. build Ins fund has excocded tho desired amount, tooting up at present npprovlmntoly $0,500 and tho returns from nil tho teams aro not yet In. Mr. Jurry, tho woll-known mining man who recently sold n group of mines near Contra! Point, was trans acting business nt this place Satur day. William A. Cowley, Central Point's most progressiva cltlxon was trans acting business in Medford Saturday aftornoon. Tho "Billy Cowley Smile," is a now modo of facial contortion adopted by all Central Pointers slnco tho success of tho Y. M. C. A. Mr. W. A. Cowley is fathering both tho Y. M. C. A. movement and tho smile.. Mrs. C. L. Gant was shopping iu Medford Saturday afternoon. Her husband accompanied her. Dr. liny will put in 100 feet ot cement walk .t tho Central Point hotel, along First Avenue, noth from Pine street. J. O. Smith, tho best harness mak er on tho coast has returned to his old position as cutter of Freeman & Wiley's big harness manufacturing Never Had a Dream. LEBAXOX, O.. Aug. 22. Henry L. Holland, the man who claimed that ho never hud a dream iu his life, is dend at tho age of 00 years. He was born iu Hanover. Gennnnv, nnd enmo to America iu 1834, settl ing with his family iu Lebanon. His wife died 20 years ago. and since he nnd his eldest son, Charles, have lived together. The fact that he never dreamed ise said to be un ciiualcd in the country. Couldn't Hurry Her. PITTSBURG, Aug. 22. Although flames were raging in tho building nt Pcun and Xorah HIgrlnnd avonues nnd four young women were at work on the third floor, It was with diffi culty that tho police could persuade Miss Josephine Corbett to leave tho building, she saying sho must stop to wash her faco. AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. O. M. Murphy AUTO LIVERY 1010 Chalmers Detroits. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford. Or." Quick Service Easy Riding Prices Right. PARRY ADTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford. Or. ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Buy your winter Mipplv now; reasonable prices. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO., 15 Almont st , or Room 31, J. C. Bank bldg. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori. Prop. Take the Little Ones to Dr. Goble and have their eyes examined before school starts, lie fits them vith the aid of the latest scientific optical instruments used by the profession, thus avoiding un certain answers as to what they can see. No guessing as to what the child sees here. NO. 301 EAST MAIN. LOOK FOR THE Bia EYE SIGN. establishment. Traveling men who onco avoided Contra! Point on Sundays aro now making it a point to Htop over hero. Tho Central Point hotel undor tho management of Satnuol Holt, ia now niuong the best In tho valloy; niodorn, sanitary, pleasant and supplied Jay. Ishly at tho table. Wo aro proud of our hotel under Its now management and conditions since tbo construc tion. Misses Maudo and ncssto Loo woro calllni;, socially, on Modtord frlomla Saturdny aftornoon. Jonn Pope, tho hend blacksmith with Frank Hawk Is jolng to ro movo with his family to tho Btnto of Washington. A number of Central Pointers aro going to Join tho army ot forest tire fighters today. Tho man who purchased tho groc ory store ot Sam II. Murray failed to como through with tho noccssnry lucre, nnd Mr. Murray la still a high ly respected business man of Central Point. Sam llaxter, tho boss painter ot this entire con munlty is toarlng tho tarring tho roi-f of a largo now barn on the fnrm ofW. J. Freomnn. Tho Central Point Globe line changed Its publication dny to Wed nesday, the paper was formorly Is sued on Saturdays. Henry V. Moss, of Seattle, Wash ington, was in town over Sunday. Mr. Moss expecto to buy nnd build In Cen tral Point this fell. Ho travolo for a hide and wool concern of tho WnsS lngton metropolis. U. S. HOTEL UUTTE FALLS, Or. Re-opened and will cater to tho public. Auto and hunting party din ners a specialty. Patronnco respect fully solicited. MR. A.V1) SIRS. A. DUl'UAY, Prop, nnd Mrt. Respectively. --!-- ------" FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL TURAL AND HORTICUL TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN DID RACES, BAND CON CERTS, FREE ATTRAC TIONS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INFOR MATION ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY. :i i Geo. W. Cherry Lawyer Titles and conveyancing a specialty. Room 4, Over Postoffice. 4. -t- MOSS & COMPANY, Brokers XKW YOUK STOCKS CHICAGO -f OltAI.V AND lMtoVlSIONS -f f 1'ltIVATK LKAfiMI) WIUH 4 UOOM 15 1 O. 1ILOCIC PIIOM3 1H!U. -f 4- " .. f -- Three Choice Bargains No. 1 GC ncros on Boar crook bottom, 2 lolloa from Modtord. 4D ncroa In Nowtown and Spltzonborg npploB, oovon yenra old, also nomo pear troos, 10 ncroa uovr ground ready to set. Klsh lako water, flno Itn- provomonta. Price 150,000; one third cash, bnlasco tonus. A flno bargain. No. 3. 34 ncros flno lnnd near Control Pobt. All good soil. 160 boar lng trees; 250 Bnrtlett ponra ono yonr old; Now ulx-room houso, 'largo barn and o'lr buildings. Cheap at JOr.00. Half cash, bnlnnco throo years at C por cent. Othor laud ad joining Bolllnj for mora money. No. 4. SO acres, 13 miloH from Modfcrd on Roguo river; nil good land, nnd fo'icod with Page fencing; uow 7-room houso nnd bnrn; price 1130 por aero, half caah, balance easy terms. A lnrgo list of chotco orchard and farming lands In lnrgo and mnnll trncU). ModforJ real cstato In ill parts ot tho city .tnd to suit nil purses. Agonts for tho snlo of tho dosort lands of tho Roguo Rlvor Valloy Ca nal Co. 'Como In nnd tall: with us boforo buying. FISIIKK WIIITMIRK iV2 South Central. RIDS. School board will ontortnln for 200 cords of wood or any bids part thereof up to August 20. ORIS CRAWFORD, Clerk Dlat. No. 49. NOTICE. In tho district court ot tho Unitod Stntes for tho district ot Oregon. In tho ninttor ot George A. Butt, bankrupt. Tho undorslgncd truntco ot tho above ontltlcd estnto In bank ruptcy will recelvo sealed bids at tho Jackson County bank. Iu Medford, Oregon, up ' to 12 o'clock nooi, of Friday, August OET YOUR WINTER WOOD Whilo it is cheap. Phono 1341. E. R. TEDRICK, Corner 11th and Laurel ntreetfl. Yard at 417 South Onkdalo Avuiuio. HAIR WHITE AS SNW Restored to Natural Color v.ih C::c Sotlle of WYETH'S SAGE AN SULPHUR' HAIR REMEDY The Only True Hair Restorer, Tonic and Rejuvenntor A1LMOST A MIRACLE My hair was as white as mow when I commenced usinR Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark hrovn color. As I am now 70 year3 old, I consider the renult moot remarkable. It ij an agreeable and refreshing liair c!reasi.":i, keeping the hair aoft and glossy, without being in the Icazt greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE, 210 Wci.1 Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. m & Wyeflta Chemical Company, For Sale by LEON B. HASKINS, 10, 1010, for tho following described property belonging to said estate, namely, a utock of nior I'.rii'Uno, con sisting principally ot Jowolry ut tho Inventory vr.luo of 12087.47, together with a lot of uloro tlttlngu j" tho in ventory vnluo of fl 7C.50, all now in cuntody of tho undornlgiu'd nt Mod tord, Oregon. Cnnh or n certified check for ton par cout ot tho amount offered must ncompany onch bid and tho Halo Is made vubjoct to coi.tlrmn thin by tho court, tho rlg'"t being ro norvod to reject nuy nnd nil bids. Tho sntd property and on inventory there of may ho Impacted upon application to tho undoriilrnod, nt Medford, Oro- KOU. WM. ULRICH, Truntco. Dnted nt Modtorn, Oregon, August 8, 1010. SEND K)R CATALOGUE Address STSTI3R SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Academy, Medford, Oregon. SEND YOUR DAUGHTER TO St. Mary's Academy Medford, Oregon, A Private Resident and Day School for fGIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Departments: Primary, Grammar, Academic, Commer cial. Specially organized Department of Music and Art. Vliv hooilatc when WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing just fiuch results? A.":er ycaro of ctudy and nnalyala of the hnlr, we live boi-n nble to produce nn idcnl Hair Tonic and Rostorur, which contains an actual constituent of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It mal.js nnd hcepa the acalp clean and healthy, gives life, strength and lustre to the hair, and reatorca faded ami itfay hair (o natural color. No matter how long WYETH'S SAGE AND SULI'HUK HAIR REM EDY will make it longer and thicker. It will re mj2 every trace of dandruff in a few days, atop in one week, and start u new growth in from one to three months. M'O i'actn that have been proven in r.corca of casen. WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY ia Guar anteed to do all that it is cluimed to do or the price will be refunded. 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS If Your DrtitfdlHt Donn Not Keep It Hend .10a. In fltivmp eud Wo Will Hend You e. Lnrrto Uoltlo, JSxprenM 1'roprk.ld Jlook to imnblti ilrt to fill .ill orders promptly, and giinrnu- 1(10 HllllHfllOlloll. Host enitlppod job office In Oregon Houtlt of Portland; tioHt expert priutorn. Before minding your onlnrH out of town, (inll and figure witli um if wo unn Morvo you for tho Hiiino price an mi out-of-town concern you will wish (o putrouiro homo iiiduxtry. Medford PrintingCo. Hasklns for Health, KS3W25I u4 1 n c vi IP i ! I !i! AN inilAt. HalrTonIc i:d Dresstnp' jlrm W U 144 4 rt(4 Ik kJti( U ith wij i u h.k i im yi imJ , WM 4 i-t lPMCt He. AND $1.00 j nit wntii ctiriiiCAL coV - '- mw or. city WS&&Z&.I and thick your hair in, 71 COHTLANDT STHEJET PJKW YORU CITY N. V. Medford, Oregon :