hw;$?w W f Medford Mail Tribune UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wire Report. 8E00ND SECTION Tho only papor la tho world publlshoa In a city tho stzo of Medford having a leased wire. PAGES 9 TO 16 tfJLFTH YEAR. MEDFORD, ORKCION, SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 3910. No. 131. ' j& IN MEDFORD'S SOCIAL REALM j& A moHt enjoyable progressive diu nor wuh given Monday evening by Home of tliu moniborrt of tho younger Hot. Tho firHt votiriiu ul' tho tliimur wuh Hurvt'il ut tho homo of Miss llu zul DiivIh, with MIhh Ituth Merrick nHHiiiliiK,' tho IiohIohm. Tho dialling ripoin wiih prettily decorated in huh turliuuiH. Thu nooond course wiih served nt tlio iJouol homo, tho Misses Kcutnur, ilounotto Osgood mid tiio MmSCH Marshall IHjtillg IIH llOrttoHHOH. Tlio third course wuh mirvod ut thu Hutchinson homo, with Miss Fern Hutchinson and hor guest, Mihh Alice Wehriiig of Portland us IiohI- OSH0H. MflHHUH of HWOOt poilH Olid Black-oyed .Susans woro used in 'decorating tho homo. Tho liiHt course wuh crvod on tlio lawn of tho Worrell homo, .Mihh Alice Street iiss'tHtiug Miss Melon Worrell, the lawn being lighted hy Japniiorio Inn IttniH. After tho dinnor the party 'diovu to the Nululoriiim and finish cd the evening with a dance, who re MosdnmoH UiitchiiiHon, Vawtor, I.iitiiHdcii and (Icorgo Davis acted iik chaperoned. The Hiuolrigg orohos tra furnished the music. Those iireseiit were: Misses Alice Streets, Mamie Donel, Icannette Os good, l.ucile .Marshall, Star Mar shall, Ida Leu Kent nor, Ituth Mer rick, Bchh ICentner, llaxel l)avi. Yarn Hutchinson, Alice Wohriing and Helen Worrell; Messrs. llcrhert ICentner, Curtis Anderson, Albert llrnwn, Vance Colvig, Don Colvig, Loo Itoot, Alex. Mudge, Weston Wi der, Fletcher FihIi. Iloh Deuel, Treve I.niiiHden and Jack Kultrcr. On Wodnoidny afternoon, Auk. 17, The Home Missionary Hoclety of the First Mothodhit church mot at tho homo of Mm. Conklln, Tho Ichhoii was full uf InioroHt and van enthu siastically untitled. Tho srbject Orl cntalii and Mormoun wore presented hy Mm. Hit cii and Mm. llrnluord, and matters of Importance pertaining to the leiiHou woro ahly dkcusriod hy each memhor. Tho now President Mrii, W. II. Simmons proved herself wothy of tho honor' ho recently ho-j Htowed upon her hy Umpiring those i prosont with tho deslro to I' now and J do moie of tlio work of homo hiIhh- j lonM. After the Hludy hour thOj members wcro refreshed hy Ico-crenm and Ico water, after which tlio so cloty adjorned to moot September 7 ; with MrH. L. 11. Sites, 103 UoohovoU avenue. . Mr. nnd Mm. .1. I). 01 well enter tained TiiomIu.v evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis of Lon don at Hiijipor at the Louvre, Do PideH the iiioitn of honor were Mcmi-h, Philips and John Drowury. Mr. anil MrH. Oswald Austin, who have recently piircluiHod an orchard near tlio orchard of .Mr. Conro Floro'n spent Inst week In town an tho guostH of Mr. and Mm. IM Aadrewn. . This department Is a regular week ly fenturo, tlcallnii with all phases of tho fruit and produce world. To .Stockholders nnd Kiieiitls: Our lhirtlett season 1$ about closed and wo will ho busy tho coining week with marketing our llowolls. Those who havo largo or iimall Iota should come In and nee iih ho Hit t wo may arrango to got tho shipment off promptly. It hooiuh to ho tho opin ion of nil who havo HowoIIh that thoy should ho picked tho coming wook. Some of our growors havo mnrkotod pait of their ciop tho past wook, Tlio iiu'.niigomont Ih especially plonHOd with tho Halo of a car of poam which contained 220 boxes of ciilhi and averaged $11.1 !, which dem oiiBtrntoH to our ontlro mitlufnetlon that in future raiaona wo Hhould aim to market inoro of our small ponm than lias been tho custom In tho past. Wo had tho past wook nearly a enr of Oravonatoln npplos, tho major ity of tho counts running from ir to 1!00, color only fair, that Hold at Vi per box t'losu, Chicago, On ship ments mudo to Portland two or throo wcokH ago wo lmvo not had any ro turna on up to tho proao.- t writing. UndoiHtand tho markol on greon np- Toh about lfio to 7fo por box, Thoy 'do not Hcom to hoII. Vory sorry nioro of our ijiowoih did not bring In inoro OravoiiHtoliiH and nuilco up mora cam for oaHtom HhlpmontH. Such of you hcvlng unmll fruit showing somo Ono of thu prottlent card pnrtlon of tho BoiiHon wan glvon Tucmluy aftornonn , when MrH, Hert Harmon ' entertained at bridge at tho Hotel , N'atth. Tho roouiH woro nrtlHtlcally decorated and punch wnH nerved dur ing tho afternoon. At tho conclu hIoii of tho iiiiuio ,vory dainty rofrosh uientH were homoc! In tho NnHh drill. Mm, ICentner and Mm. Budgo won oven honorn, hut In cutting for tho firm place, Mm. Budgo carried off first prlzo a vory prolty mirror. Mm, l'urdln won tho consolation, a box of candy. TIioho proHont wcro MchiIiiiiich Keutiior, Budo, Caroy, Itoot, StokcH, l'urdln, Danleln and Harmon. Mm, C, M, Kldd nnd her uUler Mm, Agomt and won loft Monday for Loh AiikoIch, whoro they will upend Movoral wcokii. From thoro Mrs. Agous will loturn to her homo In Kant Oraugo, N. J. Mm. Kldd will vIhII relatives In Aberdeen, Washing ton before returning homo. Miss Mildred Cleric untei turned j ThiirMlny evening with u dinner j dance given in honor of hor brother, Sir. Frank (Jerig, who will leave mmmi , to rcHtiuie hi xtudicH in the Univer Hitv of AVkiuoiifc, and of her eoiiHiii,' Mi-h Lucv WillinuiH, of Little Hock. Ark., who is her guest. Mm. Kdgnr Hafer, Mr. Harry HIokh, Mr. Tourlln and Mr. Walter Dudley left Thumday for tho HlK Unite country to hoo the extent of damage done hy tho forcHt flron In the timber In which Mr. Ilnfer la In- tercHtcd. ' Mm. ThomiiH Kltch, Jr. Ih expected from San FrnnclNco tonight and will he tho gtiCHt of her ntatorIn-lnw, Mm. Mahlon l'urdln, on North Cen-i tral avanue. Mm Kltch'n dnughtor, ' MIhh Kly Iiiih heon vIhUIiir Mm. Ul'ur dln for uovnral montliH. ' The united guentH were: Misios, Leola Kuhaiik, Isolo Fwhank, llar."l Under, .Marine Swan and Lucy Wil Iiiiiiih: Mei.. Irwin White, Paul McDonald, Frank Farrel, Carl Ilnn xen, Kiilherford Kerr nnd Frank Oeiig. i Mr. 11. A. Morgan and Hon, nnd I MIhh Pheoho Nnnco of Denver arrived hero Wednesday and will he tlio guests at tho Osgood farm. Mrs Morgan Is n .liitor of Mm. T. W. Os-' good nnd MIsh Nnnco n couhIii. I t I Mr. Bvoiott Corey. hoi. of Mr. and Mm. C. II. Corey, loft today for San Itnfel, Calif., whoro ho will entor tho Mt Tamnlnals Military nendomy. taking a two-year'H hiislnosK course Mr. nnd Mru. T. 13. Pottonger and daughter 1 avo roturnod fiom an out-, ing at uoieBiiuo, w IN THE FRUIT GROWING WORLD color Hhould bring thorn In, no mat tor whothor In largo or small lots. Wo nro In ponltlon to ship onst any day. SaloH on ponm havo boon quite satisfactory, mixed care of choice and fancy averaging $2.50 and $2.05. Wo hope for atrong prices tho com ing vook. Approximately flvo or six cars havo boon sold, Up to tho pre mmt tlmo wo lavo ahlpppod about fifty carloads. I havo soon somo vory flno pear pluniH In different suctions of tho valley, nnd wo aro shipping Bovoral mixed car-lotu to custom markets. Will accept small lots of largo Ital ian, Yollow Bgg, or Hungarian prunes If tho stock Ij not too rlpo, Regarding box shook, wo are In formed hy tho flnuH with whom wo havo contracts that tho aupply of do slrahlo lumber hi low and on this acocitnt thoro may ho inoro or lesa delay In getting our orders filled, Wo again call attention t momhora to this fact and think you should co-operato with iih and got in your order an early iih possible, Wo havo iccolvod our ontlro sup ply of applo labels and those who wish their names printed on thorn Hhould niiiko iirrunsiomoutH to havo It done at onco, Such of you who havo not pro Greatest Shooting f ViftA ,lWlg:1 ':'-mmmt ww w -i-i , lS.'lOHo guard officers! Koldleix, pulli emeu and bhurpshmiteni from every Ktate In the Union arc attending the great rltle nnd pistol shoot ing mutches at Camp Perry, Ohio. All of tho matches are under the sujwrvhlon of Colonel It. K. Evans, U. S. A., who was di'dgnated hy the war department. During the inept many valuable- trophies will be awarded. The Wlm hledou cup match Ih the most Interesting of the xcrlcri. The mutch Is shot nt 1,000 yards, and each contestant Is allowed two sighting shots and twenty shuts for record making the. highest possible score, 100 points. Any rifle nnd any aiiiuiuultlou may he used, and the match curries with It a gold, sliver nnd bronze medal, together with certain cash prlr.es. The Wimbledon cup wns first won In July. 1S7S, liyAlnJor Henry Fulton on the famous Wimbledon range, fiom which the cup takes Its name. It Is u mnxslvo piece of solid silver In the form of a tankard, standing alsiut twctitj hit lies high and with a capacity of several gallons. It Is a happy custom for the winner to till tho cup and pass It around on the night of the match. In the front the cup hears the following Inscription. "Challenge cup presented hy the National ltlllo Association of Orent Ilrltaln to the United States for competition nt their annual meeting," and another inscription to the effect that It was "received from the hands of her rojn! hlghnos the Prin cess Louise of I.nglaiid hy Major lleury Fulton, the llnt winner at Wimbledon, July. 1S7.V The c'ip is also en graved with the names of the winners and their scores. The conditions of the match having been changed several times the tlrst scores do not agree with the latter scores. Some of the other Important contests nre the ncrrlck cup uulu-li, (licfMtinw cup match, the governor's np matih, tie- Dupont Individual tyro match, the adjutants' cup match, the national police team match, the Kwms skirmish match, tho president's match, the regimental match, tho press match the I.iiich cup match aud n store or tnor. others. Miss Plckol, who hna been tho KU08t of Dr nmi MrB, pickel, left Wo(h,OS(,ny for 10 norlhi Sho w, , , w , . . vls" nt i:"Kp ni"1 I,ortlnml l,oforo returning to her homo In Alaska. T Mish08 Kl jm(l ,.,,., Mor. , " '" h"vo k'011 lllu ucs,s of Ibeir bibtor, .Mrs. 0. F. Cuthhort, -M-,ot to leave for California tliis week. Mr. W. J. Hockenyos, a formor res Ideal of Medfcrd Is hor on a busl- nens tilp. vided for paper, layer board nnd lining should glvo this mnttor your prompt attention, the point being that wo wish to disappoint just ns few as possible at tho tlmo the applo season opens. Our apple packing Bchool will open August 20. Wo would greatly ap preciate a fow hoxos of bard greon four-tier apples for uso In this school and our arowrs should aid uh In thla mnttor. Such of our monibom who havo not fully compiled with tl.o call for fuiulB or who nro at this tlmo Indobt ed to tho association should como In aud liquidate. Yours vory truly, UOOUB ltlVBlt FHUIT & PRODUCE SSO0IATION. By Manngor. For somo tlmo tho enatorn huyora havo said thoy Intendod to buy tho Now York applo crop at prices rang ing fiom $1.25 to $2.00 por barrel, Tho following ad from ono of tho eastern trado papora rendu somowhnt dlfforent: "Low Calvort of Lockport, N. Y offors to $2,50 f. o. h. for 1000 to 20,000 Imrrola of No. 1 npplos, two and ono-lmlf Inchoa and np. Don't all spenk nt onco." Contests of the Year Take Place at Camp Perry, Ohio. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. U. Wright, Mr. nnd rr. Chns. Iloyt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Will McNenly, Miss Austin and MJss Marion Merrill nre camping on Itoguc river, nenr Table Itouk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnlonoy who havo boon tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hanloy, loft Tuesday for Califor nia. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hutchison nnd family Mr. aud Mrs. Lumsden and family motored to Colestln whero they will j spend tlio week end Northwest Fruit Notes. Tho Covor, Or., cherry crop thla year Is not tno biggest In tho history of tho valloy, hut tho grndo la vory high nnd tho ylold largo. Tho poach crop of tho Flltoi. Freo water district, acordlag to County Fruit Inspector Campbell, la Immonso A. C. Gray of nenr Hamilton, Mont, hns roportod that his applo crop la tho best ho has ovor ralaod, Tho hall hit tho trees n llttlo 7hIlo in tho spring, but did no harm worth men tioning. Flathead county, Montana, Is hav-; Ing an excoptioanl jiohl of cherries this yenr and will have a flno npplo crop, Tho strawberry crop "was vory light. Sacramento to Chicago hi 81 Hours. SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Aug. 20.- From Sacramonto to Chicago in SI houra Is tho record nuulo by tho special fruit train, which loft this city at midnight Wednesday of last wook. This la tho tlmo mtulo by tho 0o"land Limited passongor and ox press trains of tho Southern Pacific. Tho former freight record wna flvo days mndo hy an orniiBQ shlpmont out of Los Angelea. Yaklnui Valley Pears Moving. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash,, Aug 20. r-IEUT.'A.S.JONES 1 Mr. and Mrs, Oswald Austin, en tertained a party of friends at their country home, Saturday evening, with n corn roust. Mr. J'ratt and wife nnd two chlhl ron aro expected to arrlvo next week to visit Mr. Pratts sister Mrs Stokes. They expect to remain some time. Tho Ladies' Aid of tho Methodist churoh will hold their regular meet Ig In the church pnrlor Tuesday af ternoon. Thoro will bo about 50 per cent Increaso In the pear crop in this section, compared with last year, nnd shipments are now hoginnlng to go forward. The Yakima valloy will ship around 130 cars. Growers aro getting ?! to $50 por ton, delivered In bulk. This week It was reported that about 50 cars had bcon sold nt $125 to $140 tinck hoie. XcwYoik State Baldwins. I). S. Besckwlth of Albion. N. Y ono of tho largest dealers In York stnte, snys: For Now York stato wo call It a Bnldwln yenr. Last year all other varieties woro oxtiomely heavy and Baldwins woro rnthor light, but this yenr tho Baldwins aro a good crop, and wo find upon examination that the tiees aro well filled In tho center and top nnd this makes a good ad dition to tho general prospects of a crop. From general observation peo plo often judge a crop without tak ing Into consii'oratlon what tho cen ters and tops of tho trees contajn, hut If the outlook is good on tho lowor limbs) and outsldes and nlso tho contora and tops well filled you enn look for a larger crop than other wise This soeina to bo tho condi tion of tho Baldwins this year, and Mrs. A. P. Carter, of Boverly, Mass who haa been visiting her brother, Mr. O. B. Osgood and family, left for her homo last week. Miss Elizabeth Whitmoro of Alle gan, Mich., who has been tho guests of Rev. and Mrs. Lucas, left last week for her homo. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nunan of Jackson ville left Tuesday for Colestlno for a short visit with their daughters, who are spending tho summer there. Mrs. W. W. Elfert and daughtors, Misses Ethll end Mario left last week for Newport to be gone for several wtoks. .Mrs. Warren Bodgo left Wednes day for Livingston, Mont., whero sho will meet her husband, who was called east by tLe death of his sister. Miss Francis Durnham Is expected to return this week from Umpquqa where sho has been visiting her mo ther for aometlmo. Mr. and Jim. Ed Andrews enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Austin at dinner Tuesday night at tho Nash Grill. Mr. and Mrs. Conro Fiero, Mrs. Flero nnd MJss E. Fiero and Mr. and Mm. J. D. Olwoll left Saturday for a trip to Crater Lake. Mr. and Mre. J. D. Cuthbcrt of Snn Francisco arrived la.st week and will he the guests of their son, Mr. G. F. Cuthbert. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Olwell enter tained Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dennis of London at dinner nt theLonvre cafe Mondny evening. ' T Mrs. Alice Buffum of Boston, Mnss.. who is tho guest of Mr. and Mr. Hnrry Foster, returned Satur day from a trip to Crater lake. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Westerlund of Orion, III., nre visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. A. Westerlund at the Western Or egon orchnrds. Mrs, James Smyth and children of Spokane, who lins been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Heddy, left Sunday for hor homevin Spokane. Mrs. I. N. Shook nnd Mrs,. E. B. Bnrron of Ashland, who have been tho guests of Mrs.. T. B. Kinsman, returned home last week. Mr. L. B. Wrrner returned from Portland whero ho has been visiting for several months. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bovorldge re turned last week from t.n extended J eastern visit. under these clruimstnnees wo under stand that thoro will bo as many or moro apples as a whole than most pooplo nntlclpato. Greening- nro only a fair crop In slzo, while Russota aro vory light. Kinss nro vory good, whllo Twonty Ounco Pippins and that class of fruit will be light this year. Whllo I am not propacd to say Just what porcontago of a crop thoro will bo this year, my Judgmont la that wo will havo a vory good crop of apples and I would not bo sur prised if It was larger than Inat year, and of a very good quality. Tho slzo of tho applea Is bettor than It was Inst yoar at this tlmo and If they aro not hurt by sovero drought during August nnd Soptombor wo seo no reason why wo should expect any thing loss than Inst year's crop, and possibly moro. Peaches, as a wholo nro a vory good crop and tho quality sooma to bo very good, but peara are only part of a crop, although my judgment Is that thoro will ho moro poara than most pooplo nntlclpato, aa a full crop of pears with tho trees that aro now hoarlng means a vory largo crop. Apple Crop Heavy in Northwest. Washington's ylold will surpass In Dr. and Mrs. Thayor and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Holt returned last week from a trip to Crater Lake. Senator Geo. E. Cl-amborlala spent soveral days In Medford last week. Miss Ione Flynn left for Colostln, where sho will bo tho guest of Miss Zola Whlto for sovorc.I days. Mr. and Hrs. W. H. Canon left Tuesday for Newport whoro thoy will stay for several weeks. Mr. Lyman Orton and a party of friends returned Tuesday from a trip to Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Bovorldgo re turned last week from an extended eastern trip. , Mr. Howard Dudley and party loft Tuesday for a hunting trip on tho Dead Indian trail. Mrs. C. R. Ray and family return ed Tuesday from a month's outing at Newport. Mr. A. A. Nye left last week to Join his family who aro spending tho sum mer at Newport. Mm I. B. Hodgo and son of Kan sas are the guests of Mrs Hodges' uncle, Mr. F. M. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mcokor re turned Saturday from a trip to Portland. Miss Ethelyn Brown entertained the members of the St. Agnes Guild Thursday evening. Mr. J. M. Root returned Wednes day from a business trip to San Francisco. Miss Helen Whitney and Miss Ha zel Morrow of Portland aro visiting Miss Helen Watt. Mr. Treve Lumsden, son of II. W. LuiQsden, leaves this week for Stan ford university. Mr. C. Feldenheimer of Portland is spending a few days in Medford. t Mr. W. G. Aldenhagen is expected to rcturji Monday from tho north. Mr. J. W. Lawton and family left Wednesday for a trip to Crater Lake, Mrs. G. II. Carter is visiting friends in Portland. Rov. Belknap and family returned last woel: from a mouutnln trip. Mrs. J. D. Shcnk has returned from an outlnc at Colestln. Conducted by Charles W. Wilm.o roth, manager of the Ronue River Fruit & Produce Association. quantity any previous harvest and quality will bo hotter thau ovor. Conservative estlmato la 3,500,000 boxes. Prices will bo good because output of county, taken altogother, will bo less than last year. Commercial orohardlsts In Wash ington estlmato tho anolo crop in the I stato this season will bo Lotwoon 3, 100,000 and 3,500,000 boxes, or nbout G500 cars, tho bulk of which ' will go to Chicago, Now York, Bos ton, Philadelphia, St. Paul and other ' eastern contral and southorn states. Export shipments also will bo larger ' than at any tlmo In tho hlfitory of 1 tho state. 1 Though thoro Is ovory promise that tho ylold will bo tho largest over harvested In Washington, owlug to hundreds of thousands of trees com ing Into boarlng this season, thoro will ho no chenp apples tho coming fall and wlntor, because tho crop of tho country aa a wholo la shorter thin year than It was last. F. A. Huntloy, etato horticultural commlaslonor, aftor comparing re ports from doputy commlunlonora In varloua partB of tho commouwoalth, said that thoro lo ovory reason to hollovo tho crop this yoar will bo moro than doublo that of 1007, when (Continued on Page 10,)