Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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If You Realy Want to Know What is New in Men's Togs
' K
felfu-fiikja ' J ;
i ,
I :
I ::
Beautiful Shirtings and Cravatings for Fall 1910
Beat it for the Toggery
-- - - - ---
Many Residences and Business
Places Are Being Erected New
High School Building Is Splendid
Structure Fine Site Selected.
Not for years has there been i-o
much building in progress iu Goid
Hill as there is at the present tune.
Hew residences arc going up, others
arc contemplated, business places
are being or have been recently re
modeled and improved. Capital is
understood to be available whenever
there shall bo a demand for new
buildings for business or residence
purposes, aud from present indica
tions it will not be long until it i
requisitioned, says the News.
The principal building opcratiou in
Gold Hill at present is, of course,
the new high school building, which
is progressing rapidly. The walls uf
the first story, which are re-enforced
concrete, were put up this week, and
it begins to be apparent as the
building Jooms up what a really fine
site lias been selected.
A modern five-room bungalow is
in course of construction on E. T.
Simmons' lots, just opposite the new
high school building. It has already
been reuted. Mr. Simmons intends
to commence the construction of an
other, about tho hamc size, on ad
joining lots as soon as the firnt i.
A. J. Olsen has a crow of earpou
iorn in charge of Contractor Duuifev
at work on a commodious cottage 0.1
iiis lots just opposite the M. II
church. Tho building was nnintod
purposes on his lots adjoining the
Dekum addition.
C. A. Peterson is considering the
erection of a residence on his lots
iu the Dekum addition, ns are other
purchasers of property in that part
of town.
(Continued from Page 1.)
routo selected approved by tho coun
ty court as a county road. It Is near
ly the same as that selected by the
county surveyor.
Payment of til bills contracted for
surveying expenses were authorized
and early presentation of tho same to
George L. Davis at tho Fruit Grow
ers bank is requested.
Flanders runabout, contributed by
the E. 31. F. company, for tho bene
the Flanders company, for tho bone
fit of tho highway had been received.
It will be on display at Kcntners
store, Monday and will bo raffled off
for the benefit of the highway at one
dollar a chance.
The commission will meet again
Thursday night to act upon contracts.
(Continued from Page 1.)
afternoon there came Into tho Act
ing Supervisor's office in this city
a telephone message from Mrs. John
Holtz at Mosquito Swamp in the
heart of tho burning area and was
pitifully short.
"For God's sake send us holp.
The fire la so near and there is no
way out. Come and save my babies.
I ". Hero tho message was cut
3hort, whether by tho flames at tho
cabin or by the telephone line going
down In not known. But Acting
Supervisor Swennlng of the Crater
N'atlopal forest tonight lias a party
making its way as rapldlv as possi
ble to tho rescue.
In tho moan time tlio Snnnrvlanr
this week and tho finishing touchosiia watinir anxiously for wn! nR tn
arc being givcu to tho woodwork. A the success of tho roso-.ilng party,
broad colonial porch runs around ; u may bo tlitt thoy' will reach the
mreo siucs or tuo cottage, winch will
bo u handsome addition to thn i
denco part of tho city.
0 his lots on uppor Third tn'i:i.
commanding a fino iew of tlm city. !
spot only to find tho clinrred re
mains of a mo .her and four children
or It may be that provldenco has
provided n w..y of escape.
Mosquito Swamp, whero Mrs.
A V. K-nllr. ia ...-,.:., 'I "."""" '.
-.. . ...v.Jt';', in U11.U11IIK UVLlilUe flnH-r tirlincn hi.alxi n.l la nr. f iUn
from his own plans in the bwfcalow , f r(, ,s y, Loart
htjlo, which prturobo to bo u v,i-v,of t0 t fJre whoh Jo gwoopInR
neat and comtortublo residence. U
may decide to finibh it iu nnyiji (
ment, With the new Olson mUhid,
Jl. G. Reed's residence, which re
cently underwent extensive imjro
ments, Mrs. M. lit. IJico's neat dwoK
iug ond grounds, and the new Kd
logg bungalow, Third stjoot i,'
innko a bid for clitif iucliuu as 0110 ',
Gold Hill's prettiest nwidoneo tlii.
gre.-.t fire which Is sweeping
the country in tho neighborhood of
"Four Bit creok. Tho timber Jb heavy
Bout tho little cabin In which sho
lives and if the flames has surround
ed tho cabin before she attempted to
et away It is flraost certain that sho
has perished.
Situation Worn?.
Tho forest tiro situation Is worso
now than at any tlmo since thoy
started over a week ago. By to-
AinoliL' din liis!mKi. nliiiiou u
which improvements aro now liphik r'0Pr7 tUl for2?nrjr 0tlan W,U
or huvo been recently made are tlw J, bot0 "" mn
Hammorsly building on Main stieet, f,gi!UnB1,U!? nam0B;
tho Olson building, nest to it; rh! awo J'inct sections of the count
'Nows building, the Gold Hill bunk. ry are aWcct0' 0ne ,s ln tho noK"
tho Crystal hnihor hhop, Unco V borhood of Ashland and tho othor Is
Co,' .general store, the Hon Ton, inelng about tJl ,jaB0 cf Mt- Mc
which has been enlarged for UieJLoughUn ,,l,,ectly Cfl8t ' ''8 city,
now pool room and ice oronm parlor ' Both of Uiese f,rcs nro boyond con"
to Uireo times its former bize; lheltro1 a"(I aro do,ug ,I11,na'IE0 damage,
fcywnii building, occupied by lho H. ' C01H,"ntIJ' spreading ovor addltlon
B, U. cafoi Jarvis' drug stoic, and 1 al territory. Tho estimated damngo
tho building on the south side re- ano hy u' fho ,s now l,laccd ut
ceully purchased by J. N. Poinii-u., J $1'500'000'
from Darling & Hodges. , Tl, forestry offlclala yestorday
Dr. Kelsev is cmilomnliitliit- thf DHt ln a request to Grants Pass for
erection. Qf u bungalow lor k fi0 ,1cn' Roseburg was asked for to bo boyond control. Acting Sup
50 and the department iu Portland
was asked to take up tho matter of
securing tho Roseburg company of
tho militia. In addition to this the'
,office was notified that 250 addi
tional troops would bo rushed to
this section as soon as they were
available. They will probably bo '
here within tho next thrco days. '
Fearing that enough men could not ,
bo secured ln this manner Acting ,
Supervisor Swennlng took tho mat
ter up with tho Reclamation service '
asking that tho men engaged on tho
irrigation system at Klamath Falls be
sent to Buck Lake to fight the fires
on Clover creel:. He had not re
ceived a reply at a lato hour last
night. 1
The Ashland Fires
The fires that aro boyond control
on tho Ashland divldo have already
burned over two square miles, and
are spreading with tho greatest rap-
Idity. Over 100 mea are fighting
this fire and 35 additional woro sent
out late this afternoon. This fire
is working havoc with the Ashland
water supply as the timber being
burned is entirely on tho water shed
of Ashland creek. Ashland has had
a short supply in tho past and It Is
feared that with impaired storage
the supply will bo so greatly dlraln
Ished that It will work a great in
jury to tho city. Sovoial private
holdings of timber have been burned
over and tho damage Is tremendous.
It is for tho purpose of controlling
this fire that the request for tho
Roseburg company of militia was sent
ln. I
Tho fire In tho nelghVoihood of
Mt. McLoughlin aro of A far greater
oxtont than those near Asbland.IIcro
30 squaro miles of torrltory havo
been burned ovor and tho loas Is cx
tromely heavy especially in tho for
ost roeerve. Private holdings havo
not boon damaged to any great ex
tont as yet but aro In Imminent j
Troops havo reached thin flro and
aro at prosent on gaged in an on-;
deavor to control it. So great, how-'
ever Is the teirltory covered that It
is fearod that tho only possible
chock the flamos can rocolvo now Is
from rln and there Is no propped
of that.
Homes Huriied '
A number of settlors on tho lands
north oast of Butte Falls known as
"Tho Unsurvoyd" aro said to hnvo
lost tholr homes ln a branch of this ;
great fire which swept tholr neigh
borhood. Two sawmills In this,
neighborhood Olson's and Hawk's
aro also said tj havo boon burned.
Twonty-flvo soldlors havo been sent
Into this territory. j
Supervisor M, h. Krlckson of tho ,
local forest has nearly 150 mon fight
ing flames near Four Mllo Lake. On '
Friday ho drew on tho timber crows
around Pollcan Bay and theso men
equipped with throo weeks supplies
nro now nt tho front. '
r t Tt..l. n...llnn.l 4 ,.nl..l '
ant district foreBter will arrlvo In tho 1
morning for the purpoao ofasfllstlng
Acting Supervisor Swennlng ln dl-
roctlng tho work from this city. Mr. j
Buck had charge of this forest and
Is familiar with it.
Flro near KoM'burg
It seems imllkqly that tho local
officials will succeed In (jetting mon '
from Roseburg ns a flro Is roported
on tho south Umpqua which Is said '
ervlsor Swountng was notified last
evening that nil of tho available mon
in that neighborhood wero needed
there. Howovor this docs not apply
to tho inllttm.
A now flro was roported this ev
ening to have broken out on tho
couth fork of Roguu river about 4
miles southeast of 1'ronpect. This Ik
said to gaining greatly In volutin
Anoll or now flro wan roported on
tho north fork of Utile Ilutto crook.
jRRHg. T "s J-Ww IBi BB m iB ltB HiB rTf
Economy Days
For Home Lovers in the
WeeKs (Si McGowan Go's
Half of Our Front
Entire window filled with
Monday and Tuesday Only
" We place 011 special sale our entire stock of fine plain, mirror and brush brass
'Jacs, the finest products of the bednmkera' advanced art. Beds that, any woman
B would be proud to havo in her home.
" REMEMBER, we make the following prices for MON DAY and TUESDAY tho
two days only and these price concessions can only be obtained on those days. If you
can use a fine brass bed, don't fail to take -id vantage of this unparalleled opportunity.
See the Cards in Window
Regular Price.
Sale Price.
$20.00. 'Brass J3cds $16.00
$-15.00 Brass Beds $30.00
LT Rcnular Price. Salo Price.
V-. $50.00 Brass Beds $35.00
&. $60.00 Brass Beds $45.00
I fill ft j
7f4! , ."Every bed here advertised is on display in our big show window aud a card shows
vtlie special price for Monday and Tuesday only.
Timely and seasonable news from each one of our great departments is clam
oring for a hearing, impossible within tho limits of this talk to publish tho full
details of these home-making economies. This, then, is only a partial summary
and forecast of the week's events in the homo of home furnishings. Intended es
pecially for tast of ul people who want to keep within a modest limit for cottage
and apartment furnishings.
114 to 124 West Main Street Medford