MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MKDFORP, OREGON. SUNDAY. AUGUST 2.1. 1910. ---- - t -- --- - ---- - - Ask the Man Who Knows He'll Sayf "You're Sure of QUALITY When You Buy of the a WOODS LUMBER We Handle REAL IN SPAIN SOON Just When Climax There Is Question Matters Will Reach Cannot Be Foretold One Coming It's Only of Time. GERBERE, France, Aug. 20. Just haw quickly the ponding church-and state situation In Spain is going to develope real fighting is pretty hard to guess. Hostiiitlees may begin al most any day now. Or they may be -warded on xor a good many months. Each side is afraid of the other and their fears make them hesitate. At tho Eame time, things can't Btand stilt. There's a climax coming and the only question Is how much time Is going to intervene between now and the moment of its arrival? Whoever gets tho Idea that the Spanish antl-clcricalB' quary is with tho Roman Catholics is mistaken. Out of the country's total population of close to 20 00 1, 000, It is estimated that not moro than 10,000 are any thing but Roman Catboics. Natur ally the people -aro not at outs with the church of which they themselves are membors. It Is the State Church they are attacking Spain's one great, overshadowing vested interest. It Is a monsterland-holdlng, commer cial and Industrial organization that the anU-clerlcals are opposing it. The Papal administration has, as a matter of fact, taken sides with this organization, which seems to put tho anti-clericals in a position of hostility to Roman Catholicism, but an overwhelming majority of them aro good Roman Catholics for nil that. Incidentally, tliero is the best authority for tho statement that more than one-half, the members of tho Collego of Cardinals bellevo the Vatican Is making a mistako in sup porting tho Spanlst State Cruch, or that, at any rate, it Is making n mistake In supporting it lo unquali fiedly as it is doing. So that if the Spanish antl-clorlcals are injuring their standing as Roman Catholics by opposing tho Papal administra tion a majority of the Cardinals aro Injuring theirs, too. Tho wholo of tho presont trouble is duo to tho fact that the church, as a vested interest, 1ms boon appro priating to itself so largo a propor tion of the country's wealth that the masses of tho people have been and still aro kept upon tho very verge of starvation. As might naturally be evpectod of so enormous a vested In terest, the Church is intensely con servative, not tojsay reactionary, and as it has had until very recently tho tlghteost kind of grip on tho govern ment. It bus boon able hitherto of-, teqtunlly to suppress every attempt in, tho direction of progross, or lm provomont In tho people's condlt tlon. With that portion of tho great army of churchmen which concur lt lf purely with spiritual matters , that Is to say, tho parish priest-hood no fault is found. This class, In. FIGHTING High Grade Lumber, We Figure on High Grade Lumber, (deed, is practically as poor and op I pressed as the masses of laymen. It I is the so-called "religious establish ments" against tho anti-clerical cam paign is belns waged. Tho members of the various "orders" which con duct them are estimated at upwards of 100,000. They conduct agricul tural operations upon an enormous scale, run factories, laundries and mercantile concerns, loan money, manage vast estates and, In fact, en gage in every lino of business open to tho lay community. WANTED IN PORTLAND IS E Ray L. Brown, wanted in Portland for larceny of various articles, among which was specified a $100 diamond ring, was apprehended by Chief Shearer Saturday morning. Brown had been hero for several days and claimed to bo a theatrical man, which statement was borne out by the papers found upon him and his previous record. His wife is in Klamath Falls, and it was through letters passing between tho two that Brown was located. Chief of Police Cox of Portland, upon whose orders by telegraph Brown was retained, has been notified. In a letter to the local police the Portland authorities placed particu lar stress on the fact that he was wanted for tho theft of the diamond and asked that great care be taken to prevent the prisoner from dispos ing of the stone or destroying the pawn ticket, fahould it have been pawned. Neither stone nor ticket were found upon tho prisoner's person, but his effects have not been searched, nor will they be until the representa tive of the Portland police force ar rives. MEDFORD BECOMING DISTRIBUTING CENTER .At first thought ono would hardly rupposo that Medford was as yet, much of a distributing center. Mnko avlsit to tho wholesale gro cery houses, tho hardware and dry Koods shops, to t ho lumber yards and you will find that ovory day goods aro being shipped from ovory one of tho above mentioned places and many times in car-load lotB. Tho Wood's Lumber company re- ports a car of lumber for Pheonlx, and states that lumber Is being ship ped to almost ovory point In tho val ley every little while. If statistics wero' complied tho re sult In lumber going from tho Wood's company alono would bo surprising and wero all claeses of commodities listed tho total would bo somothlng great. Match tho classified advertising campaign to tho Importanco of tho tiitlo you want to inaico, You wouldn't trust a ten-horso power task to a no-horso power engine. AN INTERSTATE FAIR WANTED Klamath Falls Citizens Start Move to Have State of "Siskiyou" Hold Big Fair to Show Resources of This Section. KLAMATH FALLS Aug. 20. A detorflned effort is being mado by citizens of this city to have on Inter state fair hold hero this fall. Tho idea Is to have Klamath, Lake, Jack son and Harney countlces in this Wanted Bricklayer. Girls to cut fruit $1.25. 12 bridge carpenters. Sawmill men. Girl for general hou3j work. 10 laborers. Loggers. BUSINESS CHANCES Booming houses. Lunch counter Business nets 1000 yearly.' Furniture and lease. 40-h. p. nufo, 1910 model, trade for city property. FOR SALE. 12 acres, 10 acres in bearing, $10, 000. 11 ncros, 10-ycar pears, fine income. 0 acres, close in, U-year pears. 17 acres, heavy bearing, .$8f00 takes crop. 3 Westmoreland lots, your own terms. 40 ticres, fifne chicken ranch, $800. Restaurant clearing 500 monthly; get busy. 20 acres, 10 acre3 in fruit, at srl2. an acre. Fino furniture and lease of modern houso.snnp. 00 acres fino fruit land $500. New tent, never used, bargain Team, harness, wagon, $235. Furnished 0-room house, closo in. 7-room house, W. Main, big lot; 5 wagons, $30, $40, $50, $70, $90. Heavy span of horses nnd harness. National cash register. 2 acres, 1Y miles west $575. 5 room house, lot 50x150, $850 5-room bungalow, furniture, $2200. ( 10-ncre tracts in full bearing. Irrigntcd tract, $200 per acre. !1 aero fruit, 4-room house, cheap ! for quick solo. '3 CO acres, 5 miles out, $2750. 100 acres, 4 miles out, $00 per nore Swell camping outfit, cheap. 30 acres, $1000, mile Phoenix. 2 acres, north, under ditch. For Trade. Span ranch horses, not over $300. Hotel for stock or alfalfa ranch. 7-passcnger 50-horsepowcr auto fur 20 anriR, 12 in friut. for uty lots 2 ranches for city property. E. F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor & Phlpps Bldj Phone 4141 Main. state, and Siskiyou and Modoc count ies In Callf&rnln, Join In an evposl tlon to be held in this city some tlmo In the near future. Fruit grower? from tho Roguo River valley and farmers from many portions of tho counties proposed to hnvo Join in tho exposition hnvo slg nlglcd their intention of Joining In the movement, nnd many owners of fnst horses hnvo requested that thoy bo Informed of tho dates on which the fair will bo held, as they wish I to participate in any races that might bo held during that tlmo. I As yet tho movement has not tak en definite shape, but If enthusiasm is any sign of its altlmato success tho fair will bo held in this city somo tlmo this fall. WHY do you send for the doctor when there is sickness in the 1101130? Because he is the one who, through study and train mg, is best fitted to treat Ihc illness '' . successfully. That's his business. Our business is to compound scientifically r the medicine your doctor orders. Ard we are the best fitted through educa tion, experience and facility to do his bidding. ::::::: 'Bring every prescription to us for re sults. Medford Pharmacy CENTRAL AVENUE, NEAR THE POSTOFFICE. Day and Night Phone Service Main 101. DIAMOND I I -f vjee our li meof jfV 1r Watches, Jewelry -m A and Diamonds 1V1 o o N MS E Main, Medford J DIAMOND BIG EIRES RAGING KKENCH GULCH, Cal., Aug. 20. Clouds llko a pall over this section caused by tho flames which aro rag ing In tho forest in tho Clear Creek suction, nnd aro climbing tho sldo of Mt. Mnry towards this town. Tho flro is nbout sovon miles to tho south nnd east, and has burned over an area flvo mllea square Thoro Is no apprehension folt as to tho safety of thlB plnco, although tho flames nro not under control nnd a largo torco of men Is In tho field fighting tho fire. Tho flames can bo Hccn from We Deliver what Roddlug, fully 20 m lira distant. Tho greatest iohh nan Loon caused at Ouk Uottom, a locally famouH pleasure nnd outing roitorl. owned by tho Desmond Urothers, All of tho groves nnd fleldn In that vicinity woro burned over and u force of men by fighting the flames all last night woro able to save tho hotel and build ings. Tho flro has boon bu.nliig wlticn yosturdny morning and Hit origin Ih unknown. WANTS TAFT TO BECOME REAL INSURGENT LEADER CINCINNATI, Aug. 20.-Senator Dollivor of luwu, who in investigat ing tho eharguH of Senator Urintow, that Sonator Aldrich benefited by his tariff bill through (ho tariff on 'crude rubber, said teday: "If the old leaders would rocog- liio tho Republicanism of the young men who aro backing insurgency, there would bo no insurgency. I would like (o hoo President Tnft bo-cotiK- n real Republican loadur." Now that we arc in tho midst of a bump er apple crop, let us call your attention to the CHAMPION CIDER MILLS AND PRESSES The best on the market. Wo also have a full line of PEED CUTTERS' Potato Digfjors, etc. Call and tfoi our priceH. R. H. Pricard & Company NORTH BARTLETT ST., NEAR MAIN LAWTON BUILDING SPECIAL SALE OF THE NEW HOME c we Figure v ) J I -''' - SEEING DOUBLE j n common form of oyo trouble. It ('nil only bo remedied by tho iiho of lite most nceuniti'ly filled glasses. SEEING RIGHT is iiHMiired if wo supply Mm gliiHHCK after a thorough and export examin ation of your oyi'H. Remember tint t nearly right ghtRscs are an injury iiiHtoad of a benefit. Our oxiuuinn tionH determine exactly tthu rightt kind needed. DR. RICKERT Over KouliifiH HKWirra machines TllfJ NI3W 1IOMH 8HWINO MACHINE lias provon to ho longost wonrlng cowing ma chlno soU today, It .Y'is boon sold for a hnlt contury and cifrrlou a llfotlmo warranty, If you hnvo a Now Home 10 or CO yonrs old, wo will fix It froo, Needles and Biipplloa for all machlnoH. Machines rontod nnd ropnlrod. All work guaran teed. OAIJj MAIN 1711. LAWTON BLDG., Bartlett, Near Main. I 1 A ? i r