ilWW MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 1910. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John 11. Curlciti, nlloinoy-ut-lnw, ovor Juukiioii Countvl Hunk. Friiuk Hoatty, who owiih ami niiui anort Hit) KtilliiKK Htruwlioiry plant farm at Three Mvoih, Mich., the largest l'arm oi' llio Uiml In tliu worM, rttoppud oil at M ml ford (his wiwk wlillu on ronto i'nr HiKiimiiouto, Mr. lIoiiHoliiiati took him In charge ami prevailed on him HlayliiK ovor Ioik oiioiikIi to tfot to Heu tho valley. Mr. Hoatty wiih wonderfully impressed with tho resources of Ihu country ami had nothiiiK hut pralHo tor It, ami it thinking ntroiiKly of investing hero. Mr, lltmtty in an old friend of thu lloiiHolman foinily, having' lived in tho samo town for a number of years. I.oavo your orders tor milk and cruam at thu Bouthurn Dairy Co,, 32 South C street, headquarters of tho Calhoun Unlry Co. Phono Mala 881. Itauuh phono FarmorH 718.1. 120 K. V. ('nrler, I'lisliiur of tho First National hank of AhIiIiiiiiI, and V I). Wagner, editor of tho AliHlaud TidiiiKH, and II. I. Wliltod and CIuih. Johnuou passed through horn laHt oveniug mi their way homo from a tour of tho upper lako country. Klamalh HxpresH. 1'onclioa for nalo. Dr. W. H. Btokoa phono Farmer 7003. tf .). C. KlHor of Jacksonville wiik a Mudford visitor Saturday. Mrri. Hnrt'H tllnlni: room nt 42 SoUth Hartlott nt root has boon re opened to tho public untlor thu inan nROinoul of Mm. M. A. Taylor. 133 Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Caniahau of Kilccn wuru in Mudford on btiHinuriH -Saturday. Out frosh cronmury buttor nt tho Southom Dairy Co. Tho prlcot n right. 120 S. W. McCluiulmi of Gold Hilt wiih in Mudford on liusinons Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Tanuor of So uttlo am in Mudford looking ovor tho location. J. W. Itlnin and It. I'. Hoy, Jr., of i'ittsficld, MaHH., aro visiting relu tivoa and friends in Mudford. Ad IIcIiiih of Talent wan in Mud ford Saturday on a business trip. A. V. IIcIiiih of Vaukco creek wiih in Medford Saturday on lnittliiuHH. Tho Itojjuo Ittvor Valley Cannl Compnnyl u now ready to rocolvo ap pllcatlonn tor tho delivery of Irrl Ktvtlon wntur to any larvl covorod hy thu llopklnn latornl. Tho offices or tho company aro In tho Medford Na tional hank building. 120 II. H. TroiiHon of Knglo Point wiih in Medford Saturday on business. ir you wani a coon ircsu uomo oi milk, call on thu Southern Dairy Co. 120 J, (J. Allken of Woodvlllo wiih In Medford Saturday. Public HtoaoKrnplior at tho Morrl- vold Hhop. 134 "Hlk'M Milk," tho now Miles' whir written hy tl. T, Wllnon and iiung In tho mlnntrol nhow jtlvon by Medford lOlkn taut Fobrunry, In now on iialo at Whotnol Mmilo Co. 120 William Von dor I Mien of KiikIo I'olul wait In Mudford on a business visit Saturday. Hugs ehuapor than rag oni-put. Mudford Furniture Co. for next (10 days. Prion iiiiIh no liouio. I'll Hurl AiiiIui'hoii Iiiim rutin tied from a trip lo Sail FriineiHco, Mrs, Aii- dei'Hou ami MIhh Jean will return homo next week. Wo rogulato watches to a hair. Stop la and loavo yourn. No chargo for tho regulation. Wo do chargo, however, for clonnltu; and ropalrlng. Only vory modorato, howovor, and wo do first-clans work. If you havo a watch that won't ko, brine It to uu. Wo'lt put It la condition bo that you can ruKtilato tho nun by it. Wo aro Jimt an skillful at repairing Jowolry, too. I). T. Van do Car, Plilppn Iridic, Medford, Oroi;on, 128 Mr. and Mrs. ('. It. Alexander left Friday ovoning for Sioux City, la., Ihuir former home. Tho Soutlorn Dnlry Co. has good, rich Ico croam for 3 contc por dish. 129 Mrs. A. ('. Swiueford, widow of the late cx-dovernor A. I'. Swiue ford of Alaska, arrived in .Mudford yesterday morning from AhtHka and will upend Huveral months visiting wiih her daughter, MrH. Allen Shat tuel:, at OU'J South Central avenue. The Mudford Furniture Co. hns an iron hud that is uhuaper than sleeping on tho floor. Kll" Thirty-day fumituro sale, to make room for new goods. Mudford Fur niture Co. 131 The line imposed upon Otto Ituich mau, proprietor of tho Nash Onll, wiih for a tuuhnienl violation of tho Htatutu, in that the garbago cans did not conform to regulations, not boing provided with uovcrH, nud not for alio wtiti; garbage to accumulate. iik might ho inferred from tho ac count published of the occurrence. H. T. Van Do Car Iiiih a pair of crystal blue diamonds weighing 'J :i-:i2 karat. They are a perfectly matched pair. Call and got prieeH on them. lJl J. II. Coulter of Carotin, Mum., h in Mudford on a visit. .Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. Hubbard of I'ortlaud are vimtine; friend in Southern Oregon. Ad IIcIiiih of Auhlaud wiih in Med- fonl Saturday on a IiusIiichh visit. A child can buy jewelry at this wtore and uet a Hiiuaro deal. Wo carry no plated jowolry ?n Htoek. We cunrantco hiiiiHfaetion to all. H. T. Van Do Car. Plnppw buildint;. Kll The Speedwell 50 H. P. A REVELATION TO MEN WHO HAVE OWNED COSTLIEST CAHS. Thoro io no "car in Amoriea at $2500, biwo tho SPEEDWELL, which will inako tho man who Iiiih driven a $3500 or $-l.r00 car admit that ho Iiiih found at last tho fino qualitiea which ho secured by paying thu higher price. Tho man who id Hkilled in motor lore, who lutB drivon tho boat caiH, will find that wo havo not orrod or exaggerated when wo Imvo uaid that tho SPEEDWELL ropruricutH tho bugiiiuiiig of tho end of prieeH higher than $2500. Tho SPEEDWELL appealn to tho man who rocognixoH thu difference in refinement and lack of friction which ovidouccB itself nt once in tho riding quality. If you anticipate buying a cur, nrraugo for a demonstration. E. B. Waterman PHONE MAIN 131. Agont for Southern Oregon for tho SPEEDWELL. MEDFORD, OR. Two Genuins Bargains NO. 131 $10,000. 32 acres, located 2l2 miles from Medl'ord city limits; fino, alfalfa soil; none hotter in tho valley; adjoining land hold at $400 por acre; half cash, halanco easy, C por cont. NO. 132 $24,000. 80 acres, Roguo river bottom land; 35 acres 2-yoar-old pears, f acres 2-yoar-old apples; deeded water right; $300 por acre, cash, halanco ono and two years; on comity road; splondid soil. McArthur (EX Alexander PHONE 3681. POSTOPPIOE BLOCK. A oomploto lino of jewelry, dia mondH and walclicH mill be fomid fit H. T, Van Do C'iirH, I'hlppK build ing. I.'ll J. H. Wood, thu well-known realty broker, Iiiih become iiHHoelated with the flold Hay Realty Co., an Helling agent, and will move Iuh office to tho now Electric building on Weul Main Hired. Mr. Wood Iiiih iiiado Home of tho InrgoHt HitleH of real chIiiIo on record an will, with W. I). 1'Wor, look after markoliug the ImmeiiHu property iutoroHtw lield by tho Ray Hi'ok., eoiiHiHtmg of city, orchard, farm and mining properly. AgntoH polmhud ami mounted at II. T. Van Do Car'n, Phipps build ing. 13L Rev. W. F. ShlohlH, MrH. ShieldH, MIhh Flora Cray, MShk Ihiuich, MrH. OhiHgow, Carl and Sam GlitHgow ru lurned from a Irip to FIhIi Lake and Mount .McLaughlin. They report an excellunt outing. .Mr. Alexander, tho topulnr Tog gery Hiuilo, !h again able lo greet Ii'ih friendn after a Hcvoru though hliorl illllCHH. Call on the MiKHiou Furnituro Work for anything in tho woodwork lino. tf Mr. ami Mr. William iHaacH and uiolher and hintor, Mrn. Hiddle, mo tored out to tho new hiiinrnlow home of Mr. and Mr. Charles iHaacB, oast of Med ford, Fridny evening, Mj'hh Alice LyonH, who wa 10 yearH old IiihI TucHday, oliHcrved the day hy giving a lawn party lo a number of her friends Thime prcH ont were: MIhbch Loraino Hannin, Margarct Shearer, Lueile Matlock, Clayton Lyon, Marie Joiich, Helen Pierce and May and Josephine Lind say. f-f4--f -f AT THE CHURCHES. Baptist Church. Rev. Holkuof haw returnnd from his outing and will occupy Iuh pul pit in the !3nptint church next Sun day morning. Union HCrviccB In ttho HantiHt church in the evening. All uro cordially invited. Presbyterian Church. There will be Horvices at tho Pres byterian church tomorrow. Sunday Hftiiml nt 10 a. in.: lireuchimr at 11 a. in. by Rev. W. K. Shields. Union Borviccs for tho west Bide will bo held at 8 p. in. in tho Prea- bytcrinn church. Senior Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. Strangers arc welcomed to all services. Good mu- ic. . j Too Late to Classify ji FOH BAL13 HollnqulBhmont , good IioiiHo and other Improvotnonts. Addroin Eentyman, caro Mall Tri llium, tf FOR SALE -Tho finest Bmall or chard In tho Itoguo IUovr valley near Aflhland, will pay 20 per cont not on prlco ankcd, prlco 12G00 might tako f.2G00 In a nlco llttlo homo In Medford In part paymont, part of balanco on cany terms, ft. T. L 071 Chestnut street, Ashland Ore. 134 KOK'"8ALE Fine lot on Vcnt4 th street. $50 will handle, easy termi 135 North Oak 135 "Foil JtKNT4 nicely turnlshcd hoiiBC-kceplnp rooms, thoroughly plumbed and lighted; lowor floor, 720 West Eloxonth. 131 AUTO WRECKED IN RACE. (Continued from Page 1.) Netice: I horcby glvo notlco to all real ostato dealers that my proporty is now off tho market. W. C. DEBLEY. Medford, Or. 132 NOTICE. BIJOU THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday Nights World's Famous PASSION PLAY The chance of a lifetime of witnessing the most historical event in the history of the beginning of the world. Three thousand one hundred and fourteen feet of the most beautiful hand-painted pictures by Eitcher, the celebrated French artist, ever presented. These pictures stand alone in the world as the greatest ever portrayed upon canvas. What can be more beautiful to the', eye, more fascinating to the human mindhan witnessing the life of our Savior1? P An education for the old; a wonderful training for the young. Hear Harry Blanchard The Popular Young Baritone, Sing The Holy City A class of songs best adapted to his wonder ful voice. Don't miss it. You may never have another chance. ADMISSION 5 AND 10 CENTS. DOORS OPEN 7:30. Under Direction of Blauchard & Ellwood. Is horcby give, that I will not stand good for .iny bills contracted by AUco A. Wimcr after this date 132 W. O. WIMEIt. 0:30 last night. Tho injured drivor nnd his assistant wore taken to tho Conoy Island hospital, whero it was Hiiid that Owens would recover nnd that Williams undoubtedly wa fa tally injured. Tho accident eliminated tho Mar ion car from the race. Tho Matho- son car dropped out last night for 11 minutes at the end of tho 80th milo, when it skidded at a turn, crashed through a fenco and slightly injured Driver Baslo. Tho Stearns car at this juncture took tho lead, which it retained when tho raco was half ovor nt 8:30 this morning. At that time tho Stearns, with Patschko and Poolo driving alter nately, had completed 020 miles; tho Mathcson car, with Baslo and Whale drivers, had covered 590; tho Cole car, Endicott and Edwards, drivers, 540; Houp-Rockcwcll, driven by Martin and Harmon, 430; Midland, Anderson and- Taylor, drivers, 372. The Stearns, with tho raco half ovor, was two miles ahead of the 1009 distance record. SECRET SERVICE ON WATCH. Atlanta Grows. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Tho population of Atlanta, Ga., is 154,- 839, according to the census bureau todaj'. This is an increase of 72 per cent. FOR SALE $2600 will buy 100 acres in fine locality; 5 acres of bearing orchard, good buildings. It will pny you to in vestigate this. 70 ACRES .15 acres in fruit trees 1 year old; 60 inches of water; V miles from town; all farming im plements, tools, otc, together with team of horses, go with place; good buildings. A bargain if handled by Septomber 15. Al STOCK RANCH 1G0 acres; Clear creek runs through placo; good outside range; easy terms. Lot us show you tho Nickoll Addition, where the fino homes aro being built. 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and goneral farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and porpotual wator right; has coal outcrop ping; at a bargain on long tinio, easy payinonts. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY 216 WEST MAIN STREET. ,T. 13. WOOD, W. D. FOSTER, Sales Agents. Phone J. B. Wood, W. D. Poster, Sales Agents. Phono 1681. HUNDREDS GF RINGS I - fe ll '- ' ' El- .' t&iy." E) X UcSudj and display hundreds of the finest guaranteed Set Rings every kind of stone a fine variety of mountings fine gold every one guaranteed the best value in a ring that was ever shown to the public. We wish to call your attention to the new The Josephine Set Ring' It is worth your time to call and see the window display, but don't stop at the win dow come inside and examine these beau tiful Rings. EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. See the Window Tuesday -. i Martin J. Reddy . The Jeweler Near the postoffice (Continued from pago 1) thoy had failed to grow Into large fires, so vigilant aro tho mea fight ing tho flames, Troov nt Work Tho first troops arrived in Butte Falls which Is at tho oxtreme noth west of tho blazing forosta, at S o'clock Friday and oarly Saturday loft for tho front. At Butte Falls thoy woro mot hy rangora who di rected their movements. Supervisor Erlckson now has 75 additional men battling with the flames on tho slopes of Mt. McLough lln, from whoro Medford dorives Its water supply, Horo Is found ono o tho finest bodies of sugar plno la tho west today and thoso giant troea aro fast being consummed until only tall chared trunks romaln. Tho fate of Mcdford's wator supply is la doubt. Should this bo seriously impaired it will mean a great loss as tho city has just completed a gravity system at a cost of $600, 000. There is llttlo hopo of an early control of tho flames now ones are constantly breaking out and a high wind Is spreading them rapidly. Only Three More Pianos . From tHe large stock of fifty-one pianos which, we placed on' sale Aug. 5 we Have just threaleft This all goes to show that Eilers Music House is in a position to give better val ues and easier terms than was ever offered by any mu sic house on the coast. Our tremendous buying power, our easy payment plan and our courteous treatment to every one enables us to defy all competition. Is your name on our list of 48 satisfied customers during the great demonstra tion sale which has been go ing on during the past two weeks? If not, you have an opportunity to get it on that list. There remains just two days. On Tuesday night the present prices on the three remaining pianos will be the same as ever. That means that y6u will have to pay from $100 to $150 more for the same make instru ments. "While" wo do not expect these three pianos to be in stock oven on Monday night, wo will he horo taking or ders at sale prices for deliv ery from Portland. So be sure, Air. Piano Buyer, to got your name on our pur chasing list bofore wo loavo. Eifers Music Houes Located at Weeks & McGowen Furniture Store Medford Oregon'