MEDflORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDffORD, OREGON, SUNDAY. AUGUST 21, 1910. FASTS TOO LONG: DIES OF HUNGER Rslllllous Fanatic Rofusos Food and Dies Ho, With Four Others, Had Gone Without Food for Over Flvo Weeks. SELLING STORE IS BURGLARIZED LOB ANUICMCH, Cul., Atu;. 20. Hot. John O'Noll, a roll;louii fan atic, who chimin to havo boon unntor ot n Ilnptlut cliiiroh In Dalian, Tox., today dlod In a cottnuo Junt outnldo tho city llinltii on Homier utreot nit thu ronult of n fuel which ho, to Kothor with J. IC, llntlur, Mm, Nolllu Hoylii iiml Allco Griffin, Mm. Iloylo'n lCyonr-ohl nloco, hnvo obnorvod for moro thnn flvo woolen, O'Noll died rnfunliift tho nourlHhmunt which of flcorit attempted to filvo him. NolKhhorti complained about tho friHt to thu mithorltlOH. Tho Uuninno Hocloty linH boon poworloan to pro rood and tho nhorlff apparently wn uunblo undor tho Inw to roinovo tho four fnntorH ucnlnnt tholr will to n hoHpltnl for troatmont. Tho dlutrlct nttornoy'B offlco In TOHtlKutod tho cnuo on tho i; round that tho Iioiiho was unminltnry and n tnenuco to tho public lionltb. Hotel Arrivals. The Nimhl.. K. Cumoron, II. I. Hull, 0. C Hoff, A. P. Dounriie, B. H. Itrnkel, J. T. Stover, I'ortlimil; C. V. l.cnlicTI ii DiiIIvh; J. It. Hhelton, Hood UIvit; W. C. IVrkiiiR, .1. P. Kiling, Hau I'ViiuoiMco; A. 0. MHIh, llnycmnii, N. V.; C. T. (iroftoiiul, Krixon; V. (Irunde, Hm-rutiuMilo; T. T. Carroll, T. AL Kiloy, Mndoirn; f N. Derby, Kc-eno; ('. T. Ilcniiiuli, Al bany; H. KoMcnthul, Now York; V. V. Iluhlmrd ami wil'o, I'orllaud; .1. H. ('milter, CurNtin, Minn.; V. ('. Ch niontw, I'nitlnudl Mrx. .1. 0. I.ucev, Arthlund; (1. II. FiUgiblmim, (I. flood, V. M. (Inguc, A. K. Allen. Portland; If. Ii. Porlor, Spokane; (1. M. Partridge, Alliaiiv. Tho Monro- V. C. Drown, rlty; A. 13. Monro, Kl Hono, Oklahoma; C. K. Kt. John, 101 Hono, Oklahoma; P. Ohnndl, Hnclot; W. 8. Plnco, In dlittinpollH; John Albert, Portland; I.. K. Smith, Portland; O. Hehnloder, Portland P. It. Tannor nnd wlfo, 8o attle; V. Iowo, Hcnttlti; W. 8. Hny Imm, Beutilo; O. 0. Kovynmlth, Mod ford; J. It. Convomo, San PranclBco; J. B. Crotionor nnd wlfo, 'Portland; J. W, lllain, Pllluflold, Maryland; It, P. Hoy, Jr., PlllHflold, Maryland; (ioo. It. Bailor. Portland; J. H. Chain borii, Cottage (Jrovo; J. 13. Taylor, Portland; O. 1). Martini Portland; 10. A. Kviiiih, Chill; John A. Kent Inn, Portland. ESPERANTOISTS MAY MEET IN FRISCO WASHINGTON', Auk. 20. Clmr uoluriring Snu Prnneiboo an "Iho mooting pluco of thu Uriuut and Oo oitTont," Sinclair LowiH, the San PrmieiHCo delegate to tho KHpurnulo congroHH, urged upon tho oouvouliou tho imlorHoiiK'iit ot' tho California niotropoliH iih tho nito for (ho Pau nnm opofiitioii of 11115. Tho dulogntcri discussed tho merit of San PruueiHOo nnd Now OrloaiiH, ovornl ndvocnlen for oueh city tak ing Iho floor. The oongrcHb reaehoil no decision on the mutter. $1 A WEEK TO KEEP STRIKERS ALIVE Jowcls Worth $5000 Taken From Store of Well-Known Portland Merchant Got In Tlirounh a Window, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Auk. 20. KndoniloK tho Individual Internation al offleora nnd rcuominemlliu; that o.ioh oiio lu tho WoHlorn Podora llon of Minora and tho Amorlcun Federation of Labor bo uKBOBHod SI a week to i;o toward tho support of HtrlceiH, tho npoclnl conunlttco ro poited today. Tho ropoil wnfl ro rolvod with approval by tho bin con vention of mlun workorn. Tho commlttou uIho reconuuendod formally what had nlroudy boon uunffflulally oudoiHOd by tho loaders of tho workora, that tho IUIuIoh min ors Ltrlko bo approved, but that tho pufp mon and onnlnoorH bo ordeied bnck to work. Tho latter woro cnll eed out at tho miKgoutlon of Presi dent LowIh, who wan uovoroly crltl clflod In upon convention for hlu action, PORTLAND, Or., Auk. 20. Mn niondH and other Juwelu valued at about 5000 nnd 100 lu auih woro iitolou laiit nlKhl front tho ntoro ot Hun Solllni:, Pourth and Morrlnon ntrootH, by burKlnrn, who may have concealed thomiiolvun In tho ntoro diirliu; biiiilnoiiH liouni nnd awaited Itu cIohIuk. 'I'l'o nnfo In tho offlco ot tho ntoro had been loft open and tho thlovou had no difficulty In roUIuk tho booty. Tho ntolon JowoIb woro tho property of Mm. SollltiK, Tho burglary wan discovered today by Hen SoIIIiik, tho cuahlor, who opened tho ennh drawer. All that had been loft In tho nnfo woro a fow Canadian colnu, Tho thlovou escaped a DAHLMAN IS A WlftDEI Shallenbcrflcr Now Only 660 Votes Behind Cowboy Mayor In Race for Gubernatorial Nomination In Nebraska. LINCOLN', Nob, Am;. 20. Al though Mayor Dahltuan of Omaha leadu Govornor ShulIonberKcr by COO voteii for tho democratic gubernato rial nomination, It In likely that a court content will follow tho an nouncement of tho completed pri mary returnH, Tho Bhnllonhorgor forces chargo that votors woro colonized at Oma ha to support Dahlman and that many who woro not on tho rolls woro permitted to voto. Huturnu from tho homo county of ConKroHHtunn Norrls of Nebraska, who was tho prlmo movor In tho fa- toun house rules committee flnht, which resulted in tho defoat of Speaker Cannon, show that tho ro publlcami 'slaughtered" Senator Uur kott who Is reported to have clrcu latcd pro-Cannon literature, Bur kett, nevertheless, was re-nomlnatod by a propondornnco of votes In other rouutles. ' sm third story window Into a roomlnc house, thenco to tho street. ONE REEVES PHEASANT DIES IN TRANSIT Off the ciht beautiful Hccvcb plieasantH shipped io flame Warden Guy Priduy, nil came through nlivo except one, which wno found dead in (ho coop on nrrivnl. These birds will be liberated on the Kd Ilunley fnnn, where Mr. Hnrilcy hns nrciinrcil a. nlnco for their re ception, where they will be protected from nil enemies. While not as brilliant in coloring as tho riiiKneckcd, or Denny, phcas nnt, the Hcovefl or golden pheasant is n beautiful bird nnd is said ti be moro hardy thnn the Denny. Tho Bovcn birds will be kept in closed for a Kcason or two nnd then liberated in different sections of the vnlley where they may be protected. Tlasklns for health. Would Shift Burden. NKW OHM-JANS, Aug. 'JO. A in poll couluiued in a oiiblo (linpulclt from Nii'itniguii hii.vh Hint ProHidout Mudri. in prepariiiK to (runsfer tho livoBideiiey to .lose KHtvudu, hrolhor of the lovolutiouury louder, .liinh ICh t radii. If you hnvo bualnoss ability, show Its quality In tho way you advortlso for a position, 'JtpftVSmA ifJ'BtMfMnjBBlTr' iLiliWT SS'4tirJZ? "rfj-J Completod Section of Now Canal Does Your Orchard Need Rain? WE HAVE RAIN TO SELL Wo have last winter's rains stored in the mountains to the, oast of, tho city ready for dolivery to your prchard, when you givo the order. There is plenty of water in Fish Lake, and as soon as our big dam is completed at. Four-Mile Lake wo will have (his immense natural reservoir connected with our system. When our work is completed we will have sufficient wa ter to irrigate 55,000 acres in the Kogue "River Valley. Wo are now prepared to receive applications for tho delivery of irrigatidn water to any lands covered by tho .Hopkins lateral. If your orchard needs rain, call afc our office and we can solve the moisture problem to your satisfaction. Rogue River Valley FRED N. CUMMINGS, MeV Medford National Bank Building, "MEDFORD, OREGON 'Pr 1"! c? Where Will You Decide to Make a Home? Do you intend to engage in the business of alfalfa growing, dairying, cattle, hog or chicken raising? Or do you prefer the orchard industry, where yon enn plant any variety of fruit you can think of FIqs, Oranges, Lemons, Olives, Peaches, Apricots, Prunes, Pears, Cherries, Apples, Wal nuts, Almonds, Grapes, etc., etc., where Berries and all kinds of Garden Truck and Com grow to perfection, where two crops of Potatoes enn be harvested each year, if you will take the trouble to plant thcmT How Would You Like the Sacramento Valley . AT THE UPPER END OF THE GREAT SACRAMENTO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, there is a tract of tho finest land in tho world, all of which-is now prepnrcd for Irrigation, nnd carries with it title to a per petual water right. THE SOILS arc from 15 to 30 feet in depth, arc of a dark sedi mentary loam nature, studded all over with gigantic oaks, park-Iiko in effect, and drained by several rapid streams that flow into tho Sacra mento river. THE WATER SUPPLY is from the Los Molinoa river, which rises at Mt. Lassen, 10,400 feet high, and it perpetually clad with snow. THIS RIVER carries the most water during the summer months, when the snow is melting, nnd at the time when the Water is most needed. Remember this Statement About Water Supply Transportation now by railroad, main line Southern Pacific, station on our lands; by river steamers, from three landing places, and next year the ELECTRIC LINE will be comploted and running through our lands, Red Bluff to Chico to Sacramento, now operating between Chico and Sacramento, which puts yon in touch with cash markets for all and any thing you wish to produce and at highest prices. WHY ARE CALIFORNIA FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SHIPPED TO PORTLAND, SEATTLE AND THE NORTH? Kccaufce wc enjoy a ten months' growing season and can ship early nnd late. You can plow nnd plant every month in the year, thns doubl ing your profits. AND ALFALFA THIS IS ITS NATURAL HOME. Six cuttings per season, producing 10 to 12 tons per ncrc, which soils for an average price of nine dollnrs per ton in the stack. To a practical farmer the above conditions mean snecess and inde pendence. It Will Cost You But Little to Investigate This in seeking a new location you owe it to yourself and to yonr family to investigate this proposition. These lands, including a perpetual water right, sell at .?150.00 per acre, one-fifth down and balance in four equal annual payments. I make several trips each month to show these lands. Come in and make arrangements to join our next party. The ex pense is smnll, and wc will bo gone only a few days. If, after investi gation, you find that a single misrepresentation has been made, I will willingly refund your expenses. A party is now being made up and we expect to leave ifedford about Wednesday. Better join this party remember tho statement just made. FRANK G. ANDREWS RESIDENT AGENT, NO. 6 SO. FIE ST., MEDFORD, OREGON. Los Molinos Land Co. Lo The Mail Tribune Ads Bring Results E5 B 2&i WHERE COMFORT REIGNS In tho homo oquippod with oloctrlclty Comfort Is tho prosidlng goddess. Tho Illumination of tho intorior may bo augmontod by a lighting arrange ment on tho porch that will add immeasurably to tho joy of tho homo on hot summer ovonlngs. Aside from good lighting a houso wired for oloctrlclty Is proparod for oloctric fans, Whpso soft broozos aro llko balm on humid nights. Fans aro portable and may bo connected wltn electric sockets olthor Indoor or on thovorandan. Send for tho estimate man and lot us bring beauty and comfort to your homo. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC. CO I