uwrtcri' m A Medford Mail Tribune UNITED PJIK89 ASSOCIATION Full Leaflet Wlro Report, FIRST SECTION Tho only paper In tho worl publlahoa in n city tho slxs s Medford having a loniiod wlro. PAGES 1 TO 8 MOTH YEAR. MEDITORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 1910. No. 131. FIRES CONTINUE TO RAGE UNCHECKED y 4 ' ; f FOREST RANGERS ARRIVE IN TIE NICK OE TIME TO SAVE WOMAN F MRS.HOLTZSENDS CALL FOR HELP; FOUND IN TIME Fire Situation Worso Than at Any Tlmo Previous Late Reports Show That Private Holdings Arc Considered Sate. HERE'S LATEST ON THE FIRE SITUATION Tim fire burning in tho Four Hit cnujitry run west th'iH afternoon lo ncetion M, 2:i ami 28, range It west, towntliiii lift, wliuio it wit ohcikud by r0 uoltliyr, This territory if nlniig the oaHtorn hniindnry of tho tiiuhitr hold ings of Iho Outer Lake Lum bar company, mid fa princi pally sugar pine in a flat, open country on which thorn was little brush. Tliii en abled tin soldiers to check it, 11111I all danger of it com ing wont into tho holdings of tlu coinpmiv in nor. Tho fire jiiKt cant of Ilutto Falls is reported under con trol, nn is tho firo four miles below (ho Falls, which did lit tle damage. Tho AhIiIuimI fire is spread ing, unchecked. It in doing great damage. 4- f-f-f -r 4- -- BULLETIN. Report Into tonight slate that fonr ranger, headed hy ohu llolu, ttrrived in liinu to nave .Mm. UolU and family from tho fhuue. Mr. Holt noticed tho fire nonr the oubiu from it dint 11 nee, and culling four men, rushed tu the ncouu. Attiu- a hard flftlit tlw eablit vu Mivutl. When tin Ih 1h road It may bo that tliu grout forest flroa which nro swooping Houtliorn Oregon will havo ulnliiiutl tliolr flint victims. If bo, It will bo a woman anil four umull children who perished. Lnto thli (Continued on Pagr 8.) BOTTE FALLS One Agent Writes $0000 Worth !ti One Day Great Fears Entertain ed at Ono Tlmo for Safety of tliu Mountain City. Ilutto Kal In hi now carrying moro Iniiluraiico than at any tlmo In Hit hlslary. Ono agont succeeded In writing $ 8000 In ono tiny and this on small bulldlngn that would not carry ovor $r00 ouch, i Tho rosldonts of Ilutto Falls en tertain groat fear as to tho snfty of tliolr town during tho, wook, hut tho situation now In much liupnvod. Whllo tho fear of flro was tho groat-, est ono man hogan to write Insurance and made a great succoss of It, ' . AN OW mm N OTHER SECTIONS THAN THIS ARE Reports From Over State and the Northwest In General Show That Much Damano Is Being Done hy Forest Fires. f- -f 4- -t- -f- ENTIRE MILITIA OF STATE MAY COME PORTLAND, Aug. 20. Tho war dcpartinont has " boon rotpionlod to order out tho entire hUUo militia to ho taken to fight I lie foiut linw In tho Crnlur uatlounl ,iurul "" I " Tliiu iii-tiiiii ivim In I: mi fnl. "" lowing receipt of infnriaation " that no nioro regulars wore available. -H--- -r - -f--r PORTLAND. Aug. 20. With foroHt flrea In tho Crator National foreat In Southern Oregon spreading rapidly today, Associate Forestor I VjCi.ii nun num. in an appeal 10 uon- oral Miuih, commaudlni; tho troojm at tho American lulto encampment, for -TiO Holdlom to f Iht tho Oregon flrea. "Coudltloua nro nrotty bad," anld Cecil oday. "I cun't toll Just how much tlmbor la being burned but tho Iobb imiHt bo troniondoua. Ac-, cordlag to tliu toloBraniH I havu Just men aro noodod. A high wind la blowliiK In tho mouutnlna and tho rinuioi are opreadliiK. I havo rhUoiI General .Maun for 500 troopa l( ho . can Roeur that many for no. lie Mid ho would do overytlilntc potwlblo ' to noud un the men Hnmutlmo today." I FlruK Over Xortlieuxt Additional roportu cotnliiK In Inter tpdny from nil-parts of tho nortli wot Indlcato that tho forest flro ; dominium are worse than provlouily bullovod. Fifty men aro fighting a llnzo out Of Kosobui'K in Houtliorn Oregon and a Kko numbor ot flroflKhtors nro (Onnliuuod From Pairo Four.) $50,000 PAIO FOR BEING BORNEO Chicago Man Makes Splendid Buy on Rogue River Ahovo Gold Hill An Elegant Silo for Country Home and Ono Will Be Built hy tho Now Owner. , A new inventor linn been found for K'oguo Hivor vnllov fruit laud and lie has fuoiued one of theJiost truclH iu tliu valley, bur none. Jnltii F. ilorroll uf Chicago Thuis ilny cluichml I lie hnrgnin ,h,v wlieih lie hccaiuu llie owner of the K. 1V U, Astbury orchard, tpur LliiJon up tho lioguo from Hold Hill, nild qui) ot tliu host pitzenherg anil Now town or cIuuiIh iu the alle. .Mr. iMtirrell, aiidj I mm the com mercial alue of Ins orchard, appre ciatew the mic ioi a Mimmer home, lie intend bu hsiii'. i niiiniuer ve-i-deut'o tliore, fitted with nil modern improvements, mid thi fall ho in tends to go after i lint "apple king" M DEATH SECRET SERVICE MEN WATCHING FOR IE BOGS No Doubt But That Fires In Big Buttt District Are Bclnn Set Out Dlsnruntleil Homesteaders Said to Be Trying to Get Even. 4- 4- 4 FIRE-FIGHTERS WANTED; 25 CENTS AN HOUR " Men nro wanted hy the lo- "" ral forest official.-! to l'ijiht tho fin's burning in tho dif- fereiit Hoetions of the eoun- ty. The office will pay 25 " ecilU uu hour for men ninl "" will givo them thoir hoard. "" "" Those who are willing to go "" " fhould apply to Acting Su- "" porviMir Swunning in the "" " forestry offices, In the Jack- " i tt rvitnit it ii til- imiiiiiiii f -4-44-4--f4'- That tho prcaont foreat fires rag ing In tho Crater National forest wore set by aomo disgruntled liomo atoador in an effort to oven up scores with tho rangers who report ed upon his homostends last fall is tho belief now of tho forestry of ficials and residents ot tho sections In which tho flro Is rnglntr. It has also developed that tho government now hs threo secret service- men In tho vicinity of tho big firos ondenv orlng to apprehend tho guilty party or parties. Sort At Hangers Dining tho past year a number of homesteaders found, whou they came to provo up, that adverse re port had been made regarding their homesteads. This investigation was made for tho most part by rnngors. or spaclal a Keats and this Is snld to be responsible for tho forest -tiros. A ropreMiitntlvo of tho Mall-Trlb-uno traveled 100 miles Friday by automobile, horsoback and on foot, through tho burning area. Unmis takable evidence wore found that tiros were- sot. In many Instances (Continued on Page .".) ASTBO title. Tlio price paid for tho Atlnuy ranch was $n0,00l), mid tho saltuwiiK made through tliu agency f ,T'. 12. Harkdull. This ii tho bocoutl iue.stmeiU Ir. Morrell has inudo in the Woguu uiver valley, liaviiu' purehahotl a year ago 211 aeiWol' tho Hurroll orchard tract for $2.1 ,000. The homo Mr. Morrell intends creeling on tho Astbury rane.li will he un ideal country homo will) mod ern eiiy convonioneos. You may "take u dip" iu tho mer which ilows through the laving or u "tuli in .our room," as vou idoase. Heside that, tho orchard is ,jut about now ready to produce the fiuit which will win tho priKo, PLACE E, s No Information Is Available, as Tel egraph Operators Were Forced to Abandon Their Keys Rescue Trains Made Up In Butte Forest Fire Destroys City. BUTTE, Mont., Aug. 20. Wal lace, Idaho, a town of oOOO inliabi tantb, in burning tonight, with no hope of saving, according to tele graph companies. At 7:10 p. m. nirtbuununieation with the stricken city was cut off. Operators desorted their keys with a i'liibh that they could no longer re main nt their pants. All day a great forc-t lire had been sweeping tho couutry near the city. It i-; sunposed that the flumes swept near tho town and ignited it. Wallace is .situated in n nnrrow valley. The inhabitants are com pelled to flee on one narrow track. If the fire jumps before them there will be no cbnnce to jCScape. One- ot' the moslTSS&ful catas trophes in recent year, threatens. Itescue truins are being made up iu this city to bo rusliod with food and provi&ioiif to tho strickan city. Troop's will be tkqn to light the flnnion. A company of. colored sol diers nt Hornx are to be dispatched at onoo to Wallace. Dispatches roceiu-d before th1 wires wont out stated thnt during th afternoon it beenmo evident that l . fire would reach the city. A dense smoke so clouded the skies that electric lights were turn ed on iu the streets, while lurid glares, showed how fast tho flames were approaching. Jinny began to pack their porsonal belongings preparatory to- flight. Tho hist information received was to the effect that the mayor had or dered every one out to fight the fires which were approaching the city limits. SIX PEACHES WEIGH OVER THREE POUNDS Six peaclu's, ioi.il ivouiht threo LpoumU, were brought iu by II. ft. v.... t i.: u.. .i.i.ti' i... i j-u ii-iiiii ins nn --limit; ori'lltllll Thurbdny. any, the News. , The larg est was ten inches in oiroumforonco and weighed y mimes. Tho peaches aitj ot u viU'iet. unkndwn. to Mr. Nvo. Three years Hgoffip Februniy he plumed Kill oumf pliuui trees, winch came into buniiaj? tUU year. He .ti tiivi ihmijii tlL Ujoy weie Hale's Kiulies. insiermoll Knrly I'rnwfortls, jtr wluohJfli' were planted, hut liu ha found that 121 of tho tieo nre of a variety known as (.'hiimplpus, while he reimiiniinr 2H are unidyntit'ied. j Mr. Nye is sim-M with hi imu'ho.. b,ui the am-ov 'ym w be bouglit the stock has- offorod t roruntl tho imieiiase iH'UJa'ol turnish its oquivuleut iu '"'t btQuc. Mr. Nye will accept the hit toy pniposi- I ion. as! ho still lias manV noro of fine punch laud which ha litis but ro eeiulj denied. ,., , $30,000,000 MORTGAGEES FILED IN NORTH YAKIMA NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Auu. 20. -Tho Fiicitu l'-iwor A l.igiu compiin v, whose iiuinagor is A. S. fircnier f l'onl.nul. yesterday filed (V mortgage ot .t.UI.oOO.OOO with tho Yakima county auditor, Tt is givon to tho United States Mortgage & Trust company, as trustee-. WA A A DESTROYED New York's Mayor, Photographed as He Fell Toward Steamer's Deck After Being Shot. (Mayor Oaynor kept from falling by frl nd. From unapshot by American Preaa Aenoclntlon photographer Copyright, W10, by American Press Association. Mayor William J. Oaynor of New York clly as he was shot Aug. 0 on the steamer Kaiser Wllbelm der Grosse reeled and would have fallen to the deck but for Itenjamln Clarke Marsh, secretary of the committee on congestion of population of New York, who wus reaching forward to grasp the mayor's blind. Mr. Marsh grabbed the wounded man, holding hlni up. The photograph shows Mayor Gaynor being held with the blood streaming from his wound Im mediately after the oliootiug. Tho photographer was about to take a picture of the executive before ho sailed for n month's vacation In Europe. Theplcturc Is unique In the history of tho shooting of prominent men lu that It was taken before the wounded man realized what had occurred and before the assailant had been felled to the deck by Commissioner William Edwards of the department of streets. Tho picture shows the blood on Mayor Goynor's face and the horrified look on the face of the man in front of him. AUTO WRECKED IN 016 RACE Tearing Along Home Stretch, Mar ion Car Turns Completely Over Car Elcminated From Race One Slightly Injured. BRIGHTON' HKACH, N. Y Aire. 20. Tearing along tho home stretch at a terrific pace, the JIarion car in the midnight -daylight 24-honr auto mobile race at the Brighton Beach motordrome, turned completely over, crushing mid burying: I)rier Wally Owens mid Meclinnieian Thomas Williams in mud under the debris ot the machine. The accident occurred at 3:45 n ti' , the nice having started under th white irlaic of electric hh- .11 (Continued on Page ") PilCE HILL ROAO COST 824,000 Engineer Heldal Makes Report to Crater Lake Highway Commission Will Meet Thursday Night to Consider Contracts Maxi mum Grade Will 3c Four Per Cent, f Ungiccr B. F. Hehlel of the of fice ot public rotd, U. S. department of agriculture bus oomnleiod the sur vey and ostlm:.toH of thnt portiuo ot tho Cm tor LnKo highway to ho built by tho Forestry Duron u In tho Orator National Forest and for that portion of the road ollmlnntlng tie Klounco Itotk hill. Tho commission will soon call for contracts fur the building ot this Bootioi of tho load. Mr. lloldol made his roport to tho cotu mlsslnn Saturday ovonlug. Tho road will bo 23 foot from tU fnco of tho cut to tho odgo of tho fill, Including tho gutter on tho un yor side, or a width of 10 foot for tlio road bed. Tho astlmatod cost of this 2.7 miles, will bo $24,000, In cluding, clearing, grubbing, grading and surfacing. , Mr. lloldol statud that lho grad ing should bo dono during tho wint er months, owing to tho charactor of tho soil, mostly punlco, which must bo handled whllo wot to make a por manont ror.dbod. A surface dressing ot decomposed sorpontlno rock, of from 4 to S Inches, specially rolled CRATER CAR AT '$ Automobile to Be Raffled Off for Benefit of Crater Lake Road Is on Exhibition Tickets Will Soon Be Offered for Sale. The Plunder's 20, donated by E. M. P. and Studebaker companies, to bo rafeled off by tho Crater Lake High way commission for tho benefit of tho road Is now on exhibition at Kent ner's, whore it may bo seen. Tho car is a beauty and and will bo raffled. It Is planned to soil 1200 ticket. These tickets will bo plncod on sale during tho next week. It is probably that they will be offered at tho Nash and Moore hotels and at Ryan and Diowu's as well as by tho committee. is railed tor In the specifications, ns well as drains and dltchoa to nrtyrojit flood damage. As tho crows at work on tho Pacific and Eastern will soon bo laid off un til next spring, whon tho roadbed from llntte Falls eastward will bo constructed, this is an opportune tlmo to let contracts for brlldlng tho highway, as it will onablo tho con tractors to maintain thoir organiza tion and koop busy during winter months, ( Two and a quarter miles of rontl bed will bo graded In tho National Forest roservo, botweon Union creok and Whiskey creok, and sovoral rock cuts niado. thus greatly Improving and straightening out tho highway. This will bo a separate contract and lot by tho (jovorilmont. The commission authorized Goo. L. Davis to prepare for publication, a complete financial statement, after which bids will bo askotl for tho con stnictlon of tho highway, A com mlttco was appointed to havo tho (Continuud on Pngo 8.) KNNR TEDDY ASKS FOR SCALP OF SHERMAN Taft Said to Consider Plan as Pre posterousPoliticians Hint That Colonel Is Asking Things That Ha Knows President Will Deny Means Big Rupture In Party. DEVERLY. Mass., Aug. 20. That Colonel Roosevelt has demanded that Vice President Sherman bo dropped from tho administration political councils as tho price of peace and that President Taft considers tho plaa preposterous, ig tho report curront here today. It Is believed that Roosovelt, though Lloyd C. Grlsscom, who will call an Taft some tlmo during the month and through Congressmaa Nicholas Longworth, who Is at Oys ter Bay, today supposedly as an em issary of tho president, will both In form Taft of Roosevelt's position. Say Move Preposterous Pollticans were many who ,frccly commented on the. report to day, say that such a movo is prepos prepes prepos teeous: that It would pat the ad ministration In the position of yield ing to Roosevelt and that in alt like lihood the request will not bo heed ed. Most ' f,,e politicians who are considered cioso to Taft, even in these days of party readjustment, openly hint that Roosovelt is purposoly ask ing Taft to make concessions which he knows tho president will not make. This, they say, will put tho admini stration in tho light of rebutting the former president and will glvo the colonel a sufficient reason for an open break with Taft. Slicnnnu tho Sncrifico Sherman, It is declared. Is picked out as tho "sacrifice" which Roosevelt demands because the vice president part ot tho administration itsolf, wus used in tho first direct movo against Roosevelt. Therefore, tho Roosevelt men say, unlesa tho administration intend directly to rebuff tho former prosidont, Snorman should bo dropp ed from tho administration political counolls. Sherman was namod hy tho Now York stoto committee as temporary chairman of tho stato con vention after Roosevolt's namo had beon presonted. Means Itnptnro Tho dropping of Sherman woulld moan a rupturo of administration forcoos, tho Taft supporters say, and thoy declare- It Is propostorous for the president to break with tho man who mado tho race with him as head ot tho tlckot In 10 OS. That tho breach betwoon tho prosi dont and his prodecossor Is really serious, Is Indicated by tho comment on tho situation, and that tho break will soon becomo admittedly opon Is oxpectod. Grlscom'a coming la awaited hero with doop Intotoat. Longworth Is also expected too return to Dovorly within a fow days with a message from Roosovelt defining his attitude In light of tho message ho Id sup posed to have carried from Taft. BANANA CHAMP EATS 64 TO RETAIN HIS HONORS XKW YORK, Aug. 20.- -The b-i . nun-outing championship of the world is claimed by Morris Loopesko, a Pole, who lives oil tho east iifo and who, nftor a desperate struggle, and against tremendous competition, won ii $100 gold watch iu the .n mini international bnmum-eulti.g contest at Mnspoth, Tj. T. Morn' ato 114 l-:i baiinnns. Tho rplos o tho (loiitohl prevent outrnultf from taking any liquids while coniotiiig.