MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 19, 1910. To WoJt-Avertise is to be Business-Like-Because it Gets Results --------- -1 HIGHER PRCES FOR BARTLETTS Snlcs at Auction In New York Reach $3 a Box Mark-Advances Continue With Lliihtcr ArrivalsProspects Excellent for Lnto Shipments. Hgobul & Day wrlto from Now York, August 13, nn follewn: Hales ut miction Thtirtiilny and I-rl- ilay of H.Ih vooic wure: 31) cam and 42 cart), respectively, 203 earn thin week. Present prices an follews: Unrtluttn $3.00 2.50 $2.25 Uuiigiirltuirt ... 1,87 1.02 1.40 Grand Dukes . . 1.02 HuHqiiohnutinu ,. 1.50 Malagas 1.75 Toknyn 2.37 Clings 1.02 KlliurtuH 1.00 Thur. 1.50 1.3D 1.20 1.00 l.CO 1.10 2.00 1.75 l.CO 1.30 1.50 1.30 li. Frl. 12 th. )0 0,000 3,800 5,200 0,800 llnrtlnltH 10,800 Plunin 1'runuti . . 0,300 1'oucIh'h 1,000 drapes 5,500 IlartluttH Advance continues. Fin it today touched 3; best 12.75 to $2.40 and virtually nonu bolow 2,35. Much Mentor arrivals oxpoctod for mixt week and a strong market booiiih certain. Ilnr'.lotlii will he fine prop erty hero loforo long. Plums--Arrivals nmplo mid nl mont all (lifind Dukes, ainnts, Hun garians, KuIhu)'h and ono or two other varieties. Wo open tho Hon rton Mondny morning noxt with first onm ot Italians coming from Yaki ma and expect most satisfactory flg (iron. Idaho expects a heavy crop, but will prohahly not commonro them until thoHu went of Idaho aro nil out of tho way. Wo strongly udvlso shipments of Italians, Hungarians and Bllvorn. Ponchos Mnrkel very strong. All heat stock ? l.CO to $1.50. Somo flue KlhertnH and hoiiio hiimUoino OIIiikh wore fought for today. Geor gia ntiHolutely eudeil and thono from Delawnre and Mnrylnnd nro poor drupes l'ow Tohnya from Vaca vlllo contl jiio to nrrlvo and hoII most ly $2.50 to $3.00, whllo tho Mnlngns null around $1.50. It looka well ahead on Tokays. Weather Very had tyrst three dnyM. rainy, hot, sticky, but today beautiful, cool nud bracing, no that Mtreet iiak'H nro linmoniio. The Meat Hour of Life is when you do hoiiio great deed or riiHCOVor Home wonderful fact. TIuh hour eiimo to .1. K. l'itt, of Kooky Ml., N. C. when ho was suffering in tensely, iih lie says, from tho worst cold I ever had, 1 then proved to my great HntiHfnotion, what a wondor- ful Cold nud Cough euro Dr. King'ri New Dirioovory !h. For, after taking one bottle, I wiih entirely cured. Von enn't Buy nnythitig too good of u med iciuo like that," Hh the surest and hoHt remi'dy for discused lungH, Ilout orrhageH, LuOrippo, AHthma, Il.iy Fevor any Throat or Lug trouhlo. 50e. $1.00., Trial hntllo free, Guur anteed by nil druggists wf NINTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF OLDEST PIONEER WOMAN Kl'OICANH, Wash., Aug. II). Mm. Catherine Holkuap, Hole Hiirvivor of tho Watts wagon train parly, which oroHod the plaitiH from Iowa to Ore gon in 18 18 and oldowt pioneer in the northwcHt, celubralcd the 0th mini vorHiiry of her birthday ut the home of her grandson, Walter Holkuap, 2!I2.'I Katit l'rovidejice uveuiie, Spu knno, a few days ago. Klic in in good health and oxpoolH to reach the cen tury mark. Hlio Iiiih pot experienced n day'ti oiokuoKH in 811 yearn. s Mrs. Helkuup in u native of Ohio, liorn AugiiHt lfi, 18'JO. When II) yourn of age, hIio married George Hulkkniip and moved to Van Huron count , Town, then a territory, where she and her hiifihuud joined the Wnltn party. Tho train, which wiih compoHod of -10 wngoiiB, Htnrled for Oregon, in which 'territory tho government thou of fered a half Hootion of land to every settler. The Holkuap'n . nettled 100 iniloH Kouth of Oregon City, living ;thoro 510 yoiii'H, NOTIOK. I horoliy glvo notlco to nil ronl OHtnto doalorH that my property lu now off tho niarkot, ir. o. Dwnijaw Modfonl, Or. 131 NOTIOH. Is hereby glvo;, that I will not stand good for r.ny bllln conlrnotod by Allco A. Wlnior uftor this dnto. 132 W. O. WIMKU. MORE WATER 0 ASHLAND Enplnccr Roberts Submits Plans for Incrcaslnp Water Supply Costlnn, $100,000, Ample for a Population of 25,000 Council Not Decided Engineer W. J, ItolturlH who Iiiih had chargo of thq construction of MiidfVrd'n now wntor system, lias lieun employ oil to figure upon tho cohI of enlarging thu Ashland water y loin. Ashland gets its' water from Auhlund orouk nml him now ono of thu fiueut mtppllcu in tho Hlaio, hut thu rapid growth of thu city necessitates nn enlargement of tho proncnt facil ities. Mr. Roborlri has Hulnnitteil n re port to tho AhIiIiiikI city council givv hit: figures upon u supply for a city of 25,000 population. I tin figures go into detail iih to low-levu ami high level reservoirs, distributing HyHleniM, rones of pressure, etc., together witli (.-HtiinatoH of '1,000,000 tint 1,000,000 gallon capacity respectively, alno a propoHUtl overhauling of thu entire wutor system in general nud rocon Htructiop of B.'unu on well- defined nml enlarged linen. Coot of thin no tnblo improvement would ho approxi mately preliminary work throughout from a number of locnliticH in Oregon and neighboring Htaten where ho had undertaken thin nort of work on an extensive ticnlo. In addition to tho eommiiuientioii, Mr. Roberts wiih present in pcrHon nud addressed thu council regarding tho scope an dothor dotnils of the enterprise. Mutter was taken under ndinoinont, pending the udjourned session which meets Aug ust 18th. FOLDERS SHOW NEW ERISCO Panama-Pacific Exposition Commit tee Issues Literature Descriptive of Gateway to Aid in Clearing Bid Fair The Kxploitatiou and Publicity De partment of tho Puuunm-l'ucifio Kx ponition have isued a twelve-page fol der on the proposed oxposttion to he held in .San Francisco in 1015. This folder is illuatruted with pauoramoie viewH of tho city, ono Inkon just lif ter thu firo nnd the other Jakcn re eoutly, nud two smaller views of the canyons of two Htreels in tho "down town district," showing the splendid modern appearance of tho city. These folders will fit in a regulation busi ness ouvolopo nud carry for theouo pootnge, It is planned to roipiest husiucHH houses throughout tho west to enclose these little hootitor folders in nil their eastern correspondence. Tho following nro excerpts from the folder. No other city in tlio United States ia so well mtuatcd, no fittingly lo rated, iih Sail Friiuoisco, to cole- hratu tho completion of tho Panama Ouiiul. In Snu Frnncisco'H biipeih hailior tlio fleets of all nations may assemble, and inerchnnt ships enrrv exhibits direct from homo ports. The completion of the canal is distinctly n Pacific ocean event, mnce it opens tho Pncifio to the commerce of the world. Tho west hau never held tin iiitcrnutiounl exposition. There have heeu four in tho ceuntry: The first at Philadelphia, on the Atlantic sou hoard, in 187(1; the second, on the Mihaisiiippi, nt New Orleans, in 1885; the third, in tho Mississippi valley region, ut Chicago, in 18011 j the fourth ut St Louis, on the Mississippi, in 1001, All received lurgo government uid. New OroloaiiH received a loan of $1,00,00 (which Iiiih never hoen re paid;) Hiihnoipienlly $1100,000 wiih im propriated for n govornment oxhihit, nnd Inter $1150,000 additional was ap propriated to pay tho dehtti of tho ex position. Now OrleuiiH thou was ns much the center of population iih it is today. All Culil'nruia and thu entire west is ntimding hack of the proposed show standing hack with the hiiiuo vigor and go that Iiiih ever been char acteristic of the west. Tho west makes no failures. Tho Lewis and Clark exposition' ut Portland, the Alaskka Yukon Pncifio nt Scuttle, tho Mid-Wiutor fair in Sun Fran cisco, nil provo Huh. Ilaskins for Uonlth. Your "ronl cstnto education" will bo lmprovod oven If It's very good already by reading tho rent ostato nila In this paper toda. You may form montal Impressions of tho sort of pcoplo hunting work In tbls city today by read ing tholr want nds, YOUK NEXT POBITION may ndvortlnod today. Tho next furnln'icd room you'll Hvo In Ib probably advcrtlsod In anothor column. Look for It among tho want ndn If It's something that ought to havo boon advertised. Wrlto for Interviews to thono work-huntora whoso ads impress you most favorably. To know ItiBtnutly whothor an ad Is really Important to you Is a flno sort of business ability. Want Ads One Cent, a Word DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT NORTH YAKIMA, WASH, NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., Aug. 19. Flro broke out in tho heart of tho city nt an cnily hour todt.y, wiping out a wholo block and completely destroying tho brick wnrohouso of tho Yuklma Grocery company. Tho loss Is estimntod at $114,000 with Insur ance amounting to $46,000. Tho firemen confined tholr efforts to sav ing tho wlolcsalo houses. MEDFORD MARKETS. (PriccH paid by Mcdford merchants.) PotntooK, now, $1.40((51.50 per owt.; cnbbago, 2c. Hluckborriofl, $11.25. Green onions, 40o dozon bunches? radishes, -10c dozen bunches; string beans, -to lb.; lettuce, -10c dozen; turnips, l'fcc lb.; beets, 40c dozen bunches; carrots, -10c dozen bunches. Pcachas, G0(5)85o box. Cucumbors, 10c to 10a doz. SquuHh, 3550c dozen. Corn. lfa dozen. Cnntiiloupcs, G0(aTc dozen. WnornioloiiH, If) to 'Joe. Tomatoes, .'lo. Pumpkins, 8(sbl2V2c. flutter, KggH nnd Poultry. (Pricos pnid by Mcdford morchantn.) Knnch butter, 30c; fancy creamery, 35o. Fresh ranch eggs, 30c. Mixed poultry, 10l-lc; spring chickens, 18()'-0c; turkoys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) liny Timothy, $10; alfalfa. $12; grass, $1-1; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheal, $1.15 bushel; oats, $32 ton ; bnrloy, $J0 ton. Hcof Cows, 1-1VL' o; steors, 5(S 5Vlo; ork, 0c; mutton. 5(5)5 Vc; lambs, Go; veal, dressed. 8o. (Selling prices.) Kollod bnrloy, $1.00 cwt., $32 ton; bran, $1.70: middlings, $1.85(5)1.00; shorts. $1.801.85. FOR EXCHANGE. FOU KXCHANGK Houso and two lota closo In on Onkdalo avonuo, now routed,, vnluo $4,000, will trnrto for closo In raw land or planted to young pears. Hox 627, Medford. FOR SALE. Ilnncliea. KOK 8ALE3 113 1-2 ncros, 100 acres good farm land; $4000; 4 homo stead relinquishments; 3 homo- steads novor boon filed on. Ad dross 2C, euro of this office ItuslucNH IroHrtjr. FOK SALE Choice businourt prop orty nt n bargain, on long time; onHy tonus. Address Condor Wn tor Power Co. 1 louses. FOR SALE Beautiful bungnlow, lo cated ono llock west of South Onk dnlt; flvo rooms and modorn bath; stono foundation; largo x'orch, ex tending ncrosn front and sldo; lot 59x163; 19 npplo trees In full bonr Ing; prlco for quick snlo $2650; half cash, balanco easy tonus. Seo own or at Suormnn CIny Plnno com pany, tf FOR SALE Now '-room modorn houso on West Main, 50x118 foot lot, cornor, choap, nt $3750. In quire of L. M. Lynns, 716 East Main. 138 FOR SALE $1200, two-story now houso, four rooms nnd pantry down stairs upstairs not complotod; wood shod 'and well, lot 50x258; closo In. Inqulro J. Rotor, 6 South O stroot. 133 lloilhCH. FOR SALE Houso and tvfo lots, $2150. Inqulro Bob Taylor, 815 Myrtlo stroot. tf FOR SALE Two four-room housos, largo lots, snlo choap, boforo Sop tombor 1st. Cull 110 Bonrdmnn at,, or address Box 304, Medford, Or. 132 FOR SALE Now flvo-room modorn houso, cornor Dakota nml South King stroots; prlco $2500; tonus. Soo W. W. McNonly, ot Farmors' nnd Fruitgrowers bank. 129 FOR-SALE FurnlBliod houso "with barn; i1bo lot nnd houso. Inqulro of owner, No. 723 13th st, Woat. 132 Hints to the Wise FOR SALE. Acreage. KOK BALK 120 acres, Evans Crook fruit; Improvements; buy of owner, Wrlto 8. P. Pitter, It. F. D Wood villo, Or. FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncra tractB juBt within and ndjoiniiig city Iim - its, nt a bargain, on 5 unnual pay- ments. Address Condor Wator Power Co. Iluslness Opportanltles. AHE you looking for a business ' chnnco? Wo havo several good ones in tho Itoguo River valloy and can got you tbo best values for your monoy. What! s your lino? C. R. Iioran, Ashland, Or. 131 FOR SALE Or trade, 320 acres good avorago land, well located; all wild land; about 30 acres non-tillable; no hills; two miles from railroad station; corners la Rogue river; 100 acres of this Is worth prlco of wholo tract; cheapest property in enmo vicinity; good orchard district; flno for promotion; will take city or ranch property in part payment, hero or olsowhero. J. W. Dressier ff FOR SALE Restaurant, cheap for cash; $40 day business; reason for soiling parties going oast. Address bus a sirecr., Asniaua. isu Acrengo. A BARGAIN 160 acres, nino miles . ,. fr. - , . j from Gold Hill; 75-mlnuto drlvo with load; much ot It sub-irrigated; four living springs furnish fine wa ter tho year around; 60 acres cul tivated; much flno timber and wood; surrounded by splendid stock range; good market garden, and bearing orchard, mora than stiff 1 dent for family use; good seven- room houso, big collar; $50 per acre, easy terms. Seo or wrlto Rex H. Lampman, Gold Hill, Or. 132 i FOR SALE 100 acres Umber near Jacksonville, $17 per acre. B. F. Benson, Mooro Hotel. 128 FOR SALE 160 acres timber land, cheap for cash, near Medford. J. I R. Stovcnson, Tarpan, Tex. 147 ' Lots. FOR SALE Lot, cornor Dakoto ! nnd So. King stroots, $525; sower and wator into lot; $50 down, $20 a month. W. W. McNealy, at Farm ers nnd Fruitgrowers bank. 129 FOR SALE Boautlful view lot, 9 bearing apple, pruno nnd plum trees; prlco $360. Address M. Ste phens, Box 508, city. 133 ; """ MlMt'Ilnucoua. , FOR SALE Housoholtl furntturo for snlo. 22S N. Contrnl avo. i31 FOR SALE Now "Old Trusty," 200 egg Incubator and broodor, com ploto, at a sr rlflco. Call 436 South Evorgroon streot. 133 FOR SALE Comploto now 16x16 foot tent, 12-oz. duck, 0 1-2 foo wnll, nt sacrlflco. Inqulro 436 Ev orgroon wt'vot. 130 FOR SALE Wlnchostor repenting shotgun, $12. Room 9, 3S South Grapo street, aftor 6, 130 ' FOir"SA'Ll2- - Wiigons; ffnfs," stool drlllso. hammers, picks, shovols, j rnngo, camp dlshos, anvils, snddlo ' harness, typowrltor dosk. Vlncont & Baker, Medford Wntor Works, con tractors, 2C N. Bnrtlott at. 134 FOR SALE uousohold goods for snlo cheap. 124 South Nowtown. 130 PARTIES leaving city will soil fur nlturo of 0 rooms, roasonablo, with or without piano; ront houso. Room 207 Phlppo bldg. tf l FOR SALE-Kino brooding pen of, sovon Whlto Loghorn chlckons, good I laying strain; will soil roostor sop- WANTED Womnn to launder lln nrnto If desirod, C, ID. Hivrlnnd, cor. gorle, dresses, hnnd ombroldorod Washington and Howard BtrootsJ skirts nnd do flno lnu ill y; will pay East Medford. woll. AddrosB P. O. Box 423 or tol- FOR SALElOO chock on Elloral ophono Mali 2192. tf Piano for snlo choap. 824 North i WANTED A waitress; must be ox 10th Btroet. 120 porlonced. Apply Louvre cafe, tf FOR SALE MisceTlAaeoas. ( FOK 8ALB2 3-4 Bain wagon, good as now, ctako rack bed, also good heavy harnosa cheap. Box 627, Mod ford. ' FOR SALE Two years' lease on 350 1 acro ranch. together with 6 horses, j 4 colts' 3 m,lk C0WB and a ma iurj uwn.ur wr ruuumK rucu 00 acres alfalfa; this year's crop la between 300 and 400 tons of tho best bay; good market; 3 miles from Ashland or. flno road. Address A. 8. Fllson, Ashland, Or. FQR BALE Legal Dlanica or all kinds trespass and other noMces, at Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor- don Jobbor llxl4 prCfls; a bargaln ' tnnillrn Mnn Trihnnn ffi, FOR RENT. FOR RENT Offices over the post- of(,ce Seo A A Davg tf . . Housekeeping Ttooms. for RENT Modern housekeeping roomB. Call at 425 South Fir. T,rin --, ;; ; x FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms nt 327 South Of.kdalo. 132 Furnished Rooms, FOK RENT Furnished rooms, close ln 141 plr 8treet 129. FOR RENT Furnished front room on first floor. 128 South Holly, near city park. I3i nn Tlt,.. r; , . , 1'OR RENT Furnished rooms with j board. 325 Riverside avenue. 131 FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room, cool, bath, reasonable price; easy walk; on West Hamilton street, two blocks off North Oakdale. 203 Oleson street. tf Houses. FOR RENT 4 -room house for $"O'0'. No. 23 North Prospect Avenue. 127 FOR RENT House, 5 rooms, bath and pantry; city water and electric lights. 513 W. Holly st. N. L. Town send, 721 Bennett avenue. Phono 4232. .iliscellAneous. '"oil LEASE Fully oqulrpod gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all orerated by electric pow oi. Owner will furnish free olec trlc power for share In proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Wator & Power Co. WANTED. Situations Wnntcd. WANTED Position ns salesman or clork by young man from tho north with flvo years' experience In tho grocory and goneral merchnndtso lino; can show tho best of refer ences frou my last omlcyer and am capablo of taklag full chnrgo of grocory department. XX caro Mall Tribune. ' 130 Help Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED Good rollnblo man or lady to solicit trado for ono of tho host soiling articles on tfco markot. Steady position for right party, with $50 cash security. Apply at 733, cornor of Laurel and West Elovonth streets. 133 Help Wanted Female. WANTED Lady to do pressing and repairing, ono has had somo ox porlonco; good steady position to right party. Pnntorlum Dyo Works. 132 WANTED Girl for general houso- work. Apply to E. E. Kelly. FOR" RENT-25 7"licl"sMdnda"nd sell horses, hay and Imploments. Address Box 12, Browusboro, Or. 129 WANTED At tho Ashland" Hotel, Ashland, a chambermaid and wait ros3; both must como woll rocom monded and fully compot&nt; good wageB. Address N. D. Hardy, prop., Ashland, Or. WANTED. Help Wnntetl Fib1i. WANTED Qli'l for housowork; two in family; will pay good wages. Ad dress Box 60, care Mall Trlbuno of fice. 127 Help Wanted Male. WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. WANTED Salesmen In ovory local ity of the northwest; monny ad vanced woekly; many make over 11000 montb; choice of territory, Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top- penlsh. Wash. WANTED Married man for general work on ranch and to toko charge; experience with fruit unnecessary, but must bo good farmer. L. P. Hub bard, cor. Beall Lane and Upper Jacksonville road. 131 Miscellaneous. WANTED Furnished houso, by re liable party. Address H Mail Tri bune. ' 131 WANTED Clean rags. Mall Tribune office. Inquire at tf WANTED To take camping parties to the mountains; havo good teams and wagons. Phono or address H. C. Messenger, Agate, Or. UP-TO-DATE shorthand and type writing taught quickly and well; morning aud evening school; for terms, address Box 245, Mcdford. LOST. LOST Gold locket, oval sJ apo, -with Initials G. E. M. Return to Mall Trlbuno office. 132 STRAYED OR LOST Bay mule, weight about 1000 pounds, branded figure 2 on right jaw, letter U on right shoulder; bad halter on. In form Barber and Burgess, Wellen, Or. LOST Passbook marked S. G. Leon ard. Reward. Leave at Mall Tri bune office. 129 LOST Mojday, green parasol. Re turn Nash hotel. 129 LOST Tuesday, August 16, heavy gold watch chain; eagle head charm. Rowr.rd. Return to Mall Tribune. LOST Two headstalls for horses on road to Eagle Point. Return to Trlbuno oiflco and recelvo reward. LOST A kit ot bricklayer's toolB on road to Eagle Point. Return to 615 OakdrJo avenue, South. Re ward. 129 LOST Scotch collie, brown with white breast. J. A. Lancop, Box 47, Medford. Reward. 130 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHJNQTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post- officd. PORTER J. NEFP. WM.' P. MEA- LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col- vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank build ing, second iloor. Architects. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman nnd builder See mo about your new homo. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Mnin. Phono Mnin 3471. Residence phono 2471. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1810 Moots at Smith's hall, 128 North Grnpo stroot, evory Thurs day evening promptly nt 8 o'clock. All journoyraen enrpontors, ns well as local memhors, urged to bo pres ent. Business of vital intorest lo nil enrponters transacted at theso mootings. J. J. Seal, business ngt. Tin Hiiorf. J. A. SMITn Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hnnd nnd niadr to order. 128 North G St. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351, Night phonos, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. n. Butlor 3571. PhotogrupherH. MACIvEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnokey nnd dio with joy." Over Allon & Reagan's store; ontrnnco on Seventh streot. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE-Offiot in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gas ad ministered for oxtrnotion of tooth Tolophono Mnin 311. Night phono 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC. Dentist Offioo in rooms 203-204, Fanners & Fruitgrowers' bank building, wost of the tracks. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Printers nnd PtibUftli, MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has th boat equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Contrnl avenue. Cement HlaVwalka. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, briekmason, stone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at roasonablo charges by tho day or contract. Address Ma sons, 511 E. Main at., Medford, Or, NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. MacKonzio, dealer la now and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call and seo me when you have something to sell. 103 South Central. Stenograph en. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quicklyl and well. Billiard Farters. S. T. BBOWN k CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up ntairs.l Young & Hall baildlag. A nienJ cool place to spend tke hot after noons. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOBPITAJL-I 344 South C st, Medfori, Or. & W. Hisey, Matron. Official kospiti P. & E. R. B. Real Eetate. EARLE C. SABIN Orchard traeteJ city property. List your hol&Bf with me. Only desirable proper handled. Room 202, Fruitirrowc Bank bldg. Bill Foster. VERNE T. CANON BUI Potter and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson Coast Bank building, Medford, Ore. Clgara aad Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehoui Dealers in tobacco, cigars aa Brokers' supplies. Exclusive ageat of Lewis Single Binder, EL Merita and EI Palencia. 212 Waat street. Palatera aad Paperhaagarw. H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MULLEN- Phone 3732. Dean & McMuUes contracting painters, painting, pal per hanging and tinting. Estimated on all kinds of painting worl Medford, Or. Furulturr. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers now and second-hand forniturl and hardware. Agents for Mound Citv kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th S MISSION FURNITURE WORK8- Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medl ford. Mission Furniture made tJ order. Cabinet work of all Irindi A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stovel and ranges. New and second-hanl furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 F st. South. Phone 01. Medford Ore. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar tre are budded, not grafted. Our stool is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in ta trust. H. B. Patterson, office r moved to 110 East Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Nl SERY CO., Inc Growers of hlgl grade nursery stock. Office W. Main. Tel. 1201. Physicians aud Sargeonj, R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposid Jackson County bank. Night ea promptly auswered. Office residonco phone Mnin 3432. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physl cians nnd Surgeons, Taylor ar. Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 211 Office phono 501, residence phor 012. Offioe hours U n. in. to a p. H DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVl MAINS CARLOW Osteopath! Physicians. Mission block. Phot 202, Medford. Medicines. HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MED CINES Will ouro rhoumatisd nsthma, paralysis, sores and prl vato disoasos. Theso remediJ may bo procured at the Sing laundry, 123 S. Riverside avent Medford, Oro., whore thov will sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treat several sevoro oases with his rei edies since coming to Medford has for roforenco Home of the bi known and most intelligent oitiieJ in Southern Oregon. Call on ' Brick Ooinpauiea, MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo, O'Brien Contractors and mi faeturors of brick; dealers pressed brick and lime. Offie Postoffioe block, room S. Pfcal No. S181.