Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 19, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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of the
Air Lanes
Herbert Otiick
CHAPTER I Theodore Carson,
fevontor of an airship, rescues from
A fugitive flyinR machino called a
kelicopUr, a beautiful young Rirl.
II and III Carson is infatuated
ky her and takeB hor whero she can
eommunieato with her frionds.
IV Carson visits tho Roc, a pant
airship owned by Shayne, uncle of
Virginia Snarei, the girl ho rescued,
mnA hfintr coldlv recoived, leaps
from the Boo, at a great height, in a
V, VI aad VII He lands in the
grounds of the Slattery Institute for
Inebriates, where he makes a friend
f one Craighead, who plans to raise
capital to manufacture tho new style
airship Carson has invented. Thus
they hop to rival Shayne, who con
trols the airship industry. '
VIII Mr. Waddy decides condi
tionally to capitalize tho Carson
Craichcnd project.
IX Carson goes to Florida to
eompleto a sample airship to exhibit
to Mr. Waddy, and he finds Virginia
X Ho is in love with Virginin.
Wiener, a rival inventor, conspires to
kill Carson.
XI, XH, XHI and XIV Wizner
with a submarine in a sensational
saanner almost nccompushes me
death of Carson and Virginia and
the destruction of the airship, a case
of "devilfish versus bird." Virginia
"flees from Carson in the Roe.
F am going away with my aunt, who
has kindly found me and told mo of your
deception In Rll owing me to lire with you,
thinking you my uncle. There are .many
tfelnga 1 might say, many I should like to
my. but 1 might use expression for
Which 1 should be sorry. As for the com
premising of myself, of which my aunt
has spoken, I care nothing. Other things
count for so much more. I want our
parting to be without bitterness, so, with
the assurance that I shall watch over
you and pray for your success and with
thanks for the many, many good and kind
things you have dono for me. I bid you
goodby forever. We can never forget
ach other, but we can never meet again.
Craighead caught Theodore as he
-When did they go'f said he.
"About noon." replied Mrs. GraybllL
Carson groaned, thinking bitterly of
the hours wasted at Fort Morgan, and
asked for Mrs. Stott. She had gone
fcorae on the Roc.
They went north, then." said Car
son. "So must we." rejoined Craighead.
"Yes." said Mr. Wnddy, who seemed
to consider the Virginia Incident clos
ed. "I'll go homenn' push the work in
the west, you boys to New York to
start the injunctions an' things."
"Mr. Carson." said Mrs. Grayblll
quietly, "don't give ,up. I kept the
fragments of the letters she tore up.
Put them together. They will cheer
you up. What a woman wants to say
and doesn't dare means much, much
more than what she says."
THE date when the Virginia left
the dunes of the Alabama
coast for her first long voyage
is now historic. It placed
man as a flying animal on an equality
with the bird and bats and Insects.
The gas bag of the aerostat and the ae
rouefx of the first decade of tho century
went the way of tho tentntlve and Im
perfect with the steam engine of Tlero
and the war gins of Archimedes, Call I-
murium und Demetrius. Tho new era
is ono of great flying engines beside
which tho Virginia was as a humming
"bird to a hawk, but which are. every
one built on tho Virginia's principles
the direct thrust of the blades nnd tho
balancing by tho automatic distribu
tion of power by means of light gyro
Scopes. The new hero was tho misera
ble young man who looked liko one
with his death wound and maneuvered
the new machine like a veteran Theo
dore Carson. Every schoolboy knowB
those things.
Hut every ono does not know of her
difficulty In getting off. At least three
tlmen did Carson turn back to allow
Craighead to converse In farowell with
fcfrs (Srayblll and Mr. Waddy. Final
ly Craighead consented to ho separated
from the alluring Mrs. Grayblll, and.
passing over tho bay with a wido west
erly detour, tho Virginia came In over
Spring hill nnd alighted softly at the
aeronef landing at Mobile From a
hundred sally ports streets, alleys and
Wharfs poured a throng of people at
tracted by the strange craft that had
Made port
"Howdy, folks?" said Craighead
"Take a good look, for even wheu ye
wist not we vanish. Out of the great
deep wo come, into the great deep we
gp. The clementals who send us tire
the pow'fuloat spirits what there Is
But a brief spaco have wo to wnru
Mobile. Keponti Repent! Yet n few
sab' dnyu an' Mobile shall be doue de
"Dan Thomn." said Carson to an
old negro with n whip In his baud,
"come hero!"
"Yes. MlMnb Cahson." responded the
"Fetch nie at once ono No. 3 can of
A quality mothnnose, nnd get mo a
list of the ncronat clearings for tho
last two days."
"Yes. sub."
Thomns darted away.
Turdon me," said n man who had a
withered arm drnwu up to his side In
such a way ns to give one the Impres
sion that he was holding his breath,
"but are you going far so short hand
ed?" "Not far In time," replied Theodora
"Only to Alaska." added Craighead.
Wo meet a Russian admiral In St.
Michael at 3. If that nigger doesn't
hurry we shall be late, general, and
what will Admiral Phlaskorodka say
The man lifted his sailor hat, bowed
politely and stepped back, unveiling a
face behind him which Carson knew
tho foxy, suspicious faco of WUncr,
the Inventor of the lost helicopter.
Carson stooped as if for some casual
purpose and laid hold on a spanner.
With the spanner In his hand he rose,
and with an angry leap ho stood In the
midst of the crowd. Winner had fled,
but through the thinned crowd Theo
dore saw his wiry figure, with the arm
that Virginia's bullet had reached
hanging in a sling. Carson gave chase.
Some one cried. "Stop blm!" and an
officer, seeing In Carson tho only fugi
tive In sight, stopped him.
"Let me go!" cried Carson, strug
gling. "Come with me nnd arrest a
man for attempt to murder."
A boy in a messenger cap Interrupted
the colloquy by calling "Mr. Cahson,
Mr. Cahson!" as if "paging" a man In
a hotel.
"I'm Carson." said Theodore. "What
do you wont?"
"Somebody on tho wire for you at
the telephone booth in the hotel," re
plied the messenger.
Wondering who In Mobile might de
sire speech with him, Carson said.
"Who's this?' Into the transmitter.
"Your old friend Wtzner," said the
receiver. "Crazy as ever. Never mind
where I am. I'll tell that after I've
talked if you want me to. you pup!"
Carson glared fiercely into the re
ceiver. "I didn't get that," said Carson.
"You can have me pinched, but I can
prove an nllbL And while I'm proving
things I'll fix you fellows for smug
gling nnd put Flnrrod where the dogs
won't blto him and you too!"
"I don't know anything about smug
gling." protested Theodore.
"Well." went on Wlzner. "If you dig
Into the big snud hill with the steel
buoy on lu you will. You'll find
what'll put you In a better trade than
putting me in prison for a frolic with
your aeronef. Oh, don't talk so Inno
cent! How did you finance your air
ship except by free trade?"
Carson had nothing to say. He re
membered Captain Harrod's expres
sion when Wlzner bad called blm an
old smuggling fooL De remembered
a thousand mysterious things now
made plain by the hypothesis of Har
rod's having yielded to the coastwise
temptation of smuggllug. Wlzner ut
tered Into the Instrument a sly, sinis
ter, exasperating chuckle.
"Lost your touguo?" he taunted.
"Well, arrest me. Any one can tell
you where I am. But will the girl
leave Sllberberg to come and testify?
The courtship's Just getting good now.
Too bad to disturb them!"
Carson hurled the receiver away and
strode back to the Virginia. He found
Thomas, the uegro. with two men.
hoisting tho can of metbanose aboard.
Thomas gave him the list of aeronat
The sailings were not many the
Tern for Memphis, the Loug Tom for
St. Andrews Hay. and. yes, tho Roc
departing the morning beforo "for
northern points."
"We cau overhaul the Tern." said
Craighead, with a judicial air, "at, soy,
Jackson and take ou our friends for
Alaska. I do hope the prestdent can
Join us at Omaha. Gentlemen." ad
dressing the crowd, "here you see a
new aeronef Invented by me. By
reaching Alaska before nightfall we
win a million dollars. This Is a sure
thing, an the sun will not set there for
three months The bet Is with a Bra
zillan who forgot about the duys com
ing quarterly ut Nome. But we shall
be honorable und pay blm the million
ou tho nail If we fail to make It before
sunset In Rio. the real locus Tomor
row we shall win five huudred thou
baud from Rothschild by leaving
Greenwich observatory at sunrise go
ing west nnd returning at sunrlso next
day from the east, circling the world
hi twenty-four hours of continued sun Wish us well, gentlemen! Good
by. honest peasantry, your country's
pride, goodby!"
The majestic rise of the Virginia,
tvltli no preliminary run, drew a round
of applause Craighead waved his
cap. but Cnrson, paying no attention,
laid the Virginia dead for Now York
They flew high, and the constant pick
ing up and dropping of railway trains
nul ut earners and tho swift succession
of villages and towns spoke of tho
fierceness with which the Virginia was
hurled against the leagues between
Mobile and New York. They left
Montgomery to port and Atlanta to
starboard, Carsou bad usslgned him
self and Crulghead their duties, and
both were busy, Crulghead at the till
er, with his eye ou the compass, Car
son looking at every working part, oil
ing, feeling for hot bearings, watching
for the slightest quiver or Jar, greedy
of every mllo, Finally they were
speeding along over the great national
Appalachian forest when ho relieved
(To Be ContinuecY;
Population of 1280 People, 700 Hors
es, 1200 Wild Animals With Bar
num and Bailey How Huge Cara
van Is Managed.
Tho show ground of tho Dnmuin
and Bailey circus is n city in itself,
lacking only a town council ami a
state charter. It has its own lawyers,
painters, detectives, blacksmiths,
wagon makers, Inundrymcn, barbers,
shoemnkors, tnilors, snil-makers, har
ness makers, storekeepers and pho
tograuhers. It supports an electric
lighting plant, a hospital and a hotel,
where 400 meals nro cooked nnd eat
en every day in the week.
This circus city has a population
of 1,280 people, 700 horses, forty ele
phants and 1,200 other wild and somi
domestic animals. At night the home
of this army is a train over ono ono
milo in length. In n single season
w.555outcw-mosto.erBirottsiAdaa v
this train travels over on shrdl shr
this train travels about 40,000 miles,
making stops in about 200 cities and
giving over 400 performances. In its
fifty-fith year of life the show has
exhibited in every city of any sizo in
the world. Royalty has applauded it.
The peasantry has hailed its nppear
nnco viJi delight. Its prcstigo Is"
established in every country. It is, of
course, an American institution,
though it is quite ns well kknown in
Europe und Asia as in the nitcd
Tho homo offices of tho show nro
located in Xcw York city and Chi
cago. The winter quarters aro at
Bridgeport, Conn. The foreign work
shops are in Stoke-on-Trent, England
and foreign agencies qro maintained
in London, Liverpool, Paris, Berlin,
St. ctersburg, Vienna, Hamburg, Cal
cutta, Hongkong, Capetown, Mel
bouro, Constantinople and Buenos
The wonderful policy of . T. Bnr
num nnd the remarkable system put
into operation by James A. Bailey are
still the active principles of the man
agement. Not n year has pased with
out improvement nnd growtth. On
Monday, August 20, at 10 a. m. the
show will come to Mcdford for 1 per
formance only, with an entiro new
equipment from the great imported
vehicles of tho forenoon parade to the
last stitch in the fourteen acres of
canvas. The program offered is the
best ever presented by this show. Al
most without exception it is mndo up
of foreign talent. There are 400
artists ou tho list. The probram op
ens with a new and elaborate spect
acle. For sensation nnd thrills there
are Desperado, who leaps from the
dome of the arena tto the ground,
lighting on his bare chest; Jupiter, a
maagnificent Arabian horse, which
takes a balloon ride nnd shoots off
fireworks high in tho air, and Charlie
the First, a chimpanzee marvel, who
is the greatest bicycle rider and acro
bat on earth.
There aro fifty clowns, among them
the Qarcenittis, who until recently
were comedians in the court of the
Sultan of Turkey. Tho Konyot fam
ily of equestrians, tho Sicgrist-Silbon
family of nerilists, tho seven Patty
Franks, tho Dollar ncrobats, Pnuln
Peter's dog and monkey comedy com
pany, a brass bnnd of elephants,
Winston's equestrian and juggling
heals, the La Fnillo quartette of the
world's strongest men, tho Berzac
comedy horse circus nnd Victonn
Codonn, the greatest highlwiro dancer
on earth, aro a few more of the head
liners of this grcnt show.
In the incnagcrio is to be found the
first nnd only giraffe baby ever born
or exhibited in the United States. It
is only three fcot in height. Its
mother is twenty-two feet tall,
LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Aug 10. -Much
excitement hns been caused in
tho Mexican colony as a result of tho
warning given the Moxican liberals,
Mngon, Rivera and Villarenl, recent
ly released from tho federal prison
in Arizona, by Juan B. Isabel, mem
ber of tho Moxican emigres and nn
nrdent supporter of resident Dinz,
who suys that to send any revolution
ary literaturo into Mexico would re
sult in a demand by tho Mexican
government for tho extradition of tho
thrco liberals.
Isabel is in Los Angolcs. In speak
ing of the releaso of tho trio from the
prison at Florence, Arizona, whore
they sorved a senteneo fpr violating
tho neutrality laws, he said that any
nowspnpor, revolutionary in charac
ter, which any of tho liberals thought
of printing, must bo kopt out of Mexi
co. Somotirao., ;-. Httlo more advertis
ing will mof.n a groat deal moro bus
iness for a storo.
Rapid Flro Wedding at Jacksonville
Bride Sighs for a Boy to do the
Chores and Visitor Volunteers to
be tho Kid.
A rapid tiro wedding occurred at
Jacksonville Wodncsday night. A. J.
Colo of Mcdford was visiting Mrs.
Caroline demons ot Jacksonville, as
ho had boon in tho habit of doing
from tlmo to tlino tor several mouths
Both nro of maturo ago, Colo bolng
G9 nnd Mrs. Clemens 49 years ot
age. Thoy had beon frionds for
years and loved to talk over old
"Oh, dear," sighed Mrs. Clomons
about 10 o'clock In tho ovoning,
"winter la .coming on and I wish I
had somebody to carry in tho wood
nnd do chores about tho houao."
"I'm tho kid," promptly ropllod
Tho county clerk was roused from
his pencotul slumbers, Justlco Dox
waa brought out from tho Intrench
meats w'.ilch protect tho original
Bcekmau & Ronmcw bank nnd tho
ceromony was performed in tho par
lors of tho U. S. hotol closo to mid
night. "It Is not that wo wero In such a
hurry," ualvoly remarkod tho youth
ful groom, "but I had to bo on my
Job In tho morning at Mcdford."
Staggers Skeptics.
That a clean, nice frngant com
pound liko Bucklcu's Arnico Salvo
will instantly relieve a bad burn,
ncnld, wound or piles, staggers
skeptics. But great cures provo its
o wonderful healer of the worst sor
es, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema, skin
eruptions, us also chapped hands,
sprains and cbrns. Try it. 25o nt all
druggists. wf
feature of tho work of digging tho
Panama canal, which has escaped
goneral observation is tho encourage
ment ot rcllglous'instltutlons by tho
government. It has been tho policy
of tho commissioners from tho be
ginning to encourago church work,
because it Is considered a strong In
fluence in making for tho stnblllty
of tho working force, and tho good
order of tho canal vitiates. Land
has been granted for church build
ings and material has been sold at
cost to aid In establishment places
of congregation for church peoplo.
In sovon of the larger communities
two-story hi tidings have beon erect
ed, tho lower floor being used for tho
church and tho uppor for tho uso of
Sorvices of a religious ordor nro
also held in the commissioners' club
youit youth and iiijauty?
Parisian Sago, tho quick nctlag
1 air restorer, Is now for salo in Mcd
ford nt tho drug etoro of Cho. Strang
and is sold wltt a rigid guarantco at
GO cents :. large bottle.
Parisian Eago has an Immense salo,
and hero aso tho reasens:
It Is safo iil harmless.
It cures dandruff In two weeks, by
killing tho dandruff gorm.
It stops falllnj hair.
It promptly stops itching of tho
It makes the hair soft and luxu
riant. It gives llfo and boauty to tho hair.
It Is not sticky or greasy.
It Is tho bcBt, tho most pleasant j
and Invigorating hair dressing mndo i
You enn't afford to do without
this splendid, refreshing drinlc.
Call up and order a enso sent to
the houso. The purest, most
healthful drink known is
P. C. BIGHAM, Apnt.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 18.
Victor Murdoch announced yester
day that ho waa on his way to Wash
ington to old Miles l'olmloxtor In tho
congressman') fight for a United
States Renatorshlp lu Wnahlngton.
"I am on route to help l'olmlox
tor," said Murdoolc. "Tho Washing
ton primaries will bo hold In Septem
ber and I am on my way. I am hook
ed to spoak at Spokane, Seattle Tn
comn, nolllughnm, Vancouver ' nnd
Walla -Walla."
Murdock'B comment on tho Cali
fornia prlmnrloH which resulted In
an insurgent lnndslllo, was: "It's
swooping tho country."
Tho sonator stnrtod for tho west
last night.
More Troops for Hawaii
MANILA, Aug. 18. Secretary of
War Jacob M. Diukouson today an
nounced that ho had authorized the
formation of tho dopnrtiuunt of Hon
olulu and tho establishment of a con
siderable military detail iu the Haw
aiian islands. Tho new department
will includo two regiments of infantry,
ono of cavalry, ono of field artillery
and six companies of coast artillory.
Tho present dofenso of the Haw
waiian group have been strengthened
nnd enlarged during tho past year
and accommodations for tho increas
ed garrison nro practically ready.
Hasklns for health.
Somcono said that It was bo- X
causo wo had a good location. T
Wo admit tho location Is good,
but location is a very Binall !
part of tho roason for our bo- I
Ing busy.
: Quality,
Thcso thrco words moro I
nenrly cover tho .'038008. Wo
handlo tho best goods tho mnr-
I kots afofrd and in goodly as
sortments. You gat what you
want nnd know tho QUALITY
is right. Our PIIICES nro as
low as tho lowest.
TREATMENT -his Is tho
Important vord. Wo novor al
low anyou 'i go away disap
pointed, i' vei: got unsntls-
I factory g"i wo tako thorn
back and o i refund tho mon-
I oy, If no fi ? way will intls-
fy. Wo ti nad succeed in
- mnklng cvcr.v patron fool that
'.', wo will do worythlig In our
;; powor to satUfy them.
Don't ()U think this would
bo a good trading ;'nco?
Allen 6
- .
Our Optical Parlor is now
301 East Main
Ground Floor
We Fit and Grind Glasses
Broken Lenses Replaced
Dr. Coble
--- -- --
The Jackson County Bank
Offors its services and twenty-two yours' oxporioneo
of successful bftiikiiitf to tho peoplo of Mcdford nnd
those in tho vioinity thorcof.
It solicits tho accounts of niorchnnta, fanners,
fruitgrowers and all othora requiring tho services of
an old, conservative banking institution.
CAPITAL $100,000.00
SURPLUS $ 50,000.00
W. I. VAWT.ER, Pres. 0. W. M'DONALD, Cashier.
G. R. LINDLEY, Vico-Presidont.
Medford Iron Works
E. O. Trowbridgde, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
Newport, Yaquina Bay
The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Whuro tho pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates, Moonntones
Cornollnns nnd Rock Oysters enn ho found.
Outdoors $port of all Kinds
Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Hock Oysters, llontlng,
Surf Dathlng, Riding, Autolng, Canoolns and Dancing. I'uro
mountain water and tho host of food nt low prices. Fresh
Crabs, Clams, OyRtorn, Fish nnd Vogotableii of all kinds dal
ly. IDRAL CAMPING GROUND8, with strict Bnnltnry reg
ulations, nt nomlnnl coat.
Low Round-Trip Season
from all points In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho on sale
A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 1 .5(3
from Albnuy, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates
from points west, In effect nil summer. Call on nny S. P. or O, & 10.
Agont for full particulars as to rates, train schodulos, etc.; alio for
copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Oregon," or
wrlto ,o WM. McMUIUtAY,
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon,
-- - ---
Tho host roflolution for yon
lo make is to come to us for
your next suit, if you want
something out of the ordinary.
Wo do tho best work and chart
the lowost prioes.
Three Day Saturday to
Monday Rato
from S. P. points, Port. und to
Cottage drove Inclusive, Includ
ing branch linos; also from all
C. & IS, atntlonn Albany and
west. Good going on Saturdny
or Sunday, mid for return Sun
dny or Monday,
What's Wrong?
your cyes7
or your glasses?
do you know?
want to know?
It's a pertinent ?
the sensible course
ascertain the cnuse
Wc can tell you.