Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 19, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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John H, Curklii) atloriioy-ut-law,
uvor Jitokiion Onuiitvl Hunk.
H, (loury, formerly of llio 131k
CrioJt country, wiih In Medford Tlutrr-
tlny on n IuhIiiukh trip, I to linn lo-
v on tod In ('id Caribou nortlon of Urlt-
IhIi Columhl" and will lonvu In n Hhort
tliuu with M family to take- up
pormauout ronlilonco,
I,oavo your ordurn for milk and
cronm ut tlm Boutliorn Dairy Co,, 32
Bouth G ntroot, hoadqunrtoni of tho
Callioun Dairy Co, 1'liono Mala 881.
Itnnuh phono Farmorn 7183. 120
" Perry Footer of I!o"i:!o wnH In
Moitfortl Thi'mday on a but'nomi trip.
Ponchoti for nalo, Dr. W. It. Blokes
phono Farmer 7003. tf
J. II. llnrvoy of Calico tho woll
known minor, In In Medford on a
IiuhIiiohn trip.
Tho Iloguo Hlvor Valloy Cannl
Coinpanyl w now ready to rocolvo ap
lillcatlonti for tho dollvory of Irrl
nation wntor to any Inn! covoroil by
tho HopkliiM latornl, Tho offices of
tho company aro In tho Mortfonl Nn
. tlonnl hnnk building. 120
Mm. C. K. McLooil, ot Kuglo Point,
Iiiih ruturiiutl from a vinlt to Hoiitlicrn
MrH. llart'n dining room at 42
South Ilartlott wtroot has boon re
opened to tho puhllo under tho man
BRomont of Mm. M. A. Tuylor. 133
O. O. Ileliiiiin wnii in Modforil
Thurnduy nnd Friday from AhIiIiiihI
Got froah creamory butter at tho
flouthorn Dairy Co. Tho prlcol n
rlKht. 120
MrH. Ouy Tex, of Contrnl Point,
vfi'm a Mcrifonl initor Thurnday af
ternoon, ...
California Anrtrowi, locnl roaldont
agent for tho Ion Mollnon, Cnl Land
compnny at Ix Mollnon, Cal., will
inako tho trip with a party In a fow
lnyH. All who wish to Join tho party
nnd havo a look at tho finest Irrl
gntod landH on tho coast cro request
ed to call at No. 0, 8. Fir atroot and
tnnku arranKomontH. tf
MrH. 0. II. Cnrtur if visiting tola
tivi'H mill friondx ut Portland.
If you want a good froah hottlo of
milk, call on tho Southurn Dairy
Co. 129
Mrn. I. X. Shook, ami Mix. K. It.
liiirnm of Ashland, wlio havo huun
vimting Mix. T. II. Kinsman, of Med
ford, ruturmtd homo Thurnday after-
Puhllo Monographer at tho .Morrl-
vold Shop. 134
',. Mnxoy, bookkeeper nt the Firnt
National Hank, in in tho Hutto FuIIh
country looking after bin laud hold
iugrt, whirli nro throntonod liy tho
forcHt firnx.
"Klk'H Milk," tho now Elks' song
written by O. T. Wilson and nuns In
tho mlnHtrol allow glvon by Medford
lUlkn last February, la now on Halo
nt Whotnol Mimic Co. 120
Mnrion F. 'fryer, of Talent, was in
Mmlford Friday, taking in tho loot
ing lournaimmt.
Wo regulate watchca to n hair.
atop la nnd lenvo yours. No charge
for tho regulation. Wo do charRO,
howovor, for cleaning nnd repairing.
Only very moderate, howovor, and
wo do first-class work. If you havo
a watoh that won't go, bring It to uh.
Wo'll put It In condition ho that you
can rogulato tho uun by It. Wo nro
JtiHt as Hklllful at ropnlrlnK Jowolry,
too. I). T. Van do Car, Phlppa bldB.,
Medford, Oregon. 128
I. F. Normi'ii of Talent, wiih in
Medford on lniKiniiHH Friday.
Tho Houtl orn Dairy Co. haa good,
rich Ico cream for 3 contu por dlflh.
A. C. Ilaudall wiih in Medford from
Talon t Friday morning.
W. A. Aitken wiih ut Tolo, I'nday,
on a liusiuuHH trip.
F. V. Torglo and family of Port
land havo arrived in Modforil ufter
n two wooIch unto trip from Pottlnutl
laud ut Sliuuiko, through cent nil Or
gon to I.akoview, Klamath FuIIh apil
Orator Lake. They found roads in
fair ooiulition hut dimly. Tliey nro
vimting Mm. Klir.uboth Kippol and
.lake Kippel and leave tomorrow for
0. O. Purrtoll, of Little Applogufo,
wiih in Medford on Iiuhuiohk Friday.
J. A. WoHtorlunil, of llhe Western
OrohardH oompany, nnd William and
Luther Wimtorluml, of UlinoiiiH, uu
oom'panieil liy H. W. AIhoii, Komotury
of (o WoHlorn Orehard Company re
turned TliurHiluy from an auloinohile
trip to Crater Lake, imiuiul by Klnm
atb FuIIh and auroHH the mouutaiiiH
on tho old Anblaud road. They bad
a iiiohI enjoyablu trip, but "the Hoguo
Itivor valley looked very good to uh
when wo arrived liomo," wiih tho mil
vorrial verdiot.
Mr. and Mi-h. A. L. WoHtorlunil, of
Orion, 11., nro veiling Mr. and Mm,
J, A, WoHtorliiud nl the WoHlorn Ore
gon OntiiardH.
W, 10. Thompson of Gold I Ml, wiih
in Medford on Iiiihiiioh Friday,
Fi, K. PbippH of AhIiIuimI, Hpent Fri
day in Medford on bmuiioH.
P, M. Doith, and II. JoimiugH,
of JaokHonvillo loft Friday morning
for Sisflon, Californiu, for a vIbII of
Hiivoral iluyH diirulion.
lobu Pankey, of Toledo, wan in
Modfonl Fiiilny on u biiHiuoH trip,
Men. A. Klo vor Iiiih lolurnoil from a
Hojiiiirii al CoIi'mMii.
W. .(. Clarke, of (lervain, Oregon,
piiHHoil tbioiigh Medford Friday on bin
way to AhIiIiiiiiI.
Waller Moore Iiiih returned from a
1 rip to northern poinlH, where be Iiiih
boon for ho vol nl wookn,
Tho funeral Horvlcon of lOmma
llaokert wuro hold al Jacknouvlllo at
2 o'clock p. m, AuguaL 18, Hov. W.
I). Johmion off'b'tlng. A largo con
courHo of ro'atlvoM and frlondn at
tondod. Tho Interment wnn mndo In
JnckHonvlllo comotory.
The two girl miiHifinuH, MinKon
Crawford mid Cmwwell, have re
turned from tb aiorvatiouu Hhr lir
turned from their vacation and etui
now Im beard every noon and even
ing ut tlbo NiihIi drill.
II. C. Mclllllntera former maator
flub warden, now miuiacor of tho
(1 real or Orogon Home Hutu aanocla
tlou, arrived la Medford Thurnday to
work la tho Interest of hlfl organiza
tion, II, V, Iloldel, engineer of tho Crn
tor Lake highway, npeat Friday la
Medford. Ho brouk'ht flgurca nnd
oHtlmntoa concerning tho proponed
J. C. Wagoner of Diinnmulr, Cal.,
la bore on n btiHlncna vlalt.
(loorgo W. Froy returned Friday
from Aflhlnnd, whore ho had boon
with IiIh hod, who la undergoing
tretmout for InJurlcH received from
n Kiiuahot wound aovernl irontlm ngo.
Tho bullet took effect In tho right
nrm near tho elbow nnd n aocandnry
oporntlon hna boon found nccoaanry
In order that tho limb mny bo ro
atorod to Its normal condition. Mr.
Froy la anngulna that his oon will re
cover from bla trouble
Mra. 11. C. I'ntteraon of Kdgowood,
Cal., Ih a Minlforrt vlaltor.
Country Returns Rctluco Lead and
Result Still In Doubt Shallcnbcr
dcr Hopes Returns From Interior
Will Reverse Result Not Likely
LINCJLN. Nob., Aug. 10. With
returiiH from two-tbirdn of the htato
r,eooivod from the primary eleetioii,
Mayor John Dahlmnu of Omaha in
leading Governor Shalleiiberger for
tho domoeratio nomination for gov
ernor by u plurality of about '2,000
Shalleiiborger, however, does not
admit his defeat.
Uolui'iirt reooivod late yosterdaw
and today from t tho rural districts
reduce Dahlmau'H lead nnd the re
sult in yet in doubt.
The (lmtrietH still utuvard from
believed .Sballenberger will run bet
tor than Dablmau.
Sballeubergor'H hopes that the re
turns from these diHtriotts will re
verse the result, however, are not
generally fliared by politioal load
(lit ANTS PASS, Or., Aug. 10.
1'rofcBnor H. It. Turner la a rocop
tlvo candldato for tho domocrntlc
nomination for tho offlco of Htato
Hiiperlntoudeut of publlo ItiRtructlou.
Ho will fllo a )otltlou for tho purpoao
of neciirlug tho nomination, but will
depend upon bis fellow domocrnts
to white IiIh name on tho primary but-
Otto Ufllchmnu, proprietor of tho
NiihIi Grill, accused by tho hoalth of
ficer of having allowod garbago to
accumulate In tho rear of tho oa
tabllahmont, contrary to tho ordi
nances, wau flnod S25 by Judgo 121
fort Friday morning and furthormoro
was InHtructod to doalHt from fur
ther violations" of tho law.
Two of tho momboru of tho "Undo
Tom" Hhow, which oxhlbltod horo
ThurHday night, woro trying to glvo
an oxlilhltlon of llfo on tho MIbbIb
tilppl at an oarly hour Friday morn
ing and It coat tho ojvnor of tho Bhow
20 Hlniolooau, ten oncli, to socuro tho
reloaso of his actors. Uoforo ho paid
tho fines tho managor nddrosaod his
omplnyou thimly:
"I'll pay this flno for you gulnona,
but I'm holding up your trunks and
clothoB nnd nlao your snlurloa until
Insuriicnt Candidate For Conijress
Speaks at Clackamas Citadel Sat
urday Evcnlnu, Alonu With Bourne,
McGinn and Others.
II, F. Mulkey, iuHtirgeiil candidate
for oongroHH, Ioiivoh tonight for Ore
gon City where, with Hovcralcmwf in
gon City where with Senator Hon rue,
Judge Henry McGinn nnd other
speakers, bo will open IiIh campaign
for the persecution of ttbo direct
primary law in Oregon. lie (will
later go to Coos Hay and address
the citizens of that section.
Mr. .Mulkey is meeting with much
encouragement from all sections of
the country. From many unexpected
sources come answers of support.
IuddicatioiiH are that the insurgent
victoiy in California will bo re
peated in Oregon. Ho is preparing
to make a vigorous cnmpaigu from
now on, and the first district prom
ises the most interesting fight in
4- -f
f -f -f- -- -f-f
Hov. Helkuof bits returned from
bin outing and will occupy his pul
pit in the ItnptiHt church next Sun
day morning. Union services in ttho
Haptist church in the evening. All
are cordially invited.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Aug. 19.
President Charlea H. Moycr of the
Western Federation of Miners today
expressed his confident belief that tho
Wcatorn Foderntlou, would bo grnntod
n charter from tho American Feder
ation of Labor on or boforo Septem
ber 12.
"Tho Westorn Federation of Min
ors now oxpecta to bo represented nt
tho annual convention of tho Amorlc
r.n Federation of Labor nt St. Loula
In November," Bald Moyor. "At tho
recont mooting In Donvor wo aelcct
ed threo provisional delcgntcs to tho
Amrlcnn Federation convention."
At tho Mooro E. O. Owono, C. B.
Carby, II. G. Lane, W. K. Wadsworth
Fred II. Prlco, Portland; L. E. Baylo
Miss J. E. Wollon, Thad Young, Sail
Francisco; J. C. Wngnor, Dunsmulr;
Mrs. II. A. Williamson, A. C. Knlsor,
McCloud; Mrs. II. C. Pattorson, Edg
wood. At the Nash O. A. Damon, Port
land; E. E. Johnson, Soattlo; J. C.
Currlo, W. W. Alllngham, Portlnnd;
J). P. Murphy, San Francisco; Doll
11. Scully, Charlea Foldenhelmor, Port
land: II. F. Mulkey, Medford; H. W.
Rundall, Portland; A. J. Wlthorall
and wlfo, Chicago; O. M. Pennoll,
Now York; E. II. Jofforcon R. n.
Cnrlton, Portland; J. R. Harvoy, Ca
lico; Frank L. Wngnor, Los Angeles;
George G. Foster, Senttlo; Miss J.
W. Ilordman, Portland; S. W. Dlvor
onell, Minneapolis; E. M. Andoraon,
Mutton; E. A. Ronlson, Portlnnd; C.
J. Mooro, George Kennedy, San Fran
cisco; W. W. Morrlam, n. F. Smith,
L. A. Newton, T. S. Towiifiend, II.
C. McAllister, Portland; W. Lowo,
Soattlo; J. E. Taylor, G. E. Faro
woll, Portland.
(Continued from pngo 1)
foro noon today .1. C. MoMurruy wiih
culled to tho witues stand before tbo
investigation of bis contracts with
tho Chieksuw nnd Cltootiiw Indians.
O. K. Hosowinklo, u clerk in MoMur
rny's office was called as n witt
uoss. On tbo ground that whatt in
formation bo possosfiod was gained
wiine occupying u eoiiiiuuiiiini ium
tion and ho rofusod to testify, llo
was excused, bin contention that all
knowledge that bo might have bear
ing on tbo contracts in question was
privileged, being uphold.
MoMurruy is testifying this after
noon. Ho probably will not finish
boforo tomorrow.
you got nqunro with mo. You can
tako your oholco stay In Medford
and got pinched ngnln, or go out with
tho show and work out your flno,
Doth, of thorn wont out with tho
"To waBto Is an offonso," so soil
thoso socond hand things you'vo cons
ed to ubIio. Such snlos nro "want ad
Too Late to Classify
WANTED A carp'jater for country
work; union wages and hours; long
Job for tho right man. Inquire nt
Win. von dor Holloa's atoro In Ea
gle Point. 131
WANTI5D Couplo to work on rancl7
woman to cook for men; no chil
dren. Hollywood Orchnrda. Phono
FarmorH 70(53. tf
LOST Young whlto Kngllah setter
with black marks; very timid; naino
Hmlko on collar. Plcaao care for If
found and receive reward by notify
ing Mall Tribune offlco.
WANTKD One ton loosdTfmothyi
one ton looao alfalfa. Stccnstrap,
Fair Acrca, Jacksonville. 12D
FOR KENT Or sale, houoo, furnlsh
ed or unfurnished, barn and aero of
fruit nnd garden. 121C N. C at. 131
SALINA, Knn.,' Aug. 30. That
Senator Hobort M. Ln Follette of
Wisconsin will bo re-nominated nnd
re-elected is the believe of Senator
Joseph L. Bristow of Kansas, who
luiB just returned from n tour of
"I don't bcliovc they can bent La
Follette," snid Bristow ttodny. "I
think bo will win the rc-nominnlion
by n plurality of 75,000 votes."
Bristow snid tbnt insurgency in
Wisconsin is n scertain of victory
as it was in Kansas and that ttbc
movement has ns great n backing
there as bis own state.
Wo nro watching tho dispatches
carefully ln the xepeitatlon of learn
ing that Dr. Crlppen hao been lnsano
all his llfo.
BKLLINGIIAM, Wash., Aug. 10.
Nows of the snving of J. B. Wollas of
Bclliiigbum from death in tho swirl
ing waters of Wells creek, nenr
Mount Baker Wednesday night, by
n bumnn ebnin renched here todny.
With other members of u fishing
party, Wollns wns wnlking along the
(banks og n stream. He stumbled
and fell into tho creek where tho
current runs like a,' mill race. His
coat caucht on a snag nnd be wns
hold in midstream, bis bend beneath
the wntcr. Claspinj; hands, n living
chain was mnde nnd Wollas was
rescued. Ho was unconscious for
threo hours nftor being dragged out.
Wo'vo had a lot of worries, but
thank heaven, tho ago of tbo earth is
not ono of U em.
Send a
that will meet with, tho ap
proval of tho recipient of
your message. Any old kind
of a messenger won't answer.
Tho best should always be
sent "if" you wish the re
cipient to pass a favorable
What you think about bust
ness stationery isn't quite so
important as what your corre
spondent thinks.
Don't buy
"Levifr tkt tixttriHrlku
because it pleases you, but
because it influences the man
you write in your favor.
Ou IUhpshik Hond l a clean, crisp
paiHT, milo lor ilf-m, crlip tmtineu
lolka. It l kold on llio iiuuuiMlon thnt
Iheru'i economy no) "lily. A handsome
specimen hook gitrn upon reauest, show.
Inij letterheads anl other business forms,
printed, lithogriiprird and engraved on
the white und loutiee'i colors,
Madehy KAsirsiiiKK
nly pjer makers in
he world making bond
HONOLULU, Aug., 20. Dissatis
fied with conditions In tho Hawaiian
Islands and assorting that their la
bor contracts with tho planters had
been brokoL, eighty Russian labor
ers loft hero on tho Matson liner
Wilholniln for San Francisco.
Tho leadorn of tho first conting
ent of UiiK.Hl.ins nro cmp'jfftlB In their
statement,-! that tl:cy will bring ma
ny of their follow countrymen to
America by tho way of tho Orient
If thoy find that they arc well treated
In tho United States.
Somo months ago Hawaiian plan
tation owners Imported somo 200
Russians to work In tho sugar fields.
Tho men beer mo dlsatlofled and have
boci. nKltatlag n removnl to tho Unit
ed Stntos for somo time.
SPOKANE. Wnsb.. Auir. 10. "Get
It Ont O' Doors," followed by the
words, "Restful, Refreshing Religion,
served on the cool corafortnblo capn-
ciouc luwn," is the heading of an
nouncements in newspapers nnd big
bil'iis nlncod bv officcra of tho Dean
Avenue Chriitinn church of Spoknne,
to attrnck people to n series ot pop
ulnr sermons bv tho pn3tor, Rdv. Dr.
Brown, who is nn advocate of the
Iibcrnl use of printer's ink. Dr.
Brown is nssisted by ft choir nnd o
male qunrtct. Tho first Sunday ev
ening service on the lawn of the Bry
ant school, chore Dr. Brown preach
ed upon "Populnr Fancies, Fads nnd
Follies," was so well attended that
the congregation bns decided upon
open air meetings the rest of the
summer. It may be added that Dr.
Brown, who worked in n printing of
fico when n boy, bns converted mnny
of bis congregation nnd others to the
valuo of advertising. He believes thnt
the newspaper is the greatest nnd best
medium to reach tho mn3scs, and in
proof of this be points to the crowds
nt bis meetings nt a season when
many prefer to pass the week-end
in camps and nt lnke and forest re
(Continued from Pngo 1.)
of the troops will not bo required.
Llko conditions obtain In other re
serves ln Washington and Oregon.
In Idaho the principal fire Is on
tho south fork of tho Clearwater
river In the northern part of tho
state. An area estimated to bo 20
miles long Ly 10 miles wldo has been
burned over. While much green
timber was consumed, much of tho
land burned over was second growth
and dead timber.
Twenty-Five Fires Burning.
In tho Crater reserve, according to
Cecil, there nro approximately 26
fires burning. Tho flr9 area covers
50 squaro irlles. According to Cecil,
first reporto of tho oxtent and the
damage wrought by tho flames were
exaggerated although it was admit
ted that aMargo acreage has been
burne'd over nnd hundreds of thou
sands of feet of timber destroyed.
"Tho present dnnger Is practical
ly over," said Mr. Cecil. "Tho army
men, being disciplined, will easily
have tho Crater flro under control.
Tho great difficulty our men havo la
bored under has been tho trouble of
securing officlent help. Tho farm
ors want tho mon to work In tho
fields. If tho flro gets a llttlo warm
tho mon want to rotlro from tho front
lino, nnd, as thoy aro only pnld whllo
thoy work, wo cannot 'provent them
leaving. As a general thing, thoy will
not work r.t night. With tho nrmy
mon there will ho details for day
and night work, which will Insure
continual fighting."
(Centinued from page 1.)
tached to tho announcement of tho
proposed visit, howovor, owing to tho
fact thnt Grlscom made It plain that
ho would bo In Bovorly boforo Au
gust 30. Roosovolt will' speak at
Ossawatomlo, Kan., August 31.
It has boon reported that In this
speoch Roosovolt will doflno his at
tltudo on Insurgoncy, probably com
ing out squarely In favor ot tho In
surgent movomont. Roosovolt has
hold ft numbor of conforoncos with
formor Socrotnry Oarflold and for
mer Forostor Hnchot In regard to
this speech, and It Is bolievod that
both urgod hi mto mako Lis declara
tion for Insurgoncy vory strong.
Taft's Attitude.
Politicians speculating on Grls
com's visit to Rovorly, say it Is like
ly that ho will lot Taft know what
stand Roosovolt Intends to tako and
that tho quostlon of tho attitude of
tho admlnletrr.tlon toward tho In
surgent movomont will bo dlscussod.
Whothor tl'O mission Is ono looking
toward a hoallng of tho broach that
is hollovod Jto havo como botweon tho
procldont and his prodocossor, tho
politicians aro divided Somo, how
ovor, bollovo that tho mlsilon will bo
to dollYor what Is virtually an ultl-
Two Window
For Saturday
Don't fail to see our two
for tomorrow, Saturday;
special trip down town for
Window !No. 1
30 dozen men's and ladies'
silk lisle and mercerized
fancy Hose; lace stripe
and dropstitch; 35c values
anywhere; here tomorrow,
19c pr. 2 pr. 35c
Woods & Son's extra high finish, double gold band
decorated pure white semi-porcelain English Dinner
"Ware; 10 of these 60-piece dinner sets; worth $10.50
each, on sale tomorrow, per set $7.50
Dutch Collars Hair Barretts
"We have just received a We are showing the big
new line of ladies' Dutch gest assortment of new
Collars; on sale tomorrow, Barrettes in the city; all
,- , the new shapes,
6 DC eaCIl 15 and 25 cts EACH
matum on Oio part of Roosevelt, de
fining his stand on lnsurcnck and
informing Tnft Just how far he Is
willing to go in endorsing the ad
ministration. OATMEAL COOKIES
4- -r -
PHOXE 1831.
No. 1 55 acres on Bear creek
bottom, 2 mllos from Medford. 45
acres in Nowtown and Spltzonberg
apples, soven years old, also somo
pear trees, 10 acres now ground ready
to sot. Fish lako water, flno lm
provomonts. Prlco $50,000; ouo
thtrd cash, balarce terras. A fine
No. 2. 34 acres flno land nenr
Central Polrt. All good soil. 150 bear
ing trees; 250 Bartlett peara ono
year old; Now six-room house, largo
barn nud o'hr buildings. Cheap at
$6500. Half cash, balance threo
years at 6 por cent. Othor land ad
joining selllnj for raoro iconoy.
No. 4. 80 acres, 13 miles from
Modfcrd on Roguo rlvor; all good
lanl, and fcicod with Page fencing;
now 7-room houso and barn; prlco
$130 per aero, half ca3h, balanco
onsy torms.
A largo list of cholco orchard and
farming lands In largo and small
ModforJ ronl ostato In I'll partB of
tho city and to suit all purses.
Agonts for tho salo ot tho desert
lands of tho Roguo River Valloy Ca
nal Co, Como In and tall: with us
boforo buying.
32 South Central.
bargain windows; specials
it will pay you to make a
Window No. 2
100 Dolls, in kid body, un
breakable and fancy
dressed Dolls; regular
$1.25 to $2.50 values; just
as a flyer tomorrow, one
big window of them,
Choice $1.00
School board will entertain bids
for 200 cords ot wood or any part
thereof up to August 20.
Clerk Dlst. No. 4D.
Dry our
Home Made
Fresh Bread. "Goodness
and Purity" is our motto.
Also Salads and Roast
Meats ready cooked, at the
$15.00 VALUES
Just received, a very
complote lino of men's
new Fall Suits. Every
suit is worth every cent
of $15.00 some stores
chargo oven more. Thoy
come in medium weight
serges, grays, browns,
and mixtures; all sizes.
See the Window.
The Wardrobe
Farmers' and
Fruitgrowers' Building,
West Side.