Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 19, 1910, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Pull Incased Wlro Ilopert,
Tonlitlit mid tomorrow Fair
mill warm.
Tho only papor In the wor!4
published in a city tlio size of
Medford having a lease wfr.
No. 130
i x
Former President Will take no Part
In New York Policies Is Urged to
Carry Fljjlit Before Convention
Party to Turn to Teddy as Sav
iour ot Situation.
NKW YOltK, A hit. 19. That Col-
oiiol Theodore Itoonovolt will tako no
.part In tho coming, campaign In Now
York Ih tho holler of most of hln sup-
portorti hero, thotiKh It Ih known that
I.loyd CJ. (Jrlscoin, chairninn of tho
Now York county republican commit
tee, Ih urging him to carry IiIh right
for temporary chairman hoforo tho
Into convention at Saratoga. It Ih
believed that ItocMvvult Ih not un
willing to Htny out or tho campaign,
believing that under prcsont condl
tlono a republican victory In Now
York Ih extremely unlikely.
Await Btnto Klcrtlou,
U tho (lemocrutii win In Now York,
tho old republican organization, tho
RooBdvolt mon nay, would nuroly ho
headed ror tho rockn, Thon Itootie
volt might tako hold or party nf faint,
It Ih Intlmntcd, and mli;ht even ho
persuaded to mnko tho presidential
race In 1012.
Although QrlHcom who persuaded
Itoonovolt to nllow Vln namo to ho
presented to tho stato conimltteo as
candldnto ror temporary chairman, la
urging him to continue tho right, oth
er lendorn oppoiio tho plan. Thoy
believe If HoonoveU should win IiIh
fight and domlnato tho (onvontlnn.
Jury In Prosser's Murder Case Find
Wife Not Guilty of Staying Hus
band Self-defense Pleaded Suc
cessfullyDefendant to Leave
for East at Once.
lilHHY, Mont., Aug. 10.Mr. Vera
Pronsor of Seattle and Cleveland, on
trial charged with murdor for killing
Iier divorced husbnnd abroad a pas
senger train near Lihhy Juno 1, was
acquitted hy a jury hero today.
A fow minutes before 10 o'clock the
jury reported to Judge J. K. Kriokson,
Hiiyiui; that it iiad reached a verdict.
Tim attornoyH wero called into tho
I'ourt room and Foreman Cliffoid
Clay announced that tho jury had
found tho defendant not guilty on the
grouudH of self-defense.
Undecided In I'lniiH.
In an interview shortly after hor
ucciuittnl, Mrs. Proscr Bnid that m(k
wan undecided ub to her future plans,
but that nlie probably would leave im
mediately for ttlte oast. She said
kIio could not find worda to express
Iter thanliH to the jurymen nnd those
who befriended her.
Tho cloHing sccno in tho court room
ycL'rdny waH most dramatic. Clad
in a fetcliing gown of white, Mrs.
1'roHrtcr had looked the part of in-diffcronf-o
and fortitude which she
did not diHpIuy in ttho afternoon.
Once she broke down and wept when
u hypothetical question of 2,000
One of Poindexter's Opponents Pulls
out to Strengthen Opposition
Only Possible Way to Stay Insur
gent Tide In Washington.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 10.
Thomas Burko will withdraw from
tho race for tho United Statos aonato
and throw IiIh uupport to John L.
Wilson, publisher of tho Post-Intol-llgencer,
and blttor political rival, In
an effort to beat Miles I'olndextcr,
according to tho Seattlo Star today.
Tho formal announcement of
Durko's withdrawal, says tho Star,
will not como ror several days, until
thu antl-Poludoxter forces bavo de
cided how much or tho Ilurko sup
port will go to Wilson nnd how much
will go over to Polndextor.
HI h known that Poindexter's cam
paign In western Washington nnd his
reception has alarmed tho Wilson
Ilurko forces and It Is believed thnt
tho withdrawal or ono or tho other
Is the only posulblo way or stommlng
tho Insurgent tide.
the "old guard" would probably bolt wordx, touching upon her nrobablo in
nnd tho colonel would then rnco tho sanity, wiih put to Dr. J. M. Scnnlnn
probability or loading a forlorn bopo
and would be accused of being re
sponsible ror a democratic victory.
Not Worth the Itlk,
Though the Hoosovolt mon hollovo
thnt oven n-jnlnHt heavy odds, tho
colonel would be nhlo to pull tho par
ty through, thoy do not thing It In
worth while to tako tho risk or pos
sible failure, nnd hollovo that ho
could do moro for tho ovorthrow of
tho nntt-Itnnnovelt faction In tho stnto
by staying out of tho cnmpnlgn al
together. Undor tho clrcuniHtancoit, tho like
lihood of his becoming a candldnto
for tho governorship Ih laughed at
by tho RooHovolt followers, who point
out tho fact thnt tho oolonol bliUHoir
has declared that ho would not bo a
candldnto ror tho place. They do
claro tho regulars aro rospontdblo ror
tho rumor that ho might bo a candi
date and thnt thoy nro without foundation.
Gompcrs Remarks Indicate That
Stand-patters Are to bo Knifed
Says It Is a Duty of Citizens tto
Dofcat Certain Congressmen.
of the jnsnne asylum at Warm Spring
Montann, by County Attorney .Maid
en. Wept During Argument.
During the nrgument, which began
ut 1 :.IU nnd lusted through the after
noon, howovor, she failed absolutely
lo maintain tho composure which she
lind nf footed enrlier. As TIioiiiiih 1).
Long, the attorney who 1ms been de
fending the woman, begun Jim nrgu
ment for her life, Mrs. Pi-osser'a
sobs broke tho otherwise opprcsive
Hileneo which had been mnintuiued
b.V nil in ttho court room except the
counsel, 'throughout ttho nrgument,
which lusted for an hour, Mrs. Pros
Her wept continually, often hysteri
cally. Long's argument wan effective.
with tho audience, at least, for ev
ery woinun in the room wus crying,
iih well iih ninny of the men, when
hn finished.
HAW,, Italy, Aug. 10. With the
death list of XI names hourly in
creasing, the virulent cholera epidemic
in the vicinity of Hnri, in Apuliu, on
the Adriatic coast, is asumiug omin
ous proportions. Tho Italian gov
ernment todny is hurrying doctors nnd
nurses from Home to tho scene of
tho disease nnd fnirs and public gath
erings of all kinds have bcon forbidd
en. Tho nonsanls of the provinces
ndjoiiiing the infected districts me
holding religious meetings, hystcrie
nlly imploring divine nid.
Tho nature of tho cholora is of the
worst . Many putionts Inst u few
hours only nfter thoy are striokkcii.
dying in great agony. The towns of
A special train bearing no sol
diers and ofricers of tho regular army,
arrived In Medford Friday morning
at :30 and tho cars were Immediate
ly transferred to tho Pacific & East
ern tracks and sent out to Eagle
Point, whoro tho troops wero disem
barked and started for tho big fires
raging in tho forest south and west
of Dutte Falls. Tho "Cat IHH" flro
Is reported to have climbed tho rango
and Is now threatening tho watershed
or Four-Mllo lake from which Med
ford will receive Its water.
West and north of Four-MJlo lake
a timber bolt extends for miles on
the northeast, tho country is cover
ed with "snow brush," whllo on tho
southern side of tho slopes of Mc
laughlin carry a henvj growth of
pines under which are tho accumu
lations of decades or leaves rrom tho
Four Hundred Wanted to Assist In
Subduing names In Vicinity of
Pelican Bay Spreading Rapidly
Fifty Million Feet of Pine Al
ready Destroyed.
Richardson Nominated for State
Printer tn California Secretary
of State Still in Doubt With O'
Brien Slightly in the Lead Over
Jordan All Returns not Yet In.
A call for 500 flro righters to as
sist In subduing tho forest fires In
southern' Oregon, particularly in tho
vicinity of Pelican Bay, was received
In Klnmath Falls this afternoon.
Tho fires are reported to bo spread
ing rapidly.
Firty million reet of pine has been
j consumed already, according to lum
bermen's estimates.
Every avallablo man In this dis
trict is being rushed to tho scene.
Tho flro extends over 20 miles of
forested hills. Iti s reported that
j omcrui loresi i angers aro Hemmed In
oy tno flames.
A number of persons from Klam
ath Falls aro camping in tho threat
ened district and it Is feared that
they might be surrounded by the fire.
ino timber Is exceptionally dry
trees. Should tho flro get Into this
region dry as tho woods aro at pres
ent It will make an almost clean
Acting Supervisor Swennlng went
aa far as Eaglo Point this morning
with tho troops.
PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 19. Ac
cording to Information received to
dny from all parts of tho northwest
by Associate Forester qq'll, the for
est flro cituatlon contlnuos to Im
prove, and It Is bollovod all tho tires and tho blazo is making rapid head-
will bo controlled or extinguished
within tho jcnr future.
Snvo tho fires In tho Crater na
tional reserve In southern Oregon
nnd tho Clearwater rivor flro in north
em Idaho, both of which aro causlns
much trouble, tho majority of forest
conimgrntloi'8 aro
way through tho denso growth
A large number of volunteers have
already responded to tho call for aid.
GRANTS PASS. Or., Aug. 19. J
Tho rorest riro which was burning
fiercely near Frultvale. four miles
comparatively trom Grants Pass, yestorday Is re
ported to bo dvinir out this nffprnnnn
Rains within tho past row days did j Considerable cordw'ood and a largo
much to Improve tho situation. In-1 area of dead timber was consumed
dlcattons aro ror moro rain through-! bororo tho tiro fighters succeeded In
out tho northwest.
Soldiers Deluded Upon.
Assoclnto Foretter Cecil said today
that compnrlcs E and M of tho First
regiment. United States infantry,
winch left American Lake yesterday
stopping tho fire's progress.
LONDON'. Aug. ID.-The proprie-
i-i ,, . ,n . . ,,.,, ., , w .. -" "- "" -! ""; jfaiuruuy' nvwv.i, iiij,-. in. tin' proline-
Harlettn, In nulhttonito and Manila, for southern Oregon to fight fires,1 tors nnd chief editor of the Daily
nro principally nffoeled
Not ono of a storo's "regulnr cus
tomers" fall to noto with porconal
Interest and pleasure every evldenco
of Increasing advertising ontoiprlso
which It shown.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 19. That
Friend W. Richardson probably has
won by a margin of about 1000 In
his race for tho nomination for su
perintendent of state printing is in
dicated by tho latest returns from
Tuesday's primary election. This
fight, which was ono of the closest
of all tho primary contests has
switched, according to returns from
the outlying counties. Wbilo the en
tire vote Is not yet in and tho result
may bo somewhat changed, Richard
son has the lead totay. The total vote
of tho state, estimated from tho pre
cincts now In, gives W. W. Shannon
approximately 41,000 and Richard
son about 42,000.
From tho figures already received
Richardson has a lead of about 900
votes. Iti s believed from the present
ratio this lead will be maintained.
Later returns cut down the lead of
F. J. O'Brien, for secretary of state,
but O'Brien still leads the field and
It is believed the count will not bo
materially changed by tho counties
still out.
The vote tor about 90 per cent ot
the stato stands:
O'Brien 48,526; Jordan, 47,650;
Wagner, 44,981.
Estimated on this basis, O'Brien's
total vote Is 53,378; Jordan's 52,-
415, nnd Wagner's 49,354. Jordan
in spite of the returns, says ho will
win out, clalmlnl that ho has unof
ficial but practically complete returns
which show that ho has a lead of a
tow hundred votes. It may require
the complete official voto to decide
the contest.
In the race for lieutenant governor
lato returns have cut down Wallace's
lead, but still leave him winner by
3000 to 5000. With less than 10
per cent of tho stato to hear from, tho
estimated voto is:
Wnllnce, C4.CC0; Kestlng, 57,881;
Ferris, 2S.G5S; Farmer, 40,533.
Tho late returns have not changed
the showing of Ferris and havo add-
No Truth in Rumors of Serious Ill
ness Is outt of all Present Dan
ger and Will Probably Recover
Comes Back From Mill Valley
Much Improved in Health-
phatically denying that thoro is any
truth In tho tumors that Governor
Benson of Oregon Is at tho point ot
death. Dr. H. Worden, bis physiclam.
today stated to tho United Press that
tho executive -waff not only out of all
danger, but probably would recover.
Governor Benson ha3 been afflict
ed with cancer which for a time
threatened to destroy first his eye
sight and then his life. Ho has been
In San Francisco for some weoks. A
short tlmo ago Governor Benson left
the city for Ros3 Valley, near San
Rafael, In Marin county, where he
was advised to go by his physicians.
Thero the governor and hrls wlfa
rented a cottage among tho big red
woods. Yesterday Governor Benson
returned to his apartments here.-He
had been hardly ablo to Btand when
ho left for tho country, but on hln
return was ablo to walk briskly about
and seemed in much better spirits.
Governor Benson will probably re
turn to Salem in a few days, accord
ing to his doctors. It is admitted
thnt there is possible danger ot a
change for the worse, but such a pos
sibility Is regarded as remote his
physicians say.
NEW YORK, Aug. ID. Af-
"" though no definito plans havo ""
"" yet been announced, it is ex- "
"" Dccted that lioosevelt will tour ""
"" tho Pacific coast in March.! t ""
is understood that tentative ""
"" plans for such a trip havo been "
"" considered and nro apt to bo ""
had loft Medford for tho flro righting ; Chronicle today were ordered to an
line. It is OXnected that thn Rnlillnra .near in the four nf frnu-n P.icAi
will do much toward bringing tho Reserved (criminal division) to shnu cd on a few hundred scattering votes
rinmes under control, as thoy nro causo why thoy should not he punish- to Fnrme"s total.
disciplined mon. ; ed for contempt by hnvinjr imblUhcil
Accordlnc to Information rccolvod i story intimntiiiK that Dr. II. II.
Roosevelt's Addresses in tho West Will Represent His Own views Only
Stato Loafluo of Republican clubs Pledges Him Its
Support Taft's attltlutle in Question
I here, nil flies In tho Wonatchoo na-'Crippcn poisoned his wife, Belie El
I tlonnl forest In enstorn Washington ' m'-c- Crippen.
""- " vwi.v.w. .,,.i. i..u tiooiauiucu j
(Continued on Page fi.)
A store that's on a "big scale"
should plan its advertising on n big
PlTTSnURG, Pa., Aug. ID. That
tho American Federation of Labor
will oppoBO John Dnlzoll, "rogulur"
republican, nnd will support Dr.
Blnck, Indopondout was prodlctod to
day following an Intimation dropped
by I'rosldont Samuel Gonipors or tho
fodorntlon. Blnck was defeated by
lhilzoll at tho primary, but after a
special contest for recount unnouncod
thnt ho would malco tho against
Dalzoll as an Indopondout cnndldato.
"It lu tho duty of patriotic cltlzons
to holp dofoat Dnlzoll," said Gom
pors. "Ills actions nro Inimical to tho
IntorostB of tho people, not only In
his own dlRtrlct, but In tho ontlro
oiintry, I would anything In my
power to holp In Dnlzoll'ti dofoat, hut
tho best way to win tho fight has not
yot boon docldod, If a propor candi
dal runs, I probably will outer tho
cnmpnlgn mysoir."
NKW YORK, Aug. 10. "My
Hpeoohes In tho west will roprosont
my own views," Hnld Thoodoro Rooso
volt to tho roportors who crowdod
around him whon ho nrrlvod nt his
orrico ut tho Outlook. Patting hlm
soir In tho chest, ho added:
"Thoy will not roprosont tho vlows
or ruiyono elso."
Ho said that tho addresses woro
not to ho mndo undor tho nuBplcos of
tho republican congressional conimlt
teo. John A. Stewart, prosldont of tho
I.cnguo or Now York Republican
clubs and Gonoral Jnmoa S. Clark
son woro nmont; tho Rooaovolt call
em. Attor a conforonco with Rooao
volt, Stownrt told tho roportors that
tho lenguo wiib orgaulzod to further
tho Roosovolt policies and that It
would coutlnuo to do so.
To Help Roosevelt.
"Tho Stato Los,guo of Ropubllcnn
clubs," ho said, "wns organized solo-
ly undor tho Issue ot furthering tho
Rooaovolt pollcloB. Thoy will contin
ue to advnnco tho Into-osts of thoso
In eympalhy with those policies."
It Is bollovod that Stowart pledged
tho support of tho lenguo to tho for-
mor prooldont.
Congressman Fish was another
caller nt tho colonel's orflco. Ho
wnB closotod for soino tlmo with tho
formor ohlor executive Whon ho
enmo out ho rofusod to say whothor
ho had dlscusced tho Now York po
litical situation,
Thoro woro numorouu othor cnll
ors during tho day. Promlnont pol
iticians woro among thorn.
Gi'lscom to Seo Tnft.
Lloyd O, Grlscom, who urged
Roosovolt to allow his namo to go
hoforo tho sUito commlttoo as tem
porary chairman of tho Now York
republican convontlon, said today
that ho Intonds to nmko a pllgrlm
ago to llovorly. Ho said ho would
call on Tnft nt tho sununor cnpltol
soino tlmo hoforo August 30. Ho
rofusod ,to Bay what ho Intonded to
discuss with Thft, Importance Is nt-
Sensational Reports of onditions Surrounding Make-up of "Citizenship
Rolls" of Five Tribes Made Public Reductions in Time Limita
tionsEffort to Keep Others Out by Favoritism
Government's Fight to Prevent Gener
al Advance In Lumber Rates From
Pacific Coast to Central Western
Points Resumed at St. Paul.
! Mother Provincial Due Here Monday
to Approvve Site Selected for Pro
posed Structure East of City on
Hills Overlooking the Valley.
(Continued on Page 5.)
WASHINGTON, 1). C. Aur. 10.
A sensational unpublished report to
ttho department of the interior by
J. II, Howell on tho cnmlittious sur-
roumiiuK the ninko-up of tho "citiz
enslim rolls" of the five inlilizcd
Fnthor Van flurenlieok lm8 re- Indian tribes of Oklnhoinn. todnv is
ceivod word from Sister Wencoslnns, in possession of Chnirniim Burko of
of tho St. Vincents' hospital, Portland the congressional committee- which
is invnslijrutiiu: tho charges of Sena
that she and one of the Mnthor Pro
vincial will arrive in Medford .Monday
evening for (he purpose of luisiui; up
on the site selected to erect u luro
hospital upon for Mmllord
For sovcrul years, efforts have boon
made to induce the Catholic, orders to
erect a ivu hospital lioro for the
use of southern Oregon Ronorally, A
site has boon selected on tho hills
oust of the city, and it is hoped that
now tho looking to the erection of a
lnrj?o struclturo will lo iindortakou.
Tho Mother Provincial has made
sovornl visits hove for ttho. purpose
ot considering this as n hospital
site, hut has never boon tho location
decided upon.
tor Gore that nu attempt was mndo
to bribe him in the interest of legis
lation on Indian laud contrnctts.
Tho .report followed n personal
investigation by Howell of thto meth
ods of admitting Iudinus to citizen
ship nnd making tthem participants
in laud "jackpot" mothods used to
kuoikuihevs out.
Howell wus called no a witness
nnd tostifiod before tho house com
mittee on Indian a tTairs during ttlte
Inst session of congress. The full
ropott ho had mndo tto Secretary
Garfield was laid before tho com
mittee. In part it roforved to ttho
"ridiculous timo limitations" placed
on ttho Dawes Indian commission in
udjudicnting Indian claim's, making
it impossible for tho commission to
give adequate considerattioii to the
cases. His testimony hoforo tho
committco stated ttliat ho had reco
mmended the pasngo of a law further
rest riot ting Indians from citizenship
and produced evoidonco of a flngrant
disregard of tho reports of the In
dians, presenting 710 ensos.
Howell fnrthor gave ovidenco of
J. F. McMurrny's nllogod activity
in ttho land cases.
Howell said ho filed thu roport
witth Secretary Garfield March J,
and .tthat Garfield vacated office
March 4, taking no notion, but say
ing tthat the roport would bo filed,
subject to ttho commission's enll.
Tho report wns filed witth ttho In
terior Department, mnrked "confi
dential" and thoroforo unavailable to
the public.
SULPHUR, Okla., Aug. 10.
( Continued on Page 5.)
CHICAGO, Aug. It). Attorneys
representing the Intorstato Commorco
Commision todny resumed at St. Paul
tho government fight to prevent a
general advanco in lumber rates from
the Pacific coast to Central West
ern points, according to tho dispatch
es. The struggle hns boon going on
now in the Minnesota courts two
years, nnd in tho menntimo tho ad
vanco ordered by tho railroads had
been rendered inoporativo by the ac
tion of thto commision.
In November, 1007, a gonoral ad
vanco of 10 por cent in lumbar rates
was announced by tho trans-.contin-entul
lines, nnd. protests woro filed
immediately. After a hearing, the
ciiininibsion restored rates to their
old basis, whoroiippn tlio railroads
sought an injunction. A hearing wnrf
lind hoforo Spocial Master Frederick
M. Dickson, who recently decided that
tlio injunction applied for should ho
granted as to points east of a lino
drawn from Pembina, N. D. to Port
Arthur, Texas. Ho held, in other
words, thnt nu advanco of 1Q por
cont in the present rnto might ho
mndo east of this dividing line,
If this opinion is concurred in by
tho court, the two chief rates af
fected would be thoso to St. Paul and
Chicago, In tho formor enso tin
advance would bo from 40 to 4.1 and
in tho luttor from 50 to 65 per cent