fflg$ Medford Mail Tribune UNITED ritKHS ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wlro Report. 'I'll 10 WICATIIICH Tonight itml tomorrow Fair and warm. Tho only papor In the world publlshou In n city tho size of Mod ford having a lonsod wire. fjotji YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, -AUGUST 18, 19.10. No. 129. TROOPS HERE TONIGHT TO FIGHT FIRES r SIX ADDITIONAL FIRES ARE REPORTED HEAD LITTLE BUTTE FORTY MEN ARE ENDEAVORING 10 CHECK FLAMES Over 300 Acres Hnvc Been Burn ed Over ami Timber Loss Is Heavy Water Shed of Little Butte May Bo Seriously Damaged by Flro Forty men ruder the direction of Supervisor t. I., F.rlcknon of thu Cm tor national foront aro desperately flgl t Iiik toi'ny to chock tho forest flies which nro racing nliout thu base of Mt. Mcl.oi ghlln, nbou' 3ft iiiIIch east of tlilo city. Thoy nro mooting with llttlo nuc-ess, howovor, Tho grentoat damage rought hy tho flro will not ho tho loss of tho tlmhor which In vory heavy In tills Bectlon", hut It Ih feared t) nt It will KorloiiHly dr.mngn Modford'n water supply, ns tho flnmcs nro raging in tho watorahec". of Llttlo Ilutto crook from which thin city taken Ita wntor. Blx additional fires woro roportod thin mnrnli.j; to hnvo broken out In addition to tho four, burning In that section hIiico I'io first of tho wcolc. Tho Itogro Illvor Canal compnny linn placed Itu crow of men at Flnh Lnko nt tho dlnposnl of Supervisor ttrlckson, Tho Iohb cannot at thin tlmo ho es timated, hul It l hollovod that It will ho heavy, ait tho fla non aro In bo mo of tho heaviest tlmhor In that flec tion. Seeing that tho flrcH promlHod to do tromondoiiH dnmngo, tho locnl rnngora Inst evening rotrmunlcntod with tho Portland forestry huroau appealing for nld and a cr.ll for tho nBHlHtonco of troopH wn Immodlatoly forwnrdod to morlcnn Lnko, whoro It mot with prompt roHponno. Owing to tl o numhor and position of flrcH, tho troopH will ho compolled to organize Into timnll parties whon thoy begin tholr hattlo agnltiHt tho flroo. STOCKMEN ARE AFTER RUSTLERS Larrjo Posses of Silver Lake Country Pursuing Ganu of Aliened Cattle Thieves 25 Mules Disappear and Ranchmen Aro Annry. 11I3NI), Or., Aug. 18. A largo poaso of stockmon of tho Sllvor 4itko country aro purHiiIng n gnng of ni dged cattlo and horao ruHtlorfl, ac cording to Information received horo todny. Itocontly two horso thtovoH woro run to onrth hy tho ranohora, and ono of tho ruHtlorfl allot to death. Tho pobho wnH organized following tho dlHnppcarnuco of 25 uuiIoh from tho Iano ranch. Cowhoya woro put on tho trail, which led southward. Tho tracks of tho nnlmnla Indlcntod thatt hoy woro holng driven toward tho nCllfomla hnundnry at top apeod, Tho riifltlora had a two dayB' atart over tho pobho, hut It la hollovod tho ranch num will nvortako thorn, For tho pnat throo montliH rua tlora hnvo boon actlvo In tho district nod atockmen hnvo loat aovoral bnnda of cattlo and horaoa. An offoctlvo want ad' innkoa your hualuoaa plan offoctlvo, TWO COMPANIES FIRST INFANTRY ORDERED HERE Will Bo Taken Out as Soon as Possi ble to Scene of Bin. Fire on Little Butte 108 Men and Three Offi cers Aro Coming WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 18 (Sroatly 'alarmed over the forest flro situation In Orogon, offlclnlH of tho department of tho Interior nro re sponsible for tho ordering of another tmttallou of Infantry to tho Oregon flro front. TIiIb Is In addition to tho two companion of fedornl troops al ready aeut from American Lake to Medford. Tho soldiers nro doing ef fective work In fighting tho conflag rations AMLIUCAN LAKH, Wash., Aug. 18. Compt.r.tcs K and M of tho Flrat Infnii'ry, comprising three of clra and 108 men, loft American Lnliu early todny fo tho Crate Lnko na tional foreai In southern, Oregon to fight tho forest flrca which rre raging In that dlatilc. d'ion:o II. Cecil, assistant forester at 1'oriland. telegraphed for troops lnat night, and Urlgadlcr General Mnua, comm.odlng tho mnnuvora, Immodlatoly ordered two coiiipnnlea out for duty. It la expected that tho troops will reach Medford, Or., Into this after noon or everting. Assistant Supervisor Swooning of the Crntor national forest Is today at work making nrrant.o'nenta to get tho troops to tl.o scono of tho flro on tho watershed of Little Ilutto creek iih early .'.a poaslhlo aftoi tholr nr rlv.tl In tlilo city. It wis upon his request sent to tho dlai-lct offlco In Portlnnd that acciued tho soldiers. ILLINOIS MAN BUYS 45 ACRE TRACT .1. J. Adams of Evnnaton, 111., has purchased tho H. F. Hlddlo property located In tho Griffin Crcok district nliout six mllen from Medford. There aro in acres In tho tract, S3 acres of which nro Bot out to fruit trees, trees, 20 acroi In pears, 10 ncroa In npplea and 3 ncroa In peaches. These troes nro In tholr socond nnd third sonBona. About eight ncrca nro In alfalfa. Tho consideration wna $12,500. Tho salo waa mado hy U. W. North- ROGUE PEARS SELL FOR $2.49INB0ST0N A oar of poara from Grnnta rasa sold today In lloaton for $1180 gross. Tho car contalnod 12 ft boxes of fan cy, 112 cholco and 200 culls. Tho price per box avoragod $2,49, A good otoro location la ndvortla Ing; good storo sorvlco la advortlB Ing hut both of thoao are supplo montary to tho real advertising that la dono In tho nowspnpor, 'TWAS SENATOR HALE WHO GOT USTHATS10.000 Senator Chamberlain Tells How the Standpat Bulwark of Conservation Secured $10,000 for Surveys In Crater National Park. To that stand-pat bulwark of con servation, Senator Hole of Maine, is due most of the credit for the $10, 0011 appropriation secured for tiic survey of Crntor Lake National park, introduced by thnt champion of direct legislation, Senator O. E. ('liaui-crluin, according to the latter. Hud it uot been for Mr. Hole's insis tauce in tlio conference committee, tlie item would have been htrioken from the list, having been defeated in tho House. Tho bill na introduced by Senator Chamberlain called for $15,000. It wns.pussed by the pollute, but defeat ed in ilio House." At this point, Sen ator Phumhcrlniii called in Senator Hale, who is a warm personal friend, explained tho situation mid the need, and secured the hitter's promise of unistuiice. Wlieu the bill enme back Senator Hale, who was one of tho conferees, Mood firm for tho appropriation, fin ally compromising for $10,000. Had it not been for his assistance, the uiouMirc would hnvo been defeated. HERE TO SURVEY CRATER ROADS Engineer and Party Arrives to Under take the Work of Laying Out Roads In Park as Provided at Re cent Session of Congress. Tho work of surveying trails and roads In tho Crntor Iako national park will bo undertaken Immediate ly, II. L. Gilbert, United States en gineer, and pnrty of 20 men having loft for tho lako to start tho work. At tho rocont session of congress $10,000 wna appropriated to bo ox ponded under tho direction of tho socrotnry of war In aurvoylng roads nnd trails In tho park. Mr. Ollbort la hero for thnt purpose Furthor appropriations aro oxpect od to bo mado lntor for tho purpose of building tho roads now being sur veyed. EVEN SON-IN-I AW NICK TURNS ON UNCLE JOE IIKVBHLY, Maea., Aug. 18. Fol lowing closoly upon political confer ences at tho summor capltol yostor day, Congressman Nicholas Long worth of Ohio todny announced his dotormluntlou to opposo Cannon for re-election aa speaker of tho house of roprosontatlvoa, "I shall opposo Cannon's ro-oloc-tlon," said Longworth, "and I shall do so In a lunnuor that 1 consldor proper nnd offoctlvo for tho aottlo mont of controvorsloB In my party namely, In tho republican caucus:" OREGON PLAN IS Senator Chamberlain Says Senate Will Never Contest to Popular Elec tion of Senators and That State ment One Pleddfie For Legislators Is Only radical Method of Secur ing it Oregon Gets Much Ader tiscment in Consequence. "Tho Insurgent spirit Is everywhero In the nntlon," stated United States Senntor Gcorgo E. Chamberlain, who loft for Roseburg' Thursday after a two daya' visit In Medford and tho Hoguo Ulver valley. "Not only Is Insurgency fnmpant In mlddlo west ern atntes and tho Pacllfc coast, but It Is showing its strength In tho south, jtnd even In tho New England states. "Thorel b a great awakening of tho people to tho necessity at direct legislation. Tho result In California did not surprlso me. What happened there Is happening elsewhere Every where tho principles of Insurgency aro making rapid headway, and only tho politicians fr.ll to grasp Its signifi cance. L , "Oregon hns led tho way with tho restoration of govornment to tho pco jile, and Is receiving a great deal of advertising in consequence. All through tho east tho bill boards aro placarded with promises of candidates to vote for tho adoption of tho 'Ore gon plan.' Tho Interest It has awak ened U shown by tho domnnd for Senator Dourno's speech, over a mil lion individual requests having been recolved for it. ( Continued on Page r.) SHOOTERS MEET FOR BIG SHOOT With Weather Conditions Perfect Crack Shots Arc Having Splendid Time on Local Grounds May Smash Records. With perfect woathur conditions prevailing and all plans mude car ried out without a hitch tho Medford (lun club opened a two days shoot on thoir grounds north of tho city this morning and right merrily liuvo the gun.s been popping eer hiuee. Many of the best trap shooters on the Pacific count nro present nt the shoot nnd it is oxpoctcd thnt sovoral records will be Miiashed. Following is tho program of events for the two days. First Day No. 1 10 Minis, r'ntraueo $1, Mor ohundiso added. No. 2 20 Birds, on tranco $2, morohnndiso added. No. l 20 Mirdt!, entrance $2, mereliandiso added. No. 4 20 Minis, ontranco $2, morohnndiso added. No. 5, 20 birds, entrance .$!!, morohnndiso added. No. (i, 20 Minis, entrance 2, merchan dise added. No. 7, 20 Minis, ontranco $'2, merchandise added. No. 8, 20 birds, ontranco 'f2, morchnndiso ad ded. Second Day No. 1, 10 Minis, ontranco $1, mor chnndiso added. No. 2, 20 Minis, on tranco $2, morohnndiso addod, No. 51, 20 Minis, entrance $2, morehandir.o added. No. -1, 20 Minis, ontranco $2, morohnndiso added. No. .r, 20 Minis, ontranco $2, morehnnidso added, No. ll, 20 Minis, ontranco $2, morohnndiso added, No. 7, 20 birds, ontranco $1, morchnndiso added. No. 8, 20 Minis, ontranco $2, morchnndiso added.. 1 WAY TEDDY AND TAFT SAID TO HAVE BROKEN; Teddy May Have Wanted Ito Have Been Turned Down W&tHiUt Br KPI NaBSHHSyuBHlHlHillHillllllH Vice Trcslilent Sherman. ConKri'8inan McGulre. From today's dispatelies it develop that Colonel Roosevelt may have wanted to be turned down by the New York Republicans as temporary chairman of the convention nnd Vice- President Sherman, whoso likeness is shown above, named, in order to force the administration to show its Ii and. With the vice-president in the jbove picturo is shown Senntor Chnrle-s Curtis nnd Congrcinnn AfcGuiro who were nnmed with him in connection witli Senator Gore's bribery elinrges Rrowinf out of Oklahoma Indian contests. PAVING PROGRAM IS City Council Meets With W. R. Clark! and Decides Upon the Streets to be1 Paved Wait. This Year Many Will Tho city council met with W. R. Clarke of the Clark & Henery Pav ing compaiVK Wednesday afternoon nnd decided upon a paving program for tho remainder of this season. Fifty thousand yards aro to bo paved before tho plant Is shut down for winter, Tho streets which' will bo complet ed tills year aro South D'Anjou. Dart lott streot from Sixth to Eighth, South Front, a half hlotk on Enst Main, two blocks on South Holly, ono .tlock on North Holly, Summit avenue, Poach atroot, Ross court, North Rly orsldo, North Central nnd Front streot south of Fourth. Tho company plans to finish this work nnd havo everything cleaned up for tho winter by tho mlddlo of Oc tobor, At thnt tlmo they expect to havo 120 000 square yards paved. INDIANAPOLIS, 1ml., Aug. 18. With quiet restored, the conferences regarding the nffilintion of tho West ern Federation of Minors nnd tho United Mine Workers of America wore continued today. Tho delegates of tho two organizations are con sidering ovory phnso of the propos ed amalgamation, ARRANGED MEANS WAR, IF TRUE Photo to r-u.iiLun 1'rvsK Asocl..tlon Suimtiir I'tl.lllt'S ru. DAHLMAN MAY YET LOSE OUT Has Lead of Only 2300 Now Over Shallenberger Result Will be Close Not Know Until Last Returns. LINCOLN, Nob., Aug. 18. Com pleto returns from 23 counties and in complete from forty five give Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, a lead of 23U0 in tho contest for the Democratic nomination for governor. Tho result will be closo and will remain in doubt until tho last returns nro in. Both candidates aro claimink tho nomina ion. Congressional Nominee llaywani, j successful in tho first district on an I anti-Canon plntform, today received . telegram from President Tuft con- grutulnting him on his nomination. This is regarded as significant in view of tho statements given out todny by 1 Representative Nicholas Lougworth to tho effect that ho would strongly op pose the re-eleotiou of Cannon to tho speakership. It is boliovcd thnt these nro tlio first hostilities in thu oum pnign by tho administration against Caunonism. Milwaukee Grows WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 18. Tlio population of Milwaukee is 387,-3-!l according to statistics given out today, Dos Moines, fnwu, lias 80,5108 in- i habitants, bay tlio census recorders. DID THE COLONEL WANTTURNDOWN AT CONVENTION? Report Now That Ho Wished Admini stration to Show its Hand in Order To Givo Him Chance to Break Sherman's Selection Said to Havo Been a Declaration of War WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 18.- -That the next few days are apt to bring a sharper division in the re publican party between the conser vatives nud the radicals, with Taft leading tho "old guard," and Roose velt leading the "progressives," is confidently expected here. Tiic statement that Roosevelt and Taft have broken is considered hero as unquestionably authoritative. That Beverly was not surprised by vice president Sherman's selection in stead of Roosevelt as chairman is said to bo indicative of an admini stration victory. War Is Declared. This is said hero to amount to a declaration of wnr. Roosevelt's follower-? think that tho colonel displayed political strategy in allowing his name to go boforo tho New York stato committee, forcing tho committee to reject him and making making tho administration to slipw its hand. Roosevelt is now connected with the consorvaticos openly, as they view tho situation. His connection with Gifford Pinchot nnd Congress man Victor Mtrrdock in coufering over the speech he will deliver at Ossawatomie, Kas., is believed to bo tlio former president's declaration for (Continued on Page 8.) IS L The Registration so Far Little Over One-third of Estimated Number More Republicans Than Democrats Are Registering Throught Country Registration la not so brisk as It should bo with tho close but throo weok8 away. Somo of tho outside, precincts havo evidently boon roglstored almost to tho limit of tho voters, whllo tho cltlos, oxcoptlng Medford, havo fall en short. For instance tho throo Ashland procincts show a total of 293 rogls torod votors, as reported, while Cen tral Medford alono has 290. In tho flvo Medford procincts thoro aro 707 voters who hr.ve reglstorod. This may bo cut down somo, as many vot ers registered boforo tho change in tho lines of the precincts wero mudo aad afterward ro-roglstorod, so that thoro may be a number of doubles. Two procincts so far havo report ed only ono registered voter ouch. Tho registered ono was i domocrat In each caso. Tho precincts aro Wi nter and Climax and, according to tho voto from these preclacta In past years, tho county might savo monoy by allowing theso gentlemen to cost tho vote of tholr respoctlvo procincts, Tho number of roglstored votors Thursday morning waa 2000, and County Clorlc Coloman estimates a voto of at least B000. .j EGSRA ON OW NORMA v :vu J-", .VI .Sk.. ' i'-wv'iJ.' t ViiSiiilk.-," t . sr. iw?. i.'