MEDFORD AIAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORROOy, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1010, Virginia of the Air Lanes A ROMANCE OF FLYING By Herbert Quick tfOVt WF MawHI Cocaptflr SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Theodore Carson, Inventor of an airship, rescues from a fugitive flying machine called a kelicopter, a beautiful young girl. II and HI Carson is infatuated by her and takc3 her where she can communicate with her friends. IV Carson visits tho Roc, a pant airship! owned by Shayne, uncle of Virginia Snares, tho girl ho rescued, and, being coldly recoived, leaps from the Roc, at a great height, in a parachute. V, VI and VII He lands in the grounds of the Slattery Institute f or Inebriates, where ho makes a friend of one Craighead, who plans to raise capital to manufacture tho new style airship Carson has invented. Thus they hope to rival Shayne, who con trols the airship industry. VIII Mr. Waddy decides condi tionally to capitalize the Carson Craighead project. DC Carson goes to Florida to complete a sample airship to exhibit to Mr. Waddy, and he finds Virginin there X He is in love with Virginia. iWizner, a rival inventor, conspires to kill Carson. "She 'obeyed. "TEey"Tiad risen to a keight of perhaps 200 feet before ber inexperienced bands could change the propellers, and Carson told ber to keep the height. She asked If she might aot use a little higher speed, but he aid no economy in gas" was In the moderate speed. "Keep her as she Is," aid be. "Can you come up? she asked. "Have you the strength? She asked this two or three times and got no reply. Suddenly she creamed with the fear that he had tainted, and as if aroused from a stu por ho asked her to advance the spark a little and when she bad done so to retard- it again. "Are you in danger?" she asked. "Can you hang on?" "I'm all right." said he, "only my hands. Can yon see shore? Is it far?" The shore was rising fast, she told 1dm. It was not so very far now, but the gns was almost gone. Could she do anything? Was there nothing to bo done to eke it out so as to bring them a little closer before they fell into the ea? Could be do anything If be were In the car? "Keep her as she Is," said he. "When we get close enough so sbo can glide In 111 lighten her." '"How lighten her?" she asked. "It's easy," said he. "from down aero. Keep her as she isi" The dunes lifted white In the sun, shimmering In the beat, swelling as the Virginia darted nearer and nearer to shore. The horror stricken people on tbe beach saw her coming, like an albatross before a gale. Tbe girl on tho deck prnyed fervently for the mi raculous renewing of tbo little cruse of oil from which was made tbe gas that kept them up, and the man under neath hung on grimly, awaiting tbo cessation of stroke, which would prove tub Aiusmr suot ufwamd wrru the JINOLB OV DIIOITINO CHAINS. that tbo mixture which was the breath of life of tho great engines was ex hausted at last. Once, twice, thrlco, came tho baiting in tbo machinery that was tbo death rattle of tbo motors. 'Virginia!" said bo. "Yos," sho replied. "Fix tbo glldlug mechanism. The ym la done.". rz "Yos. Theodore." "Turn her noso down n little. With momentum enough she'll ninko it from here. And when she gets within those breakers, If she is less than twenty. Are feet high, tilt ber up again n little. Do you understand?" "Yes. I'll do It. Anything more, Theodore?" "No; only remember what you said about forgiving mo it I'd let you come with me. lteraembcr, turn her prow up a little when sho nears shore. You'll mko It. dear; you'll mako It!" Mrs. Qrayblll. Htandlug on tho shore, noted with tbe rest the new motion of tho airship when the engines wcro Btopped and wondered why it behaved so queerly. And then Mrs. Uraybtll screamed. Sho hnd seen the man under tho car deliberately let go bis bold and drop into tho water. Tho lightened car tilted slightly upward now as Virginia rbeyed orders, soured slowly onward. rising a little us her momentum brought tbe great gliding surfaces against the air. and then, clearing tbo foam of tbe surf, she softly settled on the sand with her stern rudder, like the tall of a great dead bin), washed by the hungry waves which she had as by a miracle escaped. And rowing In from the offing where he had gone in bis tlshlng boat in the wild and lm probable belief that he might help bis master came Captain Ilarrod with a white faced young man lying In tbo bottom of tbe boat whose fingers drip ped blood from the remorseless work of the file. "Allow me to suggest," observed Craighead as the gentlemen of tbe par ty at Harrod's camp sat In lounging attitude on various articles used as chairs, mostly Jetsam and flotsam of tho gulf, "that In perfecting the first really practicable flying machine we have set in motion social and economic reac tions that will go on and on far beyond tbo ken of those who, unlike myself, have not made a specialty of them. As that submarine dragged the Vir ginia out to sea yesterday wo all thought it was the last of Carson, M. A., didn't we?" Mr. Carson picked at his bandaged fingers, embarrassed. "I didn't see much hope of escape." said he. Breakfast was served. Mr. Waddy was upon tenterhooks until tho Vir ginia bad been explained to him, so a trip was arranged for Waddy, Craig head and Carson. ,They would fly down to Fort Morgan, thence to Pal metto Beach, get their mail and be back for dinner. Mr. Waddy shied from the sea, but once in air he became Intoxicated with enthusiasm. If this machine, said be. was so good that the Aerostatic Power people thought It good business to hlro Wlzner to drown it and Its Inventor be could not otherwise explain tbe hor rible affair of yesterday It was good enough to bo backed with nil tbe Waddy money in all the eight banks. Tbe Virginia bad alighted on tbe parade ground at Fort Morgan. The bamboo braces fell outward, and she lay on an even keel. Tbe oeronats In variably halted at the mooring balloon and received passes, but Mr. Waddy's declaration of fealty was so absorbing and tbe speed of the Virginia so un wonted to her pilot that the fort had been spread beneath him liko a map before he was aware of it. To nllght might mean arrest. Inquiry and dis cbarge after explanations to tbe com mandant. Colonel Krlmnltz, of whose severity Carson felt no real fear. But if he tried to go away after running the guard he might be fired on as a spy making off with complete photo graphs. Altogether It was safest to alight, thought Carson, and he settled on tbe parade ground, greatly to tho agitation of an awkward squad drill ing under a sergeant, whose bellowed command? were cut short off by the whir of tho reversal of the Virginia's wing blades. lie turned and saw the huge dragon fly with its bow rudder pointed at him like a great mandible. The drill sergeant's expression car ried conviction to the sergeant of tho guard, where bis description of a devil of a bird thing that you couldn't see at oil till It 'struck tho ground might not have been credited. The guard turned out and moved on tho parade ground. The guard encountered a great silver winged Insect with a snug car amid ships, her four braces sticking In tho Bormuda firass like very short legs. Tbe guard halted nt five paces, and tbe sergeant advanced, obtaining his first good look at Mr. Craighead, main tabling the attitude of military carica ture with u steadiness perfectly statu esque. The sergeant, u little in an with n red mustache turned up a la nlser, looked nt III in for half a minute und uttered a mysterious exclamation. Craighead remained motionless, his hnud to bis cap. Tbe sergeant amaz edly returned the salute. Craighead relaxed his tense muscles, dropped bis hand to his side and winked with tbo utmost sobriety of expression. "Podner." said he, "have yeh got any eatln' tobnckerV" "I'll trouble you gentlemen for your patses," returned the sergeant. "Unfortunately." replied Mr. Craig head, "we omitted to obtain passes. Say no more, Mr. Sergeant. Wo aro all soldiers. This Is (Jennie Theodo' Cahson. M. A., and this Mr. Waddy, who served In bis youth In tho typhoid uprising at Cblckamauga In tbe Spanish-American war, Show your button, Mr. Waddy. ns an 8. A. W. V. You see, sergeant, that you are qulto safe against our capturing Fort Morgan." "Hero's Captain Uolger now. Tell Mm about It." (To Be Continuer.) If a morchant is really selling some useful artlclo lower thun any one else in town, and Is not getting out of that fact Its full advertising valuo, bo was never destined to bo a mer- HORSE TAKES E When nt Top of Ascent He Pulls Leather Strip Which Sets Off Large Display of Flro Works Is Marvelous Feat 8 unquestionably tbo most beautiful and spectacular circus fea ture ever dovlsed is this season hold ing a prominent placo on tbo program of tho Barnum and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, which conies to Med ford ono porformnnco only, at 10 a. m .Monday, August 29. This act Is performed by Jupltor, known ns tho "Balloon Horso." Ho is a beautiful snow-wbito Arabian animal. A nandsomo young woman, dressed In white from tho tips of bor shoes to the plumo in her bat, sits In tbo saddlo during tho portions trip. Jupiter and his mistress como ma jestically. into tho arena. In tho con fer ring is a largo balloon. Instead of a basket a platform Is suspended from it by four chains. This plat form has no railing and Is barely largo enough to hold tho horse. Tho animal steps upon It and steadlec it self. Then tho nscont begins. Tho sight Is Inspiring. Tho nudionco Is amazed. Without a safeguard of any kind horso and rider mount to tho very top of tho canvas. Arrived zt the top Jupltor turns his bead to ono side, and with his teeth takes hold of a loathor strap which operates a battery of fire works abovo him. Ho gently tugs tho strap. A series of sputtors and explosions follow. Balloon, horso and girl aro enveloped In a flood of flamo fire-strxs, brands nnd wblto smoke. In this Niagara of flro tho descent Is made. When the ground is reached a storm of applauso greets the performance. In Franco and Germany where this act was exploited for tho first time, It was extolled as tho most brilliant and exciting arcnic achicvemont the world had ever seon. Tho man who knows anything about training horses will say tho same thing. It takes a full second for tbo audience to recover nt tbo conclusion of tho act. Another thriller is presented by Desperado, tho French daro-devll. Ho mounts to tho dome of tho tent nnd leaps to tho ground, landing on bis bare chest upon a slonder skid Just three feet high. Charlie tho First adds another sensation to tho exciting program. Ho Is merely a cblpanzeo as far as zoological classi fication Is concerned, but bo Is a greater blcyclo rider 'nd acrobat than any man who ever lived. Other sensational numbers aro presented by a company of Hungarian stallions that go through evolutions and show development rnd training that no other horso act of tho prxst has np proached. There is a company of ponies and unbridled mules that made a hit in Germany last winter. There is a brass band of elopbants. Thero Is Berzac's comedy horso cir cus. There are equestrian and Jug gling seals that aro marvelous. Thero Is a circus of doys and monkeys that havo astonished Europe, and a barn yard full of educated pigs, geese and roosters. This show Is a great affair. It has always held firs placo In tho estima tion of the world. This season, more than ever bofore, It Is an object of wondor. Counting tho various agents throughout tho world, tho animal trappers and tho advance men, thero are over 1500 names on tho payroll. Traveling directly with tho show aro 1280 employes. Thero aro 700 horses, 30 camels, 40 elephants and 1200 other wild and semi-domestic animals. In tbo menaecrlo is tho greatest zoological curiosity over ex hibited; It is a baby giraffe threo feet tall and tho only one of Its kind over born In America. Ito mother Is 22 feet in height. Struck a Rich Mine. S. W. Bends, of Conl City, Aln., snvs ho Btruck n perfect mino of health in Dr. King's New Life TiHn for thev cured him of Liver nnd Kid ney trouble after 12 years of Buffer ing. Tlioy aro tho bent pills on earth for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dyspepsia, Debility. 2oc nt all drug gists. wf PORTLAND AFTER NEXT ESPERANTO CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. Port land, Ore., is making an active cam paign for tho next congress of the Kspernntoists, hi umvorsul conclave in Washington at present. Tho Oregoninns, owing to extensive advertising of their metropolis, aro in groat favor with tho linguists. It is very probnblo that tbo north western city will Jbo chosen. 'V Haskins for Health. BALLOON ID "FALCOiriiBUINC WINS BIG RAGE Completes Last Let) of Journoy and Wins Prlzo Amountinn to $48,000 Tremendous Wclcomo Accorded Aviator PARIS, Aug. 17. Gracofully soar ing around tho spire of tho Eltfol tower, thon sweeping easily to tho Issy parade ground, Alfred Lo Blano today won tbo -ISS-tnllo cross-coun try aoroplnno race amid tho plaudits of a monster crowd. Tho flight from Amiens to Issy, n distance of 70 miles, was nindo in 1 hour and 42 minutes. Lo Blnnc was officially dcclnred tho wlnnor of Lo matin's $20,000 prlzo nnd tho other purses, which bring tho total up to nearly $48,000. Aubrun arrived second, having covered tho last 70 miles In two houra flat. Surrounded by a brilliantly uni formed guard War Minister Brun and General Dalstcln, military gov ernor of Paris, greeted Lo Blano en thusiastically. Tho formal wolcomo was' hardly over before tho cheering l...Ub ,M.OU WIU U.U.U,0 B.UU UUU imcu mo victorious aviator upon their shoulders. "When Aubrun alighted ho too, was : cvnpturcd by tho spectators nnd tho I two aviators wcro carried around tbo ' ncrodromo and through tho crowds In ', tho streets. Corrected figures show ' that Lo Blanc flow successfully from ' Issy to Troyos, Nancy, Mesleres, Loual, Amiens and back to Issy n distance, with necessary ticiours, of 494 miles In tho tlmo of 11 hours nnd DC minutes. Aubrun, who took second place, flew approximate ly tho samo dlstanco in 13 hours and 27 minutes. Other aviators who finished, al though not figuring In tho result, wcre: Lieutenants Letsoux, Aquaviva, Cammermau, Vulllenno, La Gngnleux and Belovoclo. Woymnn show. tbo American, did not JUDGE DUNNE'S RESIDENCE ENTERED AND LOOTED Last Thursday, Judge Dunn's reni dcucc, dn tho ranch east of Ahlund, was entered and plundered of n sum of money, jewelry, hunting knife, ra zor, etc., supiMscd to be the property of a hired man working out in tho field ut the time, ns the family nrc nway on a trip to Crescent City, says tho Tidings. A technical book, evi dently tho property of the robber,' was left on the premisses, on tiio fly leuf of which the nnmc "J. W. Will inms" was written. Chief Irwin sent out notices broadcast nnd soon got a reply from Oregon City thnt a party by tho name of J. W. Williams, a boozer, had left thnt vicinity re cently bound for San Francisco, from which information it is inferr ed thnt the party commitcd the rob bery whilo passing ;hrough hero on ids way touth, accidentally leaving tho small book on the premises. The San Francisco police hnvo been no tified to bo on tho lookout for any body answering cither to the name or description given by the Oregon City authorities. A GOOD REASON Medford People Can Tell You Why j f it is so. Doau's KVlncy Pills euro the cause of disease and that is why the cures aro always lasting. This rem edy strciiKtbeiih and tones up too kidneys, helping them to drive out of the body the licpiid poisons that cause backache, hendaclio and dis tressing kidney and urinary com plaints. Jledi'ord people testify to permanent euros. A. Uctz, 1,'iO Front street, Medford, Oregon, says: "1 nm juut as wiling to rocouiincnil Donn's Kidney Pills today ns I was in September 11)07, when I publicly told of my oxperionco witli them. I suffered from kidnoy trouble for tho Inst five years and is timo pnscd, I grew worso. instead )f bolter. Sharp pains dinted through the miiiiII of my back and (oinoliines the nttneks wero so severe thnt I could hardly stoop. At night my buck ached intensely und sound sleep was out of tho question, Do ing told to try Doau's Kidney Pills, I did so and they soon guve mo re lief." For sale by nil dealers, Price f0c. Fostor-Milhurn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for the United States.' Komornbor tho nnino Doau's and tnko no other. In writing nn ,,d about thnt furn ished room you have to rout say, in a convincing way, just wiint you'd say if someone asked you to toll him what it was like, "and nil about it." TEDDY TO WORK FOR IN URGENTS? Republican Leader Says Colonel Re alizes Only Pronrosslvo Republi cans Can Win In Noxt Presiden tial Campalflii and Plans For Same WASHINGTON, 1). C, Aug. 17. "Realizing that tbo tondoncy of tbo woatorn states Is strongly progressive and that nono but a progrosslvo re publican will stnnd a cbanco of elec tion to tbo proaldoncy la 1012, Col onel Uoosovolt will mako his spring trip Into tbo west tbo LvjiIb for a progressive campnlgn." This statement camo today from n ropubllcan londor, commenting on tho present ropubllcan pnrty. Humors current boro aro that Uoosovolt will plan his speaking tour In nil tho southern states on bis way to tbo Pacific coast ns preliminary to tho opening of n campaign. In tho west nnd northwest ho will dollvor sovornl addresses, most of which will bo In support of tbo InBiirgont spirit, Instead of rttompttng to mould pub lic sontlmont In favor of Taft. This i nt flllll nt It la )in1lni,ul tunntil t, ll.n only mannor , whch Uo080VoIt C01lItI (,0f0ftt nm80lf WK AltK BUSY A Mi THE TIME Why? 7 , f Somcouo said that It was bo causo wo had a good location. Wo admit tho location Is good, but location Is a vory small part of tbo reason for our bo Ing busy. Price Quality, Treatment Tbcso threo words more nearly covor tbo .casons. Wo bnndlo tbo best goods tbo mar kets afofrd and In goodly as sortments. You got what you want and know tbo QUALITY Is right. Our PRICES aro as low 08 the lowest. TREATMENT This Is tho Important v ord. Wo novor al low anye: ' go avay disap pointed, i vei: got unsatls- factory g . back and . ' ' oy, If no "i fy. Wo ti making ver: wo will do 4 powor to sntl we Mko thorn rofuiid tho mon- . wny will tatls an.l succeed in patisu (col that rurythii g In our fy tl'orr.. Don't "V OU think IIiIb would bo a good trailing ;i ace? It Allen & Reagan CICNTHAI; AND MAIN PIIONK MAIN 2711 Our Optical Parlor is now 301 East Main Ground Floor We Fit and Grind Glasses Broken Lenses Replaced Immediately Dr. Goble ------- -- . t - i The Jackson l Offers its services and of successful banking to tho people of Medford nnd thoso in tho vicinity thoroof. It solicits tho accounts of merchants, farmers, fruitgrowers and all others requiring tho sorvices of an old, conservative banking institution. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS $ (50,000.00 W. I. VAWTER, Pros. 0. W. M'DONALD, Cashier. G. R. LINDLEY, Vico-Presidont. t - Medford Iron WorKs E. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Maehinory. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ' yd SPEND THE SUMMER Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whero tbo pretty Wator Agates, Moss Agatos, Moonstones Cornollnns nnd Hock Oystoru can bo found. Outdoors $port of all Kinds Including Hunting, Fish In , digging Itock OystorH, Moating, Surf Uuthlng, Hiding, Autoing, Cnnnoln and Dancing. Puro mountain wnter and tbo best of food nt low prices. Fresh Crabs, ClnniB, Oysters, FIhIi and VoKOtnbles of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPING C1IIOUNDS, with strict annltnry reg ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on snlo daily. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ 50 from Albnuy, Corvnlllo and Philomath, with corresponding low rntes from polntc west, In effect all summor. Call on any S. l or O, & 13, Agont for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our boautltul Illustrated booklot, "Outings In Orognn," or wrlto .o WM. Mi'MUllKAY, CJcnonil I'nuHcnger Agont, rortlaud, Oregon. - ---- County Bank twenty - two yours' oxporioneo - ---- ---- RESOLVED Tho bout resolution for yon to make is to oomo to nn for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. Wo do tho host work anil charf r Ibo lowttst prices. W. W. EIFERT tub roariBfliv tajxo - --- -- AT Throe Day Saturday to Monday Rato from S. I. points, Port.i.nd to Cottage Grove Inclusive, Includ ing branch linos; also from all C. & 13. ntntlons Albany and wont. Oood going on Saturday or Sunilny, and for return Sun day or Monday, s .' Sk What's Wrong? your cycs7 or your glasses? do you know? want to know? It's a pertinent ? the sensible course ascertain the cause--We can tell you.