MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1030, 5 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL .John II. Curldii, atlonioy-uUliiw, ovor Jiiukiion Cotintyl Hank. .Mrn. Ida II, Ilo(ti;oii and iioii of Kuiiiiini City aru In thu city thin woolc vlnlthiK Willi Mm. HoilKitn' Undo, V. M. Htmvurt. l'oiicliDH for h:iIo. I)r. W. U. Htokcii Iihoiin Kurmur 7003. U Mm. Mait'H iIIiiIiik room at 'i South llartkill Mtroot hail hoon r opunml to tlio imiIiIIu tiudui- tlio man nK.nmont of Mm. M, A. Taylor. 133 ' Himd AtiKUut Hiinuot. Komi "Tlio Philippines mi I Saw Tliom," liy Oonoral Jiiiiiuh V. Hiuilli, )x-Kvornor of thu riiiliiipiiicH, anil "California Hluolc Gold, thu ltomanuo of tlio Oil WoIIh," by WnKer V. Wouhlko, In BuiiHol for AiiKunt, now on hiiIo at till iiuwh Htamlii, 1G aontu. 1111 Mr. mid Mih. T. K. l'ottinnor liavn rotiirncil from CoIuhIIii, whom tlmy liiivu boon HiondliiK thu piiNt Huvoral woukH. V. Triploll, of Hullo oieolc, Iihh lieon NpoiidiiiK Hovnral iIii.vh In Mud lord with old frioiwln. Tlio Indies of tlio Otirlntliui church will hold n lawn noelnl Tuondny ovo iiIiik at tlio homo of Mm. Jonoit, 801 Mnln otroot. 127 J. II, Hummer, tlio vutornn Willow SpriiiKH minor wiih huro a fuw dnyn k'o. California Aiidrowa, local roHldont nKunl for tlio Ion Mollnoii, Cnl Land company at Lou Mollnon, Cnl will tnnko tlio trip with n. party In a fow dnyu. All who wIhIi to Join tlio pnrty nnd havo a look nt tlio fluent Irri gated landii on tlio cotut, roquotit cd to call at No, 0, 8. Kir ntroot nnd nmko nrrnni;uinonta. tf I & W. MfClciulrii of Oolil Hill, wns in Moilfiml on IniKincNH TiiohiIiiv. IMihllo HtniioKraphor nt tlio Morrl rold Shop. 134 C. B. Clinpninn of Myrtlo Crook 14 vIhUIiik Medford on uuhIiiohh, "ICIk'u Milk," tho now Kilts' boiib wrltton by O. T. Wilson nnd hour In tho nilnntrol nhow kIvoii by Medford Klkn InHl Kourunry, In now on imlo nt Whotnol Mimic Co. 129 C. W. Mnrtln of Cottage (Irovo In iiiiioiik tlKmo who nro looltlni; ovor tho biiHlncnn pouslbllltloH of Medford nnd tho Itoctio Itlvor vnlloy. Mr. and MrH. C. K. Ilado hnvo ro turnod from n uhort trip to Portland. O. J. and K. C Solloff or Ooldflold mid Itono, Nov., nro horo looklni; ovor tlio Hltiintlon, A. H. AhIiIw, a jiromlnont clttzon of Talent, wmi In Modfofd WoiIiioh day on btiiilticKii, (looi'ipi H, Durham and tloorjso 10, Hamloiii of (liautii I'iimii woro In Mod ford on IokiiI IiiihIiiomi WoduoHday. Mih. W. W. KlforL and duiiithtoiH, MIhkoh lOthol and Mario, loavo thin wook for a ploaiiuro Hip to Newport, Portland and othor northorn polntH, Thoy will bo Komi iiovoral wooku, Mrn. Warren IIoiIko loft WodnuH day for LIvlnuMtono, Mont., whoro idio will moot hur IiubIhukI on IiIh ro turu from Ada, O,, whoro ho Iiiih boon attondliiK tlio funeral of IiIh iih- tor, MIhh llonH IlodRo, Loulit I'lymalo of Portland 1h horo on a vhilt to relatlvoH and frlondH. Mr. I'lymalo Ih a native of Jncknon county, but for tho pant fow yearn hn boon a renldeut of l'ortlnnd and a member of tho Orcwonlrn ndvor- IIkIiii; and circulation utnff. "Port land Ih tho bot town on tho coant," ho iniyii, "nnd It'H tho only one that haii'miythttiR on thlu vIIIiiko. You nro certainly moving in Medford, and not backward, either. When I pad dled bnrofoot In tho puddloH alone Hoar crook my Btronh'OHt Imagina tion could not hnvo conceived a city llko thlH Iiiih Krown to bo." Bam Han dry, chief deputy of I3d Clantoii, mantor f IhIi warilon, wan In Medford Tuondny on btmlnoim. "There In but little violation of tho flHhliitf lawn now," Hinted Mr. Bnn- dry, "hut I am watchlni; t)io rlvor river cloHoly though," Illaiii Kluin made a Imihmm'kh trip to (lol.l Hill Klftoen cam of lumber and Hovon cam of eomont will bo uhoiI In w now Howard building. Tho Wr I'lncs Lumber rompnny Iiiih tho contract for furnlHhliiK both lumber nnd cement. About CO Knlchtfl or I'ythlns nnd Pythian BlHtoro will attend tho dis trict convention of tho K. or P. nt Klnmnth PnllB on Septombor 7. Aro you koIiik u1oiik7 C. V. TowiiRond Ih oroctlnj; n now hutiKnlow on Pine ntroot. J, W. Lnwtoii nnd family lenvo for Crator Lake today. Wo regulate wntchcH to n hnlr. Stop In nnd lenvo yourn. No chnrKO for tho roKulatlon. Wo do charRO, however, for cleaning and ropnlrlng. Only very moderate, howover, nnd wo do flrat-claBH work. If you hnvo n wntch thnt won't ro, bring It to iir. Wo'll put It In condition bo thnt you can regulate tho nun by It. Wo nro JiiHt oh Hklllful at ropnlrliiR Jowolry. too. II. T. Van db Cnr, Phlpps bldp.. Medford, OrKon. 128 Dan MrMltlnit tho popular deco rator nt Hurlburl'H, wan an Ashlnud I Too Late to Classify j! "WN'i'Ifl I JT,aily to do proKHliiK anil ropalrliii;, one linn had ho mo ex perience; wood iitoady jioiiltlon to ' 0(,ral11' CAUI) OF TJIANKB. Wo (lewlio to oxpro oUr bonrtfclt thnikH to orr many frltnilit for tholr klndnoHH r.nd Hytnpathy during tho lllnwm and death of our little hoii, rlht party. KOU HALli" Pantorlum Dyo WorltB. 132 Kurultiiro of till for rulo from 1 to 207 PhlppH bldB. Id lid h 9 rooniH. Itoom vlnltor rocontly. Onn evidently for tho north, Kred T. OHborn or Holland wa In Medford on IhihIiiomh WedneHilny. A. C. Waller of I)ubii(iio, In., Ih hero looking ovor tho Roi;uo Itlvor valloy, 12. J. Iiyono or Ilutto, Mont., Ih nmoiu; tho rocont Medford vlnltorfl. MIhh Krancon Durnnm, who Iiiih for the pnnt row wooks been enjoying n much needed vacation nt hor mother's homo on tho Umpqun, oxpoctn to ro tum hero about AugiiHt 20, after which nlio will roorgnnlzo hor lnrgo clnHH of piano pupllH and will bo glad to iioo all or hor forinor pupils ngnln. W. J. HockeuyoH, now n roaldont or Portland, Ih In Medford on a short bllHltlOHB vlfllt. It. B, Mullnny or Ueno, Nov., In In Medford looking nftor IiubIcbh mat ters Mrs. K. C. McLcod, formerly of San LYiiIh Obispo, Cnl but now n resident or ICnglo Point, returned on Tuesday from n protracted vIhII nt hor old homo In California. She snys Iloguo HIver vnlloy looks good to her. A Forrest or Delta, Col. is hcrr looking ovor tho Iloguo Rlvor valloy. MIL AND MItS. .1 W. WIUOHT. DIED Diet nt her homo one mile north of Jacksonville, Tuesday ovcnmir, August 10, M'ikh Kiiima Hecknrl fif teen yoara old daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. John Ilcokart. Funeral will he held at tho M. I-. Church nt Jack sonville, Thursday, August 18, at 2 p. m. Interment in Jacksonville cem etery. STItAYKD. Krom Drownsboro, two horses, ono Hen bitten gray, hind legs swollen, ono black horse. Return to Heath's ranch, Hrownsboro, nnd receive ro ward. 132 JJ THT Medford's Popular Resort TONIGHT Wednesday, Aug. 17 REGULAR DANCE at 9 o'clock. In The Big AUDITORIUM LADIES' DAYS 11IDS. School board will cntortnln bids ' for 200 cords or wood or nny part thoroor up to August 20. mTTTTr.. . . -- - oms crawford. , THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 Clorlc Dlst. No. 49. --$1 0.50 VALUE Wc will put on sale here tomorrow Woods & Son's best quality English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Ware; ex tra fine finish; double gold band decoration; 60-piece dinner sets; worth $10.50 any where; just ten of them; here tomorrow, per set, PER SET $7.50 OF 60 PIECES We have just received a new line of that popular toilet soap; a full size standard quality toilet soap; here tomorrow, 3 cakes for 10c. DUTCH COLLAES We have just received a new line of ladies' Dutch Collars; several styles; choice, , 25c EACH BUST RUFFLES A new line of these just in. Sale price, 35c AND 50c. Clark's O.N.T. Spool Cotton HOSIERY We are closing about 15 dozen ladies' 25c, 35c and 50c Hosiery at, your choice, 19c pair, 2 pairs for 35c. HUSSEY'S DOLL TICKETS FREE. ASK FOR THEM. WATER IS KINO ALFALFA IS QUEEN THE FRUITS OF THIS ROYAL UNION ARE RICHES AND INDE PENDENCE. This applies particularly to the Dairy industry and to the business of cattle, hog and chicken raising. We have the five abso lutely necessary elements of California farming, viz.: deep, rich soil, abundant wa ter supply, growing climate, cheap transportation and es tablished cash markets. The money-making capac ity of the land is extraordin ary. The intelligent handling of it brings immense crops. It is impossible to find a region where the returns are more generous. LOS MOLINOS farms earn the purchase price in a few years. TO THE PRACTICAL PARKIER the above condi tions mean riches and inde pendence. THESE LA2TDS, IN CLUDING A DEEDED PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT, SELL AT $150.00 PER ACRE, one-fifth down and balance in four equal an nual payments. Call at the office and let me explain the project in de tail, or write for free book let and literature. FRANK a. ANDREWS, Resident Agent LOS MOLINOS LAND CO. Tehama County, California. No. 6 South Mr Street, redford, Oregon. It's the Talk of the County. It's the Talk of the Town. Everybody, Everywhere is Talking of The Big Bankrupt Sale KHBBD3BSBSE2B ; tfiEKsoisarasisais Why shouldn't they, when a dollar here will buy as much as two will buy elsewhere. Thursday and Friday Triumphant Bargain Event to which all departments contribute. A visit to this store will surely convince you that, our Bargains are Genuine Following are Special Mentionings for Thursday & Friday HOSIERY. ;1500 pairs of misses' and chil dren's school JIoso, in white, black, and tan; como in light and heavy weight and usually soil for 25c 1o 35c a pair; Thursday and Friday, 19c A PAIR. DRESS GOODS. 1 150 yds. all wool dress goods; '12 lo 50 inches wide; plain or fancy weaves; come in all the wanted shades; value regular $1.00, $1.25 $1.50; Thursday and Friday for, 69c PER YARD UNDERWEAR. 250 pieces ladies' fall and win ter weight Underwear hi wool and silk and wool, including two piece garments and union suits; value 75c to $1.50; Thursday and Friday, HALF PRICE HALF PRICE. LACE CURTAINS. 250 pairs of Lace Curtains, ecru and white; regular values 50c pair to $17.50; all marked at cost on Thursday and Friday to close out. GLOVES. All $4.00 kid Gloves; all col ors, for $1.98 All $3.00 long kid Gloves, all colors, for $1.48 All 1.75 long silk Gloves, all colors, for 98c All 35c short fabric Gloves, all colors, for 19c It 'I "' YOU SHOULD VISIT THE INFANT'S REAEY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT The material and make are lirst-class, at prices less than the cost of material: Infants' Long Dresses, 35c valuo, for v 22c Infants' .Long Dresses, 85c valuo, for 47c Infants' Long Drosses, $2.00 valuo, for $1.37 Tn l'ants' Long Dresses, $2.50 value, for $1.39 infants' Short Dresses, 05c value, for 47c Infants' Short Dresses, 35c valuo, for 23c Infants' Short Dresses, $2.50 value, for $1.25 Infants' Long Flannol Kimona, 75c value, for 49c Infants' Long or Short Coats in Bedford cord and cash nioro, at prices to close out. Silk and muslin Hoods go at far less than half price. Infants' knitted Toques, Boottees and Leggins at prices that have never before been equaled in this city. This department should not bo overlooked, as it con tains many of the bargains of this sale. REMEMBER YOU ARE WELCOME WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT Ba ker-Hutchason T? TTT TTJ T T T TT1 HP Q Cf Near Post Office Old Stand U T. nUIVlDUJVl X VjKJ. Medford, Ore m t -- ---- -- - -