MJBDITOKD MAIL TRIJiUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, "WEDNESDAY, AXJOUST 17, 1910. .3 )J $10,000,000,000 IN INSURANCE BY FRATERNITIES Grent Growth Is Mado Throuijliout United States In Insurnnco Through Fraternal Orders May Amalun mato Blu Concerns. IM5TIIOIT, Midi., Auk 17. Thut liiHtirauco tliroiiKli fratoriml onloni In lliu Unltud BtatcH amoiintii to $10000, 000,000 and that i;rowliiK (loiimnclH by Htatu luntiraiico offlcorH for roKiilatlnu 'f fraturnal liiiiiiraiico orilorH huvo tlio InilorHoiiiuiitfl of tlio rapninuiitntlviwi of both tlio national fntturnal coiiKruHH, ami AiiHodatetl KraturnltliiH of Aniorlua, wjim rovoalod today In tlio annual roport of Pnwl iloiit TIiuiiiiih II. Cannon of tlio Na tional I'ratornal CoiiKroMii, which ho Kan Itii mchhIoii lioro yortonlay at tlio llotol Poiichartritlii. Tlio ultliirito ainalKatuntlon of tho AKHoolatod KratornltlcH of Amorlca with tho National l-'ratornal cotiKronH waH ItnUcntod an iiuwilulo, PrcMldont Cannon nald: "Should tho rovlMud toutatlvo bill bocouio tho law Kwiornlly In tho Htato iur Nntlonal Frntornnl CoiiBroim may then Include, aftor a fow yearn, all tho rojuitnblo fratoriml hocIoIIob In tho country." What ho tunned "Hcamlnlmin trail action In tho morKor of fratoriml no clotted" woro Hcntlitimly donouiicod by I'roitldont Cannon, who rocom mondt'd that action bo tnkim by tho coiiKroHH ri'KnnllnK thitin In behalf of tho Knoit nnmo of fralomnl Iiihii rnnco In Kcnoral. "Tho loud of Union ncom to Indl cato n diuimnd for moro artlvu Htnto HiiporvlHlon by tho ri'Hppctlvo Iiihii ranco dopartmontH," Htild Pri'Hldont Cnunon. "TIiIh domnnd Jinn boon formulatod through tlio Inmirnnco commlMKlonorn' convontlon durliiK tlio yonr thoro woro Hiibmlttod to tho miclctlcB by tho fratoriml coinmlttoo of tlio Intiuranco coininlHHlonorM n HorloH of Home 30 qu8tlonn cnllliiK for Information rPRardliiK tho mana gement. Home iinfortunato Hcnmlitlit nrlMo out of tho morKor hocIoIIob havo nccontuntod for wider and moro utato fiuporvlfllon. "DurliiK tho pant year thoro hn hoon two Important confori'iiccB bo twoon tho coinmlttoo of tlio liiHiiranco comiiilHHlono-H and tho officer of tho fraternal nnnoclntlon, for tho pur Poho of formluK a moro universal frittornal IriHiirnnro law. Tho first of thcHo conferences viih held In ChlcaKO, and tho Hc-cond In Now York At tho, first conforenco a toutatlvo bill wns drafted. Thlfl bill wiih tho outcome of an exhaustive discussion botween tho Insurance commission orn and tho society reprosentatlves. It wiih ontlroly Batlsfnctocy to all concerned, and after It was printed and circulated a final conference wiib hold on Juno ir, In Now Yorlt for tho purpoBO of ovorcomlitK tho oh JoctloiiH raised and. of moulding tho bill Into moro satisfactory Hlmpo to all thoso IntoroBtod." Co-oporntlon between tho coiiBrosB and tho Associated Fraternities In HtlKntlon affection fratoriml Insur nnco In Konornt wan moutloned by l'resldont C'nnnon. Importnut decis ions In Now York, Iowa and Texas woro rovlowoil. Tho oranUatlon of nn iiHsocliitlon of tho nmornl counsel of fraternal societies In both tho N. 1 C. niul A. V. of A. camps wiih an nounced, Uniform systems of accountliiK satisfactory to tho lnuuranco com mlHslonoiH havo boon proposed. GOOD ROADS AT $3A MILE Coopcratlvo Plan Tried Out In Iowa and Proves to lio Splendid Success Similar Stunt Near Wallace In Idaho. WATER IN ROGUE LOWEST KNOWN Roiiiio River Electric Company Forced to Raised Dam Thrco Feet In Order to Gain More Power For Their Plant "Good lo dn at S3 a mllo" In tho title of thin editorial In tho Lowlston KvunliiK Toiler! "A remarkable thlnj? bus been ac complished In road work In Iowa. A wood highway linn been established at an ontltnatod cost of building and maintenance of $3 it mllo for tho flrnt yonr. This road oxlondH from Council IlluffH to Davenport and Is 380 miles In loiiKth. "Tlio work won practically all done by volunteer labor, on tho "township unit' plan. Thuro woro commission ers for onch county through which tho road pasnod, nil without pay, and all cIcNHes of ponplo, Including farm ers automobile owners, bankers, cler gymen, uiorchnntn, teachers and edi tors woro prosBod Into corvlco. Tho townships woro also organized, nnd like n groU military mnchlno, tho whole lino wiih put Into action under direction of tho 'drnggotl rond Bocro tnry.' Tho road wnn dlvldfx! among tho various nqundn nnd pornlntently drnggod Into good condition. Drags woro attnehod to autos, which proved very valuahlo for tho purpoao. Tho good rond wkb vory npocdlly ovolvod I from what had boon n mud road, uno of tho results wan tho oncourncomont of tho ubo of moro motoi cars, nnd It In snld that 8000 of thorn woro sold In that stato thin season. "On a smnller scalo Bomethlng of a similar chnrnctor wns rccontly dono In Idnho. Last Bundny n Inrgo num ber of auto ownoro of Wnllaco mado an excurfllon to Fourth of July Can yon. Knch ono iook an extra mnn and carrlod plckn nnd shovels. All Water at tho present tlmo In the Hoguo rlvei Is tho lowest over re- corded at any sennon. It In fully , six Inchon lowor thnn It wan In 1803, when tho provloiw lowcat mark wan j recorded. Tho Hoguo Itlvor Electric company tu order to Bocuro tho nocoosory i amount of water for tho oporatlon of their plant Van boon forced to hiIbo tho crest of tholr dam nt Gold Hay thrco foot, which thoy havo dono with sneks of i:r:.vol nnd logs. Novor bo foro woro they forced to thin expe dient. The cnutio 1b aflalgncd to tho early sennon UiIb year, which caused tho biiowh to molt early, leavlnc nothing to feed tho rlvor. All of tho Btrcamn In tho county an? reported loworthnn uautil. Life On Panama Canal Iiiih liiul one frightful drnwlmek, inn larriit Irouhlo that has brought Buf fering niul denth to thousnmlB. The geniiK cniihe ehills, fever nnd nguc, hilioiihiiesfl, jnundieo, Insnitmlc, wenk uehu and general debility. Hut Elec tric Hitlers never fail to destroy them nnd euro mnlaria troubles. "Thrco hottlcs completely cured me of n very fiovcro nttnek of malaria," writes Win. A. Kretwcll, of Lucnmn, N. C, "and I've had good health ever nince." Cure Stomncli, Liver nnd Kidney troubles, and prevent Ty phoid. 50c. Ounrnntecd by nil drug gists. wf Rain Follows Prayers Tiimi'OTMmn A.... 17 Trnvnr "" - - " niiiwi'iiu, ', .- worked hard nil day on mo ronu oc- f((r n,jn from a KCOrc f pulpits m tweon Wnllnco and Coour d'Alcno for I pjjjujj.j, wn8 apparently answered tho purpose of mnklng It n good tliQr- j()1nv in Kjlorl or,ier. At -J p. m oughfnro for motor vehicles, nnd, In- jj,0 ,iroKi,t thnt has had western cldentnlly , for all other vohlcles. J po.insylvnnin in itfl frnsp for nhout "Tho moral of thono Incidents Is ( (cn W0(!j.jj( cnusing perhnps ten mill that co-operatlvo of fort goes a longj,,,, ,it,inrH worth of dnmngc, wns wajfl In rond Improvement. Tho build- i)rok(. ,v a severe rain fitonn, ac Ing of good ronds does not nccoBsn- cctiiipimioil by hail. Tlio wenthor rlly Involve tho collection of heavy i,urenu reports tonight that tho fall taxoo or BiibscrlptlonB and tho Bpond- nn(j j,00ll ono jnc,t (n0 most severe lug of a largo Bum of money. Tho rni f j ,U1V OM0 time for more contribution of n small nmount of jm (W0 venrs. Thoro were more Inbor by many Indlvldunln under n pniVer. from pulpits than nt nny oth ByBtemmatlzed plan of work, will oft- vr tjmo ; w history of PitMiurg. en accomplish wonders In rond liu- . provomont." Hnskins for henlth NUMB WITH COLD AVIAT1 LIGHTS After Fllflht Across English Chan nel John Moissant Is Unable to Leave His Machine Latham Aban dons His Flight LONDON, Aug, 17.John Mols nant, flying from ParlB to Ixindon, Innded nt 12:30 thin afternoon nt Tlllmnn Btono near Deal, after hnv Ing crossed tho English channel. Molssnnt wr.s bo numb with tho cold when his ocroplnne landed that ho wan tinnblo to leavo tho mnchlno and hnd to bo ftsolsted from tho saddle. Ho Bald ho wnn forced to descend be cause of tho frightful cold In tho upper air. Molssnnt left Calnls at 7 o'clock this morning but wob compelled to descend on French boII to await tho passing of n gale. Hubert Latham started from ParlB with Molssnnt. Latham abandoned tho rnco owing to tho pleadings of his mother, who bocamo alarmed bc caiifio of nn accident to Lathnm's machlno Just boforo tho start. Sho telegraphed Latham that a continu ation of his flight would kill bor. Latham started to fly back to parls and on tho way 1i!b biplane struck a tree and was badly damaged. Tho aviator, however, escaped Injury. of may bo In ipoctod upon application to tho underalrnctf. at Med ford, Ore gon. Dated at Mcat'ora, Oregon, August 8, 1010. WM, ULUICH, Trustee NOTICE. In tho district court of tho United States for tho district of Oregon. In tho matter of Gcorgo A. Butt, bankrupt. Tho undersigned trustco of the above entitled estate in bank ruptcy will recolvo sealed bids at tho Jackson County bank. In Medford, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock nooi, of Friday, August 19, 1010, for tho following described property belonging to said estato, namely, a otock of mor Arndlse, con sisting principally of Jewelry of the Inventory vr.luo of S29S7.4", together with n lot of storo fittings ot tho in ventory value of ? 175.50, all now in custody of tho undersigned nt Med ford, Oregon. Cash or a certified check for ten por cent of tho amount offered must acompany oach bid and tho Bnlo Is made subject to confirma tion by tho court, tho rlc''t being re served to roject nny and all bids. Tho said proporty and on inventory there- Granite City Hospital MoBt modornly equipped hospi tal between Portland and Sac ramento, Shows each doctor .ho Bfttno courtesy nnd givefl nil patients the samo care. In chnrgo of Ostrom & Nelson, erndunto nurses. OSTROM & NELSON, Props of Granite City Hospital, t Ashland, Oregon. - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue lliver bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y, 209 WEST MAIN ST. ---i l O. HANSKN TOM MOFFAT WANTED Wo make any kind nnd style of Windows. Wo nnwir Hlncjci nf JITIV RlZfi OH hand. .,Vi v.w.,, J , ! MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. LISTINGS OF ORCHARD AND CITY PROPERTY AT ONCE. E. F. A. BITTNER, PHONE MAIN 4141, ROOM 207, PHIPPS BLDG. 4 -T Hitchcock On Tour ' WASHINGTON, P. C. Aug. 17. -PoHlmiiBlor Ooiiorul Knmk II. Ilitcli t'oolc, Blurted lust night on n weortt ern hcoiiling tour lo iiHcortniii tlio liolilicnl coiiditioiiH and report to 1 'resident Tuft on Knntomhor 10 at lluvorly, lliti'hi'ook will go lo tlio I'ncifio ooiihI, nlho vihiling Mexico niul Ari- 7.0IIII, It is not known hero whether ho will boo Hoorolnry Unllingor during tlio tri). Tho Dcst Hour of Llfo 'ih wlicn you do boiiio gioul deed or (liHcovor Home woiidi'il'iil I'ucl. This hour ennui to ,1, It, Pill, of Rocky Alt., N, C. whon ho wiih BiinViinu; ii toifhely, iih ho HiiyH, from tho woi'hI cold I over hud, I then proved to my grout HiitiHfiuilion, what n wonder ful Cold and Cough cure Dr. King's Now D'moovory iB. For, aftor taking ono bottle, T wiih entirely ourod, You enn't nay anything loo good of a med ioino like that." IIh lliu huiohI and hoHt romody for diHoiiRod liuigH, Uom orrhagoH, Luflrippo, Anthnin, H.iy Fovoi'- any Throat or Lug trouble, fiOo. .fl.oo! Trial hottlo froo. auar nuteod hy all druggiHtH wf Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacitic (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs $60.00 Omaha . $60.00 Kansas City - $60.00 St. Joseph ..-.......... $60.00 - St. Paul $60.00 St. Paul via Council Blurts $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Couucil Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, diroct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will bo on salo May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. Prom point3 south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will bo $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ton days provided for tho going trip. Stop-ovors within limits in eithor direc tion, Final return limit three months from date of salo, but not lator than Oc tobor 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Robert F Maguire Late special agent U. S. General Land Office, announces that he has :: opened law offices in ;: the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practico before state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. Wanted To buy or can trade work horse for single X driving mare; good for I orchard work; not over t 8 years old; weight about 1200; if broken to J X saddle preferable. Wanted Someone to bale hay at Westaway Orchard; i must furnish all machin ery for baling; quote price. For Sale Tine team, weighing about 1250 pounds each, (bay mare and roan horse), age 6 years and 8 yeare; price, including harness, nearly new, $335. Will sell roan horse sin gle for $350. F. H. COWLES Westaway Orchard, Eagle Point Road, near Vilas Ranch. . GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Plans and Specifications for the foundation of Hotel Medford will bo ready on and after Wednesday, August 10. at the office of Messrs. Clark & Forester. THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street t J. E. ENYAHT. President. J. A. PERRY, Vk-e-Prosident. I JOHN S. ORTH, Cushion W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD- NATIONAL EMK CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 I: SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- " NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING k All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN (St PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 The Ceiling Fan In places of business there Is nothing so essential dur ing tho hot months a3 Elec tric fans. Thoso fans cool tho atmosphoro and mako pur chasers comfortablo. A per son overheated Is harder to please and makos fowor pur chases than ono that Is played upon by tho soft, cooling broezos of an Electric fan. 1 hose fans are mado I n varying styles to fit all kinds of business houses. For caf os, hotels and restaurants celling fans are cold, while for offices and stores brackot and desjc fans are preferable. ltOdUK ItlVKIl KMCOT1UO CO.