T "J,wffl8MWVIlXll.T-t"- MMDJfOttD MAIL TIUBUNE, MEDFOltt), OTIFiOON. TUESDAY, AUOTTST 10, 1010. i - - Virginia of the Air Lanes ROMANCE OF FLYING By Herbert Quick M. if vr Mnut Company SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Theodore Carson, inventor of an airsUip, rescues from a fugitiv flying innchiino called a kelicopter, a beautiful young girl. II and m Cnrsou is infatuated by hor and takes her where she can communicate with her friends. IV Carson visits tho Roc, a Riant airship owned by Shayne, uncle of Virginia Suarcr, tho girl he rescued, and. being coldly recoived, leaps from tho Boo, at a grent height, in a parachute. V. VI and VII Ho lands in the UTounds of the Slattcry Institute for Inebriates, whero he makes a friend of one Craighead, who plans to raise capital to manufacture the new style airship Carson has invented. Thus they hope to rival Shayne, who con trols the airship industry. VIII Mr. Waddy decides condi tionally to capitalize the Carson Craichcnd project IX Carson goes to Florida to complete a sample airship to exhibit to Mr. Waddy, and he finds Virginia there. X He is in love with Virginia. .Wixner, a rival inventor, conspires to kill Carson. And with this, as If pulled" down from below, the man vanished Into the dark Interior, the manhole closed, and the chain, like a line taken by somo titanic fish, started out to sea. The airsuip naa Deen enprurea uj me bud- marine! The mechanical devilfish was sot running very deep; her round deck rose uwasb sometimes, but with the manholes closed, and with no sign save the erection of her periscope that she was more than an Inert mass of steel he swam on. Still seated where Theodore had placed her. Virginia looked at him in questioning terror. lie was white and horrified. At this moment be was de pressing her in her flight so as to get all possible slack In the chain, so that by a sudden upward rush he might break the tether. Once, twice, thrice ho did this, but the chain bcld. "What is it. Theodore? What Is itr said she. "I don't know." said he. "but I think Ifs the end!" Carson was not looking at her. He was looking upward, like a man seek ing for some sort of inspiration. She stood looking out over the great deso late sea and back to the receding shore, on which she saw a group of forms the forms of their friends. Nothing could seem more helpless. They were chained to their fate a dark flend of a machine that was taking tbem out to sen. to deeps profound enough to drown them it might bo an hour; It might bo the next moment Carson stood over her with a pistol 'In his band. "Virginia, can you shoot?" he asked. Stic took the pistol and nodded af firmatively. "I shall have to uuk you to protect xnc," said he, "while I try to cut that chain. They can see with their peri scope what I'm doing, and when it is necessary they will come up Into tb open and Are. By pulllug out to sea I can get her ut an ungle that will force them luto the open to shoot When the manhole opens shoot Into It. If you should hit out of thorn don't let It trouble you." "I shall kill one of them If I can." said she. "Never mind that! Tell me the things to do!" "I shall take the pliers nnd a flic." said lie. "I don't think the pliers will cut It. I may be too weak to climb back. I don't know that I can do It anyhow. You must tako us back to land If I cut her free." "Never fear. I know every lever." "There's another thing," onld he. "We enmo out with only a little gas. If we go much farther we haven't enough to get ashore with. I think I could soar her In with tho aeroplane set of tho blades. I think wo had bet ter fly low going back nnd not wnste fuel. Keep her gliding about a hun dred feet from tho water, but If you want tho aeroplane sot this is tho wav to flx It" With a swift movement be showed ner tho way to mnnage the mechan ism, no lashed n pnlr of pliers about bis neck with a lanyard, thrust n cou plo of flies Into his pockets, took off bis boots, his coat nnd waistcoat and stepped to tho side. "You may get ashore," said he, "while I may not If so goodby, nnd God bless you, dearest!" Slio throw hor arms about his nccl; and kissed him over and over again. IIo felt her warm tears on Ills lips. "Don't cry!" said he. "Clear your eyes and shoot straight, Goodby!" Sho stepped to the rnll and looked fixedly at tho black shadow like ti gi gantic flsh that represented the sub mrmnc. CMrBoM liiul Tlsnwnrca wr the side In n terrifying hnnd under band descent until he reached tho truss work of the nacelle. Tho black shadow grew more distinct tho round deck broke water, and as tho wanholo opened Winner appeared nnd aimed at Carson coolly ns at a target Too hastily Virginia flred. Tho bullet struck the edge of tho deck with n vicious spat. Winner's pistol spoke; his bullet, striking metal, flew singing away, and the girl replied with tho third shot of this strnugo duel. Sho braced herself against the rail, aimed conscientiously at the middle of the mark presented by the villain below nnd flred tired with tho curious certi tude the marksman feels when ho is making a good shot. Wlsner had Just lifted his arm to Are again, but bis band fell ns if struck down by a giant's blow. lie dropped back into the darkness like a shot woodchuck, the manhole closed, nnd tho submarine went on toward deep water as grimly as before. "Goodl" said Theodore. "But watch tho manhole Just tbo same. I shall have to tile the chain. The pliers won't do." Suddenly she heard Carson calling. "They've hove to." said he. "I think they're going to try drowning us here. Don't lose control of yourself. Re member this is a tight, nnd wo aren't whipped yet. Do you hear?" "Yes." said she. "But It's so awful so awful! If you were only up hero where you could Tell mo what to do! Tell me what to dor "Do you see how the chain short ens?" asked Carson. "She's going down. If tho water's deep enough sho can drown us unless we can overcome her gravity Turn the index so ns to show a dead down thrust of tho blades and then full power on the last speed. It will take fuel, but It's the only way. Hurry!" The airship sank, sank, nearer and nearer to the water. But without waiting to learn how the girl was car rying out his orders Carson again at tacked the chain, and tho shrill "screek" of the file greeted Virginia's cars as she turned the indicator and threw on the power. As they had never done before the great engines purred, the wing blades trod the air with a terrific roar, but with remorse less suction-like force the submarine drew her down closer, closer to the water, and she seemed lost The sink ing was slower now, but nevertheless more and more of the chain disappear ed In the sea every moment Virginia looked and despaired. The waves were ' crt tnrrlfrlMf.il? nnnr iinnth In tholr nnlil depths seemed so unthlnkably horrible, she bowed her face in her bands. Tho "screek. screek. screek." of the file kept on with tho regularity of a ma chine. Carson was at work. He might be drowned. But when he went under be would go fighting. He was a man! She stepped to tbe side and called to him. "I think." said she. "that we are doomed. Is there anything I can do?" "You might ndvance tho spark," said he. "Not much. Just the least trifle. Yes. I reckon they've got us." She sprang to tho machinery and did this last thing ordered by her com mander did It with unshaking hands, as a soldier might take up the weapon of bis comrade killed at bis post By tbe faintest trifle she advanced tbe spark and went to tbe side to see tbe effect. They were lower now. and tbe trusswork In which Carson hung must be in or near the crest of tbe swells, but the "screek" of the flle went on. not so strong perhaps, but steadily still, the paean of the unconquerable spirit of the man clinging to the truss work beneath her. It was grand. It was immense, ner spirit rose to the occnslon. rose to the prosaic "screek, screek" of a flle in a hand that was dabbled In the waves nt every lifting swell of the stolid ocean that rolled on Just thp same where Its prey dangled within the lapping of Its tongue, nnd out yonder where perhaps no man bad been since creation's morn. "Theodore!" The file stopped for a minute. "Keep her uh she Is." said he. "We've got the submarine stopped. I've got the chain about tiled through, but I'm a little tired. Keep her an she Is for Just a little while!" CHAPTER XIV. LIKE OB HEATH? IN the flle began its work. Tho Immediate danger was over, but both the man be low and the girl in the car A" knew that the terrific consumption of gas In the engines made the seconds too precious for uso In conversation A minute's supply of gns. ten seconds' supply, one second's supply, might save their lives In tho homo stretch, when tho chain should be filed through and they should take their flight to ward land, to make triumphant land lng after this deadly peril or to sink In the waves from which they were now fighting to save themselves. The roar of the machinery tilled the air with tempest; the wind from tho wing blndcs driven down on tho water set It boiling like a whirlpool; ono moment the straining submarine drew them down by a link or two of tho chain; the next the struggling airship lifted the submnrlno up an Inch or so from her dark lair In tho depths. At last, nt the very height of tho flerco struggle, the airship shot upward with the Jin gle of dropping chains, n worn fllo fell Into tho foam of a white capped wave, and the girl leaped to tho levers In obedience to tho volco of Carson telling her to make haste, for God's sake, and set tho wings for n forward flight, to cut the speed down one-third nnd to steer straight for hhdF-. (To Bo Coutinucr.) It the furnished room ad "looks good", run around to the address given and tako a look at it. STEVENS MAY HOVE TO ST. PAUL Head of Hill Lines In Orcflon Salil to be Plnnnlnn to Clinngo His Headquarters Stevens out of City and Rumor not Confirmed. PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 1G. Ac cording to a rumor which reached hero from St. Pnul today, President John P. Stevens of tho Orocon Trunk nnd tho Hill electrics, and who is to succeed President Georg B. Frnch as oxccutlvo head ot tho North Bank, will foon move to St. Paul and direct tho northwestern Hill properties from tho general hendqunrtcro ot tho Hill "Family Group." It has not boon possible to verify this rumor, Mr. Stevens being out of the city. Other high offilcnls of tho Oregon Trunk deny all knowledgo of such a contemplated change. It is Intimated however, that tho report may have arisen from tho re cent trips that Mr. Stoveus hns inado to St. Paul and from tho further fact that undor tho reorganization of tho North Bank, a local vlco-presldont and gonoral manager will lu nil prob ability bo made tho local executlvo nnd operating head of tho system. Under similar arrangemonts which aro now In effect on the United Rail ways and Oregon Electric, with but slight variation, these roads could bo managed without tho personnl pres ence of Mr. Stevens. Under his gonlus for organization, Mr. Stevens hns surrounded himself with a coterlo of brilliant construc tion men, who would bo well nhlo to handle tho affairs of tho Oregon Trunk until it Is turned over to the operating department, and should President Stevens choose to make St Paul his future official residence so that ho could bo in closo contact with tho Hill forces at nil times, an or ganization similar to that contem plated for tho North Bank would solve the question of operation. AEROPLANES AS A DEFENDER Is Only Antidote for Submarine, Ac cording to Admiral of French Navy France Takes the Lead in the Building of Airships. PARIS, Aug. 1C. Tho aeroplane is the only antidoto for tho subma rine, according to Vice Admiral Bes son of tho French navy, and accord ingly Franco is protecting herself along these lines. Within a short time this country will considerably outnumber Encland in point of submersiblcs. Great Brit ain has 63 submarines in actual sorv Ice. She is building 11 more. Franco already has 60 in uso and 20 are in tho ship building yards at Brest, Tou lon and elsewhere. As against Eng land's 75 undersea fighting machines, Franco will havo 80, and this does not take Into consideration this coun try's program of coast dofenso ap paratus, which Includes many moro submarines. According to Vice Admiral Bcsson It would ho practically lmpocslblo to blockade a French port. Aeroplanes and submarines working from shoro bases could play havoc with any navy In tho voriu. Tho aeroplane could not very well bo launched from a battleship nnd it Is only nt a great helcht that tho limpidity of tho sea will allow ono to soo a sub marine far below tho surface. Tho submerged machines of tho onomy, says Bcsson, could thoroforo bo dis covered with tho submarines of tho homo government would remain In visible. HISTORY TEACHING MUCH IN niOPUTb' PARIS, Aug. 10. An impoilnul fonturo in tho French school wur i tho history question. There nro two wnys of impartinp history to the young mind. You can content vour self with tho relation of fiusN n generally accepted or you may inter pret the past in the fashion Hint kimIk you. Ill recent debates in tho cham ber opposition deputies declined t lint if tho history class were loftr out tho Mate school would ho tolerable. The frechlnrists, however, aro not likely to give up their chief wenpon ol ul tnck, nnd so enricatures of Frswli history still continuo to ho used. And if tho clergy in their ontochUin classes rofuto any historical caiumn tnught in tho locnl schools thoy nre prosecuted and punished. JOSEPHINE IS SOLDJO REFIT Grants Pass Hotel Chantjes Hands at Consideration of $25,000 Will Bo Renovated and Made Modern In Every Respect. What is without a doubt tho larg est real estate proposition in tho oity changed hands this week when tho Josephine hotel was sold by II. 13. Miller, formerly of this oity hut now employed in tho diplomatic corps and located in Ireland, to V. H. Make, now of Ashland. The transfer in cludes both the hotel proper and the annex. Tho property has u 75-foot frontngo on Sixth street nnd 180 foot on E. street. The sale price is given ns about $25,000. Tho deal was made through the agency of Joseph Moss. It is tho plan of Mr. Pinko to re model tho hotel throughout and make of it a first-class house. It is nls his plan to cuinrge tho structure by building an addition on the lot be sides tho office of tho Hest-Fullor real estato offico nt somo future time. Plans for the overhnuHuj. of Mio building us it now stands include tho i put tinu in of all tho furnishings of n modern hotel of tho higher elnss. The interior will bo painted and tinted j throughout, nnd tho exterior improv ed in appearance by tho nddit'on of fine pinto glass windows The ' I arrangement of the rooms will be ' changed somewhat, it being planned j to install additional bath looms, as jwell ns to enlarge tho lobby. One. of i the most indispensable nf modern conveniences, an electric bell sys-' tern, wilt Do put in. and tirmwjn inndo for nn up-to-date heat' plant ns well ns for the lomploto re-wiring of the building for electric lights. When nil plans arc completed, the hotel will doubtless rank with any to be found in towns of this she in tho state. Just when tho huildinc will he taken possession of by Mr. itlnku is not known, us it is now lim.od, but he hopes to begin his improvement' I nbout tho first of the year His wife and children nre now living on lu I largo fnrm locnttd in Cmrv count , but will move to this city m u -hurt time and rent n dwelling till able to obtain possesion of tho bote!. The peoplo of Grants Puss will wish Mr. Blako tho greatest vioeoss in his uudortnking. The town has now reached the stage wheic a high- class hotel is much in demand, and j tho enrying through of Mr. Make's project will till a long felt mil BATHROOM FOR COWS IN MILLIONAIRE'S DAIRY PITTSnUHO, Aug. 1C Not only is Alcc.xandiT It. Peacock, multi millionaire, building himself an enor mous and fancy chicken house on a .o"0,000 fuim which ho bought re cently for tho purpose of raising chickens to get fresh eggs, but lie hns also planned a model dairy to be located on tho sumo farm. 1)1m1.I,w.,1...I ,. 1.-.(l ,.p ,1...... are to stock this dairy, nnd it is tojl Iwt ,!.l .Tilt a ... .. w r a., r. I n m ' T uu U lu tuny lit u,Ci tii llt;illll. I Th milk is to be delivered through out tiic fashionable cast end district in refrigerator auto cars. ' Tho farm which will liouho the , model dairy and fancy lino of fowls is on tho Snltsburg rond in Plum towiifehip, being l.r5 acres in extent. Tlw, ,1,.:.... l.,,. :,. , i... .. :.. ..' Aim iiiw(, ifuiu jn ,i iiu tt xiiiu n mnny country dwellings. There will l lio perfect ventilation, light, heat unci ) i approved sanitation. Rooms con taining baths for tho cows will he provided for the use of tho nnimalH j I in cold weather. Tho teeth of the t cows nro to he scrubbed daily. Fifty ' thousand dollars is to he spent on ' tho burn and improvements. I WINS MILLION DOLLARS BY JUST KINDLY DEED Mc.DONAi.D I'a., A112., 10. Word has como from Texas that tho will of John Knnls, who rccontly died at Corpus Chrlstl. leaves all bis estato , valued at ?1 000,000, to his wife during hor llfo and at hor death It Is to bo equally divided botweon Iloyso Rankin and bis wlfo. This uncovers a romatlc talo of tho McDonald oil Holds of 20 years ago. Jack Ennls who Just died worth a million, was thon a vory poor team stor In tho oil fields horo a team ster without credit. Rankin who who was a clork In a feod Htoro took pity on Knnls nnd oxtonded him crodlt for homo food at tho tlmo whon crodlt wan needed. Ennls de clared that ho would make Rankin his heir for this, and somo tlmo Intor ho struck oil on his own nccount and with a Bmall fortuno rushed to tho thon open Reaumont oil fields In Texas whoro ho quadrupled hla mon oy and retired to Corpus Christ), building an Immonso ploasuro (ro- sort and bathing pavlllnn. In tho inoantlmo, Itauklii still u poor man, 1 nil umrrlml Nanny Fornln nnd two yoarH Inter ICtiuls rnino north and round Hauklii nt Catnbrldco City, Indiana, and offering him a double salary and n llfo-tlino position If ho would tako ehargo of his Corpus Chrlstl huslnoBH qulokly carrying tho Ranktu family off to Texas whoro they have slnco been, Rankin Is to bo employed at n largo salary during tho llfo of Mrs, Knnls, taking care of Knnlo' business In tores Is. All tho world lovoa to laugh with n laugher. A good otoro location In advertis ing; good storo Borvlco Is ndVortU lng but both of thoso aro supple mentary to tho real advertising that Is dono lu tho newspaper. DEAN'S BEAUTY PARLORS Hair Dressing u specialty; shampooing, scalp treatment, facial and hand massage, man icuring, dyeing nnd bleaching. KENTNER BLD6. Phono Main 311. MEDFOlll). WE AUK BUSY AM, THE TIME Why? 7 ' I Somcouo said that It was be causo wo had a good location. Wo admit tho location Is good, but location Is a very small pnrt of tho reason for our be ing busy. tit Price i: Quality, Treatment Thoso throo words moro nearly covor tho .'canons. Wo handle tho best goods tho mar kets afofrd and In goodly as sortments. You got what you wnnt nnd know tho QUALITY Is right. Our PRICES nre as low an tho lowest. TREATMENT This Is tho Important word. Wo novor al low nnyono to go avny disap pointed. If you got unsatis factory goods, wo tako thorn back and ovon rotund tho mon ey, If no othor wny will tatls fy. Wo try nnd succeed in mnklng ovory pntron fcol thnt wo will do everything In our power to sntlBfy thorn. Don't YOU think this would bo n good trading placo? Allen & Reagan CKXTltAh AND .MAIN 1'IIONK .MAIN 2711 Our Optical Parlor is now 301 East Main Ground Floor We Fit and Grind Glasses Broken Lenses Replaced Immediately Dr. Goble ----- ----- - The Jackson Offers its sorvieeB and twenty-two years' experience of successful banking to the peoplo of Mod ford and those- in tho vicinity thereof. It solicits tho accounts of lnorchnnis, fanners, fruitgrowors nnd all others requiring tho services of an old, eoiiBorvativo banking institution. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS $ 00,000.00 W. I. VAWTER, Pros. 0. W. M'DQNALl), Cashier. O. R. MOTLEY, Vice-President. Medford Iron Works E. O. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Poilors and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. it it A 1H If SPEND THE SUMMER Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whoro tho pretty Water Agates, Mors A cat oh, Moonutonua Cornollnns nnd Hock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors iSport of all Hinds Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Itock Oyutors, Hontlng, Surf Duthlng, Hiding, Autolng, Cnnooln nnd Dancing. I'uro mountain wntor nnC tho host of food nt low prlccH. Fresh Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables of nil kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPINQ GROUNDS, with strict sanitary rog ulntlons, at nomlnnl cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale dally. A Sunday Excursion Rate of m .5(3 from Albany, Corvnllls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from polntn west, in offect nil summer. Call on any S. P. or 0, & E. Agent for full particulars as to rntos, train schedules, etc.; nlao for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "Outings In Orogon," or wrlto 10 WM. McMUUKAY, General I'ltssciigor Agent, Portland, Oregon. . - - County Bank ---- RESOLVED Tliu host resolution for yon to make is to come to m for your noxt suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. Wo do tho host work And ohar( the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT Tim FBoaxttsarva tailob r AT Three Day Saturday to Monday Rato from 8. P. points, Port und to Cottage drove Incluulvo, Includ ing branch linos; ntao from nil C, & E. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday, .JSiV What's Wrong? your eyes? or your glasses? do you know? - want lu know? - It's a pertinent ? - the MMCtlhlc course ascertain the cause We can tell you. -t y h i w iJtfyrt nr-'i$iwumi?fndiqiff JIlMir v -- -