Saturday Was Another Record Breaking Day At THE BANKRUPT SALE K ---- -- -- -- 4 Hundreds of People Visited the Store and All were Pleased with the Many Bargains Gathered from Every Department vStill They Come and Still They Go, But Bargains! are as Plentiful as Ever So be Sure You Don't Overlook Us When You Are Down Town Tomorrow, Not Only Tomorrow, but Every Day. We have many Unadvertised Bargains in the store REMEMBER YOU ARE WELCOME WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT Baker-Hutchason f T? TTT TT T TT "R p O ff Near Post Office Old Stand J. T. IlUJLOUJ 1 U VjU. Medford, Ore -- , ---- --- -- FIRST PRIMARIES IN CALIFORNIA Heavy Vote Is Expected Tomorrow as Fierce Battle Has Been Wascd Registration Has Been Unusual ly Heavy. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 15- Slate leaders of both the demoe-a'uj ami republican parties expect a record vote tomorrow when the electors go to tho polls in the first stnta-wido primary in the history of California. With a registration that is tho greatest in the history of the state, it is predicted that the vote will reach a total of nearly 400,tH'0. Many factors combine to make the leaders believe that a heavy voio will be polled. The contest between tho machine republicans and the insurg ents, which has attracted national attention, is one factor; another is the fact that in almost every county J there are a number of contests over county nominations. Another reason to expect a record vote is the can vass thnt the congressional candi dates have made. County and con grosionnl candidates are conceded by. tho politicians to poll, the greatest votes. In the congressional districts the fight has been close, with the ex ception of the third, fourth and sixth districts, where the republican in cumbents are unopposed. In the fifth district, where William Kent, insurgent is making the race against Wiliam iTacKinlny, republican stand patter, the contest has been hot and and the vote promises to be uuumi ally heavy. Kent was aided in his cnnvnss by Qifford Pinchot, former forester friend of Theodore iioose velt, who mnde a week's tour of the district. Pinchot also nddrood .1 big meeting in San Francisco in fnvor of Hiram W. Johtmu, lin-ooln-Roosevelt and insurgent riuuli date for governor. The principal test, so fa;1 ns iiUit- cst in tho state in general goo, is ver tho nomination for governor. Aldcn Anderson, regular aii'l ma chine candidate; Charles F, Curry, regular, who is running on his own i.ominntiou; Philip Stanton, who mnde the campaign on the platform "tho man who Roosevelt praised," and Nathaniel Kllery, regular, nre tho candidates besides Johnson. Theodore A. Bell is tho only candi date for tho democratic nomination for governor. The campaign hn been spectacular. Automobiles have been used to tour the state .is freely as though the candidates were mere ly swinging through the tvcets of it city ward. All sorts of ndvcrlt s ing schemes have been ndjptod. Tho endorsement of a candid W. for United States senator is n'so creating interest. Tharo urn thivu Jcindidntes in tho field, all ropubl.- cnus. They nro K. A. Mi'scro, reg ular; A. G. Spnuldiiig, the million aire sporting goods mnuuficturcr, .-.lid John I). Works, Lincoln-Roosevelt candidate. Spuulditig i known iw tho business men's cnudiJnte. Tho socialists havu a candidate for en dorsement for senator, but hi- name is not printed on tho ticket. NOTICE. I horoby glvo notlco to nil real estato dealers that my projiorty Is now off tho market. 125 J. M. ACIIOR, Medford, Or. Funeral of Mrs. McCain Tho funeral of .Mrs. J. 8. MnCniii was held at thu Into residence 121 South Newlon at 'J o'clock SSuiiday afternoon. Rev. W. K. (builder offic iating. Intonu'iit in Jacksonville cemetery. The pall bearers were 0. N. Mickey, N. J. Urley, V. It. Kw hnnks, F. W. Mollis, J. MoPhorHou and A. Wines. Tho choir which ren dered n number of Huleetions was composed of Miss Rose Fields, I). T. hawton and Mr. and .Mrs. Clareucu Meeker. Hnokina for TTonlth In writing nn nd about that furn ished room you have to rent say, in a convincing way, just what you'd say if somcono asked you to tell him whnt it irnH liko. "ntid all about it." PITTSBURG HAS OVER A HALF MILLION PEOPLE WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. -Tho population of I'ittnhurg, Pa., is f),;i, i(KI, according to Ihu census bureau today. Crosses Alps In Balloon. TURIN, Aug. 15. Captain Spal torini, Louis Rousciiilu and Dr. Kt thaff are today returning homo nt- Tter crosiug the Alps in their balloon, I said lo bo 0110 of tho most renin rk jable trips of its kind on record. I Thu aerouatitH reached an altitudo of lll.OOO fcot and traveled l'J5 miles 1 in six hours. Hnflklntt for Health. We Make a Specialty ef: FINE JOB PRINTING Finest Job Printing Establishment in Southern Oregon. We Carry the Stock and Employ the Mot Skilled Printers, Enabling us to Furnish Perfect Printing on SHORT Notice Call and see samples of work and get our prices MEDFORD PRINTING GO. j We Print That Universally Read Daily, The Medford Mail Tribune 1. . Goes to 2,600 Homes in Medford and the Valley. t .- over ho northwest soared n great wrenm sliver white, na, If covered sraoko nuisance its best advertising f oaturo I I AVA'Vv wWw- M ' irau Aiiu .JLT' t. ,,