' " MM i - -- ---- DONATED CAR HAS ARRIVED Crater Lnko Hlflhway Commission Is In Receipt of ION Flnnders "20" Will ho nnfflcil and Pro ceeds Given to Hlliway Fund. Tho J l) 1 1 Flanders. "20" given by tlio Httulobiikur mid 10. M. F. com panion to tlio Crulur Luke highway 1'iiiul Iiuh arivcil ami will bo raffled off by tlio (iommlHHion. Tlio our Ih a bounty itml no ilmilit n groat many ohunocn will bo Hold. Tlio cominiHHioii Iiuh not iih yul tiuiilu complete nriuigcmoiitH for itn liH)l)Hlll. ENGLISH MARKET IS VERY-PROMISING 8POKACT3, Wanh., Auk. 15. J. IJ. Ttioimiu of Co vent Onrdon market, London, who wait ono of tlio buyora of jirlto winning fruit at tho first National Apple Show hold In Spoknno la December, 100R, ayn In n lottor to II. A. lloxor of tipokauo, president of tho Ilovor Invcdtmont company, who recently roturnod from England: "It niny Interest you to know that proapocts for ahlpmonta of apples from your o'do to this market nro vory promlalng. Wo hopo to nmko a fow Reed shows. At tho momant of writing wo do not know tho prolmhlo ruling prices on your Hldo, but Indl cat I ohm from tho thluf editors In tho United Htnteo lead iih to expect that nlilpinontii of nil varletleH of box np ploi from your part of tho country wilt bo poRxIble. to nomo ndvnntngo. If direct HhlpmentH aro to bo mado, wo Hhould llko many vnrlotlcH and brandn to mako our tdiow equal or better to whnt wo hnd n fow yearn ago." Mr. Ilovor bollovos thoro nro mnny openings In Europe for nortbwoatorn nppleH and says this proaonts opoprtu nltlcM for growers nil over tho Pa cific country. CUTTLE MARKET IS NOHTIl PORTLAND, Auk. Lr ItuiioiptN ut tliii l'oitliiiiil Union stock yards for tlio week ending have been iih follews: Cuttle IBIS, xlicop G285, hogs Ull'J, liorHi'H and inn ten II. The cattle innrkut Iiuh been strong. In the receipts voio ;i good many rough eattle tiud some- (but hIioiiIiI buvo gone to tlio country as feoilerH. There wiih no evidence of weakiieHH anil more good quality Muff would buvo been tukeii at the ruling prieeH. Tlio nhoep market for tlio weak Iiuh boon Htoady. (lood iiulit,y lambs mild at .$5.75, but buyers Htato that Mt. Adams lambs would have brought (Jo. Tlio hog market broke ut full fide in Sympathy with the very much lower prieeH ut tlio Missouri river marlelH. Even with tlio break the Portland ling market is fully 1.50 per 300 lbs., higher (linn Umalin. Tlio l'oitlaiid Jivimtoek oxehniigo hold n mooting and endorsed the u- oifio Northwest I.ivontoek Show to bo givon ut Portland Mnroli 20, 21, uml 22, 1011. In doing this the ex change will forego u repelitiou of tlio Christinas Cuttle Show held last De cember. Cnttlo feeder will do well to prepare something for the event. The hiiiiio tiling applies to feeders of sheep and hogs. FLEET OFF 0N TRIP AROUND THE HORN SAN FKANCISCO, Aug. 15. Ao ooinpimioil by the California, Colo rado mid PoiiiiHylviuriii, tlio big oruiBor Washington in bunking the HottH today on tlio first Ktugo (if her oonflt-to-eoiiHt orui.se. From VnlpariHo, llio Washington will do what tliu battleship Oregon did in her famous run from Sun FrnnotBi'o to tlm Atlniitiu during tint SpnniHli-AmoriPiin war. Alone, bIio will bend toward tho Horn, take tlio porilous passage through tlm Straits of tM'iignllan nnd drop anchor in 'Hampton Honds on November 16. ' HnsklnB for Health, 'Conditions In Franco aro vory bail ,101.0 Business Opportunities FOR SALE THE FOLLOW ING ROGUE RIVER VALLEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Furniture Store Half intercut for iialu to live man who under tnndii furniture repairing, ntc, old oHtnbllslied Htand, rant vary cheap; will koII ut Invoice, en tire Htock invoicon about $7000. ConfcctloncryIco cream, lo maleH, etu.; one of tlio best lo cations in town of 7000; prieo $2-100. Hardware Store Comploto, up to date nlock, invoice price, growing town; raro clinuco for live mini. t Grocery Store An old oBtnb- liBbod conior in booming town, elegant locuction, inoi;tly cash trndo. Restaurant and Roomlnn House Opposite H. 1'. depot, restuu riint on ground floor, 8 roomn upstairs, all newly ftiruiHlicd, rent $30 per mouth; this is n bargain nt $750. General Delivery Business Itare opportunity for live man, a growing businoHB in a grow ing town. Notion Store Ono-hnlf inter est for sale, ontiro stock in voices about $1500; good loca tion, choap rent. If you Jinve n business for Halo or want n pnrtnor, or if you nro locking for an opening in Home particular lino, lot mo know your wants. I can locnto you. C. R. BERAN, BUSINESS OP PORTUNITIES, ASHLAND, J UHtUUN. --- FEW PEARS LEFT FOR F. 0. B. TRADE The following elves the number of cars of deciduous fruit ohlppod from all polutn in California for tho week ending Friday uornlng, Auguiit 12, 1910: l'oncht'G 25 1 1-2 earn. Shipments of this variety hold up bettor than wi:h expected dining tho pott wcok but there will bo a hoavy docllno next week. Sulwnyn will bogln moving In a lmlted way In a fow dayH, but there will bo no chlpmtmtfl of consoquonco until tho following wcok. About Sep tember 1 tho heavy movement of I.vl Clings will liogln. Plums Sit 1-1 enra. Plum ahlp ineats tiro decrenBlug dally and will conlluuo to do bo during tho remain der of tho seanon. There aro n fow Grand Duko, Hungarian ind Kolsoy still avnllablo. Poara, 220 1-1 cars. Last wook'fl shipment shows a dccltno In this va riety ami this will bo found to bo greater during the noxt iiovon days. There nro a vory fey pears now avail able for tho f. o. b, trado. Grapes 223 1-1 carfl. Tho grapo movement Is now fairly undor way. .Movement consists principally ofvMa lagaB nnd Thompson Secdloss, but Tokays from tho enrllor Boctlona nro becoming fairly plentiful In tho auc tion earn. It probably will bo ton dayH to two weokB boforo wo will havo this variety to offor In quanti ty. Itoao of Porn nro Just about roady to movo nnd will bo forwarded In a limited way during tho coming week. Tho weathor hnB romnlnod flno and all conditions nro favorablo to tho perfoct dovolopmont of fruit. ROSEBURG PEARS SELL AT $2.90 BOX ROSEIUIRO. Or., Aug. 15. Ro turnu from tho first carload of peara shlppod from DnuglnB county for tho HoaBon woro recolvod today, Tho elieck was for $1710, ropresontlng GOO boxoB at $2,00 a box-, dollvorod ut tho loi'iil ilopot. Tho poars woro grown In tho famous Bradburn or chards about olght mlloB southwest of tho 'city, and woro of tho Bnrtlott varloty. Tho fruItgrovoiB aro olntod ovor tho Hiiccosa of Dr. Brndburu In de posing of hlu product. Husk'uis for hoalth, j()(uyi J to tho If thoro nro throo houaca for rent In this town, any ono of which would ault you, at leant two of thorn will bo ndvertlncd In thcuo columns. Watch tho nd and you'll find It. AtiBwar a fow real cntato adH that "look good" to you and thon dccldo which lookn DEBT to you. 1'ooplo who want to aoll things nro trying to got your attention today and a lot of them doaorvo to liavo It, Tho aomowhnt unusual thing you wnnt to buy may bo advortlsod In tho "For Salo" column any day now. Want Ads One Cent a Word Tennis Tournament Opens, NEWPORT, It. I., Aug. 15. Willi 181 entrants, the thirtieth annual tournament of the National Lawn Tunnis iiHOciatiou opened on the Cas ino today. Society in in attondaneo in great numbers. MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Medford morahnnts.) Polntoos, new, $1.401.&0 per owt.; cabbage, 2c. BluckbcrrioB, $11.25. Ore on onions, 40o down bunches', rndishos, -10c dozen bunches; string bouns, 4c lb.; lottuco, 40c doren; turnips, V2o lb.; bcetB, 40c dozen bunches; carrots, 40c dozen bunches. Ponchso, 50(ji)85o box. Cucumbers, lfio to 20c doz. Squash, 3550c dozon. Corn, 15c dozon. Cantaloupes, 50(375c dozon. Wntonnelons, 1530c. TomntoeH, 3c. PumtikiiiB. 8(o)12V?.c. Mutter, KggB nnd Poultry. (Pricos paid by Medford moi;chantB.) Rnnch buttor. 2527io; fancy cronmory, 3Sc. Froflh ranch eggs, 30c. Mlxod poultry, 1014c; Bpring cliickcns, 1820o; turkeys, 17c. (Pricos paid producore.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfnlfn, $12; grass, $14; grain liny, $10. Grain Wheat, $1.15 buBhol; oats, 32 ton; bnrloy, $J0 ton. Beof Cows, 41V o; steors, 5 oYjq; pork, 0c; mutton, G5Ms; lambs, Gc; veal, dressed, 8c. (Selling prices.) Holtod bnrloy, $1.00 cwt., $32 ton; brnn, $1.70: middlings, $1.851.00; shorts. $1.80(0)1.85. FOR EXCHANGE. TO THADI3 Hudson touring car, G pasEongor, for city or country prop erty. Cnr has boon run GOO miles with best of caro. Address P. O. IIov GSS, Medford. tf FOR EXCHANGE Houao and two lots cloao In on Oakdale nvcnuo, now rented, vnltio $4,000, will trado for cIobo In raw land or plnntcd to young pears. Box G27, Medford. FUR SALE. llnuclira. FOIt SALE 113 1-2 acroa, 100 acres good farm land; J 4 000; 4 home stead relinquishments; 3 home steads never boon filed on. Ad dreBa 20, euro of thla offlco. ItiiHlness Property. FOR SALH Ono of tho boat paying propositions In southorn Oregon for cash. Good reason for selling. Ad dress C. D. caro of Mall Trlbuno. 120 FOR SALE Choice business prop erty nt n bargain, on long time; onB terms. Address Condor Wn tor Powor Co. 1 1 HUM'S. FOH SALE 6-room bouso mod orn good neighborhood, comont walk, corner lot, 120 feet deop; $2750, $1500 cash. FOR SALIC $1200 two story new houBo, four rooms and pantry down stntrs, upstairs not oomplotcd; wood shod and 'woll; lot 50x258; closo In. Inqulro J. Rlttor, 6 Sputh C stroot. 126 FO R S7TLE Houbo and two lots, $2150. Inqulro Bob Taylor, 815 Myrtlo atroet. tf FOR SALE Now v-room modorn houso on West Main, 50x118 foot lot, corner, choap, nt $3760. In qulro of L, M. Lynns, 716 East Main. 138 FbR SALE Choap, 3-room bunga low, with front porch nid ecroonod back porch; wntor and sowor In, and stroot to bo paved; part cash, balanco two yoars. Call at 310 Woat Jackson stroot. 128 FdRSACEliI Ashland brogorT, now 8-room houso locatod on ono of tho best atroets overlooking tho on tiro valloy; largo lot; plonty of fruit troofl. Only a fow blocks from postotflco, Consldorod tho boat eonatructod homo In Aahlond. Prlco $0200. For furthor Information address G. R, Bornn, Auhlnnd, Ore gon. 127 Plnchot-RooBovolt policies. ' buslnoBs A Sure Way to FOR SALE. Mowien. FOIt SALE Now flvo-room modern house, corner Dakota and South King Btrcota; prlco 2S00; terms. Seo W. W. McNealy, at Farmora' and Frultcrowors bank. 129 IltulnoM OportnnlUc. FOR SALE Or trade, 320 acrea good arorage land, rrell located; nil Wild land; about 30 acres non-tillable; no hills; two miles from railroad station; cornora In Rogue rlrer; 100 acroa of thla la worth prlco of wholo tract; cheapest property In eamo vicinity; good orchard district; flno for promotion; will take city or ranch property In part payment, here or olaowtore. J. W. Dressier Agency. tf FOR SALE Restaurant, cheap for each; $40 day buslnpsg; reason for; selling parties going cast. Address 558 A street, Ashland. 130 ' FOR SALE Ono best business In ; Medford. Carl M. C. D Trlbuno.127 t Acreage. rORSALE-Or location, 35 quarter sections government land can bo taken undor stono and tlmbor act. $2.50 per aero; no resldcnco rcqulr-' od; can bo taken as homestead also; 200 acres of beat fruit land ready to plant. Inqulro A. B. Sal in g, room 34 Jackson County Bank building. 128 FOR SALE Flvo acres, two miles out nnd planted In pears. Terms, Bargain It taken at onco. Address "B" caro of Trlbuno offlco. 126 FOR SALE 120 acres. Evans Crook fruit; Improvements; buy of owner. Write S. F. Potter. R. F. D.. Wood- vlllo. Or. I FOR SALE 5 and 10 aero tracts' just coming Into bearing, (com-' uiercinl varieties) closo to Medford Flno black frco soil. FOR SALE Four acres In tho city of Ashland, Oregon, on corner Boul evard and Walker street: flno 4- yoar-old orchard, borrlos and Tego- tables; city water piped to grounds; good soil; nlco 5-room plastered bouso with bath, hot rnd cold wa ter; barn; henhouso; prlco $4500 for quick salo. Box 236 ABhland, Oregon. FOR SALE CO acres, finest build ing site lu tho valloy, Including 30 acres good fruit land; chonp and terms right. II. C. Maltby, No. 7, Poatofflco Bldg. . FOR SALE 1C0 acres timber land, cheap for cash, near Medford. J. R. Stevenson, Tarpan, Tox. 147 FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncre tracts ... just within and adjoining city lim-; its, at a bijrgam, on 6 nnnunl pay-i monts. Address Condor Water Power Co. Lots. FOR SALE Lot, cornor Dnkoto and So. King strcota, $525; sower and wntor Into lot; $50 down, $20 a month. W. W. McNoaly, at Farm ora and Fruitgrowers' hank. 129 FOR SALE 15 lots, nlno blOCkS I from depot. Torms. Bargain If takou within tho noxt ton days. Ad dress A. B. caro of Trlbuuo offlco 126 FOR SALE Beautiful vlow lot, 0 bonriug npplo, prune and plum troos; prlco $3G0. Address M. Sto phons, Box 568, city. 133 FOirSACE CUy lota, $20; for a amnll, safo ineBtmeut seo tho city lots I offor at $300 and $250 por lot; $20 cash payment; balanco $10 por month; no Interest. II. C. Maltby, No, 7 Postofflco Bldg. FOR SALE Bu8lnosa lots on Main stroet, Easlc Point; prlco reasonable; first como, first choice. D. B. Doo tor & Co., Eagle Point. 126 Misitvllaneous. FOR SALE Household furnituro for salo. 228 N. Contral avo. 31 FOR SALE Wood, oak or plno in ricks, dollvored. Addrosa A. S., Mall Trlbuno, or call 622 South Con tral. ' 138 4 plnn offectlvo. and Find It FOR SALE. MlsceftaaeoBfl. KOII SALE Twonty-flvo young tur koya at Orchard Home. Robort Dutton. 126 FOR SALE Alfalfa hny, looso. Ad drefla A. S( caro Mall Tribune, or call 622 South Central. 128 FOR SALE Oak aldoboard and dln lngroom tablo, 6 chairs, 3 pieces oak bedroom sol, 1 wood boating atovo. Call 707 South Oakdale. 126 FOR SALE 2 3-4 Bain wagon, good as now, otako rack bod, also good heavy harness cheap. Box 627, Mod ford. FOR SALE Steam wood taw. L. O. Van Wogon, Medford, R. F. D. No. 1. 144 FOR SALE Two years' lease on 350 acre ranch, together with 6 horses, 4 colta, 3 milk cows and all ma chinery necessary for running ranch, 50 acres alfalfa; this year's crop Is betweeu 300 and 400 tons of the best bay; good market; 3 miles from Ashland on fine road. Address A. S. Fllson, Ashland, Or. FOR SALE-Logni Dlanxa of all k,nd8treCpttBa and oth nofJcos at 1Ia -,0 offIce . FOR SALE Chandler & Price Oor- j uon Jouer, iixn press; a oargam. Inquire Mall Tribune office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Offices over tho post office. Seo A, A. Davis. tf Fnrnlshed Rooms. nn FOR RENT Furnished clean room on first floor. 128 Smith building . street near city park. 131 i . FOR RENT Room with bath and Phono. In prlvato family. Closo in. Phono Main 4672. 126 . FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep- lng room, coot, bath, reasonable prlco; easy walk; on West Hamilton street, two blocks off North Oakdajo. 203 Oleson street tf FOR RENT Largo modern furnlsh- ed room, closo in for gentlemen. 243 N. Holly. 127 foil RENT Moaorn furnished roomB at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grapo street, noxt to Farmers' and Fruit growers bank. Houses. FbTTRENT 1-room houso for $D70"0. No. 23 North Prospect Avenue. 127 FOlfRENT Five-room houso, $14T with stablo $17. No. 1111 North Riverside. 126 .,,, ,,... n r rr- FOR RENT Houbo, 5 rooms, bath and jmntry; city water and electric ght8 513 w lloUy Bt Ni L Town. on(i 721 nnnnmt vm Phnn .. r . .HV,, vmw & aww 4232 Miscellaneous. FCt L.EAHJE Fully equipped gofil mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all orcrated by oloctrlc pow oi. Owner will furnish free oloc trlc nower for shnro In proceeds. Seo Smith nt fnn.lnr Wntn,. J(V I1n I Co. WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Lady to act as cashlor and 8tonographor. Address P, caro of Mail Trlbuno office. WANTED GTrrfor"genorarhouso work. Apply to E. E. Kolly. FOR RENT -257 acres of land and soil horses, hay aud Implemonts, Address Box 12, Brownsboro, Or. 129 WANTED Lady to do washing for small family, good pay for good work. Eaqulro 516 E. Main. WANTED Girl for housowork; two In family; will pay good wages. 219 North Oakdale avonue. tf WANTED At the ABhland Hotel, ABhland, a chambormald and wait ress; both miiBt como woll recom mendod and fully compotont; good wages. Address N. D. Hardy, prop., Ashland, Or. mako a run ou it. WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Woman to launder lin gerie, drcasos, hand ombroldcrod skirts and do flno lau-ilry; will pay well. Address P. O. Box 423 or tol ephonoMalt 2192. tf WANTED Qhl for housowork; two In family; will pay good wages. Ad dress Box 60, caro Mall Trlbuno of flco. 127 WANTED Lady who has had somo oxporlonco pressing and repairing In c cleaning establishment, ono who Is not afraid of work; no other noed apply. Good atoady position to right party. Pantorlum Dyo Worka, No. 5 No. Fir at. 126 WANTED A waitress; must be ex porlenced. Apply Louvre cafe, tf Help Wanted Male. WANTED Experienced atone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Powor Co'a. office, W ANTED Salesmen In every local- Ity of the northwest; money ad' vanced weekly; many make over $1000 montht; choice of territory, Yakima Valley Nuraory Co., Top- pcnlsh, Wash. Mlscellaneoa. WANTED To Join party to Invcatl gato Applegate and Illinois Rlrer valleys. Go In September for one or moro weeks. J. J. H. Box 292 Medford, Oregon. 3t p. a. WANTED To rent, a house, 3 or 4 rooms, closo In. Address E. 8., care of Mall Trlbuno office. 125 WANTED To rent, two or throo fur nished light housekeeping rooms; must bo closo in. Address C. W. W., P. O. Box 114. 126 WANTED To rent, largo bouso, close In, oultablo for rirlvato board ing houso, unfurnished; will take long lease. Call 103 North Grapo. WANTED To tako camping parties to tho mountains; havo good teams and wagons. Phono or address H. C. Messengor, Agato, Or. UP-TO-DATE shorthand and type writing taught quickly and well; morning and evening school; for terms, address Box 245, Medford. LOST. LOST Diamond Elk Pin. Return to Nash Hotel4 and receive Suitable roward. 126 STRAYED OR LOST Bay mule, weight about 1000 pounds, branded flguro 2 on right Jaw, letter U on right shouldor; had halter on. In form Barber and Burgess, Wellen, Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS office. -Lawyer, over Post- PORTER J. NEFP, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col ig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. Architects. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and buildor See mo about your now home. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P.'O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phouo Main 3471. Residence phone 2471. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots nt Smith's hall, 12S North Grapo stroot, every Thurs dny evening promptly nt 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as woll as locnl members, urged to bo pres ent. Business of vital interest to nil enrponters transacted at theso meetings. J. J. Soal. business ngt. Tin Whop. J. A. SMITn Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron waro ou hand and madr to ordeA 128 North G St, Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phonos, C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butlor 3571. Photographer. MACKEY'S STUDIOt-"Posq with Maokey and die with joy." Over Alton & Roagnn's store; entrance on Sovonth street. Dentists. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Offio in room 200, Phipps bldg. Gad ad ministered for extraction of teeth Telephone Main 343. Night phono 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO. Dentist Offioo in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, wost of tho tracks. '.. MVM Congressman Bennett, an aspirant not known how ho loft. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Printers nnd IuMljtfers. MEDFOIID PRINTINQ CO. kas tk best equippod job offio k South ern Oregon; Portland prleea. 37 8oqth Central avonne. Cement Sldewatka, CEA1ENT SIDEWALKS, briekmason, stono mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Expert work manship at reasonable charjeon by tho day or contract. Address Ma BonB, 511 E. Main st., Medford. Or. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS Jnmos A. MaoKonzio, donlor In now nnd socond-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Ilighcst cash pricos paid for good cast-off clothing. Call and boo ma whon you havo something to sell. 103 South Central. Stenographer. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quiokly and woll. Billiard Farter. 8. T. BHOWN b CO. BBlkrtt, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stair, Yotwg & HaU bnitdfeg. A nie, cool place to spend the hot after noons. Hecpttal. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South 0 St., MedferJ, Ore. 1. W. ffisey, Matron. Offiokl koiUl P. & E. B. . Real Brtate. EARLE C. SABIN Orchari tract, city property. List your holding with ae. Only desirable property handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowers' Bank bide. Bfll Fosters. VERNE T. CANON BiU Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson Conaty Bank building, Medford, Ore. Cigars aad Tobaeoe. mELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars ani smokers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, 1 Merito and El Palencia. 212 West Mai street Palaters sad Pperbaer. H. G. DEAN, O. P. MMULLEN Phono 3732. Dean & McMnllea, contracting painters, painting, pa per hanging and tinting. Estimate on ail kinds of painting work. Medford, Or. FHraltmre. H. P. WILSON & CO., dealers ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th St MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly fits., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stoves nnd ranges. New and second-hand furnituro. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phono 91, Medford, Ore. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trea are budded, not grafted. Our stook is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in tkt trust. H. B. Patterson, office re moved to 116 East Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUH SERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nursery stook. Office 28 W. Main. Tel. 1201. Physicians nud Surgeoa. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answored. Office and residence phone Main 332. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians nnd Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 218. Office phone 501, residence phons 012. Office hours 9 n. in. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phoat 292. Medford. Medicines. HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. Theso remedies may be proourod at tho Sing Le laundry, 123 S. Riverside avenas,, Medford, Oro., whero thav will hi '' sold by tho proprietor. , Dr. Chow Young has treats several Bevoro cases with his rem edies since ooming to Medford ad has for roforenco some of the best known and most intelligent oitixeas in Southorn Oregon. Call on hM Bride Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and main faoturers of brick; dealers fas pressed brick nnd lime. Office ia Postoffico block, room 5. Psoas' No. 3181. "" i in nuia ut mo uuiiiiiuu mm il is J .. -mnw gjTTTnUJitiiilLtllll JUT'! fc,-t JgswWsfcMis risfctfrsTfcaWi