MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 10.10. r Virginia of ihe Air Lanes A ROMANCE OF FLYING By Herbert Quick MmUI Compaq SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Theodore Carson, inventor of an airship, rescues from a fugitive flyinR mnchino called a kelicopter, a beautiful younE girl. II and III Carson is infatuated fcy her and takes her whero she can communicate with her friends. IV Carson visits the Hoc, a Riant airship owned by Shayne, uncle of Virginia Snare, tho prl ho rescued, and. beinjc coldly recoived, leaps from the Roc, at a Rreat height, in a parachute. V. VI and, VII He lands in the grounds of the Slattery Institute for Inebriates, where ho makes a friend of one Craiehoad, who plans to raise capital to manufacture the new style airship Carson has invented. Thus they hope to rival Shayne, who con trols the airship industry. VIII Mr. Waddy decides condi tionally to capitalize the Carson Craighead project. IX Carson goes to Florida to eomplete a sample airship to exhibit to Mr. Waddy, and he finds Virginia there. X Ho is in love with Virginia. iWiimer, a rival inventor, conspires to loll Carson. CHAPTEn XIII. DEVILFISH VERSCS BIBD. WHEN the aeronef was run out on her ways by the long shed in which she had been built there was a flutter of expectancy among those so deeply con cerned In her flight "The first mate always sails with the hlp, uncle." Virginia suggested. "Would you really go on tho trial trip?" he asked. "Try me," 6dld she. "I want to." "You'd be worth a dozen of Captain . Harrods." replied Carson. "He hasn't the faintest Idea of the principles of the Virginia, while you could fly her In a week." "I could now," asserted Virginia. The Virginia Is a simple, manageable little thing, like her namesake." "If she shows all her namesake's aweot traits" began Theodore. "Then I'm to go?" "Captain," cried Theodore, "here's a girl that wants to ship as first mate! Hake sail, captain. We're going." But Virginia seated herself beside Theodore, wearing a dress of ooft white wool, a close fitting little cap on her bead and carrying a jacket over her arm. "Now, shall I keep the manometer readings? Oh. you haven't any! Well, then, the altimeter stntoscopo?" she suggested. "It's nelf registering," said Theodore. "Really there's nothing to do except in emergencies, and" "And there'll be no emergenclesr she cried. "Throw In the clutch, ad miral of the circumambient Inane! Ton do the work, and I'll play lady! IWe're off!" "Are you willing." said he, turning to her, "to forgive mo for this and ev erything I may ever have done, what ever happens?" "Whatever happens or doesn't hap pen. I forgive you!" she cried. "Throw In the clutch before the gyroscopes stop and the Virginia gets brain fag or shall I"- "Just for luck." said Theodore, "you throw it in." She threw over the levpr, nnd the wing sections started like 40.000 boys' "busczea." The big bird rose perpen dicularly from tho ways nnd fanned the ground no more. Theodore turned on a little moro speed, put the rudders aport to bring her head to the light seaward wind, and as she mounted. higher and higher he tried hereon, trol. IIo pushed over tho lever that determined the thrust of tho driving blades, and sho shot In over the dunes like a wild thing until ho headed her back for the gulf. Well Inside the bar, so that an overturn might not mean a drowning, he circled ubout In a wide curve, which he gradually narrowed by u moro extreme ubo of tho helm un til she was spinning round and round In an orbit, In which the tips of tho Inner wings were almost sta tionary nnd "treading" nlr like a paus ing swimmer, "That tests out tho bulauclug de vice!" shouted Theodore. "Uow's -that?" "Aye. aye. sir!" said Virginia. "That do sure test out the buluuciug device. And if you let her chase her tall like this much longer I'm going to bo in disposed. Please whirl her tho other way awhile, unkle." Virginia walked forward. They were Dying higher uow, and she could seo the plnp woods far Inland, with their square patches of plowed fields, their white houses behind thu great green globes of tho china trees. Far over the northwest soared u greut aercuui silver white, as if covered with tin foil. "1 wonder If that isn't tho Roc?" queried Virginia. "if It Is." said he, "nnd sho comes about this place we'll show her what real aviation Is." Then they swept over and down the coast. They turned back and swirled out over the sea. "Oh, look, look!" suddenly said Vir ginia. "There's some one in tho wa ter!" Below floated the half collapsed and sinking go-devll of a submarine. Be side It lay n great blotch of darkness 60 symmetrical that Theodore was im pressed with the sudden Idea that it was a submarine rather than a patch of dark sand. A man on tho derelict was struggling, shouting and waving a White cloth as If In distress. Theo dore's eyes Hashed. lie reversed the thrust of the wing propellers, and in an Instant they were fighting the air Svlth all tho power of the mighty en gines. Tho passengers felt their bod ies sway forward with the momen tum as the Virginia slowed up, halted nnd moved astern, and as accurately ns if he had had years of practico Carson brought her to over the strug gling man and lowered her slowly, slowly, toward the swells which rose to meet her until the line thrown over by Carson dabbled In the water by the castaway's side. "Can you climb up?" cried Theodore. "I don't dare come much lower." "For God's sake." called the man, "bring her down a foot or so! I'm too weak to climb." "Cheer up!" called Theodore, "lfa risky, but I'll try." If he was to be saved there was no timo to be lost. So thought Carson as he depressed the Virginia more und more. Wlzner set his teeth In a fierce determination to put both man and ship out of the field at once. Hc was the sole custodian of the secret of her construction save for Carson. If he could drown her and master tho se cret of the glass globe be could re build her. make his terms with Shayne. be the greatest In his line. And he seized the nacelle with fierce energy, threaded n steel chain through an opening In the structure nnd drop ped back Into the water, holding the chain in his hand. It ran around the aluminium beam with a sharp, rasp ing, startling rattle. "He's fallen in!" cried Virginia. Theodore looked over the side. A small double chain ran down from the airship, its ends moving about in a most mystifying manner In the sea. And as he looked in astonishment the HE AIMED AT CABSO.V, FlItED AND THU BOTiLET SANQ AWAY INTO THE BKT. dark blotch of sand rose to the sur face and defined Itself as the rounded top of the Stickleback, on the black hull of which sat Wlzner blowing brine from bis mouth, bis bead shin ing with water. The manhole opened, Wlzner snapped the chuln into a ring, slipped luto the submarine and reap peared with something small and flat In bis band. "I'll fix you. yon d d whelpl" ho yelled. "Take that!" ' He aimed at Carson, fired, and the bullet sang away into the sky. Theo dore seized Virginia In his arms and drew her down Into tho bottom of the car, where they lay panting In each other's arms, panic stricken. "I must put the ship out of range!" cried Carson, leaping to the lever. She rose like u feather for just a moment, and then sho swung about like a kito with its string fouled, an chored by some devilish contrivance. Carson stepped to the sldo ngaiu and looked over. The Virginia hung some thirty yards above the water, and straining backward and downward ran the steel chain looped through her works and fastened by both ends to the submarine. Tho harsh, raucous laugh of Wlzner rose with horrid sig nificance from tho Stickleback's man hole, which wus again abovo water and open. "Don't be in a hurry!" ho shouted. "Stick around with us awhile. Wo'ro going out where It's deep. Como in; the water's fine! Got your bathing suits? When she draws short tele phone down. Don't yell, for there won't no ono hear you. Thero won't no ono bear either of you again in this world except just you two. By-by! Seo you lnDajJonesd uyouT (To Be Continued.) Pittsburg wants to got rid of its smoke nuisance. What, nnd that smoke nuisance its best advertising feature 1 in. .3 Central Point Items Mr. and Mrs. Lynn l'urdln visited relatives at Gold Hill Friday own ing. Slv thousand dollars "In slv dny. Is tho slogan adopted by the army oT"Yr"M."C. A. workers, who will open tho campntgn today. Ed Drako traveling salesman of Seattle, Wash., and old timo friend of your correspondent, Is spending a month's vacation In southern Oregon. Ed says ho did not know thnt such a flno country ns this was on the mnp nnd adds that In flvo years Medford will bo among tho Important whole salo cities of tho coast country. Mr. Drako says seeylng Is bollovlng nnd that othcrwlso he would not bollovo that such an unsurpassed country ex isted ns tho Rogue River valley,1 which ho avers Is only in Its Infancy nnd predicts great things for us In tho near future. William A. Cowley has several teams busy hauling soil nnd filling hi his lots at his rcstdleaco proper ty preparatory to sowing his lawn nnd planting shrubs, flowers nnd fruit trees Mr. Cowley has largo grounds adjoining his home, which ho is beau tifying In many different ways. Rev. T, M. Jones wnt to Phoenix Saturday evening at which point ho preached Sunday morning and eve ning. William Dale of Nauvoo, III., was among tho new arrivals in Contral Point Saturday. W. E. Whiteside, eCutral Point's leading realty dealer, reports many newcomers who are looking over prop Isltlons in tho valley with a view to locating. Mr. Whltesldo expects a noticeable stir In valley property a few wcoks later. S. H. Murray, who recently sold his grocery business to Mr. Nlchol, will devoto a greater portion of his at tention to the development of somo mining claims during the romalnder of the summer nnd fall. Sam is an enthusiast on the future of Roguo river mining. ! Thero is somo trJk of tho old mill building being used as a fruit pack ing establishment this fall. Many wagon loads of peaches were on tho streets Saturdjy r.nd tho av erage housewife now Is employed In her domestic croinery. . j Our merchants aro still selling ap ples and peaches at threo cents per pound. j W. E. Wbltesldo sold today tho A. W. Clemens property on Pjno street to Wayno Leevor, con of Mayor W. O. Leover, for tho sum of $2500. Tho property consists of eight busi ness lots and Mr. Leevor considers P. O. HANSEN We make any kind and style of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. puxxvxvi, oiion , vv w., v-, ""&""' 1QOODFRIEND HOTEL iiiiiiiiiiiiitiMtintf tt'tttl""""""-1 , . Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs $60.00 Omaha ...........-..-.... , $60.00 Kansas City $60.00 St, Joseph .... $60.00 St. J. aul .......... ............... ipou.UvJ St. Paul via Council Bluffo $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 JJuluth, direct $tib.yu Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will he on sale May 2d and 9th; June 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through' California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and faro to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit throe months from date of salo, but not later than Oc tober 3lBt. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon It a good buy, inasmuch ns tho Y, M. C. A, building will ho near It. Mr. Leover la an enterprising young man and will Improve tho property hi many wnya. Tho property on It n houso and barn, which cost $1300. Mr. CIouioiib und family will go to California to resldo. NOTICK. In tho district court of tho Uattod States for tho district of Oregon. In tho mat tor of Gcorgo A. Butt, bankrupt. Tho undersigned trustee of tho abovo ontltlod cstnto la bank ruptcy will recelvo sealed bids at tho Jncksou County baak, in Medford, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock nooi, of Friday, August 19, 1910, for tho following descrlbod property belonging to said ostnta, namoly, a otock of moriwndlso, con sisting principally of jowolry of tho inventory value of $29S7.47, togothor with a lot of store fittings ot tho In ventory valuo of $175.50, all now In custody of the undersigned at Mod ford, Orogon. Cash or a certified check for ten por cent of tho amount offorod must accompany each bldjind tho salo is made subjoct to confirma tion by tho court, tho rlcM bolng ro sorved to roject any and ull bids. Tho said proporty and nn Invontory thoro of may bo Impeded upon application to tho undorslrncd. at Medford, Ore gon. Dnted at Mcdtora. Oregon, August S, 1910. " WM. ULUICH, Trustee. Granite City Hospital Most modornly equipped hospi tal between Portland and Sac ramento. Shows each doctor -he snmo courtesy nnd gives nil patients the same euro. In charco of Ostrom & Nelson, crnduato nurses. OSTR0M & NELSON, props oi uranue imy nospuai, i i Ashland, Orerjon. TOM MOFFAT FROM ALL POINTS ON THE If tho furnished room nd "looks good", run around to tho address given and take n look at It, Medford, Orogen: Thin certifier that wo havu Hold llnll'n Toxuh Won der for thu euro of nil kitluoy, blad der mid rhoutmitlo troubled for tun yuan), and have uovor hud i com plaint. It given quick nnd purmatiuiit roliof. Sixty duya' treatment In euoh bottle. Mwdford Phurmnoy. tf WK AUK BUSY ALL THIS TIMK Why? Someone snld that It was bo causo wo had a good location, Wo admit tho location la good, but location Is a very small part of tho reason for our be ing busy. I! Price l Quality, :: Treatment Theso threo words moro nearly cover tho reasons. Wo hnndlo tho host goods tho mar kets nfofrd and In goodly as sortments. You got whnt you want and know tho QUALITY Is right. Our PRICES nro as low as tho lowest. TREATMENT This Is tho important word. Wo novor al low anyono to go away disap pointed. If you got unsatis factory goods, wo tako thorn back aud oven refund tho mon oy, If no othor way will satis fy. Wo try and succeed In making ovory patron fool that wo will do everything In our power to satisfy them. Don't YOU think this would bo a good trading plnco? Allen 6 Reagan CENTRAL AND MAIN PHONE MAIN 2711 SAN FRANCISCO I. G00DFRIEND, Minipr Formerly Hntcli Btanfonl nml fit. Pcryl, Ponfll fitrrct, near Crary, fiiljolriliix Hotel Mmix. Tnlo Hotel linn ii, or Mnrkrt Bttrt Cnr, trnrufrr to 1'owl'II. Mral liouxo nml locution (or lid lea vbltlni: tho city ulotic. BATES. Jt.00 PER DAY AND Pr The new medium-back u a feature. Our Optical 301 East Main Ground Floor We Fit and Grind Glasses Broken Lenses Replaced Immediately Dr. Goble The Jackson Offers iiHsorviccs and twenty-two yours' experience of successful banking to tho people of Medford and thoso in tho vicinity thereof. It solicits tho accounts of merchants, farmers, fruitgrowers and all othors requiring tho services of an old, consorvativo banking institution. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS $ 00,000.00 W. I. VAWTER, Pros. 0. W. M'DONALD, Cashier. G. R. LINDLEY, Vicc-Presidoiit. ----- -- Medford Iron Works E. O. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. I 1 SPEND THE SUMMER Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Whoro tho protty Wntur Abates, Moss Agates, MoonHtonua CornollnnB nnd Rock Oysters enn be foil ml. Outdoors vSport of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flahln , digging Hock Oystors, Dnntlng, Surf OuthluR, Hiding, Autolng, Cnnoolns and Dancing. Pure mountain wntor and tho bent of food ut low jirlctm. Krenh Craba, Olunia, Oystera, Flan nnd VogoUblou of nil ktndri dal ly. IDEAL CAMPINO OIIOUND8, with strict Biinltnry reg ulntlonR, nt nomlnnl cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Orogon, Wnshlncton and Idaho on wilo dally. A Sunday Excursion Rate of mgQ from Albni.y, Corvallln nnd riiltointth, with correnpondlng low rntoH from points wout, in effect nil aummor. Call on any 8. P. or O. & 13. Agent for full particular ns to rates, trnln schedulos, etc.; also for copy of our bonntlful Illustrated booklot, "Outlngo In Oregon," or write .o WM. McMURKAY, General PitHitongor Agent, Portland, Oregon. Parlor is now - - ----- County Bank - -----i RESOLVED Tho best resolution for yon to mnko 1h to come to us for your noxt Htiit, if you want something out of the ordinary. Wo, do tho best work nnd chargr kho lowent price. W. W. EIFERT tot roaasanr taxloi AT- Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, Port.und to Cottngo Qrovo Incluutvo, Includ ing branch lines; nlno from all C. & 13. Htntlons Albany and west. Oood Kolng on Snturdny or Sunday, nnd for return Sun day or Monday, rJ What's Wrong? your eye7 or your glasses? do you know? want to know? It's n pertinent ? the seiulMe course ascertain the causes Wc can tell you. I I IfflSfffi,