MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREC1QN, MONDAY, AUQUST 15, 1910. 5 V f i SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John H, CnrUIn, iiUornoy-nl-liiw, over JauUiioii Countv) Hunk. I'michcii for nulo, Dr. W. 11. HtolcoHt phono Knriuor 700.'l. tf I., H, WIiIHiik itpont Humbly at tliu Hlvorvluw rnmli, near Kaglo Point. Ituail Augiwt Huiiflot. Head "The I'hillpplniw nit I Haw 'I'lium," by Gonenil .laiuuH I'1. Smith, ox-governor of tho l'hllippluoH, ami "California Hlnok Quid, llio Hotnnuco of thu Oil WoIIm," by Walter V. Woohlko, In Suitiiot for AugiiHt, now on Halo at nil iiuwh iitantlH, 15 Gontii. 110 Mr, and Mih, W, J. Movorldiso re turned U u n day morning from an ox tended vlult with rolatlvon and frlouitii In tliu emit. J. 0. Hall .inn ruturnud to thu up per rlvor after a couplo of dnyn' tay In town. In IiIh opinion thu Hokuo in tliu fluent cainpliiK Htroiun ovor, It oiio Ih In reaching dUtuuco of oxtra HiiplpluH occnnlonully. J. M. Moaro. Jr., of Table Hock, wob In .Medford tinndny on buulnemi, V. K. Naylor of Trail waH a Mod ford vlnltor Monday. A. H. Ituninra wan at Onintn Puhm on profosolonal biiHlnoHu Monday. Mr. and Mm. Tom Morrlmnn of Central Point woro vlwltlut: .rolntlvcH In Medford ovor Bundny. Alox ThompBon, b ylouoor O. A. It. votoran of JockHonvlllo, camo down Saturday, vlultluK relative and frlontU on North Coutral street and Sunday ho wbm tho kuobI of J. 0. Martin and family. When "carryltiK" property roIh to lio too hard n tank, "carry" omo clnimlflod ndvortlolnK nnd noil out. Itont It through o wnnt ad- you can. T. A. (Ham, wIiobo wlfo Imn liuon confined by IIIiichm In tho Medford hoHpltnl for tho mnt month, whh nuf flcloiitly recovered to be nblo to ho removed to G2 4 North Contral Sun day. llnujamln Crowoll nnd non of Co qulllo City nro vIbIUiib Medford frlundM and may poBBlhly locato per manently In Hokuo Itlvor valloy. Thoy nro tho Kotn f Owinrcn hroth rn. on North C atroot. and nro old tlino frlonds. Wllllmn ItrumllttK of Woodvlllo camo up Friday on land uiibIiichs. Mth. William Join of HonKlo camo ovor Saturday, nnd tho two Mm. ahollKroona of North Jr.ckiiou Btroot accompanied hor homo for ton days' Hoclnl visit. Mr. Anna Maloy, ono of tho Rroat eat of HoclnllBtM, In oxpoctod In Med ford tho latter part of tho week to npnnk upon equal imffraKo and no cIuIIhiiu A. A. Nye loft Sunday to Join hlu family nt Newport. .1, It. Kolly. loaned wlro oporator for tho United Prosit In tho Mall Trl linuo offlco, loft Monday for Newport to Bpond bin vrcntlon. J. A. Wofttorlund, hla brothor "William WoftturlumI of tbo Monitor Automohllo woikH, who la vIhUIiib him, and Portor J. Notf lor.vo Tiiob d:iy inornlnK on a throo dayo' trip to Crator Lake. U. 11. Warner, Sr who has hoon vIhIHih: for Hovoral montlm In Port land, returned to Modtord Monday. J. A. NoIIboh of Gold Hill was In Medford Mondr.y on a Hhort business vlalt. Clnudo Mlloa haa returned for a fow dr.yH from tho ranch abovo Ilittto FnllK and hn all kinds of atorloH to toll nbout thu flahltu; In tho bouUi fork of Itnctio river. This branch of tho ItoRtio Ih tho mont InaccoBulblo of any and nlioundH In tho speckled trout and tho lowor ronchos with ralnbowo. Tho Htroam hna hardly ovor boon flBhod at all, and tho f IhJi aro not educated aH thoy aro bolow. Thoy will grab at anything that falls In tho wator. It taken Home norvo and onduranco to roach tho npot, how over, and aftor fishing all dnyn a climb of Hovoral hundred foot up tho lmnkH and a walk of Hovoral mlloH to camp dolor many tourlstR from trying tho Htroam. Shorty took 200 ranging from 12 to 11 Inchon In length In ono day'fl fishing. Tho ladloH of tho OhrlHtlau church will hold a lawn aoclal Tuesday ovo nlng at tho homo of Mrs. Jonos, 801 Main atroot. 127 13. O. Hubbard, mnnucor of tho Savoy thoator, loft Monday with J. O. Hall for an outing on Nig llutto. h. M, Judd of Talent wna a vlBltor In Medford Monday, I,. II. Wurnor, Sr., arrived from Portland Monday afternoon on a vlalt to rolatlvoa and frlonda Mr. nnd Mrs. Malonoy, frlondH of Mr. and Mra. 13. U. Ilanloy, who havo boon visiting horo for tho past aovoral dnya, loft Monday morning for a tour of California. MIbb lono Plynn loft Monday morn ing for ColoRtlnj whoro alio will bo tho guoat of m'Ibb Zola Whlto for aovoral days. a. U Lohoy of Itoaoburg la horo loklug aftor business. William H. Kent of (1 run I a Pnan wan a recout vlnltor In Medford, Houry W, Wilcox of Anhlaud npont Monday In Medford on ImihIiiohh, Petor M, Kershaw la npondlng a fow dayo In (Irautii Paim on bualnoHH, It. A, McDonald of ICaglo Point wan In Modfoid on a buolncaa vlnlt Monday, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Kilycomb of Hoattlo, Waah., aro In Medford look ing ovor tho valley and proparlng for a trip to Crator Lake. William von dor Holton of Knglo Point wan la Medford Monday, MIhh Kllu nl'rkii of Hiiucom, Or., who Iiiih boon vlaltlug a fow duya with Mr, and Mm, J. H. Ilolllngor, roturuod homo Monday morning. Dr. and Mm. Holt and child of ICu glo Point woro vlaltoni In Medford Monday, Oeorgo HJwnrdH of Iong Ilonch, Cnl., In horo on n vlnlt. John IMIIIngn and family of Port land nro recent nrrlvala In Medford, whero thoy oxpoct to locato. Mr, Hllllngi Ih a contractor and bultdor and coinen prepared to build a per manent homo hero, Mr. and Mra, John Mnnoy of Ka glo Point woro Medford vlaltora ovor Suiidny. A. h, and 0. K. Ilcobo of Portland aro horo on tholr nnnunl trip up tho Koguo, Knch year McnBrn. Heobo mnko a pllgrlmago to tho uppor roachui of tho Htroam nomotlmoa ox tending tholr trip to Klamath coun ty, and tho fact that thoy rottirn every yonr how that tho nport 1b iiatlHfnctory. BARNETT PRESIDENT OF ESPERANTOISTS WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. John Harrott, director of tho American bureau of rcpuhlicH, whh elected proaielent of the KapcraiitomtK toilav. Dr. W. II. Yeaniaii whh vIiohimi vico prenidciit. Owing to tho illnoK of Itnrctt, Dr. Yoamati prcsidi'd FORCED TO KILL MAN JE SAYS Man Admits Kllllnn; Companion But Says Three Men Forcced Him to Shoot- Immediately Reported Trajicdy to Picnic Party M3WIBTON, Idaho, Aug. 15. UrncBt Thomoft, manager of a waro hoiiBO nt Tramwny, wan brought to thin city today and lodged In Jnll on n chargo of having nhot and klllod Hugh Lnvorty, a well known mining mnn, a fow mlloo bolow Knminn yes terday. Thomas ndmltfl tho killing, but atntea that ho waH dlroctod to do bo under mont uniiaunl clrcumstnncoa. Tho killing occurrod nt tho John Odnm cabin. Thomafl stated that ho and Lnvor ty left a plcnlo ycatordny and start ed for tho Odnn cabin. Whon thoy renchod tho cabin, nccordlng to Thomnp, throo men woro found thoro, nnd, na tho door.waa oponod, ono of tho mon plncod a Bhotgun In tho hands of tho boy and nt tho Bnmo tlmo lovolod hla rovolvor at him, di recting him to Bhoot Lnvorty, who wan nenrby, Tho boy ntya In his fright ho oboyed tho comnnd. Ho atntea that ho thon returned to tho cnbln nnd found l.nvorty'B body out ldo. Offlcem nro quostlonlng Thorn n In an effort to aocuro a furthor Htatomont which mny throw light on tho killing. NOTE OF WARNING COSCIHOVH, Waah., Aug. 15. That Chapnln Ollbort U. S. A., Hounded a aolomn noto of wnrntng that might bo woll hoodod by tho Amiiilcaa pooplo, whon ho told tho soldlors to bo on tholr guard agntnat encroachment fiom forolgn foos In tho coumo of hla Harmon yesterday at Cosgrovo, la tho bollof of tho major ity of tho army offlcors attending tho manouvora. "A country of such wealth and opoprtuulty nnd with Biioh small mil itary force la always In Immediate danger, America's groatout crisis haa novor yot boon roachod. Thlnga aro ocourrlng rnpldly, nnd, as soldiers, wo aro not dofondlng a flnlahod work, for tho country's groatoat udvnnco inont la yot to como. Other natlonB aro looking on vlth onvloua oyoa, nnd that la oapoclally truo of tho orlont. A llttlo Btoro that la ndvortlsod woll and to tho utmost limit of Its resources, novor will stay llttlo not ovon for a llttlo while. HnflklnB for health. FELL TO DEATH T Additional Details Learned Reiiard Inn Death of Mrs. J. S. McCain of This City In Salem Recently Was Burled Hero Yesterday. Additional ilotailH regarding tin; death of Mm. J. B. McCain of this oily, to IIiohu puhlialied in HiiudayV. inuo of tho Mail-Tribune are foii'id in the following Hulcm diapntch: Mistaking a door leading to the hiiHomout for one leading from tliu kitchen into the dining room, Mra. .1. S. McCain, of Medford, yeatonlay plunged head fimt into tho Ihihc meiil of the Fanner homo of thia city, Himtaining injuries to her por hoii which caused Iter death a fow hoiim afterward. Mm. McCain whh tho mother of Hay U. I'almor, of the finn of Wade, 1'vurco & Co. hardware merchants, and came lo thin city a few days ago to visit her HOII. Yesterday afternoon alio went to moot tho postman and upon her re turn to tho hoiiao, began perusing tho mail. So intently did she become occupied with it that, after enter ing tho Iiouho nnd while making hor way, as she believed, from the kitch en to tho dining room, alio mistook tho door loading to the basement for tho dining room door and fell head first into it. . In falling, her head struck acaiust tho hard stone floor, and when picked up she was UIICOIIBCioUB. Medical attention was summoned, hut hor injuries woro fatal and she dioil shortly aftor tho neident. She was 71 years of ago and leaves, in addition to hor son, n brother in Tdaho and another in California. Tho funeral will be held nt Medford Sunday. $20,000,000 FIRE (Continued from Page 1.) thrown nbout tho exposition. It Is reported hovover that considerable looting went on beforo theao precau tions woro takon. A diamond col lection worth $300,000 Is said to havo boon stolon, nnd sovoral smaller thefts wore roported to tho authori ties. With ono sldo of tho Avonuo Dos Nations wlpod out, covoral of tho main exposition buildings nro In ruins and tho rest of tho grounds Ut tered with charred ombors, tho ex position otflclnls conforred todny on tho ndvlsablllty of closing tho fnlr. ENJOYABLE OUTING ON BANKS OE ROGUE In honor of their guents, Mr. and Mrs. K. h. Inglo and Mr. lnglo's mother nil of San Francisco. Mr. and Mm. flus Nichols of Kale Point gave a very enjoyable out-dooi pnrty Sunday on tho banks of Horuo river. A large party of friends gathered enrly and merriment reign ed uneonfined nil day. Mr. Ingle, in spite of tho fact t-int he is almost a total stranger to thu rod and reel proved himself n nat ural fisherman lauding four tre mendous stcelheads. Thoso who enjoyed Mr. nnd Mr-.. Nichols hospitality were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Drown, Mr. Frank Drown, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Sohwnrtz, Mr and Mrs. T. K. Dolts, Mr. and Mn D. K. Whiting, Mm. C. A. Foste-. Misses Ilnzel Drown, HiiMi Nichols Mary Doltz, Pauline Ingle, Lu?ilo and Hamoiia Foster and Messrs. Norman Whiting and Tonny Nichols. Bo suro Dint tho no-lougor-ncedod nrtielo is junk boforo Bending for tho junk mnn. A "for salo" ail may store as representing your storo. PRICES SAG ON NEW YORK MARKET . NI3W YORK, Aug. 15. Tho with drawal of big ordora causod n Bag ging of prices In tho stock market to day. Although only a Blight ranctlon occurrod boforo noon. Amalgamated Copper docllnod 1 1-2 Union Pnclflo 1 5-8, Amorlcan Smelting 3-4, and U. S. Stool, Southern Pacific, Mis souri Pacific, St. Paul anil Choaa poako & Ohio 1, Croat Northorn cor tltfcntos roBo 1, Tho mnrkot closod Btoady. Donda woro atoady, SM Too Late to Classify FOR HUNT Two fumlalicd rooma with hot and cold water, electric lights, paved street. Call at Iiouho, North of 427 8. Fir. 127 FOR RJ5NT FiirnlBlied roorna with board. 325 Riverside avonuo. 131 FOR SAMS -5 and 10-ncre tracts Juat coming Into bearing (commor clal varlotlo3), clone to Medford; fine black freo noil. For Salo C-rooni house, modern, flno neighborhood, cement walk, corner lot, 120 foot deep; $2750; $1500 caah. For Salo Ono of tho most artis tic 5-room bungnlowg In Medford; nice neighborhood; cast front; trocB; prlco very reoetfoable; It will Biiroly bo Bold this week. M'ARTHUR & ALEXANDER Phono 3C81 P. O. Ulock. 12C FOR RUNT Housokeoplng rooms at 327 South Of.kdale. 132 TEDDY COMING TO TOE COAST NEXT SPRING OYSTER DAY, Aug. If,. Starting enrly in March, Colonel Hooscvelt will leave Sagamoro llill for the Pacific coast, whore ho is scheduled to del iver tho Charter Day address on March 23, nt tho University of Cali fornia. Tho former president will travel by tho southern route, speak ing once in each state through which ho passes. On AiiLMist 23, Colonel Roosevelt Have You a Privath Garage? How Do You Store Gosoline? Do Yon Do It Economically? THE WAYNE GASOLINE STORAGE SYSTEMS k . , ' Self-Mivisiirlng Pumps, full of information and value to all users of gasollno and oils. Temporary Office, Room 6, 232 East Main St., WAYNE PACIFIC DISRTIBUTING COMPANY MEDFORD, OREGON TUR N E X P E N SE, INTO INVESTMENT If it's merely a question of what you can "get along with," use an ordinary paper for your business stationery. If, however, you are seek ing to turn expense into in vestment, use Tt tt.mJ.ini fjfitr for hustHtis st.itfoxtrr IB) sji,ihr3UuUuyc p: "Zeoiftr t H'altr .VjrV The adtled influence given your messages by the clean, crisp sheets will wipe out the expense item and leave a bal ance on the other side. A little Journey Into the worMngi of your own miii4 will itrengihen our argu ment To lulp, atlc ii fir u jiciuien book of tilt paper thowing Interlit.'xJi nJ other buiinrM forma, printed, lltlio- firaplied unj engraved nn the white nnd ourtven colors ol Ulu IIawisiiikk Honii. ll'a worth having Made by murium I'apbk CoitrANV, ihe only paper makers m the world making bond paper excluirely. Medford Printing ELECTRIC IRON STARTS SMALL CONFLAGRATION "Novor again do I fool with nn electric Iron," said J. W. Drossier of 227 North Onkdalo avenuo, while ho was opening windows and doors to let tho smoko out and taking stock of tho charred remains of tho kitchen porch Monday morning. Had It not been for tho prcsonco of mind of Mm. J. D. Olwoll and her prompt action, Mr, Dressier might havo ben mourning a greater loss than tho charring of a fow boards, Mra. Olwell noticed tho smoko from hor homo next door and, knowing that tho family had gone out for tho day, commenced an investigation. Sho gave tho alarm and then attach ed a garden hose to tho yard tap and by tho time help arrived was ready to turn on tho water. Tho olectrlc Iron had been used In tho morning and tho current was not turned off. The Iron became so hot that tho cloth on which It stood caught fire and communicated to the woodwork creating a blnzo which would have been serious had It hove been allowed to gain headway. A good otoro location is advertis ing; good store service is advertis ing but both of these are supple mentary to the real advertising that Is done in tho newspaper. will leave for Denver, on a flying trip to addres the Cattlemen's Con gress. He will not sponk en route, nnd will return to New York direct. provide tho only safe, eco nomical, up-to-dato method of storing gasoline or any volatile liquid. Gosoline If not stored properly soon deteriorates and becomes useless. THE WAYNE SYSTEM of stor age is a reliable gasollno economist, and a safeguard against explosions caused by carelessness or leaks. Reduce rnto of you r insurance on gar ages and storerooms. 'Wnyno Pumps nntl Ttanks aro safe, compact and accurate. Made In all sizes, for all usages and for any quantity. Wrlto for our book on Tho Ynyno FINE JOB PRINTING IS OUR SPECIALTY WE CAN AND DO MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES GET OUR PRICES Co. 38 S. Central Ave Watch It Here is a snap for everybody. Every day during the month of August we will have on display in ono of our showwjndows a line of articles at half or less than half price. Wo are doing this just to advertise. Watch our windows. Every day or every other day these windows will be changed, and one of them will be filled with articles at one-half tho regular prices or less. Tomorrow WE WILL START IT 200 boxes of fancy box Stationery; regular 40c, 50c, 65c and 75c box paper, with envelopes to match; a big window full; take your choice tomorrow and Wednes day, 25c a box Jul In Something for the ladies, the swellest line of Hair Barrettes to be seen in the city, at, your choice, 25c each October 18th is the date we give away that fine Dressed Doll. Ask about it. HUSSEY S SB III STORM LONDON, Aug. 15. The Turkish Warship Mansouro was sunk during a severe storm along tho Turkish const, acording to a dispatch re ceived bj Lloyds today. No report of the fate of tho crew has been received. FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL- TURAL AND H0RTICUL- TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN- DID RACES, BAND CON- CERTS, FREE ATTRAC- TI0NS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INFQR- MATI0N ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY, . ---f -f ---f---f-f -f WITH A G R A F L EX you can tnko simp shots in tho house, in tho shndo, on cloudy days, 1-1000 of 1 socoiul oxposure. You can soo tho full-size pioturo right sido up at instant of exposure. We will ilomonstrnto. Medford Book Store Kili&ifilH SOMETHING NEW NAZARETH KNIT Underwaists and Union Suits combined, just tho thing for the boy or girl. Solve the summer waist and underwear question; all sizes; 50c Suit Wanted Close-in lot, quick. Work team for ranch, not over $275. Woman cook, $30. 2 box makers. 2 skinners. 12 bridge carpenters. , G lumber jacks. Chicken or hoc ranch. Riggers. Lady clerk. Sawmill men. Girl for general hou3j work. 10 laborers. Loggers. FOR SALE. Furnished 9-room house, closo in. Furnituro nnd lease. 7-rooin house, W. Main, big lot; snap. Furnituro for sale. Fine house on east sido. 10-acre tracts in full bearing. Tracts for subdivision. Irrigated tract, 3 miles out, $200 per acre. 3 fiuo lots, your own torms. 1 acre fruit, 4-room bouse, cheap for quiok sale. 1G0 acres, 5 miles out, $2750. 1G0 acres, 4 miles out, $00 per acre. Sawmill and timber. 20 ncres Newtown and Spitz ap ples, Knglo Point, $125 per acre. Business, nets $4000 yearly. 300 boxes Grnvonstoin applos. Lunch couutor. Swell camping outfit, choap. 10 acres, $1000, Jt niilo Phoenix. 2 acres, near city limits, west. 2 aores, north, under ditch. 9 acres, bearing fruit, closo to lim its, $8000. Cronm separator, cheap. 80 acres, incomo $2500, tools and toams. $0500. Boarding house, snap price. For Trade. Lots for good automobile. 20 aores, 12 in fruit, for city lots. 2 ranches for city property. 4-year-old horso, fino drivor, oor young ranch horse. Relinquishments. Two lGO-acro tracts fino fruit land, can irrignto, $200 each. L F. A. BITTNER Room 207 Tavlor & Pliippi IWf. Phone 4141 Main. Hosklns for Health. 1 -tvmtoJ- Vw.irtl-ifl11.irffitfWi.iMmfrfi i4ttm0UI