MEDffOItD MAIL TBIBDKE, MKDffORD, ORI5O0N, MONDAY, ATOPST 15, 1910. THIS SERMON IS A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE o.. Ooo ooO" ' ' ' "" " '- PEOPLES PULPI 9 Scrnion by chakles t. russelu Pnlor Brooklyn Tnbermcla Qi Ooo JitincNlowii, N. , AiiKtiHt 7. I'nntor IttiNMitll of thu Urooklyn Tabernacle today nildrcHHed a very largo tnootliiK of llllriu HtudfiitH In Oloron Audi torliiin. Tint wcohIoii won it (Juuoml Convent Ion of llllilo HtuduiilH. Tho nudlciico wan I'ntliuati.'d at nearly fl.000. TiikltiK for IiIh tuxt tint nbovo wonlri, tint upealuT mild: Thu Mule, to lio unilorMtood, tittmt bo vlowvtl from Un own utamlnolnt. TIiIh, ii h llllilo NtiidontH, wo nro learn ing iiuiro n nd inoro particularly every day. In tho piiNt wo Imvo rend our Milton "ii-mIi1o-1ovii." Many read as it duty; otlierit iih u Hurt of clmrm tlint would iilnciito DIyIiiii JuhMco and bring u Pit lm favor. Now wo nro learning to read tlio llllile In n coin uiou-neiiNu way, mid to uho our reimon. log fucultlcM In connection with Itii ntntnuieiitH and itroplieclen. Ah n con. ROipjeuce, whllo otliiTM urn falling from tlio fiiltli-nouio Into Intldellty Ntylel Higher CrlllclMin and Evolution; olli era Into fanciful wrcitlngx of tlio Word of (Jod wo aro coming to appro clnto tlio llllile ait the iiiohI nnfo and mine Hook In the world. Corrwiponil Ingly our faith In God IncreaieH-fnltli In IiIh WlMdoin, JiiHtlco, 1-ovo and Pow er to iiccoiiipIIhIi nil tlio good purpofen which Im purponed In lilumolf before tlio creation of our nice, CorreHpond Innly. too, wu are coining to npprecluto more than ever thu value of the great Hedceincr itud of tho irreat nacrlttco for hln which lie nccomplUluit nt Cal vary. Wo are coming to nee tho truth of what we once coutddcred poetic UceiiMo whe;i wo wing, "TlnTn'K a ttliltnvM In fJmJ'u mrrcy Ilko tlio l(toiirna of Ilia mm." We lire Hi-lng inoro clearly oh tho dnyn go ly the meaning of the Scrip ture which divlareH that ovenliiiilly tho Itiileeiner "hIiiiII nee of the tnivnll of hln noiiI anil he HiitlHlletl," We per celvo now that the little handful of iinlntH walking In tho Mantcr'n foot Hteji from I'entecoHt to hli Second Advent ami Hunting In tho " lies urroctlon" Ik not the end of Dlvlno Iove for our rare, hut merely It Iks KlniiliiU "A Unit friiltM unto God of hln crenlure" (Jitmcn I, 18). Wo nro now beeltiK that, according to tho Dl vlno purponf, the catling and election of tho Church to the nplrlt nature, to tho dlvlno nature, mum ho com pleted before the m-cond ntep In tho great Dlvlno I'liiu nf Hnlvntlon tipglnn tho recovery of tho world from win and death condition, to human per fection nml I'nrnillMo rentoreil "L.t Dead Dury Their Dead." No Itlhle tople require more careful dlHcrlmhiiitlou In Iih hi inly tliuii deed the Miliject of death. Thin In mainly heeaUHo of the general confusion of mind which eniiie upon Clirlxtoudnin during the long eeuturlei of the Cliurch'H comparative dnrl.noHi, when lllhle.i (the Lump of Cod upon the ChrlHtlau'ri path) were m-nrcc, and when few could rend tlio trtillm of prlcelexx value, that wero chained to lecteriiH. In eouHeueuco of this con fiiHlnu wo hear Intelligent people talk Ignnrniitly and Htupldly respecting dentil. They make confusion woruo coiifouiided by telling iih of Adnm'H Nplrltual death and discussing "nut untl" death mid "the death that never dleM," etc., etc. To got tho Hlblo view of death wo need to hruxh nwuy niicIi foollHh hub bllngn mid eonllno ourHelvcH to llllilo language nml thu rational thought con nected therewith. For Instance, ac cording to thu lllble, there Is no "nat ural death"-lt In not natural for man to die. It Im according to the Hlblo ar rangement mid uiiiu'h nature that he Hhould live-live eternally, iih do tho migcltf. If obedient to tho Dlvlno com imimli. Death, therefore, Is tho un natural thing! Do wo think of iingolx iih dying, mid of heaven iih tilled with cotuutcrlcHY Have they doelora and uiidertakerH (hero? Surely not! Yot It would ho Jintt iih proper to Hpenk of natural de.ilb umougHt the migelH iih In respect to men. Tho term Hplrltuul death ho frequent ly iiHcd respecting Adam and hln full Is wholly uiiHcrlpturul. No mich ex pression Ih found In tho Illhlc; neither Hiich u thought. Adam could not dlo ii Hphilunl dentil, Iicciiiiho he wiih pot u Hphit being. Mo wits an earthly ho lug not mi migel, hut u num. Ah the SciiptureH deelmo of Adiun, "Thou inndcHt hlin a little lower than tho mi gelH; and erowuest him with glory and honor, and dldnt net him over the workn of thy hands"! "over the beiiHtH of tho Hold, tho Huh pf tlio ncii and the fowl of tho air" (IlehrowH II, 7; l'milin vlll, r, (li. It Ih, therefore, iihsurd for lia to coutlnuo longer to Hpenk of Adam dy ing a Hplrltuul dentil, while admit ting that he wiih not n nplrlt being It wiih Hlmply tho inaii Adam that died. IIIh death, however, did include tho gradual pioeeases of decay, tind ii (Tee till not only his Iioiich mid laun ch's, hut iiIho IiIh hraliiB IiIh every mental mid moral quality, Tho huh tenco, "Dying, thou slnilt die," took hold of him iih mi entirety; hence wo tlnd, iih the Scriptures declnro, that there is "none rlghtoouu; no, not one" uono meiitully, morally or phyHlcnlly right. All huvo binned, All come uliort of tho glory of God In which Adam was created. PREACHING TO THE DEAD. "For lliii tiiiwi w (he Coipcl piriclinl !ki In litem llml are ilraJ, lint llicy tnilil lie judjrd acnfilin lo mm in llio rVilii IajI alive according to Cud in the iinl"(l Pdcriv., 6). ' OOO1"'1'1""1 9"9'''t 9 Q From the moment of dlHohcdlcnco mid Dlvlno condeiiimitlon Adam mid hln nice Imvo been Judicially dead mid gradually going down, down, down, In degradation mid Into tho tomb, HiK'iiklng of tho dying race from tho Judicial ittnndpolnt our Knvlor called them all dead. lie dechinW that none Iiiih oven u reckoned life, except unci) iih by faith accepted him iih their Life giver Bnvlor. IIIh wordH are, "Ho that bath tho Hon hath life; ho that hath not tho Kon hIiiiII not nee life; hut tho wrnth of God ubldeth on hi in" (John III, ,10). Hpeaking to ouo who believed on him tho Kuvlor kuIiI, "Let tho dead bury their dead"; go thou mid preach tho Gospel (Matthew vlll, tr.'), From tho right Htnndpolut IiIh meaning Ih evident. Let tho dead, tho condemned mid legally dead world, look out for IIh own uffnlni. You be come one of my followen and carry my mcHHiigo of life and hope to iih many iih have earn to hear! "Dead In Treipaiati and 8ln," TIiuh tho whole world of mankind through heredity, through Inherited weaknesses, through participation In tho nentcnen that came upon father Adam Justly, are nil Judicially dead In trespasses mid In hIiih not one of tho men Ih worthy of eternal life upon tho only terms mid conditions which God can offer namely, perfection, and obe dlenco to tho Dlvlno standards. .Ichum preached the Gospel amongst those Judicially (lend through trespasses mid hIiih. A few had thu bearing ear mid accept isl the good message uud gave their hearts to God mid accepted tho terms of dlsclpleshli to walk In tho Mnsier's footsteps In tho narrow wny faithfully unto denth willingly offering, Hiicrlllclnlly, their little nil In tho Hervlco of God, IiIh Truth, IiIh rlglitooiiHueKH, IiIh people. These few, na wo have een, tho Knvlor recog nizes ns having life tin having "pnsned from death unto life" (.lohu v, 1! t); novcrtholoHH their change wnn only a legal one. Actually, according to tho flesh, they weru still Imperfect, fallen. dying. Hut by Dlvlno urrmigemcnt their new mliiils. their new wIIIh, wero ncccptcd of God In Christ mid their llesh ignored ns dead, mid they wero begotten by God of tho Holy Spirit us Now CrcnluroH mid beenmu hoiih of God. Ah hoiis, they were free from nil tho previous condemnation that came upon them iih membcra of Adam's nice freed through the Impu tation of the merit of thu Iledeemer'H sncrlllce applied on their behalf. Thus they attained the liberty of tho sons of God freedom from nln-condcmnn- tiou. So wo read of them: "Ho came unto IiIh own (nation Jews) mid his own received him not; but to oh many iih received him, to them gave ho power (liberty, privilege) to become soim of God oven to them that believe on IiIh iiiiiuo (IiIh greatness n Messiah), who wero begotten not of tho will of the flesh, nor of innn, hut of God" (John I, lit). A Htmllai' procedure lias been in prog ress throughout all this Gospel Age from Pentecost until now amongst tlio world of mankind Judicially dead. It has reached ti considerable number; but not many great, however, not many wise, not many rich, not many noble, not many learned, chiefly the poor of this world and tho mean things, the Ignoble things (I Corin thians I, 2().'.'S). "Wo Aro Saved by Hope." Whllo Hponkiug of believers begot ten of tho Holy Spirit and Now Crea tures In Christ Jesus us having passed from death unto life, tho Hlblo, with equal ospllcltuess, tells us that the resurrection of the mind, thu will, of the Now Creatine, Is not tho comple tion of his salvation. Ho Iiiih received a great blessing, a great salvation; hut whnt ho now enjoys Ih merely u foro-tnHto, un "ouriioHt," or hnnd-pny-ment of thu gient blessing which ho will receive eventually, If faithful to his Covenant unto death. Tho fruition of tho hopes of tho New Creation will ho attained In the end of this Ago lit the Second Coming of tho llodoomor. when hu conies to set up his Kingdom In power mid great glory for tho bless ing mid salvation of thu world, when "every kneo shall how and every tongue confess" (Psalm vl, 23), The Scriptures point tho New Creation, the Hotly of Christ, tho "saints," the Church, to that Illustrious day ns the tliuo when they shall experience their glorious change from earthly to heuv tidy conditions when In a moment, In the twinkling of mi eyo tho resurrec tion power will lift theiii wholly out of earthly conditions to tho perfection of tho "Divine Nature," Describing this "First Itesurrectlon" of tho saints tho Apostle suys, "It Is sown hi dishonor, It Is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, It Is raised In power; It Is sown u natural body, It is rnlHCd a spiritual body" (I Corinthians xv, -111, -II). Ilesptvtlug this glorious :onsuinnmtlon of the hopes of the Church, thu Apostle declares It to be tlio end of our fiilth. tho salvation of our souls-"tho grnco (salvation) that Hlinll bo brought unto you ut the revo lution of our Lord mid Savior Jesus Christ" (I rotor I, 111). For that glo rlous tlmo tho Lord's pooplo nro lo wnlt pntloiilly, realizing Hint, iih New CrenturoH, they nro being tested by thu weaknesses mid frailties of their old bodies reckoned dead. Thuy nro to show their loyalty to God by lighting u good light ngnlliHt tho weaknesses of tho ilcsli, against tho allurements of tho world mid tho snares of tho Ad Tersnry, Thle Light Upon Our Text. Consider now, in tho light of the foregoing, tho moaning of St. Poter'H tfkt-ilu iiujmI tiu tnt 4ftrt ll'n twitil fit ITU I lH linVU n WIJ( IUAII II V 'VI.,-' how tho Gospel messngo from Unit to . Inst linn been preached to u (lend wor.d to a world under sen I unco of death- . to n world dead in trespasses and In i sin mid unworthy of Dlvlno notice. I Tho message linn not gone forth to ovury creaturo yet. Tho Dlvlno pro inlso Is that eventually every eyo shall I rico mid every ear shall bo unstopped, mid then "tho knowledge of the Irri shall nil the whole earth" nml "every kneo Hhnll bow mid every tongue confess." Hut that will be during .Messiah's Kingdom nf right (HjiisncHH, which will Inst for n thou sand years for tho world's uplifting That tlmo has not yet come, licit' e that glorious message which all must hear and those glorious sights which nil must see mid nil confess are not yet revealed. As yet the messngo can he appreciated only by n comparatively small proportion of our race, "oven as many as tho Lord our God shall call." Tho Itedeemcr says that they must not only be thus "culled of God," but that they must bo "drawn" by him, In order to be blessed during this Age. Ho snys, No man can coino unto me, except tho Puttier which sent mo draw him, mid lie that cometh unto mo (thus drawn) I will in no wise reject (John l, II, 37). For theso few of the dead world the Gospel In thu present time Is Intended. No others have thu ear to hear. Hut whllo those who hear are few In comparison to tho inllllous of thu world who do not hear, neverthe less they are many in comparison to tho still fewer who accept tho call un der thu conditions mid limitations of the narrow way of sclf-sucrlllce. "Many aro called, but fow chosen" to this high calling of Jolut-helrshlp with the Itedeemcr In his Kingdom. Hy mid by when all eyes and cars of understanding shall he opened and the blessing of the Uml through Messiah shall lie world-wide. It will not be merely a calling to righteousness that will bo extended. A command will be enfon-ed by disciplines, "stripes," "cor rections In righteousness," to the In tent that the "dead" world In general may bo blessed mid bo resurrected lifted up. up. up, out of sin mid death conditions to the human perfection be stowed upon Adam mid his race In creation. Only the unwilling mid dis obedient will dlo the Second Death, from which there will hu no redemp tion, no recovery. Live In Fleth and In Spirit. Those who hear tho Gospel mid ac cept Its terms of consecration unto (loath of the flesh nml are begotten of the Holy Spirit as New Creatures, "partakers of the divine nature." have so to speak, a dual existence from the time of their begettnl of the Spirit. From God's standpoint they nre New Creatun-s begotten to the divine na ture, which. If faithful, they will fully obtain In the "First Resurrection." Yet according to all wurldly concept of the matter they nro still human be ings, very much the same ns they were prior to their consecration and Spirit begetting. The world may. Indeed, bee certain changes more or less radical In their conduct mid words, but. like as not. these will uppoar to the worldly merely as fads, fancies, eccentricities. Perhaps, Indeed, ns In the case of St. Paul, they may tie considered ns "he sides thoui'uivos" mad. Hence, as the Apostle declares, "Tho world knoweth us not, oven ns It know him not" (I John III, 1). The world did not know Jomis to bo begotten of the Holy Spirit, the Son of the Highest, etc.. nor does tho world yet know thnt he Is highly exulted ut tho Father's Itlght Hand. So also It Is with tho followers of Jesus. They similarly Imvo re ceived n Spirit begetting mid, similar ly. In due time, nro to experlenco the glorious clmnge of tho "First Itesur rcetlon" mid bo perfected on tlio new plnne of the dlvlno nature. Judged of Men Judged of Qod. Note again tho Apostle's words re specting theso Spirit-begotten follow ers of Jesus, the "llttlo Hock," who wnlk In his footsteps of self-sncrillce. Ho snys that theso will bo Judged ac cording to men In the ttesh, but ac cording to God in the Spirit. Men not knowing us us Now Creatures in Christ limy think of us and approve or condemn us they would think of mid npprovo or condemn others accord ing to the flesh. Tho world will not seo that In theso Now Creatures there Is a bnltlo In progress tho Now Cien turo seeking to conquer tlio llesh and to bring It Into subjection to tho Dl vlno will, but not always able to do so. All wo can do Is to do our best, whether our best shnll bo as good ns or better than that of our fellow c rent ii res who aro not Splrlt-bogotton, hut who may bo less depraved by na ture nobler by heredity. Our con solution us New Creatures Is that we are not to be Judged by human judg incut, but by liini who culled us and drew us to himself, who hnuctllled us through the blood of the Cross, mid who begat us with his owu Holy Rplr It to his own dlvlno nature. He will Judge us according to tlio spirit ac cording to our minds, according to our Intentions, accoidlug to our efforts, To tho faithful who at heart aro overcotu. ers the Lord eventually will suj. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant! Rnter Into the Joy of thy Lord. Thou hast been faithful over a fow things; I will make tlico ruler over many thliiKs" (Matthew xxv, 21), NOTICE! Have you neon the latest in Abalone Blisters? Something new and stylish in collar pins, beauty pins, belt pins, waist sets, etc., etc. Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER NEAR POSTOPFICE Pure Clear Sparkling Yon can't afford to do without (bin plondidf refreshing drink. Call up and order a case sent to tho house. The purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. t- WANTED LISTINGS OF ORCHARD AND CITY PROPERTY AT ONCE. E. F. A. BITTNER, PHONE MAIN 4141, ROOM 207, PHIPPS BLDG. Fine Printing Wo mnko n specialty of fine printing carry tho necessary itock to cunblo us to fill all orders promptly, and guaran tee satisfaction. . Bcbt equipped 'job office, in OrcKon south of Portland; host expert printers. Poforo sending your orders out of town, call mid figure with us if we enn serve you for tho same price ns an out-of-town concern you will wish to pntrouiro homo industry. Medford PrintingCo. Robert F Maguire Late special agent TJ. S. General Laud Office, announces that he has opened law offices in the Medford National Bank Building, for gen eral practice before state and federal courts and the Department of the Interior. i DEAN'S BEAUTY PARLORS Hair Drossing a specialty; shampooing, scalp treatment, facial and hand massage, man icuring, dyeing and bleaching. KENTNER BLDG. Phone Main 311. MEDFORD. r Wanted To buy or can trade work horse for single driving mare; good for orchard work; not over 8 years old; weight about 1200; if broken to saddle preferable. Wanted Someone to bale hay at "Westaway Orchard; must furnish all machin ery for baling; quote price. For Sale Fine team, weighing about 1250 pounds each, (ba3r mare and roan horse), age 6 years and S years ; price, including harness, nearl' new, $335. "Will sell roan horse sin gle for $350. F. H. COWLES Westaway Orchard, Eagle Point Road, near Vilas Ranch. - - For Sale - - 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST MAIN ST. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office; 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE Che finest Sample Rooms in the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Plans and Specifications for the fonndntion of Hotel Medford mil be ready on nnd after Wednesday, August 10, at the office of Messrs. Clark & Forester. Ws35K!-'tel&'SrrZ' ' X wP jll rp5Sv-ft iff - - - ZJ$S V l ! C" if i THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street The Ceiling Fan In placos of business thoro Is nothing so essential dur ing tho hot months as Elec tric fans. Thoso fans cool tho atmosphoro and mako pur chasers comfortable. A per son overheated Is harder to please and makes fewer pur chases than ono that is played upon by tho soft, cooling broozos of an Electric fan. Thoso fans aro made In varying stylos to fit all kinds of business houses. Forcafos, hotols and restaurants colling fans aro sold, whllo for offices and stores braokot and de-k fans are preferable. llOGUH ItlVKIt KLKCTIUO OO. Make Every Dollar Worth More Than a Dollar!! 1 An educated ad reader will never be poor. To "know advertising" is to have a prac tical knowledge of values of things of when and how and where to buy. No ono, having and utilizing such knowledge, could over be unthrifty, or in any sense careless or reckless of exponses. Por such knowl edge makes for thrift for saving. It makes one proof against shams false values manipulated reductions. Tho intelligent ad reader uses as much thought and ability in buying things as is required in earning the money that is spent for them. And that amounts to a substan tial increase of the value of every dollar of the family rovonuo! - l afatawiJffeg irfii irr.lrmr'ffiar nViti 1 1 ilitfiMn irf,ii !'l 1 r