UNITKO PltKSS ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wlro Iteport. Til II WKATIIICH Tonight anil tomorrow Knlr -nnd warm. Tho only paper In the world publluliod in a city tlio Bite of Medford having n lonsod wire. M ITIFI'U Y1DAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, JMONJ)A V, AUGUST 15, 1930. No. 126. WALL FALLS: 14 DEAD. 50 General Grant and Regular Army Officers Teaching New York Militia. AUTO OWNERS MEET TOMORROW EVENING All of tho automobile own era of tho city and valley aro Invited to attend tv mooting to ho J'old Tiiflxtlay evening In the roomii of tho Com uierclal club when pormauont organization of a local auto mobile iiKHoclatlon will bo formed. f-.- "rr " OF ART BURN f-f-f 4- -H- -f-f -f 4 Medford Mail Tribune $20,000,000 TREASURES inuuro iu : QUELL 18 ! COLHUSi j,.. j-nm .j. L, ,tLl a ii , nx.j,F rrmtm ifo x '... - sr m. y. Hml -. - P-. A-re-. V K niotlnn Last Night Worst In History of City Police Unalilo to Copo With Situation Nc0lntlons tor Settlement of Strike Are Sus pended ly Mayor. COI.U.MHUS, 0., Aug. JG.-Clovor-niif llatniiiii today ordered thu 1'irnt regiment Ohio cavalry of Ciiiiiiointti and troops of imvulry and a buttery of nrtitury into ColumbtiH for riot duty. Tim govuruor'H ordur 1'oIIowh wornl in tho history of tho 8 t rent car HtWko hero. Card in many sections of tlio city worn dynamited and tlio police am iiuublo to maintain order. i iiiiuiiih wiin mmiii iw uj miimtu tlio High atrvot lianiH. A number of porno im wore injured during tlio riot ing, LTt riot culls woru hoiiI in and policemen revolted uguiiiHt onion to rido on tho cars manuvd by strike breakers. NogolialionH for tlio nottloinonr of thu htriko woro practically HiiKpontled today. Tho mayor advised tho com pnny to suspend i(8 Horvico at huii dowu. Tho chamber of commerce opposed tlio advioo of thu mayor, declaring' that tlio city authorities should not 'letnporir.o with IiiwIciiohh." Tho troops worn called on tho in itiative of tho governor, Mayor .Mar- hIiiiII not nuking for soldiers. '1 he governor concluded thai tho mayor wax not able to hiiudlo tho situation. (Imiornl John C. SponkH is in com mand. If tho troopn now ordered out are not Hulfioiont to control the hitiiation it in probable that others will bo summoned and martial law declared. 700 ACRES OF Fires in Wcncha National Reserve Aro at Last Under Control Prob ably 10,000,000 Feet of Fir De stroyed. DAYTON, Wahh., Aug. lfi After burning over 700 acres of valuable timber, the fnrorit fires iu tho Wcu elia National Ho&urvo, !1() miles eat of here, havu been brought under control, according to information -brought to Dayton today by John Church mid Juke ICeudnll. Men tire Kt ill guarding over tho burned area to prevent a re-Kindling of tho blaze, hut tho threatening danger is past. Jt is probable that from fi.OOO.OOO to 0,000,(I(IO feet of Tamnrae fir has been destroyed by tliiH, tho most du Htruetive fire iu recent years iu this locality. Headquarters have been established at Teal's place, on Aso tin creek. NASH HOTEL. IS TO BE RENOVATED Mnnagor Doll of tho NubIi hotel announces that that popular hostel ry Ih to bo vonovnted, ropaporod, reenrpotod and refurnished through out and brought up to (Into, Tho rooniH will bo looked after first, fol lowing which will coma tho office A now lavatory la to roplnco tho proaont ono, and tho botol koop nbronBt of tho city Improvements. "Whllo wo cannot protend to bo In tho eanio Claris with tho big now botolH bolng cotiRtructod," snld MY. lloll," wo will maintain a clonn and romfortablo botol, and with our Bit porb business location will not lack for patronngo." Mr, lloll recently purebnaod a half TIMBER BURN Qod In which Adam was created. rlous tlmo tho Lord's neoplo aro HASKELL ORDERS CAPITOL MOVED If His Orders Aro Obeyed Then Every Official Will lie in Contempt of Court It's Either That or Leave Their Jobs Says Governor. OUTHU1K, Okln., Aug. JG. If the statu oftlclalH obey tlovornor HaB IcoII'h order, lumiod todny, to inovo to Oklnbouia City, tboy will bo In con tempt of tlio Htnto Hupromo court, which ban forblddon tho romovnl of the cnpltol from Guthrles. If tboy refiiHo to join Governor's HnRkeU'B executive force, already at Oklnbomn City, their offlcoa will bo declnrod vacant by tho governor. UaHlcoIl bag given them until midnight tonight In which to oboy IiIh mnndato. It In considered likely tbnt tho of flclnlH will rofiiHo to oboy tho gov ernor. deeming tlio chances moro fa vorable for thorn to nbldo by tho court'o ruling and fight against re moval than to dlHobcy tho court. Attorney General Went today or dered Auditor Trnpp not to cnHb any warrantH for expenses Incurred by tho fow Htnto offlclnlu who nlrcady bnvo moved to Oklahoma City. One state official dcclnrcd last night that bo bad declined to comply with HanUeH'H demand on tho ground tbnt the govornor did not bnvo con Htltutlonnl power to order tho re moval. Tho nupremo court has yet to final ly pass on tlio question of romovnl. GRANTS PASS MAN IN BAD ACCIDENT Joseph Woiye and Family Narrowly Escape Death When Machine in Which They Were Riding Turns Turtlo and Crashes into Fence. Joseph Wolko of GrnntB Pass, a prominent hard ware dealor of that city, who with bla family whb mak ing a trip to Medford In bla "Tour IhI" nutomobllo, had n narrow escapo Sunday evening when bla machine turned turtlo near the Phlpps placo on "Sticky," crashed Into tho fenco and reduced It to a scrap pile. Fortunately Mr. Wolko and his family escaped without Injury, and after nocurlng a team, proceeded on their wny. Tho condition of tho machluo bears intitu teatlmony to tho narrow oscapo which Mr. Wolko and his fnmlly bad. It Iu complotol) demolished. CRIPPEN WILL NOT FIGHT EXTRADITION QUKIIKC, Aug. Lr. Fifteen days in which Dr. II, II. Criimon and Miss Ethel Lo Novo might npponl li-om u formal order of extradition to Eng land will expire at midnight. The couplo will not bo turned over to In spector Dew of Scotland Yn'rd un til then. Two steamships loave hero Thursday for Great lhitnin and Dew has not stated yet which ono ho will board to lake his prisoners home. "I urn glad all urraugomouts have been mnde," said Crippon today. "You can't take mo buck soon en- ough." InteroBt In tlio Nash from Dr. J. P. Itoddy. Ho lo nn oxporloncod botol man, having oporatod tho loading bo tol In Grand Forks, S, D for a num ber of years. Frantic Flcscucrers Are Endeavor Inn to Savo Thoso Improsoned Beneltli Men Were at Work on Wall Which Suddenly Collapses and Buries Many Beneath it. TOItONTO, Out., Auk. 3fi Four leeu men are known to bo dead and fully fifty mora aro buried under a fallen concrete- wall ht Mcfisenn, N. V., according to a diKpatch received here today. Frantic rescuers nro trying to tenr away tho ruiiiH and snvo thoso improHoncd beneath. The men who were killed were working on tho wall, which wiih in tended ns tho foundation for a power house. Without warning the wall gave way, pitching forward on the have been taken to Cornwall, Out., and OgdeoiiHhurg, X. Y. It is be lieved that fully fifty men aro still under the Ions of concrete. CRIMEAN WAR HEROINE DEAD Florence Nightingale, "Queen of Nurses" Passes Away and Will bo Buried in Westminister Abbey King Sends Condolence LONDON, Aug. 1G. Florence NUIgbtlngnlo, bcrolno of tho Crimean wnr, who died Snturdny at her Lon don home, will bo burled nt West minster Abbey. SIio will bo borno to hor sepulchro In stnto cscorcd by n military cortege This Li contrary to onojjf her Inst requests. Mlsa Nlght Ingnlo wished her funeral to bo sim ple but tho soldlora of tho British army nro petitioning that It bo made n pageant. Ab a nequol to tho death of tho "queen of nurses," John Flnoghnn, her orderly during tlio Crimean wnr, died today. . ThoiiBnndB of telegrams of condo lence nro pouting In, expressing re gret nt the death of England's he roine. Tho king sont a personal rop rcscntntlvo to express tho grief of tho roynl family. MURDOCH MAY HELP MULKEY Efforts Bccinrj Made to Have Chief Insurrjcnt Spccak in Orcnon in Bo Half of Insurgent Candidates for Congress Is Coming to Wash. POIITLAND, Or., Aug. 15. Ef fortB aro being tuado today to got CongroBsnmn Victor Murdock, chief liiBiirgout In Knnsns nnd rloso friend of Koosovolt, to Bponk In Portland tho lnttor pnrt of this month. Ef forts will also bo mndo to have him speak In tho First district, In which D. F. Mulkoy, nn lusurgont, Is con testing for tho republican nomina tion against W. O. Havloy stand pattor. Attornoy W. A. Lafforty, a caudl dato for roprosontntlvo from tho Second Oroon district, has boon In communication with Congressman Murdock ovor tho matter for sovoral days, and asnln todny wlrod him, pressing him to como hero and mnko a speech. Ho will bo In Vancouver, Wash,, about AuguBt 2-t, In tho Intorost of Congressman Mllos Polndoxtoi. ..j lo ( things" (Matthew xxv, 21). J'liotoa by American Preen .Vaaoclallon Major General Krulirlck D. Grant nnd Scenes of Kncampmcnt of .Mllltla and Itcgular Army nt Plna Plains. The citizen soldiers of New York and the New England stales, n regiment or two of the regular army and officers from ull brancbvri of Uncle Suin'8 military service are encamped nt Pine Plains, In tbe northern part of tbe Empire Stnto. Probably tbe moit Interesting figure among the great number of gayly bedecked mllltla officers Is Major Gen eral Frederick I). Grant, commander of tbe department of the east, who Is the ranking oIlcer present. New drills are being tnuclit the state soldiers nnd modern devices for wartime displayed nnd their method of use made plain. Portable pile drivers, emergency brldgm and wlrelcs telegraph apparatus are only n fow of the new things that the regular nrmv olllcers are tencbtug the novice LINK WOODILl CHARLTON CRIME Death of Edith May Woodill at St. Michaels Md. Possibly May Have Been Brought About by Mrs. Charlton Murdered in Italy. BALTIMORE, W., Aug. 15 The death of Edith May Woodill In tho secluded bungnlow of "Lamo Bob" Eastman nt St. MIclinols. Mr., nnd tho murder of Mrs. Mary Scott Cns tlo Charlton p.t Lake Como Italy, nro linked together today by tho Bnl tlmoro Sun. Tho Sun suggests tho possibility that Mrs. Charlton was tho woman reforrod to In Eastman's lottors as having killed Mrs. Woodill with n chninpalgno bottle. It Is stntoi that tho residents of Tnlbot county, Maryland, rocognized pictures of Charlton and his wlfo as thoso of tho couplo Boon with East mnn boforo Mrn. Woodill was mur dorod. Persons 'professing to havo seen tho pnrty at tho bungalow Bay thnt tho pictures ubllshed of Charlton's wlfo and of Portor Charlton woro thoso of tho man and woman scon at Eastmnn's bungalow, says tho Sun. Charlton worked for tho National City bank horo In Juno, 190D. Tho Sun centinues: "It Is possible that ho may havo loft horo nnd cono to St. Michaels, whoro bo mot his futuro wlfo, Charl ton visited St. Mlcbnols four or flvo tlmos nnd liked tho placo." Tho bank rocords show that Charl ton was not nbsont from duty any business day In Juno, 190D. Mrs. Woodill was murdorod Jnno 31. East man shot and killed hlmsolf shortly nftorwnrd whllo being pursued by deputy sheriffs. . Tho Sun rocounts tho riotous scones at tho bungalow nn described by neighbors and rofors to tho quick tompor of Mrs, Charlton nnd tho fact that sho drank heavily. Tho coroner's Jury roturnod a ver dict that nn unknown porson killed (Continued on Page 4.) DIES; REHEAR CASE Now Necessary to Rehear Testimony at Inquest Over Remains of Wom an Believed to Have Been Mrs. Belle Elmore Crippen. LONDON, Aug. 15. Owing to tho denth of Coroner Thomas, it v.a-s found necesnry todny to re-benr the preliminary testimony in the inquo-t into tho denth of woman believer! to have been Mrs. Belle Elmore Crip lien. Experts testified that the woman, in life, wns of llr. Crippcn's f'izo nml that sho hail died after a surgi cal operation. After three hours ol totimony, Deputy Coronor Scbroeder adjourned further henrings until September 0 nt tho request of Soli citor Newton, representing Dr. II II. Crippen. uecu&cil of his, wife's murder. Solicitor Williamson repre sented tho prosecution nnd Solici tor J. 11. Watts acted in behalf of Mist. Ethel Claire Lo Neve, who tied to Canada with (ho accused man . . . BROKERAGE OFFICE Moss & Co. of San Francisco nnd Portland with branches throughout tho country, will open a stock brok erage office In Medford in room iv, Postofflco flock. Tboy will supply dally quotations on Now York stocks. California oil and Nevada mining stocks. A. J. McAllister of San Francisco Is In Medford looking after tho pre liminaries. J. Nlsonscr of Portland will bo local manager. ' Tho Illinois Central era ft ore might mnko much moro money by furnish ing information concerning the uorve tonio thoy consumod. CORONER PLANNED FOR FALCON'IEBLAHC MAKES HISTORY French Man-bird so Far Has Made Perfect Score in Great Aeroplane Race in Which the Prize Is $47. 000 -One More Leg on Journey. AMIENS. France, Aug. 15. Fa vored by the first calm weather since the start of tho great cross-country aeroplane rnco LeBlanc, the "Fal con," completed tho fifth nnd next to the last leg of the 4SS-milo contest, when ho arrived at Amiens today from Dounl. Ho left Doual at 5:20 a. ni gliding lightly to tho ground 49 miles nearer Paris at 6:20 o'clock. Aubron, holder of second placo In tho race, took IS minutes longer to make tho flight. A low hanging fog hampered tho nvclators when they set out nt dawn. Orders wero telegraphed ahead and in nccordanco with these Instructions straw-stacks wero fired. Pillars of smoke from thoso shot up through tho mist to serve as guides for tho aeroplanists. LeBlanc and Aubron both flow, however, braving tho ob scurity, of tho fog and using tholr compasses. Barring an accident, LoBlanc is tho suro winner of tho contest for tho prizes, which total $47,000. His rec ord Is considered perfect. Ho has negotiated 421 miles through tho air In four hours, 21 minutes and 20 sec onds. Aubron, his nearest competi tor, has covered tho samo dlstanco in 11:29:58. On Wednesday tho f Inal aerial dash will tako placo. From Amlons tho mnn-blrds will fly to Paris, light ing on tho parade ground at Issy, Just outsldo tho fortlflcatlonB south west of tho cnpltol. Tho race started from Issy on Au gust G, tho chief Incontlvo bolng tho $20,000 offored by Lo Matin u Paris Ian morning newspaper Besldos this each city through which tho aoro planes woro drlvon added to tho quo ta of prizes, Wolmnn Is tho only American on-tercd. ff Twenty-one Pavilions Housing Fruit of Artists and Scientists of By gone Days Perish In Flames Forrty Persons Injured no Live Are LostCrossed Wires Cause. BRUSSELS. Aug. 15. Tho great buildings of tho Universal exposition of Berlin today form a smoking pyra of nearly 120,000,000 worth of the world's most priceless art treasures. With tho approach of dawn tho flro, which started In the telegraph build ing and swept half tho "whlto city" to destruction, had been controlled, but the damage wrought will bo Ir remediable. Twonty-ono pavilions, housing tho fruits of artists and scientists of by gono days, containing precious can vasses and fabrics wero consumed. No Uvea Lost. No lives wero lost and 40 persona were injured. Tho buildings woro crowded with Sunday throngs. Tho avenuo des Na tions was crowded with sightseers. The Bruxellcs- Kirmesso resembled tho packed streets of an American seacoast summer resort near eomo big city. Tho fire started from crossed elec tric wires In the telegraph building. Soon the flimsy structure was ablaze and firemen, fighting desperately wero unable to stay tho flames. Tho French and English buildings, fairy palaces of latn and stucco, offored food for tho fire, which, fanned by a high wind, gained headway rapidly. Troops Called. Police reserves and then troops wero hurrlod to tho grounds to escort tho panic-stricken people to safety. In the first rush for exits following tho alarm, most of tho casualties oc curred. Frantic men trampled wom en and in children in nn effort to save their llvs. The flames had reached tho Kirmesso boforo tho crowds had left tho place and with tho roar of the flames In tholr ears men and women sought to escape. In dividual acts of bravery wero lost In tho seething crowds thnt sought to pass en masso through the gates. Tho arrival of tho gendarmes and soldlors and English buildings wero In flames "Coney Island." Soon tLo French and Eigllsh buildings woro In flamos and tho flro leaped to tho Avonuo Des Nations, licking up tho fragile buildings that housed tho exhibits of foreign nations. Many Buildings Bunted. Tho exposition practically was des troyed, but many pavilions outsldo tho exposition woro also burned. Hardly had the flames died down beforo lootors woro at work. As soon as tho troops arrived thoy woro JtntinuedPjigoJj TO IMPROVE LOCJJJYSTEM Northwest Commercial Superintend ent of Pacific States Telephone Company in Medford Looklnu Over Valley With Local Manager. For tlio nurnoso of looking ovor tho vallov outlining many improvo- raonts in tho local system of tho Pa cific States Tclophono company, W. J. Phillips, commercial superintend ent of tho company in tho northwest bus nrivetl in Medford and in investi gating nil pnrts of tho vnlloy novum- pnniod by local manngor IJ. u. Droworj'. Tho company bus iu mind oxIoiihivo improvement work nnd plans, will ho announced after Mr. Phillips com- plotod his investigation. 1 -. IJKf 1I--W, - ft ft ftrtwnrtiiln1fii