Medford Mail Tribune UNITKI) 1'IIKHS ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wire Report. SECOND SECTION Tho only pnpor In tho -world publlahoa In n city tlio slzo of Mod ford having n. loasod wire. PAGHBS 9 TO 16 IfWni YJ3AR. MEDFORD, OJtmaON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1910. No. 125. j& IN MEDFORD'S SOCIAL REALM , jz? Miss Millioont Poller and Mr. Hurry I), Hohulor woru quietly miir riod Wadnumluy ovoning, August 10, at 8 o'clock at tliu pretty now bun galow homo of tliu groom, 102(1 Waul Tenth ulroot, recently erected and furnished for tliu reception of Ii!h I) ride. Stmiding in tho arch between tliu dining room and parlorH, tliu improH k'ivo ring eeromony was pronounced by Itov. Weston F. Shields, of tliu First PrcHhytorinu church, of which tliu brido in an active inuinhur. Tliu Iioiiku was titHtufully docorat od with pink and white rosea and Mendelssohn's wedding inarch whk played hy Miss Stella Schulor, Hifltur of thu groom. Tho curumony wiib witnessed by thu immediate mem burH of tho familiuH only. Thu hridu'H dresa wan a dainty bmiu model of ho ft material olnbo- I yratoly trimiiiud with rich embroidery I mid Jaoc, and hor going-nway gown J vvns of tan pongco silk with trim- L mings of blue. Mrs. .Schtilor !h thu ncunmpiiHiieti unugiiior ot Air. ami Mrs. Sidney Potter, formurly of Nuw York, and sineo bur arrival horo Iiiih been ouu of thu moot valued tonchurs in thu oily schools, where hor knowl edge of hor work and hoar endearing wayH havo madu hor alike popular with pupils and patrons. Mr. Schulor !h thu Hon of Mr. and Mrs. Itichnrd Schiller, recently from Valloy City, 'N. 1)., and is ono of Medford'a rising young business inon. Aftur a trip through Califor nia, which includcH stopovers at San Francisco and various uoiiHt points, Mr. and Mrs. Schulor rotuni to Mod ford and will be at home to thoir friondH after September 7. MIhh Fern IIutchiiiHoit entertained most delightfully Thursday afternoon in honor of hor guest, Miss Alioo Waring of Portland. Fivo hundred was played, after which dainty re freshments woru nerved. Tho guests wont Misses Alioo Waring. Alice Streets, Holon Worrell, Bess Kent nor, Ida I,oo Keiitner, Jeanotto Os good, Mary Deuel, Hazel Davis, Ger trude Fay, Lucille MarHhall, Star Mnrahall, May McCoy, Elotha Eiuor iok, Hlauoho Wood, Ituth Merrick. Holon Watt, Nonrly and Noaloy. The wedding of Mr. Martin Spen cer of Hullo FiiIIh and MiHH Lillian Luudcu at Jacksonville Friday is tho culmination of a very pretty j-o. inanco. MiHH Luiidon, who lives in Pennsylvania, was viHtttiic friends in Dutto FiiIIh, whoro sho mot Mr. Spencor, who owiih a largo ranob thore, and thoir coiirtHhip was start ed. Later sho wont east and after n obort stay return horo. Tho happy couple wuro (piiutly married and will make their future homo in Ratio Falls. Mrs. Robertson oulorlainod Tues day afternoon in honor of tho fifth V birthday of hor daughter, Grace, as- V mat ml liv Afieu Tttmi TtJu ftuttmu .""vm j 'iino vmi iwi ttni v I lit I urj oru played during thu aftomoon, af lor which refreshments woro sorved. Tho invited guests wore: Misses Helen Koddy, Ileuu ICahlo, Kathoriuo Priehard, Violot Rasa, Nollio Hook and Ora Robertson, Mr. Vilas Rockwith cntortninod at dinner Saturday evening at the Louvre, his Clients wore: Captain and Mrs. Gordon Voorhies, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hainil, Mr. and Mrs. I Conro Fiero, Mr. nnd Mrs. John 7). dwell.' 1 Captain J. T. C. Nash of Berkeley I arrived hint week for a short visit. John F. Steven's Recent Anouncement Regarding the Paciiic& Eastern Railway Assures Medtord's Future Now that John F. Stevens, head of tho Hill linos in Oregon, Iiiih given out an authoritative statement that tho Paoifio & Eastern railroad is to bo oxtondod across tho Cascades and loso its identity in Ihu Oregon Trunk, forming part of it transconti nental lino, public interest has been greatly augmented in thu building of tho lino, and Chief Engineer William Gorig is hosiegod with questions as to tho HtatuH of tho work on tho lino nnd prospoots for work in tho near rfuturo boyond Dutto Falls. A trip ovor tho lino at present is not without interest, Thu lino has boon graded as far as Dutto Falls, Thu tennis tournament bold at Grants Pass Thursday resulted very dinastroUHly for Medford, a tho Grants Pass players carried off all tho honors. After thu tournament thu visitors woru delightfully enter tained and taken for a motor rido. Thu nuxt tournament will bo held in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ewhiink, Mr. Leland Ewhniik and Mr. and Mrs. L. 15, Drown and family havo re turned from an extended trip through tho ntntu. Thoy started by way of Crater Lake, going through thu Deschutes country and tho Wil lamette valloy to Portland. Dr. Hay waH host Friday night at dinner at tho Louvre cafe. His giiosts woro; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 01 well, How Chambers, Colonel Frank Ton Velio. After dinner tho party took a ride through thu valloy in Mr. Olwell's new auto, and Jator had supper at tho Louvre. Tho ladies of tho Methodist church gnvo a dinner Wednesday evening, which was very well patronized. Tho Indies of that church aro noted for the good dinners thoy sorve, but thoy outdid themselves on this occasion when a delicious and most bountiful old-fashioned dinner was served. Waller Frazor Drown returned from Portland yeslordny morning, whoro ho wont Thursday to meet his family. Ho brought with him Mrs. Drown, two sons, Hcginnld and Leonard, daughter, Emily, nnd fath er, Mr. II. I). Poafiold. Thoy aru lo cated temporarily at 018 South Cen tral avonuo until thoy cnu orcet their own house Mr. Howard Dudley gavo a dinner Thursday ovoning at tho Louvre "In honor of his father and mother, who aro visiting in Medford. Thoso pres ent were: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Dudley, Mrs. Calvin Ha for, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hafer, Messrs. Walter and Howard Dudley. Dr. and Mrs. Geary of Portland aro spending tho week nl their ranch on Griffin creek. . Mrs. Geary has been tho guest of Mrs. E. H. Pickel and Mrs. W. I. Vawtor tho past week. Ono party leaving for Crntor Lnko this week will bo Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hamil, Mr. and Mrs. Conro Fioro and Mr. and Mrs. John D. Olwoll. Thoy will motor up nnd expect to bo gone a week or more. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hoot enter tained at dinner Sunday night at tho Louvre. Those prosont wore: Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Andrews, Miss Caro liuo Andrews, Miss Josephine Hoot, Mr. Leo Hoot and Mrs. and Mrs. Root. Miss Mildred Waro and the M'ossrs. Cecil and Ralph Waro ar rived Friday from Nortbfiold, Minn., and will make thoir homo at Pleasant View ranch, south of Medford. Mrs. Dunlop entertained nt bridge Thursday nflornoon. Hor guests weru: Mesdanios Waltor Stokes, Charles Drown and Edgar Hafer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Narrogan of Eaglo Point loft Wednesday for Cra ter Lake. Thoy expect to bo gono two or throo wcoks. Mrs. C. R. MoKoo has roturncd from a trip to Crator Lnko where the contractors aro nt present grading yards and tho like Sleol has boon laid to a point eight miles beyond Eaglo Point, whoro the work has been temporarily chocked until thu bridge contractors cnu span the first doep gulch crossed, This bridge will bo ready for stool on Monday and then traok-laying will bo ro sumed. A mile further on it will halt again for a fow days until tho larg est bridge on thu lino between this city nnd Dutto Falls is raised. Somo idon of tho size of this structure is gained from tho fact that .100,000 foot of timbor will bo usod in its oreetion, Botweon Englo Point nnd l, . Boy Scouts1 Founder and Hero of Boer War, General Baden-Powell, Coming For Visit I - .... j f y!$ l Ti Photo by American 1'renit Attfcoclutlon. General Iludun. Powell olrl Scouts UelnB Inipected. k uiiurai uuiun.ioeu. Boy BcouU BlKnallnB With Flass. General Itiulon-l'owell, hero of Mufeklng, nn Idol of tho Iirltish army and founder of the wouderful movement known as "the Hoy Scouts." Is comlug to tho United States nnd Canada for a visit,- nnd Hoy Scouts In all parts of Uncle Sam's domain aro Imping that he will tell thorn about tho llttlo boys la Eaglnnd who have made the or ganization mo popular. (Sills, too. aro noxious to see tho English officer, for he was Instrumental in organizing the Klrl scoutis and may carourago hucIi a plan while ho Is visiting on this side of the water. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bennett of Loudon arrived ill Medford for a short stay and will bo tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Olwoll. Mrs. Fiero nnd Miss Emily Fioro will return Tuesday from tho beach, where thoy havo boon for the past two weeks. Mr. Doudinot Connor and bride arrived last Sunday from Chicago and aro at homo at Mr. Connor's ranch at Tablo Hook. Mrs. Harry Hicks and sou return ed Wednesday from Olympin, Wash., whoro thoy havo been visiting Mrs. Hicks' parents for tho past two months. Tho ladies of the Christian church will gtvo a lawn social at tho homo of Miss Jones, 801 East Main street, next Tuesday ovoning. Ico cream and oako will bo sorved. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Antlo arrived' Tnosday from Atchison, Kan. Thoy will make their homo hero with their sou, M'r. R. F. Antlo. o Mro. R. V. Orr of Phoenix visited friends in Medford last wool;. 1 Dutto Falls thero aro nino bridgos, but tho othors aro smallor nnd will bo eroot'od rapidly. At tho rato tho road is to bo com pleted at presont trains will probably bo running into Dutto Falls Septem ber 1C. Whou Dutto Falls is reaohed it is expeotod that a halt will bo oallod on construction work for iv short tinio. No oontrnots havo boon lot for thu grading of thu lino boyond that point, nnd although tho work will bo halted it will only bo a short time until it will bo resumed, for wo havo John F, Stovons word for it that tho lino 18 to bo a part of tho Oregon Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Olwell enter tained at dinner Thursday night in honor of Dr. Currey of tho O. A. C. and Mr. J. K. Weatherford of Al bany. Mr. nnd Mr. H. II. Honey and family of Dovil's Lake, N. -D., ar rived in Medford last week and will make this their future homo. Mrs. T. II. Williams and daughter, MIks Lucy, aro tho guests of Mrs. William Gcrig, sister of Mrs. Wil liams. Mrs. J. P. Roberts, a former resi dent of Medford, but now of Albany, will bo tho guest of Mrs. W. D. Allen nnd Mrs. L. D. Drown for two weeks. Miss Helen Worrell will entertain Tuesday afternoon for Miss Alioo Waring of Portland, who is the guest of Miss Fern Hutchinson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Deri Orr aro receiv ing congratulations upon tho birth of thoir son. M'r. Orr, Jr., arrived last Sunday. Mrs. C. A. Malboeuf and daughter, Miss Charlotte, aro veiling nt Ash-, and. Trunk. But thoro is no need of rushing tho lino over the Casoados until tho Oregon Trunk is oxtcuded south to meet it. Tho extension of tho Paoifio & Enstern road across tho Cascades to a connection with tho Oregon Trunk is tho enterprise of greatost momont to Southern Oregon. As soon as it is complotod to Butlo Falls, ninnu faoturo of lumbor will start in tho largest of tho world's remaining su gar pino belt, whilo, as soon as tho road is complotod oast this city will bo tho t'orniinnl of a great transcon tinental lino, At the presont momont tho P. & Mrs. Gcorgo Davis left Inst week for Colcstin, where sho is the guest of Mrs. Ed Pottinscr. Mr. Davis' will spend the week end thore. Mrs. Albert Gluck nnd dnughter and Miidnme Gluck returned "Tuesday from u visit to Culcctin. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gluck and Mr. Williamson left Thursday for a trip to Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miner returned In-t week from an outing at Colc stin. . Miss lono Flynn will spend two weeks at Colcstin visiting Mrs. J. P. White and Mrs. Ed Pottingor. Mrs. Goble is tho guest of Mrs. Duller at Colcstin. Dr. Goble will also spend Sunday there. Mrs. John Harrington returned Thursday from a two weeks' visit in Portland. Mrs. J. F. White is spending tho summor at Colcstin. Mrs. A. Slover is spending a fow weeks at Colcstin. E. is fully equipped and operated with profit from Medford to Eaglo Point, a distaneo of 12 milos. This entire section has beon rebuilt, heavy rails being used, ourvos nnd grades oliminntod and tho entire lino fitted for heavy traffic. Tho present ox tension to Dutto Falls earrios tho road through a country whero 8,000, 000,000 feet of timbor, in addition to coal, cattlo, fruit and immense agri cultural products aro now waiting shipping facilities. Tho lumber nlono will provido tho road with nn immodinto rovonuo of about $1500 a day at a froight ohargo of $2 per thousand foot. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Jasman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Bono nt dinner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaemnn left Monday for their future homo in Portland, -where their many friends wish them success. Master Kennith Beno gave a Inwn party to n number of hi3 little friends last Saturday afternoon at his home on Oakdalc. The occasion was his eighth birthday anniversary- Mrs. De Liew, -who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Charles Drown, left last week for her home in Jackson, HI. Mr. York left for Newport Tues day, where his family are spending the summer. Mr. W. G. Aldenhngcn loft Wed nesday for Portland, ne -will be nwny several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Trowbridge will spend Sunday at Colcstin, the guc3ls of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Poltinger. Miss Genevieve Wortman leaves Monday for Colcstin, whero she will visit Mrs. Ed Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trowbridge ar,e expected home today from a six weeks' trip in the cast. Mr. and Mrs. Ganawny and chil dren have returned from a week's visit nt their country home. Mrs. Susie Turner Neil nnd chil dren left Tuesday for their home in Portland. The Misses Susie and Myra Holmes of Ashland visited friends in Medford last week. Mrs. Etta Stevenson and daugh ter, Miss 'Mnry, returned Fridny from a visit nt Woodville. Miss Florence Kentfield of San Francisco will be tho guest of Mrs. Edgar Hafer for several weeks. Mrs. Winches of Portlnnd is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hollis. Miss Louiso Spink entertained in formally at luncheon Thursday. PUTNAM'S GAVE MAN TO BE CAST IN BRONZE "The Cave Man," the clny statue that Arthur Putnam, the sculptor, modeled for tho jinks at Bohemian Grove, this year, is to bo put in en during form nntl find a permanent home in the club over which tho owl presides. Members of tho Bohemian club havo become so impressed with Put nam's creation that they havo sub scribed $2000 to havo "Tho Cavo Man' case in bronze nnd given a conspicuous plnco in their now club house. 'Tho Cavo Man" is regarded by persons w.ho havo seen it as a par ticularly striking statue. It typifies man at tho time of tho transition pe riod. The statuo depicts tho crouch ed figuro of a man awed by his dis covery of firo. In tho left hand a piece of flint is held, whilo tho right cratches tho head in amazement at tho element produced by tho wondor ful stone. Experts who havo seen tho figuro say it is ono of tho most distinctive of Putnam's productions. San Francisco Exnininor. Arthur Putnnm is a son of Mrs. M. M. Putnnm of Medford. It is estimated that it will take fully -10 years to ship out all the timbor in tho suerb forests of Jackson and Klamath counties. At the ond of that poriod tho road's tonnago of froight would not cease, because tho land, ndmirnbly adapted to fruit raising and genoral agricul ture, would bo used for farming pur poses and tho clearing of tho forests would bring an nddod population of at least 25,000. Tho Paoifio & Eastorn was started fivo years ago as tho Medford & Crater Lake railroad by a local com pany. After grnding tho right of wav and lavinir tho rails, tho com pany wont into bankruptcy and tho DAYS 0' DREAMS. Days o' dreams the summor days when tho world is stitll, Savo for laughing breezes murmur ing across the hill, When wo look across tho fields to the distant wood And the breezes sing a song never understood; Never clash nor clang that grinds in tho city street, But a world of quietness, soothing, silent, sweet. Splendid idle days are these where the flowers blaze In a scented glory all along the grassy ways; Wild roses- nodding in tho wind and hollyhocks aglow Where they stnnd as sentinels sol emnly arow; Honeysuckle tossing forth its scents that go adrift Till they break in perfume spray where the hilltops lift. and white, whito clouds that sail through the summer blue, Sending down a mystic hail to tho soil through the summer blue. Sending down a mystic hail to the sou of youi Gold and purple in the dusk and sil very in tho dawn, Casting racing shadows that speed down tho fields and on Piling in a thousand shapes and glinting in the sun Till your lazy eyes half close at all the magic done. W. D. Nesbit. DERIVATION OF SISKIYOU FROM FRENCH SEX CALLI0UX In the Yreka Union of Juno (J, 1809, Colonel E. M. Authony, in "Reminiscences of tho early days of Siskiyou," a lecture delivered before tho teachers' instituto of Siskiyou county, held Friday, May 28, 18G9. gives tho derivation, of tho name Sis kiyou. He speaks of the first party of white men visiting this country in 1825, nnd goes on to state as fol lows : "Tho tradition is that a party, possibly the one we have mentioned, were crossing a creek when they first saw tho range of mountains to the north of us. Thero were six boulders in the creek, which tho French' called 'Sex Callioux,' and from this fact they called tho chain of mountains tho Sex Callioux moun tains, which by nn easy transition became Siskiyou." PIONEER WOMAN DIES AT SALEM Mrs. N. MoCr.ln ono of the pion eer women of southern Oregon, died at the home of her son, Ray L. Far mer, nt Salem, August 12, whero sho was visiting, aged 72 years, from tho effects of a fall Into tho bnne ment of tho house. Mrs. McCain was a natlvo of Vir ginia and camo to Oregon in tho early mining days. Her second husband, Rev. J. xr. McCain, known all ovor southern Oregon as n minister, dlod several years ago. The remains voro brought to Xled ford Saturday and the funeral serv ices will bo hold at tho late real donco of Mrs. McCain, No. 124 South Newtown, at 2 p. m. The Intermont will bo mado In Jacksonville como- tory. ' Tho hobblo skirt has reached Mis souri. Thoro's nothing that stato doosn't want to bo shown. road was sold to a Portland syndi cate, who reorganized it as tho Pa oifio & Eastorn. Tho failure of tho Oregon Trust & Savings bank brought tho plans of tho now owners to an untimoly end nnd thoir inter ests woro purchased by Edgar Ha fer and Dr. J. F. Roddy, who, aftor many unsuccessful attempts to fiu nuco tho project, sold it to John R. Allen, who in turn interested tho Hill interests in it. Tho road is not being built us a logging rond, as a trip ovor it will testify. Heavy steel and good grades, show that tho work is not being Blighted. With its completion Med ford's future is assured.