Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 14, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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John II. Curliln, itUornoy-ut-litw,
ovor Jiiukiioii Coiintvl Hunk.
Court Hull oiimu in Hittunliiy from
IiIh hmiiiiiiot oitiup on llio upper
llnguo. Ho roporlM uood I'Milng.
Htm (I AiiKiint HiuiHot. Houil '"J'liu
l'hllipplnou an 1 Hnw Tlioin," hy
flonorul .Iiiiih'H F. Suillh, ox-governor
of (liu I'hilipplnoH, mill "Uiiliforniu
Mnolt (lolil, tho Uoinunco of thu Oil
WoIIh," by Wnllur V. Woohllto, in
HmiHiit for Aiigunl, now on hiiIu nt
nil IIOWH HtllllllH, If) coutii. Ill)
Dr. Clark K. BnuudorH of Sun
Mornunlino Ih tlio lutoHt Boutluiru
Cnlifornlun to full in lovu with tlio
Hoguo Kivor valley mill looulo in
Medford. Hu will opun tin officio in
tho nuw Uuriiutl huilding. IHh pruo
tico !h limited to oyo, our, none niui
tlirout. Ilu in thu fiiHt HpuoiuliKt to
loouto liuru.
John U. HwiUor of Chiongo I tl
guoHt of 10. V. KoHtur, Oak Mount
Donald 3. Clark wuh in town from
(ho ranch Saturday, accompanied hy
IiIh mother.
Hay L. Fanner of Snlotii wuh hum
.Saturday and Hunduy to nttonil tho
funeral of h'lH mother, MrH. .McCain.
I'orlor J. Noff Saturday Hold Ii'ih
property ul tho ooruor of Oukdulo
and Holiunut uvunuo to Dr. I'orler
J'or a coiiHidoratiou of $Ufi00. Tho
property fnct'H 7ii foot on Oukdulo
and !h without improvomontH.
George Von dor llullon of Walton
wan in Mud fonl on a Ihihiiiohh trip
I-'riiuk l'lymulo Iiuh returned from
n visit ti rolativoH and friends in
Not thorn California.
Mrw. M. M. Putnam and Minn
Klixuhcih l'utniiin left Kuturday for
Horkoloy, culled thither hy thu ho
rioiiH illiiuHH of Mrs. I'litnnin'H Kin
tor. MiHH Ilulon Youkoy, oiiHhior of tho
Mail Tribune, loft Saturday for it
two wuekn' vacation at Newport mid
W. A, Sumner of the Palmer Iu
voritiiiuut Co,, Iiuh roturuud from
Santa Hurhuru, whom In; wuh culled
two weokH au'o by tho death of bin
daughter. Tho iutormuut took place
ut San FntnciHco, wheru MrH. Suin
nur will rumuin for Home time.
Thu llig PiuoH Lumber Co. will
funiiHh thu lumber for thu Howard
building now in courHo of orectiou
on corner of Central uvoniiu mid
Sixth Mtreot. 1i!5
Kilut-H Mimiu Co. are turning out!
pinuoH at thu rule of from five toj
oighl encb dny. lffi'
Want tho boHt buy in huge tract
of fniit laud in thu valley f Two
genuine fiiinps uro offored the com-1
ing week by thu Hoguo Kivor l.itiul I
Co., No. .11 North Ceutrul uveiuto.'
Tliuy novur fool you. 1'itrtictilurs on
application. J'Jfi
Mrs. Stewart and her daughter,
Minw Kudo, and Dora Smock, and
their friend, .Misn Ituth AmiHtroiig,
loft Saturday for Newport for n
stay of Hovoral weeks.
Tho .Kuglo Point Sunday Heboid
held a picnic in Young'B grove, near
Knglo Point, Friday. It was ouu of
thu old-fashioned pionio, with all
kinds of good tliiiign to out, liturury
and miiHicnl program, Hporl for tho
youilgHtorn anil a pleiiHimt Kocinl
time for tlio older ones.
Mr. and MrH. V. W. Cnriiuhun ttnd
Krio AndorHou loft Saturday after
noon for Crater Lake by team. They
intend diking Hovorul iIh.vb for tho
trip iiikI expect to take in all the
noonory nlnng tho route.
Hriti AnduiHon, of the Mluo I.etteo
diHtriet, wuh in town Suturduy. He
re porta Dial mnttorx arc quiet nt the
initio, hut that coiiHiderublo work isi
hoing done on the Kovurul cliiimi.
MisHOH Wruy Curry and Helen'
Voekey left Suliirduv evening for'
SciiHide and other northern points
on a Micalioii of u week or mom. I
Jiiilgii C. K, Curpontur of Laramie,
Wyo and Ii'ih dniighlor, MIhh Agium,
am hum on a vIhII, Judge Cnrpcii
lor piiichaHed an orchard near Kuglo
Point hint year, which In planted to
U-y cur-old ticen, and iih hooii iih bin
tcjni uh judge of hiu circuit in Wy
oming oxpircH ho iiiliuidn to move to
IiIh fruit fiinn mid miiku (IiIh valley
bin fnfiiic hoiiiu.
I'!. W, HurguHH of Wellen wiih in
Mcdl'oid Hat unlay looking uftur him
Iiichh mat tern.
L Neideriiiuyer of JaidcHoiiville
received two flit o Shi'opHhire biickn
by oxprcHH Sutiiiduy iiiorning. Mr.
Nciilerinoyer !h mi ndmlrer of fine
Htock mid uiIiIh good blood to bin
i'loukH and hordfl from time to time.
Juiiiuh ICernliaw of Antelope, the
Angora gout king, wiih in Medford
on u hunincHH trip Suturduy. Mr.
ICorHhuw Iiuh mom and better gouta
thiiii any one oIho in Soiithuru Oru
goli mid !h jiiHtly proud of thorn.
Mr. mid Mm. John W. Wood mid
M!hh Alieo A. Dluckford of Albion,
111., have been vimting thuir couhui,
P, M. hondinw, thiH week. 'I hoy
hnvo beon hoouv; Culifoniiu mid tho
went hiih'ii Deceinbur. MW Alieo
A. Hlnekford will touch the coming
winter in the JuckHonvillo high
K. K. Krulov. thu Hogiui tVer
runnier, npent Suturduy in Modfoid
on niiHiiieHH.
W. J. Phillipn, diHtriet commorcinl
Hiiperiiitendeiit of tho Pacific StnloH
Tclephmic company for Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, mid J. I.
Henton, diHtriet inanagor at Kngenc,
uro in Mcdford. Tho former is hero
officiully nud tho lattor to bco what
a mul town looks like.
J. W. IfnnnorH, innpoctor nt thu
Union Mont compuny'H wurohotiHo,
received it telegram this afternoon
announcing tho HorioiiH illnerr of httt
brother at I.oh AngelcH. Ho loft on
the first Houthbotiud train for that
Clnude Met?. Iiuh returned from a
two weeks' camping trip on Hoguo
A. 11. Come Hiient Friday in
Haute Point on biiHiuuHK.
.lolni' D. Olwull Iiuh purchased a
nuw 1011 No. 17 Iluiuk. Dr. E. 0.
Porter IntR also joined thu Huick
rankn, puicliaHing it No. 10.
Mchhi-h. Orton, Mclntyro, Noff mid
Dodge left Saturday moruiig for
Critter Lnku in Mr, Orton's hugu
iercu Arrow.
Thu Dig Pines Lumber company
lias Hoourod tho contract for funi-
inhtug luiuber and cement for thu
Howard building. Thu first lumber
bill calls for IIOO.OOO feet.
Leon II. Harris, formerly of this
oity, but now loentcd in Chico, Cnl.,
U pelldillg a few dayt with Medfor.l
frieudH. Leon Hityu Chico is alright,
but that ho bus to como back occas
ionally to untisfy his longing for the
fair valley of tho Hoguo.
Mrs. Ponrl Hoguo, formerly of thi
city, is renewing old ucipiuiutmicc
Dr. C. K. Hay left Saturday eve
ning for Novort, where ho will join
his family.
Christian Science.
Services Sunday at 11 a. in. Sub
ject of losHon-sennon, "Soul"; Sun
day school ut 10; testimonial meet
ing Wednesday at 8 p. in. All uro
welcome. l'J8 North Orupo srteet,
north of Slioriuuu-Cluy music house.
Presbyterian Church.
Services Sunday ut 11 a. m. Mr.
KrcM W. Moura will upoik In tlio
morning In tho nbBonco of tho pas
tor. Mrs. D. II. Drowory will ntiig.
Siindny Hchool nt 10 n. in, Chris
tian Hndonvor society nt 7 p. nt.
Union Rorvlccs nt tho M. K. church,
South, on tl-o West Sldo nt 8 p. m.
St. Mark's.
Sunday services ut St. Murk's
Sunday school at 10 u. in.; iiiorning
service and sermon at 11. Professor
Karnes of tho Louvre will render a
Velio selection from Handel.
(Continiiod from Pngo 1.)
bind towns have Hiiffered great dnm
ugo. Dyke In Danger
Tho flongendo. n great dyko on
tho Tonegawu rivor, Ik in danger oi
collapse. Tho authorities aro using
every iiiciuih ut bund to prevent the
grout dam from caving in mid loos
ening millions of gallons of water
from tho already ruin-sodden cilv.
Conditions in tho capital aro worse
than during any great flood of re
cent times in Japan. Tho city bus
giowu to micli mi extent that much
of the lowland is built with brick or
bamboo houses, inviting tho destruc
tion that is being visited on it by
the elements.
All thu low-lying districts have
been flooded and tho inhabitants,
without food or shelter, are in des
perate straits.
J Too Late to Classify
LOHT Diamond Elk Pin. Itoturn to
Nmili Hotol find rccolvo Hultablo
reward, 120
(Continued from pngo 1)
ovory fruit section of reputo In the
Uultod Btntcs. Ho awards to tho
Hoguo Itlvor valley tho pnlm of sup
remacy In tho raiding of high qunllty
"This Ih n wonderful valley," stat
ed Mr. Donnlfl, "and your fruit la nl
wnyH In Jcmnnd. No other section
on tho globo enjoys as splendid a.
rnputntlon In England ns docs this
vnlloy, Your fruit nrrlveu In Eng
land In tho very bent of condition
mid Its qunllty Is unsurpassed.
"ItCKnrdlng prices for this year I
bollovo thnt they will bo matorlnily
hotter than those received Inst year,
ns tho fruit Is of hotter qunllty. I
ntn dollghtcd with tho valley. Tho
fruit la In splendid condition, Is uni
form and gives promise of being oqpnl
to Its qunllty In former years. Tho
groves aro bo.'.iitlful.
"Medford Is n wonderful llttlo city,
qulto tho finest I hnvo yot found In
Tho firm of which Mr. Donnls Is
tho Uzntl lias tho finest distributing
systom In EnRlnnd. They ovn wnro
Iioiibpb In tho four lnrgo seaports
London, Southampton, Liverpool nnd
Glnsgow, bb well as wnrohouses and
offices nt Loator, In tho heart qf
tho manufacturing district of Eng
land. Tho systom for distribution
which has beon built up Is elaborate
and thoy do much tho largest busi
ness of any similar firm In England.
Mr. Donnls was born near Boston,
Lincolnshire, In 1RC5, nnd Is tho eld
est son of Wllllnnt Donnls, J. P.
In his 45 years ho has already gono
far on tho high road to success nnd
distinction. A Knight of tho Itod En
flo of (lormnny, nnd an officer of
tho Legion of Honour of Franco, ho
Is n director of W. Donnls & Sons,
Ltd., of tho Donnls Estnto, Ltd., nnd
of other lnnd compnnles. Ho Is n
niombor of tho tariff commission
founded hy Joseph Chamberlain In
1001, chairman of tho Lincolnshire
agricultural rnllwny rates commlt
teo nnd a member of tho council of
tho contra! chnmbor of ngrlculturo,
nnd hns on sovornl occasions beon
nsKod to contest n scat for pnrlln-ment.
Close-in lot, quick.
Work teum for ranch, not over $27fi.
! Woman cook, $30.
2 box milkers.
2 skinners.
12 bridgo carpenters.
0 lumber jacks.
Chicken or hog rnnch.
Lady clerk.
Sawmill men.
Oirl for general hoaaj work.
10 laborers.
Kuniished 9-room house, close in.
Furniture and lease.
7-room house, W. Main, big lot;
Furniture for sale.
Fine house on cast side.
10-ucro tracts in full bearing.
TractH for subdivision.
Irrigated tract, 3 miles out, $200
per acre.
.'1 fine lots, your own terms.
1 ncra fruit, 4-room bouse, cheap
for quick sale.
100 acres, 5 miles out, $2750.
100 acres, 4 miles out, $00 per acre.
Sawmill and timber.
20 ncrcs Newtown and Spitz np
ples, Euglo Point, $125 per ncrc.
Husiness, nets $4000 yearly.
.100 boxes Grnvcnstcin apples.
Lunch counter.
Swell camping outfit, cheap.
10 acres, $1000, Vi milo Phoenix.
2 ucres, nonr city limits, west.
2 ncrcs, north, under ditch.
9 ncrcs, bearing fruit, close to lim-
ite, $8000.
Crcnm separator, cheap.
80 ncroa, income $2500. tools and
tennis. $0500.
Honrding house, SDnp price.
For Trade.
Lots for good automobile.
20 ncrcs, 12 in fruit, for city lots.
2 ranches for city property.
4-yenr-old horse, fine driver, for
young ranch horse.
Two 100-ncrc tracts fine fruit lnnd,
can irrigate. $200 enth.
Room 207 Tavlor & Phipps Bldj
Phonn 4141 Main
(Cm vl !
)s VT5?ust:HAnAsraKii
ViJ p-wR0CMtTz(HY
Just One
Moment Please!
If a man wore flothcs only occasionally the
comfort, style and fit of his Suit would not so
much concern him.
But, as he wears Clothes ahout two-thirds of
his life, they become an important matter.
Hundreds of men, who appreciate comfort,
and having things a little better, are wearing
clothes bought here. ,
There are some men who have not tried this
We Invite You to Call
U.CO TO $7.30'dls C
:j OXo-tn.x.x?.r
Picking Pails & Bags
AVe are headquarters for Picking Pails and Bags. Ask the orchardists wher
ever you meet them, where they buy their picking pails and bags, and they'll
tell you (quick as a jiffy) "GO TO XIOHOLSON HAEDWARE CO."
For anything in hardware that is sure to give satisfaction, call on the
Nicholson Hardware Comp'y
i Hosklns (or Health.
Before Placing Your Order for
When In doubt put a wnnt ad In
tho Mnll Trlbuno.
For Sale
1-rooin house and two
good lots on West 10th
st. for $1100.
Inquire ftM W. Cth st.
Call on the MCdfOfd 1,1111 ft). Prices Right
A program of iiiiuhiiuI inoiil will ho given this evening, when
(lie 1I000 feel of motion picture;! will he shown, ouch pieturo is
u novelty in UhoI!'. Hurry lllmichiml, who Iiuh become u grout fa
vorite tho piiHt week, will he heard in new bongs, making it feature
of tho jwng, "Anleep in the Deep," u Bong Unit IiiUoh it voice of
uniiHiiul ruiige to ning. Ilu will iiIho Hiug hy Hpeeinl reipiest, "Dear
Old dirl." Mr, Hluiiehiiiil Iiiik hud tho dintiiiolion of having one
of the hoHl-lcnown Hinging teueherrt in Medford pronouneo hiu voice
perfect, unil linviug ooiupleto control of ovory note,
Thu uiuuiigorH have on the road Home of tho most historical
picluren over nhown of tho piml ami prcHout.
Watch for the Announcement
If You are in Need of Anything in the Wood Work Line See the
Corner 8th and Holly Streetf
We Do Cabinet. Work of all Descriptions,
Using Well Seasoned Lumber. Let Us
Figure on Your Next worK
Medford, Oregon
We Make Anything in the Mission Furni
ture Line Library and Dining Room Fur
niture a SpecialtyAlso White Enamel work
Our Motte: "Build Up to Standard, Not
Down the Price" Come in and Let Us Show You