V 1.1 ' MEDIORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1910. iii-i----t"--,------ir'iifj---- f-ii--i --i . -. - . t . . .. -....- 15 ,r 3 ' SEE US FOR .'". 1&, Ai M v JH (7. 4 , $ Quality in Any Quantity -TFS51 Zn n "T f ".' J i? ojEZ Jill I'' 1,1 Hi , - - ANTI-ASSEMBLY CLUBFORMED Gold Hill Is First Place In Orcoon to Ornanlze Club With Which to Defend the Direct Primary and Statement One. Tho flrot organized opposition to the nnaomtily Hcliotno In OroKon wnn developed In Gold Hill Wednesday nlKht, wlion tiio Gold 1 1 111 Antl-An-oonibly club was orRonliod by ad herents of Bovorn.1 political fnllhs. Hopubllcnus nnd domocratn predom inating. 1(h purpoflo la to combat tho work of tho recent republican nnd damocrntla nsflombllos, whleh Us iiiuinborH regard hh wolvoa In hIiocp'b clolhltiK. attempting to circumvent tlio direct plmnry nnd ro-nlor Stato moat No. 1 Inoporatlvo by Kottlnc oandldnten of both tlckota who havo not plodfjod thoniBolvcn, to abldo by U. Tho follonliiK nro tho officers of tho rlub: President, lllloy Hammors ley, republican; vIco-proaMont, W. P. Chlnholm democrat; cocrotnry, Itox II. Lnmpinr.n, Indapoudont; troamir or, J. 11. Ilninmorflloy, republican; oxecutlvo coinuiltloo, tho president, with A. J. Smith and Lon Applegate, republicans. Statement of riirM)i. Tho following Htatomont of purposo wnH drafted by tho nocroUry nnd on thualnHtlcally ndopted by tho club; "Wo, tho qualified oloetora of tho votlnK precinct of Oold Hill, Irros pectlvo of political affiliations, bo llovo In tho efficacy of tho direct prlmnry and Statement No. 1 for giv ing tho pooplo what they wnnt. Wo rocognlzo In tho recont assemblies, both republican and domocrntlo, at tomplH to circumvent tho direct prl mnry nnd knock out Statomont No. 1. "An such, wo condomn nil aHsom- hlloH nnd urgo a repudiation of their work by a defeat of tholr tlckotu from top to bottom nt tho polls on Sop toinbor D. Wo will support no as sembly candldalo of wlmtovor polit ical party, hollovlng that tho pooplo of Oregon nro compotont to soloct cnudldatoa for any and all offlcoa within their gift." For tho Mini, HoRnwlIenH. Proalilont Ilammorflloy In his speech of nccoplnnco, said thnt whllo ho wns a firm bollovor In tho prlncl- ploa of republicanism, ho would not bcsltato to voto for a ilomocrnt or a socialist If ho was convinced that ho would innlco a bettor publlo sorvant than his republican opopnont. Tho assembly ho regarded as a vicious attempt to restore tho rotton conven tion system nnrt mako tho primary moroly a ratification of tho work of tho asBombly. "Lot (ho People Itulo." " 'Anything to bont Ilourno,' np poara to bo tho war cry of tho ns nomblyltos ' 'doolarod tho Bpoakor, "and thoy'hopo to do It by Rotting men In tho legislature who are not lHodgod to Statomont No, 1. It should bo part of tho purposo of our organization to eoo that nil loglflla- tvn pnndlilnfOH. of whatOVOP Dftrty. "'" - ' J nro pledged to Statomont No. 1, so thnt, wlmtovor tho political complex ion of tho legislature, tho pooplo will get what thoy want In tho mattor of oloctlon of United States sonators. If men can bo gotten Into tho legisla ture at tho next session who are not Statement No. 1 Biipportors, thoy will do their best to mnko good records so thnt they enn bo ro-olectod with out tho statement pledge nnd accom plish Hourno's defent when bo cornea up for re-election. Tho pooplo should havo whomcoovor they wnno for United States sonator, whethor Dourue or not, and tho only way thnt they can enforco their wishes In to rofuso to voto for all leglslntlvo candidates who refiiBo to subscribe to Stntomout No. 1." STORK'S VISIT TO FRISCO BECOMING VERY INFREQUENT Huekacho is ono of tho first indi cations of kidney trouble. It is the kidneys' cry for help. Heed it. Doiiii'h Kidney Pills nro what is wanted. Are just what overworked kidneys need. Thoy strengthen nnd invigorate tho kidneys; help them to do their work; never fail to cure any case of kidney disease. Head tho proof from n Medford citizen: 0. M". Jones, 1101 North Central avenue, Medford, Or., bays: "I found Doau's Kidney Pills especially adapt ed to my ease. My bnck was very stiff and painful and I had other an noying symptoms of kidney trouble. Doan'r, Kidney Pills brought me prompt relief and sineo taking tltein mr health hns been much better. This excellent remedy has earned my in dorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the United StntoB. Remember tho name Doau's nnd tako no other. Advertised Letter List. Tho following list of letters remain uncalled for at the postoffice at Medford, Wednesday, August 10: Theo. H. Adamson, V. E. Allison, Wm. Arrnsmith, Frank Arnst, J. Benedict, Nettio Hartley, Mrs. Rob ert Hennctt, A. J. Bonell, Sidney Howdcu, Mrs. II. O. Brawn, Carter Bros., J. L. Casey, W. L. Cofficld, Miss L. Conrado, F. A. Davis, Mrs. Alice Davis, F. M. Davif, Mrs. J. T. Dossett, T. O. Fnrrcll, E. Findlav, Mrs. II. E. Ford. Mn. Georce II Graves, Mrs. S. E. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1L Handlcy, James Hart man, George Howard, Mrs. Be mice Hubbard, B. E. Hull, Mrs. W. F. Jones, L. R. Jones, Floyd C. Kelly, Frank Kenyon, Mrs. Anna Lane, Ev elyn Long, W A- Marvin (2), Nathan Mitchell, S. S. Miller, Malcolm Mac Ncughton, John McForland, John Lazzcrin, James Mclias, Jos. Par- Ikcr, Prof. R. F. Robinson, Mrs. Wy- lie Richmond, Julia M. Ramsey, Ly all Shields, Mrs. Elizabeth Stand cliff, Tom Staplcton, Clydo Stewart, Joseph 0. Shea, Chas. W. Scllin, Mrs. Snrah Schneider, Mrs. Glen E. Thompson (8), Glen E. Thompson, Mnrv Weir. Sam C. Whiltinelon. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 13. San Francisco f.-cos depopulation within, a fow yoara uiiIobs tho Btork Is ca joled Into making his visits' more frequent. Hub I oh nro not only becom ing Bcnrco, but Bcnrcor, ncocrdlng to tho report of Health Oftlcor McNutt. It nliowB an annual decroaflo of more than 1 per coat In tho last three yearn, tho ato In 1910 bolng but 13.20 por cont. j Tho committee thnt will bo ap pointed by tho board of health will 1 avo an interesting problem boforo It. Baby clothing ntorca nro said to bo going out of business. MEDFORD Monday Morning One Performance Only in Medford at 10 a. m. CIRCUS AUG 29 Packages Boxtoco and Boshrick, W. S. Haacliff. Parties callincr for tho above will pleaso say "advertised." A char of 1 cent will bo mado upon delivery.! A. M. WOODFORD. P. M. LIKE A SAILOR JUST HOME from a long voyago is tho way somel men spend their money. Thej would not do it if thoy had an ac count at tho Farmers' L Frultgrsw firs' Rank A Monir i,v nnDnrJ burn holes in pockets like cash, nnc besides, a man with a bank account gets a feeling of pride in seeing hov big a balance ho can keep. Try FARMERS' & FRUITGROWERS! BANK. COMING. Btirk's Bin Production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Under Canvas. In presenting this excellent com-' puny, consisting of u carefully "-' looted cast of ladies and gentlemen i of ability, permit tho manager to bu. to Ihh patrons and tho amusement loving public (hat his aim is to offer alouo pure, healthy and lefiucd amusement that the mother and her, daughter, the father and his sou, the? brother and his Histor may enjoy and appreciate thu muuo. Wu are sure1 that mauv a heart niav be lightened' and ninny a face wreathed in smiles' by visiting this beautiful play, writ ten by" one of our most noble v men, Mrs. llaniel Beochor Stowe. Courtly, refined and elegant in it' presentation, wo feel sure to meet the popular appreciation at the geu- eroiis hands of the amusement lo-j iug pooplo, and that the applause of I smiling thousands will assuredly greet our greatest of foils. Bolio-' iug that Shukobpout'o has truly silid:! "Tho noblest art in man's life the art of making othors happy." This gieat moral amusemont eutorpriso that has hoeome famous from ocean to ocean dining tho past IB yours ol'j its existence will posititvely exhibit at Medford, August 18, both after noon and evening. CRYING FOR HELP. But Daily Lots of It In Moilforil, Growlno Less. Tho kidneys cry for help. Not mi organ in tho "whole body so dolioatolv constructed. Not one ho important to health. Tho kiduoys are tho filters of tho blood. Whon thoy fail thu blood becomes foul and poisonous, .TltAtHUHT snraf 0 irtfOTS VHS jf3(g uassew: jsrw?K;2ioKy isiww UEPSANTS 2S2 AlLOinERS msi AND rmrs r HORSE1 ASCVo ITIIEDOMEV lOFTHEBlG TBNTM AWMs SWS'iiriVI .ctsmvivv FPWDER.! lutxtiiLua IfMDA fWHiti I kE 1 r'54 f-W THEWOl'DlTSFIELD Its Triumphs Reach Beyond the Seas CAPITAL INVESTED,$3,500,000 iaao PERSONS- 700 HORSES 100 OAOB0 and DENS of WILD ANIMALO, 40 ELEPHANTS Tmev plav and oa.nco in tims ANOTUM5. thbm rr W0TEat ACItQ wtum CYER L3C&N P OOUOLC LCNQTM ww haiuroad oars innAOTB. rcATURce ano IUU CUROPCAN OCNOATIONQ1 .CHARLEY Ufie Manlike Bfcycls Hfdfng CfilmpanzeaJ inm. m . ' ' TWA"ED ANIMALS EVCR SEENi l-w .r,w runiuo on THC RCVOUVINQ TAQUC8, vv tiM.iaTa AND THC 8l8QR8T8ILOONB, vw AORQ8AT8 AND THE PATTY FRANKS. vv niUERB, THC GREATEST In tho WORID. OO CLOWNS, THE WORLD'S FUNNY MEN k. ir.'y.?' cirr. mcLvoma oabt uuiiiko, . W.U.NIHIMH BORN BAIT GIIUMI. (OOO WOK w.f..ri.ii.uAiiii thi Niprooaoui ,n vvmi or THI lancilT iinr tvin madi THE THRILLER SUPREME UliM'lJKAUUVsM rtnniQLt M "- OtATH ocrrmo a Ncnvc TysIOTINO, TEAT rOSITlVELYTHE M05T TREMENDOUS, BIO, OOROEOUO FREE STREET PARADE StCN SINCE Tilt BtOINMNS Of TL'rt (HIT HHllll 41 It ttllCI One 50 Cent TicKot ADMITS TO ALL CnUDnEN VNDCR 12 YEAKS UAL? PRia PIRFORMANCEt BrCINNINQ AT a and 0 P. H. Doons oien at I nu r P. M. vmmmmmmmmm I AmiiKHiov 'riniciirra anii mssisiivin si,'at wiXiti ma ov a,r.K Thoro can bo no health whoro tlioroOIUOlj8 1)AV at HAHKIN'S IIIIUG STOltlO, AT 13XAOTLY THE SAME !b poisoned blood. 1UI01CS OirAllGEI) AT THE HKQULAU OlltOUS TIOJCET WAGON, IRRIGATION IRRIGATION is the science of giving a plant just as much moisture as it needs, and just exactly when it needs it. IRRIGATION has added more wealth to the country In the last ten years than any three of the largest resources combined. Thousands of acres of worthless land have been reclaimed and some of this land has sold for the highest prices ever paid for horticultural or agricultural land. IRRIGATION will reclaim "The Desert." 6500 acres will be developed into a vast orchard district. "The Des ert," when irrigated will prove to be the best orchard land in the Rogue River Valley. IRRIGATION will make the Rogue River Valley famous for its berries. The largest yields in the next few years will come from "The Desert." IRRIGATION will add thousands of acres to the produc ing area of the Rogue River Valley, and in these new dis tricts there will bo no crop failure, for irrigation is a guar antee of bountiful yields, and is real crop insurance for tho grower. IRRIGATION in tho Willamette Valley has increased pro duction from sixty to three hundred per cent. It will do the same in tho Rogue River Valley. IRRIGATION will double the population of Medford and the Roguo River Valley in tho next few years. New homes will bo established. Orchards will bo planted on lands that have never been productive. "Tho Desert" will bo redeemed and a thousand families will be added through this development. Rogue River Valley Canal Company FRED N. CUMMINGS, Mgr Medford National Bank Building, MEDFORD, OREGON