13 This ilopnrtmont Is a ronulnr week ly fonturo, dontlrifi with all phases of tho fruit and produce world. IN THE FRUIT GROWING WORLD Conducted by Charles W. Wilme roth, manancr of tho Royue Rlvsr Fruit & Produce Association. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY. AUGUST 14, 19.10. h., 7 h S Thorn Iium probably boon no itioru HurioiiM (litimij(o to (hit upplu iinltiHlry (this iiiI'oih 1 urowniH n h woll ii'h dealers) liiiii tho Hoiitli'iciitnl ami in nuourato roportH piibliHliod by tho noWHpupoiH of tho United Ktutoa Ken orally relative to llio urop iIuiiiiioh by i'roHt during tho unrly spring tnonlliH, Tho grower in tint oiihI Ijo ouiiki convinced that thoro was no urop either in tliu iniiUllu wettl or tho 1'nolfin HtatoH. Tho grower in tlio wuhI wan mi thoroughly convincail that cltHiiHlur hail boon vinituil upon thb midillo wiiHt anil eastern section. Theso ooinlitioitH right themselves lioforo tho returns aru all in, ami vrith it eoinos tho disappointment of uniiatiHraotory hiiIoh and revenue. Both of these uomlitioiiH aro of minor mention wlion Hid apple-eating world, by tluiHo articles, whioh aro KQiiorallv nci'cplcd iih Qjmpol truth. aru loil to holiovo thai npplon aro a luxury, anil by natural instinct thoy aru out from tho regular iliul to u vory groat oxlunl, and ovon though priuoH do ruaoh u noriiml lovol, that luxury haiulluap tho coiiBiimor as sumed by roportH road in newspapers and magazines, romaliiH. On tho othor hand, if tho consum ur 1h iihhiiioiI by Iho prcHH that tho price is propor and reasonable, ho iih roadily accepts thin infonnation and witli tho difference being that iindor tho first condition ho refused to liny, whilo nndor tho latter ho buys and consumes freely, generally ru gardloss as to whether prices aro high or low. Many years as a deal or on I ii run market bun taught mo that tlio abovo conditions do pro vail, and wo should guard our nc tioiiH oh innoli iih poHHiblo whon wu give out information. (J. W. WIliMKIIOTH. This Year's Apple Crop EXPORTS OF BOXED APPLES FOR SEASON 1909-1910 FROM NEW YORK. HOXKB. DATE. 11)011 Sept. 11.. Sept. 18.. Sept. 'JO.. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Xov. Nov. .Vov. Doc. Doc. Dec. Dec. O'l . . 30.. 0.. 13.. 20.. 07 4.. 11.. 18.. 125.. Tlio International Apple Shippers, in convention at Niagara Falls Aug ust ), give tho following oHtimnto for this yoar'n urop. Tho 1001) crop in each stale is ttmdu tho basis of this yoar'H osti matu and increasing or doorciiHing tho Mir(!eiiago an tlio crop Ih corre: spondiiigly lighter or heavier than 0110 year ago. Tho Ijiihih upon which tho per cent !h arrived at in oanh stuto !h iiometimuH variable. For 80 per cent, it ninanu that tho crop in tliiH year eipial to four-fifth of tho crop of 0110 year ago, or if given at 'J00 per cent, tho crop in that Htalc Ih just twice aw largo art onu year ago. Wo ptibliHhi'd Inst week the num ber of barrels produced in each Htate, giving tho total for tho United States. Thin statement ih publiHlied to give our members and HhippcrH an idon of whnt tho onstoni applo buyer lmH in mind whon ho coiiich out to 1010 1.. 8.. 15.. 121).. r.. 12.. 10.. 20.. 0.. 12.. 10.. 20.. iiiHtauee, If n given stnto !h rated at buy our crops this year: 1010 Crop, lt)00 Crop, Htnto Per Cent. Quality. .'.'in. .'an. Jan. Jan. Inn. 1-ub. Fob. Feb. Fob. Mnr. Mar. Mar. Mar. April April April April April May 731 2,01)8 1,007 4,004 3,00 0 3,737 15,200' 4,80.ri 0,180 Maine 120 Now Hnmptdiiro 200 Vermont 110 Massachusetts 130 !(hod Inland 00 Connecticut 125 Now York 100 Now .Jersey 225 Pennsylvania 00 Dolawaro 250 Ohio .' 140 Michigan 40 Wisconsin 20 IlllliOlH 'Mi Judiaua ... . .,'. 175 MisHouri 00 Nebraska 40 io.wa 15 AikaiiHiiH 150 KmiHiiH 200 (Colorado '70 Idaho ' 300 Utnh 201) Montana 00 California U5 Oregon 275 Wellington ". 300 Went Virginia 120 M'ttllll . -J Maryland 85 Kentucky 1 75 ToilllOSSOO 100 Fair to good Fair to good Fair to good Fair to good Fair to good Fair to Good Fair to. good Fair to Good Poor to good Poor to good Poor to good Poor to good Poor to good Poor to good Poor to good Fair to good Poor to good Poor to good Poor to good Fair to good Good Good Good Gcod ' Good Good Good Fair to good Fair to good Fair to good Poor to good Poor to good llnrrols. (100,000 800,000 220,000 408,000 00,000 250,000 3,400,000 075,000 1,440,000 375,000 1,470,000 740,000 50,000 240,000 787,000 480,000 140,000 75,000 525,000 550,000 315,000 300,000 200,000 54,000 1,205,000 005,000 1,125,000 510,000 1,350,000 233,000 2,100,000 1,700,000 All other otntoH 3,000,000 llnrrols. 750,000 400,000 200,000 300,000 100,000 200,000 3,400,000 300,000 1,(100,000 150,000 1,050,000 1,850,000 250,000 ' 000,000 450,000 540,000 350,000 500,000 350,000 275,000 450,000 100,000 100,000 (50,000 1,100,000 250,000 375,000 450,000 (100,000 275,000 1,200,000 1,100,000 3,000,000 Totals 20.000.000 22.735.000 0. 10., 23. 30. 7. . . A 1),533 2,530 740 5,030 755 3,313 0,003 7,087 5,542 3,007 11,008 0,505 11,570 12,802 3,320 3,773 2,572 3,100 740 040 100 150 o u a. o a 2,203 1,050 2,113 4,357 0,102, (1,183 0,527 5,700 2,024 10,07; lo 179 12,310 8,814 1,002 1,001 TotalH ...1145.480 Huston 24,053 4,307 8,233 5,420 7,070 5,550 8,404 13,138 11,210 1(5,800 10,321 4,104 418 G80 2,003 211,873 Q 5" n a 040 820 1,054 2,001 3,002 4,508 5,327 1,487 2,480 1,420 014 2,005 1,815 2,831 3,240 2,158 1,220 1,202 2,003 2,453 ; $ $ 010 1,500 040 13 471 005 1,243 12 850 1,280 1,280 1,731 5,825 3,553 2,500 2 B n a t t 450 000 1,530 1,387, 2,515 g 2 u. a c (A 001 2,010 3,000 3,028 5,271 O.JO t v z 1. 45.3881 22,510 38,117 2.00fl 21.883 t t 0 1,832 1,058 3,258 2,320 53 105 150 500 ' 100 1,877 250 150 270 225 ' 374 2 13.210 4,030 2,037 1,050 5,352 10,150 11,010 10,003 14,704 14,004 10,090 32,000 21,880 23,377 21,158 4,141 2,743 0,780 7,402 11,741 17,808 20,480 11,722 10,295 28,793 31,738 31,738 34,303 8,740 5,009 5,015 8,510 740 1,014 150 150 ban 70 por cent of Inst yonr'n crop, mid Nova Scotia has only 40 per cent. Quality In both sectlono poor to good. TIicho conditions mean a great deal to oxport bUBlnosfl. It will bo ro momborcd that Canadian apples havo to pay a duty of 75 cents por barrol to enter tho United States, and tholr logical market In Europe, and with a decided decrcaso In tholr output, should to soino extent bo favorablo to our Nowtowns. Another point In favor of our apples Is tho fact that tho fruit crop has been practically ruined by very heavy rains in all sec tions of the fruit producing districts og England. Applo Crop in tho Virginian. By referring to tho report you will notlco tho states of Virginia and West Virginia this year havo a crop of apples, quality fair to good, of 1, 890,000 barrels, whilo last year thoy had 1,050,000 barrels. It will bo remembered that theso two states aro tho famous producing sections of tho Albcmarlo or Newtown Pippin. Thcro Is orery indication that tho above figures aro as near ccrrect as It Is posBlblo to mako them. For a number of years tho International Applo Shippers' association did not glvo theso figures to Che press, but furnished tlom to members only. Tho publishers of fruit trade papers rais ed the point continually that it was not fair to tho public if theso figures woro not published, consequently for tho past two or three years tho fig ures havo leen given to the public press. Tho producers in tho United States claimed that this Applo Buyers' as- 400.3G2 70,372 COMPAHISOINS WITH OTHER SEASONS. a u 5 n sale date. - I r 1 : If- r : ? : : : 1890-00 .. 08,092 70,724 13,118 1,025 4,820 149,515 1900-01.. 01,002 107,752 22,415 1,325 7,000 200,094 1001-02 . . 100,715 153,053 20,440 2,929 9,081 29G.427 1902-03.. 09,020 120,730 11,722 488 4,029 212,587 1903-04 .. 107,200 199,(5 13' 24,302 23,480 19,814 25,470 388,975 1004-05 . . 17,15 1 32,254) 24,484 13,420 87,321 1005-00 . . 131,172 100,510 24,007 14,938 13,025 20.G57 15,371 415,740 P100-07 .. 87,007128,024 10,307 3,878 22,735 252,011 007-08 ..J 1)8,009 151,303 11,058 2,208 -.... 21,009 285,200 1908-09 ..208,383 243,009 41,708 3,203 17,858 3,108 2,413 520,792 1009-10 ..145.480 211.873) 45.388 22.510 21.883 13,210 400.302 MUZ WB TREATED FAIRLY? At nrenont our penrs nro being weighed1 by tho railroad company and going out nt nn average of 52 1-2 pounds to tl-o box. California ponrc go out at an avor- nuo of 50 pounds to tho box and this Is on tho fltnndard poar box basis. Our pear box Is one-fourth of nn inch shorter than tho California box mid becnuso of this fact wo aro com piled to pay frolght on 52 1-2 noumls In addition to tho troublo of weighing a number of boaos put into each car by a wolghman who camps at each loading station. Cal ifornia either has a decided snap or Itoguo River vnlloy Is getting tho bad ond of tho proposition. Tho association has takon tho mat ter up with tho railroad commission of Oregon and received word today that tho matter would bo takon up with tho Southern Pacific at onco. It may bo lato to correct tto matter this year, but It should not bo over looked another shipping season. Canadian Applo Crop. Latest reports from Canada re port a decided falling off In quantity and quality from 1909 crop. Canada, not Including Nova Scotia, noclatlon in convention would formu lato a basis of prlco for tho coming season. I havo been a membor of this association slnco It was first or ganized and know that this idea Is erroneous. Thcro is about as much competition between apple buyers whon tho neason is on as any lino of business in tho country. In publishing theso rigures I wish each of our mombors to know tho condition of affairs in tho United States as seen by the pcoplo who buy our crops. Wo do not wish to do ceivo ourselves and havo tho disap pointment come when tho season is closed. Tho crop In tho Pacific states Is practically assured. No so with tho nover considered them safe until J thoy woro harvested. I havo seen a good share of the Now York stato crop ruined by tcab and scale two weeks beforo picking time. Wowill keep as close to tho crop condition as possible and all mem bers lnteorsted can get such Infor mation as we havo on file here at tho offlco at any time. Pear Markets. Tho first car of pears from tho Rogue River valloy was shipped from Grants Pa3S July 30 and arrived In Chicago August 10 making tho run ning time 11 days. Car contained 179 fancy boxes, 220 boxes choice or No. 2 grade. The car averaged at auction In Chicago ?2.55 per box. Taking Into consideration tho num ber of choice in tho car, this seems to be a very fair sale. California still sending forward qulto a number of cars, bat our dis tributing agonts advlso that they look for considerably stronger mar kot on pears for tho remainder of the season, Tho Bartlett packing will cnncluda tho coming wook and some of the larger orchards will start work on their Howolls at that time. ' It is imperative that those who have not sccurod their apple shook, as well as paper, nails, stencils, otcV, should get in touch with this office as soon as possible. Washington pears aro reaching eastern mnrkots ahead of southern. Oregon this year. Two cars sold ia New York on August 11 at $2.25. This shows that tho conditions are much changed from last season, both In California and tho northwest. Shasta and Tehama counties at thtfl time should bo just In their full ship ping season, but as a matter of fact they aro practically done and the mountain Bartletts from Plnccrvllle, which used to hold to tho last of Au gust, aro now going forward and havo been for tho past two weeks. Yours very truly, ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRO DUCE ASSOCIATION. C. W. WILMEROTH, Manager. Eastern Pear Markets on August 11. California Bartletts. Now York $2.35 Chicago $2.39 Boston $3.30 Philadelphia $2.35 Pittsburg $2.40 Thirty-eight cars of pears passed I Sacramento on August 10. IT'S NEARING THE END A CHANCE TO SECURE YOUE CHOICE OF HIGHEST GUARANTEED PIA NOS AT MIGHTY SMALL PRICES. TOWN ALMOST WIPED OFF MAP Fierce Firo in British Columbia City No Ono Killed, But Property Loss Is Very Heavy Nearly Ev ery Houso Burns. PHOENIX, 11. C, Aug. 1.1. Tlio largest and most disastrous flro which ovor visited Phoenix started Friday at 3,50 p in. in tho mimbor throo oil houso of tho Grnnby Consol idated Mining and Smoltlng com pnny hero. It took but nn InBtnnt for tho flamoH to trnvol along tho covered approach hotweon north of tho tunnol nnd tho No. 3 crushor building. Tho Hpnrks of tho crushor build ing, fanned by n broozc, bogan fall lug on tho lower Htrcets nnd tho sparks caught and destroyed tho Methodist and Prosbytorlan churches, tho Pnlnro llvory atahlo, public school Iiouro, Plnneor Publishing company offlco and plant and sovornl cottnges, Tlio now mnchlno nnd blr-cksmlth Hhops of tho Grnuhy, only oroctod last winter shnred tho samo fato. Thnt part of Phoenix know no "up per town" was not complotoly lov oled Is duo to tho oxcollont work rondorod by tho city flro dopartmont and Granby employes. It looked sov ornl tlmoo that tho town must go nnd thoro was many nn empty houso, as furniture was removed to tho street to places of safoty. On communication with tho offi cials of tho Canadian Pnclflc rail road ordors woro glvon tho train crow Just arriving with tho pnssongor train to wait and bo rondy to offer any assistance In convoying people out of tho city, but fortunately It was not roqulrod. Tho flrol s undor control. So far na Is known no ono was killed and only ono person hurt, though many nro complotoly exhausted. All build ing destroyed carried Insurnnco, but In Bplto of this thoro will bo henvy louses, Our Optical Parlor is now 301 East Main Ground Floor We Fit and Grind Glasses Broken Lenses Replaced Immediately Dr. Goble A?? What's Wrong? your eyes? or your glasses? do you know? want to know? It's a pertinent ? the sensible course ascertain the causes We can tell you. INSPECTOR DEW AWAITS OFFICER Expects to Start Back to. Enfllanri With Dr. Crippen In the Near Fu tureThinks Sergeant Comlnn Will Bring Important Papers. FATIIKK POINT, Que., Aur. 13 Inspector Dew of Scotland Yard is at ltimouski today nwnitiiiK tho ar rival of Serjeant Mitchell anil Mat rons Foster and Stone-. of the Lon don police, who will escort Dr. 11. II. Crippen and Miss Ethel Leneve Imok to Knjilnml. Sergeant Mitchell brings with him oortnin documents, that are intended to clear tho way for tho importation of tho man suspected of having tnur tlorctl his wife and of his companion. The documents, it is believed, throw lip;ht on tho identity of tho murdered woman, boliovcil to havo been Mrs. Hollo vElmore Crippon. Thoy nro also said to contain tho latest ilovolopmonts in tho oaso against tho aemised man. Ahh KINDS OP DRY WOOD Oak, Laurel, Fir anil Pine. Buy your wintor supply now; ronsonahlo pricoB. THE SUN STAR W00Q CO.. 10 Almont st., or Koom 31, J. C. Jiniik bliltf. Phono Main 4751. C. T, Mori, Prop, Yesterday's. Sales Record Was One of the Biggest in Medford's History. When pianos good ones are obtainable at a dollar a week, and when the cost liest oi' highest-grade pianos usually selling for $550, are to be had for less than 25c a day, and when such pianos, in addition to being sold on such easy terms are offer ed at tremendously reduced prices, it is no wonder that yesterday witnessed the big gest piano-selling record ever made in Medford. Although we have received a new shipment of pianos, it will not take very long to dispose of our remaining stock, at the rate pianos were going all last week. "We are noted for always furnishing the best for the money. "The very best of ev erything at the price that's right." A call or inspection and investigation on your part will convince you tuat pianos good ones dependable ones the kind that everyone loves and cherishes, were never heretofore obtainable at such low prices, and, what is more, on such wonderfully little payments. Remember, Mr. Piano Buyer, that we are in a better position than any other con cern on the coast to make you "the price that's right," and payments to suit your con venience. Think of the thousands of pianos we buy yearly. Over forty large stores of our own and any number of dealers whom we supply at wholesale. Thero is no modern economy known that we do not take advantage of in order that we might givo better value and better satisfaction to our patrons. Buying and shipping by "our special harness system," m tremendous quantities, factory inspection ot our pianos by our expert representatives, who are constantly in the east, a binding guarantee with every piano sold, a corps ot expert tuners and regulators, all these have contrib uted toward making the big following we now have and making our business what it is. I'1S1.-l in l 1lil It r tMO-ttX Ap nl-vv isl 1 - ni1tnivAtl 4-1 iniilAi 1a -X?n J a 4-1 -2 A .... ! iUUlf JUUIUJ UiauuulUUJ 1UUUU1 WUUIUVCI lUill UiUlJUUL UU AUUUU UlUJLOX 111 VUX I retail store or on our floors in our immense wholesale house. There is not a man ufacturer who does not realize the importance of placing his agency with Eilers Mu sic House. And the manufacturers have good reasons for wanting to place their pianos with us. For do 'we not sell as many pianos as any three large stores on tho coast I TmNK OP IT. LR. PIANO PURCHASER. Over fiftv-fivo of the world's lead ing makes aro carried in stock at all times. Prom America's oldest and supreme the grand old (Jlnckermg to tlio genuine Autopiano the latest creation thero is scarcely a name, well and favorably known to the piano trade, that does not find rep resentation in liiilers btores. The lvimball. the Lester, tho Smith Aj Barnes, tho Iioland, tho Lawson, tho Hazelton, tho Decker, the Schumann, tho Hobart M. Cable, the Hal- let & Davis, the Marshall to Wendell all these and many others are significant of piano excellence. , Our Great Demonstration Sale Positively Closes in One Week. Our success in this great sale has gone far beyond our fondest hopes. Wo fully. expected to sell a great many pianos during this salo, but nover did we dream that wo would disposo of tho great number of pianos which havo been sold to homes in and' around Medford. Realizing that a great many peoplo havo not had tho opportunity I of calling at our temporary store (at Weeks cc McGowan's Store), wo havo order- j ed and will receive Monday another shipment of high-grade pianos, which we must; dispose or by August 2Uth. Bo sure and call early. Come whilo you can get a good selection. Every piano must I go. Nothing reserved, nothing hold back. If you cannot call, write us and wo will havo our representative call on you, giving you prices and terms. EILER'S MUSIC HOUSE LOCATED WITH WEEKS & McGOWAN CO. MEDFORD, ORIGOK