MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST Id, .19.10. 10 ii H it M I '2 t F llll t! tlM ; j fc fl GRAB-BAG STATESMEN (By MARK SULLIVAN, in Collier's Weekly.) 15 When a coiiRrcBSinnn or a sena tor nsks you to ro-clect him because ho was Biicccssful in petting feiloral monoy spent in your district, look out. There's a, reason. Sonator Burkott is flooding Ne lintakn. with a. Tiietiiro of himself standing on a platform, and some of tho conspicuous planks in the plat form arc these: i c A million dollars for Nebraska public buildings. Over 3300 pensions for Nebraska veterans. Buildings and improvements at Ft. Crook and Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. Missouri river improvements. National school of forestry in Ne braska. What Senator Burkott means i? that ns a senator ho got all these things for Nebraska, and therefore hn thinks Nebraska ouuht to re-elect liim ns a mark of gratitude. And Senator Burkott is mcrclv typical Scores of congressmen ask for re election and get it, bccnuso of their success and effectiveness at the led oral pok trough. If tho voter will reflect a momen ha will understand that thero is an other sido to this situation. It stated tersely and accurately by a virile local Diner in California, the Ukiah Times, in an editorial entitled, "How the Trusts Bribe tho reople": "It is managed this way: Mr. Can non and the 'leaders' make up a list of tho congressmen that have been especially serviceable to them. This means the men in congress who do just as they are told, vote exactly as directed and can be depended on at all times in any emergency. Of course, these are the men the trusts and others of the privileged class want back, so they go to them and say: "'Mr. So-and-So, how do you stand in your district? What are your chances of being elected again V "Now, Mr. So-and-So is from an inlnnd district where the insurgent feeling is strong and he knows his people don't approve his voting con stantly Tvith, bj' and for Cannon and those he represents. So he express es his doubts and fears, and is asked if he doesn't want a postoffice build ing for one of the largest cities In his district, or if there isn't a rivet somewhere that could be dredged out so tho turtles and catfish would have better navigation, or if he couldn't uso an appropriation for a park or reserve of some kind or a lew thou sand dollars to drain an old swamp. "If he is from a coast district he can have a lighthouse or two and some lifesaving stations, with post offices, harbdr dr'edgings, river im provements, Indian schools and per haps a fort or two thrown in as they seem to bo needed. So these items arc included in the appropriations and go through like greased light ning. "Then the candidate for re-election is all right, no mntter how he voted on the tariff, rules committee, postal savings banks or anything else. He has tho 'dope' to bunco the people with and he proceeds to bunco them. Ho sends Out 'press reports' to tho newspapers that he knows he can use, because they are as easily buncoed as any one, tcllintr what he has done for tho district, how much money he has secured for the dis trict, what great improvements he has won for the district, and how deserted and mined the district would be without him. This tho puny editor enlarges upon, drawing heav ily on his handbook of superlatives, and closes by pleading with 'our readers' to work their toenails off for Mr. So-an-So, that ho way be sent back to congress to continue tho good work." It is another example of tho old law that you cannot got fcometbini' for nothing. If your congressman got a great many public buildings for yon ho gave up something to get them: what ho eavo in most cases was his voto on tho tnriff. The Se nttlo Star puts this very peintedly: "Of Into dnys tho nnti-Poinde.ter press for its various reasons has found abundant fault with tho in ettnypnt senatorial candidate, and its columns have- teemed and screamed with tho weight of its wo. "And now, mark you, the cause of all this protesting anguish, all theso predictions and maledictions,, is the postmaster at Prosser, his appoint ment, retention or stnto of his sal ary we do not know which, and neither have wo curiosity other than that no crime was committed or con temnlnted. Our interest lies solely in the fact that there is overmuch nowspaper ado about this postoffice and its relation to the tenntorial candidates. . . . "Is this postmaster an issue com parable to Aldrichism, Cnnnonism and standnatism? Has he any thins to do with the duty on sugar, wool or shoes t . . . "So let's have done with postmas ters. Let us meet tho issuo fairly and squarely. It is Standpatism vs. The People. "Let us discuss Poindexter in these terms." Benr in mind that the members of congress who get nbundnnt federal patronnge do so ouly because they pay for it with their votes on impor tant measures which are vital to the political and business machine which dominates tho Republican parly to day. The patronage is a sop to the voters in the district, which the vot ers, in the lone run. pay for dearly. A Good Speech. Senator Burton of Ohio is not an insurgent very far from it. On the other hand, ho has no corrupt alli ances, no is a conscientious man oi a vcrv conservative habit of tbougbt. and ns such is extremely useful in the senate. He is opposed to the Appalachian-White mountain forest bill, and he made a powerful seech against it in the senate. Both friends and opponents ,of the meas ure oucht to read this speech. A postal-card request to Senator Bur ton would probably, bring it. The Annnlnchian-Wlutc mountain bill. after long years of fighting, passed the house during the closing days of the session. It will come before the senate for a vote next February. The Insurgents at Home. No insurgent now in congress has been defeated for renominntion. In Knnsas. the only insurgents in the delegation, Madison and Murdock, had no opposition for renominntion. In Murdock's case, so completely satisfied were the people of his dis trict thnt oven the Democrats refus ed to nominnte a candidate against him. Is it possible to deny thnt the insurgents really represent their constituents more nearly than the Standpaters? "How manv times I have seen men in legislative positions, anxious and trembling almost, for fear they .should not secure an appropriation, declaring that if they did not get it their promising future would lie shrouded in darkness and that their defeat was foreordained. But I can say here in the presence of the pen- ate that I never knew a case where a single one of those anticipations was realized. On the other hand, 1 hao known cases in which men re ceived largo appropriations and were confident that their future with their constituents was founded on a rook, as it wore, and yet who lost the nom ination tho very next week. When vou reach the real American citizen he is not going to judge a senator of tho United States or a representative for the part that he plays in getting something out of tho nntional grab bag. Ho has a higher ideal of a representative and of what should bo done by him than that ho is merely nn agent for his constituency in s-e-curing money to bo expended in hi homo locality." Senator Theodore Burton of Ohio, Congressional Rec ord, June 30, 1910, page 9727. BRITISH COLLIER WRECKED ON REEF AT WAIKIKI AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY 1910 Chalmers Detroits. Phone 1801, Valloy Auto Company, Medford. Or. Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cars. Rogue Rivor Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford. Or. The New Home SEWING MACHINES THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE has proven to bo longest wearing cowing ma chine boIu today. It 'ias been sold lor a half contury and carries a lifetime warranty. If you havo a Now Home 40 or 50 years old, wo will fix It free. Needles and supplies for all machines. Machines rented and repaired. All work guaran teed. CALL MAIN 1711. LAWT0N BLDG., Bartlett, Near Main. HONOLULU, Aug. 13. After los ing her bearings at sea and springing a leak tho British barkcntlno Helgn, from Newcastle for San Francisco with coal, put back, only to strlko a reef at Walklkt and becomo n total loss. Tho crow of tho vessel woro landed early today without loss of life. Ono seaman wns Injured. The Helga went ashore opposlto Fort DoRussey. As soon as sho struck rockets wero sent up and tho3o on land becamo aware of tho vessel's distress and aided tho crew to laud. Tho Helga, commanded by Captain Wall was chartered by Hind, Roiph and company of San Francisco. WITH A G R A F L E X you can take snap shots in tho house, in tho shade, on cloudy dnys, 1-1000 of 1 second exposure. You can seo the full-sir.o picture right sido up at instant of exposure. We will demonstrate. Medford Book Store An offectlvo want ad makes your business pltin offectlvo. NOTICE. I hereby give notlco to all real estate dealers that my property is now oft tho market 125 J. M. ACHOR, Medford, Or. tf t f FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL- TURAL AND H0RTICUL- TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN- DID RACES, BAND C0N- CERTS, FREE ATTRAC- TI0NS AND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INF0R- MATI0N ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY. 3V f V J? KWl PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER KEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 Iwish to announce that I have purchased the Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horsoa boarded by the day, week or month. I gnaranteo a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. BIVEKSIDE AVENUE. 3jg5S SEND YOTJE DAUGHTER TO St. Mary's Academy Medford, Oregon, A Private Resident and Day School for GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Departments: Primary, Grammar, Academic, Commer cial. Specially organized Department of Music and Art. 4 " E.rferTTggijM iM IB If Wijfiii m 1 181 km MmS Al SweU Millinery LEADING STYLES SHOWN HERE ' Aro you thinking about (ho now hat styles'? Wo will be pleased (o show you (ho new ideas for full, 19.10, and assure you (hat tho MOST PRACTICAL as well as the very latest NI3W YORK and IM PORTED styles will bo shown in (his store. Call and see us before placing your order. Hair Dressing NEW STYLES IN COIFFURES Tho hair is woman's "crown" of glory. AVo maintain ground floor J1A1R DRESSING Parlors with an ex pert hair dresser in charge, and will bo pleased to have the ladies will and learn all about (he latest and prettiest coiffures and tho easiest and most effective methods of dressing the hair. WEAVING, BLEACHING AND MANICURING A SPECIALTY. Complete line of hair goods. New Waists, Suits, Petticoats, Etc., Etc. You are invited to call and examine tho now arri vals in Waists, Suits, Skirts, otc. THE NEW SUITS ARE BEAUTIFUL, THE LATEST IN SEPA RATE SkTRTS-SUCIL BEAUTIFUL WAISTS. ALL ARE PRICED VERY REASONABLY. NEW PETTICOATS $3.50 AND UP. Dainty Undermuslins SEE THE COMBINATION GARMENTS. LEONA, the most popular three-piece garment ever placed on the market. It consists of corset cover, or Brassire, with short skirt and drawers, all combined in ono close-fitting, comfortable garment. NEW UNDERMUSLINS to show you nil sizes, in gowns, corset covers, drawers, chemise, skirts, etc. Corset Perfection PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Every woman in Medford who desires corset per fection is invited to visit this store and examine our corsets. An experienced corset fitter will take your measure, fit your corset and help you in e.very way possible to insure a comfortable fit a eorse't that will lend grace and beauty to the figure and bring you back for another corset when needed. .MKDKOItD'H gi'AlilTV STOIU! THE EMPORIUM A. O. TAC'KSTKOM, I'HOI'., SI'ri'lSKMt TO .MU.VTflOMUtV. II T Jusl: Published Mining Maps of SouthwoHC ern Oregon and Northwestern California, Knowing tho forest roHorvoH, surveyed and uiiHur voyed land. Sold by W.P. Wright GruiitH 1'uhb, Or. I'rico of Wall Mniw, $2; Pocket MapH, .fJ.fiO. --------- J. E. KNYAItT. ProBident. .1. A. PEHKY, Vico-Proflidont. JOHN 8. OHTII, CaHbior. W. H. JACKSON, Ahh'I Gabbier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL ' $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 i: SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI " NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. -- -. -- SEND K)R CATALOGUE Address SISTER SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Academy, Medford, Oregon. 0" Try Our Home Cooking Try our home made Meat Pies, Potato Salad Dressing, Pies, Oakes and Bread. Everything first-class. Light lunches aro sorved also. Wo try to please tho public. Come and bo convinced. Medford Bakery and Delicatessen 42 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE.