Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 12, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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of the
Air Lanes
Herbert Quick
MW. Vy (
MmiHI Cowpi
aown n piinir or tno vcrnncin ana inn
the woods. Carson was nu Impostor,
they wen guilty of fraud, there wns
no noroncf, and the Air Products com
pany would collapse nt Mr. Waddy's
His telephone rang. Was his good
angel Mrs. Grnyblll on tho wiro? She
"You know who this Is?"
"Know these tones?" ho gushed.
"Why, were I tn deepest hades through
geological depths of burning marl and
lignite and other carboniferous depos
Its I'd know them! What Is It, fair
"Oh. nothing! Only 1 havo Just
learned nt the postofflco that Mr. Car
son Is back a few miles, through a la
goon, and the roan will get us a guide
with a boat to take us through those
narrows In the morning. Is that all
"You are My God. Carotlno, you
have saved me from you know not
what! I shall love you, lovo you, Ioto
And the telcphono was hung up.
They went through tho canal to
great style. They skimmed tho black
waters of Freshwater lake and landed
nt the shelly hummock. Whtlo the
boatman searched for tho path to tho
gulf beach they sat on the shell
mound, fascinated by the strange land
scape. The expanse of black pools
and reedy marshes between them and
the line of surf, which they could hear
roaring beyond the dunes, was dotted
with clumps of tall pines and splotch
ed with scmb oak thickets.
Those pines." said Mrs. Gray bill,
. 0. Johnson of Klamath Develop
ment Company Declares There Is
No Retrenchment In That Region
for tho Hill Road
CHAPTER I Theodore Carson,
faventor of aa airship, rescues from
fugitiv flying machine called a
kelicopter, a beautiful young girl.
II ani HI Carson is infatuated
fcy her and takes her where she can
eommunicate with her friends.
IV Carson visits the Roc, a giant
airship owaed by Shaync, uncle of
.Virginia Suarer, the girl he rescued,
aad, beinjr coldly recoived, lenps
from the Hoc, at a great height, in a
V. VI and VII He lands in the
crounds of tho Slattcry Institute for
Inebriates, where he makes a friend are isi.e palms. Why. what's that?'
el ono uraigncau, uu (jiuuo iu .w, vxcuumeu jirs. urayuuu
Rising from beyond the dunes, as If
from the sua. thcro soared a great
something which moved like a bird.
It swelled like a magic ship ns it
neared them, sailing low and dominat
ing the sky like a cloud. It came with
the most amazing speed, like an eagle
In mldswoop, so swift.. so light, so
facile that all Impression of weight
was abolished, and the huge thing
filled the mind with the notion of levi
ty like a humming bird.
"Oh, of course," said Craighead, his
hands trembling, his face white, "this
man Carson Is a fraud! Oh. yes. we
knew It all the time! But you see
that his noroncf has gone through the
empty form of eventuating, all the
same. Flying like a frigate bird!
Shayne. charge! Roll over. Silber
berg, and don't dare move till I say
so! Oh. this is rotten rotten! I've
got to kiss some one! Hurray!"
Mrs. Gray bill was running along the
path after the guide. Mr. Waddy puff
ing along behind, hopelessly unplaced.
"Did you see Carson?" said Craig
head. "And there was a girl with
Emerging from the dunes, they saw
the airship skimming off along the line
capital to manufacture tho new style
ftirshiD Carson has invented. Thus
tkey hope to rival Shayne, who con
trols the airship industry.
VIII Mr. Waddy decides condi-
jnally to capitalize the Carson-
lighcad project.
IX Carson goes- to Flonda to
iplcte a sample airship to exhibit
Mr. Waddy, and he finds Virginia
X He is in love with Virginia.
Fizncr, a rival inventor, conspires to
Don't pose." said she. "Don't think
it I want a beautiful lesson In every-
ag. If I have been a minister's wife
ell mo of Mr. De Land and and Sa
Jo Drown and the chop suey and nnd
t life. Tell me. Mr. Craighead!"
The point here Is that there was no
inger of Craighead's running off
rhlle she listened with such breath-
Interest to his adventures. .Ho ex-
lined his natural transition from the
ady of artistic anatomy to surgery
then through medical jurispru
dence to law, and over all gloomed the
sdow of his wonderful, his poetic.
epic dissipations. Mrs. Gray bill
i shocked, but she asked for all the
rrlble tale that bo might so relieve
; that nothing would ever, ever lnduco
Im to drink again.
"Only one thing would ever do that,"
he, "or maybe two. The pangs of
splsed love"
"Which you havo never experl-
1?" she asked.
"Never," said he. "as I am now
kely tor
"And tho other shock that might
rerturn your self control?"
I "The failure of Carson," replied
algbcad. "That would put mo down
out down and out!"
iThe relations of Craighead to Mr.
Faddy became more and more strain-
for the former could no longer ex-
lain satisfactorily the failure of Car
ta to appear with his airship. Final-
as a last resort Mr. Waddy resolved
take Craighead and Mrs. Grayblll
go to the south to settle the whole
sblem. Thus it was that the three
at Palmetto Beach when Captain
od with the launch passed
rough Strong's bayou with Virginia
Id Mrs. Stott on the way to tho cabin
here the first Carson aeronef was
eparlng for its delayed lllght north.
ckets had been bought to Palmetto
sch on Craighead's statement that
Irson was hero.
kAb." said Craighead. "How.nat-
It all looks! I seem never to havo
t these balmy. If somewhat sandy,
adea. Dear old Yupon nedge Inn!"
Ir. Craighead wns halted by a liver-
rBeg pardon, sir," said he. "This is
private clubhouse. The Inn's over
Oh. certainly," replied Craighead.
11 cement walks look alike to me."
The one over nt the Inn looks llko
ck," said Mr. Waddy grimly.
pralghead searched In vain after
Mr arrival at the inn for Carson.
Craighead's easy Uow of speech
somewhat impeded by bis sense of
uncertainties, nut to say dangers,
Ibis position, It wuh worse when bo
Mr, Waddy anil the handsome,
apathetic Mrs. Grayblll returned
tho plantation, having elicited
the reluctant Chloe the luformu
that Mr. Theodore, bis mnchlne.
niece and bis niece's companion
at Hnrrod'u camp on the beach,
ch was "oft thatterwny." They
went down the river, through u
lal, across somo land, und then they
than Sbo didn't know about no
anof. but Mr. Theodo' wan upro-
tin around with pernio tlyln' ma
pe. She recokoned the canal nt Pal
Ito Beach was the ope, but she
j't know. This information, Mr,
llgbcad declared, made everything
Ir, but on returning to the Inn Mr,
Jdy hired n local oftlcor to guard
Craighead's room and began ink
thought of having n wnrrnut lu
ll against him for something Mr,
Ildy waB not quite clour for what,
algbead was trapped, lost, betray-
IIo sat in his room chewing a
Ir ana calculating the distance to
irround. It looked feasible to get
KLAMATH Falls, Or., Aug. 12.
Tho Oregon Trunk lino has complet
ed two-thirds ot its grade through
tho townstte of Bend, and with a crow
of 150 men working insldo tho town
limits, Contractor Henry expects to
have tho entire stretch of roadbed
through tho town ready for tho rails
within tho next few weeks. Such Is
the Information brought to Klnmnth ,
Falls Saturday by S. O. Johnson of
the Klamath Development :ompany.
"Reports that things wero rather!
quiet all over the country havo boon
coming into Bend for somo time," re J
marked Mr. Johnson, 'but if tho rail-1
roads nro retrenching nuywhero they .
certainly are not doing It In central
Oregon. Tho activity that was com
menced wheu the Hill people let tho
contracts for the second section of i
the Oregon Trunk from Madras to
Bend has been unabated ever since.
I motored into Bend nnd took my
time nt it, so that I could see Just
what progress wns being made, and
It Is simply remarkable the way tho
contractors are making the dirt fly.
"In the stretch from Bend to
Crooked river, a distance of about 30
miles, thero aro between 1200 and
1500 men at work, and tho camps are
scattered along tho line every two or
three miles. Within less than threo
months, the men told me, they will
have this grcdo entirely finished and
ready for the steel. Tho main object
now is to complete the grndo in Its
entirety during tho good weather, and
as most of it is light work there
ought to be no difficulty In getting
everything In shape for track-laying
in tho fall.
"The most important part of tho
whole line 1. the central part of tho
state will be the massive steel brldgo
over the Crooked river. Tho steel will
not be laid beyond that point until
the bridge is ready for use. Some of
the mate-lal for the brldgo is al
ready nt Shanlko, and it is going to
TOKIO. Aug. n. Until difficul
ties which havo arisen over tho pay
ment for tho ship In which Lieuten
ant Shtrnso will attempt to find tho
south polo havo boon adjusted, tho
departure ot tho expedition is post
poned. In addition it Is alleged that
tho government is not In uccord with
pbullc sentiment rogardhg tho ex
pedition nnd the ministers nnd vlco
minister) ot tho navy aro quoted ns
not approving tho plans of tho lieu
tenant. In splto ot apparent governmental
Inactivity, tho Shlraso party, backed
by several Japanese newspapers, aro
proceeding to raise money to finance
the expedition. Ono masss mooting
was hold recently and others will bo
nrrnuged shortly to pay for tho ves
sel that will cary tho party.
Captain Nomura, who will com
mand tho expedition, and certain
members ot tho pnrlimcnt aro at
tempting to secure government en
dorsements nnd assistance
8ACKAMKNTO, Onl Aug. 12.
Four hundred Chinese hop pickers
contracted for bofnrn tho picking son
son, today refused to go Into tho
fields unless given nn lucrontio of
from 5 to ,10 cents a hundred pounds,
according to the amount of work, and
ns a consequence losses ot growers
may ho heavy, Tho agitation com
menced over ono of tho growers vol
untarily raising the pny In order to
got plckors.
White pickers nro accepting tho
old scalo of l5 coutu per hundred and
making from f l to ?0 a day.
. HnsklnH for Health.
LKWISTON, Idaho, Aug. 12.
Nows of a fight botwoon Theodore
Reynolds, tho alleged horse- thief,
who escaped from tho Grnugovlllo Jail
Saturday night, uow suppottod to bo
In hiding, with his two companions,
nil heavily armed, In tho timbered
canyons along tho Clenrwntor river
near Kooskla, and tho pursuing posse
under Deputy Sheriff Brown of Ida
ho county, la expected hourly.
All threo inon nro dond shots.
Tho Information relative to tho lo
cation of Reynolds was secured from
of beach foam. Down the beach stood j be a slow, tedious task of freighting
Mrs. Stott and Captain Harrod. look-1 it by team all Into tho Interior from 1
lng after the airship In amazement there.
and delight Then, turning like a
u mnu who escaped from tho Jull
with him.
' Tli Iu mnu stated that ho spout Mon
day night with Uoynoldii In tho tim
ber near Kootikla, whoro thoy wore
Joined by two men, ono of whom ho
mild was a brother of tho escaped
man who wan arrested with Reynolds,
hut wini rolcnood on hall.
Governor Brady has offered a ro
word of $200 for tho arrest of Rey
nolds, dead or allvo.
M'ALESTIOU, Okla., Aug. 11.
Tho congressional Investigating com
mittee that lias been probing charges
of bribery In connection with tliti Mc
Murray Indian liuul contractu ad
journed Hn notiHlouii hero at noon to
day and started for Sulphur, Okla.
Tho Inquiry will bo renewed there.
Senator Thomas P, (lore wan en
domed by tho democrats at Lawtoit
IiiHt. night. Tho novvii of tliln fact
cauued coiiiildornhlo comment here.
Tho democratic statu convention to
moot nt Oklahoma City will bo itHked
to adopt a reHolutlou similar to that
adopted by tho Luwtou democrat,
and It In exported n tight will follow.
1). H. Wright, a dolomite at Wash
ington for tho I milium, wan called to
tho stand shortly before ndJouruiueit.
Ho testified that Attorney Richard
AdaniH said that MoMurrny had offer
er to shnre 1Ih contracts with him.
Wo make any land and stylo of Windows.
I ' Wo carry Glass of any sizo on hand.
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon,
----- -
frightened heron, she swept seaward
and came down the wind like an ar
row. Virelnln wnvlnc nn Amprlcnn
flag over tho rail and Theodore swing-1 ,n the interior. Hundreds upon nun
lng his hat.
"Although the road Is merely in
the construction stage, It has already
worked a wondcful transformation
Suddenly as she passed them with a
maneuver so astounding for aerial
craft that they could scarcely believe
their eyes she stopped. The sharp
whir of the beating wing sections told
of the sudden reversal of their stroke
and of the unprecedented phenomenon
of the almost Instant arrest of such a
machine In midair. It was an unnec
essary strain, thought the captain.
He saw the reason, however, a mo
ment later. A black slimy nose the
nose of the Stickleback poked Itself
above water right ahead of the Vir
ginia. A boat that looked stove and
sinking drew away from her, with a
struggling, gesticulating figure in It
dreds of man with money chiefly
I eastern capitalists who havo been
I watching Mr. Hill's operations at long
range, have been coming to central
Oretgon In crowds all summer. They
' are the class of Investors who havo
I for years made a parctlco of follow
I lng wherever Jim Hill has led the
j way, realizing that ho does not enter
i a new territory without a definite
plan of developing it nil It will stand.
"Tho result has been that thero has
been a good deal of activity, not only
In farm tracts, but In city lots around
and in Bend and all other towns
along the Oregon Trunk havo felt tho
waving a Blgnnl of distress. Tho slimy same Impulse.
nose sank, and the apparent castaway "All along the lino of civic Improve-
wns left as If to perish unless rescued ments, tho big dam to bo used for
by the Virginia
Accepting the humane task, lower,
lower, lower sank tho aeronef, until
Its car nppcared almost to touch the
waves. The man In distress seemed
to throw something like a lasso over
the nacelle of the airship, and the
great bird rose slightly, as If to be
safo from the billows. The Stickle
back again peeped nbove the waves,
her manhole opened, and the castawn
of the stove boat went down into th
It wns absolutely beyond the power
of any one looking on to guess what
was taking place. Why bad tbe man
made tbe signals for help if tbe sub
marine was standing by? If tbe com
ing of the submarine to his rescue was
unexpected, why had be not cast oft
the line from tbe aeronef? Why And
suddenly they ull fell that something
sinister, something devilish, was tak
tug place. They heard a shout from
Theodore, u scream from Virginia.
The submarine hud come awush again,
and from her opeu manhole came the
nick of u pistol a pistol aimed at
the airship. Then sho sank again, and
i he ulrsblp was drawn downward by
the line. Struggling toward land,
hanging by the fatal thread, like a
trapped bird, she strained at her tetti
er, while the grim xubmurlue, llko a
devilfish which had thrown n tentacle
about n waterfowl, made seaward, out
lull) the gulf, out Into deep water, with
a purpose as manifest as It wuh jdead
iy. (To Be Continue!.)
power purposes has been completed
across the Deschutes at Bend and tho i
wires aro being strung. Tho dynamos
aro ready to be set up and the wholo
plant will bo Installed and under op
eration within tho next 30 days."
Mr. Johnson will remain In town
for several days, and is planning to
make Klamath Falls headquarters for ,
all his operations. '
CHICAGO, Aug. 12. Wi; lam B.
Mellsh of Cincinnati was elected
right ominont grand master of tho
Knights Templar In convention here.
Arthur McAi-thur of Troy, N. Y., was
elected deputy grand mastor and W.
Frank Pierce of San Francisco grand
OYSTER BAY, L. I., Aug. 11.-
Accompanied by President Peter
nnd Superintendent Fiillerton of the
Long Islnnd railroad, Oolono!
Roosevelt today inspected the farms
along the roud und at the railway i
experimental Htntion at Mcdford.
Tho party traveled in President I'c
tors' privuto onr.
Roosevelt closoly questioned the
employes of the experimental fnnn
concerning the cost of tho produc
tion of vegetables. On being told
that experiments showed that uu in
vestment of $2000 laid out iu prop
erly equipping a ten-nero fnnn as
sured an iinumil income of $1000,
the colonel enthusiastically exclaim
ed: "By George, there a good thing
for you!"
Mcdford, Oregon; This certifies
that wo have sold Hall's To.xns Won
der for tho cure bf nil kidney, blad
der and rhoumatiu troubles for ten
years, and have never had a com
nhiint. It gives quiok nnd permanent
relief. Sixty 'days' treatment in each
oottlo, Mwdford Phnnnncy. tf
"To waste is an offense," so sell
thoso second hand things you'vo conn
ed to UBhe, Ouch sales are "want ad
As wo understand it, consists simply in keoping nlvvayu on hand a
goodly supply of tho best staple nnd fnncy groceries that tho local
nnd wholesale markets aro capable of furnishing scelling thoso
goods at reasonable prices nnd waiting on every single customer ot
visitor in tho most courteous nnd satisfactory manner. You are in
vited to call and get acquainted with our methods.
To TTe Hills
If you nro going on n trip or vacation, eithor to the hills or else
where, wo can fit you out iu the most satisfactory manner. You will
havo more pleasure on your trip if you nllow exports to suggest
what to tako along to eat.
Ml Angel College
Iu charge of tho Bcncdiethio P-athers. For young
men and boys. Tonn opens Soptombor 6th. Pre
paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses.
Write for catalogue.
Crater Lake Route
Medford Iron Works
E. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave
Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 8 a. m.
Round Trip $25.00
Children under 12 years, half fare.
Secure your tickets at the hotel.
J. C. NEFF, Manager.
Medford Address: Nash Ilotel.
Th bout resolution for you
to make is to come to us for
your next suit, if you want
Bomothing out of tho ordinary.
Wo do tho boHt work nnd ohsrf
the lowest prices.
tub raoaxrirmrvB taxloi
Newport, Yaquina Bay
The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Whero tho pretty Water Agates, Mons Agates, Moonstones
Cornelians and Itock Oysters can bo found.
Outdoors Sport of all Kinds
Including Hunting, Flahln , digging Rock Oyators, Doatlng,
Surf Bathing, Riding, Autolng, Cnnoolng and Dancing. Pure
mountain wator and the best of food at low prices. Fresh
Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vogotablon of all kinds dal
ly. IDEAL CAMPINO GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg
ulations, at nominal cost.
Low Round-Trip Season
from all points In Oregon,
Washington and Idnbo on sale
Three Day Saturday to
Monday Rate
from 8. P. points, Port.und to
Cottage Orovo Inclusive, Includ
ing branch lines; also from all
C. & IS, stations Albany and
west. Good going on Saturday
or Sunday, and for return Sun
day or Monday,
A Sunday Excursion Rate of $ X .50
from Albauy, Corvnllls and Philomath, with corresponding low rntos
from points wtBt, In effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or 0. & E.
Agent for (u)j particulars as to rates, train schedulos, etc.; also for
copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "Outings in Oregon," or
write o WM. McMUItllAY,
General Pasfloiiger Agent,
Portland, Oregon,
Excursion Ratesto the East
Southern Pacitic
Chicago )...$72.50
Council Bluffs $00.00
Kansas City .........$00.00
St. Joseph . . . $00.00
St. Paul - ..... $00.00
St. Paul via Council Bluffs $03.90
Minneapolis direct $00.00
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $03.90
Duluth, direct $00.90
Duluth, via Council Bluffs $07.50
St. Louis $07.50
Tickets will be on sale May 2d and 9th: Juno 2d, 17th
and 24th; July 5th and 22d'; August 3d; Soptombor 8th.
The abovo rates apply from Portland only. From points'
south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port
land, to make through rate via Portland. One way
through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except
that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal
ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75
higher than fares via direct routes.
Ten days provided for tho going trip.
Stop-overs within limits in either direc
tion. Final return limit three months
from date of sale, but not later than Oc
tober 31st.
Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
"trannjt nii-