Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 12, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Newsy Notes from Rogue River Valley Towns
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Butte Falls Items
Manager Mill !h having Aiehllool
J'oworH to oroot near Itlul'f iiil.lilioii
u nt'iit, couifurlnhlo bungalow 1W tho
lino of himself mill i'niiilly.
Tim young men, Allen, Thornburg
mill Leonard, of Modl'ord, nru
camping nearby ami uro enjoying
IhuiiiHulvDU hunting anil i'iHliiiiK mid
romping through tliu IiIIIh.
Mrs. Mnruy mid Mm, Prudent of
St. .IoIiiih, Or., aro visiting tho fam
ily of .1. P. llugheH,
(Iruudinu KdmoiiHon in Hufl'oriug
from it sovora attack of orysipahiH.
Dr. Holt of Knglu Point in in at
tendance. Dr. Mundy and frimidn aro en
camped at Camp Nluk.
Ora lluyoH brought in a largo load
of freight in Saturday for Wheeler
& ClUHpill.
Mr. Cantor of Derby wan Inter
viewing n" merchants on Saturday
niid ho uiportH that tliuy havo a
splendid wagon road from CaHlor to
tliu railroad.
Mrs. Joint Allun of Dorhy is with
hot- iiiotliur, nursing Iwr during hor
i.ii'lnicun. Airs. Allun in tliu diuigli-
ter of (Irandma lMuionson.
TliomiiH Howard and Horace How
ard, with Mr. Howard, Mrn. Onddis
and Minn Howard, autoi'd to Camp
Nielc Sunday morning from Medford
and nru now niimuI.V located and
drinking in of tho beauties and re
freshing breezes of our clinic
Tho "Hill" campers aro frequent
visitors to our town, and, liku all
modern persons, urge that wo intro
duce methods niid conditions in har
mony with tliu ago. Wo will do m
jllHt IIS HOOII iih wo havi thu people
who can intelligently conduct city
itffuii'H, and tho timo is ripe, for we
arc only too anxious to he in the
procession and make a showing cred
itable alike to our town mid tliu in
telligence of our people.
II. !;. Hoyden mid koii, of Mi'dford
came in on Sunday on their way to
Mr. Itoyili'ii'ri homustead.
Mrs. MorriH, daughter of Towns
man ('lark, has opened a houiu link
cry and is establishing a good trade,
and sho will sooh find her tradu
111110)1 inereaHud. iih homo baking nl-
waVH li a th i;p reference, and Mrn.
William Onuigs, Jr., of Woodxille
came up Thursday for a brief vihit
with his sick wife, who is thu guest
of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Do Ku
boam, of Xorth Central.
George Owiugs has disposed of
his residence property oil North Cen
tral to Mr. llalley.
Kmil De Itohoum lias disposed of
his residence property oil North C
avenue to Mr. Hiilluy; consideration
Mr. Knrlow and family of North
Item ty arc sojourning in the cool
shades of the Dead Indian count ry.
Clarence Wilhite, the popular
fanner and fruit-raiser of Hcuglc,
came oer Thursday with a choice
variety of fruit mid vegetables, which
he readily marketed in Medford.
MHPflll!! MAN
MorriH. Ih nolo for excellent house
wifory. If tho ieolu of tho town would
look after their yards and burn all
rubbiHh and decaying vegetation
around an epidemic might be avoided
and a moro sightly appearance bu
given our HtreutH, which hcoiii to be
tho dupoHitory for thu sweepings.
Theru ban not been much hunting
horuahoulH iih yut, mid wo hoar of
no accidunlH of mistaking a man for
a deer, but wo uxpcot to learn of
koiiiu Hiich iu'wlmps before thu sen
Kou in out, and it would bu well to
tiinko an example in thu case, for
theru is no raiHomilile excuse for
Hueh luishapH, mid thu rigid enforce
ment of law, in' this iih in other par
tiuularH, would soon put an end to
such recklesHiiUKH.
Theru !h no reiiHon why peoplu
should pi to Newport, North Hunch
and other scacoaHl places for a
Hummer outiiiK mid to cscapu the
beat when they can find delightful
opportunities near at hand and hucIi
as Hutte Kails afforda. With tho
advent of tho railway they can mako
the trip without any discomforts
and, through our local stores and
their ucnruoHH to Medford, enjoy tho
hoht the markutri havo on Halo.
Hov. Mr. Howard preached tw
cxcullent sennons on Sunday to very
good congrcgatioiiH and wiih very
4nt..tiiliK iiiitir.iukiiil uitll iillf (flWtt
.............. ....,......-.,. J
ami tlto biirrounuiug couuiry ami
saw a bright future ahead for our
town mid this section.
Theru is moro or lost complaint of
the rocks struwu along and over thu
highway between Ibis point and
Hrowushoro and some needed work)
should be douu on thu road and the
si reams that run across thu roads'
mid are impasablu savo with teams
or horseback should bo attended to
and either bridged or footwalks made
across them. It is hard to get us
out of the old ruts, but wu live in
an age of progress mid criticism is
not slow to express itself when
large taxes are paid for those pur-
T. J. Morris has been away fight
ing forest fires, and thcic aro still
some fires raging, but tlmy lire under
Central jt'oint Items
J. C. Young of thin placo wan tho
fli-Ht man In tho Hoguo Illvcr valloy
to put inelonH on tho market thin
year, and foi two weokn boforo other
nioloim woro rlpo Mr. Younj; sold on
an avernKo of $10 worth ovory day.
Ho iiIho oxpoctH to havo tho Intent
crop on tho mrkot and him ntyled IiIh
pluco tho "KlrHt and LnHt Molon
Chance." At.. Young Ih 11 nowcomor,
having bouisht tho Ixjvo placo near
tho Hear crock bridge nt tkla point,
nnd Ih moro tlinn HatlHflod with bin
tmrgnln. Ho located hero In Atay.
I. H. UlitxlcH, Htato Hecrelary of
thu Y. M. C. A., Ih horo with both
hIcuvcii rolled up and diving deeply
Into tho work of raising tho building
fund for tho Central l'olnt awiocla
tlon. Mr. HI'cdcH will npoak after-
noon nnd evening Sunday nnd nt tho
evening incutlngB nakH nil to attend.
M, JcHHorund of Clio, la., an old
llmo mc'rch.-vnt of that, Ih horo
on a vIMt to frlendH nnd thlnkH bo
much of tho valley that lie la hnlf a
mind to spend tho rent of hlH layn
Tho contract for plumbing and pip
lug tho high Bchool was awarded, bo
wo nro Informed, to tho Itofjuo Hlver
Plumbing company of this plnco. It
will tio neccHHary for tho work to bo
done- by September 1, that tho school
may not bo Interfered with.
S. K. Adams nnd family nro away
on a flHhlng, camping and hunting
oxpedltlon and will not return for
two wcokH. Mr. AdauiH tays many
Tablo Hock cltlzcna nro enjoying a
Hhort vncatlon.
Office 209 West Main St., Mt-dfoid, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon
In tho district court of tho United
States for tho dlatrlct of Oregon.
In tho matter of Qcorgo A. Dutt,
Tho undorslgncd trustoo ot the
abovo entitled cstnto In bank
ruptcy will rccolro senlod bldi
at tho Jackson County bank,
In Medford, Oregon, up to
12 o'clock nooi, of Friday, August
10, 1910, for tho following described
property belonging to said ontato,
namoly, a stock of moriitrndiso, con
sisting principally of Jowolry of tho
Inventory vr.luo of 12987.47, togothor
with a lot of storo fittings oC tho In
ventory valuo of 1175,60, all now In
custody of thf undersigned at Mod
ford, Oregon. Cash or a certified
check for ton por cont of tho amount
offered must accompany each bid and
tho salo is made subject to confirma
tion by tho court, the rlrjl't being ro
sorved to reject any and ull bids. Tha
said property end an inventory there
of may bo inspected upon application
to tho undersigned, at Medford, Ore
torn. Dated at Medford. Oregon, August
8, 1910.
WM. ULUICH. Trustee.
Hasklns for Health.
Hair DroHHing a specialty,
shampooing, Hcalp treatment,
facial mid hand miiBBnge, man
icuring, dyeing nnd bleaching.
Phono Main 311.
V. K. Wells of Minneapolis, Minn,,
has purchased lots l and 5, in the
1'orry suhdi vision, containing '0
acres, paying $20,000. Mr. Wells
will make his home oil thu property
and is now engaged in harvesting
this year's crop, which is heavy and
consists of HartlettH and Cornice 1
pears mid Newtown and Spitzenboig
apples. MeArthur & Alexander madi)
thu sale.
Mr. Wells plans to erect a modern
bungalow on tho placo and will 10
Hido there. lie already luifl a forco
of men at work improving tho prop
erty. "I was attracted to thu Hoguo
Itivor valloy by your booklet," Btal'us
Mr. WoIIh, "and after investigation 1
decided that 1 could not do butter
than remain hero. Jt in a wonderful
tpot mid I expect to spend tho rest
of my days horo."
Sua Krancisco is within striking
distance of tho .t7t"i00,000 reipiired
to bu raised before sliu is eligible as
mi opposition location, livery dollar
ofVlho exposition Mock subscribed
Iih been by popular mibsuripliun,
and as the plan to bond tliu miiuiei-
palily of San Francisco for an addi
tional .$5,000,000 for exposition pur
poHcs is yet to bu hoard from, Sail
Francisco will have no troublo iu se
curing tho necessary funda.
IIUTTE, Mont., Aug. 11. -Forest
fires are raging in tho Yellowstone
National park. A forco of 1200 reg
ulars are fighting the 1'lnmcB mid
backfiring at Lake Ycllowstono,
where the blaze is worst. Tho heav
iest timber in the park it; burning.
It is feared that thousands of
head of big and little gmuu have
burned. Deed, elk nnd mooso are
flying iu panio to the open places in
the park mid to tho Montana and
Wyoming hill.
A hi timber holt iu the St. Mary's
mountains caught fire today, but
igorous backfiring proved success
ful mid tho flames died out.
The fires nro not to the line
of tourist travol, but much beautiful
scenery is being marred.
MOOD K1VKK, Or., Aug. 112. The
members of tho Hood Hivcr Apple
Growers' Fellowship I111Y0 voted to
incorporate that organization in or
der that they nuiy conduct their bus
iness affairs moro conveniently. Tho
character of the society will remain
tho same and tho object, which is to
investigate orchard posts which may
from time to time appear in the Hood
River valley will be still pursued. It
was also voted to amend the by-laws
to iniike tho professors of horticul
ture, pathology and entomology at
the Oregon Agricultural college ad
visory membors of the board of tins
JI3H3I3Y CITY, N. J Aug. 12.-
Chief JiiHtlco Swayzo ye3terday In
Htructod tho grand Jury not to con
sider tho caso of JamoH J, Qnllaghor,
Mayor C!aynor"H assailant, uulosa glv
on f urthor 1 otlco. Ho oxprcHsod tho
fear that If Oallaghor woro ladlctod
on a minor chnrgo Justlco might ho
"Tho temptation to act Bpoodlly Is
groat," Bald tho chlof JiiHtlco, "but
Justlco dooH not roqutro hnsto, and
no notion fllfould should bo tr.lcon un
til tho final result of tho Injury Is
ItaBklnB for Hcnlth.
Robert F Maguire
Lato special agont TJ. S.
Genoral Land Office,
announces that ho has
oponed law offices in
tho Medford National
Bank Building, for gen
oral practice hoforo
stato and federal courts
and tho Department of
tho Intorior.
To buy or can trade
work horse for single
driving mare; good for
orchard work; not over
8 years old; weight
about .1200; if broken to
saddle preferable.
Someone to bale hay at
AVestaway Orchard;
must furnish all machin
ery for baling; quote
For Sale
Fine team, weighing
about 1250 pounds each,
(bay mare and roan
horse), ago G years and
S years; price, including
harness, nearly now,
Will soil roan horse sin
gle for $.150.
Wcstaway Orchard,
Eaglo Point Road, near
Vilas Ranch.
- - For Sale - -
428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable
for fruit and general fanning purposes.
300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation
ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop
ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments.
Gold Ray Really Comp'y.
,rhc finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
Hotel Moore
Fire Proof
Rau-MoHr Company
Proprietors. European Plan
Plans nnd Specifications for the foundation of Hotel Medford
will he ready on nnd after Wednesday, August 10, at the office of
Messrs. Clark & Forester.
Anybody can
attach the
KBj b
The G.E. Flatiron then heats
itself in about three minutes
and will stay hot without fur
ther attention.
Saves time, steps and fuel
If the washing and irtoning are sent out, the G.E. Electric
Iron will still be found a marvelously convenient utensil
to have in the house. There are many little things
women like to iron themselves, and many times it be
comes necessary to wash and iron a few handkerchiefs,
etc., before the "wash" comes home. When occasions
like these arise, and there is a G.E. Iron handy, it is the
work of but a moment to attach the cord to a lamp socket
and the iron is ready. Get one today.
: Granite City
!! Hospital
Wo8t modcmly equipped hospi
tal hetween Portland and Sac
ramento. Shows each doctor
.ho snme courtesy and Kivea ',',
nil patients tho same care. In "
churire of Ostrom & Nelson, -'
crnduato nurses.
Props of Granite City Hospital, t
Ashland, Orenon.
j Fine Printing
Wo make a specialty of fine
printing carry the necessary
stock to cnahlo us to fill oil
orders promptly, nnd Kunrnn
teo satisfaction.
Host equipped job office in
Orojjon south of Portland;
Host export printers.
Boforo sending your orders
out of town, call nnd figure
with us if wo can serve you
for tho same price as an out-of-town
concern you will wish
to pntronizo home industry.
Make Every Dollar Worth
More Than a Dollar!
An educated ad reader will never be poor.
To "know advertising" is to have a prac
tical knowledge of values of things of
when and how and where to buy. No one,
having and utilizing such knowledge, could
ever be unthrifty, or in any sense careless
or reckless of expenses. For such knowl
edge makes for thrift for saving. It makes
one proof against shams false values
manipulated reductions.
The intelligent ad reader uses as much
thought and ability in buying things as is
required in earning the money that is spent
for them. And that amounts to a substan
tial increase of tho value of every dollar
of the family revenue!
I 30'
Optical Parlor
A complete lens and grinding plant has been
s installed. Glasses ground whilo you wait. Bring
a piece of your broken lens and wo will grind
another one like it. No moro long delays in get
ting glassos.
(Ground Floor, No. 301 East Main)