MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED3TORP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. 6 Ill M. Virginia of ihe Air Lanes A ROMANCE OF FLYING Herbert Quick 1 "-USVZtZ iOfc fcy SYNOPSIS. iCHAPTEB I Theodore Carson, mVentor of an airship, roscuoa from fngitiv flying ronchtne called a kelicoptor, a beautiful young Rirl. 'II wad lH Carson is infatuated ky her and takes her where she can mraaaieato with her mends. IV Carson visits tho Roc, a pant airship owned by Shaync, uncle of Tircinia Suarex, tho Rirl he rescued, mb&, beinK coldly received, leaps rom the Roc, at a great height, in a parachute. . V, VI and VII Ho lands in tho crounds of the Slattery Institute for Inebriates, where he makes a friend f one Craighead, who plans to raise apital to manufacture the new style .airship Carson has invented. Thus tkey hope to rival Shayne, who con--feols the airship industry. Till Mr. Waddy decides condi iienally to capitalize the Carson CraigheSd project. IX Carson goes to Florida to omplete a sample airship to exhibit to Mr. Waddy, and he finds Virginia there. X He is in lovo with Virginin. tWIzner, a rival inventor, conspires to Ull Carson. 3Tie next umo nns aarea. "En route t Cosmopolls from Incubator." ami -was unsigned. "To him who comraunrts the winds, from him wbo winds the commands, greeting." It ran. "Be of ,good cheer. The train Is laid, the gin Js Bet. the dogs of war strain forward 3a the leash. But la there any aeronef ? JBroom end of pipe dream assumes ter rifying concreteness. Noble, sir. assure one of thine! Just wire saying you are pea and there is an aeronef, collect!" "Did yon answer this" asked Vlr Juln. Theodore shook bis head. !It was days and days before I got ." "Why didn't he send It to the planta "Ska?" asked Virginia. "I gave blm this address," said Theo Cere. "I I stayed there too too long " He opened the gyroscope globe and kegan running the engines lightly, set Slag the heavy little wheels spinning, seeking the neronef from side to side to note the operation of tho balancing devices. Preserving their perpendicu larity, as If of intelligent purpose, the gyroscopes moved the levers of the wing differentials which wonld accel erate tho propeller wheels of the low. red wing and correspondingly slow tka upper. Right or left, stern or bow, the depressed area would work the harder, the raised part slower, while .powerful rudders co-operated, moving Mko a fish's fins, even now while the propeller rested. Theodore was get tug past an awkward reference to his long stay at the plantation by a pains taking examination of the brain of his airship. "Seo how it works, Virginia," ho ex claimed. "It knows the levers to be Moved. Why, if a puff starts to over turn her she'll strike with the lowered wings alone like a bird. And see tho intelligence of those rudders! And "Wlrner said she'd turn turtle!" "And Mr. Craighead doesn't get any report of nil this! What must he thinkr "J told him about It," said Theodore proudly. "And it was no tlmo to telo crapu apologies. It was a time to work." Virginia opened another of Craig iend's telegrams. It was addressed to Palmetto Beach, "or somewhere It is hoped." and seemed to bo regarded by Craighead as very important "My Jack bath turned! It Is Craighead Fe lix now," said be. "Ilnvo found n Sang of grafters organized to get us grants In no time; will clncb New York by Friday: Chicago already hem Bed lu. New thought feo of roads in grangers everywhere. Will securo title except for road purposes. Shayne, tby inn sets apace! Whoop! Whoop! "Whoopee! Wo'vo got 'em, we've got 'em! Caroline's dad ready to bust all dght banks to back scheme. You must sake good, Theodorlc. Answer for the sake of dlvlue pity just one Icetle teeney peep! Napoleon Bonaparte Hannibal Miltlades Craighead." "What does he mean," asked Vir ginia, "by all this about grants, high ways and fee simple? It's awfully lueer." "I don't know," replied Carson. 8omo visionary thing." "And who is Caroline?" asked Vir ginia. "Mrs. Grayblll, Mr, Waddy's daugh ter. Now, listen, Virginia, and wutch. Bfao's ready to try." He threw in tho clutch, nnd tho wings began whirring like great buzzes. .Faster and faster the wing sections whirled until the nerouef strained up ward oa her lashlugs like a restive fcwrse. Theodore tipped a lever, and fee leaped forward, stretching the at an tuwio at forty-five deere- .ie reversed It, utut sne sir.ciu-a Back ward, as might nn eagle repulsed by n foe. Virginia swung her lint nnd shout ed. "Pull the Uuo on tho end of that wing," said he, "and see if you can tip her. Pull!" Virginia walked gingerly forward, her dress flying, her hat whisked to the top of the room. Grasping the fly lug rope cud, she pulled downward. Tho wings settled slightly, and then as tho gyroscopo bralu felt the depres sion the lowered wings lifted as if con sciously rising to a load. It was mar velous. "Can't you pull harder?" cried Theo dore, bareheaded, his hah" flying. "Try." "Aye, aye. sir." cried Virginia cheer ily. "Try It is." flenching up, she pulled herself clear of the floor, her strong little form swaying like a most charming pendu lum. The enormous dragon fly. throw ing Its power Into tho depressing wing, rode level, with nlno stono weight of solid American girl dangling from tho tip of one wing a mechanical para dox. The boat stood In air as level as a ship In a calm. "Hurrah!" shouted Theodore, swing ing his arms. ;'Nevcr anything like it In the world. Curried you on one wing and kept level. Hurrah for the Vir ginia I" He eased her down and stepped to where Virginia waited, hands out stretched, red from the rough rope, hair blown abroad. "And are you going to name her that?" she cried. "Oh. how perfectly dear of you!" Theodore held the chafed bands, tri umph lu his face. He opened the little red palms and kissed them over and over again. Mrs. Stott camo In and saw him doing It "I hurt my hands." said Virginia, showing them. "And uncle Is kissing them well." "Very kind and self sacrificing, I'm sure," replied Mrs..Stott CHAPTER XII. MR. CRAiailEAD (ft CUSTODY. THE money for the last touches to the airship was to bo the extent of Mr. Waddy's new .financial venture, and then came Craighead with bis new hatched plan for actually monopolizing tho air. and Mr. Waddy. having submitted It to 'his local lawyer, hesitated and was tost. Til go Into It." he said. "We'll make, everybody come nnd spttle that wants a trip by airship. Hey?" "Exactly." replied Craighead. "Jest as If the whole country was our farm." cried Mr. Waddy. "It will be for circumambient pur poses," replied Craighead. "And, as you so well said, a farm's a cinch. And remember. JL. Waddy. In putting Shayne and bis pirates down and out we and our pirates are making wny for the matchless, unslnkablc. double acting, universal speed, direct drive, nonbalatlon. ortbochromatic Carson aernoef. Don't forget our haughty southron coconspirator who will wing his way to Illinois by the time we re turn. Don't fall down and forget that." "Well, you'd better have him on hand." said Mr. Waddy. "as he prom ised, or I'll know why he took my good bard money." It was on occasions of this sort that Mr. Craighead bad sweated telegrams begging to know If Theodore really bad any airship. (To Be Conti&uerYj FRIGATE PORTSMOUTH TO BE NAVAL MUSEUM SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 10. The old frigate Portsmouth, which took possession of California in tho name of the United States, one of the last xciiare-riggcd participants in the civil war, will find a final haven in Seattle harbor, where she is to he tinnsformed into n naval museum. A dispatch from New York states tlint the Portsmouth will sail short ly for Seattle. She was towed to the New York navy-yard yesterday, where her scams will bo freshly calked for her trip around the horn. -t- -n- -n----t- -t- f FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR WILL BE HELD AT SALEM, SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17. $35,000.00 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES. GRAND LIVE STOCK, AGRICUL- TURAL AND H0RTICUL- TURAL EXHIBITS. SPLEN- DID RACES, BAND C0N- CERTS, FREE ATTRAC- TI0NS 4ND FIREWORKS. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. FOR FURTHER INF0R- MATI0N ADDRESS FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY. - DEAN'S BEAUTY PARLORS Hair Dressing a specialty; shnmpooing, scalp treatment, facial nnd hand massage, man icuring, dyeing and bleaching. KENTNER BLDG. Phone Main 311. MEDFORD. JACK BELIEVES FIGHT GAME DEAD Hcavywblflht Champion Says Hon fllsh Promoters and Crooked Fighters Havo Put Game In Amer ica to tho Mat for the Count. CHICAGO, Aug. !. "Hoggish promoters" and "crooked fighters" have put the right and loft upporcut to tho fighting gamo In America, ac cording to Jack Johnson, a recog nized authority on matters pugilis tic. Johnson bolloves that tho next big fights wilt bo held In England or Australia. Ho thinks that adverse criticism following tho Reno battle has effectually killed prize fighting In America. England and Austra lia will bo the only places which would offer largo purses, ho said. KOLB AND DILL QUIT TOGETHER, ALREADY, YES! SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl.. Aug. 10. Clarence- E. Kolb and Jinx JM. Dill, whoso corned combination has ap peared in every city on tho Pacific coast, have dissolved partnership, it is announced. Tho contract to go on at Moore's theater in Seattlo has been cancelled and each of tho Ger man comedians will go his own way hereafter. HasklnB for health. Jujft Published Mining Maps of Southwest ern Oreeon and Northwestern California, showing the forest reserves, surveyed nnd unsur veyed land. Sold by W.P. Wright Grants Pass. Or. Price of Wall Maps, $2; Pocket Maps, $1.50. Wanted To buy or can trade work horse for single driving mare; good for t orchard work; not over 8 years old; weight t about 1200; if broken to saddle preferable. Wanted Someone to bale hay at Westaway Orchard; must furnish all machin ery for baling; quote $ price. For Sale Fine team, weighing I about 1250 pounds each, (bay mare and roan horse), age 6 years and ' 8 years ; price, including ; harness, nearly new, $335. Will sell roan horse sin gle for $50. F. H. COWLES Westaway Orchard, Eagle Point Road, near Vilas Ranch. Merchandising As wo understand it, consista simply iu keeping nlwayn on hand a goodly supply of tho best staple and fancy grocorios that tho local and wholesale markets aro capaltlo of furnishing seolling thenn goods at rcuponnblo prices and waiting on ovory single otiRtomur or visitor in tho must courteous mid tmtisfnotory nmiinor. You aro in vited to call and get acquainted with our methods. To TSe Hills If you are going on a trip or vacation, eithur to tho hills or olso whoro, wo can fit you out in tho most satisfactory maimer. You will havo more pleasure on your trip if you allow oxpertj to suggest wm to take along to eat. ALLEN 6 REAGAN CORNER MAIN AND OENTItAL P. O. HANSEN "We mnko any kind We carry Glass of j MEDFOBD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. - - For 428 ACRES Rogue River bottom land, suitable for fruit and general farming purposes. 300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation ditch and perpetual water right. Has coal outcrop ping. At n bargain on long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Comp'y. 209 WEST Crater Lake Route 1910 LOCOMOBILES The cars of the Crater Lake Company will leave Hotel Nash on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. Round Trip $25.00 Children under 12 years, half fare. Secure your tickets at the hotel. CRATER LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO. J. C. NEFF, Manager. Medford Address: Nash Hotel. SPEND THE SUMMER Newport, Yaquina Bay The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Where the pretty Water Agates, Mobs Agatoa, Moonstones Cornelians and Rock Oysters can bo found. Outdoors vSport of all Kinds Including Hunting, Flshln , digging Hock Oysters, Uontlng, Surf Duthlng, Hiding, Aufolng, Canoeing nnd Dancing. Pure mountain wntor anC tho best of food at low prices. Frosh Craba, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables of all kinds dal ly. IDEAL CAMPINO GROUNDS, with strict sanitary reg ulations, at nominal cost. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets from all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on buIo dally. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $1.50 from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S, P, or O, & 19. Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; nluo for copy of our beautiful Illustrated booklet, "Outlnga In Oregon," or write .0 WM, McMUKRAY, General I'nsMoiigor Agont, PorUaud, Oregon, MKDlXmi) TOM MOFFAT and style of Windows. any sizo oh hand. Sale - - MAIN ST. 1910 AT- Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate from S. P. points, Port.und to Cottage Grove Inclusive, Includ ing branch lines; also from all C. & B. stations Albany and west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, and for return Sun day or Monday, Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL OR. In cliurgo of tho BoncdicUno Fathers. For young men and boys. Term opons Soptombor 6th.. Pre paratory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write i'or catalogue Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgdo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. v" uF llfir Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southenv.Paciiic (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs CO.OO Omaha $60.00 Kansas City $00.00 St. Joseph ..... ......... $60.00 OLt S. ill! I n wmww ..pOvu St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 Minneapolis direct - $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Buluth, direct $66.90 Bulutli, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will be on sale May 2d and 9th; June 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; Soptombor 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From point3 south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rato to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will bo $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ten days provided for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMTJRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon GOLD RAY IF Ml CO. Office: 209 WcHt Mnin St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE RESOLVED Tho bout resolution for yon to tnako in to oomn to ua fur your naxt suit, if you waul Hoinuthiug nut of tho ordinary. Wo do tho bent work ana chargr tho lowest prioea. W. W. EIFERT TUB FKOOKKMIVB TAIXOK at Cold Ray, Oregon t