Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 10, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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. John 11. Cnrkin, nltonioy-iil-luw,
over Juoloion Countyl Hunk.
W. (I. Aliloiihugoii, of tlio ItoKiio
Hi vol' Kltwtrlu company, loft Wotl
iiomlny evening '"' Purllimil on n
vni'iition (fip. I In will bo gouo a
ooupln of wooltM (ir inoro.
Tliu party who utlvorllHoil iih hav
ing lout a liiuioli of koyn will rooolvo
inforiiiutlon of hiiiiio hy culling at thin
office mill jmyiiiK fr thin ml. 1VI2
Mr. ami Mm. U. K. Whltiami of
I,a (Irnntlo, Or., mu huru looking
around a hit.
Tho ImlloH of (ho Find M. K.
church will glvo a good old-fiiHhionud
hot dinner at tho church parlon on
Wodiioiiday evening, AugtiHt 10, nup
por to begin at (I o'clock and oon
tluuu through tho evening. Tho pub
liu in cordially invited to attend mid
4ujoy u pleiiHiint evening id enjoy
tho inmiy good thing tho ladlcn will
aorvo. Don't forgot tho place, on
Hartlotl atreet, cornor Fourth Htroot.
All woloomo. 122
Mr. and Mm, II. K. Oalo of Merlin
wore in Mcdford Tuomlny on a Hhort
I havn Hoveral tlioiiHiuid dollnrH of
woll-Hooured paper nt 8 por cont;
would tako Home Medford properly
nud ciihIi. AddrcKH C. 1, oaro Mail
Tribune "
MIhh Molllo Towno, deputy clerk,
loft Wedneiiday for Portland, whence
hIio will tako Hteamor to Ban Pedro,
returning in a few wcoka by rail.
William WfMterlund nud K. W. 01
moii, treiiHiirur and Hc.erotary of tho
W'oHtorn Orchnrd company, are hero
ou a IiuhIuohh trip.
0. It. I.iudloy and hou tiro upend
ing a few dayn in tho high hilln.
Mm. Harry II. Hicks and hoii re
turned Wodiiomluy from a two
month' visit with her parents in
Olympia, Wash.
I. K. HarkHdull returned Wednes
day morning from a Ihihuichk trip to
Howard Dudley returned Wednes
day from a business trip to Seattle
mid Portland.
C. A. Malboouf was visited Wed
nesday by his wife and daughter,
Jtiss Charlotte, who are Hpcuiliug a
few weeks at Ashland.
Porter J. Neff was at Central
Point on business Wednesday.
Mablon Purdin was at Jackson
ville ou legal business Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. llnight of Sha
niko, Or., aro hero looking over tho
country with a view to locating. They
made tho trip in their Chalmers-Detroit
car, coming via Klamath Palls.
W. W. & Ooro Try an ieo cold
melon from Warner, Wortmaii &
Gore's eold-storage rooms at the
same prion you pay for tho hot
kind. 123
Thoro is nothing quito so delicious
as an ieo cold melon. Mig supply to
choose from, nlways cold, at War
ner, Wortmaii & florc's. 123
Komi Auguut Sunset. Komi "Tho
Philippine!! jib I Saw Them," by
floneral James V. Smith, ox-govornor
of tho Philippines, and "California
Illnok Oold, tho Komanco of the Oil
Wolls," by Walter V. Woehlko, In
Sunset for August, now ou sale at
all hows stands, Ifi cents. lit)
Mrs. NareiHsa McCain loaves this
morning for Salem and other north
ern pointti to visit relatives and
Mrs. C. K. MoKeo returned from
Crater Lake Tuomlny.
H. C. helming, A. P. Strohorn iiid
,M. II. Sophull of Waflhington, I). 0.,
are registered at tho Nash.
I). K. Milling and K. V. Holder of
Portland aro among the recent Mcd
ford visitors.
Mr. nud Mrs. 0. V. Kates of Can
by, Or., aro hero on a visit looking
over tho valley of the Kogue.
M. J. Korr of Corvallis was u
Medford visitor ouo day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Keid, who
have been spending the winter at
Los Angeles, Cal lelurned Wednes
day morning to look uftor their
property interests, Iho Cornell ranch,
on Pools oreok. They will leave for
tho south again Monday, but expect
to return in a short time mid become
permanent residents.
J. C. MoClintoolc and C. J. Price
of Topoka, Kan., aro hero, the guests
of W. C. Green. Thoy aro looking
Tor an investment.
Dr. A. 0. Gaul and family of Chi
cago arrived horo this week and aro
looking for a location mid invest
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Carney of San
Prauoisco aro registered at tho
Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Kriokson mid
P. K. Koklnnd of Turloek, Cal., are
among tho recent arrivals in Med
ford who nro looking for a location.
0. II. Kntory of Sail Antonio,
Tex., spent a fow days in Medford
this week.
0. II. (livens of Ashland was a ro
llout visitor in Medford, Mr, Qivenrt
is a recent arrival from (ho oast and
is delighted with tho valloy.
Henry Wilson of Trail is spending
a few days in Medford ou business,
Johnson 0. Poster of Sail Fran
oisco is in Mcdford rouowiug old no-
iiuulntaiiees. Mr. Pouter was a resi
dent of Mcdford In tho early M)Us,
nud casually riumirkri that there
have been a number of changes since
thai time.
Mrs. H. A. Lockwood and her sis
tnr, Mrs. Simmons, with whom she
him been veiling near Seattle, have
recently been called east hy tho Mi
nims of their father at Lincoln, Neb.
Lawrence Sluuol, a popular Hast
en! Oregon boy, Is employed .is
timekeeper for tho Jacobscn-lludo
J, M, Schmidt wan one out of
about J 0,000 to receive a prize in
thu recent inaiiufaeturers' contest
held by tho Kllera Music Co.
Swimmlnii Records Smashed.
LONDON, Aug. 10. Frank B.
Hoaiiropalro of Vlctorln, Auntrnlln,
lias broken the world's Bwlmmlng
records for 200 and 300 motors; also
for 300 yardH. Tho renjiectlvo flg
urcii OHtabllHUod are: 2:30, 3:C0 1-C
anil 3t:t0.
II. T. Pankoy, who Is acting as
inspector of packing and shipment
of fruit for tho Kogue Kivcr Fruit &
Produce nssocialioii, says the pears
aro being put up in hotter shape this
vonr Hum over before. Tho growers
nro entering heartily into the idea of
a uniform pack and close grading or
stock, and aro using every effort to
bring their product up to the stuiitl
ard set by tho association. Mr.
Pankoy's duties keep him constantly
ou tho road between Ashland and
Grants Pass, mid ho is sanguine
that, barring a few districts where
the fruit has been "hail-speckcd,"
the pear crop will be tho "best over.''
"Tho apples are looking fine ev
erywhere," said Mr. Pnnkey, "and
the drv weather does not seem to
have affected them any as yet, but
it may yet."
DAVIS In Medford. Or., August
10, 1010, lo Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Da
vis, a son. Mrs. Davis is a daugh
ter of L. K. Hoover.
.Vntioiuil Lwiguo.
Now York 9, St. I.ouIh 4.
Philadelphia 3-1, Chlraso 1-14.
Brooklyn 0-2, Cincinnati 1-7.
llo.iton 0, Pittsburg 10.
American league.
Cleveland 7-0, Washington 1-1.
at. I.ouIh 1-0, New York 0-S.
Detroit 1, Philadelphia 3.
Chicago 7, Boston 4.
Northwest League.
Seattle G Tacotnn 2.
Vancouver 1. Bpoknno 4.
Count league.
Lob AiikoIob 0, Han Francisco 1.
Oakland 1, Vernon 1.
Portland 2, Sacramento 0.
!?a:. 750.00
Tho city council of tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, will rccolvo Healed pro
posals for 32,750.00 six por rent ton
year Improvement bonds. Bids to bo
filed with tho city rccordor boforo
4:30 o'clock p. m. August 1 0th. 1910,
and to bo ncconipnntod by a cortltlod
chock oaual to five por cont of tho
amount bid for, and mado payablo to
tho city tro.iouror of said city.
Tho council rcaorvo tho right to
reject any jid all bids,
City Kocordor.
Weeks & McGownn Company to Put
In tho Five-Cluster Llrjhts Now
Bccomjnfl So Popular In the Larpo
"All Haino Portland" this will bo
tho conunont when Wooka & McClow
an Co. got tholr now flvo-oluator oloc
trlo light stands erected In front of
tho storo on Woat Main Btroot. A
visitor to Portland la struck with tho
beautiful otfoct of tho five-cluster
light stands oroctod on tho odgo of
tho walks In front of tho atoroa and
on both sldos of tho principal streets.
Wooks & MtOownn havo dooldod to
plaeo tho annio kind In front of tholr
store, and In a day or two ono storo
In Medford will havo the samo effoct
ns la produced In tho largest city of
tho stato,
Nothing llko kceplu gabroaat of tho
times, Medford Rtoreaa how as flno
goods as can bo aoon In tho cltloa
Medford merchants havo aa flno
windows na thoao found 1- any city
Medford niorehnnta advortlao oqunl
to moBt oltloa twleo tho slzo, and now
tho latoat lighting luivivf tlon has
boon Installed. Medford tnorohants
will not bo outdono,
Now York Papers Join In Genuine
Homaoo to Wounded Executive's
Ability as Political Power and to
His Worth as a Man.
NBW YORK, Aug. 10. It ro
iimlim for William J. Qnynor, tho
stricken mayor of Now York, to
exporlonco thu p raises usually reserv
ed for prominent men until after thoy
nro dead. Nenrly every prominent
nowspapor In Now York JolnB In gon
u I no homage to tho wounded execu
tive's ability as a political power and'
to his worth as a man.
Tho World says:
"If painful death awaits tho hero
of a memorable onslaught upon her
editary abiiflcs, thoro should bo In
tho repuhllc enough of tho old tlmo
flro to demand In expiation not only
tho llfo of tho wretch Immediately
guilty but also tho extinction forov
or of" political nnd social rapacity
that prompted him, fed his craxy von
geance, and finally tempted his mur
deroiiH arm."
Oaynor'8 vjrturea nro Rummed up
bilofly by tho Sun In tho following
"Disappointing tho expectations of
his opponents and surpassing tho
highest hopes of his friends, Mnyor
Oaynor lion been a memorably nblo
mayor, vigilant, wIbo and cagor to
correct nbiiBca, singularly bravo, In
telligent, nlort and full of homely
Touching upon tho psychology of
thu attempted assassination, tho
Times sayn:
"It would seem that Oaynor Ib the
last ono that should havo boon a vic
tim of tho Inienento nngor nnd blind,
mad hatred, especially at tho hands
of a mombor of tho clnca to which tho
would-bo ns8ro8ln belongs."
"Whatever may bo tho palliation
of regicides," comments tho Americ
an, "and murders of high offllcala
In other lands, political nasnaslnatlpn
la America will moan nothing but
that tho law Is too weak and llfo too
cheap. Abhorr nco of tho crime Is
as universal as la tho l.opo of Gay
nor'a speedy recovery."
Tho Press says:
"The extraordinary fact Is that In
this republic cranks and madnion
rarely pick an targets or tholr as
sassin's aim tho discredited nnd dis
reputable public official. Their lust
Is for tho choice blood and tho val
uable llfo of tho nation."
Hotel Arrivals.
At tho NtbIi Charles Verellncs,
San Francisco; J. C. McCllntock, To
peka; C. J. Price, Topoka; It. V.
Kearnes, F. S. Davis, Sr.u Francis
co; W. C. Smll' and wife, Portland;
W. Sander and wife, J. S. Murphy,
San Francisco; W. O. Foreclo, Port
land; C. K. Dates and wlfo, Canby;
J. C. Neff and wifo, Crater Lake;
MIbb Ida Otto CInrlcs C. Doyco,
Portland; Ed Bartholin, Los Angoles;
M. J. Kerr, Corvallis; Mrs. C. It.
McKee, Crator Lake; S. S. Sorvls
and wlfo, Gallup; A. E. Romcs, city;
W. F. Elliott, Chicago; Arthur Pax
ton, San Francleco; D. W. Dorranco,
Kolor; H. C. Uoach, Soattlo; C. E.
Whitman nnd family, I.a Graulo; G.
C. Arcoll, Soattlo; II. C. Lohmnuy,
M. II. SopHrll, A. F Strobom, Wash
ington; D. 13. Mnllng, R. V. Holder,
At tho Mooro P. E. Ecklund, Tur
loek; .Mr. mil Mrs. P. O. Erlckson
Turloek; n. W, Jncobo, W. J. Don
nod, PorMrnd; L. Rlttor, city; G.
13 Wnhl, Manhattan; Dr. A. C. GIs
sol, Chlcigo; O. 13. Sholdois, San
Francisco; Uobort Crulg, Medford; II.
13, Oalo and wlfo, Morllu; G. II.
Thurk and wlfo, San Francisco; C. II.
Cocey, Joii8on; B, 13. Morodlth, Port
land; L. Lnngwood, city; C. B. Ba
ker, Portland; W. R. Ma-shall, San
Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cnr
noy.Snn Francisco; J. B. Ilutchins,
Nov York.
Hnsklns for Health.
(Com'nued from pago 1)
his controversy with tho prosont soo
rotnry of tho interior.
Flint is u friond of Director Newell
of tho reclamation service, whom
Rallingor has sought to depose. A
year ngo Flint went on u fishing trip
wit Pinehot nnd former Governor
Pardee of California, who is regard-
oil (,a ouo of tho lenders of tho con
servation movement in tho west, This
is taken ns an indication of Fliut'ti
pursonnl friendship for Ihoso men.
Ho is also porsonally friendly with
ninny of tho leading Pinehot iles.
Too Late to Classify
LOHT Ladles' brooch, ngato stono ,
In floral sotting; lost bolycen post
offlco nnd south ond of Oakdnlo
aveuiio. Finder return to Mall Tri
bune offlco nnd receive reward. 123
WANTKO Olrl for general liouao
work. Apply to . i:. Kolly.
KOIl BAI..K Three homes, nro 4-year-old,
ono 9-yoar-old, driving or
saddle; ono pot pony; all guaran
teed sound and gontlo. Union Liv
ery HU-.blo. II. C. Smldt. 124
FOK8ALK 80 head 7f dtock hogs
If taken at onco. Sco Kofoldt, Itoguo
Itlver Electric company.
(Continued from Page 1.)
expected that Jhia avcrago or better
will bo kept up for the next ten dnys.
The fruit shipped now is nil Bart
Ictts. When thoy begin to slack up
tho Howells, D'Anjous nnd the early
apples will commence to come in, so
that thoro will be something doing
right along until tho last Into apple
is sent out.
Tho fruit is coming in very fast
and nt times thoro a string of five
or six wngons waiting to unload nt
the pint form.
Tuesday 723 boxes of pneked
pears and 085 boxes of Jooso stuff
was received. At 406 bqxes to the
car, tho receipts amounted to a little
over four carloads.
Glad to Get Back to Mcdford Hau
Very Successful Trip Many New
Goods to Come Later.
Miss McDonald stated that her six
weeks' buying trip beenme a little
tiresome before the end, but that
sho had been vory successful in se
lecting most lines and could promise
tho ladies of Southern Oregon many
surprises in the way of styles and
Arrives Early.
Arriving in Now York a little in
udvnnco of tho great majority of
'buyers, sho was enabled to make se
lections without having to hurry, and
: then, too, sho had n good chance to
spend moro time in shopping nnd
finding out just what was to be the
most practical and tnking styles and
just whore to buy nt tho best ad
vantage. Visits Factories.
Miss McDonald told of visiting the
factories where from f00 to 1000
girls nnd men were employed in the
manufacture of ready-to-wear gar
ments. Sho told of the lunch hour nt one
factory where over 500 operators
lined up at a long table mid had
lunch everything so systematized
as to facilitate matters and get as
much work dono ns ossibc.
Strike Situation.
Tho strike in Now York City is
assuming enormous proportions, but
tho linger nnd bettor factories wore
not effected so much nnd ns most of
tho goods bought for the Emporium
comes from tho best manufacturers
of Now York, Cleveland nnd Phila
delphia, sho wn fortunate in plac
ing ordera that will bo filled.
The Styles
are vory beautiful and Mice Mo
Donnld's experience as n buyer for
the White House of San Francisco
for u 'number of years wns of great
benofit in helping her to got goods
for tho Emporium here.
Many Surprises.
A littlo later ou tho Mcdford la
dies will bo shown tho very best nud
most stylish of garmonts thaj aro
being iiinmif no hired in tho oast.
A party counting of Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. II. Stewart, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M.
Amy nnd Mrs. J. M. Koono have ju&t
returned from a most enjoyable au
tomobile trip in Mr. Stownrt's auto,
"around the horn," ns it is known
in local parlance, meaning tho trip
via Crater Lake, Fort Klamath,
Klamath Falls, and return by wny of
Klninuth Hot Springs (Shovel oreok)
and Colestin. The trip wns mado
without mishap of any kind nnd ov
orvbody returned in good humor and
full of praise of tho trip.
Medford, Orogen: This cortifios
that wo havo sold Hall's Texas Won
der for tho euro of all kidnoy, blnd
dor mid rhoumntio troubles for ton
yonrs, and havo uovor had a com
plaint. It gives quick nnd permanent
roliof. Sixty days' troatmont in enoh
bottlo. Mwdford Phnrmaoy, tf
Ha8klns for Hoalth,
Investigating Committee Would
Know More About His Efforts to
Borrow Money From McMurray
Case Progresses.
M'ALESTER Okla., Aug. 10.
Congressman Charles E. Creagcr will
bo recalled by tho congressional In
vestigating committee to testify re
garding alleged efforts on his part to
borrow moiey from J. F. McMur
ray, holder of Indian land contracts
which would havo notted thoao In
terested about $3,000,000 In fees.
Tho decision to recall Crcagor fol
lowed testimony by Jacob L. Hamon,
who Is charged by Senator Gore with
having offered him a bribe to with
draw opposition to the contracts, that
Crcager mado what he considered a
direct request on McMurry for $1000.
Hamon'B testimony Intimated that
tho money was asked in oxchange for
Creager's influence.
The charge and thd decision of the
com.mltteo created excitement at the
hearing today. It la believed that
tho hearings will take a now turn
and that tho committee may decide to
probo stories that legislators havo
gone to the cor tract holders and vir
tually solicited bribes.
(Continued on Page 5.)
nnH ntrmttA nnt tn rnmnvrt thn hullot
...... ...... -
unless symptoms of Infection devel
oped. They declared that tho most
remarkable feature of the shooting
was that tho bullet ended its course
where it did and yet did not sever
any blood vessels.
In order to remove tho pieces of
lead, they must cut through veins
and arteries. This probably would
causo weakness through loss of blood
and would be critical at a time when
every ounce of strength is needed to
resist the shock caused by the wound.
Consultation Soon.
Tho physicians announced that they
would hold a consultation soon to
adopt a plan of treatment. Mean
while gunshot wound experts have
been consulted and thel rdvico aid
ed tho surgeons in the decision to
po3tpono an operation. It was
agreed, however, although Gaynor's
condition is satisfactory at present,
ho is far from being out of danger.
Every bulletin Issued by tho doc
tors Is iwaltovl by a tremendous
crowd that Las surrounded tho hospi
tal since Gaynor was taken to the
building from tho Hobbken plot. De
tails of police havo beii assigned to
handling tho throng, and although
tho crowd Is orderly, ovory effort is
mado tho keep tho people qulot when
favorablo bulletins nro IsauoJ.
Traffic Stopped.
Tho authorities havo shat off traf
fic on Willow avenuo for a distance
of eno block each way from tro hos
pital. Motormen running cars in tho
vicinity of tho bulldi-13 havo beoa
ordored not to sound their gongs and
to run at slow speed. The Btreet
dlroctly In front of tho hospital la
kopt clear, and only silently moving
automobiles aro allowed to approach
tho doors.
Nearly every person prominent In
Now York social and political llfo has
called at the hospital to leavo cards
and express sorrow for the mayor.
Brother Tom Comes.
Gaynor's brother, Thomas, from
Springfield, O., almost a twin of tho
mayor In looks and ber.rlag, arrlvod
today. As ho asconded tho steps of
tho hospital thoro .was r.n audible
murmur of puzzled surprise In tho
Mrs. VIngut, tho mayor's protty
young dauKhtor, and Mrs. Edward
Grout called In tho mornlnn at thoj
hospital, but wero not allowed to seo ,
tho patient, who waB sleoplng nat
urally, no opiates having boon usod '
ns yot.
Within tho hospital tho mayor lay
apparontly sufforlng considerably
from tho wound. Ho was cheorful
howovor, nnd jokod foobly with tho
nurses, particularly bowalllng tho
lack of solid food. Owing to tho
presence of tho ballot, ho occnalonnlly
has difficulty In breathing. At tho
tlmo of tho third bullotln tlo mayor's
tomporaturo was 11 1-4 dogrees
abovo normal, Indicating that no In
foctlon had sot In. When hla strongth
returns tho patient will bo tnkon to
tho Adlrondncks for convalosconco.
-- -
There is a Difference
WHICH DO YOU PREFER! An ieo cold melon or one that is
warm and unpnlateablo? Every one prefers their melon cold, of
EVER THINK OF THE DIFFERENCE in melons that-are kept
in ieo cold rooms as compared with thoao stored outside under an
nwning or even in a r6ora where the thcrmomotcr registers from 80
to 100 degrees in the shade? Those kept in cold storage aro the
only kind that ore really desirable, and you don't noed to uso your
ice to cool them, and they cost no more.
Warner, Workman Gore
All icrsons owning property on
any of the following streets wishing
to pay their sewer assessment under
the Bancroft bonding act (ten-year
plan) must make application on or
before Saturday, August 13, 1010.
After tills date positively no one on
these streets will bo allowed to pay
under this act. A one-tenth payment
must accompany tho application.
King street, from West Eleventh
street to Dakota avennc.
Without a Doubt
The Swellest Line of
ever shown in southern Oregon is now on display
here, including most any size, style or shape in dressed,
undressed and unbrealcahle dolls, in bisque, kid body,
haii- stuffed, jointed dolls, etc.; no two alike and over
400 to select from, at prices ranging from
5c to $12.50
Fancy China
100 odd pieces in fancy
Plates, Cups and Saucers,
Sugars, Creamers, Bowls,
etc.; regular 75c and $1.00
pieces; closing out price
50c each lOandlSc each
60 Piece Dinner Set
We will put on sale here tomorrow 10 sets of Woods
& Son's English semi-porcelain Dinner ware; double
gold band decoration; extra highly finished; a 60-pieco
dinner set of this ware, worth at least $12.50 por set,
here this week,
$7.50 Per Set
FREE October 15, 1910, we are going to give away
a beautiful Dressed Doll, worth $15.00. Ask about it
when in the store.
Have you seon the latest in Abalono Blisters?
Something now and stylish in collar pins, beauty
pins, bolt pins, waist sots, etc., etc.
Jackson street from Bartlett street
to Columbus avenue. (
Fourteenth street from Newtowa
street to Peach street.
Ivy street from Third street t
Fourth street.
124 I. L. JACOBS,
City Treasurer.
15 and 25c
We have made up two big
tables of 25c, 50c and 60c
values in odd pieces of
China; closing out prices,
J. Reddy