MEDffORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910. ----------------- 4--f III -f ff ff'ff Newsy Notes from Rogue River Valley Towns TRAIL CREEK 4- 4- -f 4- 4" 4-44-44-4 h in Eagle Point Eaglets A petition is being circulated iu our town to have a special tax to secure n high school in our town, and is being signed by tho most of tho eitiicns of tho place. Tho Inst of tho past week your correspondent wns called on to take Hiss Roso Mcssol, formerly of Lake crock, but more receutly of Sacra mento, Cnl., up to her brother-iu-law's, Neil Walcho's, and while on the routo I discovered quite a mark ed improvement all along tho way. Tho first noticeablo improvement -was in tho ditch of the old Fish Lake Ditch company, instead of haviug tho -water running to waste over the desert they have made a fino canal, and put bridges over it where tho xoads cross and got it up iu fine shape. Another improvement was in the appearance of the orchards along the reute: also a few uew houses iavo been built and everything pre sents a thrifty appearance in that fine, but tho bridges along tho county xoad leading up Ynnkco creek, some of them at least, arc iu a bad condi tion, and the county is liable to have to pay for somo one bciug hurt or having a horso crippled. Mrs. Gipport and Miss Nellie Co xan came out from Butte Falls last Saturday, took dinner here and then took the cars for Medford, where Mrs. Gippcrt procured a quantity of supplies, shipped them to Eagle Point and her son took them from hero to her home near Butte Falls. Professor J. C. Johnson, who i engaged in teaching school in the Perry district, came out from his homestead on Rceso creek Monday, Trent to Jacksonville from here to take tho teacher's examination. While engaged in moving the old Joseph Moomaw house, preparatory to building a new one, James Ringer, mis father-in-law, got seriously hurt. Just as they were about through with this job and were giving it tho fin ishing touches, a porch that was at- tached to the front of the old house gave way, catching Mr. Ringer, throwing him onto a pile of wood, hart him quito seriously, having bro ken two of his ribs and hurt his back quite badly, so that he will not be able to work for somo time. Professor A. L. Hazelton is hav ing a new roof put on his dwelling house. Mrs. Sophia Robinett has accepted a position in the View hotel at Butte Falls with Mrs. Charles Edmond son. Miss Violet Vaughn and Miss Bertha Ditsworth were pleasant call ers last Monday on their way to Medford. Deputy Assessor Habiling of Butte Falls enmo out Inst Saturday on his 1 " SARDINE CREEK. James U. Smith and family are en joying a three weeks' ovtlng at Cre scent City. Manager Van Houton, of tho Gray Xaglo returned from Portland last week accompanied by Lis mother, from Nebraska, whom ho has not seen for nvny years. Jlfss Mayken Glb3on, formerly a ter.ched on Sardine, who has been Halting her raotl cr In Turlock, Cal., has returned to resume her work of teaching in Jr.ckson county. Machinery for the Gold Mining and Development company arrived this wefik and as soon as it can be put into placo tho steam shovel will bo PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN (SL PRICE 11 North D St., Medford. Ore. Iwish to announce that I have purchased the Union Livery Stables and will conduct a genoral feed and hoarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, woek or month. I guarantee a square deal to all. R. GDANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. A. O. Howlett. (way to Medford and Jacksonville. He reports that ho has finished assess ing in his district. Ho had to go on foot to do his work, on account of the scarcity of horso feed in that mountain district. Last Saturday I took Horbert Al len, Qui' Thronburg aud Mark Leon ard, all of Medford, to Butte Falls, with their camping outfit. They in tended when I loft them to go on to Blue canyon and tako a hunt. Two of them were never out in the hills before. They are all boys, and they imagine that they will kill nil sorts of game. Thoy want to kill a bear at auy rate, aud thoy promised me that when they returned they would report to me tho result of their hunt, so that I could give it to tho readers of tho Mail Tribune. Mr. Owen of Dudley wns a pleas nut caller Sunday night on his way home. L. Longvand, n graduate of a Nor way university, stayed hero Sunday night. Ho is here in tho interest of capitalists, examining the nature of the soil, as to its adaptability to tho different kinds of fruit. He has been spending some time in the Sams Valloy and Rogue river country. There was a collision on tho P. & E. railroad last Monday as the reg ular passenger train was going out from hero to Medford and No. 4 was coming in with a boxcar loaded with wood. Thoy met on u curve nbout a half .mile from the depot, with the result that the boxcar was jammed some, the door thrown off, the cow catchers of both locomotives broken off and things shaken up generally. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, although the fireman of No. 4 was bruised up considerably. Mrs. Horton of Butte Falls and baby came out on the stage Monday, took dinner here and thcu took the car for Medford. John E. Nice of Thurston, Or., who has the right to this aud Josephine county to sell Watkins' stuff, aud his uncle, J. H. Moore of Springfield, Or., called for the night Monday. He takes the place of Mr. Marksbery, who has been traveling this beat for several years. A traveling salesman by the name of Hart was a guest at the Sunny side Monday night, ns also was Mr. Boughdon, Jr., formorly of Butte Falls, but who now is a citizen of the state of Texas. He just arrived from that state and expects to return this fall with his mother and the small children. Mr. Boughdon. Sr., lived for several years in Butte Falls, but his interest called him to Texas. whore he expects to reside for a while at least. Mr. Boushden re ports that they nro having a high old time with the nccrrocs there. running full blast. W. T. Nevton, formerly of thl3 place, now operator on the Pacific Gas and Electric company, of Colgate California, had tho misfortune last week to get his foot caught In somo way In tho gearing of one of the gen orators, brulslig It very badly, break ing ono bono and fracturing others. Tho doctors think that ho will not bo ablo to walk on It fcr at least two months. Hotel and Saloon Burns. NEWPORT BEACH, Cal., Aug. 10. Tho overturning of an oil lamp by a child eaply today resulted In the burning of Sharp's hotel and a sa loon. Loss, $15,000, Hnskins for health. Phone 303 Gold Hill Items (The News.) Alt' Weeks, one of tho owners of the Del Rio ranch, came down from Medford Tuesday morning to see how things wore progressing on the big much. Dr. Chishohu has removed from tho house at tho west end of the south side, near the river, to tho residence next to that of J. II. Bee mnu, ou E street. C. E. Miller was at Central Point Thursday with a loud of Durtletls. He was surprised at the largo amount of these fine pears being shipped from that market. M. II. Brumblo and L. E. Gray, two of Medford's rising generation of enterprising business men, wero here Saturday mid Sundny for the carnival and to visit friends. Lou Applegate is another local pillar of society who has taken to the tall uncut with a rifle aud an appetite for venison. Ho is out with a party from Woodville. Miss Mayken Gibson of Ashland, who was formerly teacher of the Sardine creek school; visited at the Newton home iu that district several days, returning to Ashland Mo ml ay. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Price left last Saturday evoning for a short stay with Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Bostwick at Blodgett. Thoy expect to return aud locate permanently iu Gold Hill. Dr. Chisholm and Engineer Dodge sun-eyed the doctor's mining prop erty iu tho Meadows last Saturday. It is a very promising copper pros pect that the popular physician hns owned and worked for ten years. Harry Ross returned Wednesday from a seven months' sojourn in Alaska "and mighty glad to get back," he said. He was accompan ied by a friend, R. A. Dickerson, who will visit at the Ross ranch on Knnes creek for a few days. E. T. Simmons came up from French Gulch, California, where, of course, he mines, and will remain some timo looking after local inter ests. He has begun tho erection of a residence, which he will rent, on his lots iu the Dekuin addition, just across the street from the new high school. Fire of unknown origin burned over nbout "a thousand acres in tho Knnes creek district Saturday and Sunday. It was checked by those whose places were threatened, as sisted by volunteers from town. Some timber was destroyed, but nothing of any great value. Sev eral hundred yurds of fence on the Braden mining property wns de stroyed, and tho mill and other build ings were threatened for u timo. Attorney John Cnrkin of Medford was in town on professional busi ness Monday. He carried one hand in a bandage. You see, the young lawyer recently took until himself u wife, and now knows more about oil stoves than he used to. Operations were suspended at tho Oxley Barber mine for a fow days this week to admit of an opportunity for tho engineer to make a detailed examination of the property, so as to decide on the course to pursue in ftittiio operations. Work was re sumed Thursdny morning. The Gold Hill cigar factory Is swamped with orders for the two brands of cigars which it is turning out, "The Spy" nnd "El Puritano." One denier in Ashland placed an or der for 10,000 of the Gold Hill ci- ai;. Local dealers report that the home goods nre fast hecoming theftrUHt a ten-horso power task to a most popular in their cases. m YvL cV1 This Is a desk light. i W- - You nood bocauso It throws tho light Just want It when you read on your book. Just whoro you want It when you wrlto on your paper. It Is only ono of a variety of lighting fixtures you can have if you use electricity -the light for the home. Send for tho Man. Rogue River Electric - Itnlph Darling, S. T. Hodges and J. E. Davidson, with their families, aro camped on tipper Evans crock at n place known as Willow Flat. Thoy intend to stay until their provisions run out. Ihoy took enough to sua tain n small army through a siege. Andrew Jennings and family nro oampeu in iitu same mstriot. It wasn't exactly a family reunion at Walter Dungoy's this week, but during tho past few days ovory ab sent member of tho family hits re turned mid spent a short titno ho uqnth tho parental rooftroo. There was William Dungoy, who came from Marshfield, and Mrs. John Cameron, who enmo in from Foots crook, and Mrs. Roy Cameron, who came iu from Sardine creek, and Mrs. Lynn Purdin, who enmo from Central Point Thursday evening with Mr. Ptirdin. Central Point Items Jones & Heflin, who hnvo the con tract work for the concrete on Wil liam A. Cowloy's now building, have their Chicago concrete mixed install ed and will commence operation at once. William Mayficld, who is only 70 years young, returned from tho Round Mountain country recontly with n fino five-prong buck.' Mr. Mayfield declares tho mountain re gions nre the dryest iu many years aud that deer are ranging far back into tho hills. Members of the Mutual Tolcphono company hnvo just complotcd a fine new line into tho city. This line reaches many farmers in tho immedi ate vicinity of Central Point who have heretofore been without phone service. FOREST FIRE NEAR CITY OF ABERDEEN EXTINGUISHED ADEItDEEN, Wash., Aug. 10. A forest fire on the northern outskirts of the city which alarmed a local newspaper correspondent last night was extinguished this morning. Tho flro started Sunday and swept ovor sovoral acres of logged-oft land, burn ing only old tlmbor. Last night the city pumping station appeared to be In danger, and Mayor Benn ordered out a crow of mon to fight tho flames. With tho help of tho residents la tho neighborhood tho flro was conquorod. INTERNATIONAL OPIUM CONGRESS POSTPONED . WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 10. Tho PtPnln:, of tho International opium congress has resulted from a request of the Chlncso govornmont, according to Information rccolvod by tho Unltod States from tho Nether lands. China thinks tho original date, September 1C, will not glvo Its rep resentatives sufficient timo to pro paro for the meeting. No date for tho postponed conforonco has boon set. Tho conpresa will bo 1 eld at Tho Haguo. Match tho classified advertising campaign to the Importance of tho J Halo you want to mako. You wouldn't ono - iiorso power onglno. THE DESK LICHT ono In your homo 0v in mm ' a, ii 1 zi : in i Eden Precinct Items William R'suo wna nu Aahlatid vis itor lust Sunday. S. S. StophoiiH of North Talent waH down to Moilfonl with . load of po tatoes Friday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Mnvk For a of Font Vnltoy, on August 4, a daugh ter. 12. Glbhs and his two sous and dnughtor-Iu-lnw loft for a trip to tho Lake of tho Woods Tuesday. Mrs. C. Caroy 'of North Talent spout Hovernl days In AohUind tho hutt of tho wook. Emmet Doesou hns returned from Klnntnth county and will build a now house and llvo on Wngnor crcok. F. E. Furry started for Dead In dian Tuesday morning with tnipplles for tho camp. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Kador of Medford camo out Monday ovonlng to soo how tho now bungalow was progressing. Mrs. Nancy Holinlo and hor daugh- G. W. Louis and dnughter, Miss Elvn, of Sacramento, Cnl., wero horo visiting with Mr. Louis' brother, W. D., of this city. They left for Pugot sound Monday evening. Finuk Joffors of Duusmuir, Cal., loft Tuosdny for tho Coos buy coun try for n few weeks. Leo Evans of McLcod, Alberta, lino purchased tho Purkeyplle prop erty, just west of tho sohoolhoiise. The property consists of one noro aud a fino eight-room house. Mr. Evtius takes possession on Septem ber J. Tho consideration wns $.1000. Announcement has just been re ceived here of the marriage of Miss Minn A. Holmes, eldest dnughter of Mughal J. H. llolmob of thU city. Miss Holmes was married to Robert Jeffrey, son of Hon. J. W. Jeffrey, horticultural commissioner of Cali fornia. Tho mnrriiigo took place at Sncrnmento and the young couple will live in Sun Francisco. W. E. Ivnhler has gone for a pleasure trip to Newport ami tho Willamette vnllev. AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY imOS. AUTO LIVERY 1010 Ghnlmors Dotroits. Phone 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Son-ice. Easy Riding Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank n. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. QOODFRIENP HOTEL SAH FRANCISCO I. CO0DFRIENO, Mintpf Formerly lintel Stanford nn! fit. Ilorjl, FnwHI Street, near CJmry, mliolninic Hotel Manx. Tnko Hotel Manx Mm, or .Market htri-ct Cum, trorufer to 1'onell. Meal houvs mill location (or luiilca TUilinj; tho city alone. BATES. $1.00 PKR DAT AND TIP V COESETS Why don't YOU try one? OaL Mt KsS?Br TYy Our Home Cooking Try our homo made Meat Pics, Potato Salad Dressing, Pics, Cakes and Bread. .Everything first-class. Light lunches aro served also. Wo try to pleaso tho public. Come and bo convinced. Medford Bakery and Delicatessen 42 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE. --- ---. tor, Mrs. Lllllnu Cllhuu, nro down from Ashland vImIUux with Mhm Clara Allen of North Talent. Wo nro i;lnd to lmvo Mix. Mimon from Talent mipplylng tm with fronh hoof, lloth miopH In Phoonlx haviug gone out of business. Many of tho rcnldontfl of Eden pro duct nro Irving choir hotisott fit ted with gas fixtures and vlll tin gnu from tho phut at Vorhloi., south of Medford, and If a spur Is run from the plant to tho coat mtno nt tho root of Poxy Ann tlwo will ho a now town called Vorhlos noon, C. Caroy wuh nt tho county float Inst Krldry on html newt connected with tho I). l. Hrltton o-stnto. Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Furry lmvo gono out to Dond Iiu'Inii on a vacation unit honeymoon. C. E. llountou of P'.iooilx Is quito III of blood poIboii ami rnmpllcn tlonn. Playfully Kill Child. MASON CITY. Ln., Aug. 10. Pluylng that thoy wero ndiniuistt'iing tho Filipino "water cure" to little -I-yenr-old Itulph Jiion. his plnymntes poured wator down his throat, strangling him to (loath. Three out of ovory four omployera who want workers rond tho Hltuntlou want ado. J. E. ENYART. President. J. A. PERRY, Vico-Presidont. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. H. JACKSON, Ahh'I Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS 20,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 15,000.00 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. SEND YOUR DAUGHTER TO St. Mary's Academy Medford, Orogon, A Private Resident and Dny School for , GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Departments: Primary, Grammar, Academic, Commer cial. Specially organized Department of Music and Art. SEND YOR CATALOGUE Address SrSTISIl SUPERIOR, St. Mary's Academy, ' Medford, Oregon. Elinor Uawiion and brltlu woro vis iting rolntlvoii at Trail recontly, Mr, and Mm. Joo Ilntinoni nro Iu the mouutiilnti staying on their homo stoad during tho warm wonthor, J, O, IJrlncoo and family lmvo to tally demoted Trail, Tho forest (Iron ou uppor Trail lmvo boon raging fiercely but nro Aomuwhiit under control now, Henry Haley, MIhh Eiiii Alien mid Minn FIobhIo Tuclcor wero nt J, F. Fry'n In nn auto ou bunlnomi recont ly. Mrs, J. T. Fiy nnd MIiih 8110I0 Fry woro visiting nt tho lOnynrt ranch re contly. Ed Drlncoo and Jnnpor Storm nro dullverlng liny ln tho city of Trail. Jnnpor Storm la riding now In hlo now buggy, which ho purchnHod from Slinnnou Oliver, Mr. Fry and non, C. It, Fry, hnvo ntartod for tho valley to got their full grain, Oltvor Oa'iioH hiiB conio from tho Hod Cloud mine to spend r. fow days at homo. Mr, 11 ml Mrn. (Jntncu wero down In tho valloy lnut wook. Shannon Ollvor has gono to Cal ifornia to boo his folkn. Stovo Tnrboll hint taken his last load down to tho now I'oino near Agnto. Mr. A, II. Lnwrontx In nt Med ford vtHltlng hor mothor. Iu writing an ad about that furn ished room you have to rent Hiiy, in conviiicim; way, jutU whnt you'd I Hiiy if someone iiHkod you to tell him what it was like "and nil about it." f y Company r 1 m .ffg