Historical Sfiblety TfflM nil i vwti Medford Mail Tribune Till: WICATHICK UNITE!) rilGSS ASSOCIATION Full Leaned Wire Report. Tonight and tomorrowFair niul warm. Tho only pnpor In tho world publlshoj In n city tho size of Medford having a lonsod wire. MFTII YEAR. ALEDFOKD, OttECION, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910. No. 122. FOUR STORY HOTEL TOR CORNER FRONT ANH FIFTH BARNUM IS TO 139 INDICTMENTS ERECT BUILDING: RIOT AFTERMATH 2010 YOUNG TROUT HAVE Legislators Will Probe Scandals Exposed By New York's .Insurance Superintendent. ut-tA TflWBI pXT BEEN SHIPPED FOR ROGUE i i First Floor Will Bo Utilized ns De pot fur Ro(juo River Valley Rail way Dulldltifj Is to Bo Modern In Every Respect and to Cost $75,000 J. C. Harmim. prosildont and owner , N13WAUK. 0., Aug, 10. Tho grand of tho Rogue Rlvor Vnlloy railway, Jury roturncd 39 IndlHmcnlB, fivo Ik to cruet u modern four-Htory tiulliU , charging mtirdur In tho flret degree lug on tho corner of Front mid Fifth . ' connection with tho lynching of streets If IiIm plant) do not inlncnrry. Detective Carl Etherli.ton several Tim building will cout not loss thnn weokH K 175,000. Tim flrnt floor In to ho used Dthorlngton wns shot to denth fol- jm u donot for tho It. It. V. rnllwny. whllu tho floors nhovo will ho utilized an n hotel. Mr. Itanium linn for hoiuo tlmo boon conitldorlns tho advisability of such a move, niul him consulted ninny of IiIh frliimlH In rognrd to tho mat tor, llo Iiiih rocontly nnnoiincod his Intontlon of erecting tho building. Standing oppoHlto thn now South ern Pacific depot, tho budding will ho In n doMln.blo locution. Makes Fllaht Over Sea. BLACKPOOL, England, Aon. 10. Flying for inoro thnn 00 miles over tho Irian Hen, Kohort I.oriiiae, actor, mid aviator, todr.y drove nn norophmo from Rlnckpool, on tho Lancashire connt, to a point near Llandiino, on tho coiiHt of Wrles. REAL ESTATE MEN HOLD MEETING Uniform Advertising of Valley and Its Resources Was Main Topic of Discussion at Gathering of Dlrt Scllers at Commercial Club. The initial meeting of tho real en title interests of Medford iintl Mnn ngor .Mnllioeiif of (he Coininorcial club, lielil Tuesday evening, was very well alteinleil, anil much intercut dis played in tho soxcrnl subjects which wore dismissed. Tho iiiniii topic of thu evening wan tho desirability of close co-operation hclwccn thu real estate dealers ami tho club, in tho way of uniform literature, kept strictly up to date at all times, the encouragement of introducing visit ors into tho club's rooniH, and in ev ery way maintaining a strong hnr inony of ichitioiiH in Uio intcrestH of tlio eily niul llie valley. Tho uniform literature which wiih proposed will consist of a reprint of tlfo mineral Htntistics and facts cov ering Modforil, .Inokson county and the Hoguu llivor valley in general, to bo carrioil upon the rovorno of Iho dub's IctteiheailH, on (lie Hlationery iihciI by the real estate interests. These statistics uro to bo revised by tho dull iik frcipicutly ns occiiHiou justifies, and will iiIko servo, in tho form of u circular, iih a HUppli'iucut to the booklets. The prevailing Reel ing wiih that tho sumo coui'mi eoiild bo followed to great advantage by tho merchants of Medford, in tho nu turo of furtlier aid to tho uilvoi Us ing done by tlio club. Tlio mutter of encouraging the man with limited capital, but suffi cient to buy ten nitres of land and properly oultivato it, to settle liero was fully talked over, and many ideas of much value advanced. Dis cussion wiih also had in a tentative way on the subject of organization ' of tho real estate dealers, as well as the necessity for the creation and proper upkeep of tin exhibit by the Coininorcial olub for tho general wel fare of the vnlloy. Those items were taken under uilvisement, and will be further treated at the next mooting, wliich will bo held in (lie near fu ture. Tho general oxproEsions from thoHo present last evening was strongly in favor of regular meetings of the same kind, it huing felt that much profit and common good ,, only result from them, Five Charjjo Murder In First Dcijrce In Connection With Lynching of Earl Etherlngton, Anti-Saloon Detective. . lowing tlio kll.ing of a o re iicepor 1'cro during a raid condue'e at the liiHtnuco of tho Anti-Saloon league. FLINT SLATED BALLINGER JDD Rumors In Washington Name Cali fornia Man as Next Secretary of Interior Only Drawback is Flint's Stand With Southern Pacific. WASHINGTON, D. C, A tic 10. Senator Frank P. Flint of Califor nia is slated to succeed lttchard A. llulliugcr us Decretory of the interior, juccoidiug to rumors here which are generally crcilitetl. Political interest which wns arous ed when it wns reported that the mission of Senntor Murray Crnno of Massachusetts, when ho traveled to St. Paul from Beverly, was to ask Halliiigcr to retire from his office, him not been lost with the semi-official denial of tho report. Politicians here bolieve that the Hnllingcr and Crane discussed the resignation of the secretary for tho sake of the party in tho coming campaign. Crane's statement that he asked Ilullingor to become a can didate lor cantor is greatly mis trusted mid is considered a gentle way ol coul ii mine tlio lormor ru mor. There are many icasous that tend to ktrongtheii the belief that Senator Flint soon may bo a member of Tuft's oflieial family. It is pointed out that Flint, who i cIiismmI as a UalliiiKorito, is a No friendly with Piiichot. Flint is a member of tho Hnlliuircr invent ia in tr committee, is u regular, is a warm personal friend of President Taft, is a former Inw partner of Occur I.awler, assistant attorney 'jonornl for tho iutorior de partment mid is friendly with many uei'Mins who sided with Piiichot in (Continued on Page Fivo.) P.SE. EXTENSION Stevens Returns From Trip East and Says Oregon Trunk Will Be Ex tended Across Cascades, Utilizing the Pacific & Eastern Railroad to Get Into Medford. POUT-LAND, Or., Aiif,'. 10. Pies iilent John F. Stevens of tho Oregon Trunk lino, who has just returned from St. Paul after a conference with J. J. Mill, has confirmed ru mors recently published that it is thy plan to extend tho Oregon Trunk line across tho Cascade moiililuiiib to Medford in tho lingua liivor vnlloy. In building into Medford tho Pa cific & ICastoru, now owned by the miiiio interests that aro building thu Oregon Trunk lino, will be utilized. The Paciiio & Fastern is now in op eration in mi castoily direction from Medford for a distance of If) milos, mid mi extension of 1(1 miles to Huttu Fulls is rapidly Hearing com pletion. Tlio Oregon Trunk is under construction from Colilo, on tho Co lumbia, to Pond, in Central Oregon, Hhho nj .unci lean 1'resH AkhocIuiIou. WILLIAM 11. HOTCUIClSa li A. MKllKlTX. JU.. CIIA1UMAN. M. LINN mtUCE. UltAFT INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE o THK NKW YORK LEGISLATURE. From c(t to rlKht, Aaicmtilyinun Toombv, Chnrle It Hotnllnc (trK-nnt nt armti. Georee M. Shotwell (stenosrapber), Aomblymiin Young, Aimi'inlilymnn Colnv. Aiaemblymnn Pulcy. Bcnator Wninier, Walter Mocei (lecretarj-). Assemblyman Merrill (cliolniuin) and Senator Allen. liiNiininco men of the nation, HtockhottlerM of fill Die mutual i-oinpuulcH and the ieople of New York particularly nre uutchtiiK with Interest tho work of I lie Hpcclul Iclshitlve comuiittee appointed by tho New York senate and nssembly to thoroUKhly probe the scandals nlti-irt'd to have Iuhmi uuiovered In the report of Superintendent of Insur ance IIotcliklHfi to tlio governor durlni: the winter hloii of. the, legislature. Mnqy of tho allegations made by Su perintendent llotchklits were of a sensational nntun.nntl HhSuld some ofthem be provwl true the companies guilty -. iiiiliiw tii iu fitrldiiiloii to do liuxliifiK In New York Mate JOE CANS. THE MANY CARS OF PEARS SHIPPED One of the busiest places in Med io! d just nt tlio present time is the packing house of tho Hogue Itiver Fruit it Produce association. Take 00 people, each one of whom is just about as busy us he or she knows how to be, mid it presents a lively sceno in a small Bpaeo. There nre J!l packers at work when tho force it full, besides 17 other employes who handle the boxes, load tho cars mid do other things like that. Wednesday fivo cars wore loaded nt Medford, two nt Phoenix, five at Vooihies, making 12 in nil, shipped through tho association, and it Is (Continued on Page 5.) On tho Oregon Trunk lino the grade will probably bo completed to Madras by Septembor 1(5, and track laying will iininedintoly bo bogiin. Speaking of other work undor way in Oregon, Mr. Stevens nlso said that in miles of tlio United linilways route to Tillamook aro undor con struction. It is planned to have (ho road in oporation to Hanks, a dis tance of '2d miles from Portland, by November 15. Tho United liailwajs is an electric line. Both roads are owned by tho Hill inlorosts. Tho surveys horotoforo inado of the route from Salem to Kugone, on tho Oregon Floetrie, woro not satis factory anil mi engineering party is now in thu field relocating tlio line. 'I his survoy work will wooka to eomploto. require six NRM OED MASTER. TAKES THE COUNT DIES IN MIDST OF IBFUILY Four Long Years Has Former Light weight Champion of tho World Been Slowly Progressing Toward tho End Bittle With Terrible Dane Killed Him Physically. BALTIMOItE, .Mr., Aug. 10. Joe Guns, the old master of tho ring, i no more, llo lirs lira gathered to thu innntor of all mastcis. Death, which he fought with .all tho courngo '.!mt uinikul his marvel-mu- ring cr.icer, has placed Iho last mark ngninsl Irs record. But ho went down for tho last time fighti.ig grim ly, not for a purse, but that ho might see his old "mammy" and his child'-en for tin las, limo and bid them fnrewell.. He diotl at 8:30 this morning, surrounded by his family and friends. Was Great Boxer. With tho passing of Gnus tho ring has let ono of it? greatest light- 'Continued on Pngo 3.) MEETING OF AUTO MEN TONIGHT A meeting of all thu uutomobilo mon of tho city ami vnlloy has been called for this evening. Tho mon will meet in the Coimuoreial club rooms. Tlio purpose of tho mooting is to form u local automobile asso ciation to work in conjunction with tho state organization for bettor roads mid for legi-lntiou affecting automobiles mid their owners. Tho main object of tho organiza tion at this time will ho to goouro tho stato road which is being planned to oross Oregon, but on tho oast side of the Cascaded, MAYOR GAYNOR DOING NICELY HOBOKEN, N. J Aug. 10. At 3 o'clock the following bulletin was Is sued nt St. Mary's hespital: "Tho mayor continues to do well. It Is tlio unanimous opinion of tho ntteadlug surgeons that an operation Is not necessary nt this time. "V. J. ARLITZ, M. D "GEORGE STEWART, M. D "GEORGE BREWER, M. D., "CHARLES N. DOVDf M. D." Unofficially, It is announced that tho patlont's tompernturo Is rapidly returning to normal. Lcac Bullet Alone. Tho hospital phystci'iis examined tho X-ray photographs of tho wound (Continued on Pane 5.) SWIFT JUSTICE Inquiry Will Begin Today and Tomorrow Grand Jury Will Be Asked for Indictment Only Thing Which Would Delay Prosecution Would Be Change for the Worse by Gaynor. HOBOKEN, N. J., Aug. 10. Now Jorsey will mote out swift justice to tho assailant of William J. Gaynor. Prosecuting Attornoy Gnrvln of Hud son county began Inquiry today and will prebont ovldence tomorrow to tho grand Jury and tisk for tho Indictment of Jninos D. Gallagher, who shot tho mnyor of New York yesterday aboard tho steamer Kaiser Wllholm der G rosso. Garvin piedlcted that tho trial of Gallagher' would boglu e:.rly noxt week. Ho said: "Wo oxpect an Indictment against Gnllagher, on a chargo of assault with Intent to kill. Tho penalty Is a max imum eento'ico of 20 yoars' Imprison ment. Wo shall ask for tho oxtromo ponalty, as undor tho commutation Inw tho sontonco would amount to 12 ASHLAND GIVES S.P. Company Granted Right to Run a Spur Track to Center of City, Over Which Motor Car Is to Be Operated. At Tuesday evening's meeting of the Ashland city council a 10-year franchise was granted tho Southern Pacific company for a spur lino Into the heart of tho city over which tho motor car will bo operated. Tho new lino will prove a great convenience. Tho uptown depot will be just back of tho old Hotel Ash land. DEATH THREAT SENT EDWARDS "Friend of Salter," Wri.es New York Street-Cleaning Commis sioner, Promising Death to Offi cial Within 24 Hours. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. A letter threatening with death William H. Edwards, street cleaning commission er, who yeetcrday overpowered tho FRANCHISE HAS ARRIVED man who tr'ed to assassinate Mayor' Through the courtesy of the mas- Gaynor, was received today. Tho let-' ter f,sh warde nl h co-oporatloa . .... - , . . ' of tho bureau of fisheries, 500,009 ter was written In German script and . . , , . .. , . t i Columbia river steelhead trout eggs was couched ii vulgar language. It woro sent to tbe hatchery at Elk declared Edwards would bo dead with creek this spring, hatched and Hber In 24 hours. The missive was signed ated, so that tho restocking of the "A Friend of Gallagher." i stream ,n Practical fashion Kns begun i through tho efforts of tho Rogue FLURRY STRIKES , STEEL ON MARKET NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Opening steady, then experiencing a decline when a flurry struck steel, tho stock market todsy showed much Irregular ity. United States Steel, Canr.dlan Pacific and Pressed Steel Car rose fractions, International Harvester 1, Delaware & Hudson 1 1-2 and Erie, Utah Copper, Sloss Sheffield Steel and National Lead between 1 and 2. American Smelting and Intorborough Metropolitan lost 1 and Loulsvlllo 1 1-4. United Statos Rubber Jump ed 3 1-2. The market closed strong. Bonds were Irregular. FOR GALLAGHER years only with good ho mvlor. "A chnngo for tho worso In Mayor Gaynor's condition probably ivould delny tho prosecution of his assail ant. "There will bo no difficulty In In dicting Gallaghor, Wo have his own signed statement confessing tho crime and wo hnvo no doubt of Now Jorsoy'a Jurisdiction In tho caso," Hundreds of tolograms from all parts of tho country and cablograniB from foreign lands woro received to day by Roboit Adamson, Gaynor's secretary, denouncing tho crlmo und urging quick punishment of tho would-bo slayer. Gallaghor spont a sleepless night, mid whon told nt tho Jorsoy City Jail i by Attornoy Jacktoof that to proba-' (Continued on PagoTour.) FIRST SHIPMENT All From Skagit River and Arrived in Splendid Condition Balance Due Thursday 500,000 Columbia River Eggs for Elk Creek. Twenty thousand young Skagit rlr or stcolhead have been shipped to tho Roguo River Flab. Protoctlvo as sociation by Honry O'Malley, suporla toidcnt of tho bureau of hatchor!e at Oregon City. Twelvo cans, con tain 600 fry each, woro received Wednesday morning. Tho balance will arrive Thursday morning. Tho trout nrrivea In good condl- I tlon, In better shape than any fry hitherto received. Tho first consign ment was t'.ken out by Malcolm Mc Cown and the superintendent of the Illinois hatchery, who accompanied the fry to Little Butto crock and liberated. TLo remainder will ba I placed In Little Applegate and Big I -,, ""aW" proved an Ideal conveyance The SkagI1 river steolhead trout Is the largest variety of trout in west ern waters. It grows to average slza of 30 to 40 pounds, as against the Roguo river stcelhead average ol from 5 to 10 pounds. Tho planting: ' of this largo variety will tend to la- I creaso tho size of Roguo river trout, which, pound for pound, put up the hardest fight 'of any game fist- known , River Fish Protective association, and if tho people pass the bill closing the Roguo to commercial fishing and , stopping tho use of soineu and gill nets, tho Roguo will, In a few years, again become tho finest angling ! stream In America. MESEREAU GIVES TO GRATER FOND Member of Syndicate Owning Rogue River Timber Gives $100 to High wayHas Secured Money for the Fund From Other Parties. PORTLAND, Aug. S. Mr. George Putnam, Medford Dear Sir: Will you kindly plnco on your subscription list for Crater Lake road, N. P. Wheeler, S100. Tho commltteo may call upon mo for tho payment of same when It becomes due. Yours vory truly, W. B. MESEREAU. The above self-oxyplanatory lottor was rocolvod today. Mr, Mosoroau la ono of tho syndicate owning tho Roguo River Timber company, with timber holdings on the uppor Roguo and Butto crook country. In addition to his own subscrip tion of $100, ho has bo far secured subscriptions from W. A. Dusenbury, W. E. Wheeler and N. P. Wheeler, his associates, and is after more. Oil for British Navy. LONDON, Aug. 10, Investiga tions now boiug coiiduoted by the admiralty, it is said, will result in the adoption of oil ns fuol for tho Dritish navy. If this is dono, it i believed that England wjll take stopn at onco to acquiro ' petroleum supply. a porma- When "carrying" property gots to bo too hard a task, "carry" some classified advertising and noil out.