!), 15)10. --- -- - .., -- - --- --- --- ---- - - -- - GREAT BANKRUPT SALE ---- --- -------------"- - .- . -. a, 4 ---. CONTINUES WITH MARKED SUCCESS :v ! ---- - --- --- - --.- . - vikhbIih A! I TI The success of this sale is an index of the peoples' appreciation of high class merchan dise at the greatly reduced prices. (flOur stock is too large to enumerate or quote prices jmwiH T ! Visit This Store. Look and Compare Prices and You Will be Convinced that $1.00 will go as far as $1.50 in any other store. This Stock Must be Closed Out. Come and secure your share of the many bargains in the greatest sale of all sales ever held in Southern Oregon. Money Saved is Money Earned. If you do not attend this sale It Is Your Loss. Look for the Blue Pencil Marks. ENTIRE LINE OF PRINCESS GOWNS TO GO ON-SPECIAL SALE WEDNESDAY ONLY - - - -- -- - -- 4 SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY, $27.50 TO $75.00 PRINCESS$ OQ DRESSES, TO GO AT tfll.OeF Nice line of messaline, taffeta, broadcloth, voile and nlover net princess Dresses; all sulendid stvles: values from $27.50 to $75.00: on sale "Wednesday (fcfi OC only for vv.w oniy, ac, cnoice COME AND SEE YOU ARE WELCOME AT THIS STORE WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY, $15.00 TO $25.00 PRINCESSffJ AO DRESSES, TO GO AT jW.BO Beautiful messaline, taffeta, broadcloth, and serge princess )resses--all .seasonable styles: values lrom Jflo.00 to .'y.00; on sale tomorrow (Wednesday) frffl OA VJLJLaVV Baker-Hutchason Old Stand C. F. HULBURT & Co. Near the Post Office -- - MAYOR GAYN0R SHOT.'1' (Continued from Page 1.) to the pier in company with his sec retary, Robert Adnmson. Gaynor planned to spend n month's vacation in Europe, landing at Bremen, and KohiR through the North sea to the coast of Norway. He was to matt the trip unaccompanied. Shortly after lie reached the mam deck of the North German Lloyd liner he was joined by President Montt of Chile, Senora Montt, the president's wife, nnd a party of of ficial?., niiienj: whom were "Bijr Bill" Edward, New York street cleaning commissioner, and D. J. Keiley, of the Hoboken police department. Members of President Montt's suite were nearby. Shot Four Times. No attention was paid to Gallagh er as he approached Mayor Gaynor. "When he was within a few feet of the mayor he drew n revolver and Tapidly fired four times. One bullet struck Gaynor in the back of the head. The mayor staggered forward into the arms of Secretary Adnm son. With the first shot, Edwards and Keiley rushed townrd Gallagher, and after the fourth succeeded in wrest ing the revolver from him. Gnlln jhcr put up a short fight and after being clubbed into submission with his own revolver was nifehed down the gang plank and turned over to the Hoboken police. Many People Near. The 6hooting occurred on the port side of the deck forward, which was thronged with persons haying their farewells to the departing passen gers. The shots and the struggle to disnra the assailant threw them into CQjjfu&ipn. Gaynor was carried through a companionway in n steam er chair into his suite abonrd the liner and physicians hastily applied first aid. Meanwhile, and on the way to the J hospital, the wounded mayor did not lose consciousness, pon his arrival at St. Mary's hospital ho asked that an effort be mnde to clear his throat of blood. Ether was administered and Dr. Melville begnn probing for the bullet. One of Gnynor's sons accompanied his father to the hos pitnl. Shortly after Gaynor arrived at the hospital Drs. Strnuch nnd Meyer, the surgeons, issued the following bulletin : "Only one bullet &truck Mayor Gaynor. The missile entered at the back of the head below the ear, in the region of the mnrtoid bone, whdre it buried itself. Preliminary examination discloses that the wound is not necessarily fatal." While the surgeons were working over Mayor Gaynor his assailant was being "sweated" by the Hoboken police. Gallagher is .'55 years of age and formerly was a foreman in the 3fow York city dock department, nc cording to his statement. lie refused "to reveal his motive for attempting .the life of the mayor- Detectho -Sergeant Barrono nnd nounmnnu O'Donoghue continued a sharp ex amination of the prisoner. Consultation Called. A consultation of physicians at St. Marj-'s hospital was called at about 1 o'clock. Drs. Arlitz, Brow er, Stewart, Dowd, Ledcrle. Stack, Granclle, Paris, Melville and Hartley attended the consultation. Most of them are staff physicians at the hos pital. At noon Mrs. Harry Vingiit, the mayor's daughter, drove to the hos pital in an automobile. She was not allowed to see her father. Her brother told her that th-j mayor was cheerful and that the prospect was hopeful. The patient's vitality counted greatly in his favor, and on this the doctors are relying for his recovery. Dr. Spalding, assistant pastor of the church Mayor Gaynor attends, called at the hospital, but he also wr.s excluded from the patient's room by the physicians. Capturo Sensational. The capture of Gallagher was sen j fired a shot at Gaynor. I do not know whether I fired more than one shot. Wanted n Porterhouse. ''Knowing that. Gaynor was goiug to Europe this morning to enjoy himself after depriving me of my bread and butter, I was angry. There was no porterhouse stenk for me. This is what irritated me to the point of committing the act. "The revolver you have shown me is the one I did the shooting with. I don't know how many shots wero in the revolver when I used it. I have, had tho revolver for a long time. I used it when I was in the employ) of the city." Gallagher a Widower. Gallagher told his story only af ter he had been shnrpl.V questioned by the detectives. His picture and measurements were taken nnd after he had told about the .-hooting he was locked in a cell. Gallagher is a widower and has no children. He was discharged by I shot them. I done them up.' " Tho district attorney believes that Ynmnguchl !s In hiding in como Jap anese colony on the coast. ELEVEN KILLED IN WRECK. (Continued from pngo 1) i fmnmiKsinnnr Tomnkins of the du rational. The first shot from the,oWlt ,ii.c n,i frrip nn n charge of drunkenness. Gallagher had been in the employ of the city for about four yenrs. SAYS JAP TOLD OF CRIME. maddened mnn's revolver struck Gaynor. Two other shots followed before Gallagher was overpowered. Bystanders declare that the other bullets were fired nt Secretary Ad ninson, although this could not be confirmed. Adamson was unhurt. The football training of Commis sioner Bill Edwards, who weighs 330 .of Yamaguchl.'s visit to her In Oak- pounds nnd played guard on the land after tho shooting, and In which Priiipnlnn pIpvph. iiidnd in tho nuink.lt I allesed he confessed that ho capture of Gallagher. Edwards made a flying tackle, catching Gallagher (Continued from pago 1) Cnrs Arc Splintered. The bnggage and express car and the smoker were splintered and the freight cars and (he wreckage of the passenger scattered across the right of wny. The freight was under orders to meet the passenger nt Ignacio, where it was to wait for the passenger. It lhft tlu station nnd was ton rill L' I down the main line when the accident occurred. General Manager Hunter of tho Northwestern 1'aeific today placed the blame for the accident on Con ductor Flaherty of the freight. The conductor i accused of having ig nored orders to wait at Ignacio and allow the passenger train to pass. Most of the dead were in the smoking car, which was buried- un der the wreckage of the freight en gine and it-, tender. The victims were terribly mangled. Identification in most ca.-cs was difficult. Some of the bodies were almost cut in two and all were brtiixt'd and crushed. CRIPPEN DENIES CONFESSION. (Continued from Page 1.) "No work from Crippen about tlu ousu until he sees me," said New ton. "I am satisfied that the au thorities know no more nhitnt the al leged crime than they did before Dr. Crippen's arre-t." GAYNOR'S CAREER USEFUL. to Influence tho pnllclon of tho ad nilulMtrntlon. .Miido IJottM'.t Wait. It Iiuh been no uncommon night In the city hull to wo Murphy Hitting I In thu outor office waiting Ms turn with tho other cnllern to neo Mayor (.uyuor, n thing almoHt unprecedent ed In tho history of democratic nil nilnlHtratlon In New York. Onynor'N ndmlnlHtrntlon Iiuh been decidedly one for reform. Ho Iiuh ruled ngnliiHt police interftironco with (Continued from Pnco 1.) 'Illegal biiHiicHHcit iiiiIomh tho action of tho pollco wriH ItHolf lawfully taken. Ilu linn ruled agalimt "uuggeHtlvo" thi'iitrlcal porformnucmt; linn muck u tour of tho "white- light" dlHtrlct to Htmly cmulltlotiH of Now York'n night life, and thon ruvokud tho all night IIcciihch of hoiuo of tho downtown rafcH. Whllo ougnged In thin nort of work, tho mayor Iiuh hon oiuploycd In broader roforinn to curry out bin Ideal of a "clean government without graft." EASY TO CURE. Couflhs, Colds, Sore Throat and Catarrh. killed all the Kendalls. District Attorney Lea said he had i above the knees nnd bringing him' intended withholding tho statement j . violently to tho deck. Gallagher, until the grand Jury considered the' " "i'n. It will cure en- . t .., J.i.r lw.ni,an f tho mnnw i-nmnrn UUIU "1 UU llUbC UJ 11HU1II liwuinu if you follow directions. Don't Iny it fought desperately, but his revolver, case, but hecauso of the many rumors was wrenched from his hand. Ed-, involving Mrs. Starbuck in alleged wards then sat on Gallagher until , contradictory statements and oven in Adamson had assisted the mayor to timating that she sent Yamaguchl to a chnir nnd came to his aid. A dock tho ranch to drive out tho Kendalls, luboro who did not give his name J with whom Bhe had legal difficulties, also aded Edwards in rushing Gal-' tho district attorney In fairness to Inghe down the gnngplnnk nnd into .Mrs. Starbuck gave her nuthoritatlvo tho hands of tho locnl police. Teddy Is Shocked. Secretary Adamson received the following telegram from Colonel Roosevelt; "I am shocked nnd horrified be yond measure nt the shooting. Pleuso send me information regard ing Mayor Gaynor's condition." In the event of tho death of Gay nor, President John Pnrroy Mitchell at the bonrd of aldermen would be come mnyor. Assassin Talk. Declaring that he was desperate because Mayor William J. Gaynor of New York has deprived him of his bread and butter, and then start ed on a trip to Europe to enjoy him self, James J. Gallagher told tho po lice that he shot tho New York ex ecutive on the deck of the liner Kai ser Wilhelm der Grosso today, Gal lagher talked relnetontly nfter ho hnd been questioned by tho officers nt the Hoboken police station. "I came to Hoboken shortly nfter 1) o'clock," Gallagher told tho police. "I bonrded tho stenmer nnd met a clergymen and asked him to point out Gaynor to me. When he did so f statement to the United Press. After tho description of Ynma guchl's appearanco at her home, Mrs. Starbuck was asked: "What did ho say about tho fight?" "Ho said Tom Kendall struck him and tried to kill him, and shot at him, and then thoy all pitched onto him. Thon he said: 'I killed him. I made away with him.' I said: 'You must be mad. You must bo dream ing.' " "Did ho say ho hmad l.illed these people?" "No. Ho said he had mnde away with them." "Did ho evy anything ntout what Instrument ho had used?" "No. Ho eaid: 'Kendall shot me,' ho said there was glass in his pocket with a metal back and thft if it had not been for that ho would have killed him. But, of course. I did not believe it. Hj promised to come back, hut never did p. I do not know whoro ho Is now. I noticed that his faco was black near tho corner of his eye. I said: 'What, thoy struck you, you poor boy?' "He Bald; 'Tom Kendall struck me, pounded and kicked mo aid shot me, nsido when the snuffling, hawking and spitting have ceased. Stick to it daily until you nre sure that the ca tarrh germ is dead, and thnt your air passages are freo from their poi sonous influence. Hyomci (pro nounced Iligh-o-me) is tho only trentment for nose, thront nnd lung troubles that has over been sold with the understanding thnt if it did not euro it was to cost absolutely noth ing. Hyomei can be obtained nt drug gists everywhere nnd at Charles Strang's, who guarantees it to cure catarrh, croup, sore throat, coughs and colds. A complcto outfit, $1, which is mighty cheap for n remedy thnt has cured more ensos of ca tarrh than nil tho catarrh specialists on earth. An outfit consists of nn inhaler, a bottle of Hyornei, a supply of nnti soptio gauzo, a medicine dropper nnd full instructions for use. The in haler is made pocket size, of hard rubber, and will last a lifetime. And benr in mind that extra bottlos of Ilyoraoi, if needed, cost only 50 ecntB. " MIONA Cures indigestion It relieves Btomach misery, bout stom ach, belchiug,and cores all stomach dls easo or money bock. Largo box of tab lot CO cents. Druggist fa oil town. Inntlon for governor, also for Justlco of tho court of appeals, Gaynor show ed his aversion to political life. In 1001 for tho second time ho ignored the proffered nomination for govern or on tho democratic tlckot. (iiiynor was one of tho first Jurist to take up tho gago against tho fa voritism shown by tho rnllroads In the adjustment of freight rates. Made IniHrtunt llccisloim. On the bench Gaynor stood for a strict Interpretation of tho law. II In decisions bearing upon misuse of tho pollco power in congested municipal ities such New York city woro among the most Important that ho rendered. Tho fact that Judge Gaynor Issued ninny Injunctions restraining tho po lice from arbitrary Intorferenco with lnwbreaklng resorts wub hold up as reprohonBlblo by Gnynor's political enemies. Hut fho prnctlcnl result of compelling tho pollco to proceed with their blorkndcfl under judicial author ity, It Ib considered by many, pre vented much nlniHo and grafting In New York municipal forces. Previous to entering tho mayor alty campaign in Now York last No vombor, Gaynor wnn a justice of tho second appellate division of tho su premo court of Now York. Ho re signed from tho bonch to head tho democratic tlckot against Otto nun nurd. Gaynor wns ovorwholmlngly elected. His residence Is nt No. 20 Eighth avenuo, Brooklyn. Presidential TJiiiImm-. Gnynor's election to tho mayor's office at once brought him Into na tional prominence nnd talk of him as tho rnnn- most llkoly to bo nomin ated by tho democrats for president has been persistent. Gnynor'H po litical record In Now York Is regard ed by tho domocratn ns putting him in the clasfl with tho leaders of con- Borvntlvo roform. Ho Is his. own man, tho party loaders Bay. Whllo ho was Biipported by Tammany, It wbh no tice ablo that ho was not controlled by Loador Chnrlcs F. Murphy of tho old Now York Tammnny ring. Mur-i phy has heon frlondly with tho mny or, but ho has had little- opportunity GET YOUR WINTER W O O D. . I While it is cheap. Phono 1341, E. R. TEDRICK, Corner 11th and Laurel streets. Yard at 417 South Oakdale Avenue. tlKlUJ Monday Morning AJG Z" One Performance Only in Medford at 10 a. m. ' lf. :.miinun; jLAMmn W A SHOW THATO1 U. OTHERS 1NSIE AND KSX mts 'HOME fASCPro T1IED0ME Of THE BIG TBNT AJD ru-i 'AVD Km &" FfftlDERl lUtCENDSI AMID A i,riDuturj ) nTJzrM rVbftJB fi THE-WOliLD INFIELD Its Triumphs Reach Biyond thi $m' CAPITAL INVESTED,$3,5O0,OOr 1280 PERSONS. 700 HODSFS 100 OAOIO and OINft of WILD ANIMALS, 40 ILIPHANTll BIS DOUOLC LCNQTH Inn AOTO. rrATiinra iun UV RAILROAD OARB UU CUnoPCAN BCNnATmue tner put ano OAKO M T1KB ano rime. T1I0M IT kWo..oertA k AMINO Lturuxn oven kB8N CHARLEY LpTbt Manlifn BfcycfB BfdfneGhfmpaiizeii hTHt ORBATBST TRAINED ANIMALS IVIR SKIN OCC THC PONICS Or, tm nCVOUVINO TABLCO ' mbnialists AND THE 81 KO Rl 8T8I L H O N AUHUBATB AND TI1K BATT" 1HI UU KIDCHO, THE GREATEST In tha WnPltl OO QLOWNB, THE WORLD'S fUNNV MEN rnr or ciiuiii, mciveiaa ur iummim, .. -..imw mvmm Muretaarrv. itHWWN " r'fcuirw aaiRjA TMI HIPPOOCOMt M. n woffjii or THI LARgitT TlrlT IVm MAOI, KK1 mw THE THRILLER SUPREME DESPEKAUU'Scft gjsa TcnniBic Math ocrviHa UA ' A NERVE TWISTINOi TEAT If iW wf VOS1TIVBLYT1IE UOAT ' TREMENDOUS, BIO.OOHOKOUa FREE STREET PARADE tVtl f Kit SINCe TBI seOINNINO 0? tlHI lil (MiitMit Itrcuci One 50 Cent TlcKet ADMITS TO ALL CffllDRDI ONDER 12 TEARS HALT PUCK pmroRMANet aiciNNiNo at a nd a p. m, DOOlm ol'tH AT and T P. M. AIWIIHHION TIOKI-rrS AND HUSKH VHI) HKATH WlLh lUi ON HALM: (1IHOU8 DAY AT IIAHKIN'S DHUO HTOHK, AT IOXAGTI.V T1IW HAftUOJ IMHOKB CIIAKOKD AT TUB ItEGU IAH OIUCUH TIOKKT.WAC10N, f - f" V 0 fc -S , f M: V f f w i