Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 09, 1910, Image 7

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VI '1...J -J.tJ-J.iM ,-
"F VVVVWV '"sF"' a
To Want-Advertise Is to Make a Sale a Certainty If It's Saleable
- ---
Doily Is Expected From East Satur
day EvciiImij Finns at Stato Cap
itol Will Float at Half-Mast In Re
spect to Dead.
PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 9. Ar
rntigoiuontn for tho funeral nurvlcon
of Hnrvoy W. Scott linvo not boon
definitely nindo and will not bo com
pleted until attor n conforonco with
mom born of tho family mul offlcoru of
tho Mntionlo order.
It In expected that tho body of Mr.
8cott will urrlvo In Pqrtlnnd Satur
day afturnoon or ovoiiIiik. It wilt
thun bo Klvnu ovor to tho clinrgo of
tho MnmwB, who will oncort tho body
to tho ScottlHh Itlto cathedral.
Thnt ovonlng It la probnblu that
tho Impressive "mldnlRht florvlco"
will bo given In tho cnthodrnl, If
Xlvon, It will bo public In chnractor.
On Sunday, according to tontntlro
plans, nu hour will bo not nnldo for
prlvnlo norvlcon nt tho family rosl
rioncn, thon th Mnsonla bodlca will
uxaln ttkko chnrgo of tho norvlcon and
conduct tho body to Rlvorrlow como
tory for hurlnl.
Tho fhiKH nt tho atnto capltol at
Bnloiii will float at half mast from
tho tlmo tho romnlno of Mr. Scott
cross tho ntatfl lino Into Oregon until
aftor tho funornl.
WASHINGTON', Auk., l. Tho
corn crop in tho United States is in
orno condition thun it wan laHt your
according to u ntntoinont issued by
tho department of agriculture. Tho
estimates uro iniulo up to August 1.
Tho figures h1uv tho crop for thin
yonr is 7H.II por cunt of perfect crop
ih compared with 81.1 por cent at
tho Hiiino time Inst yonr.
Preliminary roportfl i ml i en to thnt
tho winter wltcnt crop will yield lf.8
bushel por uuro, or n total of l.r0,
000,000 bushels. Tho nvorugo con
ditions for tho spring whont is til
por cent against (li).l por cent for
August liiht your.
WASHINGTON', I). C, Aug. 0.--Al'lor
nu investigation of more than
CO individual oiikoh among tho inin
ors of tho Pennsylvania bituminous
coiJ fields, (ho Konnto committed on
immigration, huadod by Sonator Dil
lingham of Vermont, lias reported
thnt conditions prevailing anions tho
miners nro not conducive to normal
family lifo.
Seventy-five por eont of tho niine
wnrktuw nro foreigners, who arc un
able to rend or wrilo tho English lau-
S gunge, and many of tho mare unable
to npimk KiikHhIi intelligibly. Criti
omm is made of the ciiHtoiu of tho
companies thnt virtually compels
thcrio foreigners to trado at tho stores
owned by tho corporations.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. .
Workmon of tho Missouri Bridge
Building company, sinking pier shafts
in tho Sacramento rivor for a now
Southern Pacific bridge today, utruuk
gold-bearing sand 42 foot below tho
rivor lied. Mining men say thu find
would cause n gold rush if tho same
quality wore discovered in tho hills.
Samplos of tho sands have liocu
sent to assayors.
To H. D. Bchulor and Mlllocont A.
Medford, Orogen: This cortifios
that wo havo sold Hall's Toxuh Won
dor for thu cure of all kidnoy, blad
der and rhouinatio troublos for ton
yours, and havo novor hnd a com
plaint. It givos quick and permanent
roliof. Sixty days' treatment in oaoli
botllo. Mvdford Pharmnoy. tf
Some parents train their children
in tho way (hoy should go by hiring
it dono,
vlllo, AiiKunl 8, 1010, by J. It. Noll,
county Judge, Carl Phelps and Fran
con Cnpoll. '
Real Estate Transfers.
II. II. HurrlH to Nottlo II.
NorrlH, land
A. W. Lully to A. F. Davln,
lot 8, block 5, Robs addition
to Medford
M. H. UUIub to Christina Rou-
tor, Innd In Medford COO
P. A. Peterson to Mnry Van
Dyku, lots 26 and 20, Mat
thowa' Addition to Ashland
William Uobb to Frank Law
rence, lot 4, block 1, Hobs
addition to Medford
Ann II. HuiiHoll to J. O. Hlckn,
part lot 4, block 20, Ash
land H. O. Burgess to L. F. Lozlor,
lot 1, block 1, BuiiBot Park
Emit Pell to L. II. Totorn, lot
10, block IJ, Molklo &
Puyuo addition to Ashland
CharloH T. LoHtor to Robocca
Eggloston, 20 acres DLC
07, townahlp 39, rango 1
J. A. Campbell to Ilobocca
KKKlcnton, block 34, Cool
ltli;o addition to Ashland.
8. Potior to J. O. Aylward,
lot 4 mid 5, 21 and 21,
block T, Itallroad addition
to ABhland 1500
Charloti O. Swartzfagor to Amy
C. Dow, land In Jackson
I. G. Johnson to I. J. Carpen
ter, lots 30, 31, 32, block
13, Meiklo & Pnyno addition
to Ashland $
K. II. R Hupo to C. L. Mc
Willlams, 10 acres in sec
tion 11, township 39, 1
Susan Roekfellow Hclmnn to
P. G. MoWilliamu, laud in
L. Nicdonneycr to J. M. Hur
ley, lot 3, L. & W. subdi
vision No. 1, township 37,
2 wosl
A. S. ltoconbnum lo A. C.
AbrnuiH, 100 acres in sec
tion '27, township 37, 1 west
A. Conro Fioro to F. D. Frn
zior, pint I). Ij. C. No. 75,
mid I). L. C. No. 00, town
ship 38, 1 west, heretofore
convoyed to A. Conro Fioro
by A. Alford mid wifo by
contract and bond for
deed 10,000
C. C. Harris to G. S. Audor-
hoii, lot U, .Minora audi
tion to Aqlilnml
H. J. Uoyd to C. G. Harris,
samo property
D. T. McKorchor to P. A. Pe
terson, lots 25 and 20,
Mathews' addition to Ash
land F. 10. Martin to J. 12. Stew
art, laud in Galloway's ad
dition to Medford
1. 11. Williams to Mrs. Knto
uuiicnius, Jiiu noros ccc
tion 21, township 35, 1 oast
I. H, Williamn to Mrs. Knto
Contonius, 100 ncres soc
tiou 20, townnliip 35, 2 cast
J. H. Warden to W. W. Cnld
wull, loin 3, -I, 5 and 0, sec
tion 21, township 33, 2 west
W. II. Holmes to 1). 11. Pal
mor and J. M, Root, Iota !
and 5, block 3, Nickel! ad
dition to Medford
I). S. Wood to C. T. Hamil
ton, land in section 25,
township 37, 2 west
J. C. Kmoriok to W. M.
Holmes, lot !, block 3,
Niokell addition to Mod-
F. K. Miirtin to J. II. Daloy,
land in Galloway's addition
to Ashland
I. W. Thomas to P. 10. Wyn
koop, part lol 1, hlook 3,
Parr's addition to Med
ford 10
(Prioos paid by Medford morohnnto.)
Potatoes, now, $1.-10($1,G0 por
owt.j oabbago, 2o.
Blaokborrios, $1(0)1.25.
Oroon onions, 10o dozen bunohes-;
radislios, 10o bunchos; string
hoans, lo lb,; lottuco, IOu dozou;
turnips,, l'ao lb.; hoots, J0o dozen
buuohos; carrots, 10o dozon bunchos.
Poaohna, fiOflflo box.
Cuoiimbors, lfio to 20o doz.
Sipiash, nnGOo dozou.
Corn, lfio do'zon.
Cantaloupos, f07fio dozon.
Watormolons, lfi30o.
Tomatoes, Ho.
Butter, Kggs nnd Poultry.
(Prices paid by Medford morohnuts.)
Ranoh buttor. 'iSgiWao; fanoy
oroamory, JIBo.
Fronh ranoh eggs, 30o.
Are You a Good
Tho dlfforunco betwoon what you can iwll property for to a DUYKIt WHO NEBDS IT, and to ono
who buys merely bocauso you NBKD TO BELL, would bo great enough to pay for all tho want advertising
you'll need to do In a lifetime!
Want Ads One Cent a Word
Mixed poultry, 10Mo; Hpring
chiokonB, lB(a)2Qu; turkoys, 17c.
(PriooB paid producorn.)
Hay Timothy, $10; aifalfu, $12;
KrasH, $14; grain hay, $10.
Oruin Whont, $1.16 bushel; oats,
$32 ton; barley, $30 ton. ,
Boof Cowb, 44'2 o; steere, C
5o; pork, Oo; mutton. 55'$!o;
lambu, Oo; veul, dressed, 8c
(Selling prices.)
Rollod bnrloy, $1.00 cwt., $32 ton;
bran, $1.70: middlings, $1.85L00;
nhorts. $1.80(a)1.85.
FOR EXCHANGE Houso and two
lots cIobo In on Oakdnlo nvonuo, now
rented, value 14,000, will trado for
clouo In raw land or planted to
young penra. Box C72, Medford.
FOIt EXCHANGE Forty acroa, part
In orchard, to oxchango for Improv
ed city proporty; your tlmo will not
bo wasted If you mean buslnoso. B.
F. Benson, Hotel Mooro. tf
FOR BALE Parties doolrlug homo
stonds or tlmbor claims, hunting and
fishing, address Lock Box 7DC. 121
"FOU'SXLE -113 1-2 acres, 100 acres
good farm land; S4600; 4 homo
stoad relinquishments; 3 home
steads never been filed on. Ad
dross 2C, euro of this office.
I?Oir8XLE Do "you "want a flno
farm of CO acres near Andorson Co.,
Talent, Oregon, fortllo soil, heal
thy locution, nmong tho hills, 20
acres under cultivation, a sovon
rooin houso, outbuildings, etc., etc.,
n woll of puro, sparkling wntor, sov
oral living opilngs of wator on tho
place, a flno bearing family orchard
of thrco r.cros, early and Into apples,
also ponchos, pears, plums, prunes,
chorrloa nnd uomo small, lovely vlow
from It of tho vnlloy? Will mnko
somebody nn Ideal homo. Sovon
thousand .'ollars (thnt Is only a. tri
fle ovor ($11C) ono hundred and
Blxtcon dollars an aero. Tako your
wlfo and cocio on tho airs to Talent
nnd I will tako (. rig and go out nnd
show you tho pluco. L. N. Judd,
Kobort building, nonr depot. 123
Ituslucsa Property.
FOR SALE Ono of tho best paying
propositions In southern Oregon for
cash. Good reason for soiling. Ad
dress C. D. caro of Mnil Trlbuno. 126
POR BALK Choico business prop
erty nt n bargain, on long time;
onBy terms. Address Condor Wn
tor Power Co.
FOlTSALE $1200 two " sTorVnov
house, four rooms.nnd pantry down
stairs, upstairs not completed; wood
shed and woll; lot 50x258; closo
In. Inqulro J. Rltor, C South C
streot. 126
FOR B ALU Now modern flvo-room
bungalow, two and blocks
from Main street, on South Oak
daeo; prlco $3600; one-third down,
bala'jco ia ono and two Soo
owner at 227 South Oakdnlo ave
nuo. 121
FOR RENT Furnished houso tout
for rent or snlo; cool 'xud clouo In;
sultnblo for two people. Call No.
S South Contrnl. 121
FOR SALE Or ront, six-room houso
nnd bath, furnlturo for b1o. 228
N. Contrnl avenuo. 124
FORSM7EHou'ionmI two loTs,
$2150. Inqulro Bob Taylor, 815
Myrtlo streot, tf
FOR BALE Now v-room modorn
houso on West Mnln, 50x118 toot
lot, corner, cheap, at $3750. In
qulro of L. M. LynuB. 716 East
Main. 138
Business OpportuuIUeo.
FOR SALE Or trado, 320 acres good
avorago land, woll located; all wild
land; about 30 acres non-tlllablo;
no hills; two miles from railroad
station; corners In Roguo rivor;
100 aoros of this Is worth prlco of
wholo trnct; cheapest property In
samo vicinity; good orchard district;
flno for promotion; will tako city or
ranch proporty In part payment,
bore or olsowl'oro. J, W, Dresslor
Agency, tf
litiMlneftS Opportunities
FOIt BALE Cheap, it taken at onco, FOR BALE Puro blood Black Span
o business that nots ?75 per month J IbIi, Whlto Loi'iorn, Plymouth Rock
nnd can bo worked up; requires but ' and Buff Cochins, cockerels, rea
part of your tlmo nnd u-a bo ban- nonablo. Address P. O. Box 576, or
died In connection with something I phono Main 4412. 124
nlan A1fnaa T Tl O rnrn XrA '
vnv Myutvno a - wu um
ford Mall THbuno office. 124
FOR SALE Ten and three-quarters drawing 10 per cent Interest, for
acres adjoining city limits, in Chll-' ono year, on Medford city proper
dors addition; you can boo samo ty; very good security. Inquire 334
from dopot, looking east; two and i W. 6th. 123
one-half acres In apricots and fene- ( FOR SALE 2 3-4 Bain wagon, good
od; sightly building sites for flno now ctako bcdt aiso gooa
homes, with a flno view overlooking ! heavy harness cheap. Box 627, Mod
McJford; will dlvido to suit pur-i tor(t
chaeor. Plorco, Shophord & Co., ' w- ..,. ,
128 East Main street. , BALB-New piano pmyor; bar-
I gain; Inqulro at Ellors Music Co.,
FOR BALE Five acres, five miles at WeckB & McQowan cq. 123
rt.f nn.l nlinlnil In nnno Tlma '
Bargain If taken, at once. Address
"B" caro of Tribune office. 126
FOR 8ALE Ono of tho best boar-
f In? apnlo orchards In the Rogue Riv
or valley, situ: to near Ashtcnd, for
particulars cull on or write Frank
Calllson, 95 Onk street, Ashland,
FOR SALE 120 acres, Evans Creek
fruit; Improvement; buy of owner.
Write S. F. Potter, R. F. D., Wood
vlllo, Or.
FOR SALE Four acres tn tho city
of Ashland, Oregon, on coraer Boul- ,
ovard nnd Walker street; fine 4-
yoar-old orchard, berries and vege-
tables; city wator piped to grounds;
good soil; nlco 6-room plastered
houso with bath, hot r.nd cold wa
ter; bars; henhoute; prlco $4500
for quick salo. Box 236 Ashland,
FOR SALE 80 acres, nnest build
ing slto It the valley, lnclndlng 30
acres good fruit land; cheap and
terms right. H. C. Maltby, No. 7,
Postofflco Bldg. ,
FOR SALE 5 and
10-ncre tracts
just within nnd adjoining city lim
its, nt a bargain, on 5 nnnunl pay-'
ments. Address Condor Water
Power Co. '
Lots. I
FOR SALE 15 lotsT nlno blocks
from dopot. Terms. Bargain If
taken within tho next ton davs. Ad
dress A. B. care of Trlbuno offlco
FUR BALE 1 have a block of lotslOR "BNT Furnished room,
closo to paving that I will sell nt i cl"de ""elrlgg at postofflce.
n figure to merit attention. I can
provo to you that it Is tho best buy
In Medford. W. J. Androwe. Tel.
M. 2174. 121
FOR SALE Mr. Snaphuntor, if you
want to pick up a good thing for
easy monoy, I will chow you ton
. .. , .
uiobo-iiuois near paving ni ncrengo
prices. B. F. Benson, Mooro Ho-
toI lf
FOR SALE Ileautlful vlow lot, 9
benrlng apple, pruno and plum
trees; prlco $(50. Address M. Ste
phens, Box 5CS, city.
FOR SALE City loto, 5
in. n;
smnll, safe Investment see tho city
V, .w. ..
lots I offer at ?30 nnd 250 por
lot; $20 cash pnymont; bnlanco $10
por month; no lutorost. H. c.
Mnltby, No. 7 Tostofflco BMg. !
FOIt BALE BuBlnesK lots on Main,
street, Eagle Point; price roasonable;
first como, first choice. D. B. Dee-1
tor & Co., Eaglo Point. 126
FOR SALE Span brown mares, 8' e- Owner will furnish freo olec
nnd 9 years old, wolgh. 1200 lbs.' trio power for shnro In proceeds. See
oach, nnd now hnrness and wng-1 Smith, at Condor Wator & Power
on. Jno. II. Shophord, 128 East i Co.
Main Btroet. FOR RENT Business lot. Owner
FOR SALE Extra good team brown
mares, 7 and 9 years old; wolght
1200 each; ono now 2 3-1 wagon;
ono sot now work hnrnoss; ono
plow; ono harrow; ono 7-tooth cul
tivator; 10 acres of corn In tho
flold; all onn bo soon on tho ranch
at Rod Top schoolhouso, district
No. 10, 2 1-2 miles northonst ot
Medford. Call nt offlco of Plorco
& Son, Medford, to soo ownor. Jno.
II. Shophord.
FOR SALE Onk imTobonrd" nnd dln
lugronm tablo, fi chnlrs, 3 plocos
oak bodroom sot, 1 wood heating
stovo. Call 707 South Oakdale. 120
Call 707 Oakdale avo South. 123
i run QAiicj f iudu tun. ruvuv i.
c-t a t t T?HM.Mt. mmm ni.nH. ojo
I FOR BALE Mortgago loan of 1600,
I FOR SALE A. good movable shed,
suitable for chicken house. Address
I V, Mail Trlbuno office,
FOR SALE Two showcases, reason
able prices. See Calhoun Sisters, 8
So. Central are. tf
FOR SALE 8hop for cleaning and
pressing clot-es. Apply room 15,
Postofflce bldg.
FOR SALE 1 horse, young and
sound, weight 1600 pounds. Inquire
of Mitchell & Boeck. tf
F0R SALE-Steam wood saw. L. O.
van wegen, Meatora, k. v. u.
No. 1. 144
FOR SALE Two years' lease on 350
aero ranch, together with 6 horses,
4 colts, 3 milk cows and all ma
chinery neceesary tor running ranch,
50 acres alfalfa; tkls year's crop Is
between 300 and 400 tons of the
best hay; good Market; 3 miles
from Ashland on fine road. Address
A. S. Fllson, Ashland, Or.
FOR SALE Legal bianu ot all
kinds trespass and other notices,
, at Mall Tribune office. '
UK aAU,a unanaier s. rnce uor
don jobser, 11x14 press; a bargain,
Inqulro Mall Tribune office.
Over tho postofflce. See A, A. Da
vis, tt
Furu killed Rooms.
( FOU RENT Furnished room with
bonrd. 325 Riverside avo., S. 121
FOR RENT Huslmsc loom 2ixi40,
suitablo for firt-clns rafe. Seo
Kofeldt, Roguo Ulver Etect.'ie Cora-
, pany. tf
FOR RENT Modorn furnished
rooms at 604 West 10th or 124 King
FOR RENT Furnished roomB for
transients, No. 10 North Grape
I street, next to FarmeM' anJ Frult-
growers' bank.
xir.. i rm-ruuui iiuusu, fit,
...f.t. . 1.1 1M V- i . . v. .1. rj
t'rtiv-rrwstir v,i i i ,-,-
nun oiiiuiv yii, io. in .urui ujt
IOR RENT House, 5 rooms, bath
nnd pantry; city wator nnd electric
lights. 513 W. Holly st. N. L. Town
send, 721 Bennott avenuo. Phono
FOR 1.EASE Fully oqulrpod gold
mlno; ton-stamp mill and concen
trator, nil orornted by eloctrlc pow-
will erect building for good tenant
Seo Kofoldt, Roguo River Electric
Company. tf
Help Wanted Fenuilo.
WANTED A nurso girl. Apply Mrs.
O. H. Glalzo, 313 S. Grapo st. 121
WANTED Lady to act as cashlor
and stonographer. Address P, caro
of Mall Trlbuno offlco.
WANTED-Cook nnd gonorafhouiso
koopor; no children wantod. Ad
dross Box 18, Phoenix, Or. 123
WANTED A waitress; must be ex
perienced. Apply Louvre cafe, tf
Help WantcO FoouUe.
WANTED A lady teacher to toach
thrco boys in thoir .iomo in city;
must bo qualified to teach all
branches taught In public school,
and capablo of govornlng, Call on
or address 810 Oakdale avenuo, S.,
city. tf
WANTED Girl for houBowork; two
in family; will pay good wages. 219
North Oakdale avenuo. tf
WANTED Woman to cook on ranch.
Apply to Mra. Frank McKee, R. F.
D. No. 1, Central Point, Or.
WANTED Girl for general houso-
work. Threo In family. 520 South
Holly St. H9
WANTED At tho Ashland Hotel,
Ashland, a chambermaid and wait
ress; both must come well recom
mended and fully competent; good
wages. Address N. D. Hardy, prop.,
Ashland, Or.
Help Wasted Male.
WANTED Experienced stone cutter
and ouarry man. Call at Condor
Wator and Power Co's. otflce.
WANTED Salesmen in every local'
lty of the northwest; money ad
ranced weekly: many make over
S1000 month; choice of territory,
Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top-
penlsh, Wash.
WANTED Someone wanted to share
car on household goods from Minne
apolis, Minn.; must ship at once.
Phono Main 2791. 122
WANTED Party to do washing for
small family; will pay right price for
right work. Inquire 516 E. Main.
WANTED 5000 ladles to call at
f Wfirner, Wortmau & Gore's and
examine tho perfectly sanitary con
ditions prevailing In every section
and corner of the market of cold
storage rooms. 125
WANTEDTo buy, puro bloode3
White Leghorn chickens; good lay
ing strain. Address G, euro Mall
Tribune. 122
WANTED All kinds ot well work
neatly dono. Leave orders West
Main, 1115. A. D. Walters. 122
WANTED To take camping parties
to tho mountains; have jrood teams
and wagouE. Phono or address H.
C. Messengor, Agate, Or.
UP-TO-DATE shorthand and type
writing taught quickly and well;
morning and evening schoel: for
terms, address Box 245, Medford.
WANTED A four or six room fur
nished house on or about West
Main street, close In. Address E.
P., care of Trlbuno office. 121
LOST A purso on streot or In the
ater, with money and name inside.
Finder please leave at Southern Dai
ry Co. 121
Palm building.
A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over Post
office. PORTER J. NEFP, WM. P. MEA
LEY Attoraeys-at-lnw. No. 9 D
street, ground floor.
yig, C. L. Rcnmes. Lawyers. Of
ficio Medford National Bank build
ing, seoond floor.
NORMAN WINDER, architectural
draftsman atlQ builder See mo
about your now ho'taa. I can save
you monoy by planning to your
own ideas and figuring with you
right. Writo Box 37, P. O., Med
ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Mnin.
Phono Mnin 3471. Residence phono
1S40 Hoots nt Smith's hall, 12S
North Grnpo street, ovory Thurs
day evening promptly at 8 o'clock.
All journoymon carpenters, as well
as local membors, urgod to bo pres
ont. Business of vital iuterest lo
nil carpenters transacted at theso
mootingg. J. J. Soal. business act.
Tin Htiopk.
J. A. SMITH Tm shop. Tin and
sheet iron ware on hand and madf
to order. 128 North Q St
dertakers. Day phono 351. Night
phonos, C. W. Couklin 3001, J. H.
Buttor 3571.
Maokey nnd die with joy." Ovor
Allen & Reagan's store; entrance
on Seventh streot.
Stonographio work done quickly
and woll.
Printers and PiMMmh.
best equipped job office la Sonlk
orn Oregon; Portland priam. 37
Sonth Central avenue.
Cement Sidewalks.
stone mason, plastering and aM
kinds of stucco work. Expert work
manship at roasonable charges !y
the day or contract. Adareaa Ma
sons, 511 E. Main st., Medford, On
in room 200, Pbipps blag. 9m ad
ministered for extraction el teeik.
Telephone Main 343. Nijkt pkeM.
Office in rooms 203-204, Tamers
& Fruitgrowers' bank bnilabaHT,
west of the tracks.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Bfflkraa, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Ua stair.
Young & Hall buildttag. A ,
cool place to spend. tie hot after
noons. HoaaWala.
344 Sonth C st., Medferd, Or. &
W. Hieey, Matron. Official keapftftl
P. 4 E. S. 8.
BeaJ B4te.
EARLE C. SABIN Orchari traeta,
city property. List your holaiajp
with me. Only desirable property
handled. Room 202, Fruitgrower?
Bank bldg.
Bill Poster.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poatar aaa
Distributor. All erdera prMBBttw.
filled. Room 29, Jackson Couarc.
Bank building, Medford, Ore.
Clgara aad Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, dgara aad
ecokers' supplies. Exclusive agaata
of Lewis Single Binder, II Merita
and El Palencia. 212 West Maim
PalBtera aad
Phono 3732. Dean & MoMollaa,
contracting painters, painting, pa
per hanging and tinting. Estimates
on all kinds of painting work.
Medford, Or.
Farm tare.
H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia
new and second-hand furaitara
and hardware. AgentB for Mound
City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. 7th St.
Corner 8th and Holly sts., Med
ford. Mission Furniture mase to
order. Cabinet work of all Ionia.
A trial order solicited.
MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook stovaa
and ranges. New and second-hand
furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W.
F st. South. Phono 91, Medford,
are budded, not grafted. Oar stoek
is not irrigated. We guarantee st
erything put out. We are not in tfca
trust. H. B. Patterson, office ra
movod to 116 East Main st
SERY CO., Inc. Growers of high
grade nursery stock. Office 3ft
W. Main. Tel. 1201.
Physicians and Surgooas.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. OppoU
Jackson County bonk. Night ealla
promptly answered. Office aad
residonco phone Main 3-32.
cians nnd Surgeons, Taylor aad
Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 2UL
Office phono 501, residonco phoaa
612. Office hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m.
MAINS CABLOW Osteopathia
Physicians. Mission block. Phoaa
292. Medford.
CINES Will euro rheamatisat,
asthma, paralysis, soros and pri
vato diseases. These rerasdMsi
may be prooured at tho Sing La
laundry, 123 S. Riverside avenaa,
Medford, Ore, where thov will h
sold by tho proprietor.
Dr. Chow Young has treat
Boveral severe cases with his rem
edies sinco coming to Medford aad
has for reforonco some of the beat
known nnd most intelligent oitixeaa
in Southorn Oregon. Call on .has.
Brick Companies,
Priddy, 0. D. Nnglo, Geo. T.
O'Brien Contractors and auuia.
faoturors of brick; dealers ha
pressed brick and lime. Offie ha
Postoffioo blook, room 5. Pfcaaa
No. 3181.